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Ce document contient une méthode de diagnostic d'organisation. Il commence par une définition de la notion d'organisation, puis montre comment on peut analyser la qualité, l'intensité et la pertinence de la coordination entre les activités. Après être passé par une étape technique (le diagnostic fonctionnel), nous présentons les douze types d'organisation qui sont de loin les plus fréquents dans la réalité, chacun ayant des modes de fonctionnements, des avantages et des inconvénients qui lui sont caractéristiques. La seconde partie de la méthode de diagnostic consiste à comparer l'organisation concrète qu'on étudie avec les douze types d'organisation, ce qui permet (1) d'identifier souvent plusieurs mois à l'avance les problèmes d'organisation qui peuvent survenir; (2) de disposer d'un jeu de solutions pour faire évoluer l'organisation dont on fait le diagnostic. Le commanditaire du diagnostic peut alors choisir celles des solutions qu...
La hipertrofia del control en las Unidades Penitenciarias de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
The peculiar unidirectional elongation observed during swelling of tablets prepared with scleroglucan (Sclg) and borax was compared with that of other synthetic and natural polymers capable of physical/chemical interactions with borate ions. A dynamomechanical characterization of "squared" Sclg/borax tablets was carried out to study the differences detectable on the two sides of the matrix corresponding to the two directions, respectively, the parallel and perpendicular one with respect to the applied compression force. Different compression forces were used and, in some cases, a second compression was applied on the tablets along a direction perpendicular to the first one. Birefringence experiments were carried out on the swelled tablets along the two directions. Obtained results allow correlating the anisotropic swelling behavior with the detected dynamomechanical and optical properties of the Sclg/borax system. Among the various tested polymers, only guar gum and, to a lesser extent, locust bean gum, showed an anisotropic elongation during swelling.
Revista Nexos, 2022
The Vertical Border sugiere que Centroamérica debería abordar las causas raíces de la migración forzada, que México debería desmilitarizar sus políticas de seguridad y migración, y que Estados Unidos debería apostar por la seguridad humana, no la seguridad fronteriza. Sin embargo, la formulación de políticas puede estar influenciada más por la política que por la evidencia de la investigación. Como investigadores y activistas, reconocemos que el cambio de políticas públicas es lento y requiere un tipo diferente de participación cívica. Con el documental queremos cambiar la conversación sobre la migración forzada, en lugar de decisiones políticas específicas.
Updated version of this paper can be found at We present Proof-of-Approval protocol that, just like Nakamoto's famous blockchain protocol, enables achieving consensus in a so-called per-missionless setting where anyone can join (or leave) the protocol execution. But unlike other protocols requiring consumption of physical resources, this protocol uses inherent randomness in network communication to arrive at a consensus. While all blockchains record transactions, this protocol additionally records approvals from network stakeholders. We show that recorded approvals make preferred fork selection less ambiguous, prevents long-range attacks and results in near instant finality. This protocol allows anyone, including parties without stakes, to compete for the block creation process and win rewards. We show that this free-for-all approach results in high " liveness " for the blockchain. In addition , we show that the protocol provides design parameters to achieve the desired degree of " fairness. " We analyze the protocol in partially-synchronous " bounded-delay " model where the messages are guaranteed to arrive within the time bounds of a round. Our model also assumes the adversarial stake to be bounded below quorum and the total honest stake to be large enough to achieve quorum. Finally, we discuss some practical implications of this protocol.
Der Anschnitt, Beihefte, 2021
Thanks to its extensive ore deposits, the Siegerland has a rich mining and smelting history, whose beginnings date back to the Pre-Roman Iron Age. Large-scale exploitation of ores in the region possibly began as early as the 5th century B.C. and was especially intense from the 3rd to the end of the 1st century B.C., when an economic region focusing on steel production developed. Given the number and state of preservation of sites connected to metallurgy, as well as the degree of specialisation of this mining landscape, the Siegerland can be counted among the most important production areas of Iron Age central Europe. A co-operative project between the Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, the Ruhr-University Bochum and the LWL-Archäologie für Westfalen, Olpe office, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, has explored the Iron Age mining landscape of the Siegerland. The project focused on the reconstruction of production chains, from iron ore to the finished product, as well as on the economic area itself and its development. This was achieved through large-scale surveys, geophysical prospection and archaeological excavation of selected sites. In addition, we carried out archaeometallurgical analyses on production residues and the ores themselves, as well as archaeobotanical and geoarchaeological investigations in order to reconstruct the natural landscape. This publication presents the results of the archaeological surveys, excavations and mapping. The work of the project team is considerably broadened through the analysis of prior excavations and maps, beginning with late 19th century work. Most of these investigations could be included and are here published for the first time.
Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) para obtenção do título de Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação Afonso Almendra Praça de Carvalho Orientadora: Dra. Leila Cristina Vasconcelos de Andrade "Escreva programas que façam uma tarefa bem definida e a façam bem feita. Escreva programas que saibam trabalhar em conjunto com outros programas, e que lidem com entradas e saídas de dados em forma de texto, porque texto é uma interface universal" Douglas McIlroy "A força de um sistema vem muito mais da relação entre os programas do que dos programas propriamente ditos."
De unde vine această regulă ? Ar putea fi: Crescând mi-am dat seama că lumea este un loc periculos. Ne-am mutat des și a trebuit să fiu foarte atent/ ă în orașele pe care nu le cunoșteam. Când am acționat nu a fost cel mai bun mod în care am făcut-o.
Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları Dergisi, 2019
Türkiye’de ulusal muhasebe sistemi denildiğinde üç temel düzenlemeden bahsetmek mümkündür. Bunlar; Türkiye Muhasebe Sistemi Uygulamaları Genel Tebliği, Türkiye Muhasebe/Finansal Raporlama Standartları ve 01.01.2018 tarihinden bu yana uygulanmaya başlanan Büyük ve Orta Boy İşletmeler İçin Finansal Raporlama Standardı’dır. Bu düzenlemelerin tamamının amacı doğru, anlaşılabilir, ihtiyaca uygun ve karşılaştırılabilir finansal raporlar sunmaktır. Bu bağlamda ilgili düzenlemelere yol gösteren ve kalbini oluşturan bölümler, bir kavramsal çerçevenin çizildiği ve finansal tabloların sunuluşuna ilişkin ilkelerin yer aldığı bölümlerdir. Dolayısıyla çalışmada bu bölümler Muhasebe Uygulamaları Genel Tebliği, Türkiye Muhasebe/Finansal Raporlama Standartları ve Büyük ve Orta Boy İşletmeler İçin Finansal Raporlama Standardı kapsamında karşılaştırılarak analiz edilmiş farklılık ve benzerlikler ortaya konulmuştur.
Sport in Society, 2015
La mujer en el folklore musical asturiano: homenaje a Rogelia Gayo, 2014
Abusões, 2018
EcoProduction, 2014
Kamchatka Revista De Analisis Cultural, 2013
Historia Crítica, 2019
Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, 2009
IOS Press eBooks, 2022
Archives de Pédiatrie, 2004
Innovation in Aging, 2019
Proceedings of Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022 — PoS(ACSC2022)
Limba, literatura, folclor, 2021
Psychonomic science, 1968
2009 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), 2009