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Fibonacci optical lattices for tunable quantum quasicrystals
K. Singh, K. Saha, S. A. Parameswaran, and D. M. Weld
Phys. Rev. A 92, 063426 — Published 29 December 2015
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.92.063426
Fibonacci Optical Lattices for Tunable Quantum Quasicrystals
K. Singh,1, 2 K. Saha,2, 3 S. A. Parameswaran,2, 3 and D. M. Weld1, 2
Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA
California Institute for Quantum Emulation, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA
Department of Physics, University of California, Irvine, California 92697, USA
We describe a new type of quasiperiodic optical lattice, created by a physical realization of the
abstract cut-and-project construction underlying all quasicrystals. The resulting potential is a
generalization of the Fibonacci tiling. Calculation of the energies and wave functions of ultracold
atoms loaded into such a lattice demonstrate a multifractal energy spectrum, a singular continuous
momentum-space structure, and the existence of controllable edge states. These results open the
door to cold atom quantum simulation experiments in tunable or dynamic quasicrystalline potentials,
including topological pumping of edge states and phasonic spectroscopy.
PACS numbers: 37.10.Jk, 71.23.Ft, 67.85.-d
Quasiperiodicity has a profound impact on electronic
structure, playing a role in phenomena ranging from the
quantum Hall effect to quasicrystalline ordering. However, the formation, stability, excitation, and electronic
structure of quasiperiodically ordered systems remain incompletely understood. Open questions include the nature of electronic conductivity or diffusivity, the spectral statistics, the nature of strongly correlated magnetic
states on a quasicrystalline lattice, topological properties of quasicrystals, and even the shape of the electronic
wave functions [1–12].
The exquisite controllability of cold atoms makes them
a natural choice for experimental investigation of the
open questions regarding quasiperiodicity. Unique features of such experiments would include precisely variable
quasiperiodic parameters, tunable interactions, bosonic
or fermionic quantum statistics, and the ability to study
dynamical phenomena (in modulated or quenched systems, e.g.). Numerous theoretical proposals have explored the rich physics of quasiperiodically trapped cold
atoms [12–27]. However, with the exception of some
early experiments on non-degenerate atomic gases in 2D
quasiperiodic lattices [28, 29], the dominant application
of quasiperiodic or incommensurate potentials in cold
atomic physics thus far has been as a convenient proxy
for disorder [30, 31, e.g.]. The realization of tunable
quasicrystalline potentials for cold atoms would open up
a broad range of exciting experiments, complementary
to those possible with synthesis and characterization of
solid-state or photonic quasicrystals.
In this paper, we describe and elucidate the properties of a “generalized Fibonacci” optical lattice which
creates a dynamically tunable family of 1D quasiperiodic structures. This lattice physically realizes the abstract cut-and-project construction which underlies all
quasicrystals. Every quasiperiodic tiling can be defined
as a projection of a cut through a lattice which is fully
periodic but exists in a higher dimensional space [2, 32].
For example, the Fibonacci tiling is a projected 1D cut
FIG. 1. (Color online) The generalized Fibonacci optical lattice. Top: Diagram of cut-and-project construction of the
generalized Fibonacci lattice. A 2D strip at a particular angle
α is projected down to a line. If tan(α) = 1/τ ≡ 2/(1 + 5),
this results in the Fibonacci tiling itself; a different irrational
slope creates a different 1D quasicrystal. Bottom: Calculated potential of a Fibonacci optical lattice with parameters
discussed in text (red is deeper), showing Fibonacci sequence
τ 1τ τ 1τ 1τ τ 1τ τ 1τ 1τ ... of lattice spacings.
from a 2D square lattice, and the Penrose tiling can be
constructed as a projected 2D cut through a 5D periodic lattice. In these and all other quasicrystals, the hidden degrees of freedom in the higher-dimensional space
can give rise to phenomena such as phasonic excitations and Bragg diffraction with unconventional symmetry [8, 33, 34]. Generalized Fibonacci optical lattices
will provide a flexible platform for realization of tunable
quantum quasicrystals, and should enable direct experimental investigation of questions inaccessible to experiments on static, non-tunable, non-interacting systems.
Specific topics of interest include studies of edge states,
adiabatic quantum pumping, multifractal energy spectra,
phasonic spectroscopy, dynamical signatures of many-
body localization, and transport in quasicrystals.
The generalized Fibonacci optical lattice is constructed
as a direct real-space realization of the cut-and-project
procedure, by intersecting an elongated optical trap at a
tunable angle with a large-period square lattice, as diagrammed in Fig. 1. The resulting potential is the sum of
two simple red-detuned trap potentials: the large-period
square optical lattice, with potential
VL (x, y) = −AL sin2
− AL sin2
and the elongated cutting beam at an angle α to the x
axis, with potential
2 #
−x sin(α) + y cos(α)
VC (x, y) = −AC exp −2
Here AL is the depth of the square lattice, λL /2 = a
is the lattice constant, AC is the trap depth of the
cutting beam, ω0 is the beam waist, and we have assumed a Rayleigh range long compared to the trapping
region. The natural energy scale is the recoil energy
ER = h2 /2mλ2L . The total potential is then U (x, y) =
VL (x, y) + VC (x, y, α).√This potential is shown in Fig. 1
for tan(α) = 2/(1 + 5), and AC = 10AL . In order
for the total physical potential to be a good approximation to a true cut-and-project potential, AC /AL must
be sufficiently large that we can spectrally distinguish
states along the cutting beam from transversely-extended
states. To preserve the 1D character of the potential, the
waist of the cutting beam should not be large compared
to the lattice constant a; however, the calculations presented below indicate that the potentials retain many of
their interesting quasiperiodic properties even if this condition is violated. A perturbative treatment elucidating
the quasiperiodic character of the effective potential appears in the appendix. This trap construction can be
generalized in a straightforward way to 2D quasiperiodic traps, via intersection of a light sheet with a 3D
large-period lattice. This direct experimental realization
of the simplest quasiperiodic lattices is also intrinsically
tunable: variation of the intersection angle α tunes the
properties of the resulting potential, generating different
members of this family of quasicrystals, and variation of
the offset transverse to the cut beam axis drives phasonic
degrees of freedom [35].
We now briefly discuss the practical optics required to
realize such a potential. If the cutting beam is produced
by focusing a gaussian beam of initial diameter D with a
lens of focal length F , the number of lattice sites in one
Rayleigh range of the beam is given approximately by
16 λC F
Nk =
π λL D
where λC is the wavelength of the cutting beam and λL
is twice the lattice period. Even if these traps are produced by the same laser, λC /λL can be varied by using an
angled-beam lattice configuration. The number of lattice
sites spanning the cutting beam width is
N⊥ =
8 λC
π λL
so the aspect ratio of the full trap is Nk /N⊥ = 2F/D.
With typical values of F and D, one can then realize a range of generalized Fibonacci traps, with widths
ranging from less than a lattice constant to many lattice constants. The ends of such a trap can be defined for example by tightly-focused blue-detuned light
sheets. The intersection angle α is most easily tuned by
rotating the lattice itself; for angled-beam lattices created using a diffractive optical element, this could be
straightforwardly achieved with a single rotation stage.
As with ordinary optical lattices, adiabatic loading of
cold atoms into a Fibonacci-type lattice would be accomplished starting from the elongated optical trap by a
slow turn-on of the lattice potential.
Using this trap geometry, one can construct a continuous family of quasiperiodic tilings of the line by placing
the cutting beam at any irrational slope. If the angle
of intersection α satisfies the relationship
tan(α) = 1/τ
where τ is the golden mean (1 + 5)/2, then the resulting potential will approximate the Fibonacci tiling;
this is the reason we refer to the family of potentials as
“generalized Fibonacci” lattices. This one-dimensional
structure tiles the line quasiperiodically, exhibits sharp
diffraction peaks, and can also be generated algebraically
using the substitution rule τ → τ 1, 1 → τ , which gives
rise to the sequence (1, τ , τ 1, τ 1τ , τ 1τ τ 1, τ 1τ τ 1τ 1τ ,
τ 1τ τ 1τ 1τ τ 1τ τ 1...). As the bottom panel of Fig. 1
demonstrates, the energy minima of the Fibonacci optical lattice are spaced according to the Fibonacci tiling.
Because of the inflation symmetry associated with the Fibonacci tiling, if the width of the cut-out strip is reduced,
then the resulting one-dimensional projection will simply
be an expanded and displaced version of the Fibonacci
tiling [36]. In the generalized Fibonacci optical lattice, as
the width of the Gaussian cutting beam is increased, the
potential no longer approximates a one-dimensional projection, but remains quasiperiodic. The connection to
a mathematically exact cut-and-project lattice and the
quasiperiodicity of the potential emerge clearly from a
perturbative treatment, which also makes plain the connection to closely related systems such as the AubryAndré model. Details of such a perturbative treatment
appear in the appendix. This general optical technique
for construction of a family of quasiperiodic lattices and
their rational approximants is the first main result of this
FIG. 2. (Color online) Energies and wave functions in a tunable Fibonacci-type potential. a: A portion of the energy
spectrum of the generalized Fibonacci optical lattice as a function of cut angle. Here a = 1, AL = 5/π 2 , AC = 5AL , w0 = 1.
Color of points corresponds to center-of-mass of probability
density, to enable identification of edge states. b: 2D probability density versus position at the indicated cut angle and energy (a typical bulk state). Red regions correspond to higher
probability density. c: 2D probability density versus position
at the indicated cut angle and energy (a typical edge state).
Both b and c show a region of 4 by 200 lattice constants.
The second main result of this work is the calculation of the energy spectra and wave functions of noninteracting atoms trapped in this family of tunable quasicrystalline potentials. These calculations demonstrate
the utility of generalized Fibonacci optical lattices as
a tool for the investigation of quasiperiodic quantum
phenomena. To determine the energy spectrum of the
physically-realized trap, we solve the two-dimensional
single-particle Schrodinger equation on a mesh with spacing much smaller than a lattice constant. This approach
avoids simplifications inherent in the tight-binding approximation, and makes closer contact with experimentally realizable traps. We do not use periodic boundary
conditions, both for more direct comparison with real experiments and so as to accurately model the existence of
edge states at the ends of the quasicrystal. Energy eigenvalues as a function of cutting beam angle are shown in
Fig. 2. The calculated spectrum has a complex multifractal appearance [37]. Notable features include a hierarchy
of minigaps which disperse as the angle is varied, a nonaccidental resemblance to the Hofstadter butterfly, and
the existence of isolated states in the gaps. We find that
the qualitative structure of the energy spectrum remains
the same if the waist of the Gaussian beam is increased to
several times the size of the lattice constant. The resem-
FIG. 3. (Color online) Tunable quasicrystals in momentum
space. Main lower panel shows Fourier transform of the
ground state probability density along the direction of the
cutting beam, as a function of cut angle α. Note the logarithmic scale on the colorbar. Upper panels show log of Fourier
transform amplitude versus
√ wave vector at a cut angle of π/4
(top) and tan−1 (2/(1+ 5)) (bottom), with identical axis limits. Dashed lines show expected wave vectors of Fourier peaks
of the potential based on the second-order perturbation theory described in the appendix. Calculations were performed
on a mesh 4 by 200 lattice constants in size. Faint vertical
lines in main plot are finite-size edge effects.
blance to the Hofstadter butterfly is to be expected, given
the recent demonstration that the generalized Fibonacci
quasicrystal and the Harper model of high-magnetic-field
2D integer quantum Hall states are topologically equivalent [38, 39]. The intersection angle α of the Fibonacci
quasicrystal plays a role analogous to that of the modulation period of the Harper lattice, or the effective magnetic
field in the quantum Hall system.
The wave functions of atoms in generalized Fibonacci
optical lattices also possess unique characteristics. As
the cut angle α is varied, the Fourier transform of the
projected spatial probability density of the ground state,
plotted in Fig. 3, shows for irrational tan(α) a rich singular continuous structure characteristic of quasiperiodic
structures. This property is the 1D analogue of the forbidden Bragg diffraction patterns by which 3D quasicrystals were first discovered [40], and recalls the definition
of a quasicrystal as a structure which produces a sharply
peaked diffraction pattern but lacks translational symmetry. The singular continuous nature of the spectrum also
emerges naturally from a perturbative treatment of the
effective potential (see appendix for details). Rational
tan(α) = p/q produces a crystalline superlattice with a
periodicity which depends upon q. The real-space structure of a typical squared wave function in a Fibonacci
optical lattice is shown in Fig. 2b. In addition to extended bulk states, isolated states traversing the band
gaps are visible in Fig. 2a. Fig. 2c shows the squared
wave function of a typical gap-traversing state, located
inside the lowest energy band gap, and demonstrates that
the wave function is localized towards one edge of the lattice. These states, which can occur at both rational and
irrational cut slope, are interesting candidates for realizing topological pumping [8–10, 12].
Topological pumping is possible because the wave functions and energy spectra of the generalized Fibonacci optical lattice depend in a non-trivial way on the offset of
the cutting beam with respect to the lattice. In the terminology of quasicrystals, this offset is a phasonic degree
of freedom. Just as phonon modes arise from discretely
broken real-space translation symmetry, phason modes
arise from broken translation symmetry in the higherdimensional space from which a quasiperiodic lattice is
projected [33, 35, 41]. In a Fibonacci-type optical lattice,
this corresponds to symmetry under relative translation
of the cut beam and the lattice in a direction transverse
to the cut beam. A visualization of the effects of continuous adiabatic phasonic driving in the Fibonacci optical
lattice is shown in Fig. 4. As the offset of the cutting
beam is varied from 0 to 1 lattice constants, an edge state
at the right-hand side of the sample with energy in the
minigap decreases in energy, merges with the lower band,
and later emerges as a left edge state. These calculations
show that adiabatic ramping of the offset can produce a
long-range, quantized, oscillatory mass current in a generalized Fibonacci optical lattice. The effect does not
depend on irrationality of the cut slope. This mass current could be detected, for example, by preferential loading of the edge states in a large-period lattice and direct
imaging. Related effects have recently been observed in
photonic waveguide lattices [8, 42], and recent theoretical
and experimental work indicates that bulk atomic states
can be pumped in a similar way in optical superlattice
potentials [43–45]. The cold atom context, uniquely, enables realization of topological pumping in the presence
of tunable interactions, and with variable adiabaticity.
Such experiments would represent a controllable realization of Thouless pumping of edge states [46], and could
provide a powerful tool for dynamical topological control
of atomic wave functions.
The availability of the “hidden dimension” quite naturally allows us to investigate another aspect of quasicrystalline physics: the role of their soft modes. While of
course the optical lattice potentials here are externally
imposed and hence do not have true dynamical Goldstone modes, we may simulate the effects of phonons and
phasons by suitable manipulations of the lattice and cutting lasers: for instance, shaking the lattice parallel or
transverse to the cut corresponds to driving a phonon or
a phason, respectively. Phasons have important but incompletely understood effects on thermal and electronic
FIG. 4. (Color online) Edge state topological pumping by
phason driving. Top: Energy states near the first minigap
versus offset of cutting beam along a lattice vector, at the
Fibonacci cut slope. As the offset between the lattice and the
cut beam is varied, left and right edge states cross the gap.
Coloring of points indicates center of mass, with the same
mapping as Fig. 2. Bottom: Variation of spatial probability
amplitude of an initial edge state as offset is adiabatically
varied. Position is normalized to 0 at the left edge and 1 at
the right edge.
transport in real quasicrystals [47]. This is of interest not
only for fundamental reasons, but also because of potential technological applications of quasicrystals’ anomalous electrical and thermal transport characteristics. The
influence of phasons is not understood in large part because of the experimental difficulty of disentangling the
effects of domain walls, crystalline impurities, and disorder from those due to phason modes. A unique aspect
of the generalized Fibonacci optical lattice is that it enables direct oscillatory driving of phason modes. Measuring the response of the system to driving such modes
at variable frequency would constitute a new kind of lattice modulation spectroscopy, in which the modulation
occurs in the higher-dimensional space from which the
quasiperiodic lattice is projected. This capability, impossible in other quasiperiodic systems, should allow unprecedentedly specific investigation of phason physics.
In conclusion, we have described a novel type of
tunable quasiperiodic optical lattice, presented calculations of the properties of quantum gases in such a
trap, and shown that this generalized Fibonacci optical
lattice will enable experimental realization of topological pumping and phason spectroscopy. Artificial quasicrystals such as those we propose allow the explo-
ration of arbitrary quasiperiodic geometries, unrestricted
by the laws of chemistry. Creation of a fully tunable
quantum quasicrystal would open the door to a large
range of exciting experiments beyond those discussed
here, including extensions of these techniques to higherdimensional quasiperiodic lattices. The proposed realization of the cut-and-project construction allows tuning
across the dimensional crossover from periodic 2D lattices
to quasiperiodic 1D chains, enabling direct investigation
of descendant quasiperiodic phases of well-studied correlated 2D systems. The unique tools of atomic physics
can also enable new types of experiments: Feshbach tuning of the scattering length would allow exploration of
the poorly understood role of interactions in quasicrystals [48], and time-varying potentials would enable dynamical experiments impossible in static lattices, such
as phason spectroscopy. Experiments on quasiperiodic
optical potentials may ultimately prove complementary
to synthesis and characterization of solid and photonic
quasicrystals, and could open another conceptual angle
of attack on the problem of designing and predicting the
properties of these complex materials.
The authors thank R.
Senaratne, Z. Geiger, S. Rajagopal, and K. Fujiwara for
helpful discussions. DW and KS acknowledge support
from the Office of Naval Research (award N00014-14-10805), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (award
FA9550-12-1-0305), the Army Research Office (award
W911NF-14-1-0154), and the Alfred P. Sloan foundation
(grant BR2013-110). All authors are members of the
California Institute for Quantum Emulation, supported
by a President’s Research Catalyst Award (CA-15327861) from the University of California Office of the
Appendix: Effective One-Dimensional Model for
Harmonic Lattices
In this appendix, we describe how we may construct
systematically more accurate approximations of the effective one-dimensional potential for atomic motion parallel
to the cut, order-by-order in perturbation theory. Our
notation follows that in the main text. As a first step,
we approximate the cutting beam potential VC at leading
order as a harmonic well,
= −AC + 2AC
VC (x, y) = −AC e
2 2
≈ −AC + mω⊥
where we have defined ω⊥ = mω
4 !
We now perform a rotation of the coordinate system,
(x, y) → (r⊥ , rk ). In the new coordinates, the Hamilto-
nian is (ignoring an unimportant constant)
+ VC (r⊥ ) + VL (r⊥ , rk )
2m 2m
VL (r⊥ , rk ) =
rk cos α − r⊥ sin α
rk sin α + r⊥ cos α
− AyL sin2
− AxL sin2
is the 2D periodic lattice potential written in the rotated coordinate system. Note that we have allowed for
anisotropic x- and y- coefficients; this will be relevant to
the tunability of the lattice, discussed below. Assuming
that AL ≪ AC , we first solve for the exact eigenstates of
the trap potential (the ‘subbands’, to borrow terminology from semiconductor physics); we will then compute
the effects of the lattice potential on these eigenstates via
perturbation theory. First, we write
H = H0 + H1
H0 =
+ VC (r⊥ )
H1 =
+ VL (r⊥ , rk ).
H0 has exact eigenstates ψn (rk , r⊥ ) of the form
ψn (rk , r⊥ ) = χfree (rk )φn (r⊥ ),
where φn (r⊥ ) is an exact eigenstate of the harmonic motion along r⊥ :
+ VC (r⊥ ) φn (r⊥ ) = ǫn φn (r⊥ ),
ǫn =
h̄ω⊥ ,
and χfree is any function. Note that we have deliberately
chosen to include the kinetic energy along rk as part of
the perturbation H1 , as this simplifies the calculations.
Next, we add in the effects of the rk dispersion and
the lattice potential VL . From (A.3), we see that VL
mixes the transverse and longitudinal motion. It is convenient to account for this by computing corrections to
an effective potential for the longitudinal motion Veff (rk )
order-by-order in perturbation theory. In other words,
we restrict the transverse motion to a specified subband
(here, we take n = 0 for specificity, but similar arguments apply, mutatis mutandis, for any n) and compute
corrections due to virtual fluctuations to higher subbands
order-by-order in perturbation theory.
For the case of the n = 0 subband, by a straightforward
calculation, this approach yields an effective Hamiltonian
for motion along rk ,
Heff =
+ Veff (rk )
with m∗ the effective mass and
Veff (rk ) =
VL00 (rk ) −
X VL0n (rk )VLn0 (rk )
kVL k3 (A.11)
(h̄ω⊥ )2
In the above expression, we have introduced a shorthand
for the inter-subband matrix elements of the lattice potential,
VLln (rk ) ≡ dr⊥ φ∗l (r⊥ )VL (rk , r⊥ )φn (r⊥ ). (A.12)
It is evident that the perturbative expansion is controlled
kVL k
by the ratio (h̄ω
≈ h̄ω
of the inter-subband matrix
elements to the subband splitting. This parameter is
straightforwardly tunable in the proposed optical realization of the generalized Fibonacci lattice. Note that
the effective mass will be corrected at higher orders of
perturbation theory, and that we may need to be careful
about degeneracies introduced at higher orders; a complete analysis of the perturbation theory is beyond the
scope of the present work. However, some key qualitative
features of the perturbative series, modulo these possible
complications, may be extracted simply by studying the
form of the perturbation series, as we show in the next
Fourier Analysis of Effective Potential
We now turn to an analysis of Fourier components of
the effective potential Veff . Consider the V00 term. Since
there is a single occurrence of VL at this order, we see
that its Fourier transform with respect to rk will contain
only the harmonics present in VL . It is easy to see that at
this order, the Fourier transform has Bragg peaks only at
G ∈ {±K, ±K ′ }, where K = λ4πL cos α and K ′ = λ4πL sin α
(throughout, we ignore G = 0 peaks as they correspond
to an unimportant uniform offset of the energy). The
corresponding Veff consists of a pair of harmonics whose
minima are respectively at lattice spacings of λ = 2 cos
and λ = 2 sin α . For tan α = 2/(1 + 5) = τ , the ratio
of these spacings is indeed the golden ratio, λ′ /λ = τ . It
is also straightforward to show that the relative ampli2
tudes of the Bragg peaks is given by V±K ∝ AxL e− 4 (Kξ) ,
y − 1 (K ′ ξ)2
V±K ′ ∝ AL e 4
, where ξ = h̄/mω⊥ is the characteristic ‘oscillator length’ of the trap potential.
At second order, we have two occurrences of VL in
Veff , leading to Bragg scattering at wave vectors G ∈
{±K ± K ′ , ±2K, ±2K ′ }, with the signs all chosen independently. The relative amplitudes between these peaks
FIG. 5. (Color online) Fourier spectrum of effective 1D potential. The semi-logarithmic plot shows the relative amplitudes
of Bragg peaks in units of recoil energy produced by perturbation theory up to second order. We have assumed AxL = AyL .
Note that this is the analytically obtained Fourier transform
of the potential itself, rather than the numerically obtained
Fourier transform of the atomic density, which is shown in
Fig. 3 of the main text.
are trickier to evaluate analytically, but may be readily
computed numerically as needed; however, from the fact
that these peaks only emerge at second order, they are
2 2
accompanied by a factor of ∼ AL e−G ξ /4 ,with x or y
chosen according to whether we obtain G from the leading peaks by adding K or K ′ , respectively.
We see that we recover a complicated sequence of
Bragg peaks as we go to higher orders in perturbation
theory. At each order we will find Bragg peaks at higher
harmonics, but these will be correspondingly at suppressed amplitude. Generalizing the line of reasoning
above, we see that perturbation theory up to order N
yields a set of Bragg peaks
G ∈ {mK + nK ′ }
where m, n are integers with |m| + |n| = N , with amplitude
fG ∼
(AxL )
(h̄ω⊥ )
(AyL )
1 2
exp − ξ (mK + nK) .(A.14)
The above discussion should make it evident that, at
least in principle, the Fourier transform of Veff is characterized by a singular continuous spectrum, as long as
the cut angle is such that tan α is irrational: in this case,
there is no algebraic relation between K, K ′ , and thus the
set {mK + nK ′ , m,n∈ Z} has no smallest vector. However, as computed above, and commented on in more
detail below, many peaks for large |m|, |n| will have extremely small amplitudes and are for practical purposes
absent. Nevertheless, this demonstrates that the generalized Fibonacci optical lattice is strictly more quasicrystalline than the bichromatic potentials created to date,
and should be sufficient to explore a variety of relevant
physical questions.
Comparison to ‘Classical’ Cut-and-Project
The quick decay of Bragg peak amplitudes at higher
orders is a consequence of the single-harmonic form of
the lattice potential and the ‘soft’ projection imposed by
the Gaussian beam. Traditional treatments of quasicrystals (see, e.g. [36]) differ from this in two ways: (i) they
discuss a multiple-harmonic lattice, such as the one produced by a periodic delta-function array; and (ii) they
incorporate a singular cut (for instance, a step function).
As the quasicrystalline potential is the product of these,
the Fourier spectrum of the resulting 1D quasicrystal is
obtained by convolving the Fourier transform of the lattice, which consists of equal-amplitude peaks at reciprocal lattice vectors, with the slowly decaying Fourier spectrum of a step function (the slow decay is a consequence
of the step-edge singularity). The resulting Bragg peaks
have an amplitude that decays very slowly (as a power
law) with their wave vector. Although this slow decay
is known to play an important role in d = 3 quasicrystals [49], we note that our approach nevertheless retains
the dominant features of quasiperiodicity, namely a set
of incommensurate Bragg peaks. Indeed, even purely
bichromatic lattices are known to have a localizationdelocalization transition.
As a final comment, observe that the leading term in
our perturbative approach is a direct transcription of cutand-project: we could have obtained this by convolving
the harmonic potential with the Gaussian that describes
the atomic density transverse to the cut axis (this is
the ‘tube’ that the harmonically confined atoms are restricted to.) However, the higher-order terms (that generate higher Bragg peaks) are in fact non-classical: they
emerge due to virtual fluctuations, and have no classical
analogue. (Note that a corollary of the previous observation is that the strength of higher-order Bragg peaks
may be enhanced by the inclusion of higher harmonics
in VL , as these would then contribute already at leading
do this, we exploit the ability to impose an anisotropic
lattice potential in two dimensions. In the limit AyL = 0,
we simply have a stripe modulation in 2D. The effective
1D potential is periodic, with spacing given by λL / cos α.
For a strong Gaussian beam AC ≫ AxL , we can restrict
ourselves to leading order in perturbation theory, so that
it suffices to consider the leading harmonic of this 1D
potential, with strength V0 ∝ V±K ∝ AxL (here and below, we have ignored factors of O(1) as we are interested
in the scaling rather than precise numerical factors). Assuming a relatively deep lattice, we may approximate the
projected 1D lattice by a tight-binding chain: in secondquantized form, we have
X †
X †
Heff ≈ −J
bi bi+1 + b†i+1 bi − µ
bi bi (A.15)
with a hopping matrix element (using standard techniques, [50])
1/2 #
J ≈ √ ER
exp −2
where ER is the effective 1D recoil energy (this is proportional to the recoil energy of the 2D lattice, but as
is the case for other quantities, may differ by factors of
O(1) due to the projection.)
Next, we impose a weak periodic potential in the y
direction, by allowing AyL 6= 0. If we assume that
AxL ≫ AyL ≫ (AxL )2 /h̄ω⊥ , we may simply consider the
additional contribution to the effective potential due to
AyL as a weak perturbation to the dominant contribution due to AxL (while still ignoring transitions to higher
subbands of the trapping beam). This additional contribution comes from harmonics at K ′ = K tan α, with
strength V1 ∝ V±K ′ ∝ AyL . Since AxL ≫ AyL , this may
be incorporated as a weak onsite modulation to the 1D
tight-binding Hamiltonian,
Heff ≈
Relation to Aubry-André Potential
b†i bi+1 + b†i+1 bi
(−µ + V1 cos(K ′ ri ))b†i bi ,
A key feature of our set-up is the inherent tunability afforded by the cut-and-project approach. As an example, we sketch a prescription of how to achieve the
Aubry-André limit in the cut-and-project approach. To
which is equivalent to that of the Aubry-André model
with a phase offset of zero. We may recover the full
Aubry-André model by also including an offset phase in
the AyL term of Eq.(A.3).
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Physics and Chemistry of Materials (Clarendon Press,
[2] M. Senechal, Quasicrystals and Geometry (Cambridge
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