Consent Documents - Canadian Health Network Interview


In association with Simon Fraser University & the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute NOT FOR CIRCULATION FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION FOR PUBLIC CIRCULATION Consent Documents Canadian Health Network Interview October 18, 2006 ACTION for Health Document Status: Published Paper Practitioner’s Pointers Working Paper Briefing Note Report Research Tool Draft Overview Presentation Consent Documents Prepared by: Anne McCulloch MA Student Simon Fraser University Document Contact: Ellen Balka School of Communication Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6 tel: +1.604.725.2756 email: [email protected] website: SFU Institutional Repository: X Simon Fraser University School of Communication Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 T: 778.782.3687 F: 778.782.4024 INFORMATION SHEET FOR PARTICIPANTS Title of Project: Investigator Name: Investigator Department: Canadian Health Network and Use of Internet Health Information Anne McCulloch Communication Project description: The overall goal of the study is to better understand how health information is gathered and used by Canadians so as to inform the design of policies and systems related to health information websites. The research focuses on the interaction between Canadians’ pre-existing lay or professional knowledge about health and their experiences making sense of and using health information they find on the internet. Procedures to be followed by researcher: The researcher will provide participants with a description of the project. With written participant consent, the researcher will conduct a semi-structured interview with a small group of Canadian Health Network management and staff, and will tape record the interview for accurate documentation. The researcher will also ask for written consent to use information provided to the researcher in past meetings and e-mail communications. Meeting minutes, the transcribed interview and tape will be kept in a secured location, accessible only to project researchers. Refusal to participate: You may refuse to participate in this research at any time. You will not be adversely affected by refusing to participate. There will be no repercussions in the event that you refuse to participate in this study. Risks to research subjects: Research participants may find some of the questions uncomfortable or challenging, or they may find the interview an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Benefits to the development of new knowledge: Information from this study will assist researchers in understanding how Canadians gather and use health information. It will contribute to a limited body of knowledge about the differences and similarities between how French- and English-speaking Canadians make sense of and use internet health information. The study will lead to recommendations for how the Canadian Health Network may continue to develop this national service into a more useful source of health information for Canadians. The study findings will be shared with the Canadian Health Network and will be taken into consideration with the findings from other studies conducted by the ACTION for Health project. The researcher will use the findings for her Master of Arts thesis and other academic papers and presentations. Providing feedback and obtaining results: To discuss concerns about the study or to obtain copies of the results of this study upon its completion, please contact Dr. Ellen Balka, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6. You may also wish to submit the enclosed Participant’s Feedback Form. In addition, you may register any complaints about the project with the researcher named above or with Dr. Martin Laba, Director of the School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6. ONCE SIGNED, A COPY OF THE CONSENT FORM AND FEEDBACK FORM SHOULD BE PROVIDED TO THE PARTICIPANT. Simon Fraser University School of Communication Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 T: 604.291.3687 F: 604.291.4024 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY INFORMED CONSENT BY PARTICIPANTS IN A RESEARCH STUDY Title of Project: Investigator Name: Investigator Department: Canadian Health Network and Use of Internet Health Information Anne McCulloch Communication Simon Fraser University and those conducting this research study subscribe to the ethical conduct of research and to the protection at all times of the interests, comfort and safety of participants. This form and the information it contains are given to you for your own protection and full understanding of the procedures. Your signature on this form will signify that you have received a document which describes the procedures, possible risks and benefits of this research project, that you have received an adequate opportunity to consider the information in the document, and that you voluntarily agree to participate in the project. I have read the procedures specified in the document Information Sheet for Participants. I understand the procedures to be used in this research and the personal risks to me in taking part. I understand that if I consent to participate in this project, I may withdraw my participation at any time. I also understand that I may refuse to participate in this project and that if I do refuse to participate in this project there will be no repercussions. I also understand that I may register any complaint I might have about the project with the researcher named above or with Dr. Martin Laba, Director, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6. By signing this form I am granting permission to be interviewed and I understand that the interviews will be taped and that all the research material will be held confidential by the investigator. I may obtain copies of the results of this study, upon its completion, by contacting: Dr. Ellen Balka, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6. NAME: _______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: _____________________________________ DATE: _____________________ WITNESS: ________________________________________ DATE: _____________________ ONCE SIGNED, A COPY OF THE CONSENT FORM AND FEEDBACK FORM SHOULD BE PROVIDED TO THE PARTICIPANT. Simon Fraser University School of Communication Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 T: 604.291.3687 F: 604.291.4024 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY RESEARCH ETHICS REVIEW COMMITTEE PARTICIPANT’S FEEDBACK FORM Completion of this form is OPTIONAL, and is not a requirement of participation in the project. However, if you have served as a subject in a project and would care to comment on the procedures involved, you may complete the following form and send it to the Chair, University Research Ethics Review Committee. All information received will be treated in a strictly confidential manner. Name of Principal Investigator: Anne McCulloch Title of Project: Canadian Health Network and Use of Internet Health Information Address: School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 Were you asked if you were willing to participate in an interview? ____ (Yes or No) Were there significant deviations from the originally stated procedures? ____ (Yes or No) If yes, please describe the nature of the deviation and the date, place and time it took place: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Comments: _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Completion of this section is optional Your name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: (w) _________________________ (h) __________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________________ This form should be sent to the Chair, University Ethics Review Committee, c/o Vice-President, Research, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6. ONCE SIGNED, A COPY OF THE CONSENT FORM AND FEEDBACK FORM SHOULD BE PROVIDED TO THE PARTICIPANT.