Ice Giant Atmospheric Science
A White Paper for NASA’s Planetary Science Decadal Survey
Lead Author:
Emma K. Dahl1
New Mexico State University
[email protected]
Primary co-authors:
Shawn Brueshaber2
Richard Cosentino3,7
Csaba Palotai4
Naomi Rowe-Gurney5
Ramanakumar Sankar4
Kunio Sayanagi6
Shahid Aslam7
Kevin Baines10,14
Erika Barth8
Nancy J. Chanover1
Leigh N. Fletcher5
Sandrine Guerlet16
Heidi Hammel9
Additional co-authors/endorsers:
Mark Hofstadter10
Ali Hyder1
Erin Leonard10
Timothy A. Livengood3,7
Tom Momary10
Glenn Orton10
Imke de Pater11
Kurt Retherford12
James Sinclair10
Krista Soderlund13
Linda Spilker10
Larry Sromovsky14
Michael H. Wong11,15
Western Michigan University 3University of Maryland, College Park 4Florida Institute of Technology 5University
of Leicester 6Hampton University 7Goddard Space Flight Center 8Southwest Research Institute, Boulder
Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy 10California Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion
Laboratory 11University of California, Berkeley 12Southwest Research Institute 13University of Texas at Austin
University of Wisconsin, Madison 15SETI Institute 16Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique
Ice Giant Atmospheric Science - Dahl et al.
The Ice Giants Uranus and Neptune represent a unique class of planets in our solar system
as well as a large population of similarly sized exoplanets. Distinct from the Gas Giants due to
smaller mass, less bulk hydrogen abundance, slower rotation, and cooler temperatures, they remain
enigmatic bodies in our solar system due to the lack of a dedicated mission since the Voyager 2
flyby reconnaissance. While a great deal of observing and modeling work has been completed
since then, comprehensive studies remain limited due to the Ice Giants’ distance from Earth. As a
result, many major questions regarding the Ice Giant systems and their role in shaping the solar
system remain unanswered. However, the atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune can provide a rich
laboratory to explore diverse chemical and dynamical processes in the unique parameter space that
they occupy.
This white paper's objective is to identify the most important science questions that can be
answered through studying the Ice Giants' atmospheres, by flight missions, ground-based
observation, and/or theoretical work and modeling. While these questions focus on the origin,
evolution, and current processes that shape the Ice Giants, answering these questions will also
greatly inform our understanding of the origin and evolution of the solar system as a whole in
addition to the growing number of exoplanetary systems that contain Neptune-mass planets. For a
general overview of Ice Giant system science, see the white paper “Exploration of the Ice Giant
Systems” as prepared by Beddingfield and Li et al. For a focus on the deep regions of Ice Giant
atmospheres, see “Prospects to study the Ice Giants with the ngVLA” from de Pater et al.
1. What does the Ice Giants’ atmospheric composition, especially the abundances of noble gases
and chemical isotopes, reveal about their migration and formation history? How can those
measurements inform our understanding of the origin of the solar system?
The physical mechanisms by which the Ice Giants formed, and whether they formed close
to their current location or nearer to the Sun before migrating, present many unanswered questions
about planetary system architecture and processes [1, 2]. Formation models have struggled to
balance Uranus and Neptune’s total hydrogen and helium mass, the rocky/metallic core mass, and
the timeframe for formation in what’s known as the “fine-tuning problem” [3]. Precise
measurements of Ice Giant atmospheric composition are a necessary constraint on this modeling
issue. Given that Neptune-mass exoplanets are relatively common, they may share common
formation processes. Solving the fine-tuning problem will be a crucial step towards understanding
the formation of exoplanetary systems, as well as our own.
Molecular species such as CO, PH3, CH4, C2H6, and others can provide indirect but robust
tracers for the deep abundance of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, and others [4,5]. The
formation location of the Ice Giants can be constrained by using the abundances of these chemical
species as proxies for the bulk abundance of heavier elements. Along with these heavy elements,
the abundance of noble gases such as helium, argon, krypton, neon, xenon, and their isotopic ratios
can help distinguish between formation mechanisms, such as core accretion vs. gravitational
instability, through a comparison to solar, protosolar, and Gas Giant elemental abundances.
Enrichment of noble gases would point to a decoupling from the hydrogen-dominant protosolar
nebula, signifying that they were incorporated into a planet’s atmosphere via some scenario other
than a single major accretion event. While most (albeit not all) of the chemical species containing
those heavier elements can be measured via remote sensing, most of the noble gases require in situ
Ice Giant Atmospheric Science - Dahl et al.
measurements with a sensitive mass spectrometer. Helium is an exception and can be partially
derived from remote sensing in the far-infrared regime, as long as constraints on temperature and
para-H2 abundances are also available [6]. For further discussion on the advantages of using a
direct probe to complete in situ measurements of Ice Giant atmospheres, see “Unique Science
Return from Direct Probes of the Atmospheres of the Ice Giants”, a white paper prepared by Orton
et al.
2. How have the atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune regulated their long-term thermal
evolution? Why does Uranus today exhibit negligible internal heat release?
The thermal evolution of all planets is governed by the energy balance between solar
insolation and radiative heat loss (i.e., the planetary energy budget). The atmospheres of the giant
planets play a crucial role in governing their thermal evolution because, as gravitational potential
energy leftover from formation is released from the deep interior in the form of heat, it must be
transported through its atmospheric layers before escaping to space. The processes that vertically
transport this heat through the atmosphere are primarily cumulus convection and radiation [7].
Understanding the thermal evolution of Uranus and Neptune remains key to
comprehending why their current energy budgets are so vastly different. Neptune’s energy budget
is nearly twice that of Uranus despite its greater distance from the Sun [8,9]. This difference may
indicate separate long-term evolutionary tracks of these planets, connecting dramatic changes in
obliquity to extreme seasonal variability. We may be witnessing Uranus and Neptune at relatively
quiescent or active phases, where each may have unique behaviors lasting on orbital, or longer,
timescales. The following two questions can help us better understand the Ice Giants’ thermal
evolution and their major differences in heat output. The role of the deep interior in the thermal
evolution of the Ice Giants and the interplay between their atmospheres and interiors are discussed
further in the 2023-2032 Decadal Survey white paper “The Underexplored Frontier of Ice Giant
Interiors and Dynamos” by Soderlund et al.
2a. What is the role of moist convection in vertical heat transport in Ice Giant atmospheres?
In the tropospheres of Uranus and Neptune, the dominant mechanism of vertical heat
transport is believed to be cumulus convection driven by condensation of CH4, H2O, NH4SH, and
possibly NH3 or H2S [10]. Uranus and Neptune potentially harbor a large reservoir of these
condensable species at depth; when these vapors condense, they release significant latent heat,
causing the air parcel to rise upward and transporting the heat upwards. In giant planets’ hydrogendominated atmospheres, the condensable species are significantly heavier than the background
atmosphere. Consequently, the presence of this heavier vapor can suppress cumulus convection
and is capable of building up an enormous convective available potential energy (CAPE) before
convection is triggered. When sufficient CAPE is accumulated and latent heat release becomes
capable of overcoming the stabilizing heavy vapor, cumulus storm erupts, releases CAPE in an
episodic event, and sends a huge pulse of upward heat flux [11,12]. On Uranus and Neptune, the
interval between such episodic storms may be so long that the heat release may happen only during
the active phase, and the radiated energy may appear to be negligible during the quiescent period.
Theoretical investigation of the dynamics of moist convection as well as observational analysis of
vertical atmospheric structure should test such hypotheses.
Ice Giant Atmospheric Science - Dahl et al.
2b. How does atmospheric composition control the vertical atmospheric structure, and throttle
the vertical thermal flux in the atmosphere?
In the Ice Giants’ atmospheres, radiation is the dominant mechanism for heat transport in
the stratospheres and above. Its efficiency is determined by the abundance of radiatively active
molecules, and especially CH4 in the case of the Ice Giants. As a result of the radiative efficiency
of CH4 Neptune’s high radiated power is consistent with its much higher stratospheric
concentration of CH4 relative to Uranus. However, the mechanism by which Neptune’s
stratospheric CH4 arrives there from the deep troposphere is unknown. Neptune’s high
stratospheric CH4 abundance could be caused by vigorous cumulus convection, which in turn
would be consistent with a hypothesis that Neptune is currently in an active cumulus phase of its
climate cycle [11]. Another potential explanation may be that efficient stratospheric radiative
cooling drives convection from the top of the stratosphere. Conversely, the low stratospheric CH4
abundance on Uranus may not provide such a top-down forcing, leading to the low heat released
by Uranus.
Stratospheric CH4 can also influence the temperature profile of the atmosphere via its
photochemical products. Ultraviolet photodissociation of CH4 produces a cascade of chemical
reactions and a myriad of large organic molecules and aerosols, which effectively absorb solar
heating and inhibit the release of internal heat. The presence or absence of planet-wide
photochemical aerosol layers may affect the long-term thermal evolution of these planets and may
lead to observed differences between Uranus and Neptune.
Present-Day Processes
3a. How does the atmospheric composition of the Ice Giants vary in three dimensions, and what
does it tell us about the nature of large-scale atmospheric motion?
Accurately characterizing the three-dimensional distribution of atmospheric constituents
on Uranus and Neptune is necessary in order to fully grasp how various chemical and physical
processes are affecting said composition, and how the composition relates to the large-scale motion
of the atmosphere. To do so, we must continue to improve on the resolution of recent observations
in multiple wavelength regimes and increase the ability of atmospheric models.
Both Ice Giants show considerable changes in chemistry over both long (seasonal) and
short (rotational) time scales, and the exact drivers for these changes are still in question [13].
Storm activity has occurred frequently on both planets despite weak solar forcing; these episodic
outbursts could be seasonal, or they could be driven by the accumulation of potential energy and
convective inhibition [14,15]. Tracing changes in atmospheric composition over time and
throughout the atmosphere can help elucidate the sources of this storm activity; upwellings of
composition from deep in the atmosphere would favor a dramatic weather event over a gradual
seasonal change.
Recent work has found that H2S is more abundant than NH3 below the uppermost CH4 ice
cloud in both Ice Giant atmospheres, pointing to the possible existence of a deep layer of liquid
water that readily dissolves NH3 [16,17,18,19]. Further studies of this hypothesized deep,
potentially supercritical water layer and how it affects the rest of the troposphere may prove vital
to understanding the water-filled atmospheres of mini-Neptune exoplanets. Simulations have
shown that these exoplanets that are close to their parent star will produce supercritical water layers
below water-rich atmospheres [20].
Ice Giant Atmospheric Science - Dahl et al.
While moist convection as driven by water is a major player in the tropospheres of the Gas
Giants, CH4 is the driving condensable in the 0.1-1.5 bar range in the atmospheres of the Ice Giants
[21]. Latent heat release from condensing CH4 or the energy release from the conversion of orthopara-H2 could drive convection processes in these hydrogen-dominated atmospheres [22], and
better understanding these processes can lead to a clearer picture of the causes of current weather
and cloud patterns observed in the Ice Giant atmospheres. The relative enrichment of CH4 could
also inhibit vertical motions [23,24]. These processes may be occurring deep in the atmospheres
of Jupiter and Saturn, but they are at fortuitously observable pressures at Uranus and Neptune,
making them ideal targets for observation [25].
3b. What drives the long- and short-term chemical and photochemical processes that affect the
Ice Giants’ atmospheric composition?
Despite receiving a much weaker solar flux than the Gas Giants, Uranus and Neptune have
relatively active and vigorous photochemical processes taking place in their atmospheres.
Stratospheric chemistry is driven by the photolysis of CH4 that has been lofted above condensation
levels, which leads to the creation of a plethora of complex hydrocarbons [26,27]. The process that
transports CH4 to these altitudes is still not well-understood. Spatially-resolved maps of thermal
emission and reflectivity are required to allow a precise derivation of the energy source(s)
responsible, however weak emissions from hydrocarbons in the mid-infrared make observing
difficult [28,29,30]. Only once the sources, sinks and overall chemistry of disequilibrium species
are understood, can they act as tracers for atmospheric dynamics. CO [31], para-H2 [32], PH3
(which is yet to be detected but expected to exist [33]), and some of the complex hydrocarbons
that are the products of CH4 photolysis can act as tracers.
Despite having similar radii, masses, and bulk compositions, observations have shown
considerable chemical differences between Uranus and Neptune. The sluggish rate of mixing in
Uranus’ atmosphere indicates that its photochemical processes occur at higher pressures than on
any other world [34]. The CH4 homopause at Uranus is much lower than it is on Neptune, causing
certain species to play different photochemical roles on either planet. Exogenic species, such as
oxygen-bearing compounds like CO, can further complicate radiative properties used in modelling
[28]. Additionally, the sources of these oxygen-bearing compounds are yet unknown but could
include cometary impacts and dust from rings and satellites [35].
4. How do atmospheric dynamics shape the observed state of Ice Giant atmospheres?
Atmospheric dynamics are governed by the same fundamental physics on all planets; these
processes are ultimately described in the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid momentum, and in the
conservation of mass and energy. However, the relative dominance of certain physical processes
over others result in various atmospheric flow phenomena, ultimately shaping the motion,
energetics, and cloud distributions that we observe. Parsing how a universal suite of physics can
result in dramatically different states of atmospheres is key to developing a comprehensive theory
of meteorology and climatology on all planets. The Ice Giants have a number of stark differences
compared to their larger Gas Giant relatives, despite being similarly hydrogen-dominated. These
differences include: the mean circulation (Question 4a), solar insolation and internal heat forcing
(Question 4b), and the role of convection and other hydrodynamic instabilities, and its associated
impact on vortex, cloud, and storm dynamics (Question 4c).
Ice Giant Atmospheric Science - Dahl et al.
4a. How are meridional and zonal circulation patterns coupled, and how do they transport
material and energy? How are these patterns of circulation maintained?
Mean-zonal circulation is characterized on both Ice Giants by a broad retrograde
tropospheric jet centered on the equator and one prograde broad tropospheric jet in the
midlatitudes. This structure differs markedly from what is observed on the Gas Giants with their
prograde equatorial jets and the numerous, alternating zonally-directed jets. Simulations have
shown that radiative and deep convective forcing could produce these banded features on Gas
Giants [36,37], as the fast rotation rate of the Gas Giants results in upwelling plumes subsiding
close to their origin latitude, whereby the convergence of angular momentum accelerates the jets.
The Ice Giants are much slower rotators, leading to larger meridional circulation cells, possibly
explaining the lack of tightly banded alternating jets [38,39]. Clearly, different processes dominate
on the Ice Giants than the Gas Giants, which results in their dissimilar circulation structures.
The distribution of aerosols and observations of temperatures at different levels of the
atmosphere hint at a complicated meridional circulation. This meridional circulation is intimately
tied to the zonal mean wind and the vertical temperature distribution in a way not yet fully
understood. Radio observations of Uranus and Neptune have shown that there is a meridional
gradient in the distribution of CH4 and H2S, with an increase near the equator and depletion near
the poles [40,41]. Upper tropospheric temperatures show a cooling in the mid-latitudes and
warming near the equator and poles. However, in the deep atmosphere at the level where the H2S
cloud is expected to form, this temperature pattern is reversed. One possible explanation is the
presence of stacked circulation cells (See Figure 5 in [42]) although these cells do not explain
localized upwellings in regions of overall subsidence [43]. As such, a dynamically consistent
picture that pulls these aerosol and temperature observations together with the zonal-mean
circulation is currently incomplete and only partially understood. Detailed observations of Uranus’
and Neptune’s circulation at sufficient temporal and spatial resolution over a wide range of
wavelengths are required to constrain theoretical and numerical models.
4b. How does periodic seasonal forcing affect the state of the Ice Giant atmospheres, especially
in the case of Uranus’ extreme axial tilt?
One major difference between the two planets lies in their orbital obliquities. Uranus’ 98
degree obliquity results in the planet receiving more net insolation at its poles than its equator, a
unique example in the Solar System. Given this extreme difference in insolation, it is not fully
understood why Uranus’ and Neptune’s circulation appears to be broadly similar on a global scale.
Nevertheless, modeling and observations appear to show some seasonal variations of dynamics
and aerosol distributions over time [44]; observations also show highly localized short-duration
changes such as bright cloud features which may be associated with cumulus convective outbreaks
[45,46]. It remains unclear how Uranus’ and Neptune’s insolation over seasonal time scales and
heat flux from their interiors shape local and planet-wide circulations. Long-term measurements
of both the dynamics and aerosol distributions will aid in interpreting the climatology of Ice Giant
atmospheres and their morphology on seasonal timescales. Furthermore, given the long orbital
period of Neptune, no spacecraft or modern observations have been made of the northern polar
region. Does a seasonally dependent polar vortex exist over Neptune’s pole as on Earth, or is there
one that is seasonally independent such as on Saturn? Unraveling the dynamical aspects of this
uncharted region requires the high temporal and spatial resolution and unique vantage point that
only a dedicated orbital spacecraft can provide.
Ice Giant Atmospheric Science - Dahl et al.
4c. How do the "dark spot" vortices form on Ice Giants, and what is their role in redistributing
energy, momentum, and disequilibrium/condensable chemical species?
Both Ice Giants display large dark elliptical-shaped spots in their atmospheres, which are
widely thought to be vortices. These dark spots appear every 6-8 years [47,48] and are short-lived,
dissipating over the order of months [49]. They are unique to the Ice Giants and represent an
interplay of multiple dynamical effects that are currently not understood in hydrogen-dominated
atmospheres. Unlike the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, which has existed for centuries and is
maintained by mergers with smaller vortices, dark spots appear to be fully-formed. What is the
mechanism(s) that form these enigmatic features? Do they grow from mergers with deeper, unseen
smaller vortices, and only the mature stage is observed once it rises high enough to change the
appearance of the observed cloud tops? One hypothesis is that these features result from an
episodic cumulus convective (storm) outbreak not dissimilar to Saturn’s Great White Spots.
Alternatively, the dark spots could be created by a deep baroclinic or barotropic instability, which
then rises to perturb the visible cloud decks. The cause of the relative darkness within the spot
could be due to an increase in aerosol absorptivity due to photochemical effects, or a clearing in
the deep cloud layer. Simulations of the Great Dark Spot, which was observed by Voyager 2,
demonstrated that such vortices responded strongly to variations in the structure of the zonal wind,
temperature profile and distribution of aerosols [50,51], all of which are poorly known for Ice
To date, only two Dark Spots have been observed on Uranus and six on Neptune, and only
one has been witnessed forming [48], leaving a substantial gap in our understanding of their life
cycle and their impacts on the surrounding atmosphere. Closing this gap requires observations of
the atmosphere at high temporal and spatial resolutions. Detecting localized variations in the
temperature, wind, and aerosol structure during a spot’s genesis will enable us to not only
understand the formation process, but also gain insight into the deeper atmosphere. Such detections
would require high spatial resolution measurements from either an orbiter, ground-based ELTs, or
a large space telescope. This will help constrain physical models of the interior, and perhaps glean
the reason for the different internal heat flux on the two planets.
Ice Giant atmospheres occupy a completely different parameter space than the Gas Giants
with regards to their sizes, rotation period, compositions, and distances from the Sun. By studying
the atmospheres of these unique planets, comparing them to each other and to other planets in the
solar system, we will be well-equipped to answer all of the above outstanding science questions.
Answering these questions will not only greatly improve our understanding of the origin,
evolution, and current state of the Ice Giants, but also of the rest of the solar system and the growing
population of Neptune-mass exoplanets.
Ice Giant Atmospheric Science - Dahl et al.
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