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Changing Language, Remaining Pygmy
Serge Bahuchet
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris,
[email protected]
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Open access pre-print, subsequently published as Bahuchet, Serge (2012) "Changing Language, Remaining Pygmy," Human Biology:
Vol. 84: Iss. 1, Article 9.
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Serge Bahuchet
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris
Running title:
Linguistic diversity of African Pygmy populations
Key words:
Pygmies, hunter-gatherers, farmers, rainforest, Central Africa, linguistic diversity, cultural
diversity, ethnology, archaeology, genetics, Bantu, Ubangian, migrations
Corresponding author:
Serge Bahuchet
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle
Unité de recherche éco-anthropologie et ethnobiologie (UMR 7206 MNHN-CNRSUniversité Paris Diderot)
CP 135, 57 Rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France
[email protected]
In this article I am illustrating the linguistic diversity of African Pygmy populations in order
to better address their anthropological diversity and history. I am also introducing a new
method, based on the analysis of specialized vocabulary, to reconstruct the substratum of
some languages they speak.
I show that Pygmy identity is not based on their languages, which have often been borrowed
from neighboring non-Pygmy farmer communities with whom each Pygmy group is linked.
Understanding the nature of this partnership, quite variable in history, is essential to address
Pygmy languages, identity and history.
Finally, I show that only a multidisciplinary approach is likely to push forward the
understanding of African Pygmy societies as genetic, archaeological, anthropological and
ethnological evidence suggest.
Created by European travellers during the XIXe century (Schweinfurth 1873), the blanket
term Pygmy has been used to designate any kind of rainforest people with a short stature and
a nomadic lifestyle. This term embraces an artificial combination of scattered ethnic groups
culturally and physically different (Bahuchet 1991, Froment 1993, Seitz 1993) (Tab. 1, Fig. 1)
living in Central Africa between latitude 5° N and 5° S.
The heterogeneity of the Pygmy populations could result either from the dispersal and split
of a unique ancestral population or from the independent evolution of separate populations
who physically adapted to the constraints of the same environment (Hiernaux 1966).
Fifty years ago, according to Hiernaux, it was reasonable to raise doubts about the origins
of the different Central African populations, because little knowledge was available on this
subject. Later on, L.L. Cavalli-Sforza and collaborators, who initiated the study of Central
African Pygmies from a population genetics perspective (Cavalli-Sforza 1986), attempted to
answer the question of their origins but were unsuccessful due to the lack of sufficient
population samples, genetic markers, and computational tools. More recently, research in
human population genetics showed both the common origin of some Pygmy groups and an
ancient divergence between such ancestral Pygmy populations and the population ancestral to
the other African populations (Patin et al., 2009, Verdu et al. 2009, Batini et al. 2011).
Interestingly, recent population genetic research (Patin et al. 2009, Verdu et al. 2009,
Batini et al. 2009) suggested a very ancient divergence between Pygmies and other
populations (60-90 Ky BP). The considerable time involved by these findings gives some
strength to a scenario of several language shifts/borrowing occurred since the times of
prehistoric Pygmy hunter-gatherers and challenges the hypothesis of a common language
inheritance. Before discussing questions like the social context for the borrowing of these
languages it will be necessary to comprehensively analyze the relations between Pygmy and
neighboring non-Pygmy societies that are intimately connected. Unfortunately, despite the
wide scientific interest that Pygmy groups have always attracted, documentation and
publications concerning them are uneven, thus making any synthesis premature. This is why I
will only focus on the ethnolinguistic status of Pygmy languages while discussing their
sociolinguistical context.
About twenty ethnolinguistic groups are known as “Pygmies” and several names are in use to
differentiate them (Table 1). For clarity all Pygmy groups will be written in italics and when I
explicitly refer to their languages (called in the same way) the names will also be underlined.
Some have long been used unquestioningly in the ethnographic literature, such as Babinga, of
obvious colonial origin, and such intricate nomenclature lacks clarity. Some names are true
ethnonyms (e. g. Baka); others are names given by surrounding farmer populations (e. g.
Bambuti). Without mentioning Bantu names, used with or without the plural prefix (e. g. Kola
or BaKola), it will be seen that some names correspond to local dialectal groups (e. g.
Mbenzele, dialect of Aka). Finally, there is a gap in the nomenclature as three groups, (Asua,
Sua and Efe) are usually included under the single name Mbuti or BaMbuti.
A rough survey of the ethnographical literature (345 specialized references including
papers and books) shows a vast disparity in documentation. 86 % of the publications concern
only five groups (Mbuti, Efe, Aka, Mbenzele and Baka) while the remaining 14% account for
eight groups (Fig. 2) and 7 Pygmy groups have never been studied (Mikaya, Cwa of
Democratic Republic of Congo –DRC-, Tembo, Rhwa, Twa of DRC, Congo and Uganda).
The majority of available publications have focused on the “forest-oriented” groups, thus
explaining why such lifestyle soon became a stereotype for all Pygmies (Hewlett 1996):
Semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers living in temporary camps with domed huts and exchanging
regularly with the neighboring farmers.
The lifestyle of Pygmies is highly variable (nomadic vs. seasonal mobility) as well as the
style of habitat (huts used for short periods or settled villages with square houses), and the
techniques and tools. Such heterogeneity remains apparent today even after the modern
changes implied by the adoption of agriculture starting in the 1930s by some Pygmy
Only a few publications document “peripheral” Pygmy groups characterized by low
populations size, reduced mobility, settled in villages, and practicing both hunting-gathering
activities and agriculture. While the groups called Kola, Bongo, Koya and Twa live in the
rainforest, other groups live in the savannahs at the periphery of the forest basin, like the
Bedzan, various groups named Cwa (pronounced “Tshwa”) and a scattered group known
under the name Twa. Finally, I would like to mention some very poorly known groups in
South Central Africa. They have an ambiguous status since, while not being considered
“Pygmies” by authors, their names sound similar to Pygmy groups living in the Congo Basin.
They are the Vatwa in South-West Angola (Estermann 1962, 1976), different Batwa swamp
fishermen in Zambia (Rosen 1925, Macrae 1934, Barham 2006, Haller & Merten 2008) and
the Bambote of the shores of Lake Tanganyika (Terashima 1980).
However, a constant feature among all Pygmies, semi nomadic or sedentary, is that they all
maintain relations with neighboring non-Pygmy farmers. This feature will be largely
discussed and addressed from different perspectives throughout the paper.
There is no “Pygmy linguistic family”. All Pygmy languages are related to other languages
that are spoken by non-Pygmy populations and belong to the two linguistic phyla of Central
Africa: Niger-Kordofanian and Nilo-Saharan (Table 2). Linguistically, Pygmy populations are
as heterogeneous as their neighbors and the absence of any major linguistic specificity implies
extensive contacts with non-Pygmy populations despite the socio-economic (and phenotypic)
differences. Infact, this scenario is very different from the one of the San of Southern Africa,
another widely studied group of hunting and gathering populations from Africa, whose click
languages are all related and form the specific Southern-African Khoisan family (Winter
1981, Güldemann & Vossen 2000).
Strikingly, linguistic studies of Pygmies are much less readily available than are
ethnographic studies. The majority of the languages are still not described or scantily
documented, exceptions being the Efe (Vorbichler 1965; Vorbichler & Brandl 1979), the Kola
(Renaud 1976), the Aka (Cloarec-Heiss & Thomas 1978; Thomas 1991; Thomas et al. 1981)
and the Baka (Brisson 1984, 1999, 2010; Brisson & Boursier 1979; Kilian-Hatz 1989, Paulin
2010). While some groups have never been studied, others are poorly known as only short
lists of vocabulary, without phonetic annotations, are available from old travel accounts.
To come back to what has been said before about the relation Pygmies/non-Pygmies, the
Aka, Baka, and Asua speak a language that cannot be understood by the speakers of languages
belonging to the same family. Otherwise, all other Pygmy groups speak variants of the
languages spoken by surrounding farmers.
Together with the Sua, the Efe, the Aka and the Baka occupy large areas and are the most
mobile meaning that strong social ties are necessary to maintain linguistic unity and cultural
identity, thus forming polyethnic systems with their neighbors (see part 6). Nevertheless,
scattering is often synonymous of language diversification and three dialects have been
documented (Mbenzele, the western dialect of Aka; Bangombe, the eastern dialect of Baka
and Kango, the southern dialect of Sua) in three quite dispersed groups.
4.1 Socio-economic issues
I have already mentioned that every Pygmy group maintains relations (mainly economical)
with their non-pygmy neighbors, who are farmers. This does not mean that the two
communities have a differential access to resources, as they both inhabit the same ecosystem
and share a comparable technical knowledge; nevertheless a complementarity exists as some
activities are, in practice, exclusive to a community. Both societies rely upon each other
(food; work) and through economic exchanges the two partners can better exploit two
juxtaposed ecosystems, rainforest on the one hand, fields and secondary forest on the other
It seems obvious that the social dimensions of these interactions are complex (Bahuchet &
Guillaume 1982; Delobeau 1989; Grinker 1994; Joiris 2003; Kazadi 1981; Ngima Mawoung
2001; Turnbull 1965b; Waehle 1986) and their changing throughout the colonial past of
Central Africa has been documented (Delobeau 1989, Guillaume 2001, Hardin 2000).
Pygmies and their non-Pygmy neighbors belong to a same social system; ranging from
patron-client relationships (respectively the farmers and the Pygmies) to quasi-equality, to the
point of sharing the same clan affiliations. For example, among Aka and Baka groups, iron
tools made by neighboring farmers are essential for the bride price. Concerning the farmers,
the large amount of meat provided by Pygmy hunters constitutes the stock necessary for the
ceremonial meetings at the end of mourning. In several places, the young people are admitted
to the ceremonies of initiation of the other society giving rise, in this way, to lifelong ties of
friendship (Efe, Sua, Baka, etc.). The strong social ties (Joiris 2003; Rupp 2003; Sawada
1998; Terashima 1987, 1998) make intermarriages possible with non-Pygmy males
sometimes marring Pygmy women. The reverse is usually impossible with very few
exceptions (for instance some Bongo groups in Gabon).
The contacts that each group of African Pygmy foragers have with associated farmers of
different ethnic background, not only condition the major part of their present socio-economic
changes, but in the end add to the cultural differences between the various Pygmies groups.
This kind of partnership has been lasting for centuries and ample material demonstrates
that everywhere the Pygmies are largely represented in the mythology of the farmers. Oral
traditions mirror the important place of the “Pygmies”, who are given a quasi-supernatural
symbolic status, at the border of the human world (Abega 1997; Bahuchet 1993b; Delobeau
1989; Sulzmann 1986; Waehle 1986), thus giving rise to a form of respect and fear that, often,
goes together with admiration and despise (Bahuchet & Guillaume 1982; Kazadi 1981). This
special status is confirmed by the fact that Pygmies are the only ones allowed to touch the
sacred King at the moment of birth, enthroning or mourning in farming societies like the
Tikar (Cameroon) and the Ekonda (Democratic Republic of Congo), whose socio-political
system is a monarchy. Pygmies are considered members of the same sacred category as the
King, as opposed to the ordinary people (Bahuchet 1993c:61-64; Sulzmann 1986).
The founding myth of many central African societies concerns an initial migration from
quite far regions to the place they presently occupy. Some oral traditions tell that the Pygmies
were encountered during the initial migration and that they behaved as guides and introduced
the farmers to the forest world by transmitting rites, initiations, and techniques, including
some that are not typical of hunter-gatherers like the forging of iron (for the Ngbaka, Arom &
Thomas 1974; for the Beti, Laburthe-Tolra 1981).
To summarize, we face two types of social relations with the non-Pygmy farmers: either
the Pygmies are simply associated to them as a different but linked society, or they are
considered as a part of the society of the farmers but like a sort of caste (this is case of the
Twa and probably of the Koya).
The traditions I mentioned indicate that the majority of the farmers of the Western Congo
Basin have had continued contacts with the Pygmy groups during the last few centuries at
least. However, some farmers did not encounter them, or met them only when traveling in
specific areas (see Deschamps 1962), from that we can infer that the Pygmies had a lower
population size and were quite dispersed. Particularly in Cameroon and Gabon, oral traditions
provide many details about initial contact with different Pygmy groups throughout time.
4.2 Linguistic contacts between Pygmies and farmers
While using a single mother tongue inside their communities, Pygmies interact with
surrounding farmers by using other languages and, together with most of the non-Pygmy
farmers, are plurilingual.
Quite logically, the number of languages to which every ethnolinguistic group of Pygmies
is exposed is proportional to the area occupied by the group and to the size of its population.
It varies from a single external language for the Bedzan, to nineteen for the Aka. The
linguistic heterogeneity of the languages with which Pygmies are exposed increases with the
number of farmers communities with whom they are in contact. For instance, the linguistic
landscape of the Koya in Gabon, in contact with four external languages, is much more
homogeneous than for the Kola of Cameroon that are exposed to nine external languages.
4.3 Socio-linguistics and contact of languages
Actually, the languages spoken by the distinct Pygmy ethnolinguistic groups are not
necessarily related to the languages spoken by the farmers with whom they currently live in
proximity and vice versa. For instance, the Aka, who speak a Bantu language (C10) are
dispersed over a large territory that is shared with nineteen groups of farmers on which only
six speak Bantu C10 varieties, in Southern Central African Republic (CAR) and Northern
If we consider only the most documented Pygmy groups (Kola, Aka, Baka, Bedzan, Koya,
Sua, Asua, Efe, Twa-Konda), corresponding to nine different tongues, we find that their
linguistic environment totals seventy-three different languages of which only nine are closely
related, thirty-four belong to the same linguistic group; and the remaining thirty belong to
totally different linguistic groups. In other words for these populations, thirty groups of
farmers in contact with Pygmies speak languages not sharing any linguistic similarity which
may imply that the partnership between them is recent.
5.1 From sociolinguistics to geolinguistics
The analysis of the spatial proximity among the most closely related languages lead to some
historical considerations, and enables the reconstruction of the succession of contacts between
Pygmies and farmers. Several cases are possible:
1. Farmers speaking a language close to the one of the Pygmies, being both groups
geographically close and probably associated since a long time.
E.g. the Lese with the Efe (Sudanic; Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo), the Bongom
with the Koya (Bantu B20, Eastern Gabon), or the Ngando with the Aka (Bantu C10, South
2. Farmers speaking a language related to the one of the Pygmies, being both groups
geographically distant suggesting a possible ancient split between the two and subsequent
Like the Maka (Bantu A80) from Southeastern Cameroon, whose language is related to
that of the Kola of coastal Cameroon (400 km distant); and the Ngbaka (Ubangian)
from Southern Central African Republic, whose language is related to that of the Baka
in southeastern Cameroon (500 km distant).
3. Farmers having no linguistic relation with Pygmies being geographically close (thirty
groups), suggesting that the existing partnership (if any) is recent.
E.g., in South Cameroon and North Gabon, the Beti and Fang (Bantu A70), associated
either with the Kola (A80) or with the Baka (Ubangian), or the Bangandu (Ubangian,
Gbaya group), associated with the Baka (Ubangian, Gbanzili group) in Southeastern
4. Farmers being in contact with more than one Pygmy group (at least 10 cases documented),
suggesting an historical scenario.
This is the case along the Sangha River between Cameroon and CAR, where some
Mpiemo, Bomoali or Yangere are associated with the Baka on the right bank, and others
are associated with the Aka-Mbenzele on the left bank (Lewis 2002). This is also the
case in Ituri, in East DRC, where some Ndaka and Liko live with Asua Pygmies, while
some others live with Sua. Similarly, the majority of Lese are associated with Efe while
some are linked with Sua Pygmies.
These scenarios show that the link between a group of foragers and a group of farmers, in the
past usually leading to a language shift for the foragers, could have come to an end and a new
association with other farmers established. For instance, the Maka, linguistically related to the
Kola, are presently associated with the Baka. In turn, the Baka, whose language is related to
Ngbaka curently spoken in Central African Republic, have relations, among others, with the
Kwele (Cameroon) or the Fang (Gabon), both Bantu speakers.
It is very risky to provide a timeframe for these social modifications, but a few centuries
may be a possible conservative estimate, an hypothesis that we will investigate in the
following sections.
The patterns of dispersion of languages spoken by Pygmies and non-Pygmies can lead to
some hypothesis of migration. To this end, I will examine here two cases of discontinuous
geographical distribution of two languages, the Kola (Bantu A80) and the Baka (Ubangian
Gbanzili group).
5.1.1 The Kola
The A80 languages are geographically discontinuous, some being located in Southeastern
Cameroon (like Maka, Njem, Mpiemo, Bajue…) and others being located in Southwestern
Cameroon. Kola Pygmies speak a Bantu A80 dialect of the Mvumbo language, also spoken
by Ngumba and Mabea farmers living close to the southern coast of Cameroon (Renaud 1976)
(see Fig. 3). The present range of the Kola Pygmies (3,000-4,000 individuals) encompasses
the Ngumba and Mabea, and exposes them to eight more languages for a total of ten (Joiris
1994)(Table 5). According to Loung (1987), the Kola pygmies speak two dialects, the
northern being called Gyeli and the southern called Kola. I would like to remind here the
challenges of nomenclature that I highlighted at the beginning of this article, in fact bo.gyel is
the name by which Ngumba farmers refer to the Kola Gyeli.
Oral traditions of both Kola and Ngumba suggest that they recently moved, together, from
East to West, in a process that ended in the 1880's (Loung 1959). Now, the remaining related
languages belonging to such A80 group are currently located in southeastern Cameroon
(Maka-Njem group, see Maho 2009) and, according to the traditions of the Maka-Njem
people, they came from the northeast on the Nyong River and were “the first” to penetrate the
rainforest where some bo.gyel Pygmies were encountered (Geschiere 1981). The same oral
history suggests that, after the arrival of the Proto-Fang (A70) group, the Maka-Njem split in
two: the Ngumba moving towards the coast together with the bo.gyel Pygmies and the Maka
going to the southeast alone (Loung 1959; Geschiere 1981). Therefore, the hypothesis that a
Pygmy group speaking a language whose closest relative is currently located far away may
indicate the occurrence of past migrations is supported by the historical migration of the Kola
Pygmies over more than 400 km from the Doume River from Eastern Cameroon to the
Atlantic coast in Southwestern Cameroon.
We can summarize migration events in the following way:
1. Some non-pygmy farmers speaking an A80 language met the Pygmies who adopted
the same language;
2. Pygmies migrated together with some of their associated farmers, and their
common language diverged from the original variety spoken by the farmers as a
consequence of isolation (migration). Kola Pygmies provide the example of a joint
migration with non-Pygmy farmers after their language shift.
3. After the migration and subsequent isolation of a community limited to the
Ngumba, the Kola expanded geographically and probably also demographically,
and some of them established relationships with other farmers (Joiris 1994).
Meanwhile, the other A80-speaking non-Pygmy groups, who remained in the
Eastern part of Cameroon, met the Baka Pygmies (Ubangian-speakers), with whom
they are associated today. The A80-speaking non-Pygmy groups give us an
example of farmers changing their Pygmy associates (from Kola Pygmies to Baka
5.1.2 Baka and Gbanzili-group languages and peoples
The second example of migration is provided by the people speaking Ubangian languages
of the Gbanzili-group, to which belongs the Baka language spoken by the Baka Pygmies.
While the Gbanzili-group is scattered from Southern Sudan to Southeastern Cameroon (Fig.
4), the Baka is spoken in a continuous area across Southeastern Cameroon, Congo and Gabon
and is a linguistic isolate surrounded by eighteen languages, fifteen of which are Bantu and
three Ubangian (Gbaya and Banda groups; see Table 5). Other languages related to Baka are
exclusively spoken by farmers located far away. The closest is the Bomasa, spoken in a single
village located on the left bank of the Sangha River, in Congo. Other similar languages are the
Ngbaka-Mabo and Monzombo (spoken ~ 500 km away in the Southern part of the Central
African Republic) and, finally, the Gbanzili that is spoken at a distance of ~ 800 km, along the
Ubangi River in the Southeastern part of the Central African Republic. Before suggesting a
scenario explaining such dispersed geographical location for the languages close to Baka it
must be stressed again that the Baka Pygmies have no contact with any of the farmers
speaking the related Ubangian languages mentioned above.
If the Baka Pygmies adopted their Ubangian language from farmer populations, then the
linguistic features of the whole linguistic group imply that the encounter between the two
groups occured some time in the past, before the geographical separation observed today. A
geographical analysis of the areas where the languages are spoken indicates a Southern Sudan
origin of the protolanguage at the origin of the Ubangian languages spoken by both the Baka
and the Ngbaka today (Arom and Thomas 1974; Bouquiaux and Thomas 1980). The
populations speaking this original proto-Ubangian language may have spread later along the
Ubangi River in a westward migration. Interestingly the Baka would have migrated further
than other groups as they are nowadays located in the farthest West.
In figure 4 I show that the languages of the Gbanzili-group, including the Baka itself, arise by
a process of isolation resulting from different migrations. If this process historically implies a
partnership between Ubangian speaking farmers and Baka Pygmies, the first ones (Ngbaka,
Monzombo and Bomasa) are presently associated with the Aka Pygmies speaking a Bantu
To summarize such historical scenario, in the past the Baka used to live all together,
associated with non-Pygmy populations speaking a Gbanzili-group Ubanguian language that
they finally borrowed. Thereafter they migrated, together with Ubangian speaking farmers, in
various directions and moved far away, alone, establishing new partnerships with farmers
speaking languages other than Ubanguian varieties.
It is interesting to note that after the borrowing of the language, Baka were less prone
to be influenced linguistically. In fact the Bantu and Ubangian languages spoken by farmers
with whom they are currently partners, has almost no influence on their own tongue. For
instance, there are no similarities in the vocabulary concerning rainforest, plants, animals,
techniques, or even habitat. Therefore, under such scenario, the Baka language spoken today
would result from previous partnerships, with little influence from the languages spoken by
the new partners. Interestingly, Koch (1968) noted that the Bajue farmers (A84, Southeastern
Cameroon), distinguish two different groups of Pygmies: The o.jel, who originally met their
ancestors and subsequently somewhat “disappeared”, and the bi.bayagh (otherwise called
Baka) whith whom they currently live (Koch 1968:68).
More generally speaking, the mechanism of differentiation could have been the following:
1. A period of intimacy between Pygmies and non-Pygmy farmers, leading the first
group to adopt the language of the latter.
2. A period of linguistic differentiation with the emergence of dialects subsequent to
migrations and split between the two groups.
3. Increased linguistic differentiation and loss of mutual understanding with growing
As it has been explained in various ways throughout this paper, Central Africa is a mosaic of
ethnic and linguistic communities, including the Pygmies. Far from being isolated from each
other, these populations are associated in various ways. It was proposed to consider and
analyze the regional relations between sets of populations as polyethnic systems (Robillard
2010). In such systems, the individuals belonging to a given Pygmy group are in contact with
each others despite being scattered and surrounded (encapsulated, according the formula of
Woodburn, 1988) by non-Pygmy groups. Such Pygmy communities, in constant contact with
much larger populations of farmers, and exceptionally with other Pygmy groups, can remain
culturally homogenous or, conversely, loose internal cohesion. To illustrate this process I will
present three examples.
6.1 Strong internal cohesion: The Aka
The region between the Congo and Sangha River is the territory of the Aka Pygmies
(speaking a Bantu C10 language) that are linguistically divided in two dialects, Aka and
Mbenzele, the latter ones being located near the Sangha river (Bahuchet 1986). Other nonAka Pygmy groups share the same territory: the Mikaya near Ouesso in Congo (also speaking
a Bantu C10 language), the “Bofi” Pygmies” (speaking an Ubangian language) and the
“Bolemba Pygmies” (speaking a Bantu C10 language). The Mikaya is different from Aka and
the Bolemba is quite close to Mbati (Bantu C10). Most probably, Bofi Pygmies are a group of
Aka that, at some point, adopted the Bofi, that is a language belonging to a different phylum
(cf. Fouts et al. 2005).
The majority of the farmers inhabiting this region (Ngando, Bondongo, Mbati, Enyele,
Mbomotaba, Pande and Ngundi) speak languages of the Bantu C10 family (Fig. 5). The Aka
are much more mobile than the farmers and can be encountered almost everywhere in the
region; numerically the Aka (about 60,000 individuals) outnumber by a factor of ten the
farmers. These two factors may well clarify their cultural cohesion and explain why their
language subsists besides the numerous farmers’ tongues that belong, beside the mentioned
Bantu C10, either to the Ubanguian (Banda-Yangere, Bofi, Ngundi, Ngbaka, Monzombo
along the Sangha River) or to the Bantu language family (A80/A90, Kako, Pomo, Mpiemo,
Bomoali along the Oubangi River) (Table 5). Furthermore, the cultural cohesion of the Aka is
reinforced by frequent cross-regional marriages (see Cavalli-Sforza 1986 : 340, and Bahuchet
1993 : 100).
6.2 Average cultural cohesion: The Mbuti
The well-known vast Ituri forest in Eastern DRC is the home of the Mbuti, a blanket name
covering distinct Pygmy groups called Asua, Efe, Sua and Kango, and a subgroup speaking a
dialect of Sua (cf. Schebesta 1952, Turnbull 1965a, Ichikawa 1978, Bailey 1991). It is worth
mentioning that, although the Efe, the Sua and somewhat the Kango have been studied in the
past, the Asua are still poorly documented. Cultural similarities have been reported among
these groups (like the music -- Demolin & Bahuchet 1990a) together with apparent
differences such as the distinction between Efe archers and Sua net hunters (Turnbull 1965b).
Another difference, that both mirrors and influences the sociocultural organization of the
groups, is the different sizes of their base camps (Terashima 1985). Even though we ignore
which language they use for communication among themselves, the linguistic pattern
contradicts the observed cultural similarity, in fact the Mbuti speak three different languages
belonging to two distinct families (Tab. 1).
If we focus on the non-Pygmy farmers associated with the various Mbuti groups, the
linguistic heterogeneity is even larger as they speak one Ubanguian, seven Bantu and thirteen
Sudanic languages. The heterogeneity also applies to ethnographic features of these farmer
populations, since the major cultural traits reported to be shared among them are circumcision
ceremonies (commonplace in central African populations; Allovio 1999) and the practice of
bark-cloth paintings (see Bahuchet & Farris Thompson 1991). Overall, the various Mbuti
Pygmy groups (Sua, Efe, Kango and perhaps Asua) seem to share more cultural features than
the various neighboring farmer populations.
The regional distribution of the languages spoken by the Mbuti overlaps the distribution of
corresponding linguistic families, with spillovers at the periphery (there are examples of
Mbuti groups associated with farmers that speak the language of another linguistic family -Fig. 6). For instance, Asua (linguistically belonging to the Mangbetu group) can either be
associated to farmers belonging to the same linguistic group or to Bantu speaking farmers
(Liko and Ndaka). The Sua (Bantu D30) are both associated to farmers speaking similar D30
languages or Sudanic speakers. Moreover and to further complicate the ethnolinguistic
picture, the Efe, despite their close association with the Lese (Sudanic speakers) (Grinker
1994; Terashima 1987) maintain partnerships with Bantu speaking famers.
6.3 No common culture: The Bongo of Gabon
The Bongo, less than 10,000 individuals altogether, are a blend of small Pygmy
communities scattered in hamlets distributed around twenty sometimes distant areas over
South and Central Gabon. There are few or no contacts between such areas. The smallest
groups of Bongo (also called Babongo) call themselves Baghama and Barimba (Andersson
1983). Whilst practicing agriculture, the Bongo are predominantly foragers. The Bongo speak
at least seven different Bantu language varieties: dialects of Tsogho (B30), Lumbu, Sango and
Punu (B40), Nzebi (B50), Kaningi (B60) and Teke (B70) (Table 5). Despite their small
densities, by being scattered over wide geographical areas, they are associated to several
farming groups (at least eighteen, according to the Table 5). The literature reports no
information about the social interactions between the dispersed micro-groups (e. g. contacts,
visits, exchanges of spouses...) and we can reasonably conclude that the Bongo do not have
much in common. Further research on aspects related to technical vocabularies, ritual
systems, music tradition and the language they might use to communicate between them, may
better confirm, or not, this picture. Anyway, if they once had a common language, today there
is no evidence for it.
We can hypothesize that communication and the preservation of social cohesion turned out
to be impossible among small communities, fragmented and scattered, surrounded by many
groups of farmers (Annaud & Leclerc 2002; Knight 2003, Le Bomin & Mbot 2011).
7.1 Can we find a Pygmy linguistic substratum?
The quest of an original language common to all the Pygmies will remain unsolved. The
linguistic integration of Pygmies and farmers is currently too extensive to allow any largescale reconstruction of any remnants of it.
The comparison of Pygmy languages with other central African languages does not give
convincing results either with classical methods of historical linguistics or with the
comparative method. The reason is that Pygmy tongues, borrowed from some populations of
farmers in a more or less recent past, are too close to other varieties spoken by some groups of
As an example, I found that the similarities of basic vocabulary for Baka with 3 close
Ubangian languages (Swadesh list of 195 words, in the comparative lexicology edited by
Monino 1988) are above 70 % (Tab. 3, Bahuchet 1992 :60).
The same analysis yielded a similarity rate of 71% (167 words of basic vocabulary from
the Swadesh, Bahuchet 1992: 81) when Aka was compared to Ngando, its closest relative
(Bantu C10). However, such similarity sharply decreased to 29% when an extensive
vocabulary of 651 words was further considered (Bahuchet 1992: 81). For a similar study see
Klieman (2003).
The specific nature of the relationship existing between Pygmies and non-Pygmies (in
which each society has a precise character maintained despite episodes of language
borrowing), suggests the adoption of a specific methodology to investigate the substratum.
Such original approach relies on the analysis of specialized vocabulary linked to specific
activities of a group; such vocabulary could possibly have been borrowed by one or the other
group when contact happened (usually when products were exchanged). The methodology I
have developed combines ethnographic and ethnolinguistic comparisons (Bahuchet 1989).
This method relies on exhaustive gathering specialized vocabulary (concerning aspects of the
culture of one group like techniques, objects, plants, animals, music, rituals, symbols…), and
comparing these data to a large linguistic dataset comprising as many African languages as
possible, regardless of which population speaks them (Pygmy or non-Pygmy, farmers or
foragers, ethnic background…). In this way, it should be possible to distinguish those words
that are specific to Pygmy communities from those that were borrowed. In order to conduct
such large-scale comparisons in the future, it will be necessary to collect linguistic and lexical
data, not only from Pygmy populations (specially the ones less studied than the Kola, Baka,
Aka and Mbuti here presented) but also from the populations of farmers inhabiting the same
region. The underlying principle of this type of comparison is that the presence of a similar
cultural element (a tool, a practice…) in two different societies has no historical significance
in itself (it could be a simple convergence) unless this element bears the same name; this very
similarity indicates either inheritance or loan and diffusion. In any case, it implies some
previous contact (in space or in time) between the two groups.
7.2 Looking for the substratum in Aka and Baka
In agreement with the minimal interaction between the two corresponding groups, Aka (Bantu
C10) and Baka (Ubangian) are not mutually intelligible today. Nevertheless, shared
vocabulary accounts for more than 20% and covers a broad spectrum of specific meanings, 88
% of these shared terms belonging to specialized vocabulary. According to these
observations, I hypothesized that Aka and Baka populations stemmed from the same ancestral
population (whose name may be reconstructed as *Baakaa). Under such hypothesis, their
common vocabulary would be a remnant of the common original language abandoned when
they respectively borrowed Bantu and Ubangian languages (Bahuchet 1992). It is worth
mentioning that the *Baakaa vocabulary (and culture) may be ancestral to the Aka and the
Baka only, and not to all the Pygmy groups as Blench (1999:43) misunderstood.
While the Aka and the Baka were borrowed from languages spoken by farmers, with whom
these Pygmy populations share much of the basic vocabulary, it is noteworthy that the amount
of shared specialized vocabulary is large: 75 % of the words shared among Aka and Baka
concern forest vocabulary, flora, fauna, animal behaviors, tools and techniques (Table 4). This
illustrates the persistence of a shared economic substratum of tools, techniques, forest
knowledge and acquisition processes. In other words, this 75% of shared vocabulary concerns
cultural complexes (sensu Sapir 1916) i.e. integrated sets of cultural practices organized
around specific rainforest activities and ecosystem. Only 12% of shared words are related to
society (music, ritual and religion - see Bahuchet 1993a for details). This finding illustrates
that the Aka-Baka shared culture and ancestral society was distinct from the one of the
farmers. At this stage, the question whether this Aka-Baka Pygmy ancestral group was
already associated with farmers is hardly tractable.
The split and divergence between the Aka and the Baka may have resulted from their new
partnerships with Bantu and Ubangian speaking populations respectively, populations from
whom they may have borrowed most of their present language including grammar.
Interestingly, the specialized vocabulary shared among the Aka and the Baka suggests that the
specific cultural features associated with it may have characterized the ancestral culture of the
*Baakaa. The method I developed is particularly appropriate for those Pygmy groups whose
cultural identity is well defined regardless the possible linguistic heterogeneity among them.
In this context, I believe that this method would be worth applying to the study of the Ituri
groups known as Mbuti from the Ituri forest (DRC), or to the various Bongo groups from
Gabon, once that appropriate linguistic data has been collected.
Finally, although the Aka and the Baka are bi- or plurilingual, there is no evidence that
they are borrowing new languages from their neighbors today. By using their own tongues as
a “secret language” they seem to avoid being assimilated by the socially dominant
neighboring farmers.
7.3 Early contacts inferred from vocabulary between Pygmies and farmers, the *Baakaa.
The careful analysis of the vocabulary shared by Pygmy and non-Pygmy languages delivers
valuable information about the conditions of the cultural contact between the two
communities as mentioned for the *Baakaa and the farmers they met (Bahuchet 1993b). Their
common vocabulary shows that the farmers were newcomers in the rainforest, assimilating
new knowledge and technical skills about this ecosystem from the Pygmies and, therefore,
adopting the words that define them.
Moreover, sociological lexica supports the idea that *Baakaa women married among
farmers. In fact when comparing the Aka and the Baka with two closely related languages,
respectively Ngando (Bantu Cl0) and Ngbaka (Ubangian), I identified five terms concerning
alliance, whose meaning suggest that marriages and exchanges of wives between Pygmies
and non-Pygmies were commonplace (brother-in-law: bêndê; jealousy for love: -kômbè; sonin-law and courtship: -kôpè; pay for bridewealth: sè-; kinship through women: mobila). This
finding is in agreement with the genetic admixture observed among Central African
populations (Destro-Bisol et al. 2004, Verdu et al. 2009, Batini et al. 2011).
In this context, one can hypothesize that the original contacts between *Baakaa and
farmers were unbalanced
that the Pygmies, being forest specialists, may have had a
dominant position over the farming newcomers. As a consequence, the Pygmies, connected to
the supernatural world, were given a special status and gifts were made to them in order to
build positive alliances (see section 4). For instance, Aka, Baka and the related farmers share a
vocabulary concerning friendship, visits and gifts (yele), symbolic vital principals like “string
of life” and protecting spirits (kulu). Elsewhere, in the Central DR Congo, among the Ekonda
blacksmith, it is a Twa who puts the first fire in the furnace (Bahuchet 1993b:64).
8.1 Archaeology
Central African prehistory is very poorly known both because of the scarcity of the
excavated sites and of recent criticisms concerning several « classical ideas » (cf. Stahl 2005).
The past extension of the rain forest is largely discussed too, with a minimal extension
between 20,000 and 15,000 years BP, and a maximal extension between 9,500 and 3,000
years PB and a later short but intense contraction between 3,900 and 2,000 years BP, the
maximum extension of the savanna being placed about 2,000 years ago. However, the extent
of deforested regions and the position and extent of forest refugia are still controversial
(Cornelissen 2002; Maley 1987, 2003; Schwartz et al. 2003). In other words, it is difficult to
assess if a given prehistoric site was surrounded or not by the rain forest.
Human occupation in the Congo Basin is attested since at least 30,000 years by Middle
Stone Age and Late Stone Age lithic industries throughout the western Congo Basin, in
Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and DR Congo (Mercader 2002; Mercader & Marti
2003; Tutin & Oslisly 1995). Several sites (e.g. Shum Laka in Northwestern Cameroon; Lopé
in central Gabon) and rock shelters (Ituri in the Democratic Republic of Congo) provide
evidence of continuous human occupation for the last 20,000 years (Lavachery 2001; Assoko
Ndong 2002; Mercader 2003).
As far as pyrotechnologies are concerned, the oldest ceramics are 8,000 years old (Shum
Laka, Northwest Cameroon, Lavachery 2001) and ceramics showing several different styles
were found in numerous dispersed localities (Cameroon, Gabon or along several tributaries of
the Congo River that were dated from 3000 to 2700 years), thus suggesting that
corresponding populations were isolated one from another (Assoko Ndong 2002; de Maret
1985; Eggert 1987, 1992).
The earliest iron artifacts were found in several sites of Gabon and are ~2700 years BP old
(Digombe et al., 1988; Clist 1989; Oslisly & Peyrot 1992). This time frame is very close to
dates from Nigerian Nok sites (2900 years BP) and early sites of the interlacustrine region
between Rwanda and Tanzania (2700-2600 years BP, see Phillipson 2005). Conversely, iron
and ceramics are both attested later in the eastern Congo Basin (ceramics, 9th century CE, iron
1st century CE, Mercader et al. 2000).
The first traces of agriculture in the Congo Basin are difficult to find, and it has been
suggested it would be better to avoid the term “Neolithic” and to use the neutral terminology
“Stone to Metal Age” (SMA) (cf. de Maret 2003). In the Western Congo Basin, ceramics are
associated with larger stone tools, sometimes polished, together with the increasing presence
of nuts of Canarium and of Elaeis palm-tree starting from 6000 years BP. Large pits have
been excavated in more recent sites (4,500 to 3,000 years BP) in South Cameroon, then in
Gabon and CAR.
Anthropological remains are very rare in Central Africa and only three sites delivered
some bones. The oldest concerns eighteen individuals excavated in the Shum Laka shelter
(NorthWest Cameroon) in three tombs from 6,000 years BP and six more dated around 15th
century. CE (Orban et al. 1996; Lavachery 2001). Along the Ubangi River, a single skull was
found dated circa 1st c. BC (Eggert 1987). The most recent is a skeleton from the Matangai
Turu rock shelter in Ituri (DRC), dated 1,235 AD (Mercader et al. 2001). None of these
remains can be clearly attributed to some morphotype, either Pygmy or not.
8.2 Genetics
Recent genetic studies that I largely fostered to parallel ethnolinguistic research, gave
several estimates about the divergence of Central African populations. A first result concerns
the divergence between Pygmies and non-Pygmies that occured around 60,000 years BP
(95% credibility interval: 23,025–123,275 years BP in Verdu et al. 2009 and 25,800-130,500
in Patin et al. 2009). A second subsequent split between the ancestors of present Eastern and
Western Pygmies has been estimated to have happened around 22,000 years BP (95 % CI
14,200-66,300 YBP) (Patin et al. 2009). A third result concerns Western Pygmies who, while
undergoing several gene flow phenomena from non-Pygmy populations, started to diverge
into the present day groups about 3,000 years BP (95% CI : 725–34,275 YBP). Overall,
various gene flows from non-Pygmies into Pygmy populations can explain the genetic
differences between Pygmy groups throughout Central Africa today (e.g. Verdu et al. 2009,
Patin et al. 2009, Tishkoff et al. 2009).
The first split between Pygmies and non-Pygmies, could correspond to the Middle Stone
Age in Africa, while the divergence between Eastern and Western Pygmies could be placed in
the Late Stone Age. The divergence among Western Pygmies seem to date back to the times
of the transition from stone to metal techniques and to the times of the expansion of nonPygmy populations in Central Africa (2,000 to 5,000 years BP) (Phillipson 2005). Hence, the
results of Verdu et al. (2009) support the profound modification of the relationship between
Pygmies and non-Pygmies caused by the considerable expansion of the latter group, as
Cavalli-Sforza (1986) and Destro-Bisol et al. (2004) previously suggested. Probably, this
expansion set new constraints to Pygmy mobility and modified intermarriage rules thus
increasing their isolation and the genetic differentiation among Pygmy populations (Verdu et
al. 2009).
It is likely that linguistic analysis of shared vocabularies would enable the reconstruction
of more recent events, for instance Aka and Baka have similar terms related to ivory trade and
to the crop introduced from America (Bahuchet 1993:117-119) that provide valuable
chronological elements. However the evaluation of time span remains difficult, leading to
contradictory estimations. For example, Klieman (2003) by using a glottochronological
approach reconstructed the past 3000 years for all western Bantu Pygmies (excluded the Baka
Ubangian language), while by lexical analysis I reached only the 15th century CE for the
separation between Aka and Baka after contact with either Bantu or Ubangian speakers
9.1 Maintaining cultural identity?
As we said, it appears that all the Pygmy populations of Central Western Africa underwent a
language shift at some point of their history, that is in the last 3000 years according to the
dates provided by geneticists (Verdu et al. 2009). In contrast to the general processes of
language shift (an adaptive response to socioeconomic change with crossbreeding,
marginalization and variation in the prestige of a language— see Mufwene 2004) the
language has not been the main marker of Pygmy ethnic and cultural identity. How did they
maintain a cultural identity in the pluriethnic context that characterize them? According to
Barth (1969:15-16):
« Ethnic groups only persist as significant units if they imply marked difference in
behavior […]. Yet, when persons of different cultures interact, one would expect these
differences to be reduced, since interaction both requires and generates a congruence of
codes and values—in other words, a similarity or community of culture. Thus, the
persistence of ethnic groups in contact implies not only criteria and signals for
identification, but also a structuring of interaction, which allows the persistence of
cultural differences. » (Barth 1969:15-16).
When seen from this angle, the linguistic status of Pygmy populations is even more striking.
Related languages result from some kind of intimacy, past or present. On the contrary, in the
case of the Pygmies, language is not an ethnic boundary. Which Pygmy groups recognize
themselves as sharing the same cultural (ethnic) identity? Several groups are united by the
same language, though subdivided into several dialects as defined subgroups with a name
(Aka and Mbenzele, Baka and Bangombe); other dialectal subgroups exist but are not named
(Bedzan, North and South). Other groups are considered different by their neighbors, but it is
uncertain whether they themselves believe in any self-identity. This is the case for the
“Mbuti” (whose self-assessed identities actually are subgroups as the Asua, Efe, Sua,
Kango...) and for the scattered Bongo, whose self-identity is still questionable. This issue is
quite relevant today, in the context of “indigenous peoples” rights defense, mostly in the
frame of non governmental organizations policies meant to recognize “forest foragers”
indigenous groups and to identify their legitimate representatives.
Actually, Pygmy groups do not satisfy such classifications, as they usually do not share
any particular socio-economic lifestyle. What best defines them is the constant relationships
they maintain with the other people (farmers). To cite Barth again (1969:13):
« Actors use ethnic identities to categorize themselves and others for purposes of
interaction ».
Today, the distinctive identity between Pygmies and non-Pygmies remains quite stable
(according to the perception of outsiders or of Pygmy and non-Pygmy populations
themselves), and the boundaries between these groups are maintained (Robillard & Bahuchet
2011). The organizational relevance of ethnic identities persists despite the similarities of
languages and exchange relationships – generally two factors of fusion.
An ethnic boundary concerns the existence of a set of pertinent criteria of recognition,
evaluation and judgment justifying the belonging of an individual to a group. In the same way
differences are taken into account to distinguish other groups according to judgment criteria
of values and acts. The boundary between Pygmies and non-Pygmies is based upon
differences of values, by a set of social proscriptions and by a certain division of roles and
resources. Each group delivers specific goods and services to the other and the possible equal
relationship turns out to be unequal because the farmers control some means of production of
the Pygmy societies (like iron tools).
What is interesting with the Pygmies is that their ethnic identity is not linked to any
economic activity of their society or the societies they are in contact with and ethnic
boundaries persist despite recent socioeconomic changes like the increasing adoption of
agriculture or a vast modification of settlements that in many cases have been forcibly moved
by governments along roadsides. Furthermore, as the differences between “ecological niches”
previously occupied by Pygmies and non-Pygmies are vanishing, the nature of exchanged
goods is changing (less products, more labor). Nevertheless, the boundaries between such
groups persist and the dichotomization between members and non-members of a group is
permanently maintained.
If we consider the mythological importance that Pygmies have in all the farmers’ societies,
being presently in relation or not with Pygmies, and the supernatural values they represent,
the ethnic division I mentioned should be interpreted as connected to the representation and
perception, by the farmers, of the forest environment itself. Specific characters attributed to
the rainforest by the farmers (danger, the non-human world...) may explain the persistence of
an ethnic boundary that, despite modern changes, confers a ‘specificity’ to the Pygmies.
Distance and identity are maintained, and interrelations are characterized by opportunism and,
more importantly, by flexibility.
While available ethnological and linguistic research reveals a highly complex situation that
is the result of a rich and diversified past, historical studies of Pygmy hunter-gatherers are still
in their infancy as the reader may have noticed from the number of questions, still
unanswered, that I have raised.
The western myth of a unique Pygmy population, at least ancestrally, has been
corroborated by genetic research that explains observed genetic diversity between them as the
result of subsequent, variable gene-flow from non Pygmy populations (Destro-Bisol et al.
2004, Verdu et al. 2009). Linguistically and ethnologically, we can always hypothesize the
existence of an ancestral and rather homogeneous Pygmy population, later fragmented by
incoming farmers belonging to various linguistic families and ethnical groups but, as
linguistic material somewhat suggests, the nature of the contact with the farmers and the type
of partnerships Pygmies used to establish in the past were probably different from today.
Today we observe no cultural mixing and no language shift (Baka, Aka, Kola …), whereas in
the past language shifts happened quite often as I have shown. To explain such ‘mutation’ in
social interaction and the precise definition of the conditions of the contacts is of paramount
importance and a modified population size ratio between the two communities may be a key
to understand it.
9.2 Multidisciplinary research
To test the hypothesis of an ancestral homogenous proto-population it is necessary to
aggregate results from different disciplinary fields, combining linguistics with ethnology,
musicology, genetics and, hopefully, archaeology. I am here providing some perspectives:
− Linguistics: The majority of Pygmy tongues are not described. Pygmy languages and
dialects should be investigated and collected at the same time as the languages spoken by
their neighbors. In this frame, a very accurate and detailed collection of specialized
vocabularies (technical and ethnobiological) should be undertaken as they are likely to
contain traces of the past contact of population enabling the definition of their contact and,
without talking of the substratum question already highlighted, enlighten the chronology of
contacts and migrations. As it often happens in Africa, tongues have the status of languages
but the variability between them falls closer to dialect varieties, which makes possible the
adoption of dialectometrical approaches that, likely, will better mirror regional variation of
both Pygmy populations and neighboring farmers.
− Ethnography: We lack correct descriptions for many groups, even among the most studied
ones. For instance, we have no ethnographic monographs for the Asua, who are part of the
“Mbuti”; we have very little information about the Aka living in the southern part of their
territory in the Congo swamps. We lack good data for “peripheral” groups as far as their way
of life, techniques and tools, rituals, etc/ are concerned.
− Musicology: The study of the musical practices and traditions, this “other language”, is of
great importance. The “classical” Pygmy music, already famous worldwide, is based upon
complex vocal polyphonies with yodels (Arom 1987), but it is not shared by all Pygmy
groups and goes together with a certain stereotype. Detailed studies and recordings are
necessary to analyze the various types of songs (repertoires), to note the social events they
support, to dissect their construction (rhythm, metrics, melodies, vocal parts...) and to
document the musical instruments that are used (see Arom & Fürniss 1992, Fürniss &
Bahuchet 1995). Music is also an important support of the religious ceremonies, which still
are underdocumented for many groups.
− Sociology: Interactions within and between different Pygmy communities are scantly
documented. It has been seen, that indeed dialectal variability is linked to the axes of
circulation and to matrimonial habit as spouse exchanges. When Pygmy groups with differing
languages happen to be neighbors, a phenomenon happening sometimes given their high
mobility, it would be useful to investigate the kind of contacts existing between them (e. g.,
for the Bongo, or the “Mbuti”). In the same way, accurate observations of the relations
existing between the Pygmy groups and their various farming neighbors are largely lacking
together with data about the circumstances of mixed marriages and the position occupied by
the offspring in their societies. I already mentioned the problem of the almost total
unavailability of demographic data that are likely to provide a more robust frame to interpret
the facets of Pygmy cultural identity as, in human societies, the population size largely
underlies the perception of it either from the inside or from the outside.
Life conditions are changing very fast in Central Africa, both economically and
socially. Unfortunately, such change does not seem to bode well to the future of the rainforest
foragers. I sincerely wish that this contribution will attract more interest, possibly sincere, on
the societies of the Pygmies.
I would like to especially thank Franz Manni, the executive editor of Human Biology, who
spent a considerable amount of time in discussing and in rewriting the article. I also
acknowledge Nancy Wise for fixing English mistakes and two anonymous reviewers for
useful advice. Early versions of this paper benefited from the input of Doyle McKey and
Rebecca Hardin. Results were presented in part at the symposium "Historical linguistics and
hunter-gatherers populations in global perspective" (10-12 August 2006 – Leipzig, Fermany)
organized by Dr T. Güldeman, whose comments were helpful for this article.
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CAR, Congo
Bofi Pygmies
Table 1 – Terminology of Pygmy groups and main references
Other names
Language family
Main ethnographic references
Bantu A80
Joiris 1994; Koppert, et al. 1997; Loung 1959,
1996; Ngima Mawoung 1996
Medzan, Tikar Pygmies,
Leclerc 1999; Mebenga Tamba 1998
Pygmées des Tikar
Bangombe, Bibayak, Babinga
Fürniss 2011; Joiris 1998; Leclerc 2001; Paulin
2010; Sato 1992; Tsuru 1998; Vallois and
Marquer 1976
Bantu B40 ?
Andersson 1983
Akoa, Barimba
Various Bantu
Knight 2003; Le Bomin & Mbot 2011
Bantu B20
Tilquin 1997, Soengas 2009, 2010
Bayaka, Biaka, Babinga,
Bambenga, BaMbenzele,
Konda Twa
Bantu C10
Bantu C10
Bantu C60
(Ba)Cwa ;
Bushong Twa, Kuba Cwa
Luba Cwa, Batwa, Bambote
Bantu C80
Bantu L30
(Ba)Mbuti, (Ba)Kango
Bantu D30
Bambuti, Akka, Aka, Tikki-tikki
(Ba)Twa ;
Batwa, Kivu Twa, Western Twa
Bantu JD50
Arom 1987; Bahuchet 1985; Demesse 1980;
Hewlett 1991; Kitanishi 1995 ; Lewis 2002
Fouts et al. 2005
Elshout 1963; Pagezy 1986, 1988; Schultz 1986;
Sulzmann 1986
Kazadi 1981
Harako 1981; Hart and Hart 1986; Ichikawa
1978; Tanno 1976; Turnbull 1965a
Schebesta 1952
Bailey 1991; Bailey and Peacock 1988; Demolin
1993; Terashima 1983,1985
Bantu J11
Batwa, Eastern Twa
Bantu JD60
Lewis and Knight 1996
CAR: Central African Republic; DRC: Democratic Republic of Congo; Congo: Congo (Brazzaville)
Table 2 - Linguistic diversity of African Pygmies
Central Sudanic
Bantoid non-bantu
Northwest Bantu
Central Bantu
Table 3 - Common basic vocabulary among Ubangian languages
Table 4 – Example of specialized vocabulary specific to the Aba and Baka Pygmies as
compared with the farmers
Honey bee
Bantu C10
Bantu C10
Table 5 - Languages in contact with the main Pygmy groups, West to East
Bantu A80
Two dialects:
- gyeli (northern)
- kola (southern)
Central region
(gbanzili group)
At least two dialects:
- baka
- bangombe (east)
a) Languages in contact with the Kola
Farmer language
b) Languages in contact with the Bongo
Bongo languages
Associated farmers and
Language group
Ghama: dialect of Lumbu (B40)
Lumbu (B40)
Rimba: dialect of Punu (B40)
Punu (B40)
Vili (B50)
Dialect of Tsogho (B30)
Kele (B20)
Dialect of Nzebi (B50)
Kota (B20)
Dialect of Sango (B40)
Tsogho (B30)
Simba (B30)
Sango (B40)
Sira (B40)
Aduma (B50)
Nzebi (B50)
Wanzi (B50)
Dialect of Kaningi (B60)
Kele (B20)
Ndasa (B20)
Kaningi (B60)
Teke (B70)
Wumbu (B70)
Dialect of Teke (B70)
Obamba (B60)
Teke (B70)
c) Languages in contact with the Baka
Farmer language
Ubangian (gbaya group)
Ubangian (banda group)
Bantu A70
Bantu A80
Bantu A90
Kota (Mahongwe)
Bantu C10
At least 2 dialects:
- aka (east)
- mbenzele (west)
Bantu B20
d) Languages in contact with the Aka
Farmer language
Bantu C10
Bantu A80
Bantu A90
Ubangian (ngbaka group)
Ubangian (gbaya group)
Ubangian (banda group)
e) Languages in contact with the “Mbuti”
Farmer language
Sudanic (mangbutu-efe)
(2 dialects: dese, karo)
(mangbetu group)
Bantu D30
Possibly two dialects:
- sua (northern)
- kango (southern)
Bantu D30
Bantu J40
Sudanic (mangbetu)
Bantu D20
Bantu D30
Bantu D20
Bantu D20
Bantu D30
Bantu D30
Bantu D30
Bantu D30
Sudanic (mangbutu-efe)
Sudanic (mangbetu)
Fig. 1 : General map of the Pygmy populations in Central Africa
This map shows the dispersion of the various Pygmy groups and the respective size of the
areas they occupy. (Drawn by Paul Verdu on indications by S. Bahuchet)
Fig. 2 : Ethnographic publications about Pygmy groups
Survey of the ethnographic literature (n = 345) shows a hudge disparity : 86 % concern
only 5 groups (the more mobile), and 14 %, 8 other groups that are also often settled in
hamlets .
Fig. 3 - Map of migration of Bantu A80 languages
This figure illustrates the present location of the A80 languages in Cameroon, with the way
of migration of the couple Koa Pygmies/Mvumbo farmers, according to their oral history.
Fig. 4 - Map of migration of Gbanzili group languages (Ubangian)
This figure illustrates the present location of the Ngbaka languages (Ubangian), and the
reconstructed way of their migrations. Baka Pygmies migrated together with the non-Pygmy
Ubangian speakers, but went farther.
Fig. 5 – Map of the Bantu C10 languages
This map illustrates the present location of speakers of the Bantu C10 languages, Pygmies
and non-Pygmies. The Aka Pygmies cover a much larger area, which includes the territories
of several non-Pygmy farmers from the same language family.
Fig. 6 – The languages in the Ituri region (Democratic Republic of Congo)
The grey colors indicate the areas of Sudanic and Ubangian languages spoken by nonPygmy farmers, while the white area shows the area of the Bantu languages spoken by nonPygmy farmers. The areas circled by doted lines indicate the location of the Pygmy groups,
Sudanic speaking Asua and Efe, and the Bantu speaking Sua and Kango. It shows that the
area of each Pygmy group does not coincide with the limits of the farmers’ languages of the
same family.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6