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Eksistensi perempuan dalam merealisasikan hak-hak politiknya termasuk dalam konteks kepemimpinan di berbagai lini kehidupan masih menjadi perdebatan di kalangan para ulama klasik dan kontemporer. Sebagian ulama membolehkan perempuan menjadi pemimpin (Presiden, Perdana Menteri, Anggota DPR dan lain-lain), sedangkan sebagian ulama yang lain tidak membolehkan perempuan menjadi pemimpin. Pandangan mereka boleh tidaknya perempuan menjadi pemimpin didukung oleh masing-masing argumentasi yang dibangunnya. Ulama yang melarang perempuan menjadi pemimpin berdalil dengan Al-Quran surat An-Nisa ayat 34, sedangkan ulama yang membolehkan berdalil dengan suarat at-Taubah ayat 71. Namun Yusuf Qardhawi memiliki pandangan tersendiri mengenai hak-hak politik perempuan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemikiran Yusuf Al-Qardhawi tentang kepemimpinan perempuan dan kedudukan perempuan di parlemen. Penelitian ini bertolak dari pandangan para ulama yang melarang kepemimpinan perempuan mendudu...
Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam, 2021
Today women in the political stage are actually not a stranger in the world since ancient times. The direct or indirect role of women has its own influence. The discourse of women's involvement in politics by providing a 30% quota, is still a controversial discourse, as well as other gender equality issues. The famous contemporary scholar of this century Yusuf Al-Qardhawi who has different views and opinions on the involvement of women in politics. He sees that the above argument is not only textual, but the context must also be considered and considers men and women to be a mukallaf, required to worship Allah, uphold religion, carry out obligations, perform amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, have the same rights to choose and be elected. On the contrary, social interests actually require the involvement of women. With this, it can be said that the fatwa above emerged due to socio-political influences. In this case, al-Qardhawi is moderate. Whereas in the matter of the president, the representative council is not at all identical with the leadership of a caliph or amirul mu'minin who is individual but the leadership of the president, the representative council that is currently developing is collective, not individual.
Ushuluna: Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
There is an assumption that develops in society that according to religion women have no place in social life and women's role is limited only in the domestic sphere. The implication is that women are not allowed to take roles in the public sphere, such as being educated as equals to men, working outside the home, even taking part in political territory. One of the modern-day Muslim scholars who interpreted the verse as a limitation on women leaving the house was Abū al-A‘lā al-Maudūdī. The author is interested in further examining his interpretation because it is classified into modern commentators but some interpretations related to women seem to be gender biased. This paper will discuss al-Maudūdī's interpretation of the QS. Al-Aḥzāb: 33 this verse is said to be the initial foothold regarding perceptions of restrictions on the movement of women in the public sphere resulting from an understanding of the results of the interpretation of orders for women to always remain at...
The purpose of this study is to determine and to analyze how the contribution of Islamic teachings on women's political rights. Contributions of Islam on women's political rights has been long existed, Islam never restricts women's creativity in any field as long as it does not violate the nature as a woman. If she has married, responsibilities as a wife and mother of her children should not be forgotten. In Islam, either man or woman has the right to organize, fight and defend, and the right to participate in the diplomatic and political agreements. The constraints against women is the lack of support from the women themselves for the sake of fulfilling a quota of 30% which is until this time it has not happened yet. Besides, the lack of knowledge for their representation as women in the political domain which has the real influence to the prosperous society The efforts being made should have been done well, the government should always pay attention to the representation of women in many ways. In the political domain, political parties should be one of the institutions which empower women who has a capability in political struggle.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini menemukan penafsiran baru terhadap ayat -ayat al-Qur’an tentang hak politik perempuan dengan menggunakan analisa teologi feminis. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif analitis, teknik pencarian data studi kepustakaan, teknik analisa datanya content anaysis, dan sumber data primernya penafsiran dari ulama klasik dan kontemporer tentang ayat-ayat hak politik perempuan, sumber data sekundernya buku dan jurnal tentang teologi feminis dan hak politik perempuan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa (1) penggunaa analisa teologi feminis terhadap ayat-ayat al-Qur’an tentang hak poitik perempuan dapat menghasilkan legitimasi relegius bahwa perempuan bisa menjadi pemimpin baik di wilayah domestik maupun publik (2) Teologi feminis sebagai wordview dalam menafsirkan al-Qur’an, pada prakteknya meniscayakan analisa gender sebagai pendekatan dalam menafsir ayat-ayat tentang hak politik perempuan. (3) Penggunaan analisa gender dalam penafsiran ayat-ayat tentang hak pol...
AL QUDS : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Hadis
This study aims to analyze the hadith from the point of view of women being in public spaces. This study used the library research method with a descriptive qualitative approach where the data sources from this study were previous studies such as journals, theses, and also books that discussed this matter and Yusuf Qarhdawi's Hermeneutics was the theory used to analyze the data, which took from several articles found. The result of this study is that Yusuf Al-Qardhawi teaches that the position of women and men in the public sphere is the same, that is, both women and men have the right to be elected and to vote because women are creatures that receive Shari'a orders as men in general are ordered to worship Allah, upholding their religion, carrying out what is obligatory and leaving what is unlawful, inviting people to goodness and preventing people from doing heinous and evil deeds. Yusuf Al-Qarhdawi thinks that women can become leaders too if it is related to women leaders too, meaning that women are allowed to lead if those they lead are women as well as special women's communities. Yusuf alqordhowi allows women to become leaders in the public sphere, and he says that this is not against social interests.
TANZIL: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an, 2016
The issue of women's political participation rarely finds a place in the Sunni and Shiite's conventional jurisprudence thought, to imply that women should not have a political office and that their duties are solely rooted in the domestic sphere alone. In this case, one of the problems that deserves to employed in scholarly studies is the political rights of women according to the Qur'anic paradigm. Through the method of al-tafsīr al-jāmi', this paper attempts to provide the scholarly debates concerning women's political participation based on certain Qur'anic verses. This research shows three different major views concerning women's political participation; the absolute prohibition, the absolute permission, and the alternative view. All are based on the interpretation of certain Qur'anic verses. The second is considered as more compatible with the principles of democracy. However, the significance of the different views concerning women's political participation in the Qur'an lies on the fact that it has the holistic and multi-layered views on women's political participation within each particular contexts accross the time, not a monolitic view limited to one alternataive.
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pemikiran Yusuf al-Qardhawi dan Said Ramadhan al-Buthi tentang hukum kepemimpinan publik seorang perempuan dalam konsep negara modern. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka dengan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif. Adapun pisau analisis yang digunakan untuk menguji pendapat kedua tokoh tersebut adalah pendekatan Maqasid Shariah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Yusuf al-Qardhawi memiliki pendapat yang berbeda dengan Ramadhan al-Buthi. Al-Qardhawi dengan pertimbangan-pertimbangan maslahat membolehkan kepemimpinan perempuan namun al-Buthi masih terlihat hati-hati untuk mengatakan boleh. Bahkan al-Buthi memilih untuk tidak membedakan antara konsep negara modern dan negara khilafa.
Al-Ahwal: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam, 2017
A concern in the elimination of discrimination against women with special treatment is recognized by the international community. This is manifested in the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW), which aims at achieving the equality and justice. The elimination of discrimination acts as the mainstreaming of women towards the gender equality. It is even formulated as a basic need for the promotion of the human rights in the millennium development goals. This article discusses maqāṣid asy-syarī'ah with the principle of substantive equality, the principle of non-discrimination in the fulfillment of basic freedoms and human rights, and the principle of state obligation that has the responsibility to ensure the realization of the right equality of men and women using the approach of al-maṣlaḥah.[Perhatian pada penghapusan diskriminasi terhadap perempuan dengan perlakuan khusus diakui oleh dunia Internasional. Hal ini diwujudkan dalam Conven...
Book Chapter, 2022
Artikel ini menjelaskan mengenai hak dan keistimewaan wanita yang disebutkan di dalam al-Quran berdasarkan tafsir al-Qurtubi hasil karya Imam al-Qurtubi. Antara surah yang disebutkan padanya mengenai hal ini adalah seperti
Kafa`ah: Journal of Gender Studies, 2012
Talk about women in Islamic studies became more prevalent and warmed up, it even looks that this study has never lost its appeal. All activities are highlighted in the context of modern life, because in some of them there are only dropped as a housewife (domistic-worker). But became a career woman and even plunge into politics, so this statement has invited some controversial comments. Based on the problems described above, this paper will not examine all aspects of the women in the Islamic view, but this discussion will focus on how the position of women in Islamic political debate, it is precisely this paper tries to reveal how the movement of women seen from the eyes of political Islam, the reveals some important points, such as women in Islam, the position of women in Islamic politics and the last of this section described the reality of women in the social world.
Anthropology Today, 2023
Attachment & Character, 2022
2015 18th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion), 2015
China Review International, 1999
Eckhart Review , 2008
Theological Studies, 1964
Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of North America, 2012
The Astrophysical Journal, 2009
Journal of Virology, 1978
Magistrorum et Scholarium: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021
Proceedings of IEEE. AFRICON '96
Liver International, 2018
Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University - Mathematics, 2014