Cell Metabolism
Role of Endothelial Cell Metabolism
in Vessel Sprouting
Katrien De Bock,1,2 Maria Georgiadou,1,2 and Peter Carmeliet1,2,*
of Oncology, University of Leuven
Laboratory of Angiogenesis and Neurovascular Link, Vesalius Research Center, Leuven 3000, Belgium
[email protected]
Endothelial cells (ECs) are quiescent for years but can plastically switch to angiogenesis. Vascular sprouting
relies on the coordinated activity of migrating tip cells at the forefront and proliferating stalk cells that elongate the sprout. Past studies have identified genetic signals that control vascular branching. Prominent are
VEGF, activating tip cells, and Notch, which stimulates stalk cells. After the branch is formed and perfused,
ECs become quiescent phalanx cells. Now, emerging evidence has accumulated indicating that ECs not only
adapt their metabolism when switching from quiescence to sprouting but also that metabolism regulates
vascular sprouting in parallel to the control by genetic signals.
Blood vessels arose in evolution for various reasons. First and
foremost, they supply oxygen, nutrients, and growth factors to
tissues while draining toxic metabolic waste. They also ensure
immune surveillance, thus allowing immune cells to patrol the
organism for foreign antigens or invaders. Interestingly, vessels
are evolutionarily closely associated with organismal metabolism. Indeed, in primitive invertebrates, blood vessels were
initially hollow matrix tubes that were not lined by endothelial
cells (ECs), thus allowing only slow, sluggish, turbulent blood
flow and limited tissue perfusion (Muñoz-Chápuli et al., 2005).
Only when organisms required a more rapid metabolism (for
instance, to predate) did vessels become lined by ECs in order
to establish faster laminar blood flow and more efficient perfusion (Muñoz-Chápuli et al., 2005). However, how ECs rewire their
own metabolism when switching from quiescence to vascular
branching and whether such metabolic adaptations affect
vascular branching remain much less studied.
ECs are highly plastic cells and can rapidly switch from a
long-term quiescent state to active growth upon stimulation by
hypoxia or growth factors. According to the prevalent model of
vascular sprouting (Potente et al., 2011), an endothelial tip cell
takes the lead by navigating at the vascular forefront. Following
the tip cell, endothelial stalk cells elongate the branch by
proliferating, whereas endothelial phalanx cells line quiescent
perfused vessels. The process of tip and stalk cell differentiation
is under the tight control of VEGF and Notch signaling and other
genetic signals (Potente et al., 2011). VEGF promotes tip cell
induction and filopodia formation and induces the expression
of the Notch ligand Delta-like 4 (DLL4), which activates Notch
signaling in neighboring cells and thereby suppresses VEGF
receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) expression and tip cell behavior
(Figure 1A). Tip and stalk cells do not exhibit permanently fixed
cell fates but dynamically switch between tip and stalk cell
phenotypes (Jakobsson et al., 2010). In a matter of hours, a tip
cell that lacks the fitness to compete for the leading position
can be overtaken by a stalk cell, which then acquires a tip position. This mechanism may ensure that vessel branching relies on
the fittest cells. However, little is known about the different meta634 Cell Metabolism 18, November 5, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.
bolic characteristics and requirements of these various EC subtypes and whether Notch controls metabolism in ECs. First, we
will overview our current understanding of the various metabolic
pathways in ECs, and then we will discuss how these pathways
regulate vessel sprouting, illustrating a major role for glycolysis in
this process.
Metabolic Pathways in Endothelial Cells
Glucose Uptake and Transport
Glucose delivery to peripheral organs occurs via paracellular
transport as well as a transcellular route. In fact, only a small fraction of the glucose that is taken up by ECs is phosphorylated for
further internal metabolization. ECs take up glucose through
facilitated diffusion, an energy-independent process facilitated
by glucose transporters (GLUT), mainly by GLUT-1. VEGF
increases GLUT-1 expression in ECs through the activation of
PI3K-AKT signaling (Yeh et al., 2008). Reduced GLUT-1 levels
in ECs decrease glucose uptake in peripheral organs (Huang
et al., 2012). In humans, impaired glucose transport across the
blood-brain barrier due to GLUT-1 mutations causes the glucose
transporter protein syndrome, which is characterized by infantile
seizures, developmental delay, and microcephaly (Klepper et al.,
1999). GLUT-1 mutations have also been linked to learning
disability and Alzheimer’s disease (Guo et al., 2005; Shulman
et al., 2011). In ECs of intact coronary arteries, glucose is taken
up at the periphery of the cell and accumulates close to cell-tocell junctions, where the majority of glucose transporters are
anchored. This compartmentalization of glucose produces a
concentration gradient between the cytosol and the interstitial
space that might facilitate transcellular transport of glucose
(Gaudreault et al., 2008).
Divergent effects of insulin on glucose uptake and metabolism
in ECs have been reported (Artwohl et al., 2007; Gaudreault et al.,
2008; Gerritsen et al., 1988; Wu et al., 1994). Insulin signaling and
insulin-induced phosphorylation of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase (eNOS) in ECs control glucose uptake via skeletal muscle
cells (Kubota et al., 2011). The vascular effects of insulin rely on
the production of nitric oxide (NO), which promotes capillary
Cell Metabolism
recruitment, vasodilation, and perfusion, altogether enhancing
glucose disposal in skeletal muscle (Muniyappa and Quon,
2007). Insulin also signals in ECs in order to facilitate its own
transendothelial transport to perivascular organs (Barrett and
Liu, 2013; Kubota et al., 2011).
Endothelial Cells Are Addicted to Glycolysis
After glucose is taken up inside the cell, it is metabolized to
pyruvate in the glycolytic pathway (Figure 2). ECs line blood vessels and have immediate access to oxygen in the blood, which
could promote mitochondrial respiration. Nonetheless, most
studies report that ECs do not rely on oxidative metabolism
but are highly glycolytic, generating more than 80% of their
ATP in this pathway (Culic et al., 1997; De Bock et al., 2013;
Krützfeldt et al., 1990). In the presence of physiological glucose
concentrations, only <1% of pyruvate generated in glycolysis is
oxidized in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle (De Bock et al.,
2013). However, when glucose and glycolysis levels drop, the
oxidation of glucose (as well as of palmitate and amino acids)
is enhanced, indicating that ECs switch to oxidative metabolism
when anaerobic glycolysis is impaired (known as the Crabtree
effect) (Krützfeldt et al., 1990).
ECs increase their glycolytic flux when switching from quiescence to proliferation and migration (De Bock et al., 2013). In
pathological conditions, such as pulmonary hypertension or
latent infection with Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus,
glycolysis is increased while oxygen consumption is reduced in
ECs (Delgado et al., 2010; Fijalkowska et al., 2010). Thus, ECs
metabolically resemble other rapidly proliferating healthy and
malignant cell types (Dang, 2012; Marelli-Berg et al., 2012;
Mullen and DeBerardinis, 2012; Vander Heiden et al., 2011).
Consequently, reducing glycolysis by silencing phosphofructokinase-2/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase 3 (PFKFB3), which
generates fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, a potent allosteric acti-
Figure 1. Metabolic Fitness Influences
Vessel Branching
(A) A schematic of a tip (green) and a stalk (yellow)
cell in a vascular sprout. The tip cell extends
numerous filopodia in order to sense the environment. In response to the VEGF gradient (orange),
the tip cell upregulates Notch ligand Delta-like 4
(DLL4), which activates Notch signaling in the stalk
cell and promotes stalk cell formation by downregulating VEGFR-2. The activation of VEGFR
signaling by VEGF upregulates PFKFB3 levels and
glycolysis, whereas Notch intracellular domain
(NCID, active Notch) lowers PFKFB3 expression
and glycolytic flux.
(B) A schematic of mosaic spheroid assay, in
which ECs compete for the tip cell position when
forming vascular sprouts. By using spheroids
containing ECs of two different genotypes, it is
possible to determine which EC is at the tip cell
(C) A schematic illustrating a tip and stalk cell in
a vascular branch of a mosaic spheroid (top)
and zebrafish intersomitic vessels (ISVs, bottom)
showing that, in comparison to wild-type (WT) cells
(green), cells overexpressing NICD (yellow cell,
left) are more frequently present in the stalk.
However, when NICD-overexpressing cells also
overexpress PFKFB3, these cells can compete
again for the tip position (yellow cell, right). Thus,
PFKFB3 overexpression overrules the stalk-cellinducing activity of NICD.
vator of phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK1), impairs EC proliferation,
migration, and vascular sprouting in vitro (De Bock et al., 2013).
Also, the genetic deficiency of PFKFB3 in ECs causes vascular
hypobranching in mice (De Bock et al., 2013).
Similar to fibroblasts (Lemons et al., 2010; Valcourt et al.,
2012), ECs have substantial baseline glycolysis levels when
they are quiescent and only double their glycolysis flux when
they are activated to divide and migrate (De Bock et al.,
2013). Accordingly, when vessel sprouting is stimulated in hypoxic conditions, ECs enhance glycolysis by no more than 50%
(Dobrina and Rossi, 1983). Thus, ECs differ from immune cells,
which have negligible glycolysis in their quiescent nonactivated
state and upregulate glycolysis by 20- to 30-fold upon activation (Frauwirth et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2011b). Rather, like
quiescent fibroblasts (Lemons et al., 2010; Valcourt et al.,
2012), ECs need a high baseline glycolysis level for homeostatic
maintenance, and blocking glycolysis by 80% by 2-deoxy-Dglucose is toxic for these cells (Merchan et al., 2010; Wang
et al., 2011a).
Glycolysis levels are subject to environmental conditions
and molecular signals. Arterial, venous, microvascular, and
lymphatic ECs are all glycolytic (De Bock et al., 2013), but, in
comparison to rapidly proliferating, highly glycolytic microvascular ECs, arterial ECs that grow more slowly are less glycolytic
but consume more oxygen, though it remains to be determined
to what extent adaptation to cell culture conditions influences
these results (Parra-Bonilla et al., 2010). Hemodynamic forces
such as blood flow also stimulate glycolysis through shear forces
acting on the EC glycocalyx (Suárez and Rubio, 1991). The
proangiogenic molecules VEGF and FGF2 increase PFKFB3driven glycolysis, whereas DLL4, which activates Notch
signaling and decreases branching, reduces glycolysis in ECs
(De Bock et al., 2013).
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Cell Metabolism
Figure 2. Schematic of Endothelial Cell
A simplified schematic of EC metabolism showing
the known metabolic pathways in ECs and their ratelimiting metabolic enzymes. a-KG, a-ketoglutarate;
Ac-CoA, acetyl coenzyme A; AR, aldolase reductase; F2,6P2, fructose-2,6-bisphosphate; F6P,
fructose-6-phosphate; FBP, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate; G6P, glucose-6-phosphate; G6PD, glucose6-phosphate dehydrogenase; GFAT, glutamine
fructose-6-phosphate amino-transferase; Gln,
glutamine; GLS, glutaminase; Glu, glutamate; GSH,
glutathione; GSSG, glutathione disulfite; 3PG,
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; HK, hexokinase;
LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; MCT, monocarboxylate transporter; OAA, oxaloacetate; Orn, ornithine;
PFK, phosphofructokinase; PFKFB3, phosphofructokinase-2/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase isoform 3;
R5P, ribose-5-phosphate; TKT, transketolase; TCA,
tricarboxylic acid; UDP-GlcNAc, uridine diphosphate N-acetylglucosamine.
At first sight, it may seem paradoxical that quiescent ECs rely
on glycolysis, given that they could take advantage of the available oxygen in their immediate environment in the blood to more
efficiently generate ATP via oxidative phosphorylation. Indeed,
per glucose molecule, glycolysis produces a net total of only
two molecules of ATP, whereas glucose oxidation yields up to
36 molecules of ATP. Nonetheless, one of the prime tasks of
ECs is to vascularize avascular tissues through sprouting. If
they relied primarily (or solely) on oxidative metabolism, then
ECs would be unable to generate ATP in oxygen-depleted areas.
In fact, given that interstitial oxygen levels drop faster than
glucose levels over a distance away from a blood vessel, ECs
can continue to rely on anaerobic glycolysis in such conditions
(Buchwald, 2011; Gatenby and Gillies, 2004). Indeed, ECs are
resistant to hypoxia as long as glucose is available but become
sensitive to oxygen deprivation when glucose is limiting (Mertens
et al., 1990). Another reason is that glycolysis rapidly generates
ATP, which ECs need in order to form highly motile and rapidly
moving lamellipodia and filopodia. Moreover, as long as glucose
is not limiting in the extracellular milieu, glycolysis can generate
similar amounts of ATP as glucose oxidation (Locasale and
Cantley, 2011). Another advantage of glycolytic metabolism is
that glycolysis and its side pathways generate the necessary
precursors for macromolecules needed in order for ECs to
grow, divide, and migrate (see below). Also, a low-oxidative
metabolism generates fewer reactive oxygen species (ROS)
and less oxidative stress in the high-oxygen environment that
quiescent ECs are exposed to. Finally, by consuming less oxygen, they can transfer more oxygen to perivascular cells, thereby
improving tissue oxygenation.
ECs also store intracellular glucose reserves as glycogen
(Amemiya, 1983; Numano et al., 1974; Vizán et al., 2009). However, glycogen breakdown only becomes significant in
glucose-deprived conditions and not in hypoxia, although it is
not clear whether glycogenolysis is used for bioenergetic pur636 Cell Metabolism 18, November 5, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.
poses alone (Krützfeldt et al., 1990; Vizán
et al., 2009). In cerebral microvascular
ECs, norepinephrine induces glycogenolysis, whereas 5-hydroxytryptamine stimulates glycogenesis (Spatz et al., 1986). Overall, little is known
about the role and importance of glycogen in ECs, but the inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase impairs EC viability and migration (Vizán et al., 2009). This raises the question of whether
ECs use this endogenous glucose storage to sprout into avascular glucose-deprived areas.
Pentose Phosphate Pathway
The pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) is a side branch of glycolysis that cells use for divergent purposes (Figure 2). In this
pathway, glucose-6-phosphate is oxidized to pentose sugars
and reduces equivalents in two phases. The irreversible oxidative branch (oxPPP) generates NADPH and ribose-5-phosphate
(R5P), whereas the reversible nonoxidative arm (non-oxPPP)
produces only R5P. The latter is used for the synthesis of nucleotides, whereas NADPH is used for the reductive biosynthesis of
lipids, production of NO, or reconversion of oxidized glutathione
(GSSG) to reduced glutathione (GSH), a major cellular redox
buffer. Depending on the cellular needs and context, the PPP
can serve to promote cellular growth and division by increasing
the biosynthesis of macromolecules (Cairns et al., 2011; Lunt
and Vander Heiden, 2011; Vander Heiden et al., 2009), or the
oxPPP can ensure redox homeostasis (Anastasiou et al.,
2011). As rate-limiting enzymes, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) controls the oxPPP arm, whereas transketolase
(TKT) regulates the non-oxPPP branch. A recent study highlighted that ECs possess additional mechanisms for maintaining
the redox balance. Indeed, ECs express UBIAD1, a nonmitochondrial prenyltransferase that synthesizes the electron carrier
CoQ10 in the Golgi membrane compartment in order to prevent
lipid peroxidation and protect membranes from oxidative damage (Mugoni et al., 2013).
Of all the glucose utilized by ECs, only 1%–3% normally enters
the PPP in physiological conditions (Dobrina and Rossi, 1983;
Jongkind et al., 1989; Krützfeldt et al., 1990; Spolarics and Spitzer, 1993; Vizán et al., 2009). However, in conditions of increased
Cell Metabolism
oxidative stress, such as after treatment with lipopolysaccharide
in vivo (Spolarics and Spitzer, 1993) or methylene blue in vitro
(Dixit et al., 2008; Krützfeldt et al., 1990), up to 80% of glucose
can enter the PPP, allowing cells to sustain GSH levels in order
to reduce possibly harmful ROS (Spolarics and Wu, 1997).
G6PD overexpression in ECs also increases NADPH and NO
production and maintains intracellular glutathione stores when
exposed to oxidants (Leopold et al., 2003b). The ability to activate the oxPPP enables quiescent ECs to better survive and
tolerate oxidative stress during hypoxia reoxygenation events
(Buderus et al., 1989). By activating protein kinase A, high
glucose levels impair G6PD activity in ECs, thereby decreasing
cell survival because of insufficient redox control (Zhang et al.,
2000). A reduction of G6PD expression in vivo increases ROS
levels and decreases eNOS activity in the aorta, thereby
reducing vascular reactivity (Leopold et al., 2007).
The PPP might also influence vascular sprouting via other
mechanisms. First, G6PD can modulate VEGF signaling, as
revealed by findings that inhibition of G6PD impairs and G6PD
overexpression promotes angiogenesis in vitro by regulating
NO production via VEGF and tyrosine phosphorylation of
VEGFR-2 (Leopold et al., 2003a; Vizán et al., 2009). In a positive
feedback, the proangiogenic factor VEGF increases the oxPPP
flux (Vizán et al., 2009) and enhances G6PD activity and localization at the plasma membrane (Pan et al., 2009). Second, the
non-oxPPP can promote angiogenesis via the production of
macromolecules, explaining why the inhibition of TKT reduces
EC viability and migration (Vizán et al., 2009). Third, because
low amounts of ROS can be proangiogenic (Okuno et al.,
2012), hereditary G6PD deficiency in diabetes patients promotes
the development of ocular neovascularization, presumably by
increasing ROS levels as a result of the decreased production
of NADPH (Cappai et al., 2011). Fourth, insulin may regulate
NO generation in ECs by stimulating oxPPP and NADPH production, which is required for NO synthesis (Wu et al., 1994). Overall,
the role of the oxPPP in vessel sprouting and maintenance is
contextual, and understanding its role and regulation requires
further study.
Hexosamine Biosynthesis Pathway
A fraction of glucose can also flux through the hexosamine
biosynthesis pathway (HBP), where it is used for protein glycosylation (Figure 2). The rate-limiting step is catalyzed by glutamine:fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase, which regulates the
HBP in order to produce UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDPGlcNAc), a substrate used for N-linked and O-linked glycosylation (Hart et al., 2007; Helenius, 1994; Love and Hanover,
2005). Because the HBP depends on the availability of glucose,
glutamine, acetyl-CoA, and ATP, it is considered to be a ‘‘nutrient
sensor’’ (Zachara and Hart, 2004a, b). Despite its presumed
importance in regulating glycosylation, only a few reports studied the role of the HBP or glycosylation in angiogenesis. For
instance, 2-deoxy-D-glucose inhibits angiogenesis by interfering
with N-linked glycosylation (Merchan et al., 2010), whereas
elevated protein O-GlcNAc modification in ECs impairs angiogenesis, possibly by inhibiting AKT signaling (Luo et al., 2008).
Furthermore, by interacting with N-glycans of VEGFR-2,
galectin-3 facilitates VEGFR-2 plasma membrane retention
and phosphorylation and thereby stimulates VEGF-mediated
angiogenesis (Markowska et al., 2011). Glycoproteins bearing
N-linked oligosaccharides are essential for capillary tube formation (Nguyen et al., 1992) and the formation of the glycocalyx
layer, which acts as a mechanosensor and controls EC permeability (Curry and Adamson, 2012). Also, glycosylation of the
Notch receptor determines its responsiveness toward its ligands
DLL4 and Jagged1, thereby playing a crucial role in tip-stalk cell
differentiation during vessel branching (Benedito et al., 2009).
Whether glycosylation of the angiogenic receptor is dynamically
controlled through the HBP and whether those changes are
dependent on nutrient availability and sensing awaits further
Polyol Pathway
Hyperglycemia promotes vascular complications in diabetes.
When glucose is present in excess of what the glycolytic
pathway can handle, glucose enters the polyol pathway, a
two-step pathway in which aldose reductase reduces glucose
to sorbitol, which is then converted to fructose (Lorenzi, 2007;
Tang et al., 2012) (Figure 2). Because the aldose reductase reaction converts NADPH to NADP+, the activation of the polyol
pathway can deplete stores of NADPH, which are necessary
for maintaining reduced GSH levels for redox homeostasis,
thus leading to the accumulation of ROS. It is unknown to what
extent the accumulation of polyols themselves can also be toxic.
In humans, high levels of aldose reductase are associated with
toxicity. Human aldose reductase transgene expression in ECs
in low-density lipoprotein receptor knockout mice (a model of
atherosclerosis) aggravated vascular disease in diabetic conditions (Vedantham et al., 2011). Conversely, pharmacologic inhibition of the aldose reductase reduced EC oxidative damage and
apoptosis in vitro and retinal vascular overgrowth through the
upregulation of VEGF in diabetic rats and mice in vivo (Obrosova
and Kador, 2011; Oyama et al., 2006), whereas aldose reductase
deficiency diminished retinal vascular changes in a model of
oxygen-induced retinopathy (Fu et al., 2012). Whether aldose
reductase is a target in humans remains debated. Normal polyol
pathway activity is also required for physiological angiogenesis
by affecting VEGFR-2 and FGF signaling (Tammali et al., 2011;
Yadav et al., 2012).
Mitochondria and Respiration in ECs
Unlike other glycolysis-addicted cell types such as red blood
cells (lacking mitochondria) or embryonic stem cells (containing
few inactive mitochondria) (Kondoh et al., 2007), ECs have active
mitochondria, but they contain fewer mitochondria than oxidative cell types. Indeed, mitochondria make up only 5% of the
cellular volume, in contrast to 30% in hepatocytes (Blouin
et al., 1977). With gestational age during embryonic development, respiratory chain complexes and oxidative phosphorylation are reduced, whereas glycolytic activity is increased in
ECs, presumably to cope with the metabolic stress during birth
and render ECs less susceptible to peripartum hypoxic damage
(Illsinger et al., 2011). Vascular branching signals also regulate
mitochondrial biogenesis. Indeed, VEGF stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis via AKT-dependent signaling (Wright et al.,
2008), whereas the silencing of SIRT1, a negative regulator
of the Notch pathway (Guarani et al., 2011) (thus leading to
enhanced Notch signaling and reduced vessel branching),
inhibits mitochondrial biogenesis in ECs (Csiszar et al., 2009).
However, whether mitochondrial biogenesis influences vessel
sprouting and how it may do so remain to be assessed. Notably,
Cell Metabolism 18, November 5, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc. 637
Cell Metabolism
Figure 3. Mitochondria and Respiration in
Endothelial Cells
Despite having immediate access to oxygen in the
blood, ECs rely on glycolysis to generate ATP.
Mitochondria in ECs are not considered important
bioenergetic powerhouses but, rather, act primarily as signaling organelles by generating
proangiogenic reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
nitric oxide (NO). Moreover, by utilizing low
amounts of oxygen, they ensure oxygen diffusion
across the endothelial barrier to the perivascular
ATP derived from glycolysis is essential for maintaining the mitochondrial network (Giedt et al., 2012).
In vitro, ECs consume relatively low amounts of oxygen, which
allows them to transfer most of the oxygen that enters these cells
to perivascular cells in vivo (Figure 3) (Helmlinger et al., 2000).
However, in vivo measurements documented a drop of oxygen
levels across the arteriolar vessel wall (Tsai et al., 1998; Tsai
et al., 2003). Though the cellular source consuming oxygen
(ECs versus smooth muscle cells) was not identified, these
studies postulated that the vessel wall can act as an ‘‘oxygen
sink’’ to prevent the exposure of perivascular tissues to high
oxygen levels and oxidative damage, though these observations
are debated (Golub et al., 2011).
Primarily, mitochondria in ECs are generally considered to
have a signaling function (via the production of proangiogenic
ROS levels and NO) rather than serving as a bioenergetic
powerhouse (Davidson, 2010; Quintero et al., 2006) (Figure 3).
For instance, ECs detect mechanical stress by transmitting
force via the cytoskeleton to the mitochondria and triggering
mitochondrial ROS signaling, leading to an increase in the
expression of NF-kB and VCAM-1 (Ali et al., 2004). Mitochondria have also been implicated as regulators of ion (H+ and
Ca2+) homeostasis and apoptosis in ECs. Indeed, exposure of
ECs to high levels of glucose (as occurs in diabetes) enhances
mitochondrial fission and/or reduces mitochondrial fusion,
resulting in mitochondrial fragmentation, ROS production, and
Ca2+ overload, altogether leading to EC dysfunction and death
(Pangare and Makino, 2012). Prohibitin 1 (PHB1), a protein
localized to the inner mitochondrial membrane, inhibits mitochondrial complex I and thereby prevents ROS-induced senescence as well as AKT-dependent Rac1 hyperactivation, which
leads to cytoskeletal rearrangements, decreased EC motility,
and impaired capillary tube formation. Thus, PHB1 is important
for proper mitochondrial function and maintaining the angiogenic capacity of ECs (Schleicher et al., 2008). Because of their
role in signaling rather than in bioenergetics, mitochondria in
ECs have been considered targets for angiogenesis inhibition
(Park and Dilda, 2010).
638 Cell Metabolism 18, November 5, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.
In line with findings that mitochondria
in ECs are not bioenergetic powerhouses, oxidative pathways only account for 15% of the total amount of
ATP generated in ECs (De Bock et al.,
2013). Also, mitochondrial respiration
poisons that reduce oxygen consumption do not impair vessel branching,
whereas the supplementation of NADH or pyruvate, which
increase oxygen consumption, do not stimulate vascular
sprouting (De Bock et al., 2013). Nonetheless, mitochondria
in ECs have a high bioenergetic reserve capacity and can
increase respiration substantially in stress conditions of glucose
deprivation or oxidative stress (Dranka et al., 2010; Mertens
et al., 1990). An exception may be the quiescent ECs of the
blood-brain barrier, which have up to 5-fold more mitochondria
than ECs in peripheral organs, presumably to provide large
amounts of energy for transport of nutrients and ions across
the blood-brain barrier in order to ensure brain homeostasis
(Oldendorf and Brown, 1975).
Fatty Acid Metabolism
The role of other metabolic pathways in ECs remains poorly
characterized. Some studies report that fatty acid oxidation
(FAO) is a critical bioenergetic supply pathway for ECs (Figure 2),
especially when carnitine is supplemented (Dagher et al., 1999,
2001; Hülsmann and Dubelaar, 1988, 1992) or glucose is
removed from the medium (Dagher et al., 2001; Krützfeldt
et al., 1990). In the latter condition, an increase in FAO compensates for the lack of glycolytic ATP production. Carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 is a rate-limiting enzyme of FAO whose activity
is inhibited by malonyl-CoA, itself produced by acetyl-CoA
carboxylase (ACC). By inactivating ACC, AMPK stimulates
FAO in ECs (Dagher et al., 2001; Fisslthaler and Fleming,
2009). ECs can oxidize both extra- and intra-cellular fatty acids,
though the relative contribution of FAO versus glycolysis to ATP
generation in ECs is debated (Dagher et al., 1999, 2001; Delgado
et al., 2010; Dobrina and Rossi, 1983; Polet and Feron, 2013;
Spolarics et al., 1991). In glucose-deprived or matrix-detached
tumor cells, FAO produces metabolites for the TCA cycle, and
these metabolites generate citrate and malate; i.e., substrates
of the NAPDH-producing isocitrate dehydrogenase and malic
enzyme, respectively (Jeon et al., 2012; Pike et al., 2011). Hence,
by indirectly generating NADPH needed to convert GSSG to its
reduced form (GSH), FAO regulates redox homeostasis and prevents excessive oxidative stress (which is antiangiogenic) (Jeon
et al., 2012; Pike et al., 2011), but such a role has not been
Cell Metabolism
described in ECs. The bioenergetic importance of FAO for vessel
branching remains unknown.
Fatty-acid-binding protein 4 (FABP4), an intracellular lipid
chaperone, is a target of VEGF and stimulates EC proliferation
in vitro (Elmasri et al., 2009), whereas the loss of FABP4 impairs
VEGF transgene-induced neovascularization in airways, in part
by decreasing VEGF-induced EC proliferation and lowering
eNOS and stem cell factor expression (Ghelfi et al., 2013).
Also, more FABP4-immunoreactive vessels are detected in
bronchial biopsies of patients with asthma (Ghelfi et al., 2013).
Notably, VEGF-B promotes endothelial lipid uptake and transport to peripheral tissues (heart and skeletal muscle) through
the upregulation of the expression of fatty acid transporters
FATP3 and FATP4 (Hagberg et al., 2010). In addition, VEGF-B
stimulates AMPK required for aortic EC proliferation in vitro independently of an increase in FAO (Reihill et al., 2011). In agreement with findings that ectopic lipid deposition is associated
with the pathogenesis of type II diabetes, neutralizing VEGF-B
antibody restored insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance by
reducing endothelial-to-tissue lipid transport, thereby creating
a novel option for diabetes therapy (Carmeliet et al., 2012; Hagberg et al., 2012).
Lipids are also required for the formation of membranes and
act as intracellular signaling molecules. The upregulation of lipid
metabolism is a hallmark of multiple cancer types (Biswas et al.,
2012; Santos and Schulze, 2012; Schug et al., 2012). The
expression of fatty acid synthase (FAS), which catalyzes de
novo lipid synthesis, is generally low or undetectable in adult
healthy tissues, given that the majority of fatty acids are taken
up from dietary sources. In contrast, even with an adequate
nutritional lipid supply, FAS is highly upregulated in cancer cells
to provide these rapidly proliferating cells with sufficient amounts
of lipids for membrane biogenesis and to confer them a growth
and survival advantage (Pandey et al., 2012; Santos and
Schulze, 2012). The role of lipogenesis in vascular branching
remains poorly studied. Pharmacological inhibition of FAS
inhibits tumor angiogenesis (Seguin et al., 2012), whereas the
genetic loss of endothelial FAS impairs pathological angiogenesis by decreasing plasma membrane targeting of eNOS (via
reduced palmitoylation) and VEGFR-2 (Wei et al., 2011).
A recent study showed that maintaining efficient cholesterol
efflux from ECs is essential for angiogenesis (Fang et al.,
2013). In order to prevent cholesterol overload in cells, ATPbinding cassette transporters mediate cholesterol efflux from
cells to apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and the apoA-I-containing
high-density lipoprotein. In ECs, cholesterol efflux reduces
membrane lipid rafts, which interferes with VEGFR-2 membrane
localization, dimerization, and endocytosis and impairs VEGFinduced angiogenesis (Fang et al., 2013). Another apolipoprotein
(e.g., apoB), impairs angiogenesis by upregulating the antiangiogenic VEGF trap VEGFR-1 (Avraham-Davidi et al., 2012). The
effects of apoB-containing lipoproteins on vessel growth were
not induced by a decreased delivery of fatty acids to tissues or
due to global lipid starvation, given that apoC-II deficiency did
not phenocopy the vascular defects resulting from the deficiency
of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, which is involved in
the biosynthesis of apoB-containing lipoproteins. It remains to
be determined whether this mechanism underlies the EC
dysfunction that precedes the formation of atherosclerotic pla-
ques or impairs collateral vessel growth in hypercholesterolemic
Amino Acid Metabolism
Besides glucose, rapidly growing cancer cells and embryonic
stem cells also metabolize various types of amino acids, such
as glutamine, proline, and serine (Dang, 2012; DeBerardinis
and Thompson, 2012; Kalhan and Hanson, 2012; Phang and
Liu, 2012; Shyh-Chang et al., 2013) (Figure 2). Of these amino
acids, glutamine is a key metabolic fuel for proliferating cells.
The role of glutamine metabolism has not been studied extensively in ECs, and, therefore, its role in angiogenesis remains
unclear. ECs take up glutamine via Na+-dependent transport
mechanisms but also have the capacity to produce this amino
acid via glutamine synthetase, though the physiological relevance of this process for vessel branching remains unknown
(Lohmann et al., 1999). Glutamine taken up by ECs can be converted to glutamate and ammonia (Wu et al., 2000) (Figure 2). The
activity of glutaminase 1, the first step in the glutaminolysis
pathway, is higher in ECs than it is in lymphocytes (Leighton
et al., 1987). Pharmacological inhibition of glutaminolysis impairs
the proliferative capacity of ECs and induces a senescent-like
phenotype in ECs (Unterluggauer et al., 2008). Nonetheless, it
is still debated whether glutamine oxidation contributes substantially to ATP production in ECs (De Bock et al., 2013; Krützfeldt
et al., 1990; Spolarics et al., 1991; Wu et al., 2000). However,
glutamine contributes more significantly to ATP production and
promotes survival when oxidative stress impairs glucose-dependent pathways of ATP production (Hinshaw and Burger, 1990),
indicating that the contribution of glutamine metabolism to ATP
production in ECs is contextual (De Bock et al., 2013; Krützfeldt
et al., 1990; Spolarics et al., 1991; Wu et al., 2000).
Glutamine also serves as a carbon source for the biosynthesis
of macromolecules, but stable isotope-tracer-based metabolomic flux analysis of glutamine in ECS has not been performed
yet. Glutamine metabolism by ECs could also be important for
the provision of nitrogen for biosynthetic purposes. Indeed, the
synthesis of the polyamine precursor from glutamine sustains
EC growth (Wu et al., 2000) (Figure 2). Furthermore, glutamine
inhibits the endothelial production of NO, in part via the conversion of glutamine to glucosamine in the HBP, which inhibits the
oxPPP activity and thereby reduces the availability of NADPH,
an essential cofactor for eNOS (Wu et al., 2001). Glutamine
also impairs NO production, inhibiting the formation of arginine
from citrulline through reducing citrulline transport (Kawaguchi
et al., 2005; Meininger and Wu, 1997; Sessa et al., 1990). Also,
arginine controls angiogenesis by regulating the levels of ROS
in ECs (Park et al., 2003; Zhuo et al., 2011). No studies have
been reported on the possible role of proline, serine, and threonine metabolism in ECs.
Metabolic Changes during Vascular Sprouting
Migrating Tip and Proliferating Stalk Cells
In ECs, the tip-cell-activating signal VEGF increases glycolysis
by upregulating PFKFB3 levels, suggesting that tip cells require
elevated levels of PFKFB3-driven glycolysis (De Bock et al.,
2013) (Figure 1A). Accordingly, PFKFB3 silencing and/or deletion
impairs the formation of distal sprouts with tip cell filopodia and
the number of filopodia in retinal sprouting vessels and reduces
the lamellipodia area of cultured ECs (De Bock et al., 2013).
Cell Metabolism 18, November 5, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc. 639
Cell Metabolism
Figure 4. PFKFB3 Blockade Impairs Tip and
Stalk Cell Behavior
However, aside from a role for PFKFB3 in tip cells, PFKFB3
also regulates stalk cell functions. Consistent with a reported
increase in glycolysis when cells enter S-phase (Almeida et al.,
2010), PFKFB3 silencing and/or deletion reduced EC proliferation in various angiogenesis assays in vitro and sprouting retinal
vessels in vivo (De Bock et al., 2013). DLL4-mediated Notch activation also lowered PFKFB3 levels and glycolysis (De Bock et al.,
2013) (Figure 1A). Yet, stalk cells proliferate in order to elongate
the stalk, and cell proliferation is known to require increased
levels of glycolysis (Vander Heiden et al., 2011). This paradox
is resolved by findings that the growth-inhibitory activity of Notch
is overruled by other genetic (Wnt) signals (Phng et al., 2009).
Notably, in mosaic sprouting assays (Figure 1B), the overexpression of PFKFB3 is able to overcome the pro-stalk-cell activity of
Notch and favors the tip localization of ECs overexpressing both
PFKFB3 and the transcriptionally active Notch domain NICD
when using an endothelial spheroid sprouting model in vitro or
analyzing vascular branching in zebrafish embryos in vivo (De
Bock et al., 2013) (Figure 1C). This is remarkable, given that no
other genetic signal has been shown to be able to overrule the
prostalk activity of Notch. Conversely, PFKFB3-silenced ECs
are less capable of competing for the tip position in mosaic
sprouting assays (De Bock et al., 2013). The consequences of
PFKFB3 blockade on tip and stalk cells is illustrated in Figure 4.
Overall, in parallel to genetic signals, PFKFB3-driven glycolysis
also regulates vascular branching.
Quiescent Phalanx Cells
Little is known about the metabolic changes that accompany,
promote, or are necessary for inducing EC quiescence. Glycolysis is decreased in quiescent ECs, which might serve several
purposes. First, given that ECs rely on glycolysis in order to
divide, thus lowering glycolysis reduces proliferation and promotes quiescence. Second, quiescent ECs are exposed to
high oxygen levels in the blood, which may cause oxidative damage. Thus, similar to erythrocytes, quiescent ECs must protect
themselves against oxidative damage. By maintaining a low
oxidative metabolism, ECs minimize ROS production, thereby
providing protection against their high-oxygen milieu. Third, of
the total amount of glycolysis, ECs use 40% to proliferate and
migrate, whereas they use the remaining 60% for maintenance
homeostasis (De Bock et al., 2013), which is in line with findings
640 Cell Metabolism 18, November 5, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.
(A) A schematic model demonstrating that, in
control WT conditions, stalk cells proliferate, and
tip cells migrate directionally, extend long motile
filopodia, and compete for the tip.
(B) Upon PFKFB3 blockade, stalk cells are hypoproliferative, whereas tip cells have impaired
migration and directional movement with short
immobile filopodia so that tip cells lose their
competitive advantage for the tip position.
that proliferation only requires a 30% increase in ATP production (Kilburn et al.,
1969; Locasale and Cantley, 2011).
Quiescent ECs need this residual 60%
of glycolysis in order to perform energydemanding homeostatic maintenance
functions such as transendothelial transport, barrier formation,
glycocalyx deposition, and matrix production (Curry and Adamson, 2012; Potente et al., 2011)—resembling quiescent fibroblasts, which also have an active metabolism in baseline
conditions (Lemons et al., 2010). It has been postulated that
cellular quiescence requires a higher baseline metabolism than
previously anticipated to ensure maintenance of ion gradients,
protein and RNA synthesis, and other processes (Locasale and
Cantley, 2011). Overall, because of their particular milieu and
cellular activities, quiescent ECs adapt their metabolism to optimally accommodate the need for reduced proliferation on one
side with the homeostatic needs for redox control and baseline
maintenance activities on the other side.
Compartmentalization of Metabolism
Tip cells extend lamellipodia and filopodia in order to migrate.
The formation of these motile structures relies on the remodeling
of the actin cytoskeleton, a process that requires the rapid production of high amounts of ATP. In motile ECs, a large fraction of
the total amount of glycolytic ATP generated is utilized by the
actomyosin ATPase (Culic et al., 1997). In quiescent contactinhibited ECs, enzymes of the glycolytic cascade are primarily
present in the perinuclear cytosol. However, once they become
motile and start migrating, these glycolytic enzymes also
become translocated to lamellipodia, where they are highly
concentrated along with F-actin in membrane ruffles at the
leading front to generate high levels of ATP in lamellipodial
‘‘ATP hot spots’’—mitochondria are excluded from lamellipodia
and filopodia (De Bock et al., 2013) (Figures 5A–5D). Furthermore, biochemical analysis indicates that PFKFB3 is present in
F-actin-enriched fractions and to higher levels in proliferating
and migrating ECs (De Bock et al., 2013).
Various glycolytic enzymes are inactive as dimers but become
more active in a tetrameric configuration. Through actin
binding sites, these enzymes bind to actin, which stabilizes
their tetrameric configuration and enhances their enzymatic
activity (Real-Hohn et al., 2010) (Figure 5E). Such compartmentalization of glycolysis with the actin cytoskeleton offers various
advantages. High levels of ATP are rapidly generated in lamellipodia and filopodia at the site where energy is needed during EC migration (Figures 5E and 5F). In addition, the rapid
Cell Metabolism
Figure 5. Compartmentalization of Metabolism
(A–C) Representative images of ECs expressing the ATP biosensor GO-ATeam (A), the glycolytic enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase (B), and the mitochondrial
marker TOMM20 (C), revealing high ATP levels and glycolytic enzymes in the perinuclear cytosol as well as at the membrane ruffles of lamellipodia, whereas
mitochondria are present around the nucleus but excluded from lamellipodia. Lamellipodia are denoted with a white dotted line.
(D) A schematic showing the localization of glycolytic enzymes in the perinuclear cytosol and the compartmentalization in lamellipodia and filopodia of the tip cell.
The mitochondria are excluded from the filopodia because they are too large to fit into the thin cytosolic protrusions.
(E) A schematic illustrating the compartmentalization of the glycolytic regulator PFK1 with F-actin. Actin binding stabilizes PFK1 in its tetrameric active
(F) A schematic illustrating that the glycolytic enzymes are arranged in an assembly line, creating a ‘‘glycolytic hub.’’
extension-retraction of filopodia and lamellipodia may create an
ATP drain for the cell body. Localizing ATP supply to compartments where ATP is consumed can prevent catastrophic ATP
depletion for the cell. Moreover, through binding to actin, an
assembly line of the glycolytic machinery is generated wherein
the product of one glycolytic enzyme becomes the substrate of
its neighboring glycolytic enzyme because of their close proximity (al-Habori, 1995; Fulgenzi et al., 2001; Lagana et al.,
2000; Real-Hohn et al., 2010). Motile structures in other organisms, such as flagella in sperm and predatory tentacles in hydra,
also concentrate glycolytic enzymes (Baquer et al., 1975; Hereng
et al., 2011; Mitchell et al., 2005; Pavlova, 2010). The functional
relevance of this link is underscored by findings that a mutant
fruit fly expressing an aldolase variant that cannot bind actin is
unable to fly (Wojtas et al., 1997). In vascular smooth muscle
cells, glycolysis and gluconeogenesis occur in separate ‘‘compartments’’ because of the spatial separation of glycolytic and
gluconeogenic enzymes in distinct plasma membrane microdomains (Lloyd and Hardin, 2001). Whether a comparable
compartmentalization of glycolysis versus gluconeogenesis
occurs in ECs is unknown.
Feedback Regulation of Vascular Branching
by Metabolism
An intriguing question is whether metabolism provides a feedback for the genetic signals that control vascular branching.
One example is how Notch is subject to regulation by metabolic
signals in ECs. Indeed, Notch is a direct target of the NAD+dependent deacytelase SIRT1, a key regulator of cellular metabolism that is activated by nutrient deprivation (Chalkiadaki
and Guarente, 2012; Guarani and Potente, 2010). By deacetylating NICD and thereby reducing its protein stability, SIRT1
reduces the amplitude and duration of the Notch response in
a negative feedback loop (Guarani et al., 2011). This promotes
the vascularization of the nutrient-deprived tissue. Accordingly,
in the absence of SIRT1 (a condition mimicking nutrient
abundance), ECs are sensitized to Notch signaling, resulting
in a stalk-cell-like phenotype with impaired vessel outgrowth
(Potente et al., 2007).
Another mechanism by which SIRT1 controls vascular sprouting is via deacetylating the transcription factor FOXO1, which
controls cell growth and metabolism (Eijkelenboom and Burgering, 2013). FOXO1 is activated by nutrient stress (and is a target
Cell Metabolism 18, November 5, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc. 641
Cell Metabolism
of SIRT1 and AMPK), but, unlike SIRT1, this transcription factor
inhibits vessel branching (Oellerich and Potente, 2012). Indeed,
loss of FOXO1 results in embryonic lethality because of vascular
abnormalities (Furuyama et al., 2004), and the inducible postnatal deletion of FOXO1, FOXO2, and FOXO3 together induces
hemangioma formation (Paik et al., 2007). These data suggest
that a finely tuned balance between SIRT1 and FOXO1 is
required in order to orchestrate the vessel-branching response
to nutrient deprivation.
Metabolism has been shown to control growth factor signaling
in cancer cells (DeBerardinis and Thompson, 2012). Interestingly, the response of Notch to its ligands DLL4 and Jagged1
is determined by the glycosylation state of its extracellular
domain in a tip-versus-stalk cell manner (Benedito et al., 2009),
thus providing another example of how metabolism impacts on
angiogenic signal transduction. In particular, glycosylation by
FRINGE glycosyltransferases favors the activation of Notch by
DLL4 over Jagged1 (Eilken and Adams, 2010). Even though stalk
cells primarily express Jagged1 (and tip cells predominantly
express DLL4), Jagged1 is only able to weakly activate Notch1
in comparison to DLL4 (Eilken and Adams, 2010). As a result,
DLL4 causes hypobranching, whereas Jagged1 induces opposite effects. An outstanding question is whether the glycosylation
of other key angiogenic receptors (such as VEGFR-2) provides
another level of metabolic control of angiogenesis.
Metabolites as Angiogenic Signals
In the brain, muscle, and tumors, lactate is a fuel for neighboring
cells (Bergersen, 2007; Brooks, 2009; Draoui and Feron, 2011;
Whitaker-Menezes et al., 2011). This metabolite is generated
through the conversion of pyruvate, itself produced in the glycolytic pathway (or other pathways) by lactate dehydrogenase A
(LDH-A). However, more than being a waste product, lactate
also serves as a fuel for oxidative metabolism after conversion
to pyruvate by LDH-B (Figure 2). For instance, in tumors,
lactate is oxidized by oxygenated tumor cells, thereby sparing
glucose for more hypoxic glycolytic cancer cells (Draoui and
Feron, 2011). Cancer-associated fibroblasts also have aerobic
glycolysis and extrude lactate to ‘‘feed’’ adjacent tumor cells
(Whitaker-Menezes et al., 2011). In the brain, a cell-to-cell lactate
shuttle between astrocytes and neurons is linked to glutamatergic signaling (Brooks, 2007). However, in ECs, only <1% of
glucose is oxidized in the TCA cycle, and glucose oxidation
generates only 6% of the total amount of ATP in ECs (De Bock
et al., 2013). Also, lactate is only a significant substrate for oxidation in the absence of glucose in ECs (Krützfeldt et al., 1990).
Lactate in ECs can act as a signaling molecule rather than
a metabolic substrate. Indeed, lactate inhibits the activity of
the oxygen-sensing prolyl-hydroxylase domain protein PHD2,
thereby activating the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor
HIF-1a in normoxic oxidative tumor cells and triggering tumor
angiogenesis by upregulating VEGF and other proangiogenic cytokines (De Saedeleer et al., 2012; Hunt et al., 2007). By inhibiting
PHD2, lactate also triggers the phosphorylation and degradation
of the inhibitory subunit IkBa, thus stimulating an autocrine
proangiogenic NF-kB-IL-8 pathway (Végran et al., 2011). Lactate
also accelerates EC progenitor recruitment and differentiation
via the release of HIF-1a-dependent angiogenic factors (Milovanova et al., 2008). Blockade of lactate influx in ECs by monocar642 Cell Metabolism 18, November 5, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.
boxylate transporter 1 blockers, inhibiting lactate uptake in
tumor ECs, impedes HIF-1a-dependent angiogenesis (Sonveaux et al., 2012).
Another paracrine metabolic signal is glutaminolysis-derived
ammonia, which induces autophagy and enhances tumor cell
survival at the expense of cell growth and proliferation (Eng
et al., 2010). Glutamine metabolism not only enhances the proliferation and survival of oxygenated nutrient-rich tumor cells via
the anabolic replenishment of TCA cycle intermediates, but it
also helps nutritionally stressed neighbor tumor cells cope with
nutrient deprivation by inducing autophagy in order to preserve
cellular functions (Eng et al., 2010). The importance of autophagy
in EC biology remains poorly studied, though haplodeficiency of
the autophagy mediator Beclin-1 increases hypoxia-induced
angiogenesis associated with an increase in HIF-2a expression
and erythropoietin production (Lee et al., 2011). Moreover, during retinal vascular development, the inhibition of autophagy
reduces hyaloid regression (Kim et al., 2010).
Another metabolic interaction between the tumor and its
stroma was recently described. ECs and tumor cells make direct
cell-cell contact and can exchange cellular components by
generating tunneling nanotubes. The transfer of mitochondria
from ECs to tumor cells via these nanotubes conferred tumor
resistance against chemotherapy (Pasquier et al., 2013). Thus,
besides providing the tumor with nutrients and oxygen, ECs
might also feed the tumor with their own metabolic machinery,
though further studies will be required to validate these findings.
Conclusions and Perspectives
In a field where >44,000 papers have been published on a single
molecule such as VEGF, it is surprising that <100 papers on how
ECs rewire their metabolism during vascular branching have
been reported. In order to grasp the importance of how metabolism might influence EC behavior and vascular sprouting, it
will be necessary to first establish a metabolic roadmap of the
different metabolic pathways in the different EC subtypes
involved in vascular branching and to characterize how these
various metabolic pathways adapt during the various steps in
vessel sprouting. This will require state-of-the-art metabolic
flux analytic methods with stable isotope tracers in combination
with measurements of radioactive tracer flux analyses and
steady-state metabolite levels. It will also be intriguing to
characterize the metabolism of transformed hemangiomas and
angiosarcomas or study the effects of diabetes and hypercholesterolemia on EC metabolism and sprouting. Another
appealing question is how ECs can regulate organismal metabolism by differentiating into metabolically active adipocytes
(Gupta et al., 2012; Tran et al., 2012). Yet another unexplored
field is the metabolism-epigenome interaction. Does metabolism
epigenetically regulate vascular branching, similar to cancer
cells (Mazzarelli et al., 2007; Teperino et al., 2010; Yun et al.,
2012), or can the epigenome influence EC metabolism? Finding
an answer to these questions promises to be an exciting
We apologize for not being able to cite the work of all other studies related
to this topic because of space restrictions. We acknowledge the work of
Cell Metabolism
S. Vinckier for help with the confocal imaging. K.D.B. was funded by a postdoctoral fellowship of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) and is now
an academic staff member at the Department of Kinesiology (KU Leuven).
M.G. received funding as an Emmanuel Vanderschueren fellow of the Flemish
Association against Cancer. The work of P.C. is supported by a Federal Government Belgium grant (IUAP07/03), long-term structural Methusalem funding
by the Flemish Government, a Concerted Research Activities Belgium grant
(GOA2006/11), grants from the FWO (G.0652.08, G.0692.09, G.0532.10,
G.0817.11, and Krediet aan navorsers), the Foundation
Leducq Transatlantic Network, and an European Research Council Advanced
Research Grant (EU-ERC269073). P.C. declares to be named as an inventor
on patent applications, claiming subject matter related to the results described
in this paper.
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