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Reduplication is defined as repetition or copying of a word or a syllable either exactly or partially in order to bring modification in the semantic interpretation or to convey some special meaning. As observed in Lepcha, (a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Sikkim and Darjeeling district of West Bengal) reduplicated expressives (structures which represent sounds or senses) may belong to the category of full reduplication as well as partial reduplication. Being an important structural phenomenon of the South Asian languages reduplicated expressives play a vital role in the system of communication and so demands a vivid description of its form and function with reference to the semantic interpretation. The data of the present paper has been collected from field investigation conducted in Kalimpong subdivision of Darjeeling district of West Bengal. INTRODUCTON: PRESENT STATUS AND FILIATION OF LEPCHA The Lepchas are the original inhabitants of Sikkim and are mostly settled in Dzongu val...
Available online: P a g e | 323 Journal for Studies in Management and Planning Available at Available online: P a g e | 324 Journal for Studies in Management and Planning Available at Available online: P a g e | 326 Journal for Studies in Management and Planning Available at Available online: P a g e | 328 Journal for Studies in Management and Planning Available at Available online: P a g e | 329 Journal for Studies in Management and Planning Available at Available online: P a g e | 330 Journal for Studies in Management and Planning Available at Available online: P a g e | 331 Journal for Studies in Management and Planning Available at
Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 2024
Although the iconicity of reduplication has been addressed by many researchers, not enough attention has been paid to the distinct character of modified reduplication in opposition to full reduplication. Modified reduplication is here defined as the juxtaposition of two similar but not identical phonological forms which differ in vowel quality (e.g. English chitchat , Lhasa Tibetan zam zom 'careless work', Tshangla napanopo 'silly') or in initial consonant (e.g. English hotchpotch, Lhasa Tibetan 'a la ma la 'confused, unconnected, irregular'). This paper describes the uses of modified reduplication in five languages spoken in the Himalayas: Central Tibetan (bod), Denjongke (sip, Tibetic), Lhomi (lhm, Tibetic), Tshangla (tsj, Sino-Tibetan, Bodish) and Duhumbi (cvg, Kho-Bwa). The data, which come both from published sources (Bodt 2020, Naga & Rigzin 1994, Yliniemi 2021, Nitartha online dictionary of Tibetan) and heretofore unpublished material, show that modified reduplication in the aforementioned languages is associated with four types of iconicity: 1) duality/plurality of similar but not identical sounds (e.g. Denjongke tʽaŋtʽiŋ 'cling clang'), 2) duality/plurality of similar but not identical items (e.g. Denjongke dakdok 'occurring as an assortment of small items of various sizes'), 3) duality/plurality of similar but not identical locations (e.g. Tibetan thar thor 'scattered'), also suggesting motion between locations (e.g. Tibetan lang ling 'drifting, swinging'), and 4) nonnormativity arising from the comparison of two similar but non-identical forms (e.g. Tshangla thapathopo 'slow-witted', zhalangzholong 'shapeless; useless [of people]'). In four of the five languages (others than Lhomi) a~o vowel modification is strongly associated with nonnormativity.
Indian Journal of Language and Linguistics, 2022
This paper is an attempt to document and investigate the reduplication in Hajong. Hajong is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in Bangladesh and Indian northeastern states of Assam, Meghalaya, and Arunachal Pradesh. The present study is based on the data collected from 12 Hajong speakers of the Goalpara district of Assam. Reduplication is a widespread phenomenon that is common in the languages of Southeast Asia. However, grammarians have ignored this phenomenon primarily because they follow the Western grammar description model, where reduplicated structures do not exist or are rare (Abbi, 1992). The aim is to study the reduplicated structures, expressive and echo-formation and its semantic aspects in Hajong. There are mainly two types of reduplicated structures in Hajong: Morphological reduplication and Lexical reduplication. The morphological reduplication is expressed through expressive. “Expressive behave and function like regular words and thus form a part of the lexicons of Indian ...
ARSALL (Annual Review of South Asia Languages and Linguistics), 2008
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
The significance of reduplication in language studies was to construct a linguistics pattern. However, linguists tend to disregard the functions of individual creativity and the core language meaning-making approach at the discourse level. Therefore, we should investigate this intriguing topic more to describe the repetition of words. Many studies analyzed classification reduplication in Acehnese through documentation techniques, in contrast, this current study investigated classifications and meanings of reduplication in Acehnese through observation and interview. Sulaiman's paradigm as the framework stated that reduplication had three parts: complete, affix, and ablaut reduplication. In addition, the researchers used the Ali et al. framework, which suggested eight meanings of reduplication, mainly grammatical meanings. The findings revealed that full reduplication was the most common among the 100 data of utterances. Furthermore, the meanings of reduplications are to convey th...
Presentation for the Symposium "Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Ancient World" at the XXV World Congress of Philosophy in Rome, 5 August 2024 (chaired by Prof. Emidio Spinelli):
El presente trabajo es el resultado de la inquietud de la empresa SISTEMAS HIDRONEUMATICOS C.A. , de contar con un manual el cual recopilara la información de manera breve, concisa, clara y precisa de todo lo referente al Cálculo y Selección de Sistemas de Bombeo.
Under the facts alleged, the Financial Industry lost or destroyed notes in 2006 because this business practice profited its members. The Financial Industry was warned by the federal government that this was a bad practice because it could cause notes to become unenforceable under state laws. The Financial Industry ignored these warnings and continued to profit from subprime loans which its members knew or should have known were unenforceable under many state laws, including most versions of the Uniform Commercial Code. Ultimately, the federal government bailed out the Financial Industry by paying hundreds of billions of dollars in public funds to purchase interests in those real property assets owned by property owners like John, which because of the Financial Industry’s bad practices had little value because they likely could not be enforced. See supra., Note 3. While the Church and Property Owner do not agree with the federal government's stupid decision to bail out the Financial Industry, they understand that an argument can be made that bailing out too-big-to-fail banks (as opposed to property owners as was first proposed) was in the public interest. But they disagree with the notion that the federal government and financial industry can require them to bear the costs of that entire transaction, which has now been paid back to the US Treasury, mostly through foreclosing on property owners. See e.g. GAO Troubled Asset Relief Program: Lifetime Cost GAO-24-107033 (Dec. 7, 2023). The factual situation here is much like the uncompensated taking that occurred in Thompson v. Consolidated Gas Utilities Corp., 300 U.S. 55 (1937). There, a commission issued an order which had the effect of taking some natural gas producer’s property from them for the benefit of others without the payment of any compensation. The same type of illegal taking is occurring here because the government reimbursed itself these bail out costs by foreclosing on homeowners like John, who under the Washington state law then in effect at the time they entered into the agreements could not be foreclosed upon except by way of compliance with RCW 62A.3-309. And Washington State though its AG, allied with this statutory trustee, has continued to pursue this anti-property owner approach notwithstanding the AG knew (and/or should have known) that (1) property owners did less wrong than the Financial Industry with regard to making such subprime loans worthless; and (2) that this Nation’s organic law does not allow governments to change the terms of private contracts after the fact. See Plaintiffs’ cross motion for summary judgment
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