J Control Theory Appl 2010 8 (1) 2–11
DOI 10.1007/s11768-010-9187-7
A survey on sensor localization
Jing WANG 1 , R. K. GHOSH 2 , Sajal K. DAS 1
(1.Center for Research in Wireless Mobility and Networking (CReWMaN), Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington TX 76019, USA;
2.Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India 208016)
Abstract: Localization is one of the fundamental problems in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), since locations of the
sensor nodes are critical to both network operations and most application level tasks. Although the GPS based localization
schemes can be used to determine node locations within a few meters, the cost of GPS devices and non-availability of GPS
signals in confined environments prevent their use in large scale sensor networks. There exists an extensive body of research
that aims at obtaining locations as well as spatial relations of nodes in WSNs without requiring specialized hardware and/or
employing only a limited number of anchors that are aware of their own locations. In this paper, we present a comprehensive
survey on sensor localization in WSNs covering motivations, problem formulations, solution approaches and performance
summary. Future research issues will also be discussed.
Keywords: Sensor localization; Wireless sensor networks; Range measurements; Anchors; Mobile sensor; Probabilistic localization
1 Introduction
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have numerous applications that include object tracking, traffic monitoring, habitat monitoring, measuring radiation levels from nuclear reactors, detecting seismic activities, navigating ships, and so
on. Recently, researchers have also started exploring smart
applications in the domain of pervasive computing by leveraging embedded processing with WSNs. In all these applications, sensor node locations are critical not only to the
application’s goals but also to the operations of WSNs.
In this paper, we attempt to present a comprehensive survey on the state-of-the-art research concerning localization
of nodes in WSNs from motivations to solutions. Our focus, therefore, is on WSNs that apply protocols and algorithms with the underlying assumption that node locations
are known. We motivate the readers by identifying the basic problems in deployment, data gathering, and optimal resource usages; and thereby examine how localization becomes critical to the applications of WSNs.
An important problem in the deployment of WSNs is the
coverage. A coverage model of sensor nodes would depend
on the distance between the point of interest and the closest node. Therefore, locations of sensor nodes constitute the
basic input for the algorithms that examine coverage of the
network [1].
Location-based routing (LR) protocols are based on the
location information of sensor nodes. The advantages of LR
protocols include better scalability and less overhead caused
by dynamic changes in topology [2]. Moreover, locationaided routing (LAR) utlizes location information to obtain
a much smaller request zone than the potential searching
area for routing paths. A recent study [3] indicates that even
with the help of a simple anchor-free localization algorithm,
the LAR protocol performs as competitively as the short-
est path routing algorithm under ideal assumptions. Besides,
geographic addressing uses the physical locations of nodes
as global references to facilitate identification and communication within a network.
Beyond the networking protocols, most applications involving WSNs use location information to interpret the
meaning of sensory data from different regions. For instance, location information constitutes an essential ingredient for reasoning about contexts [4], especially in smart
There exist well organized surveys on sensor localization
in the literature [5∼7]. Most of these works report either
early results on sensor localization, or on location methods
having origins in cellular networks or robotics. The focus of
this paper is an up-to-date comprehensive survey on localization of sensor nodes in a WSN. Unless stated otherwise,
throughout the paper the term “localization” will mean sensor localization.
The paper has been organized into six sections. Section 2
gives a taxonomy of localization schemes and formulates
the localization problem in multiple ways. Section 3 deals
with the algorithmic frameworks behind some of these solution approaches. Section 4 provides a performance comparison on the efficacies of these localization schemes in
terms of their accuracies and costs. Section 5 briefly discusses open issues and future research directions. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the paper.
2 Taxonomy overview and problem formulation
The problem of sensor localization is to determine the location information of all or a subset of sensor nodes, given
the measurements of pairwise spatial relationships between
the nodes. Here, location information means any form of
Received 7 September 2009.
This work was partly supported by the National Science Foundation (No.CNS-0721951, IIS-0326505), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
(AFOSR) (No.FA9550-08-1-0260), the Texas Advanced Research Program (ARP) (No.14-748779), the Research I Foundation grant of IIT-Kanpur,
and Department of Science and Technology, Government of India under Indo-Trento Program for Advanced Research.
c South China University of Technology and Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
J. WANG et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2010 8 (1) 2–11
location indicator such as exact location, the deployment
region or the location distribution, while the measurements
on spatial relationship could be on the proximity (nearness),
the distance or the angle between nodes. A taxonomy of the
sensor localization problem is shown in Fig.1 according to
various combinations of inputs and objectives.
Fig. 1 Problem overview.
The nodes that are aware of their own locations are either
placed at fixed points or equipped with global positioning
system (GPS) devices. They serve as references to the other
nodes that are to be localized. In order to eliminate the inherent problem of low accuracy in proximity based localization, additional measurements on distance, angle or both are
used. Distance measurements can be obtained by utilizing
the received signal strength indicator (RSSI), time of arrival
(TOA), time difference of arrival (TDOA), etc., while angle
measurements rely on compasses or special antennas [8].
In the absence of reference nodes, localization methods
focus on forming a map of nodes with respect to a standalone coordinate system [9]. Knowing relative locations is
sufficient for certain applications. However, given the absolute locations for a subset of nodes, relative locations can be
transformed into absolute ones.
The use of mobile reference nodes in localization is advantageous, because it provides additional measurements on
spatial relationships along their corresponding trajectories.
However, a mobile reference node, with relatively more resources than an ordinary sensor node, is expensive. Therefore, only a small number of mobile reference nodes can
realistically be used for localization. Yet mobile assisted
localization exhibits significant improvement over localization methods employing static reference nodes [10].
Despite of range uncertainties and randomness in movements of nodes, probabilistic methods manage to produce
good localization results on the distribution of the coordinates or the probability of the presence of the nodes in certain regions [11].
Localization schemes can also be characterized by a set
of feature pairs. The schemes differ from one another in the
way the inputs are collected. The nodes could be static or
mobile, deployed indoor or outdoor, in a 2-D or a 3-D space.
Location measurements may or may not require additional
hardware. The use of additional hardware in a node should
be avoided, as it not only raises the cost, but increases both
form factor and operational resource requirements.
Another way to classify a localization process could be
on-demand or periodic. A sensor node may take an active
role in determining its locations, or it may wait for computation of location information by other devices. Furthermore,
a localization process may be centralized or distributed according to the nature of the underlying algorithm.
Finally, the objectives of a localization process varies
from absolute to relative locations. Relative locations,
which involve virtual coordinates, are adequate for certain
applications. Depending on the application’s requirements,
either coarse- or fine-grain location information may also
2.1 Localization problems
We categorize the localization problems into three
groups: proximity-based localization, range-based localization, and angle-based localization.
2.1.1 Proximity-based localization
The proximity based localization problem can be formulated in terms of a graph model. A WSN is represented as
a graph G(V, E). A subset of nodes, H ⊂ V , are aware of
their own locations (p1 , p2 , · · · , pm ). The proximity measurements are typically interpreted using two models: i) the
adjacency matrix, and ii) the distance matrix. The goal is to
estimate the locations (s1 , s2 , · · · , sn−m ) of the remaining
set of nodes V -H. An example of sensor localization with
proximity information is shown in Fig.2. Different sensors
may have different number of reference nodes in their proximity. The accuracy of location estimations increases as a
function of the number of reference nodes in the neighborhood.
Fig. 2 Example of sensor localization with proximity information.
2.1.2 Range-based localization
The ability to measure the range of wireless signal transmissions is the key to range-based schemes. The prerequisite of range-based methods is to understand different
ranging techniques such as RSSI, TOA and TDOA.
Since the nodes are equipped with radios to perform communications, the distance estimation based on received signal strength has attracted enough attention. However, RSSI
based range measurements suffer from noise and link relia-
J. WANG et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2010 8 (1) 2–11
bility. Efforts were expended to obtain the mapping between
RSSI measurements and the associated distances to capture
the impact of multipath fading and environmental variations
on RSSI measurements in the indoor space [12]. Probabilistic model of RSSI range measurements was also introduced
to address the uncertainties and irregularities of the radio
communication patterns. For instance, a log-normal model
was adopted in [13], which assumes that a particular RSSI
value can be mapped to a log-normal distribution of the distance between the two nodes, as in equation (1).
RSSI −→ log d ∼ N (μ, σ),
where d is the distance between the nodes, and N (μ, σ) is a
normal distribution with mean μ and standard deviation σ.
Another common method for range measurement is
based on the time difference of arrivals (TDOA). The signal
could be radio frequency (RF), acoustic or ultrasound. An
example of utilizing TDOA was introduced in [14], where
radio signal and ultrasound pulses were sent simultaneously.
Given the time difference of the arrivals, the distance between the sender and the receiver can be obtained by multiplying the time difference by the speed of the ultrasound
signal. Similarly, ranging techniques based on time of arrival (TOA), which relies on capturing the signal’s time of
flight, obtain the distance through multiplying the time of
flight by the speed of the signal [15]. The major challenge
facing TOA based techniques is the difficulty of accurately
measuring the time of flight, since the propagation speed
could be extremely high compared to the distance to be
Although computing distances between each pair of locations is trivial, the inverse problem of finding the node
locations given the pairwise Euclidean distances is far from
trivial. The latter can be formulated as a graph realization
problem that maps the nodes in the graph to the points in
an Euclidean plane so that the Euclidean distances between
nodes equal the respective edge weights. One basic difficulty in the graph realization problem is the non-rigidity of
the graph. Given a set of nodes, and Euclidean distances
between node pairs as illustrated in Fig.3(a) and (b), the locations of nodes may not be unique. An example of a rigid
graph is provided in Fig.3(c), where the nodes get uniquely
localized given the distances. More discussions on graph
rigidity and network localization can be found in [16]. The
study in [17] proved that localization with distance information in sparse networks is NP-hard, while localization with
distances of Ω(n2 ) pairs of nodes can be solved in polynomial time, where n is the number of nodes in the network.
Fig. 3 Graph rigidity.
2.1.3 Angle-based localization
Angle-based localization helps the localization process
with additional angle measurements. However, the cost of
applying angle measurement is remarkably high due to the
requirement of antenna array or multiple receivers on nodes.
With the help of an antenna array, it is possible for the
nodes to measure the signal’s angle of arrival (AOA) [18].
Alternatively, the angles between different edges of the connectivity graph can be obtained using multiple ultrasound
receivers [19]. The angle measurement indicates either the
angles to the neighboring nodes or to a certain axis, which
provides additional support to the localization or even enables the nodes to be localized solely on the angle information [20].
The difficulty of pure angle based localization has been
studied in [21]. Fortunately, the angle information can be
combined with the knowledge of proximity. More precisely,
it is possible to transform the proximity based localization
problem from NP-hard to polynomial time complexity with
the knowledge of angle information between all pairs of
edges in the network. Therefore, the AOA technique remains an attractive option for localization applications despite of its cost and difficulty in deployment.
3 Solution approaches
Five different localization techniques are discussed in the
following from the standpoint of algorithmic solutions.
3.1 Localization with proximity information
The basic idea behind proximity based localization is to
approximate node locations with as much accuracy as possible without additional hardware costs.
3.1.1 Anchor-based approaches
Anchor nodes (aka reference nodes, beacon nodes, landmarks) are either deployed at known locations or equipped
with GPS devices. They feed their locations to the localization process which propagates these to non-anchor nodes
according to the pairwise spatial relationships either between the anchor and non-anchor nodes, or between a pair
of non-anchor nodes.
The simplest possible anchor based localization is known
as the Centroid method [22]. It approximates the location
of a node by the centroid of the anchor locations within
its proximity. The accuracy of the Centroid method relies
heavily on the density of anchors. To tackle the problem of
low anchor density, modified centroid methods have been
proposed to allow anchors residing 2-3 hops away to be involved in the localization of non-anchor nodes. However,
this leads to the propagation of localization errors along
with the location information. A weighted centroid method
was introduced to reduce error propagation [23] by assigning different weights to the localized nodes on the basis of
densities of anchors in their vicinities. It assists in counterbalancing the accumulation of location errors.
To avoid accumulation of location errors in propagating
location information, the Approximate PIT (APIT) test [24]
manages to infer the location of a non-anchor node from the
region it could possibly reside in. Each non-anchor node
runs the Point in Triangle (PIT) tests to find the triangle regions it resides in. However, it is hard for the non-anchor
nodes to perform the exact PIT test. The authors presented
an approximate PIT test, in which the node is only required
to be able to determine if any one of its neighbors is farther
or closer to all the three anchors that form its residing triangle. For better localization accuracy, the suggested degree
J. WANG et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2010 8 (1) 2–11
of connectivity should be greater than six.
Considering the impact of anchor nodes on the performance of proximity-based localization schemes, intentional deployment of anchor nodes was exploited in [25].
As shown in Fig.4, the plane is divided into location regions according to overlaps between sensing areas of the
anchors. The anchor node located at p0 sends out beacons of the type {A, B, C}, and the centroid of the location regions {A1 , B1 , · · · , B6 , C1 , · · · , C6 } which defines
the overlapping regions of the anchor nodes located at
{p0 , p1 , · · · , p6 }. On receipt of beacons from multiple anchors, a non-anchor node extracts the overlapping regions
of the anchors and estimates the centroid of the overlapping regions as its own location. Unlike the Centroid and
the APIT schemes, the cell overlapping approach does not
accumulate errors in propagating the locations of anchors,
nor request RSSI readings for determining the residing regions.
steps are O(n3 ), where n is the number of nodes in the network, while the complexity of the last step depends on the
network topology.
3.2 Localization with range information
The range based localization may or may not require anchor nodes as described below.
3.2.1 Anchor-based approaches
Multilateration can be applied to obtain exact coordinates
of a non-anchor node, given at least three anchors in the
non-anchor node’s proximity and the pairwise range measurements between an anchor and the non-anchor node.
For instance, suppose coordinates of m anchors are available, and that the distances between nodes can be obtained
through ranging techniques. Let dij denote the distance
measurement between the ith anchor and the jth non-anchor
node. The multilateration problem concerning localization
is then formulated as follows:
dij = (xi − xj )2 + (yi − yj )2 .
The estimation error, Ej , of the jth non-anchor node is
given by
(dij − dˆij )2 ,
Ej =
Fig. 4 Deployment of anchors.
To deal with low density of anchors, Gradient [26] and
DV-hop [27] methods localize the nodes with the help of
the radio range in addition to the proximity measurement.
The Gradient method estimates the distance between a pair
of anchor and non-anchor nodes by multiplying the hop
count of the non-anchor node with the radio range. After
approximating the distances to at least three anchors, a nonanchor node applies multilateration to find its own location.
In contrast, the DV-hop method computes the average hop
distance as anchors exchange their locations and the pairwise hop counts. DV-hop also applies triangulation to localize the non-anchor nodes after obtaining their distances to
the anchors.
3.1.2 Anchor-free approaches
The objective of anchor-free approaches is to find the
relative locations of nodes from a set of geometric constraints extracted from proximity measurements. Mulltidimensional scaling (MDS) has been adopted for localization to obtain the approximates on the coordinates of
the nodes given the proximity measurements and the radio
range. As explained in MDS-MAP [28], the MDS based approach includes three steps. The first step is to form the distance matrix with distances between all pairs of nodes in
the network. In the absence of anchors, the distance is obtained by multiplying the hop count with the radio range.
In the second step, Singular Vector Decomposition (SVD)
is performed to get an initial relative map of the nodes on
the plane. The last step performs the necessary flip, rotation and scaling according to the distances between anchors
whenever applicable. Otherwise, the relative map would be
the result of SVD. The time complexities of the first two
where dˆij is the estimated distance obtained by substituting
the coordinates of the jth node with the estimated coordinates in equation (2). Gradient descent can be applied to
obtain the coordinates of the jth node achieving the least
squared error.
Low density of anchors poses a challenge to the multilateration approach. In order to apply multilateration, DVdistance [9] follows the approach similar to DV-hop [27].
The distances of each hop are summed up to approximate
the distance between a non-anchor node and an anchor node
that is multiple hops away. The approximated distance is
then used in the localization process. One possible variation
could be to use the Euclidean distance instead of the multihop distance. The Euclidean distance can be computed from
geometric relationships and the single hop distances. An
example of multihop localization is demonstrated in Fig.5.
According to DV-distance, the distance between the nonanchor node A and the anchor node C can be approximated
to be dAB + dBC or dAD + dCD depending on a certain voting mechanism or other criteria. In contrast, the Euclidean
method manages to obtain the multihop distance dAC by exploiting the geometric property of the quadrilateral ABCD.
Given the set of single hop distances, the position of node A
is not unique. As shown in Fig.5, A′ leads to the same range
measurements as A. Therefore, additional neighbors and the
corresponding range measurements are needed to eliminate
the false estimation. According to the study in [29], “an
average of 11-12 degree of nodes in the ranging neighborhood” is required to get 90% of the network to be localized
with a localization error of 5%.
Although the semi-definite programming (SDP) approach presented in [30] can be modified to incorporate the
range measurements in the localization process by replacing
the approximated distances with the measured distances, it
tends to produce large localization error when the anchors
are placed in the perimeter of the area. A different SDP
J. WANG et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2010 8 (1) 2–11
problem is formulated in [31] to improve the localization
performance by relaxing the constraint from equality to inequality. To guarantee that the solution to the transformed
SDP is indeed the solution to the original problem, accun
rate distance measurements of (n + 5) pairs of nodes are
required. The computation complexity of SDP is O(n3 ).
Since it is expensive to apply the SDP method in the centralized localization process, a distributed SDP method was
presented accordingly to address the scalability issue.
distances. Accordingly, the nodes in the rest of the network
can calculate their locations with respect to one particular
local coordinate system. However, the propagation of one
particular coordinate system involves high cost of collaboration among the nodes, which is clearly unfavorable for
energy starved WSNs.
3.3 Localization with angle information
If the nodes are enabled with AOA capability, localization can be achieved through multilateration by transforming the AOA measurements to multilateration equations. As
shown in Fig.6, anchors A, B and C are the ith triplet of anchor nodes in node S’s vicinity. Node S observes the angles
∠BSC and ∠ASC. Given the AOA measurements, a trilateration equation can be formed according to the possible
locations of node S. As shown in equation (4), S is located
along arc AB centered at (xOi , yOi ) with radius ri .
Fig. 5 Multihop localization.
While simple MDS was proposed for localization with
proximity information, modified MDS methods were proposed to localize neighboring nodes with range measurements. An iterative MDS approach was presented in [32] to
deal with the absence of some pairwise distances. It differs
from the classical MDS approach by introducing weights
wij in the objective function. The weights corresponding to
the missing pair-wise range measurements are set to zero,
while the rest of weights are set to one.
3.2.2 Anchor-free approaches
With the help of a certain number of range measurements,
non-anchor nodes could get localized relative to one another through multilateration. DV-coordinates discussed in
[9] exploit the above idea through a two-stage localization
scheme. During the first stage, neighboring nodes establish
a local coordinate system according to the range measurements. The nodes then transform their local coordinates into
a global coordinate system in the second stage through registration with neighbors. Because of the insufficient or false
overlapping between neighboring nodes, the performance of
DV-coordinates suffers from error propagation in the second
The idea of DV-coordinates was explored further in [33].
It leads to the adoption of robust quad, which is the foundation of the local coordinate system for avoiding flip ambiguity. First, the clusters consisting of overlapping robust
quads are formed to establish the local coordinate system.
The rigidity of the robust quad guarantees that two robust
quads sharing three vertices form a rigid subgraph with five
vertices. Therefore, the rigidity of the clusters is maintained
by induction. Then, to mitigate the impact of noisy range
measurements, a threshold on the minimum angle of the robust quad was introduced. With all these efforts on reducing error propagation, the robust quad scheme significantly
reduces the location error compared with the other similar
Triangulation, as proposed in [34], is able to set up a local coordinate system with three nodes and their pairwise
distances. Similarly, any node can transform its locations to
the coordinate system of its neighbor with the knowledge of
the locations in the two coordinate systems and the pairwise
(xS − xOi )2 + (yS − yOi )2 = ri2 .
Upon obtaining a number of equations, the non-anchor node
can be localized through multilateration.
Regarding multihop localization based on AOA measurements, the node performs induction on the orientation for its
neighbors in order to compute one non-anchor node’s orientation for an anchor that is multiple hops away. Therefore,
the non-anchor nodes can be localized through multilateration after a sufficient number of equations are built.
Fig. 6 Localization with AOA.
3.4 Node mobility and localization
Mobility of sensor nodes has double impact on the localization process. On one hand, the uncertainty of node movements leads to increased difficulty of localization. While
on the other hand, mobile anchors provide additional measurements to the mobility-assisted localization schemes.
Mobility-assisted localization relieves WSNs from the significant cost of deploying GPS receivers and the pressure of
provisioning energy for interacting with each other in the
localization process.
Statistical approaches having capabilities to handle uncertainty of node movements, can obviously tackle localization of mobile sensor nodes. Monte Carlo localization
(MCL) method was adopted in [35] to solve the localization problem in a mobile sensor network. The simultaneous
localization and tracking scheme based on Laplace method
(LaSLAT) [36] employs Bayesian filters to accomplish the
task of localizing mobile nodes, in which location estimates
are iteratively updated given batches of new measurements.
Extensive empirical studies have shown that LaSLAT can
tolerate noisy range measurements and achieve satisfactory
location accuracy.
A scheme exploiting the mobile anchors [10] proposed
J. WANG et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2010 8 (1) 2–11
the localization of static sensors using one mobile anchor
equipped with GPS. As shown in Fig.7, the mobile anchor
periodically broadcasts beacon packets containing its coordinates while traversing the area where static sensor nodes
are deployed. Upon receiving the beacon packets, a static
sensor determines its location relative to the anchor according to the received signal strength (RSS) of the beacon
packet through Bayesian inference.
Fig. 7 Localization using a mobile beacon.
A novel idea proposed in [37] was to use extended
Kalman filter (EKF) instead of the non-parametric belief
model, which is a generalized form of particle filters. The
localization is assisted by a mobile robot, which is localized
simultaneously with the static nodes. Both the nodes and
the robot run EKF to update the location estimation upon
receiving RSSI information from anchors and the other localized nodes. They also broadcast the updated location estimations to the neighboring nodes for the next round of update on the location estimation. The mobile robot is led to
the less localized area to provide more message exchanges
during its visit.
Another novel approach for localization of ground sensor
proposed in [38] relies on the use of an Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle that receives its location coordinates either from an
on-board GPS receiver or from a ground control station.
Both relative and absolute locations of the ground sensor
nodes can be accomplished by formulating a minimization
problem of the virtual potential field force which implies
least-square-errors in the results. The optimality of the location estimates is guaranteed by the Lyapunov theory. The
proposed algorithm is able to deal with the scenarios when
the divergence of the extended Kalman Filter is caused by
the first order linearization of the non-linear system.
3.5 Probabilistic approaches
Probabilistic approaches are ideal for handling noisy
measurements in indoor localization scenarios where RSSI
measurements suffer from severe multipath effects. Two
distinct tracks are pursued in probabilistic approaches. One
relies on mappings between the RSSI measurements and the
locations, while the other manages to capture the statistical
relationship between the RSSI measurements and the distances. Both can work with off-line recording and on-line
measurements in localizing the nodes with RSSI capability.
RADAR [39] provides a method for mapping the RSSI
profile in a space. It consists of two stages. During the first
stage, RSSI values from multiple base stations (acting as
anchors) are recorded at various locations. A three-step localization process is then performed in the second stage. In
the first step, the object’s location in the signal space is rep-
resented by the sample mean of the multiple RSSI measurements corresponding to the base station. In the second step,
an RSSI map of the space is generated from either the empirical data or the propagation model akin to the empirical
data. In the final step, the sample mean of the RSSI values
from the base station is matched with its nearest neighbor in
the signal space.
The major difficulty of implementing RADAR comes
from the off-line recording of the RSSI from the base stations. In order to relieve the system from cumbersome offline preparation, a kernel based learning method was proposed in [40]. The localization problem is formulated as a
pattern recognition problem with its kernel matrix being the
signal strength matrix. The method requires training data for
the learning process. However, the training data can be obtained through automated signal collecting phase. The pattern recognition algorithm focuses on determining the regions that each node resides in. The centroid of the intersection region, which a node belongs to, is regarded as its location. Though the localization process of the kernel-based
learning method can be performed locally, its training process is inevitably centralized and computation extensive. A
fully distributed localization method without explicit statistical model for range measurement was presented in [41].
Locations of nodes are represented by the exact locations
and the corresponding uncertainties. Each node computes
its belief on the location, which is a normalized estimate of
the posterior likelihood of the location. The node communicates with neighbors on each other’s belief and updates its
location and the associated belief based on the information
from neighbors. The process iterates until certain convergence criteria can be met. The fully distributed algorithm
relies on local information and message exchanges, which
invokes less communication and computation cost as compared to centralized algorithms.
Model based localization can be viewed as alternative to
the map-assisted localization. Instead of deterministic relationships between range measurements and location estimates, model based localizations employ probabilistic models for range measurements and location estimates. For instance, a method proposed in [42] is based on the probabilistic model of RSS that is obtained in the calibration
phase using experimental data from an outdoor environment
without obstructions. In the subsequent localization phase,
anchor nodes and non-anchor nodes with updated estimations on their locations send out beacons to the neighbors.
Upon receiving the beacon packets, the probability density
functions of the non-anchor nodes are updated accordingly.
Finally, the location of a non-anchor node is given by the
estimated coordinates with the highest probability.
There is also a reference to the use of Bayesian models
for the noisy distance measurements [43]. Before being applied in the localization process, the models are trained with
RSS measurements that are collected in an office building.
An observation on the training procedure is that the locations of the training data does not affect the localization
performance given the same sample size of training data.
This observation indicates a promising feature of using hierarchical Bayesian graphical model. When gathering RSS
data for training the models, it is not necessary to collect the
location information of the RSS data.
J. WANG et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2010 8 (1) 2–11
4 Performance comparison
surements from all the nodes. This is expensive in terms of
This section focuses on the evaluation of localization forwarding the measurements to the processing node and
schemes. We compare a group of typical solutions that re- solving the high dimension matrix. Distributed algorithms,
on the other hand, require collaborations among neighborveal the tradeoffs among different evaluation metrics.
ing nodes. In particular, the multihop localization faces the
4.1 Evaluation metrics
tradeoff between the communication cost on propagating
The three basic evaluation metrics consist of computa- the anchor locations and the degree of accuracy. The numtion and communication costs, localization accuracy, and ber of iterations in a localization process is apparently in the
network density.
center of the tradeoff between the energy consumption for
Localization accuracy
refinement of localization results and the degree of accuracy
Localization accuracy relies largely on the physical achievable through refining.
sources of localization errors. The physical sources are repNetwork and anchors density
resented by a wide range of noises and quantization losses
The discussions on the localization algorithms suggest
of range measurements. A summary on the range accuracy that dense networks lead to better localization performance.
of various ranging techniques was presented in [44]. Among The anchor-based localization schemes require a high denthese techniques, the most attractive ones are those with low sity of anchors that is essential to ensure low level of localcost and ready-to-use features like TOA or RSSI. The only ization error. However, a dense network does not necessarily
concern about these techniques is that they produce highly guarantee high accuracy in location estimations.
noisy measurements and are over sensitive to environmental
4.2 Summary of localization performances
As already discussed, existing localization solutions were
Since range errors are inherent to WSNs employing simple and low-cost ranging hardware, it is important to deter- generally proposed to cater to the requirements of different
mine the impact of range error on the performance of lo- application scenarios. The difficulty of comparing their recalization algorithms. According to empirical studies [45], sults is exacerbated by the fact that different test-beds were
high node density and Gaussian noises are the two pre- built for the purpose of evaluations, at times restricted to
requisites for the use of the noisy disk model, which in- applications at hand. Still, we can summarize the perfortroduces noise component in the popular Unit Disk range mance of solutions with respect to accuracy, communicamodel. It also suggests probabilistic approaches in reducing tion/computation costs and node density.
Table 1 shows that the localization accuracy was examthe impact of range errors.
on the basis of tradeoffs between accuracy, computaThe Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is commonly
adopted in the error analysis of the localization schemes. tional complexity, communication cost, deployment of anIt is a lower bound on the variance of the estimator for chors, density of non-anchors, etc. Apart from randomly
locations. Given the knowledge of the range distribution, generated networks, a typical deployment of nodes is a grid
the bound on the localization error can be derived accord- of non-anchor nodes within a particular area. The localizaingly [46]. Therefore, localization schemes are able to eval- tion accuracy is usually quantified using the average Euuate their performances by comparing the localization accu- clidean distance between the estimated locations and the actual locations normalized to the radio range or other system
racy with the corresponding CRLB.
parameters. For mobility-assisted localizations, the impact
Computation and communication costs
of node density is not as important as for localization of
As energy efficiency is critical to WSNs, it is necessary
static nodes. In addition, communication/computation costs
to minimize both computation and communication costs in
may not be of the same importance to off-line simulations
any operation involving WSNs. Centralized localization alas to real implementations.
gorithms like the SDP or MDS-MAP demand range meaTable 1 Performance summary of localization schemes.
APIT [24]
Computation/Communication costs
Node density
10% message overhead of DV-hop
16 one-hop anchors
30%R for isotropic topology
DV-hop [27]
Number of messages exchanged: 7000 N d = 7.6 with 30% to be anchors
90%R for anisotropic topology
15%R for isotropic topology
DV-distance [27]
Number of messages exchanged: 7200 N d = 7.6 with 30% to be anchors
80%R for anisotropic topology
10%R for isotropic topology
Euclidean [27]
Number of messages exchanged: 8000 N d = 7.6 with 30% to be anchors
15%R for anisotropic topology
N d 12.2
MDS-MAP [28]
Computational complexity: O(n3 )
3 anchors at random positions
25 anchors covering
Worst case
Kernel-based learning [40]
40 inches × 40 inches area
Computational complexity: O(n3 )
10 nodes in one radio range
MCL [35]
50 samples from the full distribution
4 anchor nodes in one radio range
0.5 nodes/m2
RSS Model [13]
O(n2 log2 n)
J. WANG et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2010 8 (1) 2–11
The table only shows typical values of the metrics, though
a series of metric values were reported in literature. For the
sake of conciseness, radio range and average node degree is
denoted by R and N d, respectively, while D represents the
average inter-distance of anchors.
5 Open issues
Although there has been extensive research on sensor
localization, some issues still remain unresolved or unexplored as discussed below.
Energy consumption
Although energy consumption has been addressed in localization of WSNs, designing energy efficient localization
schemes is quite challenging. Incorporating energy efficient
design at the communication layers and all aspects of a localization algorithm for a WSN requires evolution of an appropriate model for quantifying energy consumption. Obviously, this is a non-trivial task as it covers many unrelated
tasks such as localization related measurements, communication among neighbors and estimating locations, among
3-Dimensional WSNs
The typical scenario for localization in WSNs is to determine the locations of the nodes in a 2-D plane. However, many deployments are in a 3-D space. Therefore, it
leads to differences on both ranging results and localization
algorithms. Analysis on localization schemes focusing on
the 3-D space is of particular interest to real applications
of WSNs, especially when the difference between localizations in 2-D place and 3-D space is significant. For instance,
irregularity of the radio transmission has been investigated
in 2-D space [47], while its counterpart in 3-D space remains unexplored.
Security and privacy
Security and privacy have always been major issues in
wide deployment of WSNs. On the one hand, knowing locations of nodes with good accuracy could be important to
some applications. On the other hand, revealing locations to
the applications that do not need them, may leave the WSNs
open to security and privacy attacks. For example, security
of WSNs could be very critical to operations of smart environments. Although some research on security of localization schemes has been recently reported [48, 49], the types
of attacks and the related countermeasures are restricted to
a few typical cases. Similarly, privacy of node locations is
not protected in most localization processes.
6 Conclusions
This paper dealt with the localization problems in WSNs.
In the literature, localization methods are normally referred
to either as range-based or range-free. However, such a
broad classification is grossly inadequate, because it restricts classification to hardware requirements of the localization schemes. As discussed in this paper, we believe
a more elaborate taxonomy that also deals with the solution characteristics and application requirements would be
more appropriate. To justify the proposed line of investigation, we reviewed existing solutions, discussed the complexities of using proximity information, range measurements
or both. In addition, mobility-assisted localization, localiza-
tion of mobile nodes and probabilistic approaches are also
reviewed in detail. Subsequently, a summary of qualitative
evaluation of important localization schemes is presented
on the basis of accuracy, computation/communication costs
and node density. Some open issues for further research
have been included.
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Jing WANG joined the University of Texas at Arlington in 2006 and is currently pursuing Ph.D. degree in the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering of UTA. She obtained her B.S. and
M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Xi’an
Jiaotong University, China, in 1998 and 2001 respectively. Her research interests are wireless sensor
networks and pervasive computing. E-mail:
[email protected].
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R. K. GHOSH received his Ph.D. from IIT Kharagpur in 1985, and joined the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur as faculty member immediately afterwards. Currently he
holds the position of a full professor. His current
research interests are in sensor network (deployment, localization, and energy aware routing), mobile computing, grid computing and distributed systems. Dr. Ghosh has published extensively in journals and conference proceedings in the areas of wireless networks, mobile
J. WANG et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2010 8 (1) 2–11
computing, parallel/distributed processing, graph theory and interconnection networks. He has Co-authored one book and edited a few conference
proceedings. He has held visiting positions in a few reputed institutes in
India and abroad. Dr. Ghosh has directed a number of research projects
funded by both public and private agencies in India. He is professionally
quite active with international research collaborations, being a member of
technical committees of several reputed international conferences in the
area of wireless and sensor networks, and also a regular reviewers for many
technical journals in the areas of mobile computing and wireless networks.
[email protected].
Sajal K. DAS is a university distinguished scholar
professor of Computer Science and Engineering and
the Founding Director of the Center for Research in
Wireless Mobility and Networking (CReWMaN) at
the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). He is
currently a program director at the US National Science Foundation (NSF) in the Division of Computer
Networks and Systems. He is also an E.T.S. Walton
professor of Science Foundation of Ireland; a visiting professor at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) at Kanpur and IIT
Guwahati; an honorary professor of Fudan University in Shanghai and international advisory professor of Beijing Jiaotong University, China; and a
visiting scientist at the Institute of Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore.
His current research interests include wireless and sensor networks, mobile and pervasive computing, smart environments and smart heath care,
pervasive security, resource and mobility management in wireless networks, mobile grid computing, biological networking, applied graph theory and game theory. He has published over 400 papers and over 35 invited book chapters in these areas. He holds five US patents in wireless
networks and mobile Internet, and coauthored the books “Smart Environments: Technology, Protocols, and Applications” (Wiley, 2005) and “Mobile Agents in Distributed Computing and Networking” (Wiley, 2009). Dr.
Das is a recipient of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement
Award (2009) for pioneering contributions to sensor networks, IEEE Region 5 Outstanding Engineering Educator Award (2009), IEEE Engineer
of the Year Award (2007); and seven Best Paper Awards including those
at EWSN’08, IEEE PerCom’06, and ACM MobiCom’99. At UTA, he is
a recipient of the Lockheed Martin Teaching Excellence Award (2009),
UTA Academy of Distinguished Scholars Award (2006), University Award
for Distinguished Record of Research (2005), College of Engineering Research Excellence Award (2003), and Outstanding Faculty Research Award
in Computer Science (2001 and 2003).
Dr. Das serves as the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s Pervasive
and Mobile Computing (PMC) journal, and also as an associate editor of
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, ACM/Springer Wireless Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, and Journal of Peer-to-Peer Networking. He is the founder of IEEE WoWMoM
symposium and co-founder of IEEE PerCom conference. He has served as
General and Technical Program Chair as well as TPC member of numerous
IEEE and ACM conferences. He is a senior member of the IEEE. E-mail:
[email protected].