Autonomic computing architecture for SCADA cyber security
Nazir, Sajid; Patel, Shushma; Patel, Dilip
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International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
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Nazir, S, Patel, S & Patel, D 2017, 'Autonomic computing architecture for SCADA cyber security', International
Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 66-79.
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International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
Autonomic Computing Architecture for SCADA
Cyber Security
Cognitive computing relates to intelligent computing platforms that are based on the disciplines of
artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other innovative technologies. These technologies can be
used to design systems that mimic the human brain to learn about their environment and can
autonomously predict an impending anomalous situation. IBM first used the term ‘Autonomic
Computing’ in 2001 to combat the looming complexity crisis (Ganek and Corbi, 2003). The concept has
been inspired by the human biological autonomic system. An autonomic system is self-healing, selfregulating, self-optimising and self-protecting (Ganek and Corbi, 2003). Therefore, the system should be
able to protect itself against both malicious attacks and unintended mistakes by the operator.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are used to monitor and control
complex infrastructures of national importance such as transportation networks, power generation and
manufacturing plants. SCADA systems can be visualised as a layered architecture, as shown in Figure 1.
The field devices (sensors, etc.) at the lowest layer interact with the physical processes. At layer 2, the
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), and Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) aggregate data values from
the lower layer and communicate the commands and their responses through the communications
network to the SCADA server and Human Machine Interface (HMI). The generation of commands at the
top layer and collection of responses from the lowest layer results in the monitoring and control of the
process. The applicability of SCADA systems has become widespread due to industrial automation, cost
reduction and growth in global economies (Nazir et al., 2017).
Fig. 1. Layered Architecture of a SCADA system.
Traditionally, SCADA systems were developed as closed systems with security being the overriding
factor, and no Internet connectivity. However, to leverage efficiency and gain a competitive advantage,
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
the systems are increasingly becoming connected to the Internet and cloud technologies. SCADA system
security vulnerabilities were first highlighted by the Stuxnet attack (Karnouskos, 2011). Subsequently,
there has been an increase in the frequency and sophistication, of the attacks as evidenced by Constantin
Isolation and obscurity as a mechanism for protection is no longer an option for critical infrastructures
(Mahoney and Gandhi, 2011). At the same time systems are getting so complex that it is difficult to
develop effective defence strategies, as there is a lack of understanding of the complex interactions
between the many system entities (Khadraoui and Feltus, 2015). Digital forensics becomes difficult due
to the increased numbers and complexity of the cases (Taveras, 2013). The systems complexity and
interactions go beyond the capability of system developers and integrators as a result of interconnectivity
(Kephart and Chess, 2003). Thus, increasingly there is a lack of understanding of the holistic system,
which makes it very difficult to tune a system and to make decisions in case of changed requirements.
This has led to a realization that conventional and inflexible techniques will not help. What is needed is a
new way of looking at the problem of cyber security that is robust, manageable and self-realising with a
minimum requirement to monitor systems to make decisions. What is proposed is an entirely new way of
thinking about the problem where the system itself is intelligent and helps to maintain and extend its
behaviour, with the use of autonomic computing (Kephart and Chess, 2003).
The basic principles of autonomic computing are highly relevant for the protection of the increasingly
complex SCADA system because: (i) the boundaries between physical and virtual systems have been
blurred through virtualisation. It is possible to host a cluster of machines in a virtual environment; (ii)
even with hardware there are sufficient advances in other domains with self-healing materials; (iii)
advances in machine learning, artificial intelligence and the knowledge base need to be capitalised for
protection; (iv) the systems are highly interconnected and the distributed nature of the systems pose an
exponential complexity.
There has been some research on autonomic computing applications to complex SCADA systems.
The application of autonomic computing for smart grids has been discussed (Greer and RodriguezMartinez, 2012) as a solution to manage system complexities. Key components of a self-protecting
SCADA system have been proposed and a survey of techniques provided for the realisation of such
systems (Chen Abdelwahed, 2014). Also, there are few dedicated research groups (Autonomic
Computing Lab; Cloud and Autonomic Computing Centre; Fortes et al., 2014) focusing research on the
applicability of autonomic computing to cyber security. JADE (JADE, 2009) provides a framework for
building autonomic management systems. A test bed was developed for modelling critical
infrastructures for testing autonomic technologies (Autonomic Computing Lab; Cox, 2011).
However, there is a lack of progress in developing architectures to support applications before the full
potential of autonomic computing for SCADA security can be realised. We propose to use the
autonomic computing paradigm features to SCADA system security, in particular focussing on selfprotecting SCADA systems. This paper incorporates autonomic computing paradigm elements to extend
the SCADA architecture to safeguard against the emerging cyber security challenges and threats facing
SCADA industrial applications.
In section 2 the relevant features of SCADA systems are described. Cognitive computing is discussed
in section 3. Section 4 covers the autonomic computing paradigm. Section 5 proposes the architectural
framework for SCADA cyber security and finally section 6 concludes the paper.
SCADA systems were developed to be used as stand-alone systems which by their very nature made it
difficult for an outside attacker to exploit the system. However, the many benefits associated with
interconnecting the system to the Internet have transformed the SCADA systems into a highly
interconnected system (Taveras, 2013; Nazir et al., 2017) accessible over the Internet (Fig 2). Therefore
the protection offered by an unconnected SCADA system is not available anymore. The benefits are too
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
lucrative to be ignored by vendors and industry. Unfortunately it comes with an increased exposure to
threats. The system interactions are complex, opening new threat entry points as there are many third
party libraries and hardware assembled with components from around the world, with exploitable threats
such as backdoors, often unknown to the SCADA system vendor.
The systems developers design customized solutions to address a particular problem. The systems are
fairly long term deployments as the controlled processes have large financial and industrial outlays. The
criticality of maintaining the process means that the systems remain in continuous operation and have a
range of redundancies incorporated to protect stalling the system for foreseeable problems.
SCADA communications protocols such as Modbus, Distributed Network Protocol (DNP), IEC 870-5
and T103 are described by GE Communications Protocol. Most SCADA communications protocols have
no encryption as they were designed when the SCADA systems existed only as stand-alone systems,
rendering protocol authentication unnecessary. The Modbus protocol is one of the most common
protocols for SCADA systems that operate on simple request-response messaging (Al Baalbaki et al.,
2013). The diversity of the protocols and their inoperability also creates obstacles to design secure
communications (Sheldon et al., 2004). There are many publicly available tools that can capture network
traffic wirelessly. Also the wireless devices that feed data to the SCADA system provide easy entry
points for the intruder into the system because the end devices do not have adequate protection, due to
very low power requirements.
SCADA application vendors design their software to be hosted on generic operating systems such as
Windows and Linux variants for widespread deployments; however, this makes SCADA applications
exposed to the same vulnerabilities as that of the operating system. The long operational lifetime of
SCADA software means that the host operating system may be beyond technical support. The features
being added to the SCADA systems add further complexity and the systems become difficult to develop
and maintain. Thus it becomes difficult to understand and restore systems to their operational state from
a compromised state resulting from a cyber attack.
Fig. 2. Multiple pathways and Internat Connectivity to a Production System.
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
The cyber attack paradigms have progressed much beyond the simple attack methodologies such as
man-in-the-middle (MITM) and Denial of Service (DOS) attacks (Chen and Abdelwahed, 2014), and are
waged with increasing sophistication to hide detection. The traditional defence approaches are unable to
cope with the latest attack methodologies where for example, the system parameters are altered, and are
individually legitimate, but on the whole result in system collapse. Correct operation of the system needs
not only the correct commands but commands that are consistent with the prevailing state of the system.
It is possible for an attacker to inject a valid sequence of commands that gradually take the system to an
unstable condition. The systems also operate under very tight timing constraints and can have undesired
consequences in case of timing violation. Even the smallest intrusions on the critical infrastructure
controls, can result in malfunctions which have devastating ripple effects on the system as a whole. The
system is susceptible to attacks with minor effects, which can alter the system behaviour in a negative
manner, leading to a ripple effect that compromises the whole system. The SCADA system entities are
generally spread over a large geographical area, thus necessitating synchronisation of information at each
The threat landscape is rapidly evolving (Khadraoui and Feltus, 2015) and has gained momentum
because the SCADA systems are now accessible over the Internet, and are no longer protected by
obscurity as the communications protocols and characteristics are available to interested parties.
Currently, both the state and non-state agents are trying to exploit the system’s vulnerabilities. Cox
(2011) discusses in detail threat ontologies.
In contrast to the attacks launched from outside, threats can also emanate from an innocent or
deliberate mistake from an insider. Such attacks could cause more harm as they could be launched with
some understanding about the system operation.
Some recent technology adoptions and improvements in the SCADA systems are promising to aid
developing systems that can result in an autonomic SCADA system. System protection can be ensured
through many techniques. The majority depend on the judgement of a human to provide safeguards for
the system.
The latest trends and innovations, such as virtualisation, analytics and databases, and wireless
communications, which must work together in close collaboration to achieve the system mission, have
been applied to SCADA systems. The integrated framework can rightly be called systems of systems as
the complexity has increased beyond simple control and monitoring tasks, the fundamental basis of
SCADA. This complexity implies that developing and maintaining such systems are reaching the limits
of human cognition (Kephart and Chess, 2003; Huebscher and McCann, 2008).
System vendors have been cognisant of the prevailing cyber security environment and have added a
number of features to the product offerings. These features include, for example multiplexing proxy,
encryption and role based access to make the intruder’s task difficult. Most SCADA vendors allow
integration with relational databases in addition to the built-in historical databases that have some
advantages (SQL). Relational databases such as Oracle have their own integrated analytics and data
mining services that can make it easier to uncover any anomalous activity.
The machine learning and data analytics techniques have revolutionised many application domains
and have recently been introduced in SCADA applications software. Such native integration makes it
easier for the SCADA developers to analyse the systems operations and identify impending attacks
(Kirsch et al., 2014; Carcano et al., 2011). Machine learning and other such techniques can effectively
analyse a system to detect anomalous activities. Such unsupervised anomaly detection schemes are
more appropriate and efficient compared to human analysts (Jiang and Yasakethu, 2013) and other
signature based approaches (Chen Abdelwahed, 2014). The system can thus learn new approaches and
provide defence against as yet unseen scenarios, as in the case of supervised learning approaches. The
other techniques of interest could be based on agent based, artificial intelligence, and adaptive systems
(Greer and Rodriguez-Martinez, 2012). The future of cyber security lies with exploiting such techniques
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
that can not only autonomously assess the threats to the system security, but also contain and mitigate
the threat from spreading, resulting in more damage. The operator alert can notify the human operator to
initiate disaster recovery operations.
Virtualisation techniques provide many benefits that can advantageously be applied to support the
autonomic computing paradigm. Virtualisation enables easy containment of an attack, restoring and
disaster recovery, change and optimisation of system resources, etc., in a truly elastic manner.
A recent breakthrough in this direction is that of the Autonomic Computing paradigm. With
Autonomic Computing, the ultimate control still rests with a human but the drudgery of data
manipulation and threat assessment can be taken out of the loop.
Cognitive Informatics is a broad and multidisciplinary field of cognition and information sciences that
investigates the human information processing and its applicability for computing applications. A
comprehensive review of the cognitive informatics framework is provided by Wang (2007a) and it also
describes the applications from the fields of computing and software engineering. It uses Concept
Algebra (CA), Real-Time System Algebra (RTPA) and System Algebra (SA) to formulate and represent
knowledge using a formal notation. It can have diverse goals based on the application field but the
overriding aim is to improve the human-machine interaction through better decision making. The hard
problems in various engineering and scientific fields can be solved much easily if we knew the cognitive
processes of the human brain (Wang, 2007a). For example, object recognition and classification problem
in computer vision is hard for computers but comes naturally to humans, where a lot of progress has been
made by mimicking the cognitive processes of the brain through Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).
Similarly, the application of machine learning and agent based processing can help overcome the cyber
threats facing the SCADA systems.
The theoretical framework for cognitive informatics and cognitive computing is presented by Wang et
al. (2015) using a reductive model of the brain. It has been argued that the brain and natural intelligence
can be explained through the reductive hierarchy at different levels.
The cognitive processes of formal inferences are described by Wang (2011b) cover both the applied
and theoretical research processes using Real-Time Process Algebra (RTPA). It theorizes and
demonstrates how the formal inferences in the human brain can be described using the cognitive
processes of deduction, induction, abduction, and analogy. It provides a set of mathematical models and
cognitive process for formal inference. This formalization of models is also helpful to design the
intelligent computers based on Cognitive Computing (CC).
Cognitive computing comprises of intelligent computing methodologies to build autonomous systems
that mimic the inference mechanisms of the human brain (Wang, 2009). Thus a system can detect
anomalies, events and entities in a system through pattern recognition and data mining. These pro-active
and self-learning systems can provide an effective defence against cyber threats, as signature based
approaches can only work against known threats, It is also very important for critical infrastructure cyber
security systems that the threat is anticipated and predicted before it strikes, otherwise it could be
difficult to contain the resulting damage.
The future developments in the field of cognitive informatics have been described by Wang et al.
(2011a; 2011c). The advances in the field of cognitive informatics have led to the development of
cognitive computing. Computing can be classified at four levels in computation intelligence: data,
information, knowledge, and intelligence (Wang et al., 2011c; 2015). Data and information processing
have been well studied but the same has not been the case for the higher levels of computational
intelligence are yet to be studied. This will foster an era of an intelligent revolution that will meet the
human needs of wisdom and intelligence. Highly intelligent systems will be accessible to ordinary people
to solve everyday problems (Wang et al., 2015). The recent trend of “Cognitive processes of the brain,
particularly the perceptive cognitive processes, are the fundamental means for describing autonomic
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
computing systems, such as robots, software agent systems, and distributed intelligent networks.”
(Wang, 2007b).
The roots of autonomic computing can be traced to the work by Norbett Wiener, John von Neumann,
Alan Turing, and Claude E. Shannon on automata (Wang, 2007b). Autonomic computing leads to
intelligent behaviours such as those driven through goals and inferences (Wang, 2007b). The theoretical
and engineering foundations for autonomic computing together with a comprehensive set of theoretical
foundations that is, cognitive informatics, behaviours, and intelligent science have been identified and
the theorems for imperative and autonomic computing provide a solid foundation for the application of
the field of autonomic computing to engineering applications (Wang, 2007b).
Autonomic Computing is one of the trans-disciplinary applications of Cognitive Informatics and an
autonomic computing system using its intelligence can autonomously carry out its actions based on the
set of events and goals (Wang, 2007a; 2007b). This contrasts with an imperative system whose
behaviour is controlled by a stored program and is thus deterministic. The motivation for autonomic
systems is to deal with the system complexity, which has reached an overwhelming proportion and is
inspired by the human nervous system (Poslad, 2011).
The increase in system complexity and applications heterogeneity has made it difficult to process the
information. This has necessitated the use of paradigms inspired by biological systems such as autonomic
computing (Parashar and Hariri, 2005) that have a goal to realise systems and applications which operate
autonomously based on high level rules to meet the system mission. It differs from Artificial Intelligence
(AI) in that unlike those systems the ultimate decision may be taken by the human operator
The basic idea of the Autonomic Computing paradigm is that the system should be intelligent to
enable it to develop and maintain itself in an optimised state. The human body’s feedback and control
mechanisms (Kephart and Chess, 2003; Parashar and Hariri, 2005) have formed the basis of general
systems theory and holism for the development and management of computer based systems. The
autonomic computing paradigm mimics the autonomic human nervous system. The ability to selfmanage SCADA system security threats by developing learning systems that recognise vulnerabilities
will be hugely advantageous. The agents and software services will form a part of the systems, gathering
data and monitoring systems continuously (Yang et al., 2005).
Autonomic computing can result from the use of different technologies, however an autonomic
system must demonstrate the following four main features: self-configuring; self-healing; selfoptimising; and self-protecting (Ganek and Corbi, 2003):
1) Self-configuring: The system must be able to reconfigure its behaviour based on the changing
system requirements. For example, to acquire more system resources, such as memory, in case the
system is overburdened.
2) Self-healing: In response to detecting a compromised element in its configurtion, or lack of
resources, an autonomic system can respond by repairing itself to a good state. Based on this assessment
the system should be able to, for example, isolate the system components that have been compromised
and continue operation with the remaining elements and at the same time attemping to restore the
compromised system elements.
3) Self-optimising: The system must be able to assess the current state of the system variables and be
abe to tune them to result in an optimised tuned behaviour. This is crucial as in the case of complex
systems there are thousands of system parameters that can affect the system performance. Knowing or
applying them all for best results is beyond the grasp of the human mind, in a resonable amount of time.
4) Self-protecting: The system should be aware of the normal system operation and be able to
continuously monitor the current system state to determine when deviations occur. It can then take
measures to contain the threat and to handle it
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
Autonomic computing facilitates identifying factors that relate to a specific state – homeostasis. The
development of a knowledge network will help to identify what ‘homeostasis’ is and when there is an
imbalance, to understand the structure of the network, the defences, the threats and the attacks. The
threats can be classified into two categories: 1) process-related: when valid credentials are used to make
legitimate changes that can impact on industrial processes. These can also be due to an error in the input
of incorrect values or an actual attack (Crawford, 2006) by, for example, disgruntled employees; and 2)
system-related: which are exploited via software or configuration vulnerabilities. For example, flaws in
communication protocols, which are low level (layers 1 and 2) attacks on the SCADA architecture
(Pidikiti et al., 2013). Developing a mechanism to mine logged data on process-related incidents is a
potential solution to developing an autonomic computing approach for SCADA security. Identifying
user activities and classifying the actions into signed-on or known user actions allows the analysis of
threats as legitimate system commands by legitimate users, or by illegitimate users, to distinguish the
threats into attacks or errors by developing a knowledge base (Hadžiosmanović et al., 2012).
The autonomic computing system incorporated to monitor a SCADA system may generate false
alarms and therefore it may be necessary, based on the application domain, for a human operator to
make a final decision based on the evidence.
In this section we provide a brief overview of the architectures proposed in the research literature and
propose a framework that can be used to design SCADA systems that have built-in layered protection
against both known and unknown threats.
An autonomic system enables a SCADA system to optimise, configure and protect itself in case of
changing the system state to a compromised one. The work to date for securing SCADA security focuses
on discrete approaches. However, we propose an integrated approach that combines, the discrete
knowledge based approaches with cognitive approaches. The memory layer of the Layered Reference
Model of the Brain (LRMB) (layer 2), reflects the knowledge base that captures the short term, long term
and transient memories. This can be utilised to capture process- and systems-related threats. Memory can
be defined as a set of subconscious cognitive processes that retain the external or internal information
about various SCADA security events. The subconscious knowledge base is inherited from the range of
events and threats identified, and the conscious subsystem, however, is acquired and flexible, based on
the autonomic computing paradigm (Wang et al., 2006a; Wang and Wang, 2006b).
Some autonomic architectures have been proposed in the research literature. The IBM autonomic
computing system comprises, monitoring, analysing, planning, executing and a knowledge base
component (Ebbers et al., 2006) and was proposed for large-scale commercial systems. The architecture
utilises Touchpoint Autonomic Managers that are self-configuring, self-healing, self-optimizing and selfprotecting.
An introduction to autonomic computing together with the challenges and opportunities are presented
in Parashar and Hariri (2005). An Ultrastable system is discussed with reference to living organisms and
human nervous system. The authors highlight the challenges in designing the general purpose systems
that can address the emerging needs and complexity of services and applications. They propose
architecture for an autonomic element as a smallest functional unit and propose a manager for each
autonomic element.
Chen and Abdelwahed (2014) highlight the need for better security for the SCADA system and
present an autonomic security model comprising of risk assessment, early warning and prevention,
intrusion detection, and intrusion response. The signature based detection techniques can only be useful
against known attacks whereas the anomaly based detection techniques have a high false alarm rate.
Similarly demilitarised zones, access controls and firewalls do not provide adequate protection as with
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
time the attackers learn the vulnerabilities of the communication protocols and those of the operating
A detailed survey of autonomic computing models and applications is provided by Huebscher and
McCann(2008). An Autonomic Critical Infrastructure Protection (ACIP) system using anomaly detection
and autonomic computing is proposed by Al-Baalbaaki and Al-Nashif (2013). The modular system has
online monitoring, feature selection and correlation, multi-level behaviour analysis, visualisation, and
adaptive learning. The evaluation of ACIP is described using Modbus traffic generator for the Modbus
traces between a server and five different PLCs. The proposed system could detect and stop a variety of
attacks on the Modbus protocol (Al-Baalbaaki and Al-Nashif, 2013).
It was shown that by incorporating knowledge of a physical model of the system it was possible to
identify the attacks through changes in system behaviour (Cardenas et al., 2011). The detection of attacks
was formulated as anomaly-based intrusion detection. The results show that the response algorithm keeps
the system in a safe state during an attack. Automatic response mechanisms were proposed on system
state estimation. However, they caution that an automatic detection and response methodology might not
be applicable for all processes in control systems.
A methodology for designing a smart critical architecture that protects communications, controls and
computations using moving target defence and autonomic computing is proposed by Hariri et al. and also
develop a Resilient Smart Critical Infrastructure Testbed (RSCIT). A general autonomic computing
environment (Autonomia) was developed for control and management of smart critical infrastructures.
A survivable cyber-secure infrastructures (SCI) architecture is proposed by Sheldon et al. (2004) for a
power grid and proposes a cognitive agent architecture combining agent-based and autonomic
computing. Cognitive components are described as comprising of processes that are reactive, deliberate,
or reflective.
In contrast to the architectures above, our proposed architecture combines three features to provide a
threat-resilient SCADA framework: (i) virtualisation of computing and networking resources (ii)
hierarchy of autonomic managers (AMs) to identify threats at different scales (iii) protection against false
Virtualisation refers to creating a virtual rather than physical version of computer hardware, storage
and networks. The advantages are that the computing resources can be elastically assigned as required
and it is much easier to monitor the virtual machines. In case of a cyber attack, a clean instance can be
easily launched and the compromised machine can be isolated for forensics. Also, Disaster recovery and
rollback can be performed easily. We propose hosting the SCADA system on a virtual platform. The
advantages are that it can provide high availability through protection against hardware and software
failures. Thus creating a broad generalised structure based on virtualisation wherein appropriate
technologies can be selected to best suit an application within the given framework.
We propose the concept of hierarchical autonomic managers that can scale protection from a small to
a wide area. A domain autonomic manager, 𝐴𝑀𝑑 performs real-time analysis of their limited domain
(database, communications, etc.,) at a small scale. These domain-based analyses are then aggregated at
the local system level, 𝐴𝑀𝑙 for identification of anomalies to counter the threats locally. This relieves the
central autonomic manager, 𝐴𝑀𝑐 to take more holistic actions. Thus, a central autonomic manager can
perform an analysis of system wide aggregated analysis to counter system wide variations to identify
possible threats.
Thus, the inference of AM is based on the intelligent aggregation of the inferences of its lower level
Inferences 𝐴𝑀𝑐 = ∑𝑁𝑖=1 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠𝐴𝑀𝑙
We argue that despite the current state-of-the-art in autonomic computing applications, such as,
machine learning and neural networks applied to SCADA systems, the ultimate decision should lie with
the human operator. This is due to the criticality of the SCADA applications that might jeopardise the
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
safety and health of people, or compromise national security and infrastructures in case of false alarms.
This of course, will vary from one application to another and a human decision-maker could be in the
loop at some or all layers of AMs. The hierarchy of autonomic managers abstracts the information as it
proceeds from low to high levels (domain to global) and can recommend actions to make it easier for a
human operator to make a decision.
The structure and execution cycle of an AM is shown in Fig 3. It plans based on the given goals and
rules, executes its plan which could be monitoring, comparison, infers the result of its execution to be an
anomaly or a progression towards one, reports the inference to its higher AM. The knowledge base is
analogous to the human nervous system storing structured and unstructured information used by the
autonomic manager during its operation.
Fig 3. Structure and execution cycle of an autonomic manager.
The autonomic manager, as shown in Fig 3, can be used at various security layers of the system. The
hierarchy helps to place the inferences at appropriate levels and the intelligence can travel up to the
highest layer, that is, the central AM.
A SCADA system can have a large geographical spread, exposing it to exploitation at many locations,
therefore necessitating an autonomic manager at each location that can monitor the security in the local
areas and coordinate the efforts through the central manager. A simplified SCADA system architecture is
shown in Figure 4. At the heart of the system is a central autonomic manager, that can enforce the broad
threat mitigation and containment policies in the managed system as defined by the system administrator.
The knowledge base provides the various historical system models that are continuously modified to the
current state and are analysed to check conformance. The local autonomic managers continually observe
the system state and act promptly in case of identified security threats to the local system.
Our proposed architecture provides a broad generalised structure based on virtualisation wherein
appropriate technologies can be selected to best suit an application within the given framework. The
identification of anomalies at an area level helps to counter the threats locally, relieving the central
autonomic manager to take more holistic actions to counter system wide threats.
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
Fig 4. Proposed Architecture for an autonomic SCADA system.
It is also pertinent to point out here that the autonomic manager itself can be the target of a cyber
attack. Such exploitation can be avoided through redundant deployments of managers and an integrated
approach as proposed.
The evolving cyber threat landscape dictates changes to cyber defence approaches for the protection of
SCADA systems. Unlike the traditional defence approaches where the response is governed by tailoring
and monitoring according to threats, the concept of autonomic computing provides an advantage, as the
systems are self-protecting. Thus, the cognitive and autonomic computing paradigms are very promising
to develop SCADA system cyber security architectures that facilitate proactive threat mitigation
methodologies. The autonomous nature enables flexible and scalable solutions across a wide range of
SCADA system architectures and applications.
This paper provides an overview of the autonomic computing based architectures for SCADA security.
We propose the concept of hierarchical autonomic managers that helps to extract, aggregate and refine
intelligent inferences for ultimate decision making by a human operator. The proposed framework is
generic and can be suitably applied across a range of real-world SCADA applications.
The research is sponsored by London South Bank University and Firstco Ltd., London, UK, through
Innovate UK funding.
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