Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
[email protected]
ISSN: 2615-9740
Applying Pilot E-Portfolio in Some of Vietnam’s Institutes
Nguyen Thi Khanh Hong1*, Nguyen Thi Lai Giang2, Do Thi My Trang2,
Van Dinh Vy Phuong3, Pham Ngoc Hoa4
of Technology and Education – University of Danang, Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam
3 Lac Hong University, Vietnam
4 College of Technology II, Vietnam
Empower student;
Strengthening student;
Education 4.0.
Corresponding author. Email:
[email protected]
E-Portfolio is a method for learners to record what they are taught and what
they study. This method helps learners reflect on their understanding, which
means understanding more deeply the content of study and research. In
addition, E-Portfolio is also a formula for learners to show their
competencies to viewers (friends, teachers, employers,), increasing
opportunities for scholarship applicants, and the job in the future when
showing students' abilities through the process. The paper overview the
types of E-Portfolios, and the current situation of the implementation of EPortfolio at educational institutions in Vietnam, especially at schools before
joining EMVITET project. The paper also shows the method and steps to be
taken to disseminate and effectively deploy E-Portfolio to students. Based on
the evaluation of the results of the pilot application, the paper also draws
out the difficulties students face in the implementation process so that the
teachers or the schools have the appropriate support for easier
implementation and evaluation.
Copyright © JTE. This is an open access article distributed
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0
International License which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial purpose, provided the original work is
properly cited.
1. Introduction
Nowadays, the development of digital Industry 4.0 and the introduction of high-tech Information &
Communication Technology (ICT) systems in education bring new requirements to both teachers and
students. Industry 4.0 has brought the new Education 4.0 paradigm, which focuses on the lifelong
learning conceptions while developing education and skills, and has created a future space to be more
intelligent, customized, hyper, portable, worldwide, and virtual (Aida Aryani Shahroom, Norhayati
Hussin, 2018). Thus, how to support students in these digital applications can be viewed as a central
online repository of academic work where students can reflect, engage and become active participants
in their work. An E-Portfolio is assigned as an “electronic portfolio”: a digital store of demonstrations
and artifacts that performs the knowledge, skills, and accomplishments of an individual or group
(George Lorenzo, John Ittelson, 2005). They can include a diversity of resources such as evidence of
successful projects; proof of competencies and skill advancement in the form of certificates and badges;
and significant experiences and achievements. E-Portfolios have become an essential aspect of the elearning process because of their capability to cultivate students’ growth, constructivism, and critical
reflections on learning. It also has become an ideal approach for academic and professional progress.
E-Portfolio was mentioned in Vietnam 10 years ago. However, at present, the approach and
implementation of E-Portfolio in the education system is just at the level of collecting and organizing
information rather than knowledge development and skills, and not many universities and institutes use
E-Portfolio to recognize learning content and as an assessment of the achievement of students. The
JTE, Special Issue 70A, June 2022
Rethinking Vocational Learning in the Context of Education 4.0 – Case: Vietnamese -European EMVITET-project
ISSN: 2615-9740
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
[email protected]
development of E-Portfolio for learners needs to have specific criteria and the organization processes
more synchronously to achieve the purpose of using E-Portfolio that describes the competencies of
learners and Lifelong learning. Currently, Thu Dau Mot University installs a complete website for their
students. They have adopted Mahara as a campus-wide E-Portfolio platform. This E-Portfolio will allow
students to cultivate and share their academic, personal and professional accomplishments and build a
professional online presence while at and after graduation ( Most of the
requirements of creating an E-Portfolio are based on the suggestion of teachers. They have students
complete the E-Portfolio as a learning space for English essays. (Pham Thi Bich Hanh, 2020). The EPortfolio is not only used for finding out the students’ competency but also for teachers’competency. In
order to improve the capacity and quality of teachers, the quality of teachers in terms of both knowledge
and practical teaching skills (Do Thanh Toan, 2014).
In the context of Vietnam, teachers have not applied the E-Portfolio much in teaching. Teachers
at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education - HCMUTE; University of Technology
and Education University of Danang - UTE-UD; Lac Hong University - LHU; College of Technology
II - HVCT had the opportunity to deeply approach E-Portfolio in learning through the EMVITET
project. 100% of participating teachers were well aware of the benefits of E-Portfolio such as developing
self-assessment skills, self-study skills, creating learning motivation for students, etc. In particular, the
e-Portfolio also is a tool to help students introduce themselves to employers in an attractive way that
increases job opportunities for students. As part of the project EMVITET, member schools have piloted
the E-Portfolio in assessing student learning. Therefore, to make appropriate adjustments and spread the
benefits of E-Portfolio in teaching and encourage teachers to use it, the goal of this study is to evaluate
the current status of E-Portfolio application at universities, the advantages and disadvantages in
implementation to propose solutions to apply E-portfolio more effectively.
2. Content
2.1. Research Method
Research method E-Portfolio is carried out in stages: 1/ Building a set of criteria for assessing
knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the courses (in this research, 14 questions are set up to do the survey.
The survey focuses on technical skills when implementing E-Portfolio, reflects the knowledge, selfassessment on learning and skills improvement when using E-Portfolio, difficulties, and advantages of
implementation of students). 2/ Appling E-Portfolio in the classroom. This stage requires a lot of time
for the teacher to assist students in better understanding, taking notes, and reflecting on knowledge.
Applying steps in the classroom will be detailed in Section 2.2.3. 3/ Do surveys (the research uses
Google Forms) on 177 students from 4 institutions (HCMUTE, UTE-DN, LHU, HVCT) in different
disciplines such as Automotive Engineering, Electrical - Electronics Engineering, and Information
Technology in different courses such as Database, Graduate, Multimedia Technology, Workplace Skills.
4/ Clean data and evaluate data. Teachers evaluate the content on Students' E-Portfolios, as well as
evaluate the effectiveness and difficulty when applying E-Portfolio to students
2.2. Literature Review
E-Portfolio definitions
E-Portfolio is a versatile tool that has some pedagogical and career benefits. They allow students to
make their reflection performance, gain feedback and prepare their stylish work for future employers or
clients. With the right planning and vision, institutions can suggest a platform that allows students to
produce an E-Portfolio based on the courses of their degree to boost their learning and leave school with
a practical and essential tool to help them obtain useful work and pursue their dreams.
JTE, Special Issue 70A, June 2022
Rethinking Vocational Learning in the Context of Education 4.0 – Case: Vietnamese -European EMVITET-project
ISSN: 2615-9740
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
[email protected]
The implementation of E-Portfolio at institutions has become a greater possibility or expectation to
enhance not only the competency of the learning experience of students but also further improve and
strengthen their entrepreneurial skills.
2.2.2 Types of portfolios
There are many kinds of classifying the E-Portfolio, according to the Clemson University (Clemson,
2022) categorizes portfolios into three main types: Learning portfolio, assessment portfolio, and
showcase portfolio.
Learning portfolio has been used to facilitate, document, and archive student learning. It is a
learning tool for students to clarify their educational goals, integrate and solidify learning through
reflection, and showcase achievements to potential employers. By knowing to reflect on what they
learned, how they learned it, and how important they learned, they start to take control of their literacy.
As students select their representative work and reflect on what they learned, they start to make sense
of their educational experiences in diversity courses and decide to extract new meaning (Banta, 2003).
Assessment portfolio is the specialty of portfolio assessment, which can contribute the evidence
items and learning outcomes (Amaya P Agudo J E Sánchez H Rico M and Hernández-Linares R, 2013)
and portfolio assessment is suitable for active learning. Due to the portfolio as an alternative method of
assessment for students (A. Juhanda, A. R. Wulan, and A. Fitriani, 2015) but using E-Portfolios is very
efficient and easier (Popescu-Mitroi, Maria-Monica & Todorescu, Liliana & Greculescu, Anca, 2015)
so students can improve their skills in determining self-assessment when students still have difficulties
in completing assignments. E-Portfolio is a student assignment that is compiled digitally and
systematically with continuity in one semester (M. F. Baris and N. Tosun, 2013) including the skills of
audio, video, graphic, and text format (Ramlawati, Liliasari, M. A. Martoprawito, and A. R. Wulan,
2014). The E-Portfolio development was created with 5 stages according to Ivers & Barron (Barrett H.,
2000) namely 1) Assessment 2) Planning / designing 3) Development 4) Implementation 5) Evaluation.
On the other hand, applying an E-Portfolio based on Google Sites to evaluate the extracurricular
activities of Vietnamese students in the credit-based training system (Phan, Le, and Doan, 2017).
Showcase portfolio gives students another pathway to show potential employers their competencies.
An academic transcript doesn’t always tell the full story of a student’s skills, and E-Portfolios let people
fill in gaps and expose soft skills that aren’t clear on a résumé (Sonia Ferns, Jude Comfort, 2014). EPortfolios are also an effective way to enhance the reach and utility of digital badges. Being able to
connect earned diplomas with a professional portfolio can be very valuable. Having these resources in
one place allows peers and employers to match a name and face with the badges, achievements,
evidence, and artifacts that indicate a promising candidate for hire or promotion. The other research
gives the analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the E-Portfolio as a tool for the job search and of the
various aspects of preparation for employment (Elba Gutiérrez-Santiuste, Sonia García-Segura, María
Ángeles Olivares-García and María Ángeles Olivares-García, 2022).
Steps of applying E-Portfolio in the classroom
According to G. Roberts (2006), in order to make an assessment well, it is necessary for: The teacher
announces the objectives and learning outcomes; Students participate in self-assessment and peer
assessment; feedback results for students to suggest the next steps in learning. In addition, to use EPortfolio effectively, Barrett (2003) believes that it is necessary to establish a culture of evidence. This
means that assessment must be based on specific evidence that is consistent with the learning outcomes
or objectives of the course. This evidence is not only the actual products of learning but also includes
arguments for why. These also are the reflections of the students themselves.
JTE, Special Issue 70A, June 2022
Rethinking Vocational Learning in the Context of Education 4.0 – Case: Vietnamese -European EMVITET-project
ISSN: 2615-9740
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
[email protected]
Reflection is an essential feature and is an indispensable part of an E-Portfolio. So, the Gibbs
reflection model can be used to guide students to reflect on their learning. This model was developed by
Graham Gibbs in 1988. The Gibbs model consists of six stages (Fig 1) such as description, emotions,
evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. Corresponding to each stage is described as some
guiding questions to help students self-assess their learning process. Specifically, as:
Figure 1. Gibbs reflective cycle
As a result, this research applies E-Portfolio in learning assessment that is based on steps such as:
- Step 1: The teacher designs a competency checklist to match to the learning outcome of the subject,
and determines competencies (knowledge, skills, attitudes) that need to be assessed. Teachers design
assessment activities and expected outcomes for students to achieve.
- Step 2: The teacher introduces the form of assessment through the subject's E-Portfolio and explains
its benefits. Because when students perceive the value, the benefits of work will be motivated to work
- Step 3: The teacher states the requirements and the expected information that needs to be shown in
the E-Portfolio, and gives a sample of the E-Portfolio to students. The teacher guides how to design an
E-Portfolio based on the evidence, and the components are required in the E-Portfolio.
- Step 4: The teacher disseminates the E-Portfolio evaluation criteria, such as: Fully using evidence
to follow the objective; reflecting on the learning process; Having personal information of learners;
Beautiful and impressive interface; Interaction and feedback of other students; etc.
- Step 5: Introduce tools to support building an E-Portfolio. The current E-Portfolio design support
tools such as Blog, Google Site, WordPress, Sharepoint, Mahara, etc. The teacher agrees with students
to choose appropriate design tools.
- Step 6: Teacher supports/guides students to design E-Portfolio. To help students overcome
difficulties, teachers guide students on how to design and choose evidence that is suitable for their goals
and how to self-assess/reflect through the Gibbs model.
JTE, Special Issue 70A, June 2022
Rethinking Vocational Learning in the Context of Education 4.0 – Case: Vietnamese -European EMVITET-project
ISSN: 2615-9740
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
[email protected]
- Step 7: The teacher monitors the E-Portfolio, evaluates and gives feedback; Encourages other
students to self-assess and comment on each other. To do this, teachers ask students to send a link to the
online teaching system of the subject that is available on the LMS (Learning Management System).
Also, the teacher can create links to students' E-Portfolios on online forums.
2.3. Results of Applying e-Portfolio in the Classroom
With an assessment of the relation of the course's final mark to the development of an individual
student's E-Portfolio, which students use to document the knowledge and activities they have performed
during the course. The results show that students who regularly interact and take notes on E-Portfolio
will have good academic results. Fig 2 showed that 41 students (25%), who had good interactions on EPortfolio achieved excellent course results from 9 to 10 marks. The course marks dropped steadily with
the quality of the student's E-Portfolio. 58 students (33%) with fair content achieved around 7-8 marks
while 70 students (40%) with sparse content got 5-6 marks and 5 students with no interaction gained
less than 5 marks. In Fig 2, 3 students did not have E-Portfolio interaction but still scored 9-10 marks
because they implemented the project with the team and made the document in the team channel, not
making a private E-Portfolio.
Figure 2. The relation of update e-Portfolio and course's mark
2.4. Students’ Perspective on Applying E-Portfolio in the Classroom
Students' E-Portfolios have been deployed at HCMUTE, UTE-UD, LHU, and HVCT. This
experiment focused on assessing the level of access and difficulty of students when implementing EPortfolio in their learning process within the implementation period of 1 semester. During this semester,
students use E-Portfolio to record and reflect on the content they have learned and researched. At the
end of this period, there are feedback themselves when applying E-Portfolio to summarize the
knowledge in the term.
The survey was conducted with 177 students. Before instructing students to implement E-Portfolio,
a quick survey on the concept of E-Portfolio showed that up to 150 students surveyed did not hear or
know anything about E-Portfolio, accounting for 85%. 20 students (11%)) have heard but do not
understand the meaning of building an E-Portfolio. There are only 7 (4%) students who know the
benefits of E-Portfolio as in Fig 3.
JTE, Special Issue 70A, June 2022
Rethinking Vocational Learning in the Context of Education 4.0 – Case: Vietnamese -European EMVITET-project
ISSN: 2615-9740
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
[email protected]
Figure 3. Quick survey before implementing the E-Portfolio for students
Students use many different platforms to design their E-Portfolio, of which the highest percentage is
Google sites. Survey results show that 119 students use this platform, accounting for 67%. The second
most popular platform is Microsoft Teams, accounting for 11%. Other platforms make up a rather small
percentage and are shown in Fig 4.
Figure 4. Platforms to design E-Portfolio
Assessing the approach to technology to design an E-Portfolio. There are 139 students (79%) who
can easily use the available platforms to create an E-Portfolio without the guidance of the Lecturer.
However, up to 38 students (21%) still have some difficulties because they are not familiar with these
tools, and it takes time to use the platform's functions (Fig 5). The most used platform of choice is
Google Sites, 77% of students are self-learning and can create a professional E-Portfolio by themselves
and 23% of students using this platform still have few obstacles in the early stages (Fig 6).
An important phase of building an E-Portfolio is the content and how it is presented in a coherent
way to represent personal analysis and reflection. This phase takes a certain time to see the change and
development of each individual. Up to 75% of students encountered difficulties in the process of writing
and evaluating the content learned on the E-Portfolio. Although many students have difficulties when
doing E-Portfolio, the survey also noted some advantages of students when doing it. This shows that the
implementation is feasible and needs more time for students to get used to this activity. Table 1 shows
some difficulties and advantages noted when students present the content on E-Portfolio.
JTE, Special Issue 70A, June 2022
Rethinking Vocational Learning in the Context of Education 4.0 – Case: Vietnamese -European EMVITET-project
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
[email protected]
ISSN: 2615-9740
Figure 5. The percentage of students who have difficulty using technology to create E-Portfolio.
Figure 6. The percentage of students who have difficulty using the most used platform to create EPortfolio - Google Sites
Table 1. Difficulties and advantages noted when students present the content on E-Portfolio
- How to write content according to personal - Present the whole process
understanding (reflection)
- Have an overview of the content or the problem
- Students don't understand the content so they
- Deep learning
don't know how to write and evaluate.
- Weak analytical ability to reflect.
- Easy to review
Writing an E-Portfolio to improve students' expertise and soft skills will be more effective when the
content is presented with reflections. The survey also recorded two kinds of students when selfreflection. Most of them have not reflected. The reasons are presented in Table 2.
JTE, Special Issue 70A, June 2022
Rethinking Vocational Learning in the Context of Education 4.0 – Case: Vietnamese -European EMVITET-project
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
[email protected]
ISSN: 2615-9740
Table 2. Reasons why students do not self-reflection and why students reflect on themselves
Reasons why students do not self-reflection
Reasons why students reflect on themselves
- Cannot be objective when self-assessment or
- You can only see your strengths, not your
- Self-reflection is best.
- Know exactly how well my understanding of
the content or problem is.
- Know the weakness to improve
After the implementation period (at the end of the semester), the most progressive points that students
achieved through writing content/reporting using E-Portfolio as well as the change in students' learning
methods when applying E-Portfolio are shown in Table 3. The improvements chosen by most students
are the ability to present and express their understanding and the ability to analyze and critical thinking.
Table 3. The improvements achieved by students through writing content/reports using E-Portfolio
- The ability to present and express
- Writing skill
- Analytical ability
- Critical thinking
- Deep learning
Change in students' learning methods
- Focus on the process rather than just the end
- Manage time more effectively and make it a
habit to reflect on it all.
- Improve self-study
- How to arrange the content, layout
- The ability to aggregate content Patience
3. Conclusions and suggestions
3.1 Conclusions
E-Portfolios have become an important element of the e-learning process because of their ability to
foster the growth, creation, and critical reflection of student learning. They have also become an ideal
tool for individual academic and professional development. Three types of typical E-Portfolios:
Learning E-Portfolio, Assessment E-Portfolio, and Showcase E-Portfolio, allowing students to reflect
on their performance, get feedback, and prepare their best work to present to employers, future users, or
customers. With the right planning and foresight, institutes implement a platform that allows students
to build E-Portfolios during their studies to enhance their learning and get career development after
By piloting E-Portfolios at 4 institutes, focusing on applying the Assessment E-portfolio type with
the Gibbs reflection model, the authors have collected a number of issues that can be used to promote
further research.
Firstly, digital skills are required for students to create an E-Portfolio. Students must use digital tools
to create E-Portfolios and present multimedia content to reflect their learning. However, this does not
JTE, Special Issue 70A, June 2022
Rethinking Vocational Learning in the Context of Education 4.0 – Case: Vietnamese -European EMVITET-project
ISSN: 2615-9740
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
[email protected]
cause difficulties for students if they are guided and regularly used on popular platforms (Google site,
Padlet, Mahara, etc.)
Secondly, the skill of writing an E-Portfolio according to the Gibbs model is very important. Students
reflect on the knowledge they have learned through understanding their writing style. It helps lecturers
and partners assess the level of learning through the authenticity of the student's digital evidence. This
hinders students because it requires problem-analyzing skills, critical thinking, and self-assessment
ability. Therefore, teachers need to provide very detailed initial instructions, support and provide
continuous feedback to students throughout the process. This requires teachers to spend a lot of time
reading and responding to students' E-Portfolios.
Thirdly, although reflecting on the learning process on the E-Portfolio according to the Gibbs model
is not simple, it helps students improve their learning outcomes, improve many soft skills and develop
themselves, especially autonomy in learning. This is a significant competence for students to have
lifelong learning in the 21st century.
3.2 Suggestions
E-Portfolio is not too far away from higher education in Vietnam. However, it is mainly applied in
the form of Learning E-Portfolio. Assessment E-Portfolio is still quite new to Vietnamese lecturers. This
is an activity that requires students to have analytical, critical, and creative thinking, unlike writing
articles on social networks. Lecturers need to clearly understand the goal of using E-portfolio and design
a specific assessment plan and content to guide students in implementation. Therefore, lecturers need to
clearly understand the goals of using e-portfolio, know how to plan, design assessment content, and
organize learning activities to properly assess students' capabilities. as well as further strengthen the
study skills of students. This is also the next research direction that the authors are interested in.
Implementing E-Portfolios is an activity that develops academic and career competence for students
and requires a long time. Therefore, the school needs to implement E-Portfolio from the first year and
throughout the course so that students have more time to get acquainted and develop skills step by step.
In the first year, freshmen do not have many skills therefore Learning E-Portfolio type is highly
recommended. From the second year onwards, the combination of all 3 types of E-Portfolio should be
When applying the E-Portfolio to all students from the first year, a lot of data will arise. This requires
the school to invest in a system that is powerful enough to handle a large number of E-Portfolios
submitted online. And how to store the E-Portfolio once it is submitted, for official record-keeping
purposes? Will this data be retained by the university after graduation? Who will own it - university,
faculty, or students? Who is authorized to access the E-Portfolio? These are issues that need to be further
studied when promoting the application of E-Portfolio to become a professional system.
This article was created as part of the EMVITET project. The project has been funded with support
from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the
author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of
the information contained therein.
JTE, Special Issue 70A, June 2022
Rethinking Vocational Learning in the Context of Education 4.0 – Case: Vietnamese -European EMVITET-project
ISSN: 2615-9740
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
[email protected]
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JTE, Special Issue 70A, June 2022
Rethinking Vocational Learning in the Context of Education 4.0 – Case: Vietnamese -European EMVITET-project
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
[email protected]
ISSN: 2615-9740
Nguyen Thi Khanh Hong (F ‘79) is presently a main lecturer of the Electrical-Electronic Engineering
Department for 19 years. Besides, she also works as Head of Educational Assessment and Quality Assurance
Department at University of Technology and Education, The University of Danang. She graduated with a Doctor
of Electronic Engineering from the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France (now University of Côte d'Azur)
in 2015. She is interested in studying digital signal processing, image processing, embedded systems and FPGA.
She has currently studied on designing security equipment for safety networks by applying Anti-DDoS based on
Splunk FPGA Add-on technology.
[email protected]
Nguyen Thi Lai Giang (F ‘72) is presently a main lecturer in the Graphic Arts and Media Faculty for 21 years.
Besides, she also works as a Deputy of HR Department at HCM City University of Technology and Education.
She graduated with a Master of Printing Management in 1995 and a Master of Education in 2005. She is interested
in studying packaging design and packaging technology, and instructional design for e-learning.
[email protected]
Do Thi My Trang (F ‘80) is a lecturer at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education. She got a
Master of Education in 2006. She also has had a lot of experience in teaching for 20 years. Currently, she is
researching students' learning approaches and self-learning skills as well.
[email protected]
Van Dinh Vy Phuong (F ‘84) is a lecturer at Lac Hong University, Vietnam. She is also a Ph.D. student at Ho
Chi Minh City University of Technology, VNU-HCM. She graduated with a Master of Information Technology
in 2011. She is interested in studying bioinformatics, the theory of database optimization. In addition, she is
working in Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
[email protected]
Pham Ngoc Hoa. (F '81) is a lecturer at College of Technology II. She has nearly 20 years of experience in
teaching Design Graphics on Computer. She received the B.S degree in Informatics Pedagogy from Ho Chi Minh
City University of Education in 2008, and the M.S degree in Educational Management from the Hanoi Institute
of Education Quality Assurance in 2012. Her fields of interest are digital pedagogy, quality assurance and graphic
[email protected]
JTE, Special Issue 70A, June 2022
Rethinking Vocational Learning in the Context of Education 4.0 – Case: Vietnamese -European EMVITET-project