International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
Job satisfaction and professional development are the talks of teachers in facing the challenges ... more Job satisfaction and professional development are the talks of teachers in facing the challenges of 21st-century learning, where they must be able to adapt to the progress and development of information and communication in technology. Therefore, this article aims to analyze teacher job satisfaction, professional development, and the interaction between the two during the pandemic. A total of 232 public and private school teachers in urban areas were used as research samples. The sampling technique used a random technique. The research used an instrument developed and validated, then distributed through the principal and school supervisor, and the data were analyzed using the correlation technique. During the pandemic, the results revealed a high level of job satisfaction for state Islamic school teachers and a low level of job satisfaction for private Islamic school teachers, as well as a high level of professional development in both public and private Islamic schools and a modera...
School is one of the places that plays an important role in educating a child, especially in matt... more School is one of the places that plays an important role in educating a child, especially in matters relating to behavior, intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. All of that will be built from an early age which is based in the school environment, therefore how important schools are for children. Vocational High School is a level with education equivalent to Senior High School whose education has a certain field with the aim of graduating ready to work. The attendance or attendance system is needed by schools to assess a student's achievement. However, there is a problem where some schools currently use conventional methods in giving presence to their students, including SMKN 1 Kota Serang. This problem can result in the duration of teaching and learning time being reduced and the resulting data information is inaccurate. With the presence of a computerized attendance system that will make this problem resolved, therefore the authors intend to design and create an attendance or attendance system that facilitates schools, especially in terms of student attendance or attendance. For this study, the authors used Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) as a medium for automatic student attendance combined with webbased applications using the PHP programming language and MySQL Database Management System for processing student attendance data. For the system development method, the author uses the Waterfall method so that it can facilitate the design of the attendance system or student attendance.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the fertilizer supply system at PT.Gresik Cipta Sejahter... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the fertilizer supply system at PT.Gresik Cipta Sejahtera which is a system that helps process fertilizer inventory data so that it is expected to provide input on how to implement better data processing in the current era of information technology, this fertilizer supply system is carried out. with several stages of coordination through incoming letters of request to data collection based on recaptulation from the inventory by utilizing semicomputerized parts related, seeing that there are scattered data resulting in frequent inconsistencies of data so that data errors encourage checking that repeated so that a lot of time and energy is wasted, this is deemed ineffective and efficient. With the existence of computerization, it can make it easier for companies to monitor the warehouse section so that work in the warehouse section is more efficient and efficient, so that it can reduce obstacles that have occurred so far. The analysis method used to describe the inventory system at PT. Gresik Cipta Sejahtera uses the method of observation, interviews, and uses literature. The tools used to describe the system using DFD (Data Flow Diagram)
KONI (Indonesian National Sports Committee) Banten Province is an organization that acts as the p... more KONI (Indonesian National Sports Committee) Banten Province is an organization that acts as the parent in the field of sports that continues to foster outstanding athletes from several categories at the local, national, and international levels. In the world of sports, Koni plays an important role in cultivating and fostering athletes. To determine qualified athletes from various categories so that they are ready to take part in a sporting event can be seen from their physical condition and achievements. In this athlete's recommendation must go through the calculation stages manually from physical records, achievements and all trainers who understand it. To solve this problem, we need a system to help process athlete data from several categories which are then used as recommendations for athletes who are ready to be included in an event. Athlete data information systems are built on the basis of assisting in athlete data processing to be more effective and faster, this system is designed with the Waterfall development method in which the program flow design uses Flowcharts so that it becomes clearer how the athlete's information system can run according to good data processing mechanisms from the start of input, process and output. The programming language used is a visual basic language that has been popular and has proven its ability in handling data processing, which on this occasion the database is MySQL. This information system is certainly not immune to weaknesses whose hopes for the future to continue to be developed in order to continue to be useful and easy to operate.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Informatika, Feb 28, 2020
This study aims to be able to assist PT Luhai Industri Indonesia in processing data of new raw ma... more This study aims to be able to assist PT Luhai Industri Indonesia in processing data of new raw materials by making appropriate decisions with prices that are quite economical but with good enough quality, while the data processing techniques here use the decision support system method to determine adequate raw material production good and efficient. So not only is the information needed faster, the time needed to process the data will be faster. In the process of building a decision support system for the selection of raw materials for production using a system development method with a weighted product that uses a multiplication formula to link the rating of each attribute, where the rating must be raised first with the weight of the attribute concerned, in this study will use a method approach Waterfall in the development of the system from collecting data for user needs to the data to be processed into an attribute and weighting with the weighted product method in determining decisions on the final result of the software to be made, while the tools used in research to describe the flow of the system this is by using a structured method namely UML (Unfield Method Language) in describing the functional program model. This decision support system software will be built with Visual Studio 2010 programming language with a client server system so to adjust the system here will use MySQl as the database.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Informatika, Aug 31, 2020
Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science, Aug 8, 2022
KKP (Kuliah Kerja Praktek) adalah mata kuliah wajib yang harus diambil oleh seluruh mahasiswa Uni... more KKP (Kuliah Kerja Praktek) adalah mata kuliah wajib yang harus diambil oleh seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Raharja (UR) dan merupakan salah satu prasyarat untuk pengambilan Skripsi nantinya, didampingi oleh satu dosen pembimbing dalam proses penyelesaiannya. Dosen Pembimbing merupakan salah satu faktor penentu terbesar lulus tidaknya mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah KKP tersebut. sehingga proses memilih dosen pembimbing adalah proses penentu hidup dan mati mahasiswa. Sungguh diperlukan strategi matang untuk memilih mana dosen terbaik, karena sekali salah dapat dosen pembimbing, maka proses penyelesaian KKP akan terhambat dan merugikan mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah tersebut. Setelah mahasiswa memberikan Form Usulan Penelitian KKP, kaprodi atau sekprodi harus menginput satu persatu isian yang ada pada form tersebut ke dalam microsoft excel sebagai pendataannya. Di era perkembangan teknologi yang terus meningkat dengan cepat dan sebagai kampus unggulan yang berbasiskan informatika teknologi maka perlu adanya sistem yang terkomputerisai, melalui metode DIP (Dashboard iLearning Prodi) system ini masalah tersebut akan dipecahkan, sehingga mempermudah kaprodi dan sekprodi dalam merekap data mahasiswa KKP beserta dosen pembimbing yang telah diusulkan oleh mahasiswa melalui Formulir di setiap semester.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Informatika, Aug 24, 2022
The purpose of this study is to analyze as well as provide input to a company, namely through the... more The purpose of this study is to analyze as well as provide input to a company, namely through the development of an information system that is currently used to process data for travel car rental services. Currently the computer application is one of the important factors for a company in managing all company activities to be more effective and easier. Even the use of technology through information systems has become the main requirement to show the quality of a field and become the most important capital in winning the competition. The information system for travel car rental services at Tirtayasa Trans needs to be designed because currently it is still using a separate data processing method in a spreadsheet application, where each daily or monthly transaction is grouped in each file so that this makes the filtering and reporting process difficult. The research method used in writing is a descriptive review method with a data collection technique approach, namely through observation, interviews, and literatur study. In addition, at the system development stage, the waterfall system is used. The design of this computer application can help companies to improve performance and car rental services in order to compete well in the world of travel car rental business.
Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi, Feb 14, 2022
The population administration system is part of the state administration system, which has a very... more The population administration system is part of the state administration system, which has a very important role in the government to manage population data. Increasing population awareness and participation to participate in supporting the development planning of the population administration system to improve services to the public. In line with the objectives of the administration of population administration, population registration and civil registration are an important part of the population administration system that needs to be managed as well as possible to provide benefits for government improvement and development. Sampler Village is one of the villages that already use information systems and computers in carrying out daily activities. This population information system was built by applying auto control to input errors that often occur, besides that it is also equipped with auto control for data that is exchanged which causes data redundancy as well as control over information users because it has been equipped with good user security features so that it is more guaranteed that data will not be lost. stolen or lost. Some of these features apply to several important transactions for service administration, including the process of submitting a letter of introduction for a Resident Identity Card (KTP), Family Card (KK), birth certificates, and death certificates so that this is expected to help the process of serving residents and village office tasks become more efficient. faster and more effectively by the expected needs.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Informatika, Feb 25, 2021
The purpose of design is to develop an e-voting application for election of student council (OSIS... more The purpose of design is to develop an e-voting application for election of student council (OSIS) chairman in SMA PGRI 1 Kota Serang. The application will help optimize the process of selecting OSIS chairman through website-based e-voting so as to minimize the risk of errors in calculation of voting results due to human errors. The application design used Waterfall method so that it is easier to develop and use UML (Unified Modeling Language) for visual system modeling. This applicatio.n is developed using PHP programming language, MySQL database and CodeIgniter framework. The process of selecting OSIS chairman is carried out through the application by accessing the URL link and logging in with National Student ID Number (NISN) as the username and password, it will be given by OSIS coach at the time of election. Vote process by clicking the vote button, the number of voting votes that have been given will enter the voting results menu. If the student has already voted, the vote button will be hidden so that students cannot vote twice. This application also applies the Naïve Bayes algorithm to the e-voting application of OSIS chairman, using the probability formula, which is the number of students who choose candidates divided by all students per class. The voting results are obtained from the number of votes of voters who have voted. With the e-voting application, election of OSIS chairman becomes more effective and efficient than conventional or manual voting using paper.
Innovative Creative and Information Technology Journal, Oct 24, 2019
Data keuangan mahasiswa merupakan unsur penting pada suatu sistem manajemen pendidikan yang merup... more Data keuangan mahasiswa merupakan unsur penting pada suatu sistem manajemen pendidikan yang merupakan salah satu bagian administrasi. untuk memperoleh pendidikan tinggi, dibutuhkan biaya pendidikan untuk menunjang fasilitas pendidikan. Akan tetapi pembayaran biaya pendidikan yang dilakukan secara manual akan membutuhkan banyak tenaga, waktu, pikiran serta keamanan data yang belum terjamin keamanannya. Dengan seiringnya waktu, teknologi berkembang semakin pesat dan saat ini hadir sistem pembayaran elektronik atau epayment melayani dan mengolah transaksi setoran kuliah secara online serta menyediakan informasi dalam setiap transaksi dengan cepat dan akurat sehingga banyak digunakan di berbagai bidang. Selain itu pembayaran transaksi dengan sistem online merupakan kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan dan dapat diterima dalam masyarakat karena dengan sistem ini dapat memperkecil resiko terjadinya tindak kejahatan, kehilangan data dan mempermudah proses setoran.Hal ini tentu sangat membantu bagian keuangan di Universitas Banten Jaya. Sistem ini dirancang dengan metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan waterfall dengan unified modeling language (UML) sebagai media pemodelannya. Pemrograman berbasis web dipilih dansebagai bahasa pemrograman dalam pengembangan sistem ini dilengkapi dengan dashboard dan smart filtering untuk mempermudah pimpinandanbagiankeuangan dalam memperoleh dan memahami informasi. Hasilnya sistem e-payment dapat membantu manajemen di keuangan dalam memantau setiap kelemahan yang ada untuk terus diperbaiki agar menjadi lebih baik.
The purpose of this study is to further ease in accessing the data - the data and preparing repor... more The purpose of this study is to further ease in accessing the data - the data and preparing reports required by the parties - those in need . The method used in this study is the waterfall method ( waterfall model) that begins with research on a running system , design , coding , and maintenance of records management system that archives information management and records management report generation can run fast , precise and accurate . The results obtained from this study is the management information system that is integrated with the database records to support records management process easily , quickly , and accurately .The conclusion that can be drawn from this information system that records management can be well documented because it is equipped databases , storage has become a single entity , can reduce redundancy or duplicate data, it can display the file management information is needed so as to facilitate officers in preparing reports of record-keeping . For this reaso...
International Journal of Cyber and IT Service Management
The people of Indonesia have a wide range of traditions and customs, as well as religious activit... more The people of Indonesia have a wide range of traditions and customs, as well as religious activities. The public's interest in Indonesian religious activities has grown as a result of the diversity of religious activities carried out by Indonesians. Multimedia has an essential role in allowing individuals to obtain information fast, especially as technology advances. As a result, in order to obtain information centrally, the public must search for appropriate information, which takes time. In circumstances like these, the issue is creating and developing an android-based multimedia system application that may assist the public in learning about the Indonesian people's religious activities. This study intends to assist Indonesians in obtaining information on their religious activities, so that they may quickly obtain information and learn about and comprehend their religious activities. The Luther–Sutopo version of the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) was utilised, in...
KKP (Work Practice Course) is a compulsory subject that must be taken by all students of Raharja ... more KKP (Work Practice Course) is a compulsory subject that must be taken by all students of Raharja University (UR) and is one of the prerequisites for taking the Thesis later, accompanied by a supervisor in the completion process. The Advisory Lecturer is one of the biggest determinants of whether or not students pass the KKP course. so the process of choosing a supervisor is a process that determines the life and death of students. It really takes a mature strategy to choose which lecturer is the best, because once one gets a supervisor, the process of completing the KKP will be hampered and harm students who take the course. After the student provides the KKP Research Proposal Form, the Head of Study Program or Sekprodi must enter one by one the fields contained in the form into Microsoft Excel as data collection. In the era of technological development that continues to increase rapidly and as a leading campus based on information technology, it is necessary to have a computerized ...
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Informatika (Simika)
The purpose of this study is to analyze as well as provide input to a company, namely through the... more The purpose of this study is to analyze as well as provide input to a company, namely through the development of an information system that is currently used to process data for travel car rental services. Currently the computer application is one of the important factors for a company in managing all company activities to be more effective and easier. Even the use of technology through information systems has become the main requirement to show the quality of a field and become the most important capital in winning the competition. The information system for travel car rental services at Tirtayasa Trans needs to be designed because currently it is still using a separate data processing method in a spreadsheet application, where each daily or monthly transaction is grouped in each file so that this makes the filtering and reporting process difficult. The research method used in writing is a descriptive review method with a data collection technique approach, namely through observati...
Proceedings of the 1st International Multidisciplinary Conference on Education, Technology, and Engineering (IMCETE 2019), 2020
The Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Banten Province is a government institution taske... more The Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Banten Province is a government institution tasked with handling infrastructure such as roads, bridges, culverts, sidewalks and street lighting. In repairing roads and bridges it is necessary to make a priority plan to determine which roads and bridges need to be repaired. At present in determining priorities for road and bridge repairs, the Public Works Agency is getting information from the results of surveys and proposals from relevant agencies. From the results of surveys and agency proposals, information was obtained that many roads and bridges were damaged. Due to budget constraints from the government, the Public Works Agency must determine priorities regarding road conditions that must be improved first. The purpose of this study is to determine the priority of roads and bridges that must be repaired based on the criteria of the road that has suffered the most damage so it must be repaired immediately. The AHP method is used to find the best alternative from the many alternatives available about the survey information and related agency proposals regarding damaged roads. As a result, using the AHP method can determine priorities for road and bridge repair accurately.
Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi, 2022
The population administration system is part of the state administration system, which has avery ... more The population administration system is part of the state administration system, which has avery important role in the government to manage population data. Increasing populationawareness and participation to participate in supporting the development planning of thepopulation administration system to improve services to the public. In line with the objectives ofthe administration of population administration, population registration and civil registrationare an important part of the population administration system that needs to be managed as wellas possible to provide benefits for government improvement and development. Sampler Villageis one of the villages that already use information systems and computers in carrying out dailyactivities. This population information system was built by applying auto control to input errorsthat often occur, besides that it is also equipped with auto control for data that is exchangedwhich causes data redundancy as well as control over information u...
Journal of Innovation And Future Technology (IFTECH), 2020
The purpose of this study was to analyze the fertilizer supply system at PT.Gresik Cipta Sejahter... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the fertilizer supply system at PT.Gresik Cipta Sejahtera which is a system that helps process fertilizer inventory data so that it is expected to provide input on how to implement better data processing in the current era of information technology, this fertilizer supply system is carried out. with several stages of coordination through incoming letters of request to data collection based on recaptulation from the inventory by utilizing semi-computerized parts related, seeing that there are scattered data resulting in frequent inconsistencies of data so that data errors encourage checking that repeated so that a lot of time and energy is wasted, this is deemed ineffective and efficient. With the existence of computerization, it can make it easier for companies to monitor the warehouse section so that work in the warehouse section is more efficient and efficient, so that it can reduce obstacles that have occurred so far. The analysis method u...
Journal of Innovation And Future Technology (IFTECH), 2021
During the process of supply of goods there has not been monitoring for the supply of goods, inco... more During the process of supply of goods there has not been monitoring for the supply of goods, incoming goods, outgoing goods, stock items, as well as double item data, and difficult in finding inventory data. There fore it is necessary to make a system and the right method to manage the problem of inventory of goods in Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper Product Inc. The method used to solve this problem is the FIFO (First in First Out) which is a method of determining inventory based on the assumption that the goods that are first obtained / bought (entered) are the first to be sold or issued. Thus the goods in inventory are considered to be from the last purchases, because the goods from the previous purchase are considered to have been sold or released so that later the method will be combined in a system designed in the form of DFD to monitor inventory of goods as mentioned in the problem above and the method used to develop the system is the waterfall model and the programming language us...
JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi), 2022
Pencatatan kehadiran dosen yang selama ini dilakukan bersifat manual dan dilakukan di kampus. Nam... more Pencatatan kehadiran dosen yang selama ini dilakukan bersifat manual dan dilakukan di kampus. Namun pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara daring membuat dosen secara otomatis tidak datang ke kampus dan melakukan absensi secara online dengan format tertentu. Pelaporan absensi dosen secara online yang berjalan sangat tidak efektif dan tidak efisien penyebabnya adalah banyaknya media yang digunakan oleh dosen dalam melaporkan kehadirannya seperti menggunakan pesan, whatsapp, atau email. Banyak dosen yang telat dalam melaporkan kehadirannya. Hal-hal tersebut mengakibatkan sulitnya melakukan rekap kehadiran dosen dan bagi ketua program studi sulit mengecek atau memonitor dosen yang melakukan perkuliahan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut maka dibuatlah aplikasi daftar hadir mengajar dosen. Pembuatan aplikasi ini menggunakan metode waterfall. Agar setiap dosen dapat mengakses kapan saja dan di mana saja maka aplikasi ini dibangun berbasis web menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySql ...