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Using the trickle-down model as the theoretical foundation, we explored whether subordinates' perceived supervisory non-work support (subordinates' PSNS) mediates the relationship between supervisors' perception of higher-level managers' non-work support (supervisors' PSNS) and subordinates' organizational citizenship behaviors. Using dyadic data collected from 132 employees and their immediate supervisors, we found support for the aforementioned mediation process. Furthermore, supervisors' perceived in-group/out-group membership of subordinates moderated the aforementioned supervisors' PSNS-subordinates' PSNS relationship, such that this relationship is stronger for out-group subordinates. Theoretical and practical implications and future research directions are discussed .
Diálogo andino, 2016
Con la llegada de los europeos del siglo XVI al territorio que sería renombrado como América, el discurso para explicar lo que a sus ojos se presentó como un "Nuevo Mundo" elaboró una representación que lo reordenó y reclasificó. Para lograr esto se implementarían diversos mecanismos de colonización sobre los pueblos y sus culturas. Narrar esos acontecimientos sería también una herramienta de imposición y justificación de un nuevo orden colonial. En este contexto, las diversas formas de nombrar y representar lo divino serían encubiertas del valor y contenido otorgados por los pueblos indígenas. Iniciando un largo proceso de colonización de la memoria-historia de los pueblos indígenas. Palabras claves: Invención, colonización, idolatría, alegoría, memoria. With the arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth century the territory that would be renamed as America, the speech to explain what his eyes was presented as a "New World" developed a representation that reordered and reclassified. To achieve this, various mechanisms of colonization on the peoples and cultures would be implemented. Narrating these events would also be a tool of taxation and justification of a new colonial order. In this context, the various ways of naming and representing the divine would covert the value and content provided by indigenous peoples. Starting a long process of colonization of memory-history of indigenous peoples.
Revista Direito e Sexualidade
O presente artigo tem por objetivo geral analisar o enquadramento de políticas sociais em favor da comunidade LGBTQIAPN+ em empresas brasileiras e o valor agregado por tal comportamento, e tem por objetivos específicos discutir a realidade dos indivíduos da comunidade LGBTQIAPN+ em relação às empresas, debater a adequação de padrões e políticas no modelo ESG e discutir a importância das empresas de se tornarem aliadas de causas sociais. A abordagem do presente estudo foi qualitativa descritiva, por análise documental e revisão bibliográfica, onde se concluiu que a comunidade LGBTQIAPN+ ainda sofre com ações discriminatórias nas empresas, e, os métodos ESG podem ser um caminho que estabeleça uma solução e uma prosperidade positiva a longo prazo para o grupo social em questão, bem como o desenvolvimento do valor das empresas que adotam tais condutas.
The archives of bone and joint surgery, 2020
Background The anterior approach to the elbow for pediatric lateral condyle fractures (LCF) would provide a better visualization of the articular fracture resulting in better functional results, less complications and a more cosmetically-appealing scar than usually seen with the lateral approach. Methods Retrospective study of children undergoing an open reduction and internal fixation of a displaced LCF via an anterior approach with a transverse incision. Bilateral elbow range of motion (ROM), upper limb alignment and complications were registered. A 4-point ordinal Likert-type scale was employed for parents to rate their level of satisfaction with the cosmetic appearance of the scar. Results Eighteen children of mean age 76 months (range 27 to 101 months) were included. Fractures were classified as Jackob's Type II in 14 cases and Milch's type II in all cases. Mean follow-up was 12 (range 4 to19) months.Successful condral fracture visualization and reduction was achieved i...
Retirado de O Mahabharata de Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, livro 6: Bhishma Parva, capítulos 25 a 42. Traduzido para Prosa Inglesa do Texto Sânscrito Original por Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896] AVISO DE ATRIBUIÇÃO Escaneado em, 2004. Verificado por John Bruno Hare, Outubro 2004. Este texto é de domínio público. Estes arquivos podem ser usados para qualquer propósito não comercial, desde que este aviso de atribuição seja mantido intacto. Traduzido para o Português por Eleonora Meier.
Due to the specific requirements for low soil pH, new production methods are being introduced for highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). Planting in pots has gained popularity in recent years due to the easier control of the substrate pH. This study was carried out on 2-year-old ‘Duke’, ‘Aurora’ and ‘Brigitta’ cultivar blueberry plants that were planted along a ridge or in pots. The substrate temperature reached higher values for the pots, while the substrate water content was higher for the ridge. In the ‘Duke’ and ‘Aurora’ plants, significantly higher sugar/organic acid ratios were obtained for fruit from the ridge. However, significantly higher fruit total phenolics content, greater plant volumes and lower yields per plant were obtained for ‘Aurora’ as potted plants compared to the ridge. The ‘Brigitta’ fruit harvested from potted plants had significantly higher total organic acid content; however, no significant difference was seen for the sugar/organic acid ratio between...
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Nurnet Sitesi, 2019
Hannover: ARL - Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung eBooks, 2018
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems for Policy Decision Support, 2022
Information Systems Education Journal, 2020
Revista MVZ Córdoba
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020
Revista médica de Chile, 2006
Medical Journal of Trakya University, 2008
Enseñanza de las ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, 2013
Clinical Therapeutics, 2012