Role of the PXR Gene Locus in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Alfonso Martı́nez, PhD, Ana Márquez, MSc, JuanLuis Mendoza, MD, PhD,† Carlos Taxonera, MD, PhD,†
Miguel Fernández-Arquero, PhD, Manuel Dı́az-Rubio, MD, PhD,† Emilio G. de la Concha, MD, PhD, and
Elena Urcelay, PhD
Background: The pregnane X receptor gene (PXR/NR1I2) has been
recently associated with an increased risk for inflammatory bowel
disease (IBD), although a subsequent case-control study failed to replicate the original association in an independent population. This nuclear receptor regulates genes involved in the detoxification process in
the liver and intestine, like ABCB1/MDR1. PXR expression was significantly reduced in the colon of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), but
remained unaffected in Crohn’s disease (CD) patients. Considering
previous results, we aimed at investigating the impact of this locus on
IBD predisposition in the Spanish population.
Three PXR polymorphisms, including the 1 more
strongly correlated with IBD risk in the initial study at ⫺25385C/T
(rs3814055) and the 6 haplotypes conformed by them, were analyzed in 365 UC and 331 CD patients and compared with 550
ethnically matched controls.
Results: The overall haplotypic distribution showed a significant
difference between UC and CD patients (P ⫽ 0.05; 2 ⫽ 10.84).
Among UC patients a significant difference was seen between those
with extensive colitis and controls (P ⫽ 0.004; 2 ⫽ 17.04), mainly due
to the presence of a risk haplotype (rs3814055*T//rs6784598*C//
rs2276707*C: P ⫽ 0.001; odds ratio [OR] ⫽ 1.66, 95% confidence
interval [CI] 1.20 –2.30). Patients with extensive UC carrying the
⫺25385T allele showed increased susceptibility compared with leftsided colitis patients and with healthy subjects. In patients with extensive UC a significantly different distribution of genotypes of the MDR1
G/A change located in intron 3 (rs3789243) was observed between
carriers/noncarriers of the ⫺25385T risk allele (P ⫽ 0.005).
Conclusions: Our data seem to support the association of the PXR
locus with extensive UC and the interaction between PXR and
MDR1 genes.
(Inflamm Bowel Dis 2007;13:1484 –1487)
From the *Department of Immunology, †Department of Gastroenterology,
Hospital Universitario San Carlos, Madrid.
Supported by grants from “Fundación Ramón Areces” and “Fundación
Mutua Madrileña”; Fondo Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS CP04/00175 to
A.M.); E.U. works for the “Fundación para la Investigación BiomédicaHospital Clı́nico San Carlos.”
Reprints: Elena Urcelay, PhD, Immunology Department, Hospital Universitario San Carlos, Martin Lagos s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Copyright © 2007 Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc.
DOI 10.1002/ibd.20252
Published online 7 September 2007 in Wiley InterScience (www.
Key Words: pregnane X receptor gene, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s
disease, susceptibility
he pregnane X receptor (PXR) is a member of the nuclear
receptor family of ligand-regulated transcription factors
that includes the steroid, retinoid, and thyroid hormone receptors and also orphan receptors with as-yet unidentified
physiological ligands. Like many nuclear receptors, it contains both DNA and ligand binding domains and binds to
response elements in the regulatory regions of target genes as
a heterodimer with the retinoid receptor (RXRalpha). However, a difference between PXR and the majority of nuclear
receptors is its broad response to a wide variety of chemically
distinct xenobiotics and endobiotics. Therefore, instead of a
specialized sensor of a physiological ligand, PXR has
evolved into a promiscuous receptor protecting the body
against xenobiotic insult.1 The PXR/ RXR complex binds to
a variety of response elements in the promoter regions of an
entire set of genes that are important in xenobiotic metabolism and the detoxification process (for an excellent review
on PXR, see Kliewer et al2).
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a complex trait
derived from the interaction of genetic and environmental
factors, most probably part of the luminal bacterial flora,
leading to uncontrolled immune activation and chronic inflammation.3 The mucosa of the intestine is the largest body
surface in contact with the world. Studies with animal models
of colitis and IBD patients have shown that an intact detoxification is critical for preserving the integrity of the intestinal
barrier.4 –10 A search for transcriptional mechanisms mediating the coordinate downregulation of detoxification genes in
IBD colon based on microarray analysis led to the description
of the key role of PXR.11 Messenger RNA expression of PXR
was significantly reduced in the colon of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), but was unaffected in patients with
Crohn’s disease (CD). PXR binds to promoters of the majority of the detoxification genes including those involved in
oxidation (phase 1), conjugation (phase 2), and transport
(phase 3) of xenobiotics. Mice lacking a functional Pxr gene
developed and reproduced normally; however, these PXRnull mice did not respond normally to xenobiotic treatment,
and the transgenic animal expressing human PXR exhibited
growth retardation, hepatomegaly, and liver toxicity, suggestInflamm Bowel Dis
Volume 13, Number 12, December 2007
Inflamm Bowel Dis
Role of the PXR Gene Locus
Volume 13, Number 12, December 2007
ing a deleterious effect of PXR sustained activation.12 Moreover, Pxr knockout mice showed significantly increased inflammation of the small bowel due, as recently discovered, to
reciprocal inhibition between NF-B and PXR.13
The human PXR (NR1I2) gene was cloned 5 years ago
and regulatory sites in its promoter have been recently identified.14 The gene mapping on 3q11-13 presents multiple
polymorphisms through its 38 kb, some of them related with
altered regulation of PXR target genes involved in the metabolism and elimination of xenobiotics. A recent study in an
Irish population showed association of this gene with susceptibility to IBD.15 Replication in an independent population
was warranted to establish the real impact of this gene in
susceptibility to these polygenic disorders. A subsequent
study performed in a Scottish population reported lack of
association of the gene with IBD.16 Therefore, we aimed at
testing PXR polymorphisms and the haplotypes conformed by
them in our well-powered cohorts of UC and CD patients and
compared their frequencies with those observed in healthy
controls. Moreover, IBD has been associated with genetic
variations in the ABCB1/MDR1 gene, whose expression is
dependent on PXR and encodes a transporter critically involved in the protection of the intestinal barrier.17 We pursued to study the epistatic interactions between both genes.
Three hundred and thirty-one white, unrelated, Spanish CD
(51% women) and 365 UC (40% women) patients consecutively recruited from a single center (Hospital Clı́nico, Madrid) and 550 ethnically matched healthy controls (51%
women), mainly blood donors and staff, were included in a
case-control study. Diagnosis of IBD patients was based on
standard clinical, radiologic, endoscopic, and histologic criteria.18 The mean age at onset for UC patients was 38 years;
41% with pancolitis, 47% presented extraintestinal manifestations, and 13% underwent colectomy. CD patients were
classified according to the location of the lesions in ileal (L1,
48%), colonic (L2, 16%), ileocolonic (L3, 32%), and upper
gastrointestinal tract (L4, 3%) and according to the disease
behavior in inflammatory (B1, 43%), stricturing (B2, 15%),
and perforating (B3, 42%). Only 20% of the CD patients
presented after the age of 40. All patients were included in the
study after informed consent and the study was approved by
the Hospital Ethics Committee.
The genotyping of the PXR polymorphisms at ⫺25385
and 8055 was performed by using TaqMan Assays-on-Demand (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA; C—
27504984 –30 and C—15882324 –10 corresponding to
rs3814055 and rs2276707, respectively) and an Assay-byDesign for the rs6784598. The 5-L polymerase chain reaction (PCR) reaction with 1⫻ TaqMan Universal Master Mix,
1⫻ probe and primers assay mix and 10 ng of genomic DNA
was performed in 384 well-plates with a 7900HT Fast Real-
Time PCR system under the conditions recommended by the
manufacturer (Applied Biosystems). These polymorphisms
conformed to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in the control
population. Discrepancies in the final number of subjects
analyzed for each polymorphism are due to a small unsuccessful genotyping rate.
Statistical analysis was performed with a standard statistical package (Epi Info v. 6.02; World Health Organization,
Geneva, Switzerland). Phenotype and genotype frequencies
in patients and controls were compared by chi-square test or
Fisher’s exact test. Strength of association was given as odds
ratio (OR) with a 95% confidence interval (CI). Haplotypic
frequencies were estimated using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm implemented in the Arlequin v. 2.000 software19 with the number of iterations set at 5000 and initial
conditions at 50, with an epsilon value of 10⫺7.
The PXR promoter polymorphism located at ⫺25385C/T
(NM– 003889, rs3814055) showed the strongest nominal association with IBD overall and with both clinical subgroups
in an Irish population, in comparison with other singlenucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) examined.15 The analysis
of this variant in our Spanish cohort did not show significant
differences between either CD or UC patients versus controls
or between the combined CD and UC cohorts compared to
controls (Table 1). When the clinical subphenotypes were
studied, carriers of the ⫺25385T allele showed an increased
susceptibility for patients with extensive UC compared with
left-sided colitis (99/38 versus 113/70: OR ⫽ 1.61, 95% CI
0.97–2.68; P ⫽ 0.049) and with healthy subjects (99/38
versus 331/219: OR ⫽ 1.72 95% CI 1.12–2.66; P ⫽ 0.01),
although these comparisons did not withstand Bonferroni
TABLE 1. Genotype Distribution of the 3 Polymorphisms
Tested within the NR1I2 Gene
(n ⫽ 550)
CD Patients
(n ⫽ 331)
(n ⫽ 365)
219 (0.40)
242 (0.44)
89 (0.16)
112 (0.35)
154 (0.48)
56 (0.17)
126 (0.34)
182 (0.50)
57 (0.16)
173 (0.32)
275 (0.50)
98 (0.18)
101 (0.31)
173 (0.52)
57 (0.17)
112 (0.31)
177 (0.49)
72 (0.20)
356 (0.65)
175 (0.32)
18 (0.03)
202 (0.63)
110 (0.34)
10 (0.03)
238 (0.66)
111 (0.31)
12 (0.03)
Inflamm Bowel Dis
Martı́nez et al
Volume 13, Number 12, December 2007
TABLE 2. Frequencies of the PXR rs3814055// rs6784598// rs2276707 Haplotypes in the Spanish Population
(n ⫽ 1078)
CD (n ⫽ 606)
UC (n ⫽ 692)
Extensive UC
(n ⫽ 256)
Left-sided UC
(n ⫽ 350)
410 (0.38)
202 (0.19)
168 (0.15)
93 (0.09)
91 (0.08)
114 (0.11)
229 (0.38)
119 (0.20)
82 (0.14)
45 (0.07)
52 (0.08)
79 (0.13)
233 (0.34)
156 (0.23)
123 (0.18)
58 (0.08)
56 (0.08)
65 (0.09)
78 (0.30)
71 (0.28)a
45 (0.17)
18 (0.07)
12 (0.05)
32 (0.13)
128 (0.37)
71 (0.20)
62 (0.18)
29 (0.08)
30 (0.09)
29 (0.08)
Extensive UC vs. left-sided UC: P ⫽ 0.032; OR (95% CI): 1.51 (1.02-2.24). Extensive UC vs. controls: P ⫽ 0.001; OR (95% CI): 1.66 (1.20-2.30).
In order to analyze the frequencies of the estimated
haplotypes, 2 additional polymorphisms located in introns
5 and 6, changes 7158C/G and 8055C/T, respectively,
were tested (Table 1). No independent association of each
genetic marker with either CD or UC, or their subphenotypes, could be identified. Interestingly, the genotypic distributions of the C/T change at 8055 (rs2276707) were
significantly different between controls from both Caucasian populations, Irish and Spanish (252/88/5 versus 356/
175/18: P ⫽ 0.02; 2 ⫽ 7.8), indicating the importance of
ethnicity in these studies.
Six major haplotypes emerged by combination of the 3
genetic markers. As shown in Table 2, the global haplotypic
distribution was significantly different between UC and CD
patients (P ⫽ 0.05; 2 ⫽ 10.84, as a unique overall comparison, no correction is needed). Among UC patients a difference was seen between those with extensive colitis and controls (P ⫽ 0.004; 2 ⫽ 17.04), mainly due to the presence of
a risk haplotype (rs3814055*T//rs6784598*C//rs2276707*C:
P ⫽ 0.001; OR ⫽ 1.66, 95% CI 1.20 –2.30); this comparison
would admit an ample correction, while those patients suffering from left-sided colitis did not significantly differ from
healthy controls (P ⫽ 0.75).
Given the induction of the ABCB1/MDR1 gene by
PXR, the interaction of both genes was studied and no association was detected between MDR1 variants G2677TA,
rs2032582, or C3435T, rs1045642, and PXR ⫺25385C/T
(data not shown). However, a significantly different distribution of genotypes of the MDR1 G/A change located in intron
3, rs3789243, was observed in patients with extensive UC
stratified by the presence/absence of the minor allele at
⫺25385C/T (Table 3A). Patients with extensive UC displaying the combined presence of risk alleles in both genes
showed significantly increased risk than the rest of extensive
UC patients with either 1 or none of the risk alleles
(Table 3B).
These findings seem to corroborate in an independent population the association between the PXR/NR1I2 gene locus and
IBD previously reported in Ireland, although some distinctions must be emphasized. A functional role was previously
attributed to the ⫺25385C/T polymorphism, rs381405514;
however, while the minor allele frequency was significantly
reduced in CD and UC patients versus healthy controls in
Ireland, no similar trend was observed in Spain. Moreover, 1
haplotype carrying the minor allele at this site had significantly reduced frequency in patients and conferred protection
to CD and UC Irish patients, whereas the UC risk haplotype
found in our population also carries the minor allele at that
position. Therefore, no etiological value can be confidently
ascribed to this specific polymorphism, which seems to act as
a mere genetic marker. Most probably, some other as-yet
TABLE 3. Epistatic Interaction between NR1I2/PXR and
ABCB1/MDR1 Genes in Patients with Extensive UC
Intron 3
PXR -25385
15 (48%)
15 (48%)
1 (4%)
20 (23%)
47 (53%)
21 (24%)
Overall genotype comparison: P ⫽ 0.005; 2 ⫽ 10.52
(I) A⫹B⫹
(II) A⫹B(III) A-B⫹
(IV) A-B-
68 (57%)
16 (13%)
20 (17%)
15 (13%)
166 (41%)
101 (25%)
72 (18%)
65 (16%)
157 (39%)
110 (27%)
81 (20%)
56 (14%)
A⫹/A- and B⫹/B- presence/absence of MDR1 intron3 allele A and -25385T,
I vs. IV: pobs.⫽ 0.071; ORobs.⫽ 1.78 (0.91-3.50); ORexp.⫽ 1.62 (0.82-3.22).
I vs. (II ⫹III): pobs.⫽ 0.003; ORobs.⫽1.97 (1.22-3.19); ORexp.⫽ 2.30 (1.423.72).
I vs. (II ⫹III ⫹IV): pobs.⫽ 0.002; ORobs.⫽ 1.91 (1.24-2.95);
ORexp.⫽2.10 (1.36-3.24).
Inflamm Bowel Dis
Volume 13, Number 12, December 2007
unidentified variant in strong linkage disequilibrium with the
risk haplotypes found in populations with different ethnicity
would be responsible for the observed associations.
Langmann et al11 identified that the amount of PXR
transcripts in the colon of UC patients was strongly reduced,
while no significant reduction was seen in patients with CD;
therefore, an involvement of PXR would be expected mainly
with UC. Analyses of the regulatory regions of the coordinately downregulated detoxification genes showed that the
majority of these genes contain binding sites for PXR. In the
original report by Dring et al15 the P values for overall
comparison of haplotypes between controls and CD and UC
patients were P ⫽ 3.5 ⫻ 10⫺6 and P ⫽ 0.013, respectively,
which would imply a stronger influence on IBD than that
observed in our Spanish cohorts. In contrast, the subsequent
replication in a Scottish population did not show an association with several PXR polymorphisms, including 1 at
⫺24381 in strong linkage disequilibrium with the 1 at
⫺25385, or with the haplotypes conformed using 4 additional
polymorphisms.16 A different phenotypic composition of the
cohorts may underlie the heterogeneous results obtained to
date. Genotype–phenotype analyses following the Montreal
Classification of Scottish IBD patients did not apparently
solve the discrepancy with the original report, but the statistical power after stratification might be compromised. Our
data suggest a role of this PXR/ NR1I2 locus on chromosome
3q increasing susceptibility to patients diagnosed with extensive UC, although opposite alleles of the ⫺25385 variant are
associated with UC risk in our cohorts and in those studied by
Dring et al.15 Additional studies are warranted to fully elucidate the influence of this locus on the clinical phenotypes of
An epistatic interaction between the polymorphism
rs3789243 in the intron 3 of ABCB1/MDR1 and the variant at
⫺25385C/T in the PXR/NR1I2 gene has been found (Table
3A). The simultaneous presence of risk alleles in both positions increased predisposition in patients with extensive UC,
as determined by phenotypic analyses (Table 3B).
Substantial progress has been made in understanding
the IBD pathogenesis during the past years, pursuing the view
that IBD could result from disturbances of the intestinal
barrier and a pathologic activation of the intestinal immune
response toward luminal antigens. PXR might contribute to a
disturbed function of the epithelial barrier leading to imbalances in mucosal immunity and infiltration of luminal microflora that are involved in IBD pathogenesis.20 The defense
mechanisms responsible for protecting the body from toxins
are also involved in the metabolism of drugs. PXR mediates
drug-induced changes by increasing transcription of genes
that are involved in drug clearance and disposition.21 Therefore, one would expect PXR to have a role in IBD pharma-
Role of the PXR Gene Locus
cogenetics and further efforts in this direction are encouraged.
We thank Carmen Martı́nez for expert technical assistance.
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