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2019, Contemporary Physics
3 pages
1 file
In this dissertation we propose to investigate, after a thorough presentation of what the basic structures of quantum mechanics are, the main philosophical problem which arises as the theory is formulated in its non-relativistic manner. This problem has yielded physicists since the conception of the theory to develop "interpretations" which experimentally are all equivalent or underdetermined. These questions over how to interpret quantum mechanics are philosophical by their very nature. The American physicist Richard Feynman once famously stated: "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." Whether or not this statement is an extrapolation of reality can be decided based upon the interpretation one has of the theory altogether. We here shall argue that of all of the interpretations concerning the philosophical problem of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, the most satisfying is the reformulation of the theory in terms of a pilot-wave dynamics. This reformulation was first given by Louis de Broglie and later on perfected by David Bohm and J.S. Bell. It will become clear throughout the dissertation that it is the most satisfying solution to what has become known as the measurement problem.
Quantum Mechanics, A Half Century Later, 1977
The history of quantum physics has been deeply conditioned by the change in scientific practice as a social activity during the past fifty years. As a result the theory has not been allowed full maturing; both its formal and empirical advances have not resulted in a comparable conceptual progress. The recasting of quantum theory thus appears as an epistemological necessity. One of the main aspects of this process is to clear quantum theory from its persisting classical connections in order to endow it with an autonomous and intrinsic status. Problems related to the foundations, description, interpretation and approximations of quantum theory are considered in turn, and various recent works are reviewed which contribute to the proposed endeavour. Dialectica Vol. 30, No 2/3 (197~ * This article was prepared as a contribution to the Colloquium "Half a
Erwin Schrödinger – 50 Years After
Dialectica, 1976
The history of quantum physics has been deeply conditioned by the change in scientific practice as a social activity during the past fifty years. As a result the theory has not been allowed full maturing; both its formal and empirical advances have not resulted in a comparable conceptual progress. The recasting of quantum theory thus appears as an epistemological necessity. One of the main aspects of this process is to clear quantum theory from its persisting classical connections in order to endow it with an autonomous and intrinsic status. Problems related to the foundations, description, interpretation and approximations of quantum theory are considered in turn, and various recent works are reviewed which contribute to the proposed endeavour. Rtsumt L'histoire de la thtorie quantique a t t t fortement conditionnte par les changements intervenus au cours des cinquante dernitres anntes dans la pratique scientifique en tant qu'activitt sociale. La thtorie en constquence n'a pu atteindre sa pleine maturitt et ses dkveloppements ?I la fois formels et empiriques n'ont pas conduit h des progrks conceptuels comparables. La rejonte de la thtorie quantique apparaft ainsi comme une ntcessitk tpisttmologique. L'un des principaux aspects de ce processus consiste ?I dtbarrasser la thtorie quantique de ses persistantes attaches classiques, de faGon B h i conftrer un statut autonome et intrinstque. On considtre ici tour B tour les probltmes de fondements, de terminologie, d'interprktation et de limites, de la thtorie quantique, tout en passant en revue divers travaux rtcents contribuant B I'entreprise proposte. Zusammenfassung Die Geschichte der Quantenphysik ist in entscheidender Weise durch die Veranderungen, die in den letzten fiinfzig Jahren in der wissenschaftlichen Praxis als einer sozialen Tatigkeit eingetreten sind, bestimmt worden. Die Theorie hat deshalb ihre volle Reife nicht erlangen konnen; ihre zugleich formalen und empirischen Entfaltungen haben nicht zu einem entsprechenden begrifflichen Fortschritt gefiihrt. Eine Umgestaltung der Quantentheorie muss daher als ein erkenntnistheoretisches Desiderat betrachtet werden. Einer der wichtigsten Aspekte eines derartigen Unterfangens wird darin bestehen, die Theorie von ihren hartnackigen Bindungen an klassische Begriffe zu befreien, um ihr einen eigenstandigen und autonomen Status zu verleihen. Es werden die Probleme der Begrundung, der Terminologie, der Interpretation und der Gren-Zen der Quantentheorie diskutiert, indem auch verschiedene kurzlich erschienene Arbeiten, die sich auf das vorgeschlagene Unternehmen beziehen, beriicksichtigt werden. Dialectica Vol. 30, No 2/3 (1976) * This article was prepared as a contribution to the Colloquium " Half a Century of Quantum Mechanics ",
El Universal, 2024
El 21 de mayo fue inaugurada la Segunda Cumbre mundial sobre Inteligencia Artificial (AI Seoul Summit), en Seúl, Corea del Sur. En noviembre de 2023, en Bletchley Park, Reino Unido, fue celebrada la primera cumbre mundial sobre inteligencia artificial. Francia será sede de la siguiente cumbre, la tercera, cuya fecha aún no ha sido determinada. La seguridad ha sido el tema central de las dos cumbres mundiales. En Seúl, algunos directivos de la industria tecnológica, el representante de la Unión Europea y los delegados de 28 países (Alemania, Arabia Saudita, Australia, Canadá, Chile, Corea del Sur, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, Filipinas, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italia, Japón, Kenia, México, Nigeria, Nueva Zelanda, Filipinas, Países Bajos, Reino Unido, Ruanda, Singapur, Suiza, Turquía, Ucrania) firmaron una declaración ministerial -la Declaración de Seúl- que pretende promover la seguridad, la innovación y la inclusión en la IA.
Lo spazio geografico comprendente attualmente la Federazione Russa e gli Stati che una volta facevano parte dell’URSS, secondo gli analisti russi, è definibile come estero vicino, per sottolineare il legame esistente tra il proprio paese e le nuove realtà statali a cavallo di Europa e Asia, nate dalla caduta Unione Sovietica all’indomani del crollo del comunismo. A seconda della prospettiva e del senso che per noi può avere il concetto di Eurasia o di spazio eurasiatico, cambia il rapporto che può avere il mondo islamico in generale e il mondo iranico in particolare con il mondo russo, la Russia e l’Eurasia.
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