Philosophy of physics: quantum theory

2019, Contemporary Physics

Contemporary Physics ISSN: 0010-7514 (Print) 1366-5812 (Online) Journal homepage: Philosophy of physics: quantum theory Peter J. Bussey To cite this article: Peter J. Bussey (2019): Philosophy of physics: quantum theory, Contemporary Physics, DOI: 10.1080/00107514.2019.1621948 To link to this article: Published online: 04 Jun 2019. Submit your article to this journal View Crossmark data Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS BOOK REVIEW Philosophy of physics: quantum theory, by T. Maudlin, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2019, 256 pp., £20.00 (hardback), ISBN 9780691183527. Scope: monograph. Level: postgraduate. God, Einstein famously asserted, does not play dice! It is the random aspect of quantum physics that has proved to be the theory’s most contentious element, and which has provoked many proposals for elaborated or reinterpreted versions of the standard theory that would either give a rationale for the randomness, or do away with it. Tim Maudlin’s book is an account of three of the most popular attempts to deal with this issue. As a philosopher, he is keen to present the discussion in a clear and thoughtful way that is both critical and insightful. According to the first two of these models, standard quantum mechanics is a kind of ‘effective theory’ that needs augmentation, and the first approach discussed is that of ‘spontaneous wave-function collapse’, specifically the model of Ghirardi, Rimini and Weber. The reader will find here an informative and illuminating account of this theory, which can itself be further interpreted in more than one way. There appear to be no show-stoppers in this kind of approach, which does not attempt to explain the randomness of quantum events – perhaps randomness must always defy a full explanation – but does provide a quantitative description for their occurrence in measurement-like processes. The challenge is to formulate a model that will describe accurately all known quantum processes while still giving hope for an experimental test, which of course means that there should be some kind of feature where the amended theory differs from the old in its predictions. Clearly these two opposing requirements are difficult to fulfil together, and this problem exists in all attempts to go beyond the standard version of the theory. The second class of theories considered by Maudlin consists of ‘pilot wave’ theories, associated particularly with the names of de Broglie and Bohm. Here a quantum-like wavefunction provides the standard features and behaviour of quantum theory, but there also exists a point-like ‘particle’ that moves around within it, following a well-defined trajectory and arriving at one measurement location or another in a deterministic way. The measurement probabilities will be as normal, provided that the initial distribution of the particles in the pilot waves is appropriate. Thus, the randomness is effectively transferred from the measurement process to the initial state of the particle in the pilot wave. This aspect is not fully discussed by Maudlin, but it would seem to be important, and details really need to be supplied about how quantum objects are initially physically generated or created in an appropriate manner. Ignoring the details of this problem, Maudlin is persuaded that pilot-wave theories are capable of providing a satisfactory account of the observed quantum physics. He even describes the approach as ‘simple’ (p. 171), a statement which seems palpably dubious given the complexities that he has ably described in the earlier parts of this chapter! The third approach discussed here is the ‘many-worlds’ interpretation of quantum mechanics, in which there is no randomness at all, but a wave-function that continually branches in a fully defined way as it encounters new measurement apparatus. This, it is claimed, generates a repeated branching of the universe itself. Maudlin discusses in detail some recent attempts by Wallace to deal with probabilities in this kind of theory. It is a crucially weak area, for after all, if there are no random events, how can probabilities be brought in? This seems to me a valuable discussion, but it would also have been good to discuss a little some of the earlier developments of the theory. In Everett’s original presentation, conscious observers indeed multiplied but branches of the universe did not; it was DeWitt who decided that the branching of the universe was going to be necessary. The issue is important, because Everett was able to propagate his wave-function without trouble – setting aside matters concerning probability and consciousness – whereas the approach of DeWitt (who is not mentioned in this volume) involves in the end just the same problem as in standard quantum mechanics, namely to provide a rationale for the ‘quantum event’. In standard quantum mechanics it is a random event, while in the many-worlds theory it is a universe-splitting event. Only one outcome emerges in the standard theory, whereas they all emerge in the amended theory, but something still ‘happens’, and a fuller account of this is to be desired. It is this question, of course, that spontaneous-collapse theories seek to address. Finally, Maudlin gives a brief chapter on relativistic quantum field theory. His chief concern is to ask whether relativity introduces any serious problems for the theories discussed earlier. This chapter does not really discuss quantum field theory in any depth, despite the fact that it is the one underlying quantum theory that there is common agreement about, because this would demand much more space than is available. He is, he grants, barely scratching the surface of this subtle and difficult topic. Overall, I would say that this volume constitutes an informative and helpful contribution to an important ongoing 2 BOOK REVIEW debate. It is also reasonably priced. It can be confidently recommended to all who are interested in the philosophy of quantum mechanics, bearing in mind a few limitations that have been mentioned. It is not the last word on the subject, but its author would certainly not be wanting to claim that. Peter J. Bussey University of Glasgow [email protected] © 2019 Peter J. Bussey