Stavros Christofia , Simon Handsb and Costas Strouthosc
arXiv:hep-lat/0701016v1 22 Jan 2007
Frederick Institute of Technology, CY-1303 Nicosia, Cyprus
Department of Physics, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, U.K. and
Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
We present results of a Monte Carlo simulation of the three dimensional Thirring model with the
number of fermion flavors Nf varied between 2 and 18. By identifying the lattice coupling at which
the chiral condensate peaks, simulations are be performed at couplings g 2 (Nf ) corresponding to
the strong coupling limit of the continuum theory. The chiral symmetry restoring phase transition
is studied as Nf is increased, and the critical number of flavors estimated as Nf c = 6.6(1). The
critical exponents measured at the transition do not agree with self-consistent solutions of the
Schwinger-Dyson equations; in particular there is no evidence for the transition being of infinite
order. Implications for the critical flavor number in QED3 are briefly discussed.
PACS numbers: PACS: 11.10.Kk, 11.30.Rd, 11.15.Ha
The study of quantum field theories in which the
ground state shows a sensitivity to the number of fermion
flavors Nf is intrinsically interesting. According to certain approximate solutions of Schwinger-Dyson equations
(SDEs), in d = 3 spacetime dimensions both quantum
electrodynamics (QED3 ) and the Thirring model display
this phenomenon. Both models have been proposed as effective theories describing different regions of the cuprate
phase diagram, Thirring describing the superconducting phase, while QED3 supposedly describes the nonsuperconducting “pseudogap” behaviour seen in the underdoped regime [1, 2]. The Thirring model is a theory
of fermions interacting via a current contact interaction:
L = ψ̄i (∂/ + m)ψi +
(ψ̄i γµ ψi )2 ,
where ψi , ψ̄i are four-component spinors, m is a parityconserving bare mass, and the index i runs over Nf distinct fermion flavors. In the chiral limit m → 0 the Lagrangian (1) shares the same global U(1) chiral symmetry
ψ 7→ eiαγ5 ψ, ψ̄ 7→ ψ̄eiαγ5 as QED3 . Since the coupling
g 2 has mass dimension −1, naive power-counting suggests
that the model is non-renormalisable. However [3, 4, 5],
an expansion in powers of 1/Nf , rather than g 2 , is exactly renormalisable and the model has a well-defined
continuum limit corresponding to a UV-stable fixed point
of the renormalization group (RG). The 1/Nf expansion
may not, however, describe the true behaviour of the
model at small Nf . Chiral symmetry breaking, signalled
by a condensate hψ̄ψi =
6 0, is forbidden at all orders in
1/Nf , and yet is predicted by a self-consistent SDE approach [4, 6, 7, 8]. SDEs solved in the limit g 2 → ∞ [7]
show that chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken for
Nf < Nf c ≃ 4.32, close to certain predictions of Nf c for
non-trivial IR behaviour in QED3 [9]. Based on these
results, at Nf = Nf c the model is expected to undergo
an infinite order or conformal phase transition, originally
discussed by Miranskii et al in the context of quenched
QED4 [10, 11]. Using different sequences of truncation,
however, other SDE approaches have found values of Nf c
ranging between 3.24 [4] and ∞ [6].
Since for Nf < Nf c the chiral symmetry breaking transition corresponds to a UV-stable RG fixed point at a
critical gc2 , which can be analysed using finite volume
scaling techniques, study using lattice Monte Carlo simulation has proved possible with relatively modest computer resources [12, 13, 14, 15]. It has been shown that
for Nf ≤ 5 the model is in the chirally broken phase at
strong enough coupling g 2 < ∞, providing a lower bound
on Nf c , and the critical exponents found to vary with
Nf . This should be contrasted with numerical studies
of QED3 : in this case the phase transition in the continuum limit at Nf = Nf c is an IR-stable fixed point
(see, eg. [16, 17]), and SDE predictions for the separation of scales parametrised by the dimensionless quantity
hψ̄ψi/α2 are so small that enormous lattices are required
to establish whether the model with a particular Nf lies
in the broken or symmetric phase [18]. A determination
of Nf c for QED3 (whose value may have profound implications for the cuprate phase diagram [2]) by purely
numerical means currently appears very difficult.
As already noted, Thirring and QED3 share the same
global symmetries; moreover in the strong coupling limit
the 1/Nf expansion predicts the existence of a massless
spin-1 ψ ψ̄ bound state in the Thirring spectrum [5, 7].
The RG fixed point of both models is therefore a theory
of massless fermions interacting via massless vector exchange between conserved currents. It is therefore plausible that the two models have the same Nf c , and that
simulation of the Thirring model is the most effective
means to determine its value. Here, we present results
based on numerical simulations with Nf = 2, . . . , 18 in
an effort to determine Nf c with unprecedented precision,
exploiting a strategy of identifying the value of the lattice
coupling g 2 corresponding to the strong coupling limit of
the continuum theory.
The lattice action we have used is based on [12] and is
as follows:
χ̄i (x)ηµ (x)(1 + iAµ (x))χi (x + µ̂) − h.c.
S =
2 xµi
χ̄i (x)χi (x) +
Aµ (x)2
4g 2 xµ
where χ, χ̄ are staggered fermion fields and the flavor
index i runs over N species. We have introduced an auxiliary real-valued link field Aµ , superficially resembling a
photon field, so that the lattice action can be expressed
as a bilinear form. The formulation is not unique; Gaussian integration over the Aµ in (2) results in a lattice
action resembling the continuum form (1) in that all interactions remain of the form χ̄χχ̄χ for arbitrary N , but
some of which when re-expressed in terms of continuumlike Dirac spinors are of non-covariant form. As argued
in [13], in the 1/Nf expansion these unwanted contributions are probably irrelevant, but more care may be
needed when discussing the UV fixed-point theory.
For d = 3 N staggered fermion species describe Nf =
2N continuum flavors. We employed the Hybrid Monte
Carlo (HMC) algorithm to simulate even Nf [13] and the
Hybrid Molecular Dynamics (HMD) algorithm for odd or
non-integer Nf [15]. For the HMD simulations we used a
small enough fictitious time step ∆τ ≤ 0.0025 to ensure
that the O(N 2 ∆τ 2 ) systematic errors in the molecular
dynamics steps were smaller than the statistical errors of
the various observables.
where J(m) is the value of the integral contributed by
the second diagram in Fig. 1. The physics described by
continuum 1/Nf perturbation theory occurs for the range
of couplings gR
∈ [0, ∞), ie. for g 2 ∈ [0, glim
) where to
leading order in 1/N glim
= 23 for m = 0. The strong
coupling limit is therefore recovered at g 2 = glim
. For
g 2 > glim
the auxiliary propagator becomes negative, and
the lattice model no longer describes a unitary theory.
As already discussed, chiral symmetry breaking is absent in large-Nf calculations. It may well be that the
value of the second diagram in Fig. 1 is considerably altered in the chirally broken vacuum expected for Nf <
Nf c . In this study we use lattice simulations to estimate
the value of glim
as a function of Nf . Fig. 2 shows hψ̄ψi
EoS fit
FIG. 2: Chiral condensate hψ̄ψi vs. g −2 . Nf = 6, m = 0.01
on a 163 lattice unless otherwise stated. The dashed line
denotes a fit of the 163 , Nf = 6, m = 0.01 data to an EoS of
the form (5) taking finite volume scaling into account.
FIG. 1: Leading order vacuum polarisation in lattice QED.
Next we review the discussion of [13] regarding the
non-conservation of the vector current in the lattice
Thirring model. The leading order 1/N quantum corrections to the photon propagator in lattice QED3 are
sketched in Fig. 1. The second diagram, arising from the
gauge-invariant form χ̄x eiAµx χx+µ̂ , is peculiar to the lattice regularisation, but is required to ensure transversity
of the vacuum polarisation tensor, ie:
[Πµν (x) − Πµν (x − µ̂)] = 0.
For the Aµ propagator in the lattice Thirring model (2)
however, the second diagram is absent, and the transversity condition (3) violated by a term of O(a−1 ). Transversity of Πµν is crucial to the renormalisability of the 1/Nf
expansion; fortunately, the impact of the extra divergence can be absorbed by a wavefunction renormalisation
of Aµ and a coupling constant renormalisation
1 − g 2 J(m)
data as a function of g −2 for various Nf , m and lattice volumes. The condensate is non-monotonic, showing a clear maximum for Nf = 6 flavors at g −2 ≃ 0.3.
The peak position at g 2 = gmax
, unlike the value of the
condensate itself, is independent of both lattice volume
and fermion mass, indicating that its origin is at the UV
scale. Since in an orthodox description of chiral symmetry breaking |hψ̄ψi| is expected to increase with the
strength of the interaction, we interpret the peak as the
point where unitarity violation sets in, ie. gmax
≈ glim
and hence identify the peak with the location of the
strong coupling limit.
The figure also shows that gmax
depends on Nf (Cf.
Fig. 3 of Ref. [13]). For Nf < Nf c , it is possible to fit
condensate data taken at g 2 < gmax
to an equation of
state (EoS) of the form [13]
m = A(g −2 − gc−2 )hψ̄ψip + Bhψ̄ψiδ ,
which describes a continuous transition in the limit m →
0 at g 2 = gc2 to a chirally symmetric phase, characterised
by critical exponents δ and a “magnetic” exponent β =
(δ−p)−1 . On a dataset taken on 123 , . . . , 323 taking finite
volume scaling into account we have found the best fit
for Nf = 6 given by gc−2 = 0.316(1), δ = 5.75(13), p =
1.18(2), to be compared with corresponding quantities
tabulated for smaller Nf in [15]. Since gc2 <
∼ gmax , the
EoS fit for Nf = 6, shown for the 16 data by a dashed
line in Fig. 2, is of borderline credibility.
Fig. 2 also shows that for Nf = 8 the peak moves to
the right, and is considerably less pronounced. In Fig. 3
we plot gmax
vs. Nf for Nf ∈ [2, 18]. For Nf <
∼ 6, gmax
FIG. 3: gmax
vs. Nf .
decreases smoothly and monotonically, but in the interval
between 6.5 and 6.6 there is a sudden sharp increase; for
6.6 ≤ Nf ≤ 12, g −2 ≃ 0.43(2) is roughly constant, and
then increases for Nf still larger. With the identification
of gmax
with the strong coupling limit of the continuum
theory, as argued above, it is natural to ask whether the
transition at Nf ≃ 6.5 has any correlation with the chiral
order parameter. Fig. 4 shows hψ̄ψ(gmax
)i vs. Nf . This
shown in Fig. 3 and the predictions of the 1/Nf expansion in the regime Nf > Nf c . In particular, there re2
mains a disparity between gmax
(Nf ) and the large-Nf
prediction glim = 2 , which may be due to subleading
corrections in 1/Nf , or to large finite-volume corrections
described by the conformal field theory expected in the
limit Nf → Nf c+ .
Fig. 4 is interesting because for the first time it presents
lattice data in a form suitable for direct comparison
with SDE predictions. One such study of chiral symmetry breaking in the d-dimensional Thirring model
with d ∈ (2, 4) using this approach was by Itoh et al
[7]. They calculated the dressed fermion propagator
S(p) = [A(p2 )p
/ + B(p2 )]−1 , by first exploiting a hidden local symmetry to fix a gauge in which A ≡ 1,
and then approximating the auxiliary propagator and
fermion-auxiliary vertex by their forms to leading order in 1/Nf . This enabled a solution for the self-energy
function Σ(x) = B(x)/Λ, with Λ a UV cutoff and
x = (p/Λ)d−2 , in the strong coupling limit g 2 → ∞,
yielding a dynamically-generated fermion mass M :
∝ exp q
Nf c
where Nf c (d = 3) = 128/3π 2 ≃ 4.32. The chiral order
parameter follows via the relation hψ̄ψi ∝ Σ′ (x = 1),
leading to the strong coupling prediction
hψ̄ψi ∝ Λ
Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking occurs for Nf <
Nf c in qualitative, but not quantitative agreement
with Fig. 4. Eqn. (7) predicts an infinite-order phase
transition. Its nature is further elucidated using the
anomalous scaling dimension of the ψ̄ψ bilinear γψ̄ψ =
d lnhψ̄ψi/d ln Λ and the relations for the critical exponents η and δ [19]:
η = d − 2γψ̄ψ ; δ =
plot necessarily puts an upper bound on the condensate.
It is difficult to draw any conclusion other than there
being a chiral symmetry restoring phase transition at
From (8) we obtain γψ̄ψ = (d − 2)/2 and hence η = 2,
δ = 1. This scenario has been termed a “conformal phase
transition” [11], and has also been exposed by SDE approaches in QED3 [16] and quenched QED4 [10], the control parameter being respectively Nf and the fine structure constant α.
The SDE analysis of [7] was later extended to cover
g 2 < ∞ by Sugiura [8]. In this case the chiral transition
takes place for Nf < Nf c , and the solution for the order
parameter is of the form
Nf c = 6.6(1).
hψ̄ψi ∝ Λd−2 M.
FIG. 4: hψ̄ψ(gmax
)i vs. Nf for m = 0.01. Lines denote EoS
fits discussed in the text.
Eqn. (6) is the main result of this Letter.
In order to refine this picture, further theoretical analysis is needed to establish contact between the results
The same chain of arguments leads to critical exponents
η = 4 − d, δ = d − 1, coincident with those of the ddimensional Gross-Neveu model in the large-Nf limit
[19]. The nature of the transition predicted by SDEs
thus appears sensitive to the order of the limits g 2 → ∞,
Nf → Nf c .
We have been motivated by these considerations to
attempt an EoS fit to the data of Fig. 4 of the form
ted values for δ and ν together with those from EoS fits
to data from Nf < Nf c compiled from Refs. [13, 14, 15],
as shown in Fig. 5, we see that the estimate for δ(Nf c )
lies within a general trend of δ increasing with Nf , with
no evidence for non-commutativity of the limits g 2 → ∞
and Nf → Nf c (there is some indication for a jump from
ν ≈ 0.5 to ν ≈ 1 as Nf increases from 6 to Nf c , which
needs to be confirmed in a more refined study). In any
case, the fitted values of δ lie well above those predicted
in the SDE approach.
In summary, for the first time we have been able using
lattice Monte Carlo simulation to study a chiral phase
transition as the number of fermion flavors Nf is varied continuously. We find a continuous phase transition
in the strong coupling limit at a critical flavor number
Nf c = 6.6(1), in qualitative, but not quantitative agreement with the predictions of an analysis using SchwingerDyson equations. In particular, the critical exponents are
not those either of a conformal phase transition or the 3d
Gross-Neveu model. It is plausible that our result may
inform estimates of the corresponding critical number of
flavors for chiral symmetry breaking in QED3 , where direct lattice simulations are hampered by a large separation of scales. Note that a recent perturbative analysis
of RG flow equations in the large-Nf limit of QED3 predicts Nf c = 6 [20]. In future it will be interesting to
check whether the same universal features of the strong
coupling limit emerge using the alternative lattice formulations of the Thirring model reviewed in [13].
m = A[(Nf − Nf c ) + CL− ν ]hψ̄ψip + Bhψ̄ψiδ ,
where L is the linear extent of the system and the
exponent ν is given by the hyperscaling relation ν =
(δ + 1)/d(δ − p). The term proportional to C accounts for
finite volume corrections. Our best fit to data with Nf ∈
[4, 8] yields Nf c = 6.89(2), δ = 6.90(3), p = 4.23(2), with
χ2 /dof=129/15.
Besides the relatively poor quality, and significant disagreement with Eq. (6), the fit should not be taken too
seriously for two further reasons, namely the combination
of “exact” HMC data with HMD containing a systematic
error due to ∆τ 6= 0, and the as yet unquantified errors
due to the identification of glim
with gmax
. Nonetheless
the disparity of the value of the exponent δ with the
SDE prediction is striking. Moreover, if we plot the fit8
FIG. 5: Critical exponents δ and ν vs. Nf .
The simulations were performed on a cluster of 2.4GHz
Opteron processors at the Frederick Institute of Technology, Cyprus.
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