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Aquatic vegetation, like seagrasses, macroalgae and trees whether submerged or subaerial are an important feature of a coastal ecosystem. In addition to the structural and functional aspects to the environment, they are known to reduce wave and current energies propagating through them. The reduction of energy would then influence sediment motion and thus render an impact on coastal sediment transport. The dissipative character of large stands of kelp has been studied for instance by Jackson and Winant, (1983), Dalrymple et al. (1984) and for artificial seaweed as material for shore protection Price et al. (1968). Basing on the most recent work by Asano et al. (1992), a new analysis is developed for the flow model and the vegetation motion using field and experimental results carried out on kelp fronds and kelp plant models. The theoretical model is compared with experimental results
Continental Shelf Research, 2012
This paper presents results from experiments in a large flume on wave and flow attenuation by a full-scale artificial Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow in shallow water. Wave height and in-canopy wave-induced flows were reduced by the meadow under all tested regular and irregular wave conditions, and were affected by seagrass density, submergence and distance from the leading edge. The energy of irregular waves was reduced at all components of the spectra, but reduction was greater at the peak spectral frequency. Energy dissipation factors were largest for waves with small orbital amplitudes and at low wave Reynolds numbers. An empirical model, commonly applied to predict friction factors by rough beds, proved applicable to the P. oceanica bed. However at the lowest Reynolds numbers, under irregular waves, the data deviated significantly from the model. In addition, the wave-induced flow dissipation in the lower canopy increased with increasing wave orbital amplitude and increasing density of the mimics. The analysis of the wave-induced flow spectra confirm this trend: the reduction of flow was greatest at the longer period component of the spectra. Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings for sediment dynamics and the role of P. oceanica beds in protecting the shore from erosion.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 1992
Seagrasses are able to modify current tlow and sediment comp~ition, yet little information exists describing their effect on waves. Four speqes of seagrass, Halodule wrightii, Syringodium filiforme, Thalassia testudi. and Zostera marina were evaluated for their ability to reduce wave energy; under various combinations of shoot density and water depths over a I m test ~¢ction in a wave tank. Percent wave energy reduction per meter of seagrass bed equaled 40% when the length ofthese seagrasses was similar to the water depth; Seagrassesare approximately equal to saltmarshes in reducing wave energy on;a unit distance basis, butonly when water depth is scaled to plantsize. When sea~ass beds occur as broad, shallow meadows, the influence of seagrasses on wave:energy will be substantial.
Coastal Engineering, 2021
Coastal vegetation such as seagrass fields, salt marshes, and mangroves, contributes to coastal defence by damping incoming waves. Yet, plant species differ in flexibility due to which they interact differently with incoming waves and damp waves to a variable degree. Current wave damping models struggle to balance accuracy against computational costs when accounting for wave-vegetation interactions. Instead, they often rely on a plant-specific calibration of the drag coefficient, which limits their application across plant species. Here we show, using novel simultaneous experimental data of wave damping, water velocities and stem motion, that wave damping by quasi-flexible cylindrical vegetation is controlled by the relative velocity between water and vegetation at the upright bottom section of a stem. For the quasi-flexible vegetation conditions considered in this manuscript (L > 1.4 and Ca < 700), our experimental evidence justifies the application of a model based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory to estimate plant motion. Building on the solution of plant motion, we simulate wave damping over flexible vegetation fields through a new work factor. Our model successfully predicts damping of regular waves by rigid and flexible artificial vegetation, and real S. Anglica, P. Maritima and E. Athericus plants in the right order of magnitude under medium and high energy wave conditions. The simulated wave damping is directly linked to vegetation and wave conditions and does not require a plant-specific calibration of the drag coefficient. It is anticipated that the model will be of wide practical use in simulating wave damping by quasi-flexible cylindrical coastal vegetation across large areas with diverse plant species and wave conditions.
Coastal Engineering, 2014
Coastal wetlands such as salt marshes and mangroves provide valuable ecosystem services including coastal protection. Many studies have assessed the influence of plant traits and wave conditions on vegetationinduced wave dissipation, whereas the effect of tidal currents is often ignored. To our knowledge, only two studies investigated wave dissipation by vegetation with the presence of following currents (current velocity is in the same direction as wave propagation) (Li and Yan, 2007; Paul et al., 2012). However, based on independent experiments, they have drawn contradictive conclusions whether steady currents increase or decrease wave attenuation. We show in this paper that this inconsistency may be caused by a difference in ratio of imposed current velocity to amplitude of the horizontal wave orbital velocity. We found that following currents can either increase or decrease wave dissipation depending on the velocity ratio, which explains the seeming inconsistency in the two previous studies. Wave dissipation in plant canopies is closely related to vegetation drag coefficients. We apply a new approach to obtain the drag coefficients. This new method eliminates the potential errors that are often introduced by the commonly used method. More importantly, it is capable of obtaining the vegetation drag coefficient in combined current-wave flows, which is not possible for the commonly used calibration method. Based on laboratory data, we propose an empirical relation between drag coefficient and Reynolds number, which can be useful for numerical modeling. The characteristics of drag coefficient variation and in-canopy velocity dynamics are incorporated into an analytical model to help understand the effect of following currents on vegetation-induced wave dissipation.
Frontiers in Marine Science
This study analyses the combined impact of two types of ocean water flow, wave exposure and ocean currents, on kelp Laminaria hyperborea abundance, taking other environmental co-variables into account. The dataset covers many ecoregions along the NE Atlantic (Norwegian) coast, including both the Skagerrak, the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea, from 58 • N to 66 • N. Our results show that the abundance of kelp is modified by the combined impact of depth, waves and currents and that high kelp abundance is found mainly in relatively shallow and flat terrain in wave exposed and low current areas. The analyses reveal significant interactions between wave exposure and both depth and ocean currents, implying depth-specific effects of wave exposure and wave-specific effects of current speed. The somewhat surprising influence of temperature is discussed. The ecological function and ecosystem services of kelp forests are related to kelp abundance. Knowledge on how abundances vary with environmental variables is therefore highly relevant for developing large scale models to quantify and visualize (on maps) macroalgae biomass and ecosystem services, such as wave dampening, carbon storage, and raw material provisioning.
Estuaries and Coasts, 2007
The effects of seagrass bed geometry on wave attenuation and suspended sediment transport were investigated using a modified Nearshore Community Model (NearCoM). The model was enhanced to account for cohesive sediment erosion and deposition, sediment transport, combined wave and current shear stresses, and seagrass effects on drag. Expressions for seagrass drag as a function of seagrass shoot density and canopy height were derived from published flume studies of model vegetation. The predicted reduction of volume flux for steady flow through a bed agreed reasonably well with a separate flume study. Predicted wave attenuation qualitatively captured seasonal patterns observed in the field: wave attenuation peaked during the flowering season and decreased as shoot density and canopy height decreased. Model scenarios with idealized bathymetries demonstrated that, when wave orbital velocities and the seagrass canopy interact, increasing seagrass bed width in the direction of wave propagation results in higher wave attenuation, and increasing incoming wave height results in higher relative wave attenuation. The model also predicted lower skin friction, reduced erosion rates, and higher bottom sediment accumulation within and behind the bed. Reduced erosion rates within seagrass beds have been reported, but reductions in stress behind the bed require further studies for verification. Model results suggest that the mechanism of sediment trapping by seagrass beds is more complex than reduced erosion rates alone; it also requires suspended sediment sources outside of the bed and horizontal transport into the bed.
Recently, coastal protection has developed to one of the most crucial issues, resulting in a significant number of studies on the role of vegetation in shore protection. From the review of these studies, there is a general agreement that many complex physical processes are involved in the interaction of waves and currents with vegetation. Hence, there is still a need for further research of wave and/or current-vegetation interactions to improve the understanding of eco-hydraulic processes. This study therefore aims to improve the understanding of the highly complex wave-current-vegetation interaction, including a more precise and systematic identification of the most influential parameters on the wave attenuation. For this purpose, a new porous media-based approach for the modelling of wave attenuation by stiff vegetation is applied using the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) model, which is extended for flexible vegetation by considering the dynamic response of flexible vegetation ...
The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems, 2016
Natural processes like wave action, tides, winds, storm surges, and tsunamis constantly shape the shoreline by inducing erosion and accretion. Coastlines with intact vegetated dunes, mangroves, and reefs act as a buffer zone against wave attack on beaches. This article discusses the effect of simulated seagrass on wave height attenuation and wave run-up through an experimental study. The tests were carried out with submerged artificial seagrass subjected to varying wave climate in a 50-m-long wave flume. Measurements of wave heights along the seagrass meadow and the wave run-up on a 1:12 sloped beach were taken for wave heights ranging from 0.08 to 0.16 m at an interval of 0.02 m and wave periods 1.8 and 2 seconds in water depths of 0.40 and 0.45 m.
Sociolinguistic patterns and processes of convergence and divergence in Spanish. Spanish , 2020
« L’essence selon Hegel. Concepts, enjeux et problèmes de la Logique de l’essence », 2024
Idea Nursing Journal, 2017
Mammalian Biology-Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 2011
Contextos Clínicos
Christianity in the Maghrib , 2023
Texila International Journal of Academic Research, 2023
Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary, 2021
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2017
European Scientific Journal, ESJ
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2015