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The Cambridge Companion to Duns Scotus
Guus Labooy
To cite this article: Guus Labooy (2004) The Cambridge Companion to Duns Scotus, Ars
Disputandi, 4:1, 210-211, DOI: 10.1080/15665399.2004.10819847
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Ars Disputandi
Volume 4 (2004)
ISSN: 1566 5399
Guus Labooy
The Cambridge Companion to Duns
Edited by Thomas Williams
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003; xvi + 408 pp.; hb.
¿ 47.50, pb. ¿ 16.99; ISBN: 0-521-63205-6/0-521-63563-2.
In twelve quite demanding chapters, outstanding scholars provide an
overall view of the key issues of Scotus's philosophical thought. To this a very
concise introduction is added, concerning the life and works of John Duns (very
good, especially the survey of works and the information on critical editions etc.).
Throughout the book, I nd the information clear and the dif cult topics well
explained. Moreover, the volume gives a quick entrance to the vast literature.
Among the topics discussed are: `Metaphysics' (Peter King), `Universals and Individuation' (Timothy Noone), `Modal Theory' (Calvin Normore), `Natural Theology' (James Ross & Todd Bates), `Philosophy of Mind' (Richard Cross), `Cognition'
(Robert Pasnau), `Moral Dispositions' (Bonnie Kent). What strikes the eye is the
absence of important theological subjects: Trinity, Christology, sin and grace, to
name a few. Since the cover text promises that `the essays in this volume systematically survey the full range of Scotus' thought', this omission is remarkable. It
stems, I guess, from the strict philosophical scope of the series of the Cambridge
Companions, but such a limitation should have been recognised explicitly: this
companion provides, in fact, an introduction to John Duns's philosophy i.e., philosophy in our modern sense. Of course, this separation of philosophical from
theological thought is not from Scotus. Most of his innovative `philosophical' ideas
are developed in a profoundly theological context!
Although it is tempting to list a host of more detailed remarks, I will
name only a few: I would have been pleased with more of the original Latin in the
references. And to me, the summary at the end of Noone's ne essay on Universals
and Individuation was a bit disappointing. He seems to hold that Scotus' theory
of individuation is only valid within an Aristotelian framework. I quote: `Scotus's
theory of individuation seems, accordingly, to support the general observation
that the framework of the Aristotelian ontology provided Scholastic authors no
ready solution to the problem of individuation and that the more outstanding
among them only resolved the problem by creatively adding elements of their own
devising to the received Aristotelian ontology.' To my mind, however, his theory
of individuation is a key alternative to both the Aristotelian and the contemporary
nominalist theories of individuation.
As a scholar working in eld of the Philosophy of Mind, I bene ted very
c October 13, 2004, Ars Disputandi. If you would like to cite this article, please do so as follows:
Guus Labooy, `Review of The Cambridge Companion to Duns Scotus,' Ars Disputandi [http://www.ArsDisputandi.
org] 4 (2004), paragraph number.
Guus Labooy: Review of The Cambridge Companion to Duns Scotus
much from the contribution of Richard Cross. Cross is very helpful in introducing
important Scotistic insights within the context of contemporary Philosophy of
Mind. Each essay in this companion is worth reading, I recommend this volume
Ars Disputandi 4 (2004),