International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 78 (2014) 679–683
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Prenatal consultation with the pediatric otolaryngologist§
Andrew R. Scott a,*, Huy Nguyen b, Jeannie C. Kelly c, James D. Sidman d,e
Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery, Floating Hospital for Children – Tufts Medical Center,
Boston, MA, United States
University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA, United States
Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Children’s ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery, Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Article history:
Received 15 November 2013
Received in revised form 14 January 2014
Accepted 28 January 2014
Available online 7 February 2014
Objectives: To examine the spectrum of fetal head and neck anomalies that may prompt prenatal referral
and to determine the frequency of these consultations.
Study design: Case series with chart review.
Methods: The billing databases of two urban pediatric otolaryngology practices were queried for ICD-9
codes corresponding to fetal anomalies between January 2010 and December 2012. The pediatric
otolaryngology practices in this study evaluate all fetal head and neck anomalies referred to their
respective institutions, including craniofacial disorders.
Results: Over a three-year period, 53 women presented for fetal otolaryngology consultation, with each
practice seeing approximately one consultation every 6 weeks (every 5 weeks (JDS) and every 7 weeks
(ARS)). The average maternal and gestational age at presentation were 28.7 years and 27.2 weeks,
respectively. 83% of the cases (n = 44) involved some form of cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Other
head and neck anomalies included fetal goiter/other congenital neck mass (9% (n = 5)) and micrognathia
(6% (n = 3)). Macroglossia (n = 1) and facial cleft (n = 1) each accounted for 2% of cases. Cleft mothers
presented earlier in pregnancy (average 26.8 weeks) than those with a neck mass (average 32.3 weeks)
(p < 0.05). Only 3 cases (6%) merited ex utero intrapartum treatment.
Conclusions: Depending on the referral practices at a given medical center, craniofacial surgeons rather
than pediatric otolaryngologists may be evaluating the majority of fetal head and neck anomalies, as
orofacial clefts account for most prenatal consultations. The wide spectrum of congenital neck masses
may or may not demand monitoring of the airway during the peripartum period.
ß 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Prenatal consultation
Cleft lip and palate
Fetal diagnosis
Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT)
1. Introduction
Since its introduction in the late 1950s, obstetric sonographic
examination of the fetus has evolved into a routine part of the
prenatal anatomic survey. As imaging modalities have further
improved, identification of craniofacial and airway abnormalties
during the fetal period has become possible. In a 1996 study by
Crombleholme et al., 221 fetuses were referred for consultation
based on abnormal prenatal ultrasound findings; 2.5% of these
cases involved a head and neck anomaly [1]. In the 21st century,
Presented as a poster at the 2013 American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology
Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, April 2013.
* Corresponding author at: Divisions of Pediatric Otolaryngology and Facial
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical
Center, 800 Washington Street, Box #850, Boston, MA 02111, United States.
Tel.: +1 617 636 2820; fax: +1 617 636 1479.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (A.R. Scott).
0165-5876/$ – see front matter ß 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
many of these same conditions are now being diagnosed in the
second trimester, allowing maternal fetal medicine (MFM)
physicians and expecting parents to obtain an expert opinion,
long before the birth of the affected child. In tertiary medical
centers practicing high-risk obstetrics it is not uncommon for a
pediatric otolaryngologist to be consulted for the management of a
fetal patient with a head and neck anomaly. Although our input is
considered integral to the formulation of a safe and reliable
delivery plan in many of these cases, most otolaryngologists have
limited (if any) training in maternal-fetal medicine.
The first specific aim of this study was to determine the
spectrum of fetal head and neck anomalies that may prompt a
prenatal consultation. Data was collected from two tertiary
pediatric otolaryngology practices located in different parts of
the country, each of which evaluates all fetal head and neck
anomalies referred to their institution, including craniofacial
disorders. The pediatric otolaryngologists in these practices
perform cleft lip and palate surgery and serve as the medical
A.R. Scott et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 78 (2014) 679–683
directors of their respective institution’s multidisciplinary cleft lip
and palate team. The second specific aim of this study was to
examine possible differences in the volume of prenatal head and
neck referrals that may present for consultation in a given year.
One of the institutions (Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of
Minnesota – Minneapolis) is affiliated with the leading regional
referral center for high-risk obstetrics, and the pediatric otolaryngologist at this institution (JDS) has established a referral center for
craniofacial disorders over several decades. The other center (Tufts
Medical Center) is one of four high-risk obstetrics referral centers
in Boston (ARS), Massachusetts. The pediatric otolaryngologist at
this institution is in his first decade of practice and was in the
process of establishling a cleft and craniofacial practice at the time
of this study.
2. Materials and methods
After obtaining institutional review board approval, the
otolaryngology billing databases from two urban pediatric tertiary
referral centers were queried for ICD-9 codes corresponding to
fetal anomalies between January 2010 and December 2012. This
allowed for identification of all documented prenatal consultations
for cervicofacial anomalies referred to these practices. Confirmation of the anatomic defect as well as relevant maternal
information regarding the pregnancy and delivery was obtained
from the electronic medical record at each respective institution.
Data collected retrospectively included maternal and fetal demographics (maternal age, fetal sex and gestational age at the time of
consultation), indications for referral (results of prenatal imaging
studies), and any action taken after referrals. Details of the delivery
as well as any peripartum complications were tabulated as well.
The resulting information was entered into a spreadsheet for
3. Results
A total of 53 mothers presented to two pediatric otolaryngology
clinics for consultation over a 3-year period. At each of the two
practices, there was an average of one prenatal referral every 6
weeks (one referral every 5 weeks in Minneapolis (JDS) and one
referral every 7 weeks in Boston (ARS)). Overall, 83% of the cases
(44 of 53) involved cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Additional
fetal anomalies were present in 9% of these cleft cases (4 of 44), and
these abnormalities included holoprosencephaly, Turner’s syndrome, micrognathia and situs inversus. Fetal goiter or an
unspecified neck mass accounted for 9% of cases (5 of 53), and
approximately 5% of consultations (3 of 53) were for micrognathia.
Macroglossia and facial cleft each accounted for 2% of total cases (1
of 53). Representative prenatal images are shown in Fig. 1; the
distribution of cases is presented in Table 1.
In Minneapolis, approximately 120 newborns with cleft lip with
or without cleft palate presented over this 3-year period, 28 of
whom (23%) were referred through a prenatal source. In Boston, a
total of 21 newborns with cleft lip with or without cleft palate
presented over the same time frame, 16 of these patients (76%)
were referred through a prenatal source (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1. Representative prenatal imaging studies. (A) 3D ultrasound showing left unilateral complete cleft lip and alveolus. (B) Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showing
coronal T2 image of a fetus with ascites and a large, left cervical lymphatic malformation (arrow: lymphatic malformation, arrow-head: brain). (C) 3D ultrasound of a child
with micrognathia, upon delivery the child had isolated Robin sequence with cleft palate. (D) Fetal MRI showing coronal T2 image of a fetus with an oral cavity teratoma
(small arrow).
A.R. Scott et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 78 (2014) 679–683
Table 1
Diagnoses, maternal age and fetal gestational age at time of consultation.
Number of cases (n) Average maternal Average gestational
age (years)
age (weeks)
Cleft lip/palate 44
Neck masses
Facial cleft
Fetal goiter
Difference between maternal age at presentation for cleft lip/palate and fetal neck
masses are not statistically significant (t-test, p value = 0.62).
Differences between gestational age at presentation for cleft lip/palate and fetal
neck masses are statistically significant (t-test, p value = 0.04).
Maternal age at the time of consultation ranged from 16 to 43
years (average, 28.7 years). Mothers of fetuses diagnosed as having
an orofacial cleft were slightly older (average age, 29.6 years) than
those of fetuses diagnosed as having unspecified cervical neck
mass (average, 25 years) or micrognathia (average, 25 years), but
this was not statistically significant (t-test, p value = 0.70 and 0.64,
Gestational age at initial consult ranged from 19 to 37 weeks
(average, 27.2 weeks). The average gestational age of a fetus
diagnosed with an orofacial cleft was 26.7 weeks, slightly younger
than the average gestational age of presentation for a fetal patient
with an uncharacterized cervical neck mass (32.2 weeks) (t-test, p
value < 0.05). Micrognathia referrals presented on average at 26.3
weeks gestational age. The age of presentation for micrognathia
was not significantly different from that of clefting (t-test, p
value = 0.90) or neck mass (t-test, p value = 0.23). These data are
summarized in Table 1.
Approximately 89% (n = 47) of prenatal consultation cases were
managed with counseling alone, with no alteration in the delivery
plan. Three cases (6%), which involved large neck masses, were felt
to merit ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) for stabilization of
the fetal airway. In the cases of micrognathia, patients were
encouraged to deliver at a tertiary medical center with anesthesia,
otolaryngology, and neonatology support. All 3 of these newborns
were delivered without complication and had minimal or no
airway symptoms in the first 24 hours of life.
4. Discussion
Ultrasound is now used almost universally in pregnancy to
aid in prenatal diagnosis. A standard (‘‘basic’’ or ‘‘Level I’’)
ultrasound can be performed after 18 weeks of gestation to
evaluate fetal anatomy, as fetal development by this time allows
for adequate visualization of structures in order to detect
malformation [2]. The American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists (ACOG) guidelines include the fetal head, face,
upper lip, and neck as essential elements of this exam [2]. A
specialized (‘‘targeted’’ or ‘‘Level II’’) ultrasound is typically
performed by technicians and physicians with expertise in
prenatal diagnosis, and may include additional components
determined necessary by the specialist [2]. Typically, a specialized ultrasound is recommended in high-risk patients or when
fetal anomalies are detected by a basic ultrasound; however,
specialized ultrasounds to evaluate fetal anatomy are sometimes universally offered if they are readily available in the
prenatal practice [2].
The ability of ultrasound to diagnose specific malformations can
vary widely. For example, the rate of diagnosing myelomeningocele by ultrasound is 95%, whereas the rate of diagnosing
transposition of the great arteries can be as low as 6% [3,4].
Additionally, detection rates vary greatly by institution due to
the availability of specialists and targeted ultrasound exams; as
Fig. 2. Prenatal consults as a referral source for cleft lip with or without cleft palate, established vs. nascent craniofacial practice. Note how prenatal consults were the
dominant referral source in a nascent craniofacial practice (76%, n = 16/21) compared to an established craniofacial practice (23%, n = 28/120).
A.R. Scott et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 78 (2014) 679–683
demonstrated by the RADIUS Trial, non-tertiary care centers were
unable to significantly detect any craniofacial malformation,
compared to a 73% detection rate of cleft lip at a tertiary care
center [5,6]. Furthermore, as the technology behind ultrasound
improves, evaluation of fetal anatomy has been attempted as early
as the first trimester. A recent systematic review analyzed the
ability of ultrasound to detect fetal malformations at 11–14 weeks
of gestation, and demonstrated an overall detection rate of 51%,
achieving a 92% detection rate of neck anomalies and 34% detection
rate of face anomalies. The authors concluded that early ultrasound
evaluation of anatomy could not be fully performed due to the
longer time required for development of certain fetal structures,
including the face [7]. Recently, three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound
has also been used to construct topographic renderings of
anatomic planes unattainable by conventional ultrasound as
another possible tool for detection and diagnosis of fetal
anomalies. The use of 3D ultrasound has not demonstrated a
difference in obstetrical management or outcome in the few
studies that currently exist, and is not recommended by ACOG
guidelines at this time [2]. However, rapid advancements in this
technology have shown promise especially in confirming the
diagnosis and assessing the severity of facial anomalies in
conjunction with routine 2D ultrasound [2,8].
We report that the majority of cases (85%) referred for prenatal
otolaryngology consultation at our respective institutions involved
an orofacial cleft abnormality, with 91% (48/53) of consults
involving some sort of craniofacial condition. Cleft lip with or
without cleft palate is one of the more common head and neck
anomalies. The incidence of cleft lip in the Caucasian population is
approximately 1 in 1000 live births. The incidence is doubled in
Asian and Latino populations and halved in among patients of
African ancestry. Cleft lip with or without associated cleft palate is
more common among males. However, isolated cleft palate is more
prevalent in females. Combined cleft lip and palate is the most
common presentation (50%), followed by isolated cleft palate (30%)
and isolated cleft lip (20%) [9].
Improvement of imaging techniques has enabled us to detect
orofacial clefts at an increasing rate over the past decade. The use of
MRI as an adjunct technique to detect facial clefts has become
more popular. It offers more accurate and detailed evaluation of
the primary palate when compared to ultrasound [10]. However,
fetal MRI is an expensive modality, and has not been proven to be
cost effective nor adapted as a routine part of the fetal cleft lip and
palate work-up at most institutions.
The birth of an infant with undiagnosed cleft lip may result in
considerable emotional and psychological stress for unsuspecting
parents [11,12]. The initial shock of discovering that a child has a
facial disfigurement may be followed by fear, guilt anger and
sadness. A recent study showed prenatal diagnosis and consultation of orofacial clefts may better prepare parents for adjusting to
the reality of having a newborn with a craniofacial condition [13].
Upwards of 85% of women with a prenatal diagnosis of an orofacial
cleft felt that fetal consultation prepared them psychologically for
the birth of their cleft child. However other studies have suggested
that prenatal consultation may only provide a marginal benefit, if
any, over identification of an orofacial cleft at birth; interestingly
the outcome most positively affected by early detection and
consultation for cleft lip and palate appears to be in preparing
parents for feeding problems after birth [14,15].
Parents who visit our clinic for prenatal consultation may be
referred to feeding specialists and social workers regarding
perinatal care. In these particular cohorts, cleft pregnancies were
closely followed until delivery among those families who chose to
deliver at our affiliates, and pediatric otolaryngologists were
available for immediate consultation regarding airway asssessment at birth.
The majority of cleft cases in this study were diagnosed
during routine 18 week ultrasound and referred shortly
thereafter to either our teams or a MFM provider. In those
cases in which MFM was consulted, a confirmatory level 2 or
level 3 ultrasound was then performed at approximately 22–24
weeks, prior to referral to otolaryngology. Prenatal consultations
in our clinics rarely had an influence on whether or not to pursue
an elective pregnancy termination. In our series, the average
gestational age of presentation for cleft lip and palate was 27
weeks, well after the cut off for elective pregnancy termination
in those states where abortion is legal. In a prior study
examining prenatal consultation for orofacial clefting, 93% of
these women said that they had not contemplated pregnancy
termination [13].
Fetal neck masses accounted for 9% of consultations. These
included fetal goiter, lymphatic malformation and cervical and
oropharyngeal teratomas. The latter condition is potentially lifethreatening as teratoma may cause significant fetal airway
obstruction. In fact, giant fetal neck masses are the most
common head and neck indication for an EXIT procedure. One
study suggested a mortality rate of 20% if a fetus with a teratoma
is delivered in the standard fashion [16]. Steigman et al. reported
overall postnatal survival of 93% in 15 cases of congenital neck
masses in which the fetuses were delivered by EXIT [17].
Teratomas in particular are reported to be nearly 5 times more
likely to be associated with congenital high airway obstruction
syndrome (CHAOS) and require surgical manipulation of the
airway when compared with cervical lymphatic malformations
[18]. Our study reported 3 cases of cervical neck masses that
were managed with EXIT in order to assure safe delivery of
the fetus.
In this series there was a statistically significant difference in
the gestational age of consultation for children with cleft lip and
palate compared to those with a neck mass, with clefts presenting
in the second trimester and fetal neck masses not soliciting
consultation until well into the third trimester. This is a troubling
trend, as late presentation of an EXIT candidate leaves less time to
mobilize resources and prepare for delivery. In these cases,
preterm labor may precede multidisciplinary planning, catching
the delivery team completely off guard.
Suspicion of micrognathia through ultrasound has both airway
and systemic implications. A number of congenital syndromes
such as Stickler, Treacher Collins, oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, and velocardiofacial syndrome are associated with micrognathia. Additionally chromosomal abnormalities such as trisomy
18 may present with fetal micrognathia along with abnormalities
in circulating fetal DNA or certain protein levels detected during
fetal non-invasive testing protocols of maternal blood. There are
several sonographic criteria that may be used to make the
diagnosis of micrognathia. Perhaps the two most common
methods are the inferior facial angle (IFA) [19] and the jaw index
[20]. Both methods were shown to be effective and accurate in
diagnosing micrognathia, with sensitivity and specificity of 100%
and 98.9% for the IFA and 100% and 98.7% for the jaw index,
respectively. Nevertheless these indices are not usually reported in
clinical practice as they have not been validated in large studies nor
have they become widely accepted.
In cases of suspected fetal micrognathia, prompt genetics
consultation allows for chromosomal analysis to be done in a
timely fashion. Additionally amniotic fluid index may offer a clue
as to the degree of potential airway obstruction [21]. A 2012
retrospective study of 123 newborns with micrognathia suggested
that premature labor, intrauterine growth restriction, the presence
of a neurologic abnormality or syndromic features on ultrasound
are associated with a need for airway intervention in the first 24 h
of life [22].
A.R. Scott et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 78 (2014) 679–683
A brief comment should be made about our one case of fetal
macroglossia. This is an excellent example of how improvements
in fetal imaging are outpacing our understanding of the significance of high resolution imaging findings. In this case, serial
ultrasounds were performed and routine delivery was undertaken
after a normal amniotic fluid index was confirmed. The child had
no problems with airway obstruction during infancy and was
ultimately diagnosed with Beckwith Wiedeman syndrome.
A number of limitations for this study should be noted. First,
prenatal referral patterns vary widely across regions and tertiary
referral centers due to a number of factors. For example, there is a
known correlation between orofacial clefts and certain cardiac and
conotruncal anomalies, especially noteworthy in velocardiofacial
syndrome. Therefore, regional centers that specialize in repair of
complex congenital heart disease are likely seeing a higher volume
of cleft lip and palate patients who are referred to these centers
based on fetal echocardiogram findings rather than the identification of an incidental orofacial cleft. Conversely, centers with
established referral patterns for cleft and craniofacial care
independent of cardiac expertise will see a higher volume of
newborns that are referred or self-referred after birth. These
patients may or may not have received prenatal consultation for a
fetal cleft elsewhere but ultimately present to established
craniofacial programs for definitive repair (see Fig. 2).
Finally, some tertiary pediatric referral centers service a greater
proportion of underserved populations, either rural or urban, who
have limited access or inclination to pursue specialized (if any)
prenatal care. These centers will likely see a lower proportion of
prenatal consultations as a regular referral source for congenital
head and neck anomalies.
5. Conclusion
Advances in prenatal imaging have been effective in diagnosing
cervicofacial anomalies during the prenatal period. These consultations comprise a small but significant volume of new referrals
to our two pediatric otolaryngology practices, however the cleft
patients identified prenatally may make up a significant fraction of
the referral source for a developing craniofacial program. This
study would suggest that orofacial clefting and craniofacial
disorders comprise the majority of prenatal consultations pertaining to the head and neck area. Those pediatric otolaryngologists
who routinely care for children with craniofacial disorders are best
poised to capture this demographic and provide complete and
meaningful prenatal assessment. More importantly, pediatric
otolaryngologists in particular may identify any potential airway
complications that might develop in the peripartum period.
Prompt referral of cervical masses in particular is essential, as
some masses pose the threat of airway obstruction upon delivery
of the fetus. Ironically, our data would suggest that such neck
masses may be presenting to the otolaryngology clinic later in
pregnancy, well into the third trimester, thus leaving providers less
time to mobilize resources and prepare for delivery.
Conflicts of interest
None declared.
Financial disclosure
Andrew Scott is a paid consultant for Advance Medical – expert
second opinions; James Sidman is a paid consultant for Medtronic,
Funding source
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