Progress in Neurobiology xxx (xxxx) xxx
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Original Research Article
Novel vertebrate- and brain-specific driver of neuronal outgrowth
Eric J.R. Jansen a, b, Nick H.M. van Bakel a, Bente Benedict a, Nikkie F.M. Olde Loohuis a, Theo G.
M. Hafmans a, Shek Man Chim c, Jiake Xu c, Sharon M. Kolk a, Gerard J.M. Martens a, *
Department of Molecular Animal Physiology, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Centre for Neuroscience, Radboud University, Geert Grooteplein
Zuid 26-28, 6525 GA, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Department of Neurophysiology, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Centre for Neuroscience, Radboud University, Heijendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ,
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
School of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The University of Western Australia (M504), Perth, WA, 6009, Australia
Membrane trafficking
Unconventional secretory exocytosis
SNARE proteins
Vacuolar (H+)-ATPase
During the process of neuronal outgrowth, developing neurons produce new projections, neurites, that are
essential for brain wiring. Here, we discover a relatively late-evolved protein that we denote Ac45-related protein
(Ac45RP) and that, surprisingly, drives neuronal outgrowth. Ac45RP is a paralog of the Ac45 protein that is a
component of the vacuolar proton ATPase (V-ATPase), the main pH regulator in eukaryotic cells. Ac45RP mRNA
expression is brain specific and coincides with the peak of neurogenesis and the onset of synaptogenesis.
Furthermore, Ac45RP physically interacts with the V-ATPase V0-sector and colocalizes with V0 in unconventional, but not synaptic, secretory vesicles of extending neurites. Excess Ac45RP enhances the expression of V0subunits, causes a more elaborate Golgi, and increases the number of cytoplasmic vesicular structures, plasma
membrane formation and outgrowth of actin-containing neurites devoid of synaptic markers. CRISPR-cas9nmediated Ac45RP knockdown reduces neurite outgrowth. We conclude that the novel vertebrate- and brainspecific Ac45RP is a V0-interacting constituent of unconventional vesicular structures that drives membrane
expansion during neurite outgrowth and as such may furnish a tool for future neuroregenerative treatment
1. Introduction
Neurite outgrowth, one of the central steps in early brain development, is a dynamic process driven by actin- and microtubular rearrangements, resulting in axons and dendrites that interconnect and form
neuronal networks (Miller and Suter, 2018). During initial elongation
processes of the nascent axon, new membrane components are delivered
via the secretory pathway and transported to the tip of the extending
neurite (Ledesma and Dotti, 2003; Pfenninger, 2009). Axonal outgrowth
continues by the delivery of new membrane components to the growth
cone through vesicles that originate from the Golgi (D’Alessandro and
Meldolesi, 2019; Meldolesi, 2010). Later in development the new
membrane is provided to dendrites mostly by vesicles derived from their
‘Golgi outposts’ (Pfenninger, 2009). The membrane deliveries are
accomplished by two types of unconventional secretory vesicles, namely
plasmalemma precursor vesicles containing the tetanus toxin-insensitive
vesicle membrane-associated membrane protein (TI-VAMP, also
referred to as VAMP7) and the VAMP4-positive vesicles, the so-called
enlargeosomes (Coco et al., 1999; Meldolesi, 2010) that function in
the early stages of neuronal outgrowth (Meldolesi, 2010).
TI-VAMP-positive vesicles have been identified in growth cones of
neurites where they participate in the more mature outgrowth process
Abbreviations: Ac45RP, Ac45-related protein; ATP6AP1, ATP6-associated protein-1; ATP6AP1l, ATP6AP1-like; AtT20, mouse pituitary corticotrope tumor cells;
BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; BRET, bioluminescence resonance energy transfer; CB, cerebellum; CRISPR, clusters of regularly interspaced short
palindromic repeats; Cas9, CRISPR-associated protein 9; DG, dendate gyrus; dbcAMP, dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate; DIV, days in vitro; DSCAM, down
syndrome cell adhesion molecule; E14.5, embryonic day 14.5; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; EST, expressed sequence tag; HA, hemagglutinin; N2a, neuroblastoma 2a;
PFC, prefrontal cortex; OB, olfactory bulb; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder; SNARE, vesicular soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor (NSF) attachment protein
(SNAP) receptor; SVZ, subventricular zone; SV2, synaptic vesicle protein 2; TI-VAMP, tetanus toxin-insensitive vesicle membrane-associated membrane protein; Tuj
1, neuron-specific class III beta-tubulin; V-ATPase, vacuolar proton ATPase; V0, membrane sector of V-ATPase; V1, cytoplasmic sector of the V-ATsPase.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (G.J.M. Martens).
Received 24 September 2020; Received in revised form 31 March 2021; Accepted 21 April 2021
Available online 29 April 2021
0301-0082/Crown Copyright © 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Please cite this article as: Eric J.R. Jansen, Progress in Neurobiology,
E.J.R. Jansen et al.
Progress in Neurobiology xxx (xxxx) xxx
(Pfenninger, 2009) via unconventional exocytosis (Wojnacki et al.,
2020). Recently, VAMP4 was also found to be involved in spontaneous
neurotransmitter release (Lin et al., 2020). The relatively slow and
continuous membrane fusion processes involving TI-VAMP and the
VAMP4-mediated exocytosis of the enlargeosomes may exist in parallel,
but function independently in neurite outgrowth (Schulte et al., 2010).
The regulation of membrane fusion events in neuronal cells is however
not well understood.
Remarkably, the V0-sector of the vacuolar proton ATPase (V-ATPase)
has been implicated in the regulation of membrane fusion events
(Bodzeta et al., 2017; El Far and Seagar, 2011). The V-ATPase is an
evolutionarily highly conserved multisubunit complex that pumps protons across membranes at the expense of ATP and as such acidifies the
lumen of most cellular organelles (for review see Toei et al., 2010).
Therefore, the V-ATPase has a critical function in a variety of intra- and
extracellular processes, including prohormone processing (Jansen and
Martens, 2012), neurotransmitter uptake and lysosomal protein degradation in the secretory pathway (Nishi and Forgac, 2002),
receptor-mediated endocytosis (Hinton et al., 2009), bone resorption by
osteoclasts (Xu et al., 2007; Yao et al., 2007) and in early embryonic
left-right patterning (Adams et al., 2006). The membrane-bound
V0-sector contains the rotary mechanism that translocates the protons
over the membrane, while the second main sector of the V-ATPase, the
cytoplasmic V1-sector, supplies the required energy by ATP hydrolysis
(reviewed by Schoonderwoert and Martens, 2001). For proton pumping,
the fully assembled V-ATPase enzyme complex (V0 plus V1) is necessary.
However, as mentioned and independent from V1 the V0-sector may also
regulate exocytotic membrane fusion events (Bayer et al., 2003; Di
Giovanni et al., 2010; Hiesinger et al., 2005; Liegeois et al., 2006; Morel
and Poea-Guyon, 2015; Peters et al., 2001; Poea-Guyon et al., 2013;
Zhang et al., 2008). For instance, recent evidence suggests that in hippocampal neurons V0 has a modulatory role in exocytosis prior to vesicle
docking and priming (Bodzeta et al., 2017).
The V0-sector of the mammalian V-ATPase interacts with the ubiquitously expressed Ac45 protein (ATP6AP1) that is localized to regulated secretory vesicles (Supek et al., 1994) and controls the proton
pumping activity of the V-ATPase (Jansen et al., 2010a, 2008; Jansen
et al., 2012). Ac45-deficient patients suffer from ATP6AP1-congenital
disorder of glycosylation (CDG) with a diversity of symptoms such as
immunodeficiency with hepathopathy, cognitive impairement or cutis
laxa and pancreatic insufficiency (Dimitrov et al., 2018; Jansen et al.,
2016), pointing to a critical and cell-specific role of this protein in the
regulation of V-ATPase functioning. Ac45 has been previously considered to be an accessory subunit of the V-ATPase (Jansen and Martens,
2012; Supek et al., 1994). However, recent cryo-electron microscopy
and mass spectrometry analyses have shown that the Ac45 protein is an
integral subunit of the V-ATPase V0-sector (Abbas et al., 2020; Wang
et al., 2020a, b). Furthermore, Ac45 appears to regulate V0-assembly in
the ER, and V1-/V0-assembly and -disassembly in the later stages of the
secretory pathway (Abbas et al., 2020; Guida et al., 2018; Jansen et al.,
2016; Roh et al., 2018). In the present study, we identified and characterized a novel vertebrate- and brain-specific paralog of the Ac45
protein which is encoded by ATP6AP1L and termed it Ac45-related
protein (Ac45RP). Like Ac45, Ac45RP interacts with the V0-sector, but
is localized to TI-VAMP/VAMP4-positive unconventional, and not synaptic, secretory vesicles and drives neuronal membrane delivery during
neurite outgrowth. As such, our study links for the first time the
V-ATPase V0-sector to the process of neurite outgrowth.
euthanized quickly by means of servical dislocation to prevent stress.
The day of vaginal plug observation was defined as E0.5. E10.5 to P140
mouse brains were carefully dissected, deep frozen in liquid nitrogen
and kept at -80 ◦ C until RNA isolation. Rat E18.5 embryos were derived
from timed-pregnant Wistar rats (Harland laboratories, B.V., Boxmeer,
The Netherlands). All animal experiments were approved by the Animal
Ethics Committee of Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre
(Nijmegen, the Netherlands), and were conducted in accordance with
Dutch legislation (Herziene Wet op Dierproeven, Art 10.a.2, 2014) and
the European Communities Council Directive 86/609/EEC for animal
2. Materials and methods
Tissues were homogenized in TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen
#15596026) and 2 μg total RNA was used for random-primed cDNA
synthesis with the ReveredAid first-strand cDNA synthesis kit (Thermo
Scientific # K1621). A five-times diluted total cDNA pool was used in the
PCR. Primers used: MCDNA-5 5′ -CACTGAAAGCTGAGGCTATG-3′ and
MCDNA-3 5′ -CACCGTATGCTGTGAAATCC-3′ for mouse Ac45 and
Mouse Ac45LP-FW-3 5;-CTCCAGGGACGGGATTCC-3′ Mouse Ac45LP-
2.2. Bioinformatics analysis
Expressed sequence tag (EST), mRNA and genomic sequences were
derived from NCBI using the TBlastN algorithm (http://www.ncbi.nlm., Ensembl Genome Browser (
html) and UCSC Genome Browser ( using
the BLAT algorithm. Nucleotide sequences were translated using the
ExPASy - Translate tool (
Alignments were made using Clustal Omega http://www.phylogeny.
fr/version2_cgi/one_task.cgi?task_type=treedyn (Chevenet et al., 2006;
Dereeper et al., 2010, 2008). An overview of search references is listed in
Supplementary Table 1. For the prediction of protein domains and
post-translational modifications, the public CBS Prediction Server (htt
p:// was used.
2.3. Molecular cloning
For molecular cloning of the full-length nucleotide sequence of
mouse Ac45RP, cDNA synthesized from mouse olfactory bulb (OB) total
RNA was used. For PCR amplification, High-Fidelity PCR Enzyme Mix
(Thermo scientific) with primers based on the predicted mouse gene
sequence EG435376 (mmAc45RP5′ UTR forward primer: 5′ - CAAATTAACAGATGCGCTTGG-3′
mmAc45RP3′ UTR
5′ AGTCTTTCGGAGATGGCTTG-3′ ) was used. For cloning of the haemagglutinin (HA)-tagged mouse Ac45RP (mAc45RP-HA) expression
construct, a PCR was performed using the full-length mouse Ac45RP
cDNA clone as template and primers MmAc45RP 5′ UTR-FW-2 5′ GGGGGAATTCAAATTAACAGATGCGCTTGG-3′ and MmAc45RP-HA-RV
reverse primer. Following amplification, the cDNA fragment was cloned
into the EcoRI/XhoI sites of the eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3
(Invitrogen). To fuse Ac45RP with eYFP, mouse Ac45RP open-reading
frame was amplified from our MmAc45RP cDNA clone using the
BamHI- restriction sites of pcDNA3 (Invitrogen) resulting in pcDNAMmAc45RPdelSTOP. eYFP cDNA (excluding its start codon) was
amplified from the eYFP-N1 vector (Clontech) using the primers eYFPdelAUG-FW1: 5′ -GGGGGGATCCGTGAGCAAGGGCGAGGAG-3′ and
cloned into the BamHI/EcoRI restriction sites of pcDNAMmAc45RPdelSTOP, resulting in pcDNA-MmAc45RP-eYFP.
2.4. PCR analysis
2.1. Animals
Female BALB/c surplus mice (12 months old) were obtained from the
Central Animal Facility (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The
Netherlands). Timed, pregnant mice with a C57/Bl6J background were
E.J.R. Jansen et al.
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mouse actin: Mm B-actin-FW 5′ -CTGACCCTGAAGTACCCCATT-3′ and
Mm B-actin-RV 5′ -AGAGGCATACAGGGACAGCA-3′ . The annealing
temperature was 58 ◦ C, and 40 cycles were run. For quantitative PCR
analysis (qPCR), a 1:16 dilution of the total cDNA pool was used in a 10μl reaction using the SensiFAST SYBR/noROX qPCR kit (Bioline #BIO
98020) and a Rotor-Gene™ 6000 real-time analyzer (Corbett Research,
Sydney, Australia).
For mouse Ac45RP amplification, forward primer 5′ -AGATACTTGCCAGGAAGAATGTAGG-3′ and reverse primer 5′ -TCTGTACT
GGTTTCACCTCTCCAC-3′ , and for mouse Ac45, forward primer 5′ TCTGATGGCGCCCAGG-3′ and reverse primer 5′ -TTGTGCCCAAAACAGGATCC-3′ were used. As reference transcripts, peptidyl prolyl
isomerase (mPPia, forward primer 5′ -ATTTTGGGTCCGGAGCGGCCAT3′ and reverse primer 5′ -AGCAGATGGGGTAGGGACGCT-3′ ), Tyrosine 3monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein zeta
peptide (Y-Whaz, forward primer 5′ -AATAATCAGGATAATGGGTTCC
AGTC-3′ and reverse primer 5′ -TGCATCCACAGGGTGTTTGT-3′ ) or
β-actin (forward primer Mm B-actin-FW 5′ -CTGACCCTGAAGTACCCCATT and MmB-actin-RV 5′ - AGAGGCATACAGGGACAGCA-3) were
used. qPCR data were analyzed by setting the lowest Ct value to 1 and
calculating the relative Q-values of the genes of interest. The normalization factor for the reference genes was determined using the GeNORM
program ( and used to normalize the Qvalues (Valles et al., 2011). Individual experiments were performed in
triplicate. For the analysis of V0-subunit expression in N2a cells, 25- μl
reactions using the SensiFAST SYBR/noROX qPCR kit (Bioline #BIO
98020) in a Biorad CFX96 Real-Time System were performed. The
following primers were used for V0c: MmATP6V0bFW1 5′ -ATCTTCTG
AAGAGCTG-3′ . For specifically measuring wild-type Ac45RP levels the
following primers, generating an amplicon from the CRISPR-cas9n targeted region, were used: MmAc45RPcrisp-FW1 5′ - GAGTACGTT
CTGAT-3′ . Individual experiments were performed in triplicate. qPCR
data were analyzed by setting the lowest Ct value to 1 and using the
delta-delta-Ct method.
seeded on a 10-cm culture dish at a confluency of 70 % and transfected
using Lipofectamine 2000 according to the manufactures’ guidelines.
One day following transfection, cells were split (1:10) and cultured in
MEM/10 % FCS. Two days following transfection, culture medium was
replaced by selection medium (culture medium containing 600 μg/mL
neomycin). After 14 days, individual clones were isolated and transferred into 48-wells plates. Finally, semi-confluent cultures were transferred to T25 culture flasks and subjected to further analysis.
2.7. Mouse and rat primary cortical neuron cultures
Cortices of E14.5 mouse or E18.5 rat embryonic brains were
dissected and collected in ice-cold HBSS without Mg2+ and Ca2+ (Gibco
#14175). Rat tissue was trypsinized using 0.5 % trypsin in HBSS containing Glutamax (Invitrogen) and pen/strep at 37 ◦ C for 15 min and
following washing steps with HBSS, transferred into seeding medium
(Neurobasal (Gibco # 21103049) containing 10 % FCS and Glutamax).
Mouse tissue was directly transferred to seeding medium. The tissue was
subsequently triturated using a polished Pasteur’s pipet to dissociate the
cells, transferred to a syringe and filtered through a nylon filter (pore
size 80 μm). The number of isolated cells was counted and cells were
seeded onto poly-D-lysine-coated (for rat cells) or poly-L-ornithinecoated (for mouse cells) coverslips in 24-wells-plates (~2 × 105 cells/
well) in seeding medium. After 4 h, the seeding medium was replaced by
culture medium (Neurobasal containing B27 supplement, Glutamax and
10 μM citosine-arabinofuranoside, CAR (Sigma C1768)). Cells were
cultured at 37 ◦ C under 5.0 % CO2 for the time periods indicated.
2.8. Antibodies
A 15-amino acid synthetic peptide representing a conserved region in
the cytoplasmic tail of mouse Ac45RP (GSQGAECYELRNQQI) was used
as an antigen for the generation of a rabbit anti-Ac45RP polyclonal
antibody (#2086) that was subsequently affinity purified against the
peptide (Open Biosystems, Thermo Scientific). The anti-mouse Ac45
rabbit antiserum (directed towards Ala271-Thr283 and Leu443-Ile457
of mouse Ac45) was obtained from Dr. J. Creemers (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium). Anti-SV2 mouse monoclonal antibody was obtained from Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, anti-VAMP2
(Syb2, clone 69.1) monoclonal antibody was from Synaptic Systems
Goettingen (Germany) and the anti-TI-VAMP (SYBL1) monoclonal
antibody 158.2 was from Abcam. Anti-Glial Fibrillary Acidic protein
(GFAP) was from Sigma (G3893) and anti-NeuN antibodies were from
Millipore (ABN91). Anti-VAMP4 monoclonal antibodies (Cocucci et al.,
2008) were kindly provided by Drs. J. Meldolesi and G. Racchetti
(Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milano, Italy), and the anti-rat
16K-N antibody (Nezu et al., 1992) by dr. S. Ohkuma (Kanazawa University, Ishikawa, Japan). Rabbit-anti-HA (HA-probe (Y-11) was from
Santa Cruz Biotechnology.
2.5. Cell culture
Mouse neuroblastoma N2a cells were cultured in complete MEM
medium (Gibco, #41090) containing 10 % fetal bovine serum (Gibco
#A31608). Cells were differentiated into dopaminergic neuron-like cells
in MEM medium containing 0.1 % BSA (Evangelopoulos et al., 2005)
with 0.5 mM or 1 mM dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate
(dbcAMP, Sigma-Aldrich #D0627) for 24 h (Tremblay et al., 2010). To
analyze N-glycosylation of Ac45RP, cells were cultured in the presence
or absence of 1 μM tunicamycin for 24 h. Mouse anterior pituitary
AtT-20 cells were cultured in complete DMEM (Gibco #41966) containing 7% horse serum and 7% fetal bovine serum. All cells were
maintained at 37 ◦ C and 5.5 % CO2 atmosphere.
2.9. Protein isolation and Western blot analysis
5 × 105 cells were grown for 24 h in a 6-wells plate (Greiner). To
isolate membranes, cells were collected in 1 mL PBS. Following centrifugation (5 min, 500 g, 4 ◦ C), cells were resuspended in homogenization
buffer (0.32 M sucrose, 10 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 2 mM EDTA and protease
inhibitors (Roche)) using a pellet pestle and 10 freeze-thaw cycles. To
remove the nuclear fraction, samples were centrifuged 15 min at 1000 g
at 4 ◦ C, and the supernatant (S1) was subsequently centrifuged for
30 min at 200,000 g in a Sorvall Discovery Micro-Ultracentrifuge
(M150SE) using a fixed angle rotor (S120AT6). The pellet was washed
in homogenization buffer, centrifuged again for 30 min at 200,000 g and
dissolved in RIPA buffer (150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, 0.5 % SDS, 50 mM
Tris pH8.0, 2 mM EDTA) to obtain the membrane fraction.
For Western blotting, proteins were separated using 10 % SDS-PAGE
and subsequently transferred to PVDF membrane (Amersham
2.6. Transient and stable cell transfections
One day prior to transfection, cells were seeded on 12-wells plates at
a confluency of ~70 %. Cells were transfected using Lipofectamine LTX
(Invitrogen #15338100) according to the manufactures’ guidelines.
Expression of the recombinant proteins was allowed for 24 h.
For the generation of stably transfected N2a cell lines, cells were
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Biosciences) and the membrane was incubated with the purified antiAc45RP antibody (1:1000) or the anti-Ac45 antiserum (1:5000) and
secondary peroxidase-conjugated Goat-anti-rabbit antibodies (ThermoFisher, 1:5000) followed by chemoluminescence (LumiLight Plus,
Roche). Signals were detected using a BioImaging system with Labworks
4.0 software (UVP BioImaging Systems, Cambridge, UK) or ImageQuant
LAS4000 (GE Healthcare).
was determined. An automated analysis tool was designed by Dr. Louis
Wolf (Microscopic Imaging Centre, RIMLS) and is available as ImageJ
plugin IntDenPerCell.
For neurite outgrowth measurements, the Incucyte Live-Cell analysis
system and software were used. Cells were plated on 96-wells plates
(12.000 cells/well, six wells/cell line) and imaging started one hour
following plating. Per well, each 45 min nine regions of interest (ROI)
were imaged in the phase mode. Image segmentation of neurites and
analysis of cell body clusters and neurite development was performed
using the Incucyte NeuroTrack analysis software module.
2.10. Immunofluorescence assay
Cells cultured on coverslips were washed twice with PBS and fixed
with 4% parafomaldehyde/PBS for 1 h at room temperature (RT). Next,
cells were washed with PBS/50 mM NH4Cl and permeabilized with PBS/
0.1 % TritonX100 (PBS-T). Subsequently, cells were incubated with the
first antibodies rabbit-anti-Ac45RP (1: 500), mouse-anti-VAMP4
(1:500), mouse-anti-TI-VAMP (1:200), anti-VAMP2 (1:1000), mouseanti-SV2 monoclonal antibodies (1:200), mouse anti- Neuron-specific
class III beta-tubulin (Tuj-1, 1:1000), rabbit-anti rat-V-ATPase proteolipid 16k-N (1:200) or rabbit-anti-HA (1:500) in blocking buffer (PBS-T/
1% BSA) for 16 h at 4 ◦ C. Following PBS washing steps, cells were
incubated for 1 h at RT with secondary antibodies (Goat anti-rabbitAlexa488 (Molecular Probes, 1: 200) or Goat-anti-mouse-Alexa 568
(Molecular Probes, 1: 200) in blocking buffer. Finally, cells were washed
with PBS, MilliQ water, dehydrated with isopropanol, air dried and
embedded in Mowiol containing 2.5 μM DAPI to visualize the nuclei.
Microscopic imaging was performed using an Olympus FV1000 laser
scanning microscope. Co-localization analysis was performed and
Manders’ coefficients (M1 and M2) were calculated (n = 10) using the
JACoP toolbox under Fiji (Bolte and Cordelieres, 2006). Quantitative
photon counting was performed using the HyD detector of the Leica
SP8x laser scanning microscope using the photon counting mode and
LAS-X software. Density measurements were performed using Fiji.
2.13. CRISPR-cas9-mediated downregulation
CRISPR-cas9 nickase-mediated dual guide-RNA (gRNA) targeting
was used for genome editing of N2a cells using pCas9D10A_GFP
(Addgene plasmid #44720) and two gRNAs (Ac45RP guide A and
Ac45RP guide B) that were cloned into the gRNA_Cloning vector
(Addgene plasmid #41824). gRNA sequences were designed for the N2a
Ac45RP exon4 genomic sequence using the Zhang lab guide RNA design
tool ( Primer sequences for gRNA cloning were:
and reverse oligos were annealed and extended using Phusion polymerase (New England Biolabs).Then, the extended oligo duplexes were
recombined into AflIII-linearized gRNA_cloning vector using the Gibson
Assembly Mastermix (New England Biolabs #E2611S) resulting in the
gRNA-A and gRNA-B plasmids. Sanger sequencing using the M13
reverse primer (5′ -CAGGAAACAGCTATGAC-3′ ) confirmed the successful cloning of the gRNA sequences. For genome editing, N2a cells were
co-transfected with pCas9D10A-GFP and the two gRNA-A and gRNA-B
plasmids (ratio: 2:0.5:0.5 μg plasmid) using Lipofectamin Plus reagent
(Invitrogen # 11514015). Twenty-four hours after transfection, cells
were trypsinized and GFP-fluorescent cells were selected using Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). Two clonal N2a cell lines (1F3
and 1G11) were cultured from the sorted fluorescent cells. These were
then subjected to a second round of CRISPR-cas9 nickase genome editing, resulting in the double-CRISPRed cell lines 1F3_3 and 1G11_3.
Genomic sequence analysis of the Ac45RP exon 4 targeting sequence
revealed the deletion of 10, 17, 18, 33 or 102 bp (for clone 1F3_3) and 0,
13, 24 or 102 bp (for clone 1G11_3) in the Ac45RP coding sequence. To
study the effect of Ac45RP genome editing on Ac45RP protein expression, we performed quantitative immunofluorescence assays (photon
counting) using our anti-Ac45RP antibody and found a significant, ~30
% downregulation of Ac45RP in both 1F3_3 and 1G11_3 cell lines. We
did not expect a full knock-down of Ac45RP, since some of the deletions
were in-frame and thus did not disrupt the Ac45RP Open Reading
2.11. Immunohistochemistry on mouse brain cryosections
P22 mouse brains were isolated, fixed in 4% PFA/PBS, cryoprotected in 30 % sucrose/PBS, deep frozen and sectioned (15 μm).
Immunohistochemistry was performed as described previously (Kolk
et al., 2009) using the affinity-purified rabbit anti-Ac45RP polyclonal
antibody (1:200), anti-NeuN (1:1000), anti-GFAP (1:200). Microscopic
analysis was performed using a fluorescent microscope (Leica DM RA
fluorescence microscope with DFC340FX camera) and the Fiji free
software package. Confocal laser scanning microscopy was done using
the Leica SP8x AOBS WLL microscopy system using the Las X software
2.12. Analysis of membrane expansion and neurite outgrowth
N2a cells were plated on a black/clear 96-wells tissue culture plate
(BD Falcon) in densities of 4000, 3000, 2000 or 1000 cells per well and
differentiated during 24 h using 1 mM dbcAMP. Then, cells were
washed in 1 x PBS and fixed using 4 % paraformaldehyde/PBS overnight
at 4 ◦ C. Subsequently, cells were washed with PBS / 50 mM NH4Cl and
permeabilized with PBS / 0.1 % Triton X-100 (Sigma) for 15 min at
room temperature, washed three times 5 min with 1 x PBS and stained
with 50 μM HCS Cell Mask Red (Invitrogen)/DAPI/PBS for 30 min at RT.
Cells were then washed three times with 1 x PBS for 5 min and stored in
PBS at 4 ◦ C.
Analysis of membrane staining was performed using the BD Pathway
855 spinning disc confocal fluorescent microscope. A 3 × 4 montage
data set was collected using a 20 x objective for all wells. Image data
were analyzed using Fiji software. A threshold was set for the cell
staining such that only the membrane became visible. In addition, using
the watershed option, close-lying nuclei were separated. To obtain per
cell a quantitative measure of membrane expansion following differentiation, the ratio of the amount of membrane and the number of nuclei
2.14. Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (BRET) analysis
To perform protein-protein interaction studies on recombinant
Ac45RP and Ac45 proteins, and a number of recombinant V-ATPase V0subunits ex vivo, we performed a BRET analysis. Cloning of the expression construct pcDNA-Ac45RP-eYFP for BRET analysis is described in
section 2.3 Molecular Cloning, and expression constructs pcDNA-RlucV-ATPase-a3,
pcDNA-Rluc-V-ATPase-c” and pcDNA-Ac45-eYFP have been described
previously (Feng et al., 2008). BRET assays were performed as previously described (Feng et al., 2008; Kroeger et al., 2001).
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2.15. Statistics
pair of cysteine residues that is characteristic for Ac45 as well (Fig. 1A).
The overall amino-acid sequence identity between the ATP6AP1L protein and Ac45 is only 17 % with a homology of 27.4 % (signal peptide
sequence not included). We therefore propose to name this novel protein
Ac45RP (GenBank accession number KJ700309). The structural organizations of the two proteins differ in that Ac45RP has a shorter
amino-terminal domain that lacks a furin endoproteolytic recognition
sequence present in the Ac45-luminal domain ((RPSRVAR, Louagie
et al., 2008) and a longer carboxy-terminal tail that lacks the autonomous Ac45-routing sequence (Jansen et al., 1998) (Fig. S1).
To allow protein expression studies, we generated an affinitypurified anti-Ac45RP antibody that we used for Western blot analysis
of N2a cell lysates treated with the protein N-glycosylation inhibitor
tunicamycin. The analysis showed the specificity of the antibody and
revealed that, like the Ac45 protein (Holthuis et al., 1999), Ac45RP is a
highly N-glycosylated protein (Fig. 1B).
Using the newly identified mouse Ac45RP amino-acid sequence as
bait, we found Ac45RP orthologues in vertebrate but not invertebrate
species. To construct a phylogenetic tree, we used the ancestral Ac45
genes of Drosophila, C. elegans, A. aegypti and B. floridae as outgroups
(Fig. 1C). Apart from the branches of the previously described groups of
Ac45 and Ac45LP (Jansen et al., 2010b), the Ac45RP group represents a
third branch of the phylogenetic tree that occurs in vertebrate species
only (ranging from mammals to birds, amphibians and fish; Fig. 1C). The
founding member of this novel family is Ac45. Since the evolutionary
Data are presented as means ± SEM. Statistical evaluation was performed using a Student’s t-test.
3. Results
3.1. Identification and phylogenetic analysis of a novel paralog of the
Ac45 protein
To identify protein sequences related to the Ac45 (ATP6AP1) amino
acid sequence, we searched public mouse genomic and EST databases
with the carboxy-terminal part of the mouse Ac45 protein sequence (the
most conserved portion of the protein) as bait, and found two novel
sequences structurally related to Ac45. One sequence represents a highly
N-glycosylated, lung- and kidney-specific Ac45 isoform (termed Ac45like protein, Ac45LP) that we previously characterized and is present
exclusively in non-mammalian tetrapoidic species (Fig. 1C; Jansen et al.,
2010b). In the present study, we characterize the second Ac45-related
gene of unknown function (ATP6AP1L) that is localized on mouse
chromosomal region 13C3 and human chromosome 5 (5q14.2). Cloning
of a full-length mouse ATP6AP1L cDNA revealed a protein of 336 amino
acids (apparent molecular weight of ~37 kDa) containing a signal
peptide, a transmembrane region, six potential N-linked glycosylation
sites and in the luminal portion flanking the transmembrane domain a
Fig. 1. Ac45RP is an N-glycosylated transmembrane protein and vertebrate-specific
Ac45 family member. (A) The structural
organisation of the Ac45RP protein resembles
that of the Ac45 protein. The level of aminoacid sequence identity (% identity) between
Ac45RP and Ac45 is highest in the portion
comprising the transmembrane region and the
adjacent region containing the pair of cysteines. Note that Ac45RP has a shorter N-terminal region lacking the cleavage site (CS) of the
endoprotease furin. SP: signal peptide
sequence; C: cysteine; TM: transmembrane region. (B) Western blot analysis of endogenous
Ac45RP in mouse neuroblastoma (N2a) cells.
Cells were cultured in the absence (-) or presence (+) of tunicamycin and lysed, and the
protein lysates were analysed using the antiAc45RP antibody. (C) Phylogenetic analysis of
Ac45, Ac45-like protein (Ac45LP) and Ac45RP.
The Ac45RP protein is present only in vertebrate species such as human (Homo sapiens,Hs),
chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes, Pt), gorilla (Gorilla
gorilla gorilla,Ggg), armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus, Dn), orca (Orcinus orca, Oo), dog (Canis
familiaris, Cf), rat (Rattus norvegicus, Rn), mouse
(Mus musculus, Mm), opossum (Monodelphis
domestica, Md), chicken (Gallus gallus, Gg),
zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata, Tg), duck
(Anas platyrhynchos, Ap), lizard (Anolis carolinensis, Ac), frog (Xenopus tropicalis, Xt, Xenopus
laevis, Xl), platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus,
Oa), turtle (Chrysemys picta bellii, Cpb), zebrafish (Danio rerio, Dr), stickleback (Gasteroteus
aculeatus) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus,
On), and not in non-vertebrates such as lancelet
(Branchiostoma floridae, Bf), mosquito (Aedes
aegypti, Aa), fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster,
Dm), and worm (Caenorhabditis elegans, Ce).
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distances of Ac45RP to the ancestral Ac45 genes in Drosophila and C.
elegans are larger than those of Ac45 and Ac45LP, we conclude that the
third, vertebrate-specific branch harbouring Ac45RP evolved later than
the two other branches. The Ac45RP protein is evolutionarily highly
conserved, with the highest degree of sequence identity found in the
region containing the transmembrane domain (Fig. S1).
TI-VAMP (Fig. 3B, C, insets). Vesicles positive for the synaptic vesicle
marker protein synaptic vesicle protein 2 (SV2) were detected only in
the Golgi and in vesicular structures, but not in the tip of the growing
neurite (Fig. 3D, inset). In mouse primary cortical neurons 12 h postseeding, Ac45RP was present in vesicular structures of the expanding
membrane of the neuronal tip and co-stained with VAMP4 (Fig. S2B).
SV2-positive vesicles were clearly distinct from the Ac45RP-positive
structures (Fig. S2A). Quantitative colocalization analysis showed that
during in vitro network formation in eight- and 22-DIV cultures of mouse
cortical neurons Ac45RP significantly colocalized with VAMP4 and TIVAMP, but not with SV2; Manders’ coefficients for VAMP4 colocalization: M1 = 0.82 ± 0.02, M2 = 0.73 ± 0.03 (eight-DIV; Fig. 4B, D) and
M1 = 0.72 ± 0.02, M2 = 0.71 ± 0.02 (22-DIV; Fig. S3B,C,E); Manders’
M1 = 0.69 ± 0.02,
M2 = 0.67 ± 0.04 (eight-DIV; Fig. 4C, D) and M1 = 0.69 ± 0.04,
M2 = 0.67 ± 0.03 (22-DIV; Fig. S3D, E); Manders’ coefficients for SV2
colocalization: M1 = 0.21 ± 0.03, M2 = 0.36 ± 0.05 (eight-DIV;
Fig. 4A, D) and M1 = 0.34 ± 0.04, M2 = 0.50 ± 0.03 (22-DIV; Fig. S3A,
E). In eight-DIV neuronal cultures, Ac45RP was expressed only in Tuj1positive and thus neuronal cells (Fig. 4E). We conclude that in differentiating mouse and rat primary cortical neurons Ac45RP localizes to
pools of VAMP4-/TI-VAMP-positive non-secretory vesicles, clearly
distinct from SV2-positive (immature) synaptic vesicles.
3.2. Expression of Ac45RP mRNA and protein in developing and adult
mouse brain
Quantitative PCR analysis revealed that the onset of Ac45RP mRNA
expression in the developing mouse brain was at E 13.5 (i.e., the peak of
neurogenesis; Gotz and Huttner, 2005) and its expression slightly
increased postnatally. Interestingly, Ac45RP mRNA expression greatly
increased from postnatal day (P) 7 onwards and peaked at P14 with
relatively high expression levels thereafter (Fig. 2A), in particular in the
prefrontal cortex (PFC), cerebellum (CB) and especially the OB (Fig. 2B).
Semi-quantitative PCR analysis showed that, except for a relatively
low level of expression in ovary, in adult mice Ac45RP mRNA is
expressed exclusively in the brain, with the highest level of expression in
the OB (Fig. 2B, C). In contrast, Ac45 mRNA is ubiquitously expressed,
and enriched in neuronal and neuroendocrine tissues (Jansen et al.,
2016; Louagie et al., 2008) (Fig. 2C). The fact that Ac45RP mRNA is
expressed in mouse neuroblastoma 2a (N2a) cells, albeit at low levels,
but not in mouse neuroendocrine anterior pituitary AtT-20 cells
(Fig. 2D) indicates that it is expressed specifically in neuronal and not
neuroendocrine cells.
To study Ac45RP protein expression in mouse brain, we performed
Western blot and immunocytochemical analyses. In line with the
Western blot analysis of N2a cell lysates, we observed the ~37-kDa
Ac45RP protein and its glycosylated form (~80 kDa), but not its ~55kDa form, in OB and hippocampal tissue lysates of adult mice (Fig. 2E).
Immunostainings of P22 mouse brain sections confirmed the relatively
high expression of the Ac45RP protein in the PFC, CB and OB (Fig. 2F,
G). In the OB, expression of the Ac45RP protein was restricted to the
inner plexiform layer, mitral cell layer, external plexiform layer and
glomerular layer, and no Ac45RP protein expression was found in the
granular cell layer (Fig. 2H). Furthermore, we detected Ac45RP protein
expression in the Purkinje cells of the CB (Fig. 2G). In contrast, no
Ac45RP protein expression was observed in the subventricular zone
(SVZ) (data not shown), an area involved in adult neurogenesis and
generates neurons migrating via the rostral migratory stream destined
for the OB (Alvarez-Buylla and Garcia-Verdugo, 2002; Lledo et al.,
2008). Laser scanning microscopy revealed that in P65 mouse
neocortex, Ac45RP protein expression was clearly membranous and
restricted to cells positive for the neuronal marker NeuN, indicating that
Ac45RP is expressed in neuronal cells of the adult neocortex (Fig. 2I).
The Ac45RP protein was not co-localized with the astrocytic marker
GFAP in white-matter astrocytes in the corpus callosum of adult mouse
brain (Fig. 2J).
3.4. Physical interaction between Ac45RP and V0-subunit c” but not V0subunits c, a3 and d
The V-ATPase assembly factor Ac45 interacts with the V0-sector of
the proton pump (Supek et al., 1994), more specifically with subunits
V0c, V0c” and V0a3, but not V0d (Feng et al., 2008). Immunolocalization
studies on rat primary neurons revealed that V0-subunits V0c and V0d
colocalized with the Ac45RP protein in varicosities and at the tips of the
extending neurites (Fig. 5A, B). We therefore decided to explore whether
Ac45RP physically interacts with the V-ATPase V0-sector. For this purpose, we performed a BRET assay in COS-1 cells with recombinant
Ac45-eYFP and Ac45RP-eYFP proteins and recombinant Rluc-V0d,
Rluc-V0-c, Rluc-V0-c” and Rluc-V0-a3 proteins. This analysis
confirmed the interaction between the Ac45-eYFP protein and the
V0c/c”-subunits (Feng et al., 2008), and revealed a physical interaction
between Ac45RP-eYFP and Rluc-V0-c”, albeit less strong than between
Ac45-eYFP and Rluc-V0c” (Fig. 5C). Ac45RP-eYFP did not interact with
the Rluc-V0-c, Rluc-V0-a3 or Rluc-V0d subunits (Fig. 5C). Thus, both
Ac45 and Ac45RP interact with the V0-sector of the V-ATPase.
3.5. Transient overexpression of Ac45RP provokes extensive outgrowth of
Next, we transiently overexpressed HA-tagged Ac45RP in N2a cells
and in embryonic mouse primary cortical neurons. Immunostainings
showed that in the transfected N2a cells the recombinant Ac45RP-HA
protein was localized to vesicular structures in the cytosol, and in varicosities and growth cones of the neurites (Fig. 6A), comparable with the
localization of the endogenous Ac45RP protein in rodent primary neurons (Fig. 3). In non-transfected N2a cells and in cells expressing moderate Ac45RP-HA levels, Ac45RP, SV2 and VAMP2 were expressed in
neurites (data not shown). Intriguingly, N2a cells expressing a high level
of the Ac45RP-HA protein were characterized by VAMP4-positive neurites containing a high number of filopodia and a high degree of
branching (Fig. 6C, asterisks), while most of the neurites did not contain
SV2 or VAMP2 (Fig. 6A, B, asterisks). Thus, Ac45RP-HA-overexpressing
cells apparently led to the presence of VAMP4, but not SV2- or VAMP2containing, membrane structures. Ac45RP-HA-positive vesicles were
observed in the tips of extending neurites and filopodia that were
positively stained for actin (Fig. 6D, inset). Immunostainings showed
that three-DIV mouse primary cortical neurons transfected with the
Ac45RP-HA expression construct had developed HA-positive, SV2-
3.3. Intracellular localization of the Ac45RP protein during neuronal
To examine the intracellular localization of the Ac45RP protein
during the initial phases of neuronal outgrowth, rat primary cortical
neuronal cultures were isolated from embryonic brains. Six hours
following plating, immunocytochemical stainings with the anti-Ac45RP
antibody and an antibody against neural β-tubulin III (Tuj1) showed that
Ac45RP was present in vesicles situated in the cytoplasm and colocalized with Tuj1-positive neurites, indicating that the embryonic
neuronal cells had formed Ac45RP-containing neurites (Fig. 3A).
Ac45RP-positive vesicular membrane structures were localized within
and proximal to the tubular network in the growth cones of the
extending neurite (Fig. 3A, insert). Intriguingly, in the tip of the neurites
Ac45RP co-stained with the non-secretory vesicle markers VAMP4 and
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(caption on next page)
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Fig. 2. Temporal and spatial mRNA and protein expression of Ac45RP in developing and adult mice. (A) Total brain Ac45RP mRNA expression starts at E13.5
and peaks postnatally. (B) Ac45RP mRNA expression in olfactory bulb (OB), prefrontal cortex (PFC) and cerebellum (CB) peaks at ~P21. Expression levels were
determined by qPCR-analysis relative to mouse Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein zeta peptide (Y-Whaz) and mouse
β-actin as reference transcripts. (C) Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis of Ac45 and Ac45RP mRNA expression in mouse tissues. Glyceralde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) served as control for RNA integrity. Bl, bladder; Br, brain; Cb, cerebellum; Cr, cerebrum; Co, colon; Ga, gall bladder; He, heart; Li, liver; Lu, lung; Mu,
muscle; Ob, olfactory bulb; Oo, oocytes; Ov, ovary; Si, small intestine; Sk, skin; Sp, spleen; Te, testis; St, stomach; Rt -, absence of reverse transcriptase (negative
control). (D) Quantitative analysis of Ac45 and Ac45RP mRNA expression in mouse N2a and AtT-20 cells. Peptidyl prolyl isomerase (mPPia) and Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein zeta peptide (Y-Whaz) served as reference transcripts. (E) Western blot analysis of Ac45RP protein
expression in OB and hippocampus (HI). Total OB and HI tissue lysates were analysed with an affinity-purified anti-Ac45RP antibody. (F, G,) Staining of P22 mouse
brain sections with the anti-Ac45RP antibody (green) confirms relatively high expression levels of the Ac45RP protein in OB, PFC and CB; in the CB, Ac45RP was
found in the Purkinje cells. (H) In the OB, expression of Ac45RP was restricted to the inner plexiform layer (IPL), mitral cell layer (MCL), external plexiform layer
(EPL) and glomerular layer (GL), and no Ac45RP expression was found in the granular cell layer (GCL). Sections were counterstained with Nissl (blue). (I)
Immunohistochemistry combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy on sagittal P-65 mouse brain sections using Ac45RP (green) and NeuN (red) antibodies.
Ac45RP is located in the membrane of neuronal NeuN-positive cells in the neocortex. I-II-III-IV refer to cortical layers. (J) Immunohistochemistry on sagittal P-65
mouse brain sections using Ac45RP (green) and GFAP (red) antibodies. White-matter astrocytes in the corpus callosum were devoid of Ac45RP. NC, neocortex, CC,
corpus callosum, CP, caudate putamen. Scale bar: 50 μm.
lacking neurites (Fig. 6E). Interestingly, Ac45RP-HA-transfected fiveDIV mouse primary cortical neurons had developed an Ac45-HApositive neurite network largely lacking SV2 (Fig. S4). We conclude
that overexpression of Ac45RP in N2a cells and in mouse primary
cortical neurons provokes the generation of new, immature neurites
which do not contain neurotransmitter vesicles.
overexpressing clone #30 cells was similar to that of clone #2.6 cells
(Fig. S7D).
Using high-throughput microscopy in combination with whole-cell
staining, we quantified the levels of membrane expansion of the N2a
Ac45RP-overexpressing cell lines #2.6 and #30, and mock-transfected
N2a cell line #4 following dbcAMP-induced differentiation by calculating per nucleus the total cell circumference (indicative for the amount
of plasma membrane). The total amount of plasma membrane was independent of cell density and positively correlated with the level of
Ac45RP overexpression in that the membranes of clones #2.6 and #30
(~1.5 and ~3 times Ac45RP protein overexpression, respectively) were
~1.5 and ~4 times larger than the control line #4 membrane, respectively (Fig. 7C). Thus, overexpression of Ac45RP in N2a cells induced an
increase in neuronal membrane formation.
Finally, since excess Ac45RP caused an increase in membrane
expansion and neurite outgrowth in N2a cells, we used electron microscopy to study the morphologies of Ac45RP-overexpressing #30 and
control #4 N2a cells at the subcellular level. No morphological alterations or changes in the number of organelles such as mitochondria,
lysosomes and the endoplasmatic reticulum were observed in the two
cell lines. However, Golgi-related structures, including lucent vesicular
structures, were more abundant in the #30 Ac45RP-overexpressing than
the #4 control cells (Fig. 7D, E), indicating elevated membrane
biogenesis in the overexpressing cells.
3.6. Stable overexpression of Ac45RP increases V-ATPase V0-subunit
expression and enhances neuronal network formation
We then generated two stable N2a cell lines expressing either
Ac45RP-HA (line #2.6; ~2.6 and ~1.5 times increased Ac45RP mRNA
and protein expression, respectively) or non-tagged Ac45RP (line #30;
~7 and ~3 times Ac45RP mRNA and protein overexpression, respectively) as well as an empty-vector-transfected stable control cell line
(pcDNA3 line #4; unaffected Ac45RP mRNA and protein expression)
(Fig. 7B). Since Ac45 is an integral part of the V-ATPase V0-sector and
considering its role in V0-assembly (Abbas et al., 2020; Guida et al.,
2018), we wondered whether overexpression of Ac45RP affects the
expression levels of endogenous V0-subunits. Because of their recently
established interactions with the Ac45 protein (Abbas et al., 2020; Wang
et al., 2020a, b), we chose to study the mRNA levels of V0c”, V0c, and
V0a1 and of the V-ATPase assembly factor ATP6AP2 by qPCR analysis.
First, we confirmed the increased expression of Ac45RP mRNA in lines
#2.6 (~2.6-fold) and #30 (~7-fold) (Fig. 7A). While the mRNA
expression levels of V0c, V0c”, V0a1, ATP6AP2 and Ac45 were, except
for ATP6AP2 (~1.6-fold), not significantly affected by moderate
Ac45RP overexpression in line #2.6 cells, stronger Ac45RP overexpression in line #30 cells resulted in significantly increased expression
of V0c, V0c”, V0a1, ATP6AP2 and Ac45 (~1.7-, ~1.6-, ~1.7-, ~3- and
~1.6-fold, respectively) (Fig. 7A). We conclude that the expression of
V0-subunits, and most dramatically of the assembly factor ATP6AP2, is
affected by increased Ac45RP expression levels.
Undifferentiated #4 empty-vector-transfected control N2a cells were
mostly roundly shaped, little neurite outgrowth was observed, and
Ac45RP and SV2 were localized to the Golgi area (Fig. S5A), whereas
VAMP4-positive vesicles were distributed over the cytoplasm (Fig. S6A).
Intriguingly, undifferentiated #2.6 Ac45RP-overexpressing cells were
more flattened than the control cells and displayed short extensions that
contained Ac45RP, SV2 and VAMP4 (Figs. S7A and S8A). Four hours
following dbcAMP-induced differentiation of the #4 control cells, the
SV2 protein was still mostly found in the Golgi (Fig. S5B), whereas in the
#2.6 Ac45RP-transfected cells this synaptic vesicle marker was absent
from the Golgi and exclusively found in the varicosities and the extremes
of the newly formed neurites (Fig. S7B) that were also positive for
Ac45RP and VAMP4 (Fig. S8B). Twenty-four hours following differentiation the #2.6 cells had formed an SV2-positive network that was
clearly more extensive than that in differentiated #4 control cells
(compare Figs. S7C and S5C). The phenotype of the Ac45RP-
3.7. CRISPR-cas9n-mediated Ac45RP knockdown in N2a cells results in
decreased neurite outgrowth capacity
We next used CRISPR-cas9n double-guide RNA treatment (CRISPRCas9n, Ran et al., 2013) to accomplish Ac45RP downregulation in order
to generate genomic deletions in exon 4 of Ac45RP in N2a cells. N2A
cells display aneuploidy (Mehrabian et al., 2014) and to increase the
chances to hit all Ac45RP alleles two rounds of CRISPR-cas9n treatment
were performed. Genomic sequence analysis of two clonal N2a cell lines
(1F3_3 and 1G11_3) showed deletions ranging from 10 to 102 base pairs
(see Methods section). qPCR analysis using primers specifically recognizing the CRISPR target sequence revealed the complete absence of
wild-type Ac45RP mRNA in both CRISPR-cas9n-treated cell lines,
showing the success of the CRISPR-cas9n approach (Fig. 8A). In the
CRISPR-cas9n-treated line 3 F3_3, the level of total (mutant) Ac45RP
mRNA was reduced (~0.7-fold), whereas in line 1G11_3 cells an
~1.2-fold increase of total (mutant) Ac45RP mRNA was observed
(Fig. 8B); Ac45 mRNA was still expressed in these Ac45RP-knockdown
cell lines (Fig. 8C). Quantitative fluorescence imaging and Western
blot analysis using the anti-Ac45RP antibody revealed that the deletions
also resulted in significantly reduced Ac45RP protein expression levels
(~0.6-fold; Fig. 8D, E).
We tested the effect of Ac45RP knockdown on neurite outgrowth by
live time-lapse imaging of the cells before and after induction of
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Fig. 3. Subcellular distributions of Ac45RP, VAMP4, TI-VAMP and SV2 during neurite outgrowth of rat primary cortical neurons. (A-D) E19 rat cortical
neuronal cells were cultured for six hours, fixed and stained with the anti-Ac45RP antibody and monoclonal antibodies against (A) the neural β-tubulin marker Tuj1,
the unconventional secretory vesicular markers (B) VAMP4 and (C) TI-VAMP or (D) synaptic vesicle marker SV2. (A) Ac45RP-positive vesicles were localized in the
cytoplasm, in the tips of extending neurites and in close proximity to neural β-tubulin. (B) Both Ac45RP- and VAMP4-positive vesicular structures were found in the
cytosol and in the newly-formed neurites. (C) Both Ac45RP and TI-VAMP were found in the cytosol and in the tip of the extending neurite. (D) Ac45RP-positive
vesicles were present in the cytosol and in the extreme tips of the extending neurites. SV2-positive vesicles were mostly observed in the Golgi region and to
some extent in the neurites, but clearly not in the tips of these neurites. Bar, 10 μm.
neuronal cell differentiation by serum deprivation and in the presence of
dbcAMP. Ac45RP-overexpressing N2a cell line #30 was used as a positive control. In line with our membrane expansion analysis and
compared to wild-type cells, differentiated line #30 cells showed a
significant increase in neurite outgrowth (calculated as the total neurite
length / cell or cell cluster (Fig. 8F)) compared to wild type cells. The
1F3_3 and 1G11_3 Ac45RP-knockdown N2a cells displayed significantly
reduced neurite outgrowth during the differentiation process (Fig. 8G).
These results show that reduced levels of endogenous Ac45RP negatively affect the ability of the N2a cells to effectively extend their
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Fig. 4. Localization of Ac45RP, VAMP4, TIVAMP and SV2 during neuronal network
formation in mouse primary cortical neurons. (A-C) Eight-DIV E14.5 mouse primary
cortical neuron cultures were stained with the
anti-Ac45RP antibody and (A) the synaptic
vesicle marker SV2 and the non-secretory vesicular markers (B) VAMP4 or (C) TI-VAMP. (D)
Quantification of the co-immunostaining of
Ac45RP with SV2, VAMP4 or TI-VAMP vesicular markers in eight-DIV neuronal cultures. M1:
Manders’ coëfficient implicating the part of
Ac45RP-positive pixels overlapping with positive pixels for the vesicular marker; M2: Manders’ coëficient implicating part of vesicular
marker-positive pixels overlapping with
Ac45RP-positive pixels. Bar, 10 μm. (E) EightDIV neuronal cell cultures stained with antibodies against Ac45RP (green) and the neuralspecific β-tubulin marker Tuj1(red). Ac45RP
remains expressed in the neuronal cells, and
localizes to intracellular vesicles and
throughout the neuronal network. Bar, 10 μm.
4. Discussion
sequence. This difference is of note because cleavage of Ac45 at the furin
site is required for its efficient transport through the secretory pathway
(Jansen et al., 2008) and cleaved Ac45 has been found to be an integral
part of the V0-sector of mammalian V-ATPase (Abbas et al., 2020; Wang
et al., 2020a, b). Interestingly, cleaved Ac45 and intact Ac45RP are of
similar length, implying that an endoproteolytic cleavage event may not
be necessary to allow secretory pathway transport of Ac45RP. Therefore, Ac45RP may well represent a constitutively active Ac45 family
Our mRNA and protein expression studies in developing mouse brain
point to a role for Ac45RP during neural development. For example, the
onset of Ac45RP mRNA expression in mouse E13.5 embryos coincided
with the peak of neurogenesis. Also, the strong increase in Ac45RP
In this study, we functionally characterized a novel brain-specific
paralog of the V-ATPase assembly factor Ac45 that we named
Ac45RP. Ac45RP evolved only in vertebrates and thus later than its
relatives Ac45 and the lung- and kidney-specific Ac45LP. The similar
structural characteristics of Ac45, Ac45LP and Ac45RP (all are N-glycosylated type I transmembrane glycoproteins with a relatively long
amino-terminal luminal domain, a pair of cysteine residues adjacent to
the transmembrane domain and a short cytoplasmic tail) indicate that
they belong to a small family of V-ATPase regulators. A structural difference among the three family members concerns the absence of a
consensus cleavage site for the endoprotease furin in the Ac45RP
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Fig. 5. Localization of Ac45RP and the V-ATPase V0 subunits c and d during neurite outgrowth of rat primary cortical neurons, and determination of in
vitro Ac45RP-V0 subunit interactions. (A) Two-DIV E18.5 rat primary cortical neurons were stained with the anti-Ac45RP antibody (green) and an anti-V-ATPase
V0d subunit monoclonal antibody (red). Both proteins were found in vesicular structures throughout the cytoplasm, and in varicosities and in the tips of the neurites.
(B) E18.5 rat neuroblasts were cultured for twelve hours and stained with a V0c polyclonal antibody (green) and the V0d subunit monoclonal antibody (red). Both V0c
and V0d were present in membranous structures throughout the cell and accumulated in the tip of the extending neurite. Nuclei were stained by DAPI (blue). (C) In
vitro measurement of the physical interaction strength between Ac45 or Ac45RP and V0 subunits V0a3, V0c and V0c” in transfected COS-1 cells using a BRET assay.
expression from P0 onwards occurred concomitant with extensive
network formation and is in line with the onset of synaptogenesis. The
observed spatiotemporal changes in Ac45RP expression may reflect the
maturation states of the outgrowth processes in the various brain regions
over time. Furthermore, a remarkable finding was the relatively high
level of Ac45RP mRNA and protein expression in the mouse OB, a brain
region constantly receiving newborn neurons (neuroblasts) (Alvarez-Buylla and Garcia-Verdugo, 2002; Curtis et al., 2009; Lledo et al.,
2006; Whitman and Greer, 2009). Within the OB, Ac45RP expression
was found only in the subregions that contain developing interneurons
and not in the OB granular layer nor in the subventricular zone, suggesting a role for Ac45RP in the outgrowth of OB interneurons, but not
in neuroblast migration. Interestingly, Ac45RP is downregulated in patients suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) together with
genes involved in neuron projection development and plasticity, namely
Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM) and brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (Logue et al., 2015), also hinting to a role
for Ac45RP in brain development and plasticity.
Our study indicates that the expression of Ac45RP is restricted to
neurons and does not occur in other cell types such as neuroendocrine
cells and astrocytes, although at present we cannot exclude that Ac45RP
is expressed by other brain cell types. Since Ac45RP-overexpressing N2a
cells displayed a more elaborate Golgi, an increased number of vesicular
structures in the cytoplasm and more extended plasma membrane
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Fig. 6. Analysis of neurite outgrowth in N2a
cells and primary neurons transiently overexpressing Ac45RP. N2a cells were transfected
with an HA-tagged Ac45RP expression
construct. Following differentiation, the cells
were immunostained with either (A) anti-HA
and anti-SV2 antibodies or (B) anti-HA and
anti-VAMP2 antibodies or (C) anti-Ac45RP and
anti-VAMP4 antibodies. Cells overexpressing
outgrowth and/or neurite branching (asterisks).
Note that Ac45RP-HA-positive neurites contain
VAMP4 but were mostly devoid of SV2 and
VAMP2 (asterisks). (D) Ac45RP-HA-transfected
N2a cells 24 h following differentiation were
immunostained using the anti-HA antibody in
combination with a Phalloidin staining for
actin. Ac45RP-HA-positive neurites contained
actin. (E) Three-DIV mouse primary cortical
neurons 24 h post transfection with the
Ac45RP-HA expression construct were stained
with an anti-HA antibody and the SV2 monoclonal antibody. Ac45RP-HA-positive membranes were devoid of SV2. Nuclei were stained
by DAPI (blue). Bar, 10 μm.
formation, Ac45RP may be involved in the supply of membrane during
vesicular biogenesis. Furthermore, in these cells extensive neurite
outgrowth was observed, indicating a role for Ac45RP in membrane
delivery during the process of neurite outgrowth. The appearance of
Ac45RP-positive vesicular structures preceding the neural tubules and
situated in close proximity of the actin filaments in the extending neurite
supports a role for Ac45RP in neurite outgrowth. Neurite outgrowth
depends on unconventional exocytotic membrane fusion involving
vesicles containing the vesicular soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive
factor (NSF) attachment protein (SNAP) receptor (SNARE) proteins
VAMP4 or TI-VAMP (Coco et al., 1999; Cocucci et al., 2008;
D’Alessandro and Meldolesi, 2019; Martinez-Arca et al., 2000; Meldolesi, 2010), but devoid of classical marker proteins of synaptic neurotransmitter or neuropeptide vesicles, such as SV2 and VAMP2 (Buckley
and Kelly, 1985; Coco et al., 1999; Meldolesi, 2010). Using these vesicular markers, our colocalization studies in N2a cells and rodent primary cortical neurons revealed that Ac45RP is indeed present in
unconventional vesicles, distinct from the classical neurotransmitter-/neuropeptide-containing vesicles.
In line with our results obtained through Ac45RP overexpression in
N2a cells, our CRISPR-cas9n approach to knockdown endogenous
Ac45RP resulted in a clear reduction in the capability of the N2a cells to
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Fig. 7. Analysis of V0-subunit expression and membrane biogenesis in N2a cells stably overexpressing Ac45RP. (A) qPCR analysis revealed an Ac45RP-dosedependent increase of V-ATPase-V0 subunit expression in N2a cells. Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein zeta peptide (YWhaz) and peptidyl prolyl isomerase (mPPia) were used as reference genes. (B) Membrane fractions of N2a cells stably transfected with an empty expression vector
(line #4), or an expression construct for Ac45RP-HA (line #2.6) or Ac45RP (line #30) were subjected to Western blot analysis using the anti-Ac45RP antibody and an
anti-Ac45 antibody. (C) Quantification of the amount of membrane generated following 24 h of differentiation of the stably transfected N2a cell lines #4, #2.6 and
#30 using high-throughput microscopy. The amount of membrane generated per cell was found to be independent of cell density. (D,E) Transmission Electron
Microscopy on undifferentiated (D) line #4 (mock-transfected control) and (E) line #30 (Ac45RP-overexpressing) N2a cells. No morphological alterations or changes
in the amounts of organelles such as mitochondria, lysosomes and the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) were observed. Golgi-related structures, including lucent vesicular structures (arrows), were more abundant in the #30 Ac45RP-overexpressing than the #4 control cells. G, Golgi; N, nucleus; L, lysosome. Bar equals 200 nm.
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Fig. 8. Effect of CRISPR-cas9n-mediated downregulation of Ac45RP on cAMP-induced neurite outgrowth of N2a cells.
(A, B) qPCR analysis of (A) wild-type Ac45RP mRNA expression using primers in the CRISPR-targeted sequence and (B) total Ac45RP mRNA expression using primers
outside the CRISPR-targeted region. No wild-type Ac45RP mRNA was detected in the CRISPR-cas9n-treated cell lines 1F3_3 and 1G11_3 (C) Ac45 mRNA expression in
CRISPR-cas9n-treated cell lines. Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein zeta peptide (Y-Whaz) and peptidyl prolyl isomerase
(mPPia) were used as reference genes. (D) Quantification of Ac45RP protein expression levels in wild-type N2a cells (n = 45) and the CRISPR-cas9n-treated N2a cell
lines 1F3_3 (n = 45) and 1G11_3 (n = 42) by quantitative fluorescence imaging using the anti-Ac45RP antibody. (E) Confirmation of Ac45RP downregulation in
1F3_3 and 1G11_3 by Western blot analysis. (F, G) Cells were cultured in 96-wells plates in normal culture medium. At time point 0 min, neural outgrowth was
induced by serum depletion and the addition of dbcAMP. Prior and during differentiation, brightfield images were taken every 45 min (9 ROI/well, 6 wells/cell line).
(F) Representative pictures of wild-type N2a cells three hours prior to (without dbcAMP) and three hours after addition (with dbcAMP) of dbcAMP. Purple lines
represent neurites and yellow soma represent cell body (clusters) as recognized by the Incucyte software. (G) From these images, the average neurite length per cell
cluster at each time point was calculated. Note that after medium change (time point 0), imaging was disturbed for the next 45 min.
provoke outgrowth of neurites, indicating that Ac45RP is a critical
component of the membrane-expanding machinery to achieve neurite
Interestingly, PC12 cells expressing a TI-VAMP mutant protein
lacking its N-terminal domain that acts as an intramolecular inhibitor of
the SNARE-binding motif show unusually long neurites with an
increased number of filopodia (Martinez-Arca et al., 2000), similar to
those found in our Ac45RP-transfected N2a cells. The severity of the
transfected PC12 cell phenotypes was positively linked to the capacity of
the mutant protein to form stable SNARE complexes, which then results
in increased unconventional exocytosis and neurite outgrowth. Ac45RP
overexpression enhances V0-subunit and in particular ATP6AP2
expression. This is of great interest since ATP6AP2 and Ac45 have
recently been found to physically interact (Wang et al., 2020a), and both
proteins act together to allow V0-assembly and regulate V1-/V0-association and -dissociation (Guida et al., 2018). Future studies may disclose
whether the Ac45-structurally related Ac45RP protein also interacts
with ATP6AP2 and as such fulfills a comparable role in vesicle-specific
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and spatio-temporal V0-assembly.
Since Ac45RP physically interacts with the V-ATPase V0-sector and
V0 on its turn interacts with v-SNAREs (Di Giovanni et al., 2010; Galli
et al., 1996), we hypothesize that a neuronal-cell-specific and
TI-VAMP/VAMP4-containing Ac45RP/V0/SNARE complex drives unconventional exocytotic membrane fusion in the growth cone of the
extending neurite. Reasoning along this line and because excess Ac45
induced enhanced biogenesis of immature secretory vesicles, large
membrane expansions and an increase in the secretory capacity of
neuroendocrine cells (Jansen et al., 2008, 2012), this Ac45 family
member may be associated with the biogenesis and fusion of regulated
secretory granules, and a neuronal-/neuroendocrine-enriched and
SV2/VAMP2-containing Ac45/V0/SNARE complex may be involved in
regulated exocytosis. Thus, the two Ac45 family members may determine whether the V-ATPase V0-sector becomes involved in either unconventional or secretory vesicle fusion events. As such, Ac45RP and
Ac45 would be crucial components of the molecular machinery driving
membrane expansion during neuronal outgrowth and regulated exocytosis, respectively. The fact that Ac45RP evolved relatively late and only
during vertebrate evolution indicates that the ancestral role of the
V-ATPase concerns its function as subcellular pH regulator, whereas
subsequent evolution led to the role for the V0-sector in membrane
fusion events. Finally, recent evidence suggests that Ac45, and therefore
perhaps also Ac45RP, is a V0-assembly factor and an integral rather than
a transiently interacting V-ATPase-subunit (Abbas et al., 2020; Wang
et al., 2020a, b), indicating that these Ac45 family members are not true
accessory subunits.
In conclusion, our findings link for the first time the V-ATPase to the,
at first sight, unrelated process of neuronal outgrowth. The discovery of
the role of Ac45RP and the V-ATPase V0-sector in membrane fusion and
expansion during the outgrowth of neuronal cells greatly advances our
mechanistic understanding of this crucial neurodevelopmental process.
Together with the fact that the Ac45RP gene emerged only after the
vertebrate-invertebrate lineage separation and is expressed brain specifically, the disclosure of this neurite outgrowth-promoting role further
raises the intriguing possibility that Ac45RP has been part of the machinery that has enabled the evolution of the vertebrate brain. Finally,
our discovery of the role of the neuron-specific Ac45RP protein provides
new and exciting opportunities for the development of neuroregenerative therapies and thus for the treatment of a number of
neurological diseases.
antibodies, J. Fransen (Dept. of Cell Biology, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands) for help with co-localisation
studies and L. Wolf (Microscopic Imaging Centre (MIC, RIMLS)) for
designing the DensPerCell ImageJ plugin. Microscopic Imaging was
performed at the MIC of the RIMLS and the department of General
Instrumentation of the Faculty of Science, Radboud University.
Appendix A. The Peer Review Overview and Supplementary
The Peer Review Overview and Supplementary data associated with
this article can be found in the online version:
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Author contributions
E.J.R.J. designed and performed experiments, interpreted the results
and co-wrote the manuscript. N.H.M.v.B., B.B., N.F.M.O.L., Th.G.M.H.,
and S.M.C. performed experiments. J.X. supplied materials. S.M.K. gave
advice on the developmental experiments and supplied embryonic tissues, and G.J.M.M. supervised the project and co-wrote the manuscript.
All co-authors critically read and approved the manuscript.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors report no declarations of interest.
The authors thank M. Willemse (Dept. of Cell Biology, Radboud
University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands), J. Evers and M.
van der Ven for excellent technical assistance, A. Kos and A. Aschrafi
(Donders Centre for Neuroscience, Radboud University Nijmegen, The
Netherlands) for rat primary neuron cultures, J. Meldolesi and G. Racchetti (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milano, Italy), T. Galli
(Jacques Monod Institute, Paris, France), S. Ohkuma (Kanazawa University, Ishikawa, Japan) and S. Schoch (Institut für Neuropathologie
und Klinik für Epileptologie, Universitätsklinikum, Bonn, Germany) for
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