discussion papers
FS IV 02 – 05
The Effects of Disclosure Regulation
on Innovative Firms: Private Values
Jos Jansen
February 2002
ISSN Nr. 0722 - 6748
Markt und politische Ökonomie
Research Area
Markets and Political Economy
Jos Jansen, The Effects of Disclosure Regulation
on Innovative Firms: Private Values, Discussion Paper FS
IV 02-05, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, 2002.
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH,
Reichpietschufer 50, 10785 Berlin, Germany, Tel. (030) 2 54 91 – 0
Internet: www.wz-berlin.de
The Effects of Disclosure Regulation on Innovative Firms: Private Values*
by Jos Jansen
Firms in an R&D race actively manage rivals’ beliefs by disclosing and concealing
information on their cost of investment. The firms’ disclosure strategies affect their
incentives to invest in R&D, and to acquire information. We compare equilibria under
voluntary disclosure with those under mandatory disclosure in a model where the firms’
cost of investment are identically independently distributed. Under voluntary disclosure
firms conceal bad news, and disclose good news only if little knowledge spills over to
their rival. Under mandatory disclosure firms expect higher profits for given
information acquisition investments, but they may acquire less information.
Keywords: R&D competition, disclosure regulation, knowledge spillovers
JEL Classification: D82, D83, L23, O31, O32
This paper, and its companion paper entitled “The Effects of Disclosure Regulation on Innovative
Firms: Common Values”, is based on Chapter 4 of my PhD thesis at the CentER for Economic
Research (Tilburg University, The Netherlands). I would like to thank Patrick Bolton, Eric van
Damme, Tony Carboni, Marco Haan, Paul Heidhues, Johan Lagerlöf, Fréderic Pivetta, Dolf Talman
for stimulating discussions and helpful comments. Seminar participants at CentER,WZB and
CORE, and conference participants at ESEM99, EARIE99, ASSET99 are gratefully acknowledged
for their comments. I am grateful for the hospitality and support of MPSE (Université de Toulouse
1, France), and the Department of Economics at Princeton University. All errors are mine.
Die Wirkung von Offenlegungsvorschriften auf innovative Firmen: Unkorrelierte
Unternehmen, welche an einem F&E -Wettbewerb teilnehmen, managen aktiv die
Erwartungen ihrer Konkurrenten, in dem sie gezielt entscheiden, ob sie Informationen
über ihre Investitionskosten veröffentlichen oder geheim halten. Durch ihre
Offenlegungsstrategien beeinflussen sie sowohl die Anreize Ihrer Konkurrenten
Informationen zu sammeln, wie auch deren Anreize, F&E zu betreiben. Anhand eines
Modells, in dem die Investitionskosten der Unternehmen unabhängig verteilt sind,
vergleicht der Beitrag Gleichgewichte in denen die Unternehmen freiwillig wählen, ob
sie ihre Informationen offen legen wollen, mit den Gleichgewichten, bei denen
Unternehmen ihre Information offen legen müssen. Können die Unternehmen
selbstständig entscheiden, ob sie ihre Informationen offen legen wollen, so führt dies
dazu, dass sie schlechte Nachrichten verbergen und gute Nachrichten nur dann
veröffentlichen, wenn wenig ihres Wissens von den Konkurrenten genutzt werden kann.
Sind die Unternehmen jedoch verpflichtet ihre Informationen offenzulegen, so erwarten
sie einerseits höhere Profite für gegebene Informationsinvestitionen, aber investieren
andererseits u.U. weniger in die Informationsbeschaffung.
A basic property of research and development (R&D) is that it generates information
for the firms that invest in it. Usually this information is private to the firms and is
actively acquired by them. This paper, and companion paper Jansen (2001), discusses
how information about the firms’ cost of R&D investment affects R&D competition
and how these anticipated effects determine the firms’ incentives to strategically disclose information.
In many innovative industries firms strategically preannounce their innovations.
For example, in the operating system market it is often claimed that Microsoft (MS)
is using preannouncements of its operating system upgrades to drive competition out
of their market.1 Such a preannouncement strategy is called a “vaporware” strategy.
Disclosing good news about your own capabilities of introducing a new product in the
market, discourages rivals to invest in the development of competing products. Taking
a lead in the race gives the leading firm a strategic advantage, which discourages its
rival to invest, e.g. see Grossman and Shapiro (1987), and Harris and Vickers (1987).
This is a “strategic effect”.
The strategic effect can be observed in another case. British Biotech (BB) is
a pharmaceutical firm whose main activity is research on and development of anticancer drugs. In the Spring of 1998 director of clinical research Andrew Millar of BB
was sacked after disclosing bad news about BB’s research and commercial strategy.
As a result of the disclosure BB’s stock market value collapsed, reflecting its reduced
opportunities in the race for anti-cancer drugs. By concealing their bad test results,
the firm tried to keep the market optimistic about its capabilities of introducing
a new drug shortly.2 Both cases suggest the predominance of the strategic effect of
information disclosure. Disclosing good news, and concealing bad news about yourself
makes your rivals believe that you will be a strong competitor in the remainder of the
Although the disclosure strategies are driven by the same strategic effect, regulatory responses differed substantially. In the 1994-95 licencing court case against
Microsoft Corp., MS’s vaporware practices where investigated (e.g. see US vs MS
27/01/1995). This did not lead to any restrictive regulation of MS’s announcements.
See e.g. Lopatka and Page (1995), Prentice (1996), Shapiro (1996), United States v. Microsoft,
Civil Action No. 94-1564, and Shapiro and Varian (1999). An extensive anacdotical report on
Microsoft’s strategies is presented in Wallace and Erickson (1992).
For coverage on this case, e.g. see Financial Times April 21, 27, and their survey at May 2/3
Regulations in the pharmaceutical industry, however, require firms to disclose their
intermediate testing results. The attempted concealment by BB had severe negative
consequences for its chances to get approval from the European Medical Evaluation
Agency (EMEA) to sell developed drugs. In this paper we study the effects of disclosure regulation on firms’ R&D strategies and profits. In particular, we compare firms’
investments and profits under a regime of mandatory disclosure with those under
voluntary disclosure.
A firm’s preannouncement need not only have a strategic effect on the expectations
in the industry, but can also reveal some valuable information about the innovation’s
content to the industry. When knowledge about the contents of the innovation spills
over to rival firms after a preannouncement, this enables rival firms to catch up in
the R&D race, which lowers a firm’s incentive to preannounce its innovation. This
informational catching-up effect is central in most patent design literature (e.g. see
Scotchmer, 1991). Therefore a preannouncing firm faces the following trade-off. On
the one hand the firm creates a strategic advantage by revealing it is a strong R&D
competitor. On the other hand the disadvantage of a preannouncement is that some
of the contents of the innovation spills over to the industry, which makes rival firms
catch up in the R&D race. While the strategic effect gives firms an incentive to
preannounce innovations, the informational catching-up effect encourages concealment
of information. This paper illustrates the effect of this trade-off on the firms’ strategic
disclosure decisions, and on their incentives to invest in R&D.
In the companion paper, i.e. Jansen (2001), the strategic effect of information
disclosure is countervailed by a different informational effect. The companion paper
studies industries in which one firm’s intermediate success gives not only an indication
of this firm’s capabilities of developing the new product, but also of that of its rivals.
That is, firms’ R&D costs are correlated. After an early intermediate success by
one firm, rivals become more optimistic about their opportunities, and increase their
investments to obtain the innovation first. But when favorable information for one firm
also encourages rivals, the firm has an incentive to prevent its rivals from learning this
information. Such an informational effect induces firms to conceal good news about
their R&D cost, and disclose only bad news. Jansen (2001) studies the consequences of
the trade-off between this informational effect and the strategic effect for investments
and profits.
Finally we make a first step in endogenizing the amount of information that firms
have by introducing strategic information acquisition investments in the model.
Related literature: Contests in which firms learn after investing are studied by
e.g. Hendricks and Kovenock (1989), and Choi (1991). These papers assume that
information flows freely between competing firms. We show in this paper whether
full information disclosure is compatible with the firms incentives, and whether it is
desirable for firms.
Recent papers, such as Katsoulacos and Ulph (1998), Gosálbez and Díez (2000),
and Rosenkranz (2001), study information disclosure incentives in research joint ventures. Although these studies provide valuable insights in the incentives for information disclosure by innovative firms, they focus on the effects of cooperation between
firms. We study the incentives to disclose information in a competitive setting, and
focus on the effects of disclosure regulation.
“Vaporware”, i.e. strategic preannouncement of good news and concealment of
bad news, has been analyzed in some papers. One of the first papers to point to the
potential strategic implications of preannouncements is Ordover and Willig (1981). In
a seminal contribution by Farrell and Saloner (1986) the strategic effects of product
preannouncements are mainly driven by consumers’ myopia: consumers only anticipate a new product after the preannouncement of it. Both Levy (1997), and Lopatka
and Page (1995) note that in a signalling setting preannouncements only have strategic effects when false announcements affect rival’s or consumers’ beliefs. Haan (2000)
provides a signalling model of vaporware with intelligent consumers. False preannouncements do not affect consumers’ beliefs and no information is revealed in equilibrium. Our paper assumes partially verifiability of information, and therefore does
not obtain cheap talk equilibria. A recent paper by Gerlach (2000) studies the effects
of preannouncements on industry entry, and social welfare. The paper differs in at
least two respects from ours. First it studies an asymmetric competitive setting in
which a potential entrant tries to gain future consumers’ demand by preannouncing
a new product. Our paper studies a setting in which two firms compete in all stages
of the race. Second, Gerlach’s policy analysis differs from ours, since it compares
mandatory disclosure with full concealment. Although this is an interesting theoretical exercise, in practice preannouncements are hard to forbid, since the information
is most valuable for producers of complementary products (such as hardware and
applications software producers). Our paper compares mandatory and voluntary disclosure. Some empirical support for the emergence of vaporware effects in the Digital
Versatile Disc (DVD) player industry is given in Dranove and Gandal (2001). In our
paper we present the first model that I know of that results in strategic preannounce3
ments among competing innovative firms.
A powerful result in the theory of strategic disclosure of verifiable information is the
“unraveling result”. Seminal contributions by Grossman (1981), Milgrom (1981), Milgrom and Roberts (1986), and Okuno-Fujiwara et al. (1990) study this result. When
it is known that the sender of information is informed, and information is costlessly
verifiable, he cannot do better than disclose his information, given skeptical equilibrium beliefs of the receiver. This result relies on the assumptions that information
is costlessly verifiable and that it is known that the sender is informed. Uncertainty
about whether or not the sender is informed and non-verifiability of uninformedness
disables the unraveling result in most cases. Austen-Smith (1994) shows that when
the receiver is uncertain about the informedness of the sender, the sender can conceal
some of his information in equilibrium. In equilibrium good news is disclosed while
bad news is concealed from the receiver. This argument is generalized and refined by
Shin (1994). Recently Krishnan et al. (1996) provide empirical evidence that firms
partially disclose earnings information to the financial market. We will use a similar framework of uncertain informedness to study strategic disclosure by racing R&D
The incentives to acquire and disclose information have been studied in firmfinancial market (see Verecchia, 1990), buyer-seller (see Shavell, 1994) and lobbyistgovernment (see Lagerlöf, 1997) settings. These papers endogenize the degree of
informedness of the sender, but abstract from competition between senders. Papers
in which firms strategically disclose information under competition are Admati and
Pfleiderer (2000), Dewatripont and Tirole (1999), and Shin (1998). The setup of these
papers, however, is such that senders disclose or conceal information to a third party.
Both Shavell (1994) and Admati and Pfleiderer (2000) are interested in the effects of
disclosure regulation. This is a main theme of this paper too.
Our contribution to the existing literature is twofold. First we study a problem in
which competing firms disclose to each other. Disclosed information affects competition in R&D. And second we endogenize the extent to which firms are uninformed,
by allowing firms to acquire costly information. This means that we endogenize the
costs and benefits of both information acquisition and disclosure. This is the main
contribution of this paper.
The paper is organized as follows. In the next section of this paper we describe
the model. The third section discusses the benchmark of joint-profit-maximizing
investments. Section 4 gives equilibrium R&D investments and profits when firms
are required to disclose their information. We compare the benchmark investments
with the equilibrium investments under mandatory disclosure. Section 5 gives the
equilibrium R&D investments and disclosure choices when firms voluntarily disclose
information, and we compare expected profits under mandated disclosure with those
under voluntary disclosure. After this basic analysis we introduce knowledge spillovers
in the sixth section. In section 7 we endogenize the firms’ informedness by introducing
information acquisition investments. Finally section 8 concludes the paper. All proofs
to the paper’s main propositions are relegated to the Appendix.
The Model
Two firms compete for an innovation. At the beginning of the race each firm does not
know its cost of investment, θi for firm i, with i = 1, 2. Firm i has either low costs of
investment, θi = θ, or high costs of investment, θi = θ, with 0 < θ < θ and i = 1, 2.
The two firms’ costs are identically independently distributed. The prior probability
for firm i to have low R&D cost is p, with 0 < p < 1.
Firm i learns about its cost of investment from a signal, Θi . With probability ri
firm i learns its true cost of investment, Θi = θi . However, with probability 1 − ri
firm i receives an uninformative signal, Θi = ∅. Firm i’s information from nature is
summarized in figure 1.
[r ]
* θ
[1 − p] ©©
θi H
i 1Θ = θ
[1 − r ] PP
[ri ] ³
³1 Θi = θ
P q
[1 − r ] PP
Figure 1: Firm i’s information
Information obtained by firms is verifiable. Only the fact whether or not a firm
is informed is not verifiable. If firm i receives information θi , it can choose to either
disclose or conceal this, i.e. the firm chooses its communication δ i (θi ) from the set
{θi , ∅}. An uninformed firm can only state δ i (∅) = ∅. It therefore suffices to denote
firm i’s disclosure rule as (δ i (θ), δ i (θ)). We denote the realization of rule δ i (.) as δ ∗i ,
with δ ∗i ∈ {δ i (Θi )|Θi ∈ {θ, θ, ∅}}, i.e. δ ∗i is the message from firm i to j, for i, j = 1, 2
and i 6= j.
After signals are received from nature and rivals, each firm invests in R&D by
investing Di ∈ [0, 1], at cost C(Di ; θi ) = 12 θi Di2 with i = 1, 2. Note that firm i’s cost
of investment is increasing in θi . With probability Di firm i invents, with probability
1 − Di it does not invent. In this paper we study a “winner-takes-all” race. A firm
gets payoff W , if it is the only firm that invents. If both firms invent, both firms get
payoff T . If a firm does not invent, it gets no payoff. Naturally, we take W ≥ 2T ≥ 0.
Define ∆ ≡ W − T as the prize difference between winning and tying in the race.
Because T is non-negative and cannot exceed 12 W , we obtain that 12 W ≤ ∆ ≤ W .
For convenience we assume that θ ≥ 3∆, which enables us to focus on interior R&D
investment solutions.
Firms are risk-neutral. Given the cost of investment θi , firm i’s expected R&D
profit is:
π i (D; θi ) = Di (1 − Dj )W + Di Dj T − θi Di2
= Di (W − Dj ∆) − θi Di ,
with D = (Di , Dj ). We solve the game backwards, and restrict the analysis to symmetric, pure strategy equilibria.
Benchmark: Joint-Profit-Maximization
In this section we solve for the joint-profit-maximizing outcome of the race. Note that
for joint profits full disclosure is never worse than any other disclosure rule – firms
can always choose to ignore disclosed information. It is therefore optimal to take
δ i (Θi ) ≡ Θi for i = 1, 2. Firm i’s expected investment cost, θE
i , depends as follows on
its signal:
θ, for Θi = θ
E(θ), for Θi = ∅
θ (Θi ) =
θ, for Θi = θ.
Total expected R&D profit, given signals (Θi , Θj ), is:
( 2
1X E
D` − 2∆Di Dj −
π ` (D; θ` )¯ Θi , Θj = W
θ (Θ` )D`2 .
This gives the following joint-profit-maximizing R&D investment Di for firm i:
θE (Θi )Di = W − 2∆Dj , or
W θE (Θj ) − 2∆
Di (Θi , Θj ) = E
, with i, j = 1, 2, i 6= j.
θ (Θi )θE (Θj ) − 4∆2
Note that it is best to let a more efficient firm i, θE (Θi ) < θE (Θj ), invest relatively
more in R&D. Firm i’s joint-profit-maximizing investments decrease in its expected
costs, θE (Θi ), for any given expected rival’s costs θE (Θj ). And a firm’s investment
increases in its rival’s expected cost of investment, given its own expected costs. Firm
i’s maximum expected R&D profit is as follows:
¢ 1
π i (Θi , Θj ) ≡ Eθ π i (D; θi ) |Θi , Θj = W Di (Θi , Θj ), for i = 1, 2.
The intuitive result that firms’ investments and profits depend on their relative costs
of investment is in contrast with results in companion paper Jansen (2001). Since in
that paper the costs of investment are identical, due to perfect correlation, only the
absolute cost of investment matters.
Mandatory Disclosure
In this section we study the equilibrium in which firms are required to disclose their
information (Θi , Θj ). Such a disclosure regulation could be implemented by the threat
of severe penalties after withholding of information is discovered. Such a regulation is
effectively chosen by the European Medical Evaluation Agency for evaluating medicine
innovations, as argued in the introduction. Observe that the only difference between
the benchmark and this case is that we introduce competition in R&D.
When firms are required to disclose their signals, they base their investment decision on their relative costs of investment. Firm i’s expected profits given firms’ signals
Θ is:
Eθ (π i (D; θi ) |Θi , Θj ) = (W − ∆Dj )Di − θE (Θi )Di2 .
Profit maximization gives the following equilibrium investment and profit:
¡ E
j) − ∆
b i (Θi , Θj ) =
θE (Θi )θE (Θj ) − ∆2
b θi ) |Θi , Θj = 1 θE (Θi )D
b i (Θi , Θj )2 ,
bi (Θi , Θj ) ≡ Eθ π i (D;
6 j. Firm i’s equilibrium investments depend on
respectively, with i, j = 1, 2, i =
expected costs θ (Θi ) and θ (Θj ) in a similar fashion as its joint-profit-maximizing
investments do. Competing firms do not internalize the adverse effect that an increase
in one firm’s investment has on the chance of its rival to win the race. This businessstealing effect causes firms to overinvest in R&D, which is shown in the following
lemma, for i = 1, 2 and i 6= j.
Lemma 1 In the race with mandatory information disclosure both firms overinvest
b i (Θi , Θj ) > Di (Θi , Θj ) for all (Θi , Θj ).
in R&D: D
Voluntary Disclosure
In the previous sections firms were required to disclose their information. In this
section we characterize firms’ equilibrium R&D investments after firms disclose only
good news about their R&D cost, i.e. (δ i (θ), δ i (θ)) = (θ, ∅). A firm that discloses good
news and conceals bad news about its cost of investment discourages its rival to invest
in R&D. Disclosure of only low costs makes a firm’s rival expect strong competition
of the disclosing firms. We call such a disclosure choice vaporware disclosure, and we
show that firms actually choose this disclosure rule in equilibrium.
Equilibrium Investments
We derive the R&D investments under the vaporware disclosure rule, (δ i (θ), δi (θ)) =
(θ, ∅) for i = 1, 2. Firms’ incentives to invest under vaporware are driven by the
strategic effect of information disclosure. First we introduce the following notation:
firm i that received signal Θi , consequently sends message δ ∗i = δ i (Θi ), and received
e i (Θi ; δ ∗i , δ∗j ) in equilibrium. We distinguish three different sitmessage δ ∗j invests D
uations for firms. Either both firms disclose, only one firm discloses, or both firms
conceal information. We discuss firms’ equilibrium investments in these situations
When both firms learn that they have low costs of investment, they disclose
this cost information. They therefore invest as under mandatory disclosure, i.e.
e i (θ; θ, θ) = D
b i (θ, θ).
The second case is one in which firm i discloses low costs, while firm j discloses
no information: (δ∗i , δ ∗j ) = (θ, ∅). In that case firm j could either be a high-cost firm,
or an uninformed firm. Given vaporware disclosure, firm i assigns probability qj to
facing an informed firm j, with
qj ≡
rj (1 − p)
1 − rj p
and maximizes its expected profits. This gives firm i’s first-order condition:
θDi = W − ∆ qj Dj (θ) + (1 − qj )Dj (∅) .
Firm j has complete information about its rival’s costs, and its investments are determined by the following first-order conditions:
E(θ)Dj (∅) = W − ∆Di and θDj (θ) = W − ∆Di .
Note that E(θ)Dj (∅) = θDj (θ). When we substitute this in firm i’s first-order condition, and define β j as:
β j ≡ qj E(θ) + (1 − qj )θ,
we easily derive the following equilibrium R&D investments:
E(θ)θ − β j ∆ W
e i (θ; θ, ∅) =
, and
θE(θ)θ − β j ∆2
e j (Θj ; ∅, θ) =
θE(θ)(θ − ∆)W
¢, for Θj ∈ {θ, ∅}.
θ (Θj ) θE(θ)θ − β j ∆2
Note that firm j invests less if it received bad news, and firm j always invests less
than firm i in this equilibrium. After information (θ, ∅) is disclosed, firms know that
firm i has lower expected marginal costs of investment than firm j. This encourages
firm i, and discourages firm j to invest in R&D.
e i (θ; θ, ∅) is increasing in
Since β j is decreasing in rj , it is easily verified that D
e j (∅; ∅, θ) and D
e j (θ; ∅, θ) are decreasing in rj . When firm j’s signal
rj , while both D
precision rj increases and firm j sends an uninformative signal, firm i puts more weight
on competing with a high-cost firm j. This encourages firm i, and discourages firm j
in the R&D stage of the race. In particular, when firm j is expected to be uninformed,
b j (∅, θ), respectively.
b i (θ, ∅) and D
rj = 0, firms invest their full disclosure amounts D
b i (θ, θ)
If firm j is expected to be fully informed, rj = 1, firms invest in equilibrium D
b j (θ, θ), respectively. For signal precisions strictly between zero and one, firm
and D
b i (θ, ∅) <
i invests strictly between these mandated disclosure investment levels: D
b i (θ, θ) for 0 < rj < 1. For 0 < rj < 1, informed firm j invests more
e i (θ; θ, ∅) < D
e j (θ; ∅, θ) > D
b j (θ, θ), while uninformed firm j invests
under vaporware disclosure, D
e j (∅; ∅, θ) < D
b j (∅, θ). Under vaporware disclosure informed firm j pools with
less, D
its uninformed counterpart, which discourages firm i’s investments, and consequently
encourages firm j to invest. When firm j is actually uninformed and pools with its
high cost counterpart, this encourages its rival and discourages firm j to invest in
Finally we consider the case in which both firms disclose no information: (δ ∗i , δ ∗j ) =
(∅, ∅). This gives the following first-order conditions (for Θi ∈ {θ, ∅} and i, j = 1, 2,
with i 6= j):
θE (Θi )Di (Θi ) = W − ∆ qj Dj (θ) + (1 − qj )Dj (∅) .
Again, this gives E(θ)Dj (∅) = θDj (θ), and equilibrium investments:
e i (Θi ; ∅, ∅) =
´ , for Θi ∈ {θ, ∅}.
θ (Θi ) E(θ) θ − β i β j ∆
e i (θ; ∅, ∅) < D
e i (∅; ∅, ∅). An uninformed firm is
for i = 1, 2, and i 6= j. Note that D
more optimistic about its costs, and therefore invests more in equilibrium.
When firm j’s signal precision rj increases, it becomes more likely that concealing firm j actually received bad news. This encourages firm i to invest in R&D.
Therefore firm i’s investments are increasing in rj . Conversely firm j’s R&D investments decrease in response to firm i’s increased investments. If firms are equally
likely to be informed, i.e. ri = r for i = 1, 2, and likelihood r increases, the direct
positive effect dominates the negative effect, and consequently investments increase.
b i (Θi , ∅) ≤ D
e i (Θi ; ∅, ∅) ≤ D
b i (Θi , θ) for Θi ∈ {∅, θ}, with
It is intuitive that: D
e i (θ; ∅, ∅) = D
b i (∅, ∅) for ri = rj = 0, and D
b i (θ, θ) for ri = rj = 1.
e i (∅; ∅, ∅) = D
Firm i’s expected equilibrium R&D profits, given disclosed information (δ i (Θi ), δ ∗j )
and equilibrium beliefs, are:
e i (Θi ; δ i (Θi ), δ ∗j )2 ,
ei (Θi ; δ i (Θi ), δ ∗j ) = θE (Θi )D
for i, j = 1, 2 and i 6= j.
We summarize the findings of this subsection in the following lemma:
6 j.
Lemma 2 Take (δ i (θ), δi (θ)) = (θ, ∅), ri = rj = r and i = 1, 2, i =
(i) For 0 < r < 1, equilibrium R&D investments have the following properties:
e i (θ; ∅, θ) < D
e i (∅; ∅, θ) < D
e i (θ; θ, θ) < D
e i (θ; θ, ∅), and
(i.a) D
e i (θ; ∅, θ) < D
e i (θ; ∅, ∅) < D
e i (∅; ∅, ∅) < D
e i (θ; θ, ∅);
e i (Θi ; δ i (Θi ), θ)/∂r < 0 for Θi ∈ {∅, θ}, and
(i.b) ∂ D
e i (Θi ; δ i (Θi ), ∅)/∂r > 0 for Θi ∈ {θ, ∅, θ};
(ii) R&D investments under mandatory and vaporware disclosure compare as follows:
b i (Θi , θ), for Θi ∈ {θ, ∅, θ},
e i (Θi ; e
b i (Θi , ∅) ≤ D
δ i (Θi ), ∅) ≤ D
(ii.a) D
e i (θ; θ, θ) = D
b i (∅, θ), and D
b i (θ, θ);
b i (θ, θ), D
e i (∅; ∅, θ) ≤ D
e i (θ; ∅, θ) ≥ D
b i (∅, ∅)
e i (∅; ∅, ∅) = D
(ii.b) For r = 0: D
b i (Θi , Θj ) with Θi , Θj ∈ {θ, θ},
e i (Θi ; δi (Θi ), δ j (Θj )) = D
for r = 1: D
b (θ, Θj ) with Θj ∈ {θ, θ}.
e i (∅; ∅, δ j (Θj )) =
E(θ) i
Disclosure Equilibrium
In the previous subsection we characterized equilibrium R&D investments under the
vaporware disclosure rule. This section shows that the vaporware rule is indeed chosen
in equilibrium.
First we show that other pure-strategy disclosure rules are not chosen by both
firms in equilibrium (see Appendix).
Lemma 3 Under voluntary disclosure equilibria do not exist in which:
(i) Both firms disclose all information: (δ i (θ), δ i (θ)) = (θ, θ), for i = 1, 2;
(ii) Both firms conceal all information: (δ i (θ), δ i (θ)) = (∅, ∅), for i = 1, 2;
There is no equilibrium in which both firms completely disclose their information.
If a firm’s rival expects that all information is disclosed, the firm can discourage
its rival to invest in R&D by unilaterally concealing high cost information. There
is no equilibrium in which both firms fully conceal their information. An informed
efficient firm creates a strategic advantage in the R&D stage of the race by unilaterally
disclosing its cost of investment. Given these disclosure incentives it is intuitive that
the following proposition holds.
Proposition 1 In any symmetric pure-strategy equilibrium with voluntary disclosure
firms disclose low cost information, while they conceal high costs: (e
δ i (θ), e
δ i (θ)) =
(θ, ∅), for i = 1, 2.
Note that the equilibrium disclosure rule is the opposite of the equilibrium rule for
the model with perfect positive correlation between costs of investment, as in Jansen
(2001). In that paper the strategic effect of information disclosure is generically dominated by an informational effect. With independently distributed costs of investment
this informational effect of disclosure disappears, and results are completely driven
by the strategic effect of disclosure. By preannouncing good news about your costs
of investment, you disclose yourself as a tough competitor in the R&D stage of the
game. This discourages your rival’s investments. And since there is only one effect
that drives this result, it holds for all parameter values.
Overall Profit Comparison
In this section we compare expected profits under mandatory disclosure with those
under voluntary disclosure. Firm i’s expected profit under mandatory disclosure is as
b i (ri , rj ) ≡ EΘ prj π
bi (Θi , θ) + (1 − qj )b
π i (Θi , ∅) . (5.10)
bi (Θi , θ) + (1 − prj ) qj π
Under mandatory disclosure firms evaluate the expected profit of disclosed costs.
Conversely under vaporware disclosure firms evaluate the profit of expected costs. In
particular firm i’s expected profit under vaporware disclosure is as follows:
e i (ri , rj ) ≡ EΘ prj π
Since the firms’ profit functions are convex in their cost signals, they prefer the expected profit of disclosed signals over the profit of expected signals. We state this
formally in the following proposition.
Proposition 2 Firms that fully disclose their information expect higher profits than
b i (ri , rj ) ≥ Π
e i (ri , rj ) for all (ri , rj ).
firms that choose vaporware disclosure strategies: Π
Although firms have interim incentives to conceal bad news, ex ante they have an
incentive to commit to full information disclosure. Disclosure regulation would help
the firms to achieve higher ex ante expected profits.
Knowledge Spillovers
Not only information about the rival’s costs of investment is relevant for a firm,
but also the contents of the rival’s R&D technology becomes valuable. When firm i
discovers that it has low costs of investment while firm j has high costs, firm j would
like to imitate its rival’s R&D technology, and benefit from efficient R&D technology.
To model this effect we assume that an exogenous fraction κ ∈ [0, 1] of an efficient
firm’s knowledge spills over to the rival after disclosure. When a firm’s rival discloses
low costs, the firm can benefit from the knowledge spillover. Naturally, whenever firm
i does not disclose a low cost signal, no knowledge spills over to firm j. Firm i’s
expected R&D cost after observing signals (Θi , δ ∗j ) is therefore:
(Θi , δ ∗j )
κθ + (1 − κ)θE (Θi ), for δ ∗j = θ,
θE (Θi ), otherwise.
Note that the case of no spillover, κ = 0, corresponds to the study of previous sections.
The case of full spillover, κ = 1, under required disclosure effectively gives perfect
positive correlation with Pr[θi = θj = θ] = 1− (1 −p)2 , and Pr[θi = θj = θ] = (1 − p)2 .
In companion paper Jansen (2001), where R&D costs are perfectly positively correlated, knowledge spillovers are not relevant. Since firms have identical costs of
investment, information disclosure does not enable firms to catch up.
R&D Investments with Knowledge Spillovers
First we study the effects that knowledge spillovers have on the R&D investment
strategies of the previous sections. That is, we take the disclosure rules of previous
sections as given, and focus on R&D. In the next subsection we find conditions under
which these disclosure strategies are still employed in equilibrium, and what other
disclosure equilibrium may emerge.
The joint-profit-maximizing outcome and the equilibrium investments under mandatory disclosure are similar to those without knowledge spillovers, with θE (Θi ) and
θE (Θj ) replaced by θκ (Θi , Θj ) and θκ (Θj , Θi ), respectively.
The equilibrium R&D investments under vaporware disclosure only differ from
those in the previous section after firms send message combination (δ ∗i , δ ∗j ) = (θ, ∅).
e iκ (θ; θ, ∅) and D
e jκ (Θj ; ∅, θ) are as in exIn that case the equilibrium investments D
pressions (5.5) and (5.6), with E(θ), θ, and β j replaced by θκ (∅, θ), θκ (θ, θ), and β κj ,
respectively, where β κj ≡ κθ + (1 − κ)β j .
The more knowledge spills over from an efficient firm to its rival, the more aggressive the efficient firm’s rival becomes, and therefore the lower its incentive to
invest in R&D. The firm that receives the knowledge increases its R&D productivity,
and has therefore a bigger incentive to invest in R&D. The more the receiving firm’s
productivity increases, the bigger this firm’s investment incentives.
Given the effects of an increase in spillover on the R&D investments, we can study
the overall effect of an increase in spillover on expected equilibrium profits. On the
one hand, the more knowledge spills over to firm i from its rival, the higher firm
i’s expected profit. It is therefore immediate that if firm i is always uninformed
(ri = 0), then its expected equilibrium profit increases in the knowledge spillover. On
the other hand, if the amount of knowledge that spills over from firm i to its rival
increases, this decreases firm i’s expected profit. It is therefore immediate that if firm
i’s rival is uninformed (rj = 0), i.e. information can only spill over from firm i to its
rival, then firm i’s expected equilibrium profit decreases in the knowledge spillover.
For symmetric distributions of information among firms (ri = rj ) the firms face a
more subtle trade-off between these two opposing spillover effects. We show in the
proposition below that in this case the positive effect on expected profits outweighs
the negative effect.
Proposition 3 (i) For Θ 6= (θ, θ), and given disclosure rules of the previous sections,
equilibrium investments of an efficient (resp. inefficient or uninformed) firm decrease
(resp. increase) in the size of spillover κ:
b iκ (θ, Θj )/∂κ < 0 and ∂ D
e iκ (θ; θ, ∅)/∂κ < 0 for Θj ∈ {θ, ∅}, and
b iκ (Θi , θ)/∂κ > 0 and ∂ D
e iκ (Θi ; ∅, θ)/∂κ > 0, for Θi ∈ {θ, ∅}.
(ii) If ri = rj = r, then expected equilibrium profits increase in knowledge spillover κ:
b κi (r, r)/∂κ > 0, and ∂ Π
e κi (r, r)/∂κ > 0.
It follows from part (ii) of the proposition that under mandatory disclosure firms
expect to benefit if they commit ex ante to share information on the contents of their
R&D technology. Under voluntary disclosure firms have similar incentives, provided
that firms choose vaporware disclosure rules. However the firms’ incentives to disclose
low costs of investment decreases in the knowledge spillover. In the next subsection we
study how equilibrium information disclosure rules depend on knowledge spillovers.
Disclosure with Knowledge Spillovers
The previous subsection took vaporware disclosure strategies as given. Now we study
when firms do employ such strategies, and we find what other equilibrium may emerge.
Concerning the effect of knowledge spillovers on the firms’ incentives to disclose
information, we make two observations. First, an informed inefficient firm never has
an incentive to disclose that it is inefficient. After the firm discloses bad news its
rival only updates his beliefs on the disclosing firm, while his own cost expectation
remains unchanged. Second, the disclosure incentives of an informed efficient firm
depends on the size of the knowledge spillover κ. If only little knowledge spills over
after disclosure, efficient firms disclose their low costs in equilibrium. The positive
strategic effect of disclosure outweighs the negative spillover effect in this case. An
informed efficient firm typically has an incentive to conceal its information, if too
much knowledge spills over to its rival. For high enough κ the strategic effect of
disclosure is outweighed by the spillover effect in most cases. Before we prove this in
a proposition, we define the following parameter:
αi ≡ ri pE(θ)θ + ri (1 − p)θE(θ) + (1 − ri )θθ,
and we introduce the following condition:
αi > αj − E(θ)θ − αj θE(θ)θ − αj ∆ /αj ∆.
Proposition 4 (i) There is a critical spillover κ∗ ∈ (0, 1) such that an equilibrium
exists in which both firms preannounce iff κ ≤ κ∗ .
(ii) If for all i, j = 1, 2 (i 6= j) condition C.1 holds, then there is a critical spillover
κo ∈ (0, 1) such that an equilibrium exists in which both firms fully conceal iff κ > κo .
Notice that condition C.1 is satisfied for both firms if firms receive information with
equal probability, i.e. ri = rj . For sufficiently asymmetric precisions of information,
one of the firms has an incentive to unilaterally disclose low R&D costs. In particular,
if ri = ε, rj = 1 − ε, and p = 1 − ε with ε > 0 sufficiently small, firm i may have
an incentive to disclose its low R&D cost even if all knowledge spills over to its rival
after disclosure (κ = 1). If rj and p are high, firm i expects to face an informed rival
with low R&D costs. Therefore the knowledge that spills over from firm i’s disclosure
of low cost is expected to have little effect on firm j’s efficiency. But firm i’s low-cost
disclosure has a substantial effect on its rival’s beliefs. If ri is low, firm j expects that
firm i is uninformed, and therefore (if θ − θ is sufficiently big) a relatively weak R&D
investor. By disclosing its cost of investment, firm i surprises its rival, and makes him
realize that firm i will be an “aggressive” investor in the R&D stage of the game.
From propositions 3 (ii) and 4 we conclude that the expected profits under voluntary disclosure initially increase in the knowledge spillover (for κ ≤ κ∗ ), and subsequently remains constant (for κ > κo ). Under mandatory disclosure expected profits
increase in the knowledge spillover for all κ.
Endogenous Information Acquisition
Disclosure regulation does not only affect the investment incentives after disclosure,
but also has an impact on the incentives to acquire information. In this section
we endogenize the firms’ signal precisions (ri , rj ). Firm i invests Ri ∈ [0, 1] at cost
of investment 12 ρRi2 , where investment Ri is not observable and ρ > 0. Expected
information acquisition investments are denoted as (ri , rj ).
¥ Joint-Profit-Maximizing Investments: In this subsection we determine the
information acquisition investments that maximize total expected profits, given jointprofit-maximizing R&D investments. Firm i’s expected profit, given joint-profitmaximizing R&D investments, is:
Πi (Ri , Rj ) = Ri Rj Eθj (Eθi [π i (θi , θj )]) + (1 − Rj )Eθi [π i (θi , ∅)] +
+(1 − Ri ) Rj Eθj (πi (∅, θj )) + (1 − Rj )π i (∅, ∅) ,
for i, j = 1, 2 and i 6= j. Define the industry’s value of information given signal Θj as
µ 2
Ψ(Θj ) ≡ Eθi
π` (θi , Θj ) −
π ` (∅, Θj ), for Θj ∈ {θ, θ, ∅}.
It is easy to verify that `=1 π ` (Θ) is convex in θE (Θi ) for any θE (Θj ), and hence
P ¡
Ψ(Θj ) > 0 for all Θj . Maximization of total expected profits, 2`=1 Π` (R) − ρ2 R`2 ,
with respect to information acquisition investment Ri gives the following first-order
ρRi = Rj Eθj Ψ(θj ) + (1 − Rj )Ψ(∅).
Since Ψ(Θj ) > 0 for all Θj , the joint-profit-maximizing information acquisition investments are non-negative, Ri > 0.
¥ Mandatory disclosure: In the information acquisition stage each firm maximizes
b j ). Firm i’s
bi, D
expected profits, given anticipated equilibrium R&D investments, (D
b i (Ri , Rj ), is as Πi (Ri , Rj ) with
expected profit, given equilibrium R&D investments, Π
π i (Θ) replaced by π
bi (Θ). Define firm i’s revenue of information acquisition given its
rival’s signal Θj as follows:
b j ) ≡ Eθi {b
bi (∅, Θj ).
π i (θi , Θj )} − π
bi (Θ) is convex in θE
Since π
i (Θ), it is immediate that Ψ(Θj ) > 0 for all Θj . Maximizing
b i (Ri , Rj ) towards Ri gives first-order condition:
ρRi = Rj Eθj Ψ(θj ) + (1 − Rj )Ψ(∅),
bi > 0, for i = 1, 2. In order to obtain an
for i, j = 1, 2, i 6= j. It is immediate that R
interior solution of this system of equations for Ri , we have to put a lower-bound on
cost parameter ρ.
When we compare joint-profit-maximizing information acquisition investments
with equilibrium investments under mandatory disclosure, we obtain that firms overinvest under mandatory disclosure.
Proposition 5 Under full information disclosure firms overinvest in information acbi ≥ Ri . This inequality is strict for interior equilibrium information acquisition, R
quisition investments.
The proposition gives a result that is opposite to that under perfect positive correlation. As shown in Jansen (2001), firms with perfectly positively correlated costs of
investment always underinvest in information acquisition. If the costs are identically
independently distributed, firms can no longer free-ride on investments of their rival,
and consequently their incentives to acquire information increase.
¥ Voluntary disclosure: Before the firms choose their disclosure rules, they invest
in information acquisition. We define firm i’s expected value of information given
disclosed information δ ∗j as follows:
ei (∅; ∅, δ ∗j ), with δ ∗j ∈ {θ, ∅}.
ei (θi ; δ i (θi ), δ j ) − π
Ψ(δ j ) ≡ Eθi π
Firm i’s first-order condition of maximizing expected profit toward Ri is:
ρRi = pRj Ψ(θ)
+ (1 − pRj )Ψ(∅).
ei , that results from these first-order
The information acquisition investment, R
conditions is the equilibrium investment. For the comparison between information
acquisition investments under mandatory and vaporware disclosure, we need to compare the marginal revenues of information acquisition. We can rewrite the first-order
condition of information acquisition under mandatory disclosure, expression (7.5), as
ρRi = pRj Ψ(θ)
+ (1 − pRj ) Qj Ψ(θ)
+ (1 − Qj )Ψ(∅)
with Qj ≡ 1−pRjj . A comparison of the terms in the right-hand-sides of expressions
(7.7) and (7.8) gives the following. If firm j receives good news, Θj = θ, then firm
i expects under voluntary disclosure relatively higher profit from being informed,
> Ψ(θ).
and lower from remaining uninformed, i.e. Ψ(θ)
This gives it a higher
incentive to acquire information under vaporware disclosure. When firm j does not
voluntarily disclose information, δ∗j = ∅, firm i faces the following trade-off. If firm i
would acquire low or no cost information, Θi ∈ {θ, ∅}, it would be better off under
mandatory disclosure. The first observation gives the firm a lower incentive to acquire
information, while the second gives the firm a higher incentive to acquire information
under voluntary disclosure. If firm i would acquire bad news, Θi = θ, its equilibrium
R&D profit under voluntary disclosure would exceed the expected equilibrium profit
under mandatory disclosure. This increases the firm’s incentive to acquire information
under voluntary disclosure. The relative disincentive of information acquisition under
b +
> Qj Ψ(θ)
voluntary disclosure is outweighed by the two extra incentives, i.e. Ψ(∅)
(1 − Qj )Ψ(∅),
if the difference between high and low cost is not too big. We prove
this in the following proposition:
Proposition 6 For any p, W , ∆ and θ there is an ε > 0, such that if θ ≤ θ +
ε, firms’ equilibrium information acquisition investments under voluntary disclosure
ei ≥ R
bi for i = 1, 2. This holds with
exceed those under mandatory disclosure, i.e. R
strict inequality for interior equilibrium information acquisition investments.
¥ Overall Profit Comparison: In the model with endogenous information acquisition investments the overall profit comparison should compare expected equilibrium
e i (R
b i (R
bi , R
bj )− 1 ρR
bi2 with Π
ei , R
ej )− 1 ρR
ei2 . This profit comparison is not obvious
profit Π
for all parameter values. On the one hand, it follows from proposition 2 that for given
(ri , rj ) firms expect a higher equilibrium profit under mandatory disclosure than under
b i (R
ei , R
ej ) > Π
e i (R
ei , R
ej ). On
ei we obtain Π
voluntary disclosure. In particular, for ri = R
the other hand, proposition 6 establishes that in many cases firms acquire less information acquisition under mandatory disclosure than under voluntary disclosure, i.e.
bi < R
ei . Moreover, each firm’s expected equilibrium profit under mandatory discloR
b i (R, R)/dR > 0
sure increases in the firms’ information acquisition investments, i.e. dΠ
bi , R
bj ) < Π
b i (R
ei , R
ej ) for many parameter values. These
b i (R
(see Appendix). Therefore Π
b i (R
e i (R
bi , R
bj ) and Π
ei , R
ej ) nontwo observations make the overall comparison between Π
obvious in many cases. The choice for mandatory disclosure then depends on the
trade-off between higher expected profits for given information acquisition investments, and lower incentives to acquire information. Observe that this trade-off is
similar to that in companion paper Jansen (2001).
Naturally if there are parameter values that do not result in more information acbi ≥ R
ei , then we immediately obtain that overall
quisition under voluntary disclosure, R
b i (R
bi , R
bj ) ≥
expected R&D profits are highest under mandatory disclosure, since: Π
ei , R
ej ) > Π
e i (R
ei , R
ej ). In that case, provided that the costs of information acquisib i (R
tion do not differ greatly, firms would be better off under mandatory disclosure.
In this paper we developed a theory of information acquisition, strategic disclosure and
R&D in a competitive setting. We have seen that disclosure regulation substantially
affects firms’ investments, both in information acquisition as well as in R&D. And
finally, by comparing this paper’s analysis with Jansen (2001), we have shown that
correlation between the costs of R&D investment affect equilibrium disclosure and
investments dramatically.
We have given a model in which vaporware emerges in equilibrium. We have seen
that Microsoft’s alleged strategic preannouncements, and British Biotech’s attempted
concealment can be explained in a dynamic, strategic setting of incomplete information. Furthermore we have been able to explain how firm’s investments and profits
are affected in the different regimes. In particular, firms expect higher profits for
given information acquisition investments under mandatory disclosure, but they may
acquire less information.
The paper assumes a “winner-take-all” race setting. It would be interesting to
study the effects of introducing patents and licensing in this model. This could correct
some of the equilibrium inefficiencies. A natural next step would be to study how
results change for intermediate degrees of correlations. For intermediate degrees of
correlation we would expect a more subtle trade-off between the informational and
strategic effect of information disclosure. These extensions of the basic analysis await
future research.
This Appendix contains proofs to the main propositions of this paper.
R&D Investments
The proofs of lemma 1 and 2 are straightforward.
Voluntary Disclosure
We prove lemma 3 and propositions 1 and 2, respectively.
Proof of Lemma 3
(i) Suppose full disclosure is chosen in equilibrium. Then firm j’s R&D investments
b j (Θj , δ ∗i ) for δ∗i , Θj ∈ {θ, θ, ∅}. Given that firm j fully discloses its information
are D
Θj and holds beliefs consistent with full disclosure, an informed and inefficient firm i
expects the following profit from disclosure:
1 b
bi (θ, Θj ) = θD
i (θ, Θj ) = θ
¢ !2
θE (Θj ) − ∆ W
θθE (Θj ) − ∆2
b j (Θj , ∅), and firm i’s best response to this
After firm i conceals θ its rival invests D
investment is as follows:
¡ E
b j (Θj , ∅)∆ ⇔ Di = ¡
θDi = W − D
θ E(θ)θ (Θj ) − ∆2
Concealment of high costs gives firm i an expected profit of 12 θDi2 . This profit exceeds
the full disclosure profit, since for all Θj ∈ {θ, θ, ∅}:
Di =
E(θ) θE (Θj ) − ∆ W
θE(θ)θE (Θj ) − θ∆2
E(θ) θE (Θj ) − ∆ W
θE(θ)θE (Θj ) − E(θ)∆2
b i (θ, Θj ),
(ii) Suppose full concealment is an equilibrium strategy for firms. Under full concealment the firms’ equilibrium R&D investments Do (.) are determined by the following
first-order conditions (for Θi ∈ {θ, θ, ∅}):
θE (Θi )Dio (Θi ) = W − rj pDjo (θ) + rj (1 − p)Djo (θ) + (1 − rj )Djo (∅) ∆.
This results in the following equilibrium R&D investments:
Dio (Θi ) =
θE (Θi ) θ2 E(θ)2 θ − αi αj ∆2
with αi as defined in expression (6.2). Firm i’s equilibrium profit under full concealment equals:
EΘi {π oi (Θi ; ∅, ∅)} = θE (Θi )Dio (Θi )2 .
Consider firm i’s incentive to unilaterally disclose low R&D costs. After firm i’s
disclosure the firms’ R&D investments are determined by the following first-order
θDi = W − rj pDj (θ) + rj (1 − p)Dj (θ) + (1 − rj )Dj (∅) ∆,
and θE (Θj )Dj (Θj ) = W − Di ∆, for Θj ∈ {θ, θ, ∅}.
which results in the following equilibrium R&D investment and profit for firm i:
θE(θ)θ − αj ∆ W
Di =
, and π i = θDi2 , respectively.
θ E(θ)θ − αj ∆
Clearly unilateral disclosure of low costs is profitable, since Di > Dio (θ). This completes the proof.¤
Proof of Proposition 1
Firm i’s expected profits under vaporware disclosure are as follows:
Eδ∗j π
π i (Θi ; e
δ i (Θi ), ∅),
ei (Θi ; e
δ i (Θi ), δ ∗j ) = prj π
ei (Θi ; e
δ i (Θi ), θ) + (1 − prj )e
for Θi ∈ {θ, θ, ∅} and i = 1, 2. Distinguish two unilateral deviations from the vaporware disclosure equilibrium.
First, consider firm i with Θi = θ. If it unilaterally chooses to disclose its costs, it
receives expected profits:
ª 1 ³
b i (θ, θ)2 + (1 − prj )Diθ (θ; θ, ∅)2 ,
Eδ∗j π i (θ; θ, δ ∗j ) = θ prj D
where Diθ (θ; θ, ∅) solves:
θDi = W − ∆ qj Dj (θ) + (1 − qj )Dj (∅) ,
θE (Θj )Dj (Θj ) = W − ∆Di , for Θj ∈ {θ, ∅},
and is therefore
Diθ (θ; θ, ∅) = ³
E(θ)θ − β j ∆2
e i (θ; ∅, ∅) > Diθ (θ; θ, ∅).
e i (θ; ∅, θ) > D
b i (θ, θ) and D
It is straightforward to verify that D
ei (θ; ∅, δ ∗j ) > Eδ∗j π i (θ; θ, δ ∗j ) .
And, therefore, Eδ∗j π
Secondly, a θ-firm i should not have an incentive to conceal its costs. Expected
e i (θ; ∅, δ ∗j ), with δ ∗j ∈
profit from concealment is maximized for θDi (θ; ∅, δ ∗j ) = θD
{θ, ∅}. This gives expected deviation profit of:
ª θ2 ³
e i (θ; ∅, ∅)2 .
e i (θ; ∅, θ)2 + (1 − prj )D
Eδ∗j πi (θ; ∅, δ j ) =
prj D
e i (θ; θ, θ) − θD
e i (θ; ∅, θ) equals:
The deviation for θ-firm i is unprofitable because θD
θ (θE(θ) − (1 − qj )∆2 ) − E(θ) θ2 − (1 − qj )∆2 (θ − ∆)W
> 0,
(θ − ∆2 ) θE(θ)θ − β j ∆2
e i (θ; ∅, ∅) equals:
e i (θ; θ, ∅) − θD
and θD
β j ∆2 E(θ)θ − β i θ E(θ)θ − β j ∆ W
´ > 0.
θE(θ)θ − β j ∆2 E(θ)2 θ − β i β j ∆2
ei (θ; θ, δ ∗j ) > Eδ∗j π i (θ; ∅, δ ∗j ) . This completes the proof.¤
Hence Eδ∗j π
Proof of Proposition 2
Define stochastic variable xi ∈ {E(θ), θ}, with Pr[xi = E(θ)] = 1 − Pr[xi = θ] = qi .
Observe that E(xi ) = qi E(θ) + (1 − qi )θ = β i . Now rewrite firm i’s expected profit
under voluntary disclosure as follows:
e i (ri , rj ) = pri [prj π
bi (θ, θ) + (1 − prj )e
π i (θ; θ, ∅)] +
ei (θ; ∅, θ) + (1 − qi )e
π i (∅; ∅, θ)
+prj (1 − pri ) qi π
π i (∅; ∅, ∅) (A.18)
ei (θ; ∅, ∅) + (1 − qi )e
+(1 − prj )(1 − pri ) qi π
= pri θ prj
+ (1 − prj )
(θ + ∆)2
E(θ)θ − β j ∆
θE(θ)θ − β j ∆2
β i (E(θ)θ − β j ∆) W 2
β i (θ − ∆)
+(1 − pri )E(θ)θ prj £
¤2 + (1 − prj ) ³
θE(θ)θ − β i ∆2
E(θ)2 θ − β i β j ∆2
Rewrite firm i’s expected profit under mandatory disclosure as follows:
b i (ri , rj ) ≡ pri prj π
bi (θ, θ) + (1 − prj ) qj π
bi (θ, θ) + (1 − qj )b
π i (θ, ∅)
bi (θ, θ) + (1 − qi )b
+(1 − pri )prj qi π
π i (∅, θ)
π i (θ, ∅)
(1 − pri )(1 − prj )qi qj π
bi (θ, θ) + (1 − qj )b
bi (∅, θ) + (1 − qj )b
πi (∅, ∅) (A.20)
+(1 − pri )(1 − prj )(1 − qi ) qj π
¶2 )# 2
E(θ)θ − xj ∆
+ (1 − prj )Exj
= pri θ prj
(θ + ∆)
θE(θ)θ − xj ∆2
xi (θ − ∆)2
+(1 − pri )E(θ)θ prj Exi ¡
¢2 +
θE(θ)θ − xi ∆2
x E(θ)θ − x ∆
W 2
+(1 − prj )Exi Exj ³
E(θ)2 θ2 − xi xj ∆2
Since function F1 (y) ≡
is convex in y for all y > 0 and θ ≥ 3∆, we
obtain: Exj {F1 (xj )} > F1 (β j ). Function F2 (z) ≡
2 is convex in z for all
(θE(θ)θ−z∆2 )
z > 0, and therefore: Exi {F2 (xi )} > F2 (β i ). Finally define the following function:
y E(θ)θ − z∆
F0 (y, z) ≡ ³
´2 .
E(θ)2 θ − yz∆2
It is straightforward to show that for all y, z ∈ [E(θ), θ] and θ ≥ 3∆: F0 is convex
in z (i.e. ∂ 2 F0 (y, z)/∂z 2 > 0). We therefore obtain that: Exi Exj {F0 (xi , xj )} >
Exi F0 (xi , β j ) . Furthermore F0 is clearly convex in y (∂ 2 F0 (y, z)/∂y 2 > 0) for all
y, z ∈ [E(θ), θ], and therefore: Exi F0 (xi , β j ) > F0 (β i , β j ). From these inequalities
b i (ri , rj ) ≥
and the inspection of the expected profit functions we conclude that Π
e i (ri , rj ) for all (ri , rj ), which completes the proof.¤
Knowledge Spillovers
In this part of the Appendix we prove propositions 3 and 4, respectively.
Proof of Proposition 3
(i) The proof is straightforward.
(ii) Under mandated disclosure the first derivative of firm i’s expected profit with
respect to the knowledge spillover equals the following (if ri = rj = r):
µ κ
πκi (θ, θ) ∂b
π i (θ, ∅) ∂b
π κi (θ, θ)
π κi (∅, θ)
+ pr(1 − r)
£ κ
(θ − θ)(θ − ∆) θθ (θ, θ)(θ − 3∆) + (3θ − ∆)∆2
= pr(1 − p)r
2 θθκ (θ, θ) − ∆2
(E(θ) − θ)(θ − ∆) [θθκ (∅, θ)(θ − 3∆) + (3θ − ∆)∆2 ]
pr(1 − r)
> 0, (A.23)
2 (θθκ (∅, θ) − ∆2 )
b κi (r, r)
= pr(1 − p)r
for all θ ≥ 3∆. Under voluntary disclosure we obtain the following for ri = rj = r
and q ≡ (1−p)r
· κ
e κi (r, r)
π i (θ; θ, ∅)
π κi (θ; ∅, θ)
π κi (∅; ∅, θ)
= pr(1 − pr)
+ q
+ (1 − q)
à £
θ θκ (∅, θ)θκ (θ, θ) − β κ ∆
= pr(1 − pr)
£ κ
¤2 +
θθ (∅, θ)θκ (θ, θ) − β κ ∆2
1 κ κ
+pr(1 − pr)
£ κ
θθ (∅, θ)θκ (θ, θ) − β κ ∆2
£ κ
θθ (∅, θ)θκ (θ, θ)(θ − 3∆) + β κ (3θ − ∆)∆2 L(κ)(θ − ∆)
= pr(1 − rp)
2 θθκ (∅, θ)θκ (θ, θ) − β κ ∆2
L(κ) ≡ θ(E(θ)θ + θβ) + (E(θ) − θ)(θ − θ) (1 − κ)2 β − κ2 θ
≥ θ (E(θ)θ + θβ) − (E(θ) − θ)(θ − θ) = θ E(θ) + β + θ − θ > 0.
e κi (r, r)/∂κ > 0, for all θ ≥ 3∆, which completes the proof.¤
Hence ∂ Π
Proof of Proposition 4
(i) We distinguish two deviations from the vaporware disclosure equilibrium. First
consider firm i with high R&D cost. As in the proof of proposition 1, we can show that
this firm does not have an incentive to disclose its cost. We obtain this result simply
e i (θ; ∅, θ) and D
b i (θ, θ) with D
e iκ (θ; ∅, θ) and D
b iκ (θ, θ), respectively, in the
by replacing D
b iκ (θ, θ) for
e iκ (θ; ∅, θ) > D
first part of the proof of proposition 1, and by verifying that D
all κ. Second consider the incentives of firm i to conceal low R&D cost, given beliefs
consistent with vaporware disclosure. The expressions are similar to the expressions
in the second part of the proof of proposition 1. The firm expects the following profit
from disclosure:
© κ
ª 1 ³
e i (θ; θ, θ)2 + (1 − prj )D
e iκ (θ; θ, ∅)2 .
Eδ∗j π
ei (θ; θ, δ ∗j ) = θ prj D
e iκ (θ; θ, ∅) decreases
This expected equilibrium profit decreases in spillover κ, since D
in κ. Given beliefs consistent with vaporware disclosure, the expected profit of concealment equals:
1 ³
e iκ (θ; ∅, θ)2 + (1 − prj )θ2 D
e i (θ; ∅, ∅)2 .
Eδ∗j π κi (θ; ∅, δ∗j ) =
prj θκi (θ, θ)2 D
The expected deviation profit increases in spillover κ, since:
e iκ (θ; ∅, θ)]
e κ (θ; θ, ∅)
∂[θκi (θ, θ)D
= −∆ i
> 0.
Therefore the difference between expected equilibrium profit and deviation profit,
© κ
Eδ∗j π
ei (θ; θ, δ∗j ) − Eδ∗j πκi (θ; ∅, δ ∗j ) , decreases monotonically in spillover κ. An
evaluation of this profit difference for κ = 1 gives:
© 1
Eδ∗j π
ei (θ; θ, δ ∗j ) − π 1i (θ; ∅, δ∗j ) =
¶2 Ã
θE(θ)(E(θ)θ − β j ∆)
(1 − prj ) θW 2
θ(E(θ) θ − β i β j ∆ )
If there is a firm for which this profit difference is negative, vaporware disclosure is
not an equilibrium disclosure rule for both firms if κ = 1. It is straightforward to
verify that the condition under which the profit difference is negative reduces to the
θE(θ)(E(θ)θ − β j ∆)
⇔ E(θ)θ − β j θ E(θ)θ − β j ∆ + (β i − β j )β j θ∆ > 0
θ(E(θ)2 θ − β i β j ∆2 )
⇔ β i > β j − E(θ)θ − β j θ E(θ)θ − β j ∆ /β j θ∆.
There is always a firm for which this condition is satisfied. (Suppose the contrary, i.e.
the condition is violated for both firms. Then for i, j = 1, 2 and i 6= j the following
two inequalities should be satisfied:
β i < β j − E(θ)θ − β j θ E(θ)θ − β j ∆ /β j θ∆ < β j ,
β j < β i − E(θ)θ − β i θ E(θ)θ − β i ∆ /β i θ∆ < β i .
But β i < β j and β j < β i cannot hold simultaneously.) Hence there is always a firm
that strictly prefers to conceal low R&D costs if κ = 1. Since profits are continuous
and monotonous, there is a critical value κ∗ < 1 such that for all κ > κ∗ there is a
firm for which concealing low cost is a profitable deviation, given beliefs consistent
with vaporware disclosure. And for all κ ≤ κ∗ vaporware disclosure is an equilibrium
disclosure strategy.
(ii) Suppose condition C.1 is satisfied for both firms. Under full concealment the
firms’ equilibrium R&D investments Do (.) and profits πo are determined in the proof
of lemma 3 (ii). As in part (i), consider two deviations from the full concealment
equilibrium. First consider the incentive of a high-cost firm i to unilaterally disclose
its cost. After this unilateral disclosure the firms’ R&D investments are determined
by the following first-order conditions:
θDi = W − rj pDj (θ) + rj (1 − p)Dj (θ) + (1 − rj )Dj (∅) ∆,
θE (Θj )Dj (Θj ) = W − Di ∆, for Θj ∈ {θ, θ, ∅}.
which determines firm i’s investment:
θE(θ) θE(θ)θ − αj ∆ W
Di =
< Dio (θ), since αi > θE(θ).
θ E(θ) θ − θE(θ)αj ∆
Therefore disclosure of high costs is not a profitable unilateral deviation from full
concealment. Second consider firm i’s incentive to disclose low R&D costs. After
firm i discloses its low cost, firms R&D investments are determined by the following
first-order conditions:
θDi = W − rj pDjo (θ) + rj (1 − p)Djo (θ) + (1 − rj )Djo (∅) ∆,
and θκ (Θj , θ)Dj (Θj ) = W − Di ∆, for Θj ∈ {θ, θ, ∅}.
which results in the following equilibrium R&D investment and profit for firm i:
¡ κ
θθ (∅, θ)θκ (θ, θ) − ακj ∆ W
Di (κ) =
, and
θ2 θκ (∅, θ)θκ (θ, θ) − ακj ∆2
θDi (κ)2 , respectively,
π i (κ) =
where ακj is αj with E(θ) and θ replaced by θκ (∅, θ) and θκ (θ, θ), respectively. It
is intuitive and straightforward to show that investment Di (κ), and consequently
expected profit π i (κ), is decreasing in κ. For κ = 0 we already showed in lemma 3
(ii) that unilateral disclosure of low costs is profitable. If all information spills over
from the disclosing firm (i) to the concealing firm (j), i.e. κ = 1, unilateral deviation
b i (θ, θ), which holds under
from full concealment is not profitable if Dio (θ) > Di (1) = D
condition C.1. Since profits are continuous and monotonous in spillover κ, there is a
critical value κo ∈ (0, 1) such that for all κ < κo there is a firm for which disclosing
low cost is a profitable deviation, given beliefs consistent with full concealment. And
for all κ ≥ κo full concealment is an equilibrium disclosure strategy. This completes
the proof of the proposition. ¤
Endogenous Information Acquisition
This part of the Appendix proves propositions 5 and 6, respectively.
Proof of Proposition 5
For the comparison between joint-profit-maximizing and equilibrium information acquisition investments we need to compare marginal information acquisition revenues
under total-profit-maximization and mandated disclosure. We obtain overinvestment
in information acquisition when the marginal revenue in equilibrium exceeds marginal
revenue under total-profit-maximization. Define the following function:
Hi (θi , θj ) ≡
π ` (θi , θj ) − π
bi (θi , θj ) =
θi (θj − ∆)2
θi + θj − 4∆
θi θj − 4∆2
(θi θj − ∆2 )2
A sufficient condition for overinvestment by firm i is then that for all Rj :
Rj Eθj [Eθi {Hi (θi , θj )} − Hi (E(θ), θj )] + (1 − Rj ) [Eθi {Hi (θi , E(θ))} − Hi (E(θ), E(θ))] < 0.
If function Hi is concave in θi for all θj , then this sufficient condition is met for any
Rj and p. The second-order derivative of Hi towards θi is:
∂ 2 Hi (θi , θj )
= W θj
(θj − 2∆)2
(θj − ∆)2 (θi θj + 2∆2 )
(θi θj − 4∆2 )3
(θi θj − ∆2 )4
θi + 3∆, e
θj + 3∆), with e
θ` ≥ 0 for ` = i, j,
We evaluate this function in (θi , θj ) = (e
which gives:
∂ 2 Hi (θ) ¯¯
θj + ∆)2
∂θ2i ¯θ=eθ+3∆
θi + 3∆)(e
θj + 3∆) − 4∆2 ]3
θj + 2∆)2 [(e
θi + 3∆)(e
θj + 3∆) + 2∆2 ]
θi + 3∆)(e
θj + 3∆) − ∆2 ]4
W (e
θj + 3∆)hi (e
θi + 3∆)(e
θj + 3∆) − 4∆2 ]3 [(e
θi + 3∆)(e
θj + 3∆) − ∆2 ]4
hi (e
θ) = (e
θj + ∆)2 [(e
θi + 3∆)(e
θj + 3∆) − ∆2 ]4 +
θj + 2∆)2 [(e
θi + 3∆)(e
θj + 3∆) + 2∆2 ][(e
θi + 3∆)(e
θj + 3∆) − 4∆2 ]3
h 4
θi (e
θj + 3∆)4 (2e
θj + 3∆) + 2∆2e
θi (e
= −∆ e
θj + 3∆)3 (e
θj + 2∆)+
θi (e
θi + 3∆)(e
θj + 3∆)3 (9e
θj + 36∆e
θj + 32∆2 ) +
θj + 3∆)(27e
θj + 270∆e
θj + 999∆2e
θi (e
θj + 1580∆3e
θj + 876∆4 )
+∆ (27θj + 378∆θj + 1575∆ θj + 2564∆ θj + 1404∆ ) .
θ ≥ 0, function Hi is concave in θi , for all θi , θj ≥ 3∆. This
θ) < 0 for all e
Since hi (e
completes the proof.¤
Proof of Proposition 6
We show that in equilibrium firms invest more under voluntary disclosure than under
mandatory disclosure, by showing that marginal information acquisition investments
under voluntary disclosure exceed those under mandatory disclosure. We focus on
symmetric information acquisition equilibria, ri = Ri = R for i = 1, 2. Rewrite the
marginal information acquisition revenues under mandatory disclosure as in expression
> Ψ(θ)
(7.8). Inequality Ψ(θ)
follows directly from lemma 2, since:
e i (θ; ∅, θ) ≥ D
e i (∅; ∅, θ) ≤ D
b i (θ, θ), and D
b i (∅, θ).
e i (θ; θ, θ) = D
b i (θ, θ), D
In the remainder of this proof we show that for θ close to θ and given Θj 6= θ, expected
marginal information acquisition revenues under voluntary disclosure exceed those
under mandated disclosure, i.e. K(R; θ) > 0, with:
(1 − p)R b
1−R b
K(R; θ) ≡ Ψ(∅) −
Ψ(θ) +
Ψ(∅) .
1 − pR
1 − pR
First we show that for extreme investment level R = 0 the inequality holds. From
lemma 2 (ii.b) we conclude that for K(0; θ) > 0, since:
b i (θ, ∅)2 + (1 − p)θ E(θ) D
b i (∅, ∅)2 − E(θ)D
b i (∅, ∅)2 > Ψ(∅).
= pθD
Second we show that the difference between marginal information acquisition revenues under voluntary and mandated disclosure increases in R, if θ is close to θ. Given
that K(0; θ) > 0, it suffices to show that for θ sufficiently close to θ, ∂K(R; θ)/∂R > 0
to prove that K(R; θ) > 0 for all R. It is straightforward to show that:
∂K(R; θ)
1 − p ³e
(1 − pR)2
pθ(θ − ∆)(E(θ)θ − β∆) θ − (1 − p)E(θ) 1 2
W ,
k(R; θ) ≡ 2∆θE(θ)(θ − E(θ))
(θE(θ)θ − β∆2 )3
(E(θ)θ + β∆)3 2
It is easily verified that limθ↓θ
− Ψ(∅).
k(θ) ≡ Ψ(θ)
= 0 for any R. For ∂K(R; θ)/∂R > 0 to hold for
³ 2
> 0. For then there is an ε > 0
some θ > θ, it suffices to show that limθ↓θ ∂ ∂θ∂R
such that ∂K(R; θ)/∂R > 0 for θ ∈ (θ, θ + ε]. When we differentiate ∂K(R; θ)/∂R to
θ and evaluate it in θ ↓ θ, we obtain the following:
µ 2
k(R; θ)
∂ K(R; θ)
∂ 2e
∂ 2b
− lim
= lim
2∆p2 [θ − (θ − ∆)] 2∆pθ[−p − (1 − p) + 1]
(θ − ∆)(θ + ∆)3
(θ − ∆)(θ + ∆)3
2∆2 p2
> 0.
(θ − ∆)(θ + ∆)3
This final result is sufficient to show that K is positive for all R, which completes the
Overall Profit Comparison
For ri = rj = R, firm i’s expected R&D profit reduces to the following:
b i (R, R) =
b oi (R) ≡ Π
REθi REθj [b
π i (θi , θj )] + (1 − R)b
πi (θi , ∅) +
+(1 − R) REθj [b
π i (∅, θj )] + (1 − R)b
π i (∅, ∅) . (A.52)
The first derivative of this function towards R equals:
b oi (R)
= R 2Eθ {b
π i (θi , θj )} − Eθi {b
π i (θi , ∅)} − Eθj {b
π i (∅, θj )} +
+(1 − R) Eθi {b
π i (θi , ∅)} + Eθj {b
πi (∅, θj )} − 2b
π i (∅, ∅)
E(θ)(θj − ∆)2 + θj (E(θ) − ∆)2
θi (θj − ∆)2 + θj (θi − ∆)2
= R Eθj Eθi
(θi θj − ∆2 )2
(E(θ)θj − ∆2 )2
2E(θ)(E(θ) − ∆)2
θi (E(θ) − ∆)2 + E(θ)(θi − ∆)2
. (A.53)
+(1 − R) Eθi
(θi E(θ) − ∆2 )2
(E(θ)2 − ∆2 )2
2 +y(x−∆)2
b oi (R)/dR >
Since the function x(y−∆)
is convex in x for all y ≥ 3∆, we obtain dΠ
(xy−∆2 )2
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Joint Bargaining Paradox
FS IV 01 – 15
Geography of the Family
FS IV 01 – 16
Towards a Political Economy of Industrial Organization: Empirical Regularities from Deregulation
FS IV 01 – 17
Tomaso Duso
Jonas Björnerstedt
Johan Stennek
Manfred Fleischer
Kai A. Konrad
Harald Künemund
Kjell Erik Lommerud
Julio R. Robledo
Tomaso Duso
Lars-Hendrik Röller
Kai A. Konrad
Investment in the Absence of Property Rights – The
Role of Incumbency Advantages
FS IV 01 – 18
Roman Inderst
Christian Wey
Bargaining, Mergers, and Technology Choice in
Bilaterally Oligopolistic Industries
FS IV 01 – 19
Fiscal Federalism and Risk Sharing in Germany:
The Role of Size Differences
FS IV 01 – 20
The Effects of Mergers: An International Comparison
FS IV 01 – 21
Kai A. Konrad
Helmut Seitz
Klaus Gugler
Dennis C. Mueller
B. Burcin Yurtoglu
Christine Zulehner
FS IV 01 – 22
Andreas Blume
Paul Heidhues
Roman Inders
Christian Wey
Klaus Gugler
Dennis C. Mueller
B. Burcin Yurtoglu
Tacit Collusion in Repeated Auctions
FS IV 01 – 23
The Incentives for Takeover in Oligopoly
FS IV 01 – 24
Corporate Governance, Capital Market Discipline
and the Returns on Investment
FS IV 01 – 25
Human Capital Investment and Globalization in
Extortionary States
FS IV 02 – 01
Merger Control in the New Economy
FS IV 02 – 02
Die Determinanten der Mirgrationsentscheidung
von IT-Hochschulabsolventen aus Pakistan –
Empirische Befunde zur Ausgestaltung der
deutschen „Green Card“
FS IV 02 – 03
Jos Jansen
The Effects of Disclosure Regulation on Innovative
Firms: Common Values
FS IV 02 – 04
Jos Jansen
The Effects of Disclosure Regulation on Innovative
Firms: Private Values
FS IV 02 – 05
Fredrik Andersson
Kai A. Konrad
Lars-Hendrik Röller
Christian Wey
Talat Mahmood
Klaus Schömann
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