Management Accounting

Management Accounting 1 Describe how organizations adapt to their environment in order to increase both customer and organizational value. !" #$$%& ' ( ' ) *+", ' ) /+0/1 -#$ . ) 2 " 34 ' Management Accounting 5 6 7 # * 8 9 : Innovative product/service design: + / ; 2 4 2<. 5 = > !# !" , ""!$ 1 ' 2 ) / 9 High-quality products and services: * 8 ) Low-cost production: 0 8 1 ?? Management Accounting 2 Evaluate the role of management accounting in adapting as described above. Your answer should consider the strengths and weaknesses of management accounting (as against other elements of the management control system) in making this adaptation. 5 &' ( +, )* ""-$ , !' + 6??@& , / !A #$$B& ' !A % ) #$$B& Management Accounting 5 /0 ) ( +1 / ' 2 ""-$ !#$6$& ) ' !0 . #$$%& Management Accounting References " / !#$$B& " . !C 0 , !#$$%& #$$%& = +) ' / ( !6??@& 2 * : !#$$@& D, D$ % 2 * !#$6$& 6# H A ( : ! 0 & 5 ' ; " #4 2 <. B% C 95EB @@ C # F: 3 H !#$$B& : #$$B 2 ( * ( " 2 G