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Ceolhag (Han'gug ceolhaghoe), 2022
남명학연구 (The Nammyonghak Study), 2014
Hong Hyun-joo(洪顯周), a person of the Poongsan(豊山) Hong(洪) clan which was a representative Kyounghwa sejok(京華世族) of the 19th century Joseon, was a poet who played an important role in Joseon poetical circles and social intercourse with the Qing literary men. This paper will discuss the development of his Buddhistic thought appeared in his poems in an attempt to examine his overall literary world. Hong Hyun-joo became a son-in-law of King Jeong- jo(正祖) at the age of 12. He tried to overcome his inner conflict caused by his status of a son-in-law of the king through the way of contemplating his own destiny. Also, the relation with Shin Wui(申緯) lead him to be interested in Buddhism. In his thirties, Hong Hyun-joo was drawn to the teaching of Buddha by understanding of illusion, which led to his recognition of the frailty of human life. He would overcome a feeling of vanity through the idea of emptiness(空), and as a result, in his forties, he wrote many poems in which the ecstasy(法悅) from learning the idea of emptiness was described. It is found that he reached the stage of self-satisfaction which means he could recognize his place as a paradise, starting in his fifties. In conclusion, this process of overcoming inner conflict through the teaching of Buddha and acquiring the self-contented attitude can be said as an important aspect of Hong Hyun-joo’ poems. Furthermore, this analysis can provide an example of the 19th Kyounghwa sejok’s way of accepting Buddhism and using it in writing.
Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 2014
Objectives: The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), initially developed by Dr. Cloninger in 1986, has been studied from various perspectives in many countries; however, its application in Korea has been limited due to a lack of information regarding the clinical use of integrative medicine. Methods and Results: A systematic review of previous studies on the theoretical development, structure, and content of temperament and character scales, as well as their stability and variability, is presented. In addition, the distinctive features of TCI as a biopsychosocial model and its clinical application regarding well-being, coherence therapy, and person-centered medicine were systematically reviewed. Discussion and Conclusion: The promotion of well-being with Cloninger's personality model and its importance for integrative medicine were discussed. This study would contribute to the clinical application of TCI in Korea.
ACTS Theological Journal, 2019
The purpose of this paper is to examine Warfield’s apologies for the Christology and to present its practical implications. For this end, I will first focus on Warfield’s discussion on the divine nature of Christ, and make it clear that proving Christ must not only be buried in learning, but also lead to a practical life. The study of Warfield’s apologies for the Christology is deeply related to theological circumstances of the 19th century in the United States. In the 19th century, American orthodox theology faced with various challenges. Warfield has corroborated orthodox Christology in the face of these challenges. Especially from liberalism, rationalism, biblical criticism, and evolutionism, theological attempts to reject the divine nature of Christ have been pushed hard. From the orthodox and reformed standpoint of Christology, Warfield has defended the divine nature of Christ. I will examine how Warfield defends Christ’s divinity from a Biblical, Chalcedonian, and Reformed position. I also want to show that Warfield’s such apologetical argument goes beyond mere academic discussion. Warfield regards Christology as a basis for Soteriology. That is to say, when the proper understanding of Christology is given, the life of justification and sanctification would be possible. This would reveal that the moral failure of Christians is not caused by the Reformed Christology and Soteriology itself. Futhermore, I want to make it clear that there is a responsibility to believers in the area of sanctification. I want to discuss what theological apologetics of today should look like through the study of Warfield’s apologies for Christology and its practical implications. 이 논문의 목적은 워필드의 기독론 변증을 살피고 그것의 실천적 함의를 제시하는 것에 있다. 이를 위해 필자는 먼저 그리스도의 신성에 대한 워필드의 논의를 중심으로 고찰하고, 그리스도를 변증하는 것이 학문에 함몰되는 것에 그치지 않고 신자의 삶과 실천으로 이어져야 함을 개진할 것이다. 워필드의 기독론 변증을 살피는 일은 19세기 미국의 신학적 정황과 관련이 깊다. 19세기 미국의 정통 신학은 다양한 시대적 도전에 직면했었다. 워필드는 이러한 도전들에 직면하여 정통적인 기독론을 변증했다. 특별히 자유주의, 합리주의, 성서비평, 진화론 등으로부터 그리스도의 신성을 거부하는 신학적 시도가 거세게 밀려왔고, 워필드는 정통적이고 개혁파적인 기독론의 입장에서 그리스도의 신성을 변증했다. 필자는 워필드가 성경적이고 칼케돈적이고 개혁파적인 입장에서 그리스도의 신성을 어떻게 변증하는지 살필 것이다. 또한 워필드의 이러한 신학적 변증이 단순한 학문적 논의에 그치지 않고있음을 밝히고자 한다. 워필드는 올바른 기독론이 올바른 구원론의 토대라고 보았다. 그리스도의 인격과 사역에 대한 바른 이해가 있어야, 그를 통해주어지는 칭의와 성화의 삶을 온전히 살아낼 수 있다고 보았던 것이다. 이를통해 그리스도인의 윤리적 실패의 원인이 개혁파 기독론과 구원론 자체에있는 것이 아님을 밝히고자 한다. 또한 성화의 영역에서 신자에게 주어지는책임이 있음을 제시하고자 한다. 워필드의 기독론 변증과 실천적 함의에 관한 연구를 통해서 오늘날 신학적 변증이 어떤 모습을 지향해야 하는지 논의하고자 한다.
Korean Journal of Sociology, 2017
This article begins by recognizing that the incomplete way of thinking that overwhelming ‘therapeutic culture’ of modern society, which is concentrate of more of the private sphere, reveals in forming the understanding system in order to rationalize one’s ‘suffering’ of being as a human nature as ‘mortal beings.’ In the modern Korean Society, the tragic 'Sewol ferry' sinking serves as a new momentum to pave a way for awakening the 'privatization' of suffering as a core social problem. Therefore, in this article, the following three points in the semantic implications of ‘suffering’ generated by the ‘finite nature’ of human being, appeared as the ‘Sewol ferry’ sunk deep, are brought up for discussion: first, the issue related to the unbalanced state between the 'Psychological analysis', based on an 'individual' unit, and the 'Sociological access', focused on 'the totality of society'; next, the problem regarding the ‘banality of evil' on the social level caused by 'Privatized society', where the private sphere tend to be dominant; lastly, the problem concerning phenomenon of 'the deficiency of consciousness' toward 'sacred cosmos', one of two modes of being in the world that let one enhance 'the mentality of the public'. Thus, the ultimate purpose of the article is to explore a decisive 'behavioral motivation' that encourage one to transform 'atomized individuals' into 'public individuals.' It is the motivation that would contribute to overcome the 'individualism', a pathology of modern society that empirically appears in Korea. By widening the horizon of thinking at the 'practice level' beyond the simple 'understanding', and emphasizing the necessity of 'Sociological insight' that enable to investigate 'the totality of society', the analysis takes place in relation among the individual, the society, and sacred or religious world view.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran minister and theologian, undertook a critical inquiry into a series of “secular” philosophical streams of his time to examine whether they provided an understanding of human beings and the concept of person that are appropriate for the Christian faith. Husserlian phenomenology belongs to these philosophical systems that are subject to Bonhoeffer’s criticism. He tried to grasp the theological identity of Husserl’s phenomenological pure consciousness on the basis of his own contemplation of the relationship between his biblical-theological understanding of human creatureliness and his sociological concept of person so that he could demonstrate why the concept of pure consciousness violates the Christian definition of human personhood. Husserl asserts that the essential individuality of an object or other being ultimately emerges by the intentional act of pure consciousness, and therefore by virtue of its absolute arbitrariness. This judgment that the origin of the other’s individual essence is the self ’s pure consciousness transgresses God’s analogical commandment that prohibits the self ’s arbitrary attempts at grasping and judging the other person with whom the self interacts in concrete existentiell reality and in the reality of community. Husserl’s assertion also nullifies the conflict and confrontation between different wills at their fundamental level in such a way that a social structure, which would be founded not on agreement but on one-sided identification, can be readily justified. Bonhoeffer therefore criticizes Husserlian phenomenology for its implicit philosophical intention of deifying human consciousness, which has been passed down through the German Idealist tradition. His theological method of analyzing and criticizing Husserlian phenomenology demonstrates itself to be an exemplary model for today’s Christian philosophical critique of secular philosophical systems.
The Critical Review of Religion and Culture, 2021
불어불문학연구, 2007
La critique des traductions est une considération évaluative et critique sur les pratiques traductives, et elle est en rapport incon- tournable avec l'interprétation. Pour pouvoir surmonter les problèmes de ‘traductions fautives', point vulnérable de la 'culture de traduction' coréenne, et dépasser la fidélité et la lisibilité qui sont des critères et des tâ̂ches basiques de la critique des traductions, la nécessité de la réflexion sur le rapport en question s'impose. Pour cela, nous tentons de réfléchir d'abord sur la nature du langage humain et celle de la traduction, en recourant, entre autres, à la 'sémantique générale' de Korzybski. Nous parlons ensuite d'une grammaire de traduction qui peut servir à lire et à analyser minutieusement le texte original et le texte traduit, et à les comparer d'une façon évaluative et critique. C'est un travail très largement herméneutique et rhétorique, qui dépasse la distinction binaire et simpliciste de traduction correcte/ fautive et laisse des places au choix multiple pour diverses raisons, surtout lorsque le texte original comporte une densité herméneutique, qui demande des ’lectures épaisses'. comme dans la plupart des textes de sciences humaines, y compris les textes littéraires. A la suite, nous nous interrogeons sur le processus de la traduction et celui de la critique des traductions, qui peut ê̂tre envisagée de façon interne ou externe, à l'aide d'un certain nombre de herméneuticiens et de rhétoriciens, afin de trouver une alternative à notre pratique actuelle de la critique des traductions. C'est un chemin qui peut nous conduire, espéronsnous, à une nouvelle 'science humaine traductive', qui deviendra sans doute des facteurs de l'innovation et de la réfor mation des sciences humaines coréennes actuelles.
Korean Journal of Rhetoric, 2018
What is the humanities? How to study the humanities? These are the fundamental questions that Korean researchers of the humanities should ask, if they really want to overcome thoroughly the problems or the obstacles they face painfully nowadays. Among many possibilities, I strongly recommand the Hakmun-Seon(學問禪), which intends to inherit the Wonhyo’s philosophy and his Seon(禪), through the Problematology, and particularly the Philosophy of Conscience and its Conscience-Seon(良心禪). The main axes of the Hakmun-Seon, in which IQ, EQ and specially SQ cowork harmoniously, are two inseparable parts: (1) Metacognitive Analysis by “Gyeong-in-ui-ye-ji-sin”(敬仁義禮智信) of Confusianism, or Six Paramitas of Bouddhism, in the Spiritual level; (2) Research Approach by means of “Hak-mun-sa-byeon-haeng”(學問思辯行) of “Chungyong”(中庸). The Hakmun-Seon, which is a sort of “Meta-Research” in the Scholarly Studies, is also a Inmun-Seon(人文禪), comprising Hwajaeng-Seon(和諍禪) and Translation-Seon(飜譯禪). This InmunSeon, much more inclusive than the traditional Bouddhist Seon[Zen], can be hopefully a good way of Research for Korean Humanities Studies.
The Journal of Western History
Sociological Forum, 2022
Crossing Gender Boundaries : Fashion to Create, Disrupt and Transcend, ed. by Andrew Reilly, and Ben Barry,, 2020
Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 2017
Historische Mehrsprachigkeit: Europäische Perspektiven (Rita Franceschini / Matthias Hüning / Péter Maitz, eds.). , 2023
Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía, 1994
International journal of sustainable development and planning, 2024
Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana, Miscellanea 10, 2003
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Handbook of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies with Older Adults, 2008
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi , 2020
Keith Nurse, "Culture as the Central Pillar of Development” A Policy Discussion Paper prepared for the Commonwealth People’s Forum and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, Dec 2007.
Bulletin of Marine Science -Miami-
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 2016
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 2020
Contemporary clinical trials communications, 2017
Approches inductives: Travail intellectuel et construction des connaissances, 2014