Teachers and Testing: Implications from a National Study. Draft


This paper presents findings from a study of teachers' and principals' testing practices. The research included a nationwide survey, exploratory fieldwork in preparation for the survey, and a case study inquiry on testing_costs. Teachers and principals share misgivings with some of the research community about the appropriateness of required tests for some students, and about their quality and equity. Teachers seem to use test results temperatelyas one of many sources of information. As a result of required testing, more time is spent in teaching basic skills and less attention can be paid to other subject areas. The survey also Suggests that those in the education and testing communities have paid far too little attention to the matter of teachers' assessment skills. Teachers essentially receive neither training nor any kind of supervision nor any supporting resources in the development of their own tests. Given their frequency and importance at the elementaryschool level, the findings also suggest curriculum-embedded testing

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 244 987 AUTHOR TITLE INSTITUTION SPONS AGENCY PUB DATE NOTE PUB TYPE EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS IDENTIFIERS TM 840 310 Herman, Joan L.; Dorr-Bremme, Donald W. Teachers and Testing: Implications from a National Study. Draft. California Univ., Los Angeles. Center for the Study of Evaluation. National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, DC. Apr 84 38p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (6Cth, New Orleans, LA, April 23-27, 1934). Speeches/Conference Papers (150) -- Reports Research/Technical (143) MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. Administrator Attitudes; Educational NeedS; *Educational Testing; Elementary Secondary Education; *National Surveys; Principals; Teacher Attitudes; *Teacher Behavior; Teacher Education; *Teacher Made Tests; Test Selection; *Test USe *Curriculum Embedded TeStS ABSTRACT This paper presents findings from a study of teachers' and principals' testing practices. The research included a nation-wide survey, exploratory fieldwork in preparation for the survey, and a case study inquiry on testing_costs. Teachers and principals share misgivings with some of the research community about the appropriateness of required tests for some students, and about their quality and equity. Teachers seem to use test results temperatelyas one of many sources of information. As a result of required testing, more time is spent in teaching basic skills and less attention can be paid to other subject areas. The survey also Suggests that those in the education and testing communities have paid far too little attention to the matter of teachers' assessment skills. Teachers essentially receive neither training nor any kind of supervision nor any supporting resources in the development of their own tests. Given their frequency and importance at the elementaryschool level, the findings also suggest curriculum-embedded testing as another neglected area of inquiry. Finally, formal measures should have three important qualities: a close match to curriculum, immediate avaiiability and accessibility, and feelings of ownership. (BW) ****************x****************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that car be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** DRAFT Teachers and Testing: Implications from a National Study Joan L. Herman And Donald W. Dorr-Bremme Center for the Study of Evaluation UCLA U.S. DEPARTMENT CIF EDUCATION_ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION_ EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 1,4: This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. edi in this do_Cu2 Points of view or opinions ment do not necessarily represent official NIE position or policy. "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY . /4"-ertt...e.,1 TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." The research presented herein was performed pursuant to a grant from the National Institute of Education. However, the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the National Institute of Education, and no official endorsement by the National Institute of Education should be inferred. Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association New Orleans_, LA April 1984 Teachers and Testing: Implications from a National Stu4y AbStraet Joan L. Herman and Donald Dorr-Bremme Center for the Study of Evaluation UCLA This paper presents finaings from a national survey of teachers' and _ principals' testing practices. Implications are drawn for staff development and training in test development and selection,_clinical decision making; and assessment of higher level skills; for quality control in curriculum-embedded testing; and for structuring district and school testing programs to facilitate their use by teachers. Introduction Fueled by school board accountability concerns, minimum competency mandates, evaluation requirements for federal, state and local programs, and of growth the achievement systems, of enterprise testing in (Baker, arbitrariness of current testing practices testing about of their narrowing validity the and curriculum bias and both an subject of become the Critics have attacked the considerable public discussion and debate. concerns and visibility and scope significant has schools American assessment continuum-based and curriculum-embedded 1978), have expressed have 1978), (Perrone, have questioned the accused value of traditional testing amidst changing functions of education (Tyler, 1978). The quality of available tests continues to be controversial (CSE, 1979; The Huron Institute, 1978), at least one major teachers' organization has called for a moratorium on the use of standardizxed tests, and vigorous legal battles have been launched. Responding to these various challenges, reaffirmed its advocates of variety of purposes that importance and reasserted the current tests can and do serve. testing have Supporters have maintained, for example, that testing promotes accountability, facilitates more accurate placement and selection decisions, and yields information useful for curricular and instructional improvement. The testing controversy rages on while investment in achievement testing continues. debate are high, public policy in this the nation's considerable Although the stakes in the arena has plodded on without the benefit of basic information about the nature of testing as it actually occurs and is used in schools. How are How much testng really goes on? What functions do tests serve for teachers and princi- test results used? What are the effects on schools of various local; state and federal pals? Thete and similar questions have gone largely unaddressed. mandates? A few studies have indicated teachers' reservations about the limited use of one type of achievement measure 1970; (Airasian, Hilloch, 1965; et Body Resnick, the norm-referenced standardized test -7-= 1975; al, 1981; Goslin, 1965; 1971; Salmon.=-Cox, Goslin, Epstein Statz and Beck; and 1979). Beyond this, however, the landscape of testing practices and test used in American schools have remained unexplored. In this context, the UCLA Center for the Study of Evaluation's (CSE) three year study provides educational policy-makers with basic, new information on classroom achievement testing across the United States. Conducted from 1979 through 1983, CSE's research was designed to take a comprehensive picture of national wide range of produced norm- types and of formal testing practices. assessment measures criterion-referenced tests and It investigated a (e.g., commercially curriculum embedded measures, tests of minimum competency and functional literacy; district-, school-, and teacher-developed tests) at Well as some less formal means for gauging student progress and achievement (teachers' interactions with learners). observations of and Within this broad range, inquiry focused on _ i achievement testing practices in reading/English and in mathematics, basic skills areas which are the subject of continuing public concern. Teachers and principals at both elementary and secondary grade levele served as primary subjects for the nationwide survey, addressing those grade levels which had been identifed in prior research as important transition points and the targets of frequent testing. A nation-wide survey of teachers and principals was central study, and results of this follows. survey form the basis of the to the report that The research also included exploratory fieldwork in preparation for the survey and, following the survey, case study inquiry on testing costs. During these phases of the conducted with approximately project, 100 school-level intensive interviews were educators in five school districts across the country. Below, we first provide a brief description of the survey sample, then continue with survey findings on three major questions: 1. How much and what kinds of achievement testing take place in the nation's schools? How important are the results of different types of assessment in teachers' routine tasks? 3. What are schools' and districts' administrative practices with regard to testing and test use? We conclude by testing controversy considering the and explore the findings study's in light of implications the current for teacher training, quality control, and for structuring district and school testing programs to facilitate their use by teachers in the classroom. 4 .= The Survey Sample* The survey addressed a nation=wide sample of principals teachers drawn through a successive; random=selectioo procedure. and First; a nationally representative probability sample of 11.4 school districts was drawn; stratified on the basis of dittritt size, minimum competency testing policy; socioeconomic status; Urbah=SUburban=rutal locale, and geographic region of the country. (A lattice sampling technique was used to select cells from the matrix defined by thesE five stratifying variables, and then random sampling to selett dittrittt within a cell.) Next, from within these districts, size permitting, two elementary schools and two high schools were randomly se-Vetted using a procedure that facilitated (where possible) inclusion of schools at levels serving Finally, in each of these both higher- and lower-intoMe populations. schools, principals received directions teachers for inclusion in the study. for randomly drawing four Directions for elementary princi- pals guided the random selection of two fourth=grade and two sixth-grade teachers; those for high tchool principals, the random selection of two teachers of tenth-grade English and two of tenth=grade mathematics. The principal aod each of the four participating teachers received received questionnaires that elicited detailed information on their and school testing practices, as well as related individual contextual and attitudinal data. detailed description of the_ sampling procedure and results_ is contained in a separate report (Choppin, et. al, 1981). This information has not been reproduced here in order to avoid redundancy. Readers interested in more information regarding the sample and procedure used to draw it are referred to that earlier work. *A N. 5 school Returns were obtained from 220 principals, 475 elementary teachers, sampled. school and 363 high teachers in 91 of the 114 districts eleReturn rates from all principals and from teachers at the mentary level were approximately 60%. About 50% of the high school To correct for differential teachers in the sample responded. return rates by sampling cell and to approximate a nationally representative distribution of respondents, weightings were applied in all descriptive analyses. The results reported below, therefore, represent weighted princiestimates of national testing practices, test use patterns, and pal and teacher perceptions on testing-related issues. How Much Testing Goes on in_Schools? Survey results show that the typical student in the upper elementaking reading tary grades spends; on the average, about 10 hours a year tests.} tests and somewhat more than 12 hours a year taking mathematics (See Table 1.) Test-taking time, then, seems to comprise a little over five percent of the time often allocated annually to formal instruction in each of these subjects. (This figure assumes one hour of daily instruction in each subject fOr 177 school days per year.) The typical tenth-grade student enrolled in English, survey results indicate, spends about 26 hourt a year completing English tests. This constitutes in the neighborhood of twenty percent of his or her annual time in English class. Fdr the typical tenth grader enrolled in mathe- matics, taking math tests consumes a little over 24 hours each year -- roughly eighteen percent of the time spent annually in mathematics The likely that survey!- results underestimate actual time. year _they give over the survey asked teaChert to fill in all the tests It is moot whether and to estimate -the student time required for each. they consistently intlUdet all tests. I It is class. (Here, the percentages given assume daily classOS of 45 minutes Clearly, on the average in each subject, over 177 days per school year.) nationally, the high school the frequency and duration of testing in subjects exceed those jects. in the equivalent upper-elementary-school sub- (Refer again to Table 1.) The annual times for testing reported are estimates of students'test - taking times. They can probably only serve as rough indicators of classthe times that the teachers in question spend giving tests in the room. On-site interviews (Dorr-Bremme, 1982) suggest that elementary teachers spend only about a quarter to a third of their total testing actually giving tests in the classroom. they devote to giving a reading or math test, time an That is, for each hour they typically spend another two or three hours in such activities as preparing for testing (e.g., constructing and dittoing the test, standardized testing), correcting and reviewing directions For grading tests (or checking over students' standardizedtest answer sheets), recording scores, etc. (Time spent consulting test results and otherwise "using" them is not included here.) Thus, elementary-school teachers' exceeds the typical student's. annual time on testing far (Case studies in two elementary schools found that teachers spent on the average of 200 to 250 hours per year, in and out of class, in achievement testing in all subject areas--or roughly 12 to 15 percent of their reported annual work time.) Resources schools, but prewere not available for detailed case studies in high of survey interview data indicate that the average testing time per year high-school teachers is also much greater than their students'. -7 Table 1 Time Devoted to Testing in Typical Classes Total Amount of Class Time Spent on Testing per Annum Elementary School (Grades of Test Sessions for Typical Student No Average Length_ of Session 4 -6) 9 hrs. 56 min. 22 27 min. 12 hrs. 28 min. 23 32 min. 26 hrs. 34 min. 49 32 min. 10th Grade English Class 24 hrs. 18 min. 45 33 min. 10th Grade Mathematics Class =.-Rmding Tests --Mathematics Tests Table 2 Time Devoted to Required Testing; I. ime As a ' ercentage o__ota For Typical Classes _ Percentage Time on Tetting Required by State Percentage Time on Testing Required by Local School District Percentage Testing Time Devoted to Non-Required Tests Elementary School (Grades 4-6) --Reading 30 29 41 21 25 54 --Mathematics 10th Grade English Class 10th Grade Mathematics Class 74 12 9 14 77 =8= How much of the testing just described is required by the educational How much hierarchy beyond the school? Table teachers? data provides 2 undertaken at the is to answer these discretion of questions. Elementary teachers in the sample report that about half the testing they conduct both in reading and in math is required by their At the high school level, about one quarter state or school district. of the classroom assessment in both English and mathematics results from Notice; howeveri that since high state or school-district mandates. school students on the average spend twice as much time annually being tested as elementary students do; these percentages suggest that the number of hours spent in required testing is quite similar at actual Notice, too, that a greater proportion of both levels of schooling. assessment in the high school subjects is voluntary: conducted at the discretion of the individual teacher. Which types consume What types of tests are used most heavily? larger proportions of classroom testing time? developed by individual As Table 3 shows, tests teachers and schools and, those which accompany curriculum materials, level, majority of classroom testing time. at the elementary occupy the great Of all the test types listed, these are the types over which teachers have most control. They can admini- ster them when they deem appropriate; they can design (or readily adapt) the content to suit their own teaching emphases. Most teachers inter- viewed said that these types of tests fit best with their instructional schedules and curricula. most valid grading, instruments And, from their points of on-going planning those of listed teaching, Ii for etc. of view, these are the such The routine tasks as predominance of locally developed tests at the secondary level supports the rotion that high school teachers have more control over classroom assessment than do elementary school teachers. But heavy use of locally developed tests in the high schools may also reflect that they have fewer suitable commer- Comprehensive curricular programs -- cial testing materials available. tests, including texts with coordinated workbooks, are more etc. widely available for teachers of the elementary grades. Finally, note that the two types of testing most often generated by state policy -- minimum competency testing and state assessment -- consume on the average very small proportions of classroom testing time. How are Test- Results Used? Long lists of tests' purposes have been provided in almost every Lists of such purposes usually test and measurement text in education. include selection, placement, remediation, teacher assessment, accountability, and so on. these ideals represent reality? variety of potential purposes improvement, instructional But to what extent do The survey questionnaires sampled a and examined the extent to which the results of particular types of tests and other methods of assessment actually serve each. Teachers also were asked to rate the importance of a variety of assessment types for activities in which they routinely engage. The results in Table 4 show that both elementary and secondary teachers do see test results of various types as useful decisions. in making a variety of Clearly, however, teachers accord the highest importance to their own observations of students' work and to their own clinical - 10 - Table 3 Types of Testlisedi_ As a Percentage of the_Total_Tima Devoted_ to_Testing ElementarY Teachers TYPE OF TEST Reading Math 10th Grade English Teachers 10th Grade MathematitA Teachers 5 1 8 17 8 5 2 35 74 76 Tests which form part of a statewide assessment program 3 3 Required Minimum Competency Tests 1 2 Tests included with curriculum materials 28 35 Other commercially published tests 17 18 Locally developed and district adopted tests 13 School or teacher developed tests 37 =11.- students in a curriculum, For initially grouping or placing curriculum to another, and for for changing students from one group or respondent reported that their assigning grades, nearly every teacher or important a crucial "own observations and Students' classwork" is The great majority of respondents also indicate source of information. themselves develop also figure as that the results of the tests they judgments. crucial or important teachers also in these decisions. elementary Many school the responded that the "resultS of tests included with curriculum being used" are quite influential in their instructional decision-making. not attribute heavy These results indicate that while teachers do importance to the results of required tests, they do view them as about initial planning and somewhat useful sources of data for decisions for decisiont placement of students in groups or curriculum, and even instructional groups or curricula about reassigning studentsto different throughout the year. In this last process; they probably serve as "capabilities." kind of benchmark for judging individual Student's a For poorly in his example, imagine a situation where a student is performing or her instructional group. A teacher might examine standardized test ability" or whether results to determine whether the problem is "low explanation, and other factors such as motivation seem a more likely then base instructional decisions accordingly. variety of It is apparent from these results that teachers use a litted; they do not rely only sources to make each kind of decisions upon a single information source. As one teacher stated: 14 - 12 - Table 4 Importance of Test Results for Teacher Decision-Making in Elementary and Secondary Schools* District 'Continuim Standardized or Minimum Competency Test Batteries Tests Decision Area: Tests Included with Curriculum TeacherMade Tests Teacher Observations/ Opinions ELEMENTARY 3;39 Planning teaching at beginning of the school year 2.53 (0.74) 2.60 (0.79) Initial grouping or Placement of students 2.51 (0.74) (0.82) 2.91 (0.74) 3.12 (0.83) (0.78) 2.52 (0.81) 3;04 (0.79) (0.74) 3;12 (0;84) 3;66 (0.72) 1.62 (0.76) 1.81 (0.81) 2.89 3.38 (0.79) (0;74) 3;69 (0;72) Changing a student from one group or curriculum to another, providing remedial or accelerated work Deciding on report card grades 2.52 2.59 (0.76) 3.58 SECONDARY Planning teaching at the beginning of the school year 2.22 2.38 (0.84) (0.93) 3;59 (0.60) 2.28 2.46 2.48 (0.92) (0.98) (0.92) 3.04 (0.87) 3.84 (0.85) Changing students from one group or curriculum to another, providing remedial or accelerated work 2.52 (0.95) 2.59 (0.86) 2.67 (0.93) 3.27 (0.76) (0.66) Deciding on report card grades 1.36 (0.66) 1.45 (0.64) 2.29 (0.96) 3.65 (0.62) (0.65) Initial grouping or placement of students * [4-point scale: 4 = Crucial Importance - 1 = Unimportant or not used 3.61 3.68 - 13 - "You can't count a score on one test too heavily. The kid could be sick or tired or just not feel up to doing it that Maybe his parents had a fight the night before. Maybe day. Maybe he doesn't test well." (Choppin et he doesn't try. , al, 1981) Not only do survey respondents indicate that they consult several sources of information about students' achievement in making particular instructional decisions, respondents -- and particularly those at the elementary school -- also report thinking that many kinds of level assessment techniques give them crucial and/or important information. The data in Table 5 are illuminating here: over half the elementary ; school teachers surveyed report giving heavy weight to each of many sources of information in planning their teaching, in making initial groupings and placements, and in modifying instruction throughout the year. What are Schools' and Districts' Administrative Practices in the Area of Testing and Test Use? A growing literature suggests that district and/or school leader- ship is a significant determinant of whether and how educational innovations and practices are sustained (Berman & McLaughlin, 1978; Bank & Williams, 1982; Edmonds, 1979). Thus, the Test Use in Schools survey examined the practices of school and district administrators in: (1) making, and holding teachers accountable for curricular decisions based on test scores; (2) monitoring and/or supporting school and classroom (3) providing information and staff development i testing practices; and, on testing. Making and holding _curricular decisions. in this area teachers accountable for test-score-based The school and district administrative practices that were included on the 16 survey appear in Table 6. - 14- Table 5 Propartion_ofTeachers who Report Considering Many Types of Assessment Information Critical/Important for Given Activities Planning Teaching at Beginning of School Year Number of Sources of Information Given in Question on Survey Initial Grouping or Placement ofStudents_ Changing Grouping or Placement Deciding on Report Card Grades 4 7 Proportion of Elementary Teachers who Indicated That at Least this many functioned as Critical and/or Impc.tant for the Given Activity 50% 71% 62% 40% Proportion of High School Teachers 33% 47% 49% 20% 6 Number of Sources Defined as "Many" for Purposes of this Analysis As the table shows, school and district administrators hardly ever esta- test-score goals blish specific schools individual for or teachers. However, district administrators occasionally do check to see that areas in the curriculum that test scores indicate need improvement are in fact being emphasized members their in monitor principals schools; their staff teaching fairly often toward this same end, particularly in lower SES schools. Often, too (but not, on the whole, as a matter of routine), school administrators meet with teachers in groups or indivi= dually to review test scores and highlight their implications for curri= cular emphases. Table 6 also indicates that test scores function in making and holding teachers accountable for decisionS on curricular emphases less frequently at schools. the secondary-school Perhaps this occurs returning test results. level than they do in elementary in relation to districts' practices in Secondary principals find that scores are only rarely returned by their district such that they can be used in curricular decision making. In elementary schools, the curriculum-embedded tests that accompany basal reading and math series can be used as a basis for cross-classroom analysis of achievement patterns when standardized-test district results office. and other (Recall are scores that the use not of from forthcoming commercial, the curriculum- embedded tests is more prevalent in the elementary grades.) Monitoring and supporting testing practices. Table those tchool and district practices examined in this area. practices examined, only one seems 7 displays Of all the to occur more than occasionally: district monitoring of the district testing program. 18 Release time for Table 6 Making and Holding Teachers AttOUntable for Test-score-Based Curricular Decisions Principals' Reports* Elementary Secondary SCHOOL AOMINISTRATORM Meets_with teachers to review scores and Teachers' Report* Emory 3.09 2.94 2.84 2.05 3.23 3.07 2.66 2.31 1.57 1.55 1.46 1.27 identifies areas that need extra emphasis Observes teachers; reviews their plans Secondary to_ensure areas indicated by tests are being emphasized Takes test scores into account in evaluating teachers and/or establishes test-score goals for teachers to meet DISTRICT A01INISTRATOR(S Returns test results such that they can be 2.63 2.03 2.84 2.67 2.12 2.33 used in school's curricular decision making Observesi reviews school plans and/or Not Asked requires reports to assure school is emphasizing skills that test scores show need work Establishes specific test-score goals for school *Mean ratings on for-point scale: 4 t happens regularly, routinely; 3: 2 .4 not regular or routine and happens rarely; 1 not regular or routine bUt happens fairly often; does not happen at all; 19 20 - 17 - teachers to develop tests is on the whole a rare phenomenon. are administrative reviews of student performance on such (a) So, too, teacher-constructed tests instruments as and (b) unit and chapter tests. (Although not specified in Table 8, the latter test types were mentioned explicitly in the questionnaire item.) is little monitoring of teachers' These results suggest that there They classroom testing schedules. also indicate that one type of measure upon which teachers rely heavily -- tests that they themselves construct -- is most often written individually and with no supervisory review. Providing staff development and information_about testing and test Principals were asked to comment on the frequency with which results. they and district administrators provided in-service experiences germane In addition, teachers were asked to report to testing and test results. on the occurrence of particular types of staff development over the last two years. The responses of principals and teachers to these q-stions are shown in Tables 8 and 9. According to principals, staff development for teachers in the area of assessment occurs occasionally, i.e., with a frequency that on the average falls about midway between survey categories "very often" and "rarely." It appears that such staff development is generally initiated slightly more frequently by district administration than by principals. Of all the topics listed, more teachers report participating in sessions devoted to: (b) directions for interpret and use (a) analysis and explanation of test results, administering required tests, the results of different types 21 and of (c) tests. how to Staff Table 7 Monitoring and Supporting Testing Practices Principals Reports* Teachers' Reports* Secondary Elementary .Secondary 2.30 (1.10) 2.32 (1.10) 1.78 (1.17) 2.43 (1.02) 1.62 (0.92) 2.17 (1.07) 3.09 (0.95) 2.85 (1.07) Elementary SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR(S) Requires teachers to turn *41 test scores/ grades on classroom tests and/or assignments Requires teachers to turn in copies of Not Asked tests they construct DISTRICTADMPOOM Conducts observations and/or requires reports Not Asked to see that all aspects of district testing program are properly carried out Provides release time and/or extra pay for 2.12 (1.03) , 2.33(6.98) teachers to develop tests or curricular materials including tests *Mean ratings_on four-point scale: 4 = happens regularly, routinely;_3_=_not regular or routine but happens fairly often; 2 = not regular or routine and happens rarely; 1 t does lot happen at all; 23 --- 19= Table 8 Providing Staff Development and Information About Testing Principals' Reports on Frequency* Elementar Secondary SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR(S) Brings in speakers, workshops, printed material to update teachers' assessment skillS DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR(S) . 2.62 (0;87)** 2.48 (0.77) 2;73 (0.98) 2.71 (0.90) . Brings in speakers, workshops, printed material to update teachers' assessment skills 4__=happens _regularly; routinely; 3 . not regular or routine * Mean_ ratings -on four7point_scale: regular or routine and happens rarely; 1 = does not happen at but happen 51717WerFT72---Ta all. ** Numberc in parentheses are standard deviations. =20- Table 9 in Staff Development Percentages of Tea&ers Reporting Participation Elementary Topic (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Analysis and explanation of state, district, or school test results 84 How to administer tests required_by state, district, and/or school n (procedures to follow, etc.) Secondary English 70 59 Alternative ways (other than tests) to assess student achievement 54 How to tie what is taught more closely to the skills, content covered on required tests 60 46 78 How_to interpret and use results of different types of tests (e.g., norm= referenced and criterion-referenced tests and their applications) Secondary Math 35 21 50 37 25 Presentation of published materials designed to prepare students for particular tests or to improve test-taking skills 41 32 29 (7) Training in the use of test results to improve instruction 35 21 19 (8) How to construct or select good tests 20 23 18 (6) 25 development devoted to increasing teachers' routine classroom assessment skills, these data indicate, occurs much less frequently. example, only about a Thus, for fifth of the teachers in each category report receiving instruction in "how to construct or select good tests," an area in which teachers see a critical need. Informa- (See Ward, 1983) tion on other means of assessment (alternatives to testing) was equally rare for teachers, secondary although some of 54% teachers did report staff development on this topic. the elementary Training in the use of test results to improve instruction was evidently provided for 35% of the elementary teachers and about 20% of the secondary teachers sampled. Finally, it worth is noting that secondary teachers; overall; report receiving staff development in topics related to testing less often than elementary teachers do; Resources in support of testing; In a set of questionnaire items separate from those discussed just above, teachers were asked to comment on the availability and use of four resources which could support their classroom testing efforts. 10) are presented in Teachers' responses to these items this section since the availability of each of these resources can be interpreted as due, at least in part, initiatives of school or district administrators. true (Table to the This is particularly for item banks of test questions and computerized scoring and analysis of tests. In the case of the other two items included (other teachers with whom I plan and develop tests, someone to help grade tests and assignments), administrators can structure organizational arrangements that facilitate their availability and use. 26 - 22 - list The resources of included in instrument was survey the Neverthe- selected on the basis of considerable fieldwork and piloting. less, each resource was unavailable to dents. a large proportion of respon- The exception; of course, was "other teachers with whom I plan and develop tests or other evaluation assignments;" but only about a quarter of the elementary-school teachers and a similar fraction of the secondary-school teachers reported taking advantage of this resource Some 45% of the secondary teachers reported constructing frequently. tests with others a few times a year; and fieldwork suggests that this often occurs as teachers in the same department conjointly devise midterm and final exams. Computerized test scoring and analysis was reported as used a few times annually by a quarter to a third of both the elementary and secon- dary teachers reflect the (including sampled. use of Fieldwork optical norm-referenced, indicates that scanning machines standardized) these reports may for certain tests. Some standard districts, however, have developed computer programs for scoring unit and chapter tests and simultaneously analyzing individual students' strengths and weakness on the skills they cover. A access final to the point: in general; nearly all those teachers who have resources listed report using them at least sometime during the school year. Table 10 Available Resources for Testing Percentages of Teachers Reporting AVAILABLE Resource NOT AVAILABLE Not Used Used Once To Several Times/Year Used at Least Once/Month Item banks of test questions upon which_I draw_in making up my tests; 71 4 8 16 Elementary 51 8 24 16 Secondary Other teachers with whom _I plan and develop tests or other evaluation assignments. 37 12 26 24 Elementary 21 10 45 24 Secondary Someone who helps me read, grade, or correct tests and assignments. 69 6 4 21 Elementary 70 5 4 21 Secondary Quick, computerized scoring and analysis of tests 64 2 30 4 Elementary 58 16 22 4 Secondary -24- Conclusions We began this discussion by noting the public controversy over the quality and usefulness of testing; a controversy which has been marked evidence and one which has centered by more rhetoric than empirical What do primarily on standardized tests and large scale assessments. the survey results have to say concerns these about and, more particularly, about concerns for the potential misuse and abuse of test results? Teachers and principals do share misgivings with some in the research community about the appropriateness of required tests for some Survey findings here; students, and about their quality and equity. however, allay some concerns about the inappropriate use of tests by classroom teachers. Teachers (and principals, according to findings not reported here) seem to use test results temperately -- as one of many sources of information. They do not give undue weight to any single source, but rather evaluate available data in combination with their own observations to reach decisions. Test results, according to the findings presented here, are thus being used, but not abused. The influence of test results on school and classroom decision- making is one direct impact of tests, but another impact is felt in the very presence of required testing, required testing school personnel in the schools; As a result of agree that more time is spent in teaching basic skills -- English and math -- and less attention can be paid to other subject areas, and principals and teachers, particularly in lower SES schools, are strongly encouraged to emphasize those skills which are included on required tests. validity of some concerns about the The findings thus confirm the effect of testing on the Admittedly, tests alone have not caused the curriculum to curriculum. narrow. Rather, the narrowing is a consequence of the importance ascribed by society at large to test scores and of a societal emphasis Nonetheless, it might be well on basic skills. both for public and policymakerS to consider whether the limited sample of skills assessed by most standardized tests represents an adequate curriculum and whether test developers, rather than teachers, administrators, school boards and the public, ought to be defining the curriculum. First, the survey What else does the ESE research have to tell us? suggests that those in the education and testing communities have paid far too little attention to the matter of teachers' assessment skills. For the most part, as mentioned above, the debate on testing has been played out in exchanges about the relative merits of normed and criterion-referenced measures, in discussions of cultural and linguistic biases in standardized tests, testing and so an. statewide that in sociopolitical controversy over proficiency It has focused on measures employed nationwide or generally have been developed by commercial concerns or by other large agencies that employ psychometricians. testing It is appropriate for us to be concerned about the qualities and social implications of such tests. and teachers' classroom time, decisions and they consume only small proportions of tests of this type do exert significant influence in major educational teachers' Although they figure less heavily in principals' gate-keeping decisions. assessment skills, their skills as However, the quality of test developers and as clinical diagnosticians, have largely escaped attention. Yet the cumu- lative record of teacher=made tests, the grades in which they result, as =26= as well the teachers' informal of judgments children's competence clearly influence students' educational careers in major ways, perhaps to a students, particularly secondary students, What is more, testing. degree exceeding that of more formal spend large proportions of their testing time taking teacher developed and teacher-scheduled tests. What do we know about the quality of teacher-developed tests? little. Almost twenty And the little we know is far from encouraging. years ago, Ebel (1967) Very identified common errors in teacher-developed tests and urged better training for teachers in this area. More recent research indicates that teachers remain poorly prepared in assessment (Rudman and others, 1980; Yeh and others, 1981), a finding which is not surprising in light of preservice and inservice requirements and opportunities for teachers. Few states explicitly require competence in testing for teacher certification (Woellner, 1979), and studies have indicated that while most teachers have had at least one measurement course, attention to teacher-developed tests and clinical skills is virtually non-existent (Gullickson, 1984; Ward, assessment 1983). The results reported here indicate that inservice training does little to fill the gap. Only about one-fifth of the teachers in our survey received inservice experience related to the selection and construction of good tests or in the use of testing for classroom decisionmaking and to improve instruction; according to other studies, these are two areas which teachers rate as most important and in which they agree they need help (Gullickson, 1984; Ward, 1983). opportunities if they are to Clearly, teachers need training be competent test developers, skilled analysts, and literate consumers of test information. -27- Although the study reported here did not directly address the issue of the quality of teacher-made tests, its findings combined with those Teachers essentially receive cited above give cause for some pessimism. training neither nor any kind supervision of have examined explicitly concern. the quality any supporting One of the few studies resources in the development of their own tests. which nor issue raises additional Fleming and Chambers (1983) analyzed teacher-developed tests in Cleveland schools and found that teachers can deal with many of the technical requirements for classroom tests, such as arrangement of test questions, format of test questions, and the avoidance of obvious technical flaws; however, almost one-fifth exhibited errors in mechanics and technical conventions. More disturbing is the fact that the vast major- ity of test questions reviewed focused on lower-level skills; requiring recall rules and principles; test items of terms; factual knowledge; requiring synthesis and higher level applications accounted for only a very small Many have noted that tests percentage of the questions. communicate expectations to students and identify for them the important knowledge and skills that are for required particular courses; the objectives that really matter for students are those embedded in the tests on which their grades are based expressed earlier, and appropriately (Bloom, so, 1981). Concerns were about curricular narrowing associated with required tests: an equally important issue may be the extent to which the curriculum is being narrowed to memory and rote learning as a function of teacher-developed tests. Teachers, in short, not only need training in test development, but they apparently also need particular assistance in assessing (and perhaps in teaching) higher level skills. 32 -28- Given level; the their frequency findings and reported importance at here also the elementary suggest testing as another neglected area of inquiry. school curriculum-embedded Like teacher-developed tests, we know very little about the quality of these measures, and, again; what we do know does not give cause for optimism. For example, analyses of commonly-used basal series have criticized their failure to utilize common research-based design principles (Quellmalz and Herman, 1978), and informal perusal of some recent tests indicates some serious flaws, e.g., tests which claim to be diagnostic on the basis of one item per objective. It may well be that some quality assurance mechanisms are needed. As we think about training requirements for teachers and quality control for commercial tests, it might be well also to explore other testing supports that might be provided for teachers. When taken seri- ously, test development is an arduous and time consuming process. might wonder whether teachers, in fact, One have the time and energy to produce good tests or whether a better approach might be to explore ways to better enable them to capitalize on and use the efforts of others. Item banks are one possibility, either representing the pooled efforts of teachers within a school/district or commercially available options (although they currently exist, both are likely to have quality control problems). With micro-computers on almost every school campus; the technological requirements are in place for easily accessible tests that can be customized to teachers' unique needs and classroom instructional programs. These same computers can be used to facilitate onerous test scoring, recording, grading and management tasks. -29 - While we work to improve the quality of teacher and curriculum embedded tests, we must also strive to improve the usefulness of more CSE's study suggests three general but highly impor- formal measures. tant qualities that more formal measures should have, qualities which are inherent in the teacher-developed and curriculum-embedded tests that a close match to curriculum, immediate teachers use most frequently: availability and accessibility, and feelings of ownership. That is, formal measures must reflect what is being taught in class, and they must be sensitive to teachers' intentions and emphases as teachers them- selves perceive them. these measures to Moreover, teachers must be able to administer students when they feel it appropriate, results must be both understandable and available promptly. and the Finally, the content, format and timing of the measures must be under the control and discretion of individual teachers and teachers must feel their needs and input have been influential. Many commercial, state, district, and school testing programs do not reflect these characteristics, and the results are predictable: elaborate systems that are of little use to teachers and that teachers little use. Counter-examples, however, also can be identified; and where these occur we have found that teachers routinely use more formal measures, representing more sophisticated technology and higher technical quality, rather than their own tests. In summary, our research suggests several complementary avenues for improving the quality and use of tests in schools. First, given the time devoted to teacher-developed tests, it seems well worth considering teachers' competence preparation for the role of achievement assessor and their in that role. Similarly, given 34 the time and importance -30- accorded curriculum embedded tests, we would do well to examine and better assure that quality of those tests. Finally, we need to investi- gate ways to provide teachers with tests which they can use routinely, which reflect sound test procedures, and which meet their needs. 35 = 32 = Tyler, R- Mhat's_Wrang with Standardized Testing. 1977, 66(2), 35=58. Today's Education, Standardized Test Results Let's Use Test for Teaching: Woellner, R.S. Can Provide the Basis for a Program of Instruction. Teacher, 1979, 90(2), 62-63, 179-181. A Survey Yeh, J.P., Herman, J.L., & Rudner, L.M. Teachers and Testing: Center for the Study Los Angeles: Report NO. 166. of Tpst Ike. UT-NiaTifibn; 1981. 36 -31 - REFERENCES The Fffe.cts_ of Standardized Testing and Test Information prceptinns an. iractices _'aper presente Tai-fie annual meeting the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco; 1979: Airasian, P.W. on T- d- _. Metaphysical Test BP.ker, E.L. Is Something Bettcr Paper presented at the 1978 CSE Measurement and DesignMethodology Conference, Los Angeles, 1978. A Boyd, J., Jacobsen, K., McKenna, B.H., Stake, R.E. & Yashinsky, J. Study of Testing Practices in the Royal Opk (Michigan) Public Royal Oak Michigan School District, 1975. Schools. Royal Oak: Center for the Study of Evaluation. ESE Criterion-Referenced Test Los Angeles, CA: Center for the-5tudy of naluation, Handbook. 079. Improving the Competence of Teachers in Educational Ebel, R.L. In J. Flynn and H. Garber LEds.), Assessing Behavior: Measurement. Readings in Educational and Psychological Measurement. Reading, RTT--AUTiToii=11FiTiT1967. Goslin, D.A., Epstein, R., & Hilloch, B.A.- The Use of Standardized Tests in Flementary_Schools._ Second TechnicaTRiV6717RiT757k: Russell Huron Institute. ring iaonference_of the National Summary! of Abe Cambridge, MA: ffbron Institute, 19/8. Consortium_nnTesting. the National ConfPrencP on_Achitvement Testing on erence on__ 'a iona aper presen edit andAchievement Tisting and Basic Skills, Washington, D.C. March 1978. Peronne, V. Remark , Research to Inform a Debate. Introduction: Resnick, L.B. Kappan, 1981, 62(9), 623-624. Phi Delta Rudman; H.C., Kelly, J.L6 Wanous; B.S., Mehren, W.A., Clark, C.M., & I I nstructiom__A__Remiew Porter, AC. Integr Institute for Research on Teaching, East Lansing, MI: 1922-1980. II ITART7---- Salmon-Cox; L. Teachers and Tests: Kappan, 1981; 62(9), 631-634; What's Really Happening? Phi Delta Stetz,_F.J& Beck; M. Teachers±Apinions_cf_Standardized_Test Use _and Usefulness; Paper presented at the annual meeting of-the American Educational Research Association; San Fracisco, 1979. - 32 - Tyler, R. What's Wrong with StandardiZed Testing. Today's Education, 1977; _66(2), 35-58. Let's Use TeSt fdr Teathitig:_ Standardized Test Results Woellner, R.S. Can Provide the Basis fdr a Program of Instruction. Teacher, 1979, 9_0(2), 62-63; 179-181. Yeh, J.P., Herman, J.L.; & Rudner,_ L.M. 1-actiers and Testing: A Survey Center fOr the Study Lot Angeles: Report No. 166. of Tect Use. of Evaluation, 1981. 38