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A Closer Look at Water-Related Geologic Activity on
A. S. McEwen, et al.
Science ZM, 1706(2007);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1143987
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AAars Reconnaissance Orbiter
of snow deposited during a period of higher orbital
obliquify, with remnants of the snow pack still
present as "pasted-on" material (9). HiRISE has
imaged this material at several locations, and the
surfaces that it appears on include many boulders
(fig. S2). We interpret these materials as rock
glaciers: rocky deposits rich in ice, similar to
interpretations of debris aprons elsewhere on Mars
(7). The rockiness is inconsistent with a primary
origin as dusty snowfall, unless subsequent
processes have modified the deposits, but those
deposits are nearly free of impact stmctures and
are likely much younger than the VBF, making
such modification unlikely. Note that a thin mantle
over many mid-latitude regions (10) does still
appear fine-grained at HiRISE resolution.
Mid-latitude gullies (Jl) are of great interest
because they may indicate that liquid water can
reach the surface, even today {6,12). Key questions are whether liquid water is required to form
some of them (and, if so, what is the source ofthat
water) and whether the gully-forming processes
are ongoing•even in the present-day climate•
rather than being the result of past climates and
different insolation geometries. HiRISE images
confirm that many gully morphologies on Mars,
including braided channels and terraces (Fig. 2),
are similar to water-carved features on Earth.
Boulders 0.5 to 3 m in diameter are more
concentrated in the channels than in surrounding
terrains, which is consistent with processes that
remove the finer particles. Erosional channels
occur on slopes of less than 20° (e.g.. Fig. 2, B
and C), which is inconsistent with dry granular
flows. We are not aware of common terrestrial
processes besides running water that could explain all of these observations. HiRISE images
also reveal a range of relative ages for the gullies
[see the supporting online material (SOM)].
Evidence for ongoing gully activity has come
from observations at two locations of new, bright
deposits corresponding to depositional fans (12)
(Fig. 3 and fig. S2). Not all bright deposits at
gully termini consist of recent guUy-emplaced
sediment, as some appear to consist of rippled
eolian deposits or patterned ground, modifying
relatively old gully deposits (fig. S3).
A Closer Look at Water-Related
Geologic Activity on Mars
A. S. McEwen,^* C. ]. Hansen,^ W. A. Delamere,^ E. M. Eliason/ K. E. HerkenhofC L. Keszthelyi,"
V. C. Gulick,^ R. L. Kirk/ M. T. Mellon,* ]. A. Grant/ N. Thomas/ C. M. Weitz/ S. W. Squyres/"
N. T. Bridges/ S. L. Murchie/^ F. Seelos/^ K. Seelos/^ C. H. Okubo/ M. P. Milazzo/
L. L. Tornabene/ W. L. Jaeger/ S. Byrne/ P. S. Russell/ ]. L. Griffes/ S. Martínez-Alonso/
A. Davatzes/ F. C. Chuang/ B. ]. Thomson/ K. E. Fishbaugh/^ C. M. Dundas/ K. ]. Kolb/
M. E. Banks/ ]. ]. Wray"
Water has supposedly marked the surface of Mars and produced characteristic landforms. To
understand the history of water on Mars, we take a close look at key locations with the HighResolution Imaging Science Experiment on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, reaching fine
spatial scales of 25 to 32 centimeters per pixel. Boulders ranging up to ~2 meters in diameter are
ubiquitous in the middle to high latitudes, which include deposits previously interpreted as finegrained ocean sediments or dusty snow. Bright gully deposits identify six locations with very recent
activity, but these lie on steep (20° to 35°) slopes where dry mass wasting could occur. Thus, we
cannot confirm the reality of ancient oceans or water in active gullies but do see evidence of fluvial
modification of geologically recent mid-latitude gullies and equatorial impact craters.
A major goal of the Mars Reconnaissance
Orbiter (MRO) mission is to better understand the history of water (_/). The
High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment
(HiRISE) is imaging the martian surface at scales
of 25 to 32 cm per pixel, with a center color swath
that distinguishes major surface materials (dust,
sand, rock, or frost) and stereo imaging for
topographic studies (2, 3). We highlight three
new results conceming the history of water on
Mars: (i) the nature of middle- to high-latitude
surface deposits and relevance to putative oceans
and climate change, (ii) processes forming and
modifying the geologically recent gullies, and (iii)
evidence for water in the éjecta of recent
equatorial impact craters.
The origin of the Vastitas Borealis Formation
(VBF), covering the lowest portions of the
extensive northern plains, has been the subject of
much debate, including (among other hypotheses)
that it is the fine-grained residue of an ancient
ocean (4) or that it represents frozen deposits of
sediment-laded water from giant outflow channels
(5). The more than 200 HiRISE images of this unit
show that rocks ranging in size from the limits of
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. ^]et Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena,
CA 91109, USA. ^Delamere Support Systems, Boulder, CO
80304, USA. "U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ 86001,
USA. '^NASA Ames Research Center/SETI Institute, Moffett
Field, CA 94035, USA. 'University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
80309, USA. 'Smithsonian Center for Earth and Planetary
Studies, Washington, DC 20650, USA. "University of Bern,
Bern, Switzerland. 'Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, AZ
85719, USA. ^"Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA.
"Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD 20723, USA.
^^International Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
[email protected]
resolution (-0.5 m) to ~2 m in diameter are
ubiquitous (Fig. 1), except where buried by eolian
or airfall materials. Boulders are concentrated
around circular structures of probable impact
origin, but they are present over most of the VBF
at uniform densities. In addition, we have seen no
light-toned layered deposits within the VBF; such
deposits elsewhere are thought to be of aqueous
sedimentary origin (ó). The boulder distribution
and absence of light-toned layered deposits are
difiBcult to reconcile with the hypothesis that the
VBF primarily consists of a thick (~100-m)
deposit of fine-grained materials deposited from
suspended sediments in an ocean (4). Either the
VBF had a different origin or the combination of
impacts and periglacial processes has raised
boulders from depth and thoroughly mixed them
with overlying materials; viscously relaxed topography (7) and ubiquitous polygonal-patterned
ground (8) may be consistent with such processes.
One hypothesis for the origin of recent midlatitude gullies is that they formed from the melting
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Fig. 1. Boulders over northern lowland terrains. (A) PSP_001964_2275 (26) at 47.0° N, 101.8° E.
(B) TRA_000846_2475 at 67.0° N, 0.0° E. (C) PSP_001810_2175 at 37.2° N, 348.0° E. For all
figures, North is at the top and time of day is near 3 p.m., and images have been reprojected to a
scale of 25 cm per pixel.
VOL 317
In the Centauri-Hellas Montes region, the
entire equator-facing slope of a crater is covered
by narrow gully channels (Fig. 3). There is no
evidence for eolian, periglacial, or other modifications of many of these channels. The lower
portions of some channels do contain ripples of
probable eolian origin, and boulder tracks are
superimposed over some channels, so there is a
range of relative ages. The bright material, deposited between 1999 and 2004 (12), emanates
from some apparently unmodified gully channels.
From stereo imaging (fig. S4), we confirm that, in
some places, this bright deposit diverts around
topographic obstructions like a fiuid and, at the
distal end, overtops low hummocks like a
landslide. The shape of the deposit has not
Fig. 2. Color images of gully channels. (A) Portion of PSP_002172_1410 at 38.9° S, 195.9° E. (B)
and (C) are portions of PSP_002932_1445 at 35.1° 5, 324.7° E in Hale Crater. Color (here and in
other figures) is constructed from red and blue-green bandpasses and exaggerated as compared with
natural color. Downslope direction is toward the bottom of (A) and the lower left of (B) and (C).
changed over the 15 months since last imaged
by the Mars Orbiter Camera, which suggests that
it is not bright because of fi'ost or ice (13). Nearinfrared spectra (14) do not reveal hydrated minerals in the bright deposit, as might be expected
from sublimation of salty groimdwater (fig. S5).
There are bright materials within gulUes over
much of the slope, so the new deposit may have
come from the redeposition of preexisting bright
material (Fig. 3 and fig. S2B). Also, dust-sized
materials are generally brighter than sand and
rocks on Mars. Thus, the relative brightness of this
material does not directly indicate a role for water.
We have imaged gully deposits with bright
termini at four locations that appear to be very
recent, in addition to the two locations reported
previously (figs. S6 and S7). These deposits are
again associated with fine channels and show no
subsequent modification. All six of the deposits
are near the base of relatively long, steep slopes
(see the SOM, including table SI); five are on the
slopes of well-preserved impact craters. There is
no favored slope aspect: The bright deposits are
on east-, west-, equator-, and pole-facing slopes.
All are in the middle latitudes 31 ° to 47° N and S,
but there has been no systematic monitoring of
steep slopes in the equatorial regions of Mars, so a
latitudinal dependence to active slope movements
is unknown. The average slopes are greater than
20°, close to the stabiUty limits of dry, unconsolidated materials, and the elevation drops by at least
500 m (table SI). Long, steep slopes are favorable
to both groundwater breakouts and gravity-driven
movements. In summary, although the involvement of liquid water cannot be ruled out, there is no
confirmation from MRO analyses to date that water
reached the siuface in the past decade.
Fig. 3. Crater in Centauri-Hellas
Montes region at 38.4° S, 96.8° E. (A)
Browse image PSP_001714_1415.
(B) Full-resolution portion of image
indicated in (A), showing the bright
deposit. (C) Color for portion of image
indicated in (A). (D) Enlargement of
channels [indicated in (C)], showing
eroded bright deposits and boulders
concentrated in the channels. (E)
Enlargement of the apparent source
region [indicated in (C)] above the
new bright deposit. The shallow depression and uppermost channels
leading to the new deposit lie between the arrow tips in (C) and (E).
Nort:h is 7 degrees to the right of the
VOL 317
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
* 'y
Fig. 4. Northwestern rim of Mojave Crater at 7.6° N, 327° E (PSP_001481_1875). (A) Full browse
image at greatly reduced resolution. Several locations of ponded and pitted material are labeled
with "P"; boxed area shows the location of enlargement indicated in (B). (B) An example of where a
large fan emanates from the ponded and pitted material to the northwest; boxed area shows
enlargement to the full-resolution sample indicated in (C). (C) Braided and distributary channels
and boulders up to ~1 m in diameter.
The lobate morphology of some maitian
impact crater éjecta has long been considered
evidence for fluidization by water (15) or other
mechanisms (16), but conclusive evidence for the
presence of water in the éjecta has been elusive
(17). Meanwhile, another debate has arisen about
the possibility of impact-induced "rainfall" producing the erosion of Noachian (>3.7 billionyear-old) terrains (IS). HiRISE observations of
relatively large but geologically recent and wellpreserved impact craters are providing insights
relative to both debates.
Mojave Crater (60 km in diameter) contains
channels and fan-shaped deposits (U) with a
marked resemblance to alluvial fans in desert
regions on Earth (19). The branching channels of
third or fourth order include first-order channels at topographic peaks and ridges (Fig. 4B),
which are difficult to explain by seepage of a
groundwater table, leading to the hypothesis of
impact-generated precipitation (20). The channels and fans are present on much of the terrace
and rim regions but not on all topographic
features (e.g., the central uplift or ponded and
pitted materials), which may prove difficult to
reconcile with the precipitation theory. A geologically recent origin of the crater is indicated
by the small number of impact craters superimposed on both the fans and undissected
portions of the crater (21). Mojave appears to
be one of the most recent craters on Mars that is
larger than 50 km in diameter, which form on
average about every 20 million years (22).
HiRISE stereo observations show ponded materials at various levels inside and outside of
the crater (Fig. 4A), which sometimes have a
fractured surface similar to ponded materials in
lunar craters (23). However, unlike lunar examples, the martian "ponds" are often covered by
coalesced pits, which lack raised rims and appear to be coeval. We interpret this pitted,
ponded unit to be a mix of melt and fragmented
rock similar to that found in terrestrial impact
craters in volatile-rich targets (24), with pitting
due to collapse from the loss of volatiles. There
is a close association between the ponded ma-
VOL 317
terial, which does not show evidence for erosion
by overland fiow, and the channels and fans that
extend downhill of the ponded deposits (25)
(Fig. 4B), suggesting that water was released
from the ponded deposits.
The fluvial geomorphology of Mojave Crater
was thought to be an isolated occurrence (19,20),
but we have found channels, alluvial-like fans,
debris flows, and the presence of ponded and
pitted material in other geologically recent craters,
including Hale (125 to 150 km in diameter).
Tooting (28 Ifln in diameter; fig. S8), Zunil (10
km in diameter), and more than ten others (25).
The ponded material appears to be far more
voluminous than ponded materials in lunar craters
of comparable size, in spite of lower primary
impact velocities on Mars (i.e., less melt production if the target materials were identical). The
key difference may be that the martian upper
crust is rich in ice, water, and hydrated minerals,
which can form muddy debris and lower the
melting point of silicate minerals. The evidence
for impact-induced precipitation at Mojave or
elsewhere remains inconclusive, but the HiRISE
observations demonstrate that landscapes with a
fiuvially modified appearance may be produced
by syndepositional effects during impact cratering. The much larger and more numerous craters
produced in the Late Noachian could explain some
of the pervasive erosion of Noachian-aged terrains,
thus weakening the argument that ancient Mars
must have had a warmer, wetter climate on a sustained basis.
HiRISE observations are sharpening our
view of when and where water has modified the
martian surface. These observations inform models for past and present geologic and climatic
processes and can focus future exploration to
those locations with the greatest promise for
discovering evidence for life.
References and Notes
1. R. Zurek, S. Smrekar, ;. Geophys. Res. 112, E05S01
2. A. S. McEwen et ai, ]. Geophys. Res. 112, E05S02
3. C. H. Okubo, A. S. McEwen, Science 315, 983 (2007).
4. M. A. Kreslavsky, J. W. Head,;. Geophys. Res. 107, 5121
5. M. H. Carr, J. W. Head,;. Geophys. Res. 108, 5042
6. M. C. Malin, K. S. Edgett, ;. Geophys. Res. 106, 23429
7. S. W. Squyres, S. M. Clifford, R. 0. Kuzmin, ]. R. Zimbelman,
F. M. Costard, in Mars, H. H. Kieffer et ai, Eds. (Univ. of
Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ, 1992), pp. 523-554.
8. M. T. Mellon, ; Geophys. Res. 102, 25617 (1997).
9. P. R. Christensen, Nature 422, 45 (2003).
10. ]. F. Mustard, C. D. Cooper, M. K. Rifkin, Nature 412, 411
11. Martian gullies have been defined as landforms on
relatively steep slopes that may include an alcove,
channel, and depositional fan (6) and that may form by a
variety of processes, such as dry mass wasting, wet debris
flows, or running water. The gulhes are typically much
younger than the landforms that they eroded. The
channels and fans seen in large young impact craters are
similar in morphology to the gullies but are larger, occur
over shallower slopes, and appear to be the same age as
the craters.
M. C. Malin, K. S. Edgett, L. V. Posiolova, S. M. McCoUey,
E. Z. Noe Dobrea, Science 314, 1573 (2006).
K. E. Williams, 0. B. Toon, ]. Heldmann, Geophys. Res.
Lett. 34, L09204 (2007).
S. L. Murchie et ai, ]. Geophys. Res. 112, E05S03
M. H. Carr, G. G. Schaber, ;. Geophys. Res. 82, 4039
0. S. Barnouin-Jha, P. H. Schultz, ;. Geophys. Res. 101,
21099 (1996).
R. M. E. Wilhams, K. S. Edgett, paper presented at the
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, abstr. P33B03, San Francisco, CA, 13 to 17 December 2004.
T. L. Segura, 0. B. Toon, A. Colaprete, K. Zahnle, Science
298, 1977 (2002).
19. R. M. E. Williams, ]. R. Zimbelman, A. K. Johnston,
Geophys. Res. Lett 33, L10201 (2006).
20. R. M. E. Williams, K. S. Edgett, M. C. Malin, Lunar Planet.
Sd. XXXV, abstr. 1415 (Lunar and Planetary Institute,
Houston, TX, CD-ROM, 2004).
21. There are four craters that are larger than 100 m in
diameter in MRO context image 808_1874, which covers
2.1 X 10^ km^ of the interior and continuous éjecta of
Mojave Crater.
22. B. A. Ivanov, Space Sd. Rev. 96, 87 (2001).
23. D. J. Heather, S. K. Dunkin, Icarus 163, 307 (2003).
24. G. R. Osinski, Meteorit Planet Sei. 41, 1571 (2006).
25. L L Tornabene et al., Lunar Planet. Sei. XXXVIII, abstr. 1338
(Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX, CD-ROM, 2004).
26. HiRISE images are identified by the format "mission
phase_orbit number_orbital position." Thus,
PSP_001468_1535 was acquired in the Primary Science
Athabasca Valles, Mars:
A Lava-Draped Channel System
W. L. Jaeger/* L. P. Keszthelyi/ A. S. McEwen/ C. M. Dundas/ P. S. Russell^
Athabasca Valles is a young outflow channel system on Mars that may have been carved by
catastrophic water floods. However, images acquired by the High-Resolution Imaging Science
Experiment camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft reveal that Athabasca
Valles is now entirely draped by a thin layer of solidified lava•the remnant of a onceswollen river of molten rock. The lava erupted from a fissure, inundated the channels, and drained
downstream in geologically recent times. Purported ice features in Athabasca Valles
and its distal basin, Cerberus Palus, are actually composed of this lava. Similar volcanic processes
may have operated in other ostensibly fluvial channels, which could explain in part why the
landers sent to investigate sites of ancient flooding on Mars have predominantly found lava
at the surface instead.
Athabasca Valles is the youngest outflow
channel system on Mars (1-3). It originates at a fissure (part of the Cerberus
Fossae), extends southwest for about 300 km,
and debouches into a basin named Cerberus
Palus (Fig. 1). In most respects, Athabasca
Valles resembles the catastrophic flood-carved
landscape of the Channeled Scabland in Washington State, with branching channels, streamlined "islands," and dunes interpreted to have
formed subaqueously (2). However, its floor
is remarkably uneroded at the subkilometer
scale. These seemingly incongruous attributes
have spawned multiple hypotheses, which
depict the channel floor as either (i) a flood- or
glacial-erosion surface with an uneven sediment
cover (2, 4), (ii) the icy or desiccated dregs of
sediment-laden floodwaters that froze (5, 6), or
(hi) a lava flow that coursed through the channel
system and solidified {7-9). Color and stereo
images with high spatial resolution (27 to 117
^Astrogeology Team, U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ
86001, USA. ^Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. ^Physikalisches Institut,
Universität Bern, CH-3012, Bern, Switzerland.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
[email protected]
cm/pixel) acquired by the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)
spacecraft provide observations that are key to
resolving this debate.
HiRISE images sample Athabasca Valles
from its source to its terminus, showing a solidified flow within the channels at all locations. On
the north (upslope) side of the source region, the
flow manifests as numerous thin, arcuate, and
overlapping fronts that are concenfric to the
fissure-vent (Fig. 2). The fronts become progressively younger and smaller (i.e., they step up)
with proximity to the fissure. They record the
final surges in a waning eruption of low-viscosity
fluid from the Cerberus Fossae (fig. SI).
Downstteam in the channels, the flow exhibits two distinct textures: polygonal and ridged
{5, 8-10). The difference between these is surflcial; the flowtop crumpled where it is ridged but
remained intact where it is polygonal. Furthermore, where the flowtop rifted under tensile
stress, discrete rafted plates are preserved. In
several channel segments, medial ridged terrain
is flanked by polygonal terrain, and the contacts
between the two textures are brittle shear zones
that accommodated higher flow velocities toward
VOL 317
Phase, orbit 1468, and 153.5 degrees from the nightside equator or 26.5°S latitude (MRO travels north over
the day side in its orbit).
27. We thank the science, operations, and engineering teams
of the HiRISE and MRO projects, whose dihgent efforts
enabled the results presented here, and also thank the
reviewers and editor. For more information about HiRISE
and image access, see (http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu).
Supporting Online Material
SOM Text
Figs. SI to S8
Table SI
18 April 2007; accepted 10 August 2007
the center of the channel (fig. S2). These shear
zones indicate that the surface of the flow was
solidifying while its fluid interior continued
moving downhill through Athabasca Valles.
The flow receded from its maximum stand
before completely solidifying. North of the source
region, it appears to have embayed a tectonic
ridge while at peak discharge and then draped
its fiank as the eruption waned (fig. S3). However, a deposit of wind-swept, bright material
obscures the stratigraphie relationship. Within
Athabasca Valles, polygonal and ridged flow
textures reach high onto sfreamlined "islands"
and blanket features previously interpreted to be
fluvial bedforms, including the putative subaqueous dunes (fig. S4). At its height, the flow
filled and locally overbanked the channel system. Subsequently, its level dropped as fluid
drained downstteam into the contiguous distal
basin of Cerberus Palus, where it ponded and
solidified. Current channel topography suggests
that, in Athabasca Valles, the flow level receded
>50 m from its high stand.
The pivotal question is whether the flow is
composed primarily of sediment, ice, or lava,
and its answer can be educed from the thousands
of ring-mound landforms (RMLs) that occur
exclusively on the flow surface. RMLs are a
continuum of landforms intermediate to rings
and mounds (fig. S5). Various hj^otheses for
their origin have been advanced, each invoking a
specific flow composition. If the RMLs are
pingos (ice-cored mounds) in various stages of
collapse, the flow is a mixture of sediment and
extant ice (5, 11, 12); if the RMLs are cryophreatic cones formed by the explosive release of
flow-entrained volatiles, the flow is sediment
that was initially volatile-rich but is now
degassed (13); and if the RMLs are hydrovolcanic (rootless) cones formed when groundwater heated by the overlying flow vented in
steam explosions, the flow is lava (8, 9). HiRISE
data allow these divergent hypotheses to be tested.
Topographic information derived fix)m HiRISE
stereo image pairs shows that many RMLs are
ringed by moats. The moats exhibit a frozenin evolutionary sequence. Incipient moats have