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Proceeding of The International Conference on Economics and Business
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Study this aim for knowing application zakat, infaq / alms accounting based on PSAK 109 at the national amil zakat institution Yakesma Medan. Type research used _ is qualitative . subject study is national amil zakat institution Yakesma Medan. object research used _ is Application of PSAK 109 concerning zakat accounting . Infaq / alms . Data analysis technique used done descriptive qualitative . Research results that application accounting requirements required by PSAK No.109 include recognition , measurement , presentation , and disclosure . In matter confession measurement , and presentation of LAZNAS Yakesma Medan has apply in accordance with PSAK NO.109, meanwhile in matter disclosure of LAZNAS Yakesma Medan not yet disclose completely.
Maqrizi: Journal of Economics and Islamic Economics
This study is based on the background and also aims to determine the existence of zakat and infaq accounting reports based on PSAK 109. This study uses qualitative methods, the approach used in this study is descriptive. The method used is samples of accounting data from 2020 and 2021. The subject of this study is LAZNAS BSM Umat and the object of this study is the application and implementation of ZIS accounting based on PSAK 109 at amil zakat institution (case study at LAZNAS BSM Umat). From the result of this study, the appropriate zakat and infaq/shodaqoh accounting report based on PSAK 109, therefore can be a communication medium between amil institution and other parties, because ZIS financial report is a form of operation responsibility from the activity of collection and distribution of zakat, infaq, and sadaqah (ZIS). To be a transparent and accountable financial report, therefore there should be an accounting standard to organize this. For the application of ZIS accounting...
International Conference of Zakat
This research will examine Sharia Accounting specifically which deals with the analysis of Zakat based on comparative analysis of PSAK 109 with FAS (9) AAOIFI and makes a draft of Zakat Accounting Guidelines based on comparison of PSAK 109 with FAS (9) AAOIFI which can be applied in Indonesia. The research used in this research is a descriptive qualitative research that is a method that describes, describes, compares a data and a situation and explains a situation in such a way that a conclusion can be drawn, with in-depth interviews, discussions and literature studies in order to obtain information from primary and secondary sources, using content analysis, literature review and SWOT.
ournal of Research in Business and Management, 2021
This study aims to analyze the implementation of PSAK 109 in the financial statements of BAZNAS in Gorontalo Regency. The researchers collected documentation and interviewed 36 respondents involve 4 respondents from BAZNAS management, 11 respondents from Gorontalo Regency employees in charge as UPZ (Zakat Collection Unit) officers, and a survey of 21 respondents of individual zakat payer or Muzakki at BAZNAS in Gorontalo Regency. This study is a descriptive qualitative research using the application of Nvivo 11. The results show that aspects of recognition, measurement, distribution, and disclosure of zakat funds, as well as infaq/alms funds at BAZNAS Gorontalo Regency are not in accordance with PSAK 109 standards. Similar with the case of presentation and disbursement of non-halal funds as well as the separation of the recording of the sources of other BAZNAS receipts, financial statements are prepared only to provide information on cash inflows and cash outflows by calling them reports of cash receipts and disbursements.
Proceedings of the Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Environmental Science, Society, and Technology, WESTECH 2018, December 8th, 2018, Medan, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the role of the application of zakat, Infaq / Sadaqah (ZIS) accounting in the management of ZIS in ZIS management institutions so that the contribution of ZIS to improve community welfare is achieved. This research was conducted at the ZIS management institution in Medan City. The study also looks at whether the ZIS management agency regulates the preparation of financial reports as a medium of accountability for its operational activities. This study uses questionnaires and interviews in collecting data. The research sample was the management staff of Amil and ZIS from the ZIS management institution in the city of Medan. The results showed that subjective attitudes and norms had no effect on interest in managing ZIS using PSAK 109.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Materials Engineering and Management - Management Section (ICMEMm 2018), 2019
This study aims to determine: 1) zakat Management (planning and organizing), and 2) the zakat accounting implementation based on PSAK 109 to the National Amil zakat Majene Regency 2014-2016. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Technique of data retrieval is done by interview and documentation study. The analytical method used is qualitative descriptive analysis.The results of this study indicated that the amil zakat management (planning and organizing) of Majene National Council District 2014-2016 for planning has been going well, while for the organizing has not been fully well run so that need of great supporting from the local government to maximize the performance of zakat Majene Regency. For financial management in which there is recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure has not been fully lead to implementation in accordance with the rules of PSAK 109 which regulates the zakat Accounting and Infaq / alms.
Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business, 2016
Indonesian Accountant Association (IAI) has issued the statement of financial accounting standards No. 109 (PSAK No. 109) regarding zakat, infaq, sadaqah (ZIS). This research was conducted on several Zakat Management Organization (OPZ) in Malang, East Java. This research aims to analyze the consistency of the PSAK application in some OPZ in Malang in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) No. 109. As a result, this research finds that some OPZ in Malang do not prepare financial statements in accordance with PSAK 109. The financial statements of the OPZ is reported only in the form of income statements and distribution funds, while excluding such statements as financial position, changes in funds, changes in assets, cash flow and remarks to the financial statements. This research give a salient contribution of analyzing the implementation of zakat, infaq and sadaqah in Indonesia. KeywordsPSAK No.109, Indonesian Accountant Association (IAI), zakat, infaq, s...
International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific, 2019
This study has purpose to identify the implementation PSAK No. 109 about accounting for Zakat and Infaq (Sadaqah) and describe its procedures and implications byusing qualitative approach. This study was using primary and secondary data. The primary data are derived from field research in the form of data obtained from informants, namely BAZNAS administrators and compulsory zakat (muzaki) and the secondary data consisted of various fiqh literature which contained a discussion about zakat. In addition, secondary data was also extracted from a number of BAZNAS in the form of zakat management accounting report documents. The data collection method were interviews, observation, documentation and literature study. The three sets of data analysis methods are applied as follows data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The results indicate that collecting of zakat from mustahik is done by means of socialization to the community and forming a Zakat Collection Unit while the distribution of zakat is done to the muzaki through several programs with allotment categories to 7 of 8 asnaf who are entitled to receive. Data from muzaki and mustahik are collected and included in the application of BAZNAS Information System (SIMBA) and then processed by this application to produce the financial reports.This study has implications for the need and competent human resources in the management of zakat including the field of Accounting and Sharia Management alsoto the need for internal supervision (auditors) and equipping BAZNAS organizations with personnel who are also fully responsible in each field.
KnE Social Sciences, 2020
The purpose of this study is to explore financial accounting in the zakat institutions of Malang city, in accordance with PSAK 109 as a guide in the accounting treatment. In Indonesia the majority of the population are Islamic, which has a high potential of zakat. The potential of zakat is not only on zakat fitrah but also on other types of zakat such as zakat maal, infaq and sedekah. Therefore, the acceptance of zakat in Indonesia has a high potential, if the management of funds perform well and transparently. Zakat institutions must make correct financial reports which are audited by public accountants. These audits bare particularly important to increase public trust in zakat management institutions. Therefore, IAI issued a regulation related to the accounting treatment of zakat, infaq and sedekah - PSAK 109. This is expected unify and simplify reporting methods. In addition, PSAK No. 109 aims to ensure that zakat management institutions comply with sharia principles.This study u...
Jurnal AKSI (Akuntansi dan Sistem Informasi)
This study aims to determine the compliance of amil zakat institutions in financial management (accountability) and legal status. The research method uses descriptive qualitative analysis with multiple case study models of amil zakat institutions which have zakat distribution in Madiun City. Case studies include: BAZNAS, Infaq Management Institute (LMI), Muhammadiyah Alms Alms Zakat Institution (LAZISMU), Yatim Mandiri, Amil Zakat Institute Alms Alms Nahdatul Ulama (LAZISNU), and Baitul Maal Hidayatullah in Madiun City. There are 6 key informants and 5 supporting informants. The results of this study indicate that not all institutions carry out the process of preparing a standard financial report, which refers to PSAK 109, namely zakat, infaq, and alms accounting. The educational background of the management and the policies of each institution in the preparation of financial statements results in the incompatibility of financial statements that are made with generally accepted acco...
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