Experiences with different middleware solutions on the
Jens M. H. Thomas, John Kewley, Rob J. Allan,
Jamie M. Rintelman, Paul Sherwood, C.L. Bailey,
A. Wander, B.G. Searle and N.M. Harrison
STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK
S. Mukhopadhyay
Computational Material Science Group, Department of Chemistry,
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus,
London, SW7 2AZ
Abbie Trewin, George R. Darling and Andrew I. Cooper
Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool,
Crown Street, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK
Corresonding author:
[email protected]
Grid computing is becoming an increasingly important way for computational scientists to access computer resources. However, there is currently no consensus on the optimum middleware for providing access to these resources,
or even a uniform way for users to interact with a particular middleware solution. As part of our work on the NWGRID project, and in our development of our CCP1 GUI software, we have had cause to use two of these solutions
(Globus and NorduGrid ARC), together with various client-side tools that are under development to support them.
This paper describes our experiences to date with these different solutions, and work that has been carried out using
some of them.
1 Introduction
The problem of linking disparate computational resources from different administrative domains, and providing a reasonably simple interface for users to access
the resources is a highly active area for research. A number of different solutions are being developed, each with
slightly different objectives and emphases on the aspects
of the problem they are trying to solve. The ease of use of
these technologies still leaves a lot to be desired and various projects are seeking to address this in different ways.
Through our involvement in the NW-GRID project [1]
we have either been involved ourselves, or have helped
other users access Grid resources using these technologies. In this paper, we describe our experiences with
them and science that was able to be undertaken using
them. We also describe our efforts to simplify their usage
by interfacing them to our CCP1 GUI code. For information about the UK Collaborative Computational Projects
(CCPs), see http://www.ccp.ac.uk.
2 Middleware solutions
Probably the most well-known Grid middleware toolkit is
the Globus Toolkit, developed by the Globus Alliance [2].
The Globus Toolkit is an open source technology for
Grid computing, letting people share computing power,
databases, and other resources securely online across corporate, institutional and geographic boundaries without
sacrificing local autonomy. The toolkit includes software
services and libraries for resource monitoring, discovery,
and management, plus security and file management.
The Globus toolkit has been used successfully on a
large number of computational Grids world wide, and has
been installed on the NW-GRID, which was the target for
most of the work described in this paper. We are currently
using GT 2.4.3 or the equivalent functionality from the
pre-Web services GT 4.0.1.
The Nordugrid [3] is a Grid research and development collaboration aiming at development, maintenance
and support of the free Grid middleware known as the
Advance Resource Connector (ARC). The Nordugrid
collaboration is centered around Scandinavia, but has collaborators as far afield as Russia, Australia and Sri Lanka.
Nordugrid ARC provides a reliable implementation
of the fundamental Grid services, such as information
services, resource discovery and monitoring, job submission and management, brokering and data management and resource management. Most of these services are provided through the security layer of the GSI
(Grid Security Infrastructure). The middleware builds
upon standard Open Source solutions like the OpenLDAP, OpenSSL, SASL and the Globus Toolkit (GT) libraries.
The technologies listed above, however, are used as
replacements and extensions of the original pre-Web services of the Globus Toolkit. ARC does not use most GT
services, such as GRAM, job submission commands, the
WUftp-based gridftp server, the gatekeeper, GRAM jobmanager scripts, MDS information providers or schemas.
ARC extends Globus RSL and makes the Globus MDS
functional without altering the original code. For this reason ARC should be considered to be a Grid solution in its
own right and not just a client for the Globus toolkit services.
3 Client Interfaces
The Globus Toolkit provides a number of commandline client tools for submitting and monitoring jobs and
staging data to and from the resource (e.g. gsisscp,
globus-job-submit ) and this is the most common
way to access Grids such as the UK’s National Grid Service (NGS) or the NW-GRID that run the pre-Web services version of Globus. However, there are a number of
issues with the client-side tools as provided, namely:
• There is currently no port of the Globus Toolkit
for Windows and unfortunately this is still popular
with many end-users who are not developers.
• The use of the command-line tools is rather complicated and involved, and requires manually staging
files to and from resources, and building up complicated command-lines containing Globus Resource
Specification Language (RSL) to submit jobs. It
also requires re-typing certain parameters like the
long job-contact string.
• The tools require certain firewall ports to be open
on the client for callbacks, and this is often either
difficult or impossible to arrange as most desktop
client systems are considered by site adminstrators
to be insecure.
• The handling and reporting of errors encountered
during submission and runtime on the remote machine leaves a lot to be desired. Some of the reported error numbers require interpretation based
on experience and errors can be caused by firewall
issues, problems with proxies or problems with the
GASS cache.
• Installing the client tools is often rather difficult,
may require root privileges and usually requires a
sizeable download which can also include a lot of
non-client code or replace already-existing system
packages such as OpenSSL.
The Nordugrid ARC software supplies a similar set
of command line tools, which differ from their standard
Globus counterparts as follows:
• The client does not require non-standard ports to be
opened. It uses SOAP over HTTP as a wrapper for
GSI or other protocols. This is done using the C/
C++ gSOAP package [4] and a series of “connectors” are provided.
• The client functionality includes a resource broker
which can automatically determine the optimal resource to submit to (the selection of the resource is
enabled through extensions to Globus RSL, so unfortunately the ARC command-line is even longer
than the standard Globus one).
• on encountering an error it is possible to download
a directory that contains various control data enabling accurate post mortem analysis of the job.
• The client-side software is very lightweight and
easily installed via RPMs, although as the ARC
software builds on top of the Globus toolkit, it also
suffers from the restriction that it will not run on
Windows systems.
Many of these issues were noted in the paper by Chin
and Coveney [5].
4 Working around the Limitations of the Client Interfaces
The issues raised above concerning the client-side tools
for the different middleware options have caused developers of applications that run on computational Grids to
explore alternative ways of accessing the resources. Two
of these are explored briefly below.
4.1 Application Hosting Environment
AHE, the Application Hosting Environment [6] is a
lightweight hosting environment for running unmodified
applications that has been developed as part of the Reality Grid project [7]. The AHE provides a client/ server
architecture, with a very lightweight and firewall-friendly
Java client (command-line scripts and a GUI) that can be
deployed on most platforms, together with a more heavyduty server that installs as part of the software stack from
OMII, the UK’s Open Middleware Initiative Institute [8].
Applications that are installed on various Grid resources are deployed as Web services on the AHE server,
so the client need only use standard Web protocols to access the desired application. The server then handles the
staging of data and the submission to the Grid resource,
with the client periodically polling the server to receive
updates on the status of the jobs. As access to the remote resource is mediated by the server, there is no need
for any firewall ports to be open between the client and
remote resource. Furthermore, as the AHE server supports accessing Sun Grid Engine, Condor and Unicore
resources, in addition to both pre and post Web-services
Globus, the same lightweight client has the potential access to a large number of diverse Grid resources.
The disadvantages of the AHE are that it currently
lacks support for automatic resource discovery (as offered by Nordugrid) and that, although the server installation has been considerably simplified by incorporation
into the OMII stack, it is still rather complicated to install. However we assume the server side would usually
be managed by a competent Unix system adminstrator.
The AHE is currently being investigated as part of
the NW-GRID effort. We are in the process of installing
the server stack and will then use this to provide access
to the GAMESS-UK molecular modelling code as a first
test. We will then look at extending this to provide access
to the other codes that are hosted on the NW-GRID.
4.2 GROWL Scripts
The GROWL Project [9] set out to try and alleviate some
of the problems with the pre-WS Globus client interface
described above by the use of Web Services (via gSOAP)
and a three-tiered architecture (similar to the approach
adopted by the AHE). As part of this effort, a series of
shell scripts were produced to wrap a simple subset of
the Globus GT2 standard client commands, adding value
and simplifying the interface to the user. Functionality
enabled by use of the scripts includes:
• Incoming firewall ports need not be opened on the
In order to address this, we have interfaced our CCP1
GUI software[10] to several of these clients, in order to
hide some of the complexity of the underlying operations
from the user and provide as seamless an integration as
possible of the access to Grid resources into the users’
normal working environment.
5.1 Background to the CCP1 GUI
The CCP1 GUI project arose as a result of demand within
the UK academic community (principally through CCP1)
for a free, extensible Graphical User Interface (GUI)
for community codes, particularly for teaching purposes.
The CCP1 GUI is designed to present a uniform interface to a range of different application codes (such as
GAMESS-UK, Dalton and Molpro).
• The scripts provide extra transparency by discovering the type of job manager, user’s home directory
and paths of executables requested by the user.
• GROWL Scripts build quickly on platforms supported by VDT (a Grid middleware distribution
which includes Globus and Condor, the server side
of which is used on NGS and NW-GRID), and
more slowly on many other linux/ unix platforms
(on these platforms a source code version of the
Globus Grid middleware client is downloaded and
• a potential restriction of GROWL Scripts is that
they rely on firewall ports being open on the Grid
resource for both remote login (using GSI-SSH),
file transfer (using GSI-SCP) and job submission
(using GRAM).
As with all Globus-based tools, GROWL Scripts are
not currently supported on Windows.
Despite the limitations of the GROWL Scripts, they
have proved very useful in enabling users of the NWGRID to access the resources from their desktop workstations. Work studying Aluminum Flourides that made
use of the GROWL scripts to access the NW-GRID is
described further below. A further advantage of the
scripts is that the simplified and packaged middleware installation procedure can enable an intermediate Globusenabled server to be set up with little effort.
5 The CCP1 GUI
The tools that have been described so far are focused entirely on the process of running a generic computational
job, with little regard for what the job may involve. They
therefore present an implicit barrier to a computational
scientist interested only in running a calculation and getting the results. The running of the compute job now becomes a separate and potentially complex task, which,
depending on the client used, may require significant
knowledge of the underlying technologies and systems
being used.
Figure 1: A screenshot of the CCP1 GUI
It currently enables users to build molecular structures (or import them from a range of different file formats), create input files for the different supported codes,
invoke the code on the input, and then visualise the results
from within the same environment.
The CCP1 GUI has been built around the Python
open-source programming language [11] and uses the
powerful VTK visualisation toolkit [12]. As both of these
technologies are available for free and cross-platform,
the CCP1 GUI will run on most platforms in use today,
and the use of an object-oriented scripting language like
Python, means that development time is relatively quick.
The use of VTK provides the CCP1 GUI with
a highly powerful graphics toolkit for visualising
molecules, as well as scalar and vector data – an essential
for examining the complex results of (particularly) quantum chemical calculations.
5.2 The CCP1 GUI and GROWL/
As a first step towards enabling grid job submission for
the CCP1 GUI, extensive use was made of the GROWL
scripts for copying the files to and from the remote machine, submitting the job and polling for status.
Subsequently, the CCP1 GUI’s job submission library
has been extended to incorporate most of the functionality provided by the GROWL scripts, removing GROWL
as a dependency, and permitting the CCP1 GUI to take
advantage of any underlying client-side installation of
Globus (although the GROWL installation is still the recommended way to install the client and certificates, and
handle the conversion of Grid certificates).
With the current interface to the Globus client tools,
the CCP1 GUI presents an interface to the user whereby
the only aspects of the job they need concern themselves
with are:
• which remote resource to run on;
• where the binary lives and where the calculation
should run;
• whether any environment variables etc. need to be
set on the remote machine in order to enable the job
to run;
• in some cases it may be necessary to specify the
jobmanager on the remote resource.
Once this has been set, the CCP1 GUI will then stage
data to and from the resource, submit and monitor the
job, and copy the results back to the users’ local machine
without any additional intervention from the user.
In practice, it was found that even remembering the
location and environment required on each machine was
excessively onerous and a barrier to effective work. The
CCP1 GUI was therefore modified to use an internal
database that stores the data for a particular code on a remote resource, so that this data need only be input once.
The Globus interface to the CCP1 GUI is currently
being used by chemists studying novel Hydrogen storage
materials as described further below.
5.3 The CCP1 GUI and Nordugrid
One of the codes that the CCP1 GUI provides an interface to is the Dalton quantum chemistry program [13]. As
Dalton originates from Scandinavia, Dalton was already
installed on many of the Nordugrid machines, which
are required to be accessed through the Nordugrid ARC
client. The CCP1 GUI jobmanager was therefore extended to work with the Nordugrid ARC software.
In many ways this was much easier than interfacing directly to the Globus toolkit. Although ARC does
provide a set of command-line tools, the client software
itself is written in C++ and automatic wrapping with
SWIG [14] provides a Python language interface to the
code. This permits much finer access to the underlying
functionality than can be accessed through a commandline tool, and also facilitates error checking at each stage
of the calculation.
The ARC interface to the CCP1 GUI is somewhat
richer than the Globus one, because of the additional
functionality presented by the extended RSL (named
xRSL) used in ARC. So, for example, although a user
need not select a particular cluster to run a job on (as the
resource broker will determine one), it is possible to specify requirements for a job, such as memory and runtime
and then provide ARC with a list of machines so that the
resource-broker will select the most suitable one.
The Nordugrid interface to the CCP1 GUI is currently
being tested by developers of the Dalton code for production use.
6 Science carried out on the
NW-GRID using Different
Middleware Solutions
6.1 Modelling polymers for hydrogen
Abbie Trewin, George R. Darling and Andrew I. Cooper.
The widespread use of hydrogen as a fuel is limited
by the lack of a convenient method of H2 storage [15].
Molecular H2 storage by physisorption is appealing because it is reversible, cyclable, and sorbents exist which
are tolerant to minor impurities such as water. Many
porous sorbents have been investigated including carbon [16], metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) [17], and
organic polymers [18]. Two significant drawbacks to
H2 physisorption, however, are the low temperatures required and the associated system weight implications. To
date, most H2 physisorption experiments have been conducted at 77.3 K because of the low average isosteric heat
of sorption (4-7 kJ/mol) of H2 with most materials [19].
Hence, there is a need to consider new H2 sorbents with
substantially higher average isosteric heats which might
store H2 at more practicable temperatures.
Molecular H2 can interact with a porous substrate via
weak dispersive interactions, electrostatic interactions,
orbital interactions, or in non-classical dihydrogen complexes [20]. Dispersive forces dominate in substrates
such as carbon [16], and porous organic polymers [18].
Electrostatic interactions between H2 and charged sites
are typically stronger; for example, a recent report refers
to a maximum isosteric heat range of sorption (at low H2
coverage) of 10.1 kJ/mol for exposed Mn2+ coordination
sites in a microporous MOF [21]. Lochan and HeadGordon [20] have calculated much higher H2 binding
affinities in the broad range 10-350 kJ/mol for charged
metals (e.g., Li+ , Al3+ ), ligands (e.g., SO2−
4 , F ), and
metal complexes (e.g., M[(CO)x ] ). Other studies have
calculated the interaction energies for F− –(H2 )n (n = 1–
8) anion complexes using quantum chemical calculations
at the MP2/ aug-cc-pVTZ level [22]. It is, however, impossible to achieve isolated “bare” ions such as Al3+ or
F− in real physical materials [20].
Our broad aim is to design and evaluate syntheticallyviable high-energy “binding sites” for hydrogen physisorption which can be incorporated into real materials.
Figure 2: The interaction between an F anion and its
surrounding framework structure visulaised with the
Ab initio calculations employing the GAMESS-UK
code are used to investigate the binding interactions between molecular H2 and a range of molecules. The calculation of binding energies requires several separate calculations at high computational expense.
The computing facilities made available using the
NW-GRID have enabled us to calculate systems which
would otherwise be prohibitively expensive. For example, we are able to investigate the effects of the surrounding structural environment as well as the binding site locality. This is an important factor as the binding interaction forces are generally weak and easily influenced by
the materials framework structure.
The use of the CCP1 GUI provided a simple environment to generate multiple jobs easily and efficiently, and
then visualise the resulting data (see Figure 2). As the
CCP1 GUI also handled all aspects of running the calculation on the NW-GRID, the calculations were able to be
run by users with no knowledege of the underlying technologies being used to access the Grid resources.
6.2 Ab initio studies of aluminium fluorides
C.L. Bailey, S. Mukhopadhyay, A. Wander,
B.G. Searle and N.M. Harrison.
Aluminium flourides (AlF3 ) have great potential for use
as catalysts in many Cl/F exchange reactions. Experimentally, large differences in catalytic reactivity are observed between the different phases of AlF3 . A series
of detailed first principles simulations has started to unravel the complex structures of these surfaces which in
turn provides clues to their different chemical properties.
Little is known experimentally about the detailed atomic
scale structure of these surfaces and consequently these
calculations provide the only model that explains this catalytic activity.
These results allow us to explain the different reactivity of aluminium fluoride phases in terms of the
substantial differences in the accessibility of the reactive, co-ordinatively unsaturated aluminium sites at their
respective surfaces. For crystalline α-AlF3 we have
shown that the Al atoms are effectively covered by flu-
orine atoms [24, 25] leading to a surface that displays no
Lewis acidity or catalytic activity. Conversely, we have
shown that β-AlF3 , which shows moderate Lewis acidity and catalytic activity, contains co-ordinatively unsaturated five fold aluminium ions at the surface [24, 26]. On
the basis of these results we can postulate that the highly
reactive, amorphous “high-surface area” AlF3 may display acidic sites similar to those found on the β-AlF3
It is known that the surfaces of AlF3 strongly hydrolyse water and consequently it is likely that the surfaces
of real operating catalysts will contain significant quantities of hydroxyl groups. To quantify this, a series of
calculations have been performed allowing us to predict
the surface chemistry and structure of these materials as
a function of environmental conditions – namely the partial pressure of water and hydrogen fluoride the surface
is exposed to. The surface stability of the (0001) surface
of α-AlF3 is shown in Figure 3 [27]. These predictions
are currently awaiting experimental verification although
they appear to explain all known experimental data.
This project requires a large amount of processor
time. We typically run geometry optimisation calculations in parallel on up to 32 processors. A single calculation typically takes around 60 hours. We have been
able to use NW-GRID to run a significant proportion of
these calculations. For example, the surface structure of
α-AlF3 as a function of HF and H2 O partial pressure,
shown in Figure 3, involved over 150 different geometry
optimisations using hybrid exchange density functional
theory as implemented in the CRYSTAL [28] code. We
have made an extensive use of the graphical user interface DLV [29] within this study. DLV is analogous to the
CCP1 GUI described earlier, and provides a powerful interfaces to many of the CCP3 codes such as CRYSTAL
DLV has been used to both set up our calculations and
visualise the resultant structures and properties of the systems. The latest development version of DLV can also be
used to remotely submit jobs to external clusters such as
NW-GRID, using the GROWL interface.
The ongoing development of different middleware
has led to a project to extend the capability of DLV to
allow further integration with NW-GRID. We are currently considering extending DLV to enable multiple jobs
to be quickly and easily submitted, with the results written back to a local machine for analysis. We also look
forward to the opportunities arising from developments
around co-scheduling and job-migration to allow jobs to
be remotely submitted to NW-grid to be run on whichever
cluster has resouces avaiable. Loosely coupled jobs could
even be run over clusters over multiple sites.
7 Conclusions
The idea of Grid computing is become increasingly popular and is starting to impact on scientists in a growing
range of different disciplines. However, Grid comput-
Figure 3: Phase diagram for α-AlF3 (0001). The coloured regions represent the most stable surface
terminations that will exist as a function of gaseous HF and H2 O partial pressures.
ing is still very much in it’s infancy in terms of “ease of
use” and there is no general consensus on the best way
to approach it. Middleware solutions such as Globus and
the Nordugrid ARC software are becoming more mature
and effective, but their uptake still presents a significant
hurdle to mainstream scientists interested in taking advantage of the resources becoming available on computational Grids.
Solutions such as the AHE and GROWL ease this
problem somewhat by buffering the users from some of
the underlying complexity inherent in Grid middleware.
These tools are in active use and are now helping scientists do “real” science as demonstrated in this paper,
but generally in the context where the scientists are already very close to the providers of the Grids or the software developers who are then able to provide the support
and training needed to familiarise the users with this new
technology. Although this works for a small number of
people, it is not a viable scenario if the vision of Grid
computing is to be realised more widely.
The work that has been done with the CCP1 GUI
demonstrates one approach that can help scientists with
little or no interest in the underlying Grid technology
make effective use of resources such as the NW-GRID.
By building application-specific client tools on top of the
supplied Grid toolkits, and thus presenting a familiar interface, users are more comfortable running on theses
resources, as is demonstrated by some of the work pre-
sented in this paper.
8 Acknowledgments
Some of the work described in this paper was undertaken at the STFC (formerly CCLRC) e-Science Centre, Daresbury Laboratory. Development of GROWL was
supported by JISC. NW-GRID is funded by NWDA, the
North West Development Agency.
We would like to thank the EU for the support of
part of this work through the 6th Framework Programme
(FUNFLUOS, contract No. NMP3-CT-2004-5005575).
[1] NW-GRID: the North West Grid.
[2] The Globus Alliance.
[3] Nordugrid.
[4] R.A. van Engelen gSOAP: C/ C++ Web AServices
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[8] Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute.
[9] The GROWL Project.
[10] The CCP1GUI Project.
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