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2003, Proceedings of the eleventh ACM international conference on Multimedia - MULTIMEDIA '03
2 pages
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combinFormation is a tool that enables browsing and collecting information elements in a generative space. By generative, we mean that the tool is an agent that automatically retrieves information elements and visually composes them. A combinFormation session presents a dynamic, evolving recombination of information elements from different sources. The elements are manipulable in the information space. Recombination is the process of taking previously unconnected elements, and combining them to create new configurations.
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 2008
combinFormation is a mixed-initiative creativity support tool for searching, browsing, organizing, and integrating information. Images and text are connected to represent surrogates (enhanced bookmarks), optimizing the use of human cognitive facilities. Composition, an alternative to lists and spatial hypertext, is used to represent a collection of surrogates as a connected whole, using principles from art and design. This facilitates the creative process of information discovery, in which humans develop new ideas while finding and collecting information. To provoke the user to think about the large space of potentially relevant information resources, a generative agent proactively engages in collecting information resources, forming image and text surrogates, and composing them visually. The agent develops the collection and its visual representation over time, enabling the user to see ideas and relationships. To keep the human in control, we develop interactive mechanisms for authoring the composition and directing the agent. In a field study in an interdisciplinary course on The Design Process, over a hundred students alternated using combin-Formation and Google+Word to collect prior work on information discovery invention assignments. The students that used combinFormation's mixed-initiative composition of image and text surrogates performed better.
The Community Page is a forum for organizations and societies to highlight their efforts to enhance the dissemination and value of scientific knowledge.
In the postmodern age, people interact with information on a daily basis. The process tends to become routinized. Yet, information has the potential to stimulate imagination, and the emergence of new ideas. We are endeavouring to open the space of everyday experiences with information. People need to create, work with, share, and present collections of information resources. Interactive systems can help them find information and see it in new ways. We are developing a mixedinitiative system, combinFormation, that uses composition for browsing, collecting, and arranging information samples from web pages. The samples act as visual, semiotic, and navigational surrogates for the documents from which they are extracted. The visual forms and meanings of the samples are connected through the composition to create recombinant information. The initiatives are the system's generation of composition, and the user's direct manipulation. The system's generative initiatives --collecting information samples, and composing them visually --are conducted iteratively, based on a user model. The system presents the ongoing generation of the composition to the user in an interactive information space. In this space, one of the user's initiatives is to directly manipulate the composition through 2 interactive design operations, which enable samples to be displaced, layered, annotated, and removed. The user can also express positive or negative interest in each sample. Expressions of interest affect the model, creating a feedback loop through the visualization. Supporting the agent's composition initiative and the user's composition and interest expression initiatives in the same interactive space raises particular interface design problems. This paper describes exploratory interface design research toward methods for giving the user expressive power in partnership with the generative agent. In one design, The Compound Mappings Interface, design composition and interest expression operations are mapped in preset pairings. In another design,
W ehav emodifie dan dimproved th eGO Ralgorith mfo rth eprotei nsecondar ystruc- tur epredictio nb yusin gth eevolutionar yinforma- tio nprovide db ymultipl esequenc ealignments ,add- in gtriple tstatistics ,an doptimizin gvarious parameters .W ehav eexpande dth edatabas euse dto includ eth e51 3non-redundan tdomain scollected recentl yb yCuf fan dBarto n(Protein s1999;34:50 8- 519 ;Protein s2000;40:502-511) .W ehav
Design Science, 2018
Idea generation is significant in design, but coming up with creative ideas is often challenging. This paper presents a computer-based tool, called the Combinator, for assisting designers to produce creative ideas. The tool is developed based on an approach simulating aspects of human cognition in achieving combinational creativity. It can generate combinational prompts in text and image forms through combining unrelated ideas. A case study has been conducted to evaluate the Combinator. The study results indicate that the Combinator, in its current formulation, has assisted the tool users involved in the case study in improving the fluency of idea generation, as well as increasing the originality, usefulness, and flexibility of the ideas generated. The results also indicate that the tool could benefit its users in generating high-novelty and high-quality ideas effectively. The Combinator is considered to be beneficial in expanding the design space, increasing better idea occurrence,...
PLoS Biology, 2013
The Community Page is a forum for organizations and societies to highlight their efforts to enhance the dissemination and value of scientific knowledge.
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 2024
Bu çalışmada, Ahmet Haşim’in şiirlerinde öne çıkan imajlar ve imaj oluşturma biçimleri, Gaston Bachelard’ın ortaya koyduğu düşleme poetikası kuramından hareketle incelenmektedir. Bachelard’ın fenomenoloji temelli bir perspektiften formüle ettiği poetik hülya kavramına göre edebî yaratım aynı zamanda bilinçli bir düşleme faaliyetidir. Eseri poetik hülya ya da poetik düş olarak konumlandıran bu yaklaşımda düş (hülya) ile rüya kavramları arasındaki ayrım gözden kaçırılmamalıdır. Rüya olgusu, daha çok psikolojinin inceleme konusu olup bilinçdışıyla ilişkilendirilir. Poetik düş ise bilinçli düşlemeden kaynaklanmakla birlikte bilinçli düşlemenin ürünü olan bu düşü kuran özne, rüyalardan farklı olarak onun gerçek olmadığının bilincindedir. Ahmet Haşim’de ön planda olan hülyaya dalma izleği geçmişe veya ideal âleme dair tasarımlar üzerinden işlenir. Bachelard, poetik hülyaları incelerken C. G. Jung’un arketipik yaklaşımından ve yine bu yaklaşım çerçevesinde öne sürdüğü anima ve animus terimlerinden yararlanır. Anima ve animus; animanın dişil, animusun eril varsayıldığı bir kodlama biçimi olarak öznenin sahip olduğu ikilikleri imler. Ahmet Haşim’in şiirlerinde animanın kendisini belirgin bir biçimde gösterdiği dişil unsurlar arasında anne ve sevgiliyi niteleyen kadın imajları öne çıkar. Uzak geçmişe ait hatırlamalar anne imajı ve çocukluk üzerinde yoğunlaşırken bireysel geçmişten gelen deneyimlerle arketipik ögelerin iç içe geçtiği anlam katmanları oluşur. Bellek ve çocukluk temalarının bir arada yer aldığı bu şiirlerde poetik hülyalar animanın alanına çekilmekte ve böylelikle animanın egemenliğinde şekillenen bir yorumlama pratiği açığa çıkmaktadır.
Η Δράμα και η περιοχή της, ζ΄ επιστημονική συνάντηση, 2020
EPD: Society and Space, 2023
The International Journal of Business & Management, 2021
Juliana Braz Dias e Andréa de Souza Lobo (orgs.), África em movimento, pp. 49-62. Brasília: ABA Publicações., 2012
L Ánthropologie, 2023
Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World, 2024
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development
Journal of Media Research, 2020
BMC Systems Biology, 2007
Sustainable Environment, 2021
Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 2016
Subjetividad y procesos cognitivos, 24(2), 57-84(2020)., 2020