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Arsip Sulawesi Selatan, Koleksi 11, Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Periode Tahun 1947-1990, #227, Kementerian Agama, Sekretaris Jenderal: Surat tanggal 14 April 1954 tentang Pedoman mengenai tugas menjaga kemerdekaan agama.
Secara harfiyah, Al-Quran artinya "bacaan" (qoroa, yaqrou, quranan), sebagaimana firman Allah dalam Q.S. 75:17-18:
This introductory tutorial is an overview of simulation modeling and analysis. Many critical questions are answered in the paper. What is modeling? What is simulation? What is simulation modeling and analysis? What types of problems are suitable for simulation? How to select simulation software? What are the benefits and pitfalls in modeling and simulation? The intended audience is those unfamiliar with the area of discrete event simulation as well as beginners looking for an overview of the area. This includes anyone who is involved in system design and modification -system analysts, management personnel, engineers, military planners, economists, banking analysts, and computer scientists. Familiarity with probability and statistics is assumed.
Estudios de Filosofía
Against the background of the contemporary debate about financialisation, the paper conceptualises the capitalist labour economy as fundamentally a monetary system. It argues that money is not a capitalist means of organising its labour economy but that it is rather a capitalist end. The argument examines and finds wanting conceptions of money in political economy, including Keynesianism and neoliberalism, and argues that the debate about financialisation is fundamentally based on the propositions of political economy. It holds that Marx’s critique of political economy conceives of money as the form of value and expounds money-making as the purpose of the capital labour economy. Thus, the labour theory of value is fundamentally a monetary theory of value, labour is the means of valorisation, and that is, of money in process, and as such capital. Making money out of money is capital as its most rational. In the form of credit, money posits wealth as a claim on future surplus value.
Reprezentarea politică a femeilor în România, 2021
Este pentru prima dată, după aderarea României la UE, când se înregistrează o scădere a reprezentării politice a femeilor (aflată oricum la un nivel foarte scăzut), iar acest lucru necesită – inclusiv prin prisma evoluțiilor politice recente de la nivel european și regional – o reflecție serioasă. Prin acest studiu ne propunem să identificăm principalii factori care influențează accesul femeilor la un mandat politic (local, național sau european) în context românesc și să încercăm să înțelegem care sunt elementele care pot explica situația actuală.
Uma edificação deve ter componentes que satisfaçam os requisitos mínimos de utilização e segurança, dentre os quais a resistência ao fogo. Em alguns casos, como em edifícios históricos, esses requisitos devem ser adaptados às limitações impostas pela preservação da estrutura histórica do imóvel. Uma edificação segura contra incêndio pode ser definida como aquela em que há baixa probabilidade de início de incêndio e na qual, em caso de incêndio, há alta probabilidade de todos os seus ocupantes sobreviverem (Berto, 1990). As medidas de segurança contra incêndio podem ser de prevenção ou de proteção. As medidas de prevenção são aquelas associadas ao elemento precaução contra o início do incêndio e se destinam, exclusivamente, a prevenir a ocorrência do início do incêndio. As medidas de proteção-que dividem-se em proteção passiva e proteção ativa-são destinadas a proteger a vida humana e os bens materiais dos efeitos nocivos do incêndio já em curso em um edifício.
Στο βιβλίο αυτό οι συγγραφείς επιχειρούν να αναδείξουν την κοινωνιολογική διάσταση της εκπαίδευσης, φιλτραρισμένη μέσα από μια παράλληλη διεπιστημονική οπτική γωνία, που άπτεται της Παιδαγωγικής και της Ψυχολογίας. Τα θέματα που πραγματεύεται με κριτική και εμπειρική προσέγγιση, αποτελούν αμφιλεγόμενα και δυσεπίλυτα ζητήματα της σύγχρονης προβληματικής και ενδιαφέρουν τόσο τους επαΐοντες, όσο και οποιονδήποτε επιζητά να φωτίσει πλευρές της Παιδείας ως κοινωνικής αναπαράστασης. Έννοιες, όπως κοινωνικό κεφάλαιο και δίκτυα, πολυπολιτισμικότητα, σχολική αποτυχία, δια βίου εκπαίδευση, αγορά εργασίας, συμπλέκονται σε μια εναργή συλλογιστική, που καθοδηγεί εννοιολογικά τον αναγνώστη να κατανοήσει αρχές της Κοινωνικής Θεωρίας, όπως αυτή μεταλλάσσεται υπό το πρίσμα της παγκοσμιοποίησης και της ευρωπαϊκής ολοκλήρωσης. Σε τελική ανάλυση, η παιδεία είναι πολυπαραγοντικό φαινόμενο, που αφορά τον καθένα και απαιτεί μια συνθετική σκέψη και ερμηνευτική, ώστε να διαφανεί ο ρόλος της ως κοινωνικοποιητικού και πολιτισμικού θεσμού. The authors of this book highlight the sociological dimension of education, through an interdisciplinary perspective, related to Pedagogy and Psychology. The issues under discussion -approached critically and empirically- are often controversial and concern both specialists and those who seek to illuminate aspects of Education as a social representation. Concepts, such as social capital and networks, multiculturalism, school failure, lifelong education, labour market, are discussed in depth, so that the reader can comprehend the principles of Social Theory, which is evolving in the light of globalization and the European integration. Besides, Education is a multifactorial and multidimensional phenomenon that concerns everyone and requires synthetic thinking and interpretation, in order to highlight its role as a socializing and cultural institution.
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