Ocean warming threatens southern right whale
population recovery
Macarena Agrelo1,2*, Fábio G. Daura-Jorge1, Victoria J. Rowntree3,4, Mariano Sironi2,5,
Philip S. Hammond6, Simon N. Ingram7, Carina F. Marón2,5, Florencia O. Vilches2,8, Jon Seger4,
Roger Payne3, Paulo C. Simões-Lopes1
Whales contribute to marine ecosystem functioning, and they may play a role in mitigating climate change and
supporting the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) population, a keystone prey species that sustains the entire
Southern Ocean (SO) ecosystem. By analyzing a five-decade (1971–2017) data series of individual southern right
whales (SRWs; Eubalaena australis) photo-identified at Península Valdés, Argentina, we found a marked increase
in whale mortality rates following El Niño events. By modeling how the population responds to changes in the
frequency and intensity of El Niño events, we found that such events are likely to impede SRW population recovery
and could even cause population decline. Such outcomes have the potential to disrupt food-web interactions in
the SO, weakening that ecosystem’s contribution to the mitigation of climate change at a global scale.
Laboratório de Mamíferos Aquáticos, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia,
Departamento de Ecologia e Zoologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. 2 Instituto de Conservación de Ballenas, O’Higgins
4380, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires 1429, Argentina. 3Ocean Alliance, 32 Horton
Street, Gloucester, MA 01930, USA. 4School of Biological Sciences, University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA. 5Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
(FCEFyN), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba 5000, Argentina. 6Sea
Mammal Research Unit, Scottish Oceans Institute, University of St Andrews, St Andrews,
Fife KY16 8LB, Scotland, UK. 7School of Biological and Marine Sciences, University
of Plymouth, Plymouth PL4 8AA, UK. 8Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA.
*Corresponding author. Email:
[email protected]
Agrelo et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabh2823
15 October 2021
populations by stimulating primary productivity via iron recycling,
a feedback mechanism known as the “krill paradox” (16, 17). The
El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a well-known climate driver
affecting the SO by producing interannual changes in sea ice and
atmospheric effects (18, 19). El Niño events increase sea surface
temperature (SST), reducing the extent of sea ice and thereby affecting
the abundance of Antarctic krill in subsequent years (20, 21). This
effect offers clues about the ecological consequences of climate
change in the Antarctic ecosystem.
The Western Antarctic Peninsula is one of the world’s fastestwarming areas, and the extent of its sea ice is diminishing due to
regional climate change (22, 23). As a consequence, krill abundance
has declined since 1970 (24). A regional increase of 1°C over the
next 100 years has been predicted to cause a 95% reduction in krill
abundance by the end of this century (25). Considering the worst
scenario of greenhouse concentration trajectory—Representative
Concentration Pathways (RCP) 8.5 scenario—adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, recent ecosystem models
predict the continuing decline of Antarctic krill throughout the 21st
century and hence a worrying future for baleen whales in the SO
(26). However, the correlation of changes in whale population
dynamics with El Niño events, climate change, and fluctuations in
krill abundance is difficult to measure due to the lack of long-term
data for many baleen whale species (27).
Since 1971, the Right Whale Program (Ocean Alliance and Instituto
de Conservación de Ballenas) has monitored individual southern
right whales (SRWs; Eubalaena australis) off Península Valdés,
Argentina, the main calving ground for the Southwest (SW) Atlantic
population (table S1). Individuals are identified by their callosity
patterns—patches of roughened skin covered with white cyamids or
“whale lice”—that give every right whale’s head a unique and stable
pattern (28). This research program has created an exceptionally
long and detailed record of resightings of known individuals, which
can be used to study the effects of climate change on the dynamics
of a baleen whale population. The current data series includes 4007
known individuals (29), mostly reproductive females. Some have
been seen in as many as 18 different years and with up to 11 calves.
To date, population parameters of SRW in the Southern Hemisphere
have been estimated on the basis of resightings of adult females,
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Whales play critical roles in marine ecosystems by vertically and
horizontally mixing ocean waters, delivering and recycling nutrients,
promoting biodiversity, and mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon for long periods (1–5). Most baleen whales migrate
annually from resource-poor mid-latitude breeding grounds in
spring to high-latitude productive feeding grounds during summer
(6). On their feeding grounds, whales enhance primary productivity
by fertilizing ocean waters with feces rich in iron, nitrogen, and
phosphorus and distributing other nutrients (7, 8). Their large
biomass and long lives sequester carbon, and when they die, their
carcasses contribute to biodiversity and carbon sequestration on the
seafloor (7).
Over several centuries, the whaling industry removed most of
the global biomass of these key players from pelagic ocean ecosystems. Whaling decreased whale biomass by more than 85%, with
populations declining by 66 to >90% in some species (8). These
depleted whale populations now play a diminished role in ocean
ecosystem processes. Whales are essential to support the survival of
whale-fall specialist species (9). The link between whale overharvesting and the sequential megafaunal collapse in the North Pacific
at the end of the 20th century has been debated (10, 11).
The Southern Ocean (SO) ecosystem provides nutrients for
global biogeochemical cycles (12). Thus, removing critical components from the SO ecosystem may affect the functioning of other
ecosystems and climate regulation. Many vertebrates in the SO,
including the great whales, are highly dependent on Antarctic krill
(13–15). Apparently paradoxically, whales also seem to support krill
Copyright © 2021
The Authors, some
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American Association
for the Advancement
of Science. No claim to
original U.S. Government
Works. Distributed
under a Creative
Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).
with emphasis on reproductive success (30–32). The SW Atlantic
SRW population shows maternally driven high fidelity to its
summer foraging grounds (33) and decreased reproductive rates
following El Niño events, which cause increased SST in their
feeding grounds off South Georgia/Georgias del Sur (27, 34). However,
the impacts of climate change on adult survival and population
dynamics are unknown. Here, we estimate the effects of El Niño
events on survival probabilities of SW Atlantic SRWs and on the
growth of their population, and we discuss how the ecosystem
consequences of a slowdown in whale recovery may further limit
population growth in the southern Atlantic Ocean.
El Niño
La Niña
Predicted female survival
Effect of climate change on population recovery
El Niño events are projected to become more intense (15%) and
more frequent (25% weak; 27% moderate; 47% strong) throughout
the 21st century (35). To forecast how predicted climate change
would affect SW Atlantic SRW recovery over a 100-year period, we
used the fitted relationship between female survival and ONI
[logit(φ = 5.359 − 1.371*ONI)], an average calf survival of 0.675 ± 0.048
(CI 95%: 0.574 to 0.763) estimated in the present study, and previously
published demographic parameters (see Materials and Methods
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Female survival
Effect of El Niño events on SRW female survival
Mark-recapture models were fitted to the encounter histories of 4183
noncalf sightings of 1380 female whales (Table 1). Two candidate
models were well supported by the data, so we estimated the parameters
of interest using weighted model averaging. The better model (53%
support) allowed survival probabilities to vary in response to ENSO,
which was represented by the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) (see
Materials and Methods). The alternative model (47% support) fit a
single constant annual survival probability over the 47-year history,
which was estimated as 0.990 ± 0.001. In the variable-survival model,
survival probabilities depended strongly on both the phase and
intensity of ENSO (Fig. 1). In particular, in 1997–1998 and 2015–2016,
which are considered the most extreme El Niño events on record,
averaged survival probabilities dropped to 0.958 ± 0.042 and
0.951 ± 0.055, respectively. This decrease in survival represents a
mortality rate increase from ~1% in years without El Niño events to
4.2% in 1997–1998 and 4.9% in 2015–2016 (table S2). Estimated
female survival decreased sharply after each of the four strong
El Niño years (1972–1973, 1982–1983, 1997–1998, and 2015–2016)
but not after La Niña years (Fig. 1). Peaks in the ONI usually occur
in the Southern Hemisphere summer between December and March.
The associated decreases in female survival indicate that whales
seen before a strong El Niño event experience elevated probabilities
of never being seen again. Following cool phase (La Niña) years, the
mean annual survival was estimated as 0.995 ± 0.012; following
neutral phase years, it was 0.993 ± 0.019, but following all warm
phase (El Niño) years combined, it decreased markedly to
0.979 ± 0.078. For the four strong El Niño events, average annual
survival was 0.963 ± 0.076, corresponding to a mortality rate of
3.7% (Table 2).
−2 −1
Oceanic El Niño Index
Fig. 1. SRW female survival and climate change. (A) Female survival probabilities for SRWs (E. australis) identified between 1971 and 2017 at Península Valdés, Argentina.
Estimated survival in year t should be read as the probability of surviving to the end of that annual period. Estimates are shown with 95% CI (error bars). Years are categorized
by ENSO phase (color code). (B) Oceanic El Niño Index (ONI) representing 3 months running mean sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in El Niño 3.4 region from 1970 to
2019 (ONI values greater than 0.5, red line, represent the warm phase/El Niño; ONI values lower than −0.5, blue line, represent the cool phase/La Niña; ONI values
between 0.5 and −0.5, black line, represent the neutral phase). Data are taken from the rsoi R package. (C) Mean monthly SST of SW Atlantic Ocean (30°W to 70°W, 42°S to
77°S) from 1970 to 2019. Data are taken from the COBE Dataset ( (D) Mean density (individuals m−2) of Antarctic
krill (Euphausia superba) within the SW Atlantic Ocean, based on standardized densities. Years with >50 (black) and <50 (red) stations are plotted, yielding 6544 stations
from the updated KRILLBASE database from 1981 to 2016 ( (E) Relationship between female survival probability and ONI
[logit(φ = 5.359 − 1.371 * ONI)] during cool phase/La Niña (blue), neutral phase (gray), and warm phase/El Niño (red). Estimates are shown with 95% CI (error bars). SRW
and krill illustrations are by A. Díaz.
Agrelo et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabh2823
15 October 2021
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Table 1. Model selection for SRW female survival. CJS models fitted for
female SRWs identified from 1971 to 2017 at Península Valdés, Argentina.
Models are presented in ascending order based on their AIC corrected for
overdispersion (QAICc). The selected models appear in bold. Number of
parameters (k); difference in QAICC in relation to the model with the
lowest QAICc (DQAIC); apparent survival (φ); recapture probability (p); time
(sampling occasion) (t); linear temporal trend (T); constant (.); El Niño
Oscillation Index (ONI); trap dependence (td).
Table 2. SRW female survival in different intensities of ENSO. Mean
SRW female survival (φ), SD, and mean Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) during
neutral, weak, moderate, and strong (intensity) El Niño–Southern
Oscillation phases (ENSO phase) between 1971 and 2016.
ENSO phase
Cool phase La Niña
Cool phase La Niña
Neutral phase
φ (ONI) p(t + td)
Warm phase El Niño
φ (.) p(t + td)
Warm phase El Niño
φ (T) p(t + td)
Warm phase El Niño
φ (t) p(t + td)
φ (ONI) p(t)
φ (.) p(t)
φ (T) p(t)
φ (ONI) p(T)
φ (.) p(T)
φ (T) p(T)
φ (t) p(t)
φ (t) p(T)
φ (T) p(td)
φ (t) p(td)
φ (ONI) p(td)
φ (.) p(td)
Agrelo et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabh2823
15 October 2021
Our findings indicate that climate change is reducing overall SW
Atlantic SRW female survival by decreasing survival after strong
El Niño events. For example, after the 1997–1998 El Niño event, one
of the most intense on record, 19 (23%) of the 84 known females seen
in 1997 were not seen afterward; most of them were individuals that
had been recorded several times at Península Valdés before 1997.
We hypothesize that SRW females at Península Valdés that have
calves in the season before a strong El Niño event are those most
likely to show reduced survival probabilities. A substantial proportion of females sighted with calves before strong El Niño events that
initiate a few months later (December to March) have never subsequently returned to Valdés, with or without calves. A possible
explanation for the observed link between El Niño events and female
survival could be a reduction in the abundance of one of their principal prey, Antarctic krill, in the years immediately following the
El Niño, while they are recovering their energy reserves after spending
them on the immense investment required to gestate, nurse, and
wean a calf. Females typically spend a year in gestation, a year in
lactation, and a third year rebuilding their blubber and other resources (30, 36, 37). A recent photogrammetric study reported that
SRWs lose at least 25% of their body volume during the first phase
of lactation (38). If some females that had their calves in September
of 1997 experienced a reduction in the abundance of prey beginning
a year after that strong El Niño (the feeding season of December
1998 to March 1999), then they might plausibly fail to fully recover.
Because a substantial number of such individuals were not seen in
1998 or any subsequent years—late lactating females tend not to
return to the calving ground (39)—the mark-recapture models estimate
a reduced survival probability for 1997, which was the last year
those whales were sighted.
The Antarctic krill population at South Georgia/Georgias del Sur
is not self-sustaining (40), and its main source of recruits is believed
to be key spawning and nursery areas near the Western Antarctic
Peninsula (25). Antarctic krill population recruitment, survival, and
dispersal correlate positively only with sea ice from the previous
winter (24). It has been reported that ice-shelf height variability in
the Western Antarctic Peninsula is directly coupled to regional
atmospheric circulation driven by ENSO and correlates with ONI
with a 4- to 6-month lag (19). Although El Niño events increase
snowfall, the warmer sea temperatures increase basal melting of the
ice shelf (19). Hence, the recruitment of Antarctic krill the following
summer at South Georgia/Georgias del Sur may be affected, in turn
affecting blubber recovery in female right whales. Considering the
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and tables S3 and S4). We found that more frequent or more intense
El Niño events reduce predicted SRW population growth (Fig. 2).
However, when these effects (frequency and intensity) are combined, more substantial impacts emerge. Projecting population
growth with a density-dependent population model using the
historical estimate of SRW annual population growth (6.5 ± 0.2%)
(31), the population was predicted to reach a pre-exploitation abundance of 35,000 whales (here assumed to be the carrying capacity,
K) over the next century (Fig. 2A). Assuming the same frequency
and intensity of El Niño events as seen during the past 50 years, the
population has a 93% probability of reaching 85% of K early next
century (Fig. 2B). This probability declines to 1 and 6% in scenarios
with more frequent or more intense El Niño events, respectively
(Fig. 2, C and D). If both the frequency and intensity of El Niño
increase, then the population has zero probability of reaching 85%
of K in the next 100 years (Fig. 2E). Assuming the most pessimistic
estimates from the Fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
(CMIP5) under the RCP 8.5 scenario, the population has no chance
of reaching 85% of carrying capacity in the next 100 years and only
a small chance (22%) of reaching 50% of K by the beginning of the
next century (Fig. 2F). Projections based on all CMIP5 climate
change models under two RCP scenarios (2.6 and 8.5) show remarkable variation in population trajectories (Fig. 2, G and H, and
fig. S1). Under the RCP 8.5 scenario, at the beginning of the next
century, the smallest population size from the most pessimistic
model was ~7500 whales, while the largest population size from the
most optimistic model was ~32,000 whales.
R: 6.5% (6.3 – 6.7%)
Population size (103)
Historical estimates
More frequent
R: 3.8% (3.5 – 4.0%)
: 0.987 (0.984–0.990)
R: 3.4% (3.1 – 3.7%)
: 0.982 (0.978–0.986)
reaches K
93% of the populations
reaches 85K
75 100
1% of the populations
reaches 85K
75 100
R: 2.6% (2.3 – 2.9 %)
: 0.977 (0.971–0.983)
25 50
6% of the populations
reaches 85K
75 100
75 100
More frequent and intense CMCC-CESM RCP 8.5
Population size (103)
More intense
R: 3.4% (3.1 – 3.7%)
: 0.983 (0.979–0.988)
RCP 2.6
RCP 8.5
R: 2.0% (1.7 – 2.3 %)
: 0.967 (0.958–0.975)
0% of the populations
reaches 85K
75 100
0% of the populations
reaches 85K
75 100
75 100
75 100
lag between the El Niño and krill recruitment, SRWs that return to
their feeding grounds after an entire year of lactation and after weaning
their calves may find their survival especially strongly affected if
krill abundance (recruitment) has been reduced.
We found that decreases in female survival occurred only in
years with strong El Niño events but not during La Niña (Fig. 1, Table 2,
and table S2). While more extreme ENSO events are predicted
under aggressive greenhouse emission scenarios over this century,
a marked preponderance of extreme El Niño events, as opposed to
La Niña events, is also expected (41, 42), as seen in previous decades.
Climate change affects SW Atlantic SRW female reproductive
success. Following El Niño events, females from this population
had fewer calves than expected (27, 34). Although we simplified the
system without considering the entire chain of climate change consequences, our simulations suggest that the predicted changes in
El Niño intensity and frequency are likely to affect the recovery rate
of SW Atlantic SRW. Under both the most pessimistic and optimistic
RCP scenarios, large negative consequences on whale population
recovery are predicted. We demonstrate these effects for just one
species, but they are likely to occur in other species of great whales,
especially those that depend strongly on Antarctic krill. The impact
of climate change on whale recovery could be more notable in light
of recent research on the krill paradox, which suggests that whales
Agrelo et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabh2823
15 October 2021
can support krill biomass through nutrient cycling (17, 18). Krill
abundance depends on chlorophyll concentrations and the extent
of sea ice in the preceding winter (24). Processes that remove carbon
from the atmosphere, moderate rising ocean temperatures, and/or
increase the persistence of trace elements in surface waters will
therefore tend to increase ecosystem productivity and krill abundance.
Whale population recovery is one such process. A delay in whale
population recovery could have an impact on all species within that food
web, including fish, seabirds, and other marine mammals. El Niño
events and continuing climate change could therefore undermine
the role of whales in climate regulation and ecosystem functioning.
In addition to euphausiids, whales also feed on copepods (43, 44).
Analysis of stomach contents of SRWs from several feeding grounds
that were taken in the 1960s by illegal Soviet whaling found that
calanoid copepods were the second most important food item after
euphausiids (44). A study analyzing the diet composition of SRWs
that calve off Península Valdés found different proportions of
specific fatty acid biomarkers of calanoid copepods in adult female
blubber tissue, which indicates that some individuals depend more
on copepods for their diet than others (45). Similar results were
recently reported for SRWs off South Africa (46). Although it is
known that SRWs feed on copepods, it is not known whether there
is a link between copepod abundance and SRW reproduction and
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Fig. 2. SRW population recovery in different climate change scenarios. Simulations of the effect of El Niño events on SW Atlantic SRW population size over the next
100 years. The eight scenarios reflect different combinations of changes in El Niño frequency and intensity. (A) The population size is projected using the historical estimate
of the population growth rate, assuming density dependence. In (B) to (H), the population size is projected on the basis of the predicted survival under the different
El Niño scenarios: (B) The same frequency of weak/moderate/strong events of El Niño recorded in the past 50 years (baseline); (C) more frequent events (25% weak, 27%
moderate, and 47% strong); (D) more intense events (15% increase of intensity); (E) events both more frequent and more intense; (F) assuming the CMCC_CESM climate
model from CMIP5 under the RCP 8.5 scenario; (G and H) assuming a distribution from four climate change models (GFDL-ESM2M, GISS-E2-H, MIROC-ESM, and MIROC5;
see fig. S1) from CMIP5 under the RCP 2.6 and 8.5 scenarios. Dashed lines represent 85% of the carrying capacity. (A) to (F) display 25,000 simulated population trajectories
(blue lines). To represent the variation between predictions, the four projections under RCP 2.6 and 8.5 scenarios are superimposed in (G) and (H). Blue intensities indicate
the degree to which different trajectories are tracking close to each other. The simulations incorporate stochastic variation in survival and fecundity.
For this study, we used the Right Whale Program aerial survey photoidentification dataset spanning 47 years (1971 to 2017), conducted
at Península Valdés, Argentina (42°30′S, 63°56′W) by Ocean
Alliance and Instituto de Conservación de Ballenas. Right whales
can be individually identified from the pattern of white markings
on their heads (28). Aerial photo-identification surveys are carried
out along the 495-km perimeter of Península Valdés using procedures previously described (28, 57). In early years, multiple photoidentification surveys were conducted in a single season, but the
number of surveys declined over time because of increasing costs
(table S1). From 1991 onward, survey effort was reduced to at least
once a year between September and October (the months of peak
whale abundance) (39, 58). During each flight, to maximize the
Agrelo et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabh2823
15 October 2021
encounter rate, the coastline of the peninsula is surveyed approximately 2 km or less from the shore at a height of 200 m, and every
SRW with its head above the surface is photographed for later
identification. The whales’ locations, any unusual behavior, and
whether they are accompanied by a calf are also recorded. When a
group of whales is encountered, the airplane drops down to a height
of 100 m and circles over the whales while a sequence of photographs
is taken of the callosity pattern. Initially, photographs were analyzed
manually (36), but since 2001, a computerized pattern-matching
system has been used to speed comparisons of newly photographed
whales to those already in the catalog (59).
The database includes the sighting histories of each identified
SRW. For our analyses, the database was collapsed into years, with
each year considered as one capture occasion. The database was
organized into individual encounter histories for each SRW within
a presence-absence matrix of sightings for each occasion. A total of
4183 female sightings were used in the analysis, from 1380 individual
females sighted at Península Valdés between 1971 and 2017. The
first sightings of those relatively few whales identified in their birth
year were removed because our method for estimating female
survival uses only the encounter histories of +1-year-old females.
Modeling female survival
Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) models were fitted to estimate annual
apparent survival probability (φ) and recapture probability (p). The
CJS model is an open population model based on four main
assumptions: Marks are not lost, samples are instantaneous, individuals marked at time t have the same probability of surviving to
time t + 1, and individuals seen at time t have the same probability
of recapture. The latter two assumptions were assessed by performing goodness-of-fit (GOF) tests in software R2UCARE (60). That
newly marked individuals have the same chance to be resighted as
previously marked individuals and missed individuals on one occasion have the same recapture probability on the next occasion are
the null hypotheses of test 3.SR and test 2.CT, respectively (60).
Transients (animals seen only once) and trap dependence effects
are two specific reasons why these tests could be significant. GOF
tests showed no transients in the dataset (test 3.SR, c 2 = 41.03,
df = 43, p = 0.55), but a lack of fit in test 2.CT (c2 = 342.55, df = 44,
p < 0.001) indicated the so-called trap-dependent heterogeneity
c = 2.75). Therein recapture probabilities and overdispersion (ˆ
fore, the models were fitted considering heterogeneity in recapture
probability and overdispersion. To build the models, we considered
survival probability to be constant (.), time dependent (t), with a
linear temporal trend (T), or influenced by El Niño events (ONI).
We considered recapture probability to be time dependent (t), with
a linear temporal trend (T), influenced by trap dependence (td), and
with an additive influence of time and trap dependence (t + td). The
trap dependence effect was included by adding a dummy (0,1)
temporal individual covariate in which each individual recapture
probability varied depending on the previous occasion [see (61)].
ONI as a proxy of climate change effect
To explore the influence of climate change on female survival, we
fitted the apparent survival probability (φ) as a function of the ONI,
a 3-month running mean based on SSTs in the east-central tropical
Pacific, El Niño 3.4 region (120°W to 170°W). The ONI is used as a
primary metric for ENSO directly linked to the ice-shelf height
variability in the Antarctic Pacific sector with a maximum correlation
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survival or a link with El Niño events. A recent study analyzed
baleen whale population recovery in the SO by applying ecosystem
models to abundance data, including climate change drivers and
prey (copepods and Antarctic krill) (26). The authors warn of a
threat to the recovery of baleen whales due to a reduction in prey
abundance as a consequence of ocean warming. In light of these
results, further studies that include calanoid copepods as prey for
right whales should be undertaken to better inform models of right
whale population dynamics and recovery.
Over the past five decades, several studies have reported trends
in different populations of SRWs in the Southern Hemisphere
(32, 47, 48). These studies used a range of approaches. On the basis
of individual recognition, SRW population growth rates were
estimated by applying a mark-recapture framework in Argentina
and more recently in New Zealand and southeast Australia (36, 49–51).
Population-specific demographic models were developed for SRW
populations in South Africa and Argentina (31, 37, 52). Linear
regression of total whale numbers was used to estimate population
trends for the calving grounds off Península Valdés, southern Brazil,
and southern Australia (53–55). Efforts are underway to develop a
common SRW model, based on individual photo-identification data
for all major populations of SRW around the Southern Hemisphere,
to assess more comprehensively the link between climate change
and SRW demographic parameters (56).
All of these previous studies have provided valuable information
on SRW population dynamics, but the present study appears to be
the first to show a direct link between baleen whale survival, climate
change, and population recovery using long-term mark-recapture
data. The average annual growth rate of ~6 to 7% previously estimated
for the entire Southern Hemisphere SRW population (32) does not
necessarily guarantee future population recovery. By demonstrating
a link between whale survival and El Niño events, our findings
suggest that more intense El Niño events may lead to a marked
decrease in population growth. We strongly recommend that future
studies of the population dynamics and recovery of the great whales
consider the effects of climate change on survival and fecundity.
Substantial knowledge gaps currently impede comprehensive understanding and further mitigation of the full range of impacts that
climate change is having on whales and their ecosystems. The
synergistic effects of climate change on the recovery of keystone species
may increase the risk that these populations will decline rather than
grow, to the detriment of both marine and terrestrial ecosystems.
at lag of 4 to 6 months (19). ONI data were obtained from the rsoi R
package including the month and year of record, the month window
(period over which the ONI is calculated), and the ENSO phase
categorized by ONI value as cool phase/La Niña (ONI ≤ − 0.5),
neutral phase (−0.5 > ONI > 0.5), or warm phase/El Niño (ONI ≥ 0.5)
(62). For each year, we estimated the mean ONI of the predominant
phase (cool phase/La Niña, neutral phase, or warm phase/El Niño).
Aerial surveys were mainly carried out in September; therefore, we
considered a year to run from September to August of the following
year. Thus, the ONI value for a year t represents the mean ONI of
the predominant phase between September of year t and August of
year t + 1 (i.e., ONI1997 represents the mean of the predominant
phase between September 1997 and August 1998). In conventional
mark-recapture analysis, annual survival rate ft represents the
probability of surviving from year t to t + 1, and the recapture rate
pt is the probability of being encountered in year t, conditional on
being alive and in the sample (63). Here, we relabel survival probabilities by the end of the annual interval to represent annual survival
from year t − 1 to year t, i.e., the probability of surviving the previous
year (e.g., survival probability in 1998 represents survival from
September 1997 to August 1998). In addition, we estimated the
mean survival during each ENSO phase. Standard errors (SEs) were
estimated using the delta method (64).
Model selection
For all analyses, Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) was used to
compare alternative models (66). To account for overdispersion, models
were compared using the quasi-AIC (QAIC). The model with the
minimum QAIC among a set of candidate models was considered
the most parsimonious model. When the difference in QAIC was <2,
models were considered plausible to support the data (66), and a model
averaging procedure was used to estimate parameters. The R (67) package RMark (68) for program MARK (69) was used to fit all models.
Population trajectories
Using the mark-recapture model results (see Table 2 and table S3)
and demographic parameters derived from the literature, we projected
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15 October 2021
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Modeling calf survival
For the population projection models, we estimated apparent
survival probabilities for calves using 1366 sightings of 773 SW Atlantic
SRWs identified in their year of birth at Península Valdés from 1971
to 2017. Knowing the exact age of these whales, we fitted true age
class models to estimate calf (first year), juvenile (between 2 and
7 years old), and adult survival (8 years or older), including females
and males. GOF tests showed a lack of fit in test 3.SR, indicating the
presence of transients in the dataset (test 3.SR, c2 = 184.84, df = 44,
p < 0.001), but without trap-dependent heterogeneity in recapture
probabilities (test 2.CT, c2 = 47.76, df = 44, p = 0.33). Because
whales were identified in their year of birth, a lack of fit in test 3.SR
indicates a likely effect of age on survival, which is reflected as a
significant proportion of identified individuals that are not seen
again after being seen as calves (i.e., they die or permanently
emigrate) (65). To fit the models, survival probability was considered
to be constant (.), time dependent (t), and age class dependent (a).
Recapture probability was considered to be time dependent (t), to
have a linear temporal trend (T), or to be age class dependent (a).
The resulting annual calf survival estimates were used as inputs to a
population trajectory model.
the SRW population size over 100 years (from 2010 to 2110). Future
climate change scenarios were built considering a density-dependent
population model and different El Niño predictions (see Supplementary Materials for details). We used the maximum age of reproduction, life span, fecundity, calving interval, calf survival, mean age
of first parturition, number of calves, number of juveniles, number
of mature females, total number of whales, historical growth rate,
and carrying capacity as inputs for the population trajectories model
(table S4). Apart from the maximum age of reproduction (observed
in North Atlantic right whales, Eubalaena glacialis), life span (reported for baleen whales) [(70) and reference therein], and the
carrying capacity (see assumptions below), all other demographic
parameters were estimated by using data from the SRW population
at Península Valdés (30, 31, 37, 71). Female survival influenced by
El Niño events and calf survival were estimated in the present study.
Currently, there is a lack of data relating to the abundance of SW
Atlantic SRW before commercial whaling. Pre-exploitation abundance for SRW in the Southern Hemisphere has been estimated
between 50,000 and 150,000 whales (48, 72). For SRW off New Zealand
and southeast Australia, pre-exploitation abundances have been
estimated from 28,800 to 47,100 (73). In addition, it is reported that
the three main populations of SRW have similar growth rates and
abundances (32), with the Península Valdés population slightly
greater than the others. Therefore, we made a few assumptions to
define a carrying capacity (K) for the Península Valdés population.
First, we assumed that the pre-exploitation abundances of the three
main populations of SRW in the Southern Hemisphere were also
similar; then, we assumed an intermediate abundance of 100,000 SRW
for the pre-exploitation period in the Southern Hemisphere; lastly,
we assumed that, historically, the Península Valdés population was
also slightly larger than the others. We then defined 35,000 whales
as the carrying capacity (K) for the Península Valdés population.
Although this K parameter has not been estimated empirically, we
kept it constant among scenarios, thus not biasing our comparison
of population dynamics under different conditions of El Niño.
El Niño events were classified as neutral (ONI < 0.5), weak
(0.5 < ONI ≤ 1), moderate (1 < ONI ≤ 1.5), or strong (ONI > 1.5).
The frequency of weak/moderate/strong El Niño events derived
from predicted estimates (35, 41) was used to build future scenarios.
With the same frequency recorded in the past 50 years, we generated
a distribution of 100 ONI values. We then chose 49 values for
neutral years using a normal distribution with mean and SD estimated from all the neutral years in the past 50 years. We chose 29
values for weak El Niño using a normal distribution with mean and
SD estimated from the weak El Niño events in the past 50 years. The
same procedure was used for the 14 moderate and 8 strong El Niño
events. Considering the prediction of an increase in frequency and
intensity of El Niño events reported in (35), we built scenarios
increasing the frequency of weak (+25%), moderate (+27%), and
strong (+47%), increasing the intensity (+15%), and combining the
increase in the frequency and intensity of El Niño events. In addition,
we projected the SRW population size considering the frequency of
weak/moderate/strong El Niño events under the RCP 2.6 and
8.5 scenarios derived from the climate change models from the
CMIP5. We selected four models (GFDL-ESM2M, GISS-E2-H,
MIROC-ESM, and MIROC5) to show the variation between the
predictions of future population size under the most optimistic and
pessimistic RCP scenarios. In addition, we selected the CMCC_
CESM climate model from CMIP5, the most pessimistic model
under the RCP 8.5 scenario. Data were obtained from (41). The
same procedure used with data obtained from the rsoi R package
was applied to obtain the frequency, mean, and SD of each intensity
of El Niño events for each climate change model from CMIP5.
Results of the projected SRW population size over the next 100 years
for each climate change model are shown in fig. S1.
R code
Additional results and methodological details are presented as
R Markdown output and can be found in the Supplementary Materials.
Supplementary material for this article is available at
Agrelo et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabh2823
15 October 2021
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Acknowledgments: We thank J. Roman (University of Vermont) for reviewing the manuscript;
J. Atkinson, many other photographers, note-takers, and pilots for invaluable work during
aerial surveys since 1971; Instituto de Conservación de Ballenas, Ocean Alliance, Fundación
Patagonia Natural, Armada Argentina, and Prefectura Naval Argentina that provided essential
support of various kinds; G. Signoret for helping with the SST data; and A. Díaz for creating the
SRW and krill illustrations for Fig. 1. Research permits for this work were issued annually by
Dirección de Fauna y Flora Silvestre and Subsecretaría de Turismo y Áreas Protegidas of
Chubut Province, Argentina. Last, we thank the editor J. Jackson and the two anonymous
reviewers whose feedback and suggestions have improved this manuscript considerably.
Funding: This work was supported by CAPES doctoral scholarship (M.A.), CAPES-PRINT grant
88887.370641/2019-00 (M.A.), CNPQ research grant 305573/2013-6 (P.C.S.-L.), and CNPQ
research grant 407190/2012-0 (F.G.D.-J.). Funding for aerial surveys since 1971 was provided
by numerous donors through Ocean Alliance and Instituto de Conservación de Ballenas such
as Wildlife Conservation Society, National Geographic Society, World Wildlife Fund, Alfredo
Fortabat Foundation, Turner Foundation, Canadian Whale Institute, I. Kerr, A. L. de Fortabat,
S. Haney, A. and J. Moss, A. Morse, P. Singh, P. Logan, N. Griffis, and C. Walcott. Extended
acknowledgments can be found in the Supplementary Materials. Author contributions:
Planned and executed this study: M.A., F.G.D.-J., P.C.S.-L., S.N.I., and P.S.H. Initiated
photo-identification study at Península Valdés in 1971: R.P. Directed the Península Valdés
Right Whale Program: V.J.R. and M.S. Analyzed photos and curated ID database: V.J.R., F.O.V.,
C.F.M., and J.S. Designed and carried out statistical analyses: M.A., F.G.D.-J., and
P.S.H. Conceived and created the figures: M.A. Wrote the first draft of the manuscript: M.A. and
F.G.D.-J. All authors were involved in subsequent writing, editing, and interpretation of results.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Competing interests: The authors
declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materials availability: All data
needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the
Supplementary Materials. All data needed to reproduce the analyses, including the R code, are
available at
Submitted 26 February 2021
Accepted 27 August 2021
Published 15 October 2021
Citation: M. Agrelo, F. G. Daura-Jorge, V. J. Rowntree, M. Sironi, P. S. Hammond, S. N. Ingram,
C. F. Marón, F. O. Vilches, J. Seger, R. Payne, P. C. Simões-Lopes, Ocean warming threatens
southern right whale population recovery. Sci. Adv. 7, eabh2823 (2021).
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Ocean warming threatens southern right whale population recovery
Macarena AgreloFábio G. Daura-JorgeVictoria J. RowntreeMariano SironiPhilip S. HammondSimon N. IngramCarina F.
MarónFlorencia O. VilchesJon SegerRoger PaynePaulo C. Simões-Lopes
Sci. Adv., 7 (42), eabh2823. • DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abh2823
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