Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems


This application note gives an overview of the channel estimation strategies used in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Section 1 describes the protocols associated with OFDM systems and the problems posed by such systems. Section 2 through Section 5 describe the various types of channel estimation methods for use in such systems. The implementation complexity and system performance of the methods are studied and compared in Section 6, measuring performance in terms of symbol error rate (SER).

Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN3059 Rev. 0, 1/2006 Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems by Yushi Shen and Ed Martinez This application note gives an overview of the channel estimation strategies used in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Section 1 describes the protocols associated with OFDM systems and the problems posed by such systems. Section 2 through Section 5 describe the various types of channel estimation methods for use in such systems. The implementation complexity and system performance of the methods are studied and compared in Section 6, measuring performance in terms of symbol error rate (SER). © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2006. All rights reserved. CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OFDM Background .....................................................2 Baseband Model ..........................................................2 Block-Type Pilot Channel Estimation .........................4 Comb-Type Pilot Channel Estimation.........................7 Other Pilot-Aided Channel Estimations ......................9 Performance Evaluation.............................................10 Conclusions................................................................14 References..................................................................15 OFDM Background 1 OFDM Background OFDM is becoming widely applied in wireless communications systems due to its high rate transmission capability with high bandwidth efficiency and its robustness with regard to multi-path fading and delay [1]. It has been used in digital audio broadcasting (DAB) systems, digital video broadcasting (DVB) systems, digital subscriber line (DSL) standards, and wireless LAN standards such as the American IEEE® Std. 802.11™ (WiFi) and its European equivalent HIPRLAN/2. It has also been proposed for wireless broadband access standards such as IEEE Std. 802.16™ (WiMAX) and as the core technique for the fourth-generation (4G) wireless mobile communications. The use of differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) in OFDM systems avoids need to track a time varying channel; however, it limits the number of bits per symbol and results in a 3 dB loss in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Coherent modulation allows arbitrary signal constellations, but efficient channel estimation strategies are required for coherent detection and decoding. There are two main problems in designing channel estimators for wireless OFDM systems. The first problem is the arrangement of pilot information, where pilot means the reference signal used by both transmitters and receivers. The second problem is the design of an estimator with both low complexity and good channel tracking ability. The two problems are interconnected. In general, the fading channel of OFDM systems can be viewed as a twodimensional (2D) signal (time and frequency). The optimal channel estimator in terms of mean-square error is based on 2D Wiener filter interpolation. Unfortunately, such a 2D estimator structure is too complex for practical implementation. The combination of high data rates and low bit error rates in OFDM systems necessitates the use of estimators that have both low complexity and high accuracy, where the two constraints work against each other and a good trade-off is needed. The one-dimensional (1D) channel estimations are usually adopted in OFDM systems to accomplish the trade-off between complexity and accuracy [1–7]. The two basic 1D channel estimations are block-type pilot channel estimation and comb-type pilot channel estimation, in which the pilots are inserted in the frequency direction and in the time direction, respectively. The estimations for the block-type pilot arrangement can be based on least square (LS), minimum mean-square error (MMSE), and modified MMSE. The estimations for the comb-type pilot arrangement includes the LS estimator with 1D interpolation, the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, and the parametric channel modeling-based (PCMB) estimator. Other channel estimation strategies were also studied [8–12], such as the estimators based on simplified 2D interpolations, the estimators based on iterative filtering and decoding, estimators for the OFDM systems with multiple transmit-and-receive antennas, and so on. 2 Baseband Model The basic idea underlying OFDM systems is the division of the available frequency spectrum into several subcarriers. To obtain a high spectral efficiency, the frequency responses of the subcarriers are overlapping and orthogonal, hence the name OFDM. This orthogonality can be completely maintained with a small price in a loss in SNR, even though the signal passes through a time dispersive fading channel, by introducing a cyclic prefix (CP). A block diagram of a baseband OFDM system is shown in Figure 1. Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 2 Freescale Semiconductor Baseband Model Guard Band Insertion Channel Coding and Modulation (Signal Mapper) S/P x I D F T ... Input Data ... X P/S CP Insertion s(t) D/A Fading Channel g(t) Channel Decoding and Demodulation Guard Band Deletion P/S ... Output Data D F T ... y Y nt) S/P CP Deletion A/D r(t) Figure 1. A Digital Implementation of a Baseband OFDM System. The binary information is first grouped, coded, and mapped according to the modulation in a “signal mapper.” After the guard band is inserted, an N-point inverse discrete-time Fourier transform (IDFTN) block transforms the data sequence into time domain (note that N is typically 256 or larger). Following the IDFT block, a cyclic extension of time length TG, chosen to be larger than the expected delay spread, is inserted to avoid intersymbol and intercarrier interferences. The D/A converter contains low-pass filters with bandwidth 1/TS, where TS is the sampling interval. The channel is modeled as an impulse response g(t) followed by the complex additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) n(t), where αm is a complex values and 0 ≤τ mTS ≤TG. M g(t) = ∑ αm δ(t – τ m T S) Equation 1 m=1 At the receiver, after passing through the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and removing the CP, the DFTN is used to transform the data back to frequency domain. Lastly, the binary information data is obtained back after the demodulation and channel decoding. T Let X = [ X k ] and Y = [ Y k ] ( k = 0, ..., N – 1 ) denote the input data of IDFT block at the transmitter and T T the output data of DFT block at the receiver, respectively. Let g = [ g n ] and n = [ n n ] ( n = 0, ..., N – 1 ) denote the sampled channel impulse response and AWGN, respectively. Define the input matrix X = diag(X) and the DFT-matrix, T ⎡W 00 L W 0( N−1) ⎤ N ⎢ N ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ F =⎢ O ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢W ( N−1)0 LW ( N−1)(N−1) ⎥ N ⎣ N ⎦ i,k where W N = ( 1 ⁄ N) – j 2Π ( ik ⁄ N ) Equation 2 . Also define H = DFT N(g) = Fg , and N = Fn . Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 3 Block-Type Pilot Channel Estimation Under the assumption that the interferences are completely eliminated [1–3], you can derive: Y = DFT N ( IDFT N ( X ) ⊗ g + n ) = XFg + N = XH + N Equation 3 This equation demonstrates that an OFDM system is equivalent to a transmission of data over a set of parallel channels. As a result, the fading channel of the OFDM system can be viewed as a 2D lattice in a time-frequency plane, which is sampled at pilot positions and the channel characteristics between pilots are estimated by interpolation. The art in designing channel estimators is to solve this problem with a good trade-off between complexity and performance. The two basic 1D channel estimations in OFDM systems are illustrated in Figure 2. The first one, block-type pilot channel estimation, is developed under the assumption of slow fading channel, and it is performed by inserting pilot tones into all subcarriers of OFDM symbols within a specific period. The second one, comb-type pilot channel estimation, is introduced to satisfy the need for equalizing when the channel changes even from one OFDM block to the subsequent one. It is thus performed by inserting pilot tones into certain subcarriers of each OFDM symbol, where the interpolation is needed to estimate the conditions of data subcarriers. The strategies of these two basic types are analyzed in the next sections. Block pilot Frequency Frequency data S Time Time Block-type pilot channel estimation Comb-type pilot estimation Figure 2. Two Basic Types of Pilot Arrangement for OFDM Channel Estimations 3 Block-Type Pilot Channel Estimation In block-type pilot-based channel estimation, as shown in Figure 2, OFDM channel estimation symbols are transmitted periodically, and all subcarriers are used as pilots. The task here is to estimate the channel conditions (specified by H or g ) given the pilot signals (specified by matrix X or vector X ) and received signals (specified by Y ), with or without using certain knowledge of the channel statistics. The receiver uses the estimated channel conditions to decode the received data inside the block until the next pilot symbol arrives. The estimation can be based on least square (LS), minimum mean-square error (MMSE), and modified MMSE. 3.1 LS Estimator H The LS estimator minimizes the parameter ( Y – XH ) ( Y – XH ) , where ( • ) operation. It is shown that the LS estimator of H is given by [2]. –1 T ˆ H LS = X Y = [ ( X k ⁄ Y k ) ] H means the conjugate transpose ( k = 0, ..., N – 1 ) Equation 4 Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 4 Freescale Semiconductor Block-Type Pilot Channel Estimation Without using any knowledge of the statistics of the channels, the LS estimators are calculated with very low complexity, but they suffer from a high mean-square error. 3.2 MMSE Estimator The MMSE estimator employs the second-order statistics of the channel conditions to minimize the mean-square error. Denote by R gg , R HH , and R YY the autocovariance matrix of g , H , and Y , respectively, and by R gY the cross 2 2 covariance matrix between g and Y . Also denote by σN the noise variance E { N }. Assume the channel vector g and the noise N are uncorrelated, it is derived that H H H H H H R HH = E {HH } = E {( Fg ) ( Fg ) } = FR gg F H Equation 5 R gY = E {gY } = E {g ( XFg + N ) } = Rgg F X H Equation 6 2 H H R YY = E {YY } = XFRgg F X + σN I N Equation 7 2 Assume R gg (thus R HH ) and σN are known at the receiver in advance, the MMSE estimator of g is given by – 1 HH ĝ MMSE = RgY R YY Y [2–5]. Note that if g is not Gaussian, ĝ MMSE is not necessarily a minimum meansquare error estimator, but it is still the best linear estimator in the mean-square error sense. At last, it is calculated that –1 –1 2 H H –1 ˆ H MMSE = Fĝ MMSE = F [ ( F X ) R gg σN + XF ] Y –1 2 H H –1 ˆ = FR gg [ ( F X XF ) σN + Rgg ]F H LS Equation 8 2 H –1 –1 ˆ = R HH [ RHH + σN ( XX ) ] H LS The MMSE estimator yields much better performance than LS estimators, especially under the low SNR scenarios. A major drawback of the MMSE estimator is its high computational complexity, especially if matrix inversions are needed each time the data in X changes. 3.3 Modified MMSE Estimator Modified MMSE estimators are studied widely to reduce complexity [2–4]. Among them, an optimal low-rank MMSE (OLR-MMSE) estimator is proposed in this paper, which combines the following three simplification techniques: 1. The first simplification– 1of MMSE estimator is to replace the term H –1 ( XX ) in Equation 8 with its H expectation E {( XX ) }. Assuming the same signal constellation on all tones and equal probability on all constellation points, we have H –1 2 E {( XX ) } = E { 1 ⁄ X k } I 2 2 Equation 9 2 2 Defining the average–1SNR as SNR = E { X k }⁄ σN , and the term β = E { X k }⁄ E { 1 ⁄ X k }. 2 H The term σN ( XX ) is then approximate by ( β ⁄ SNR )I , where β is a constant depending only on the signal constellation. For example, for a 16-QAM transmission, β = 17 ⁄ 9 . Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 5 Block-Type Pilot Channel Estimation 2. The second simplification is based on the low-rank approximation. As indicated in Section 2 that Equation 1 has 0 ≤ τ m T S ≤ T G , most of the energy in g is contained in, or near, the first (L + 1) taps, where L = T G ⁄ T S N and N is the DFT size. Therefore, we can only consider the taps with significant energy, that is, the upper left corner of the autocovariance matrix R gg . In the IEEE Std. 802.11 and IEEE Std. 802.16 [13], T G ⁄ T S is chosen among {1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4}, so the effective size of matrix is reduced dramatically after the low-rank approximation is used. 3. The third simplification uses the singular value decomposition (SVD). The SVD of R is HH H R = UΛ U , where U is a unitary matrix containing the singular vectors and Λ is a diagonal HH matrix containing the singular values λ 0 ≥ λ 1 ≥ ... ≥ λ N – 1 on its diagonal. The SVD also dramatically reduces the calculation complexity of matrices. Combining all simplification techniques, the OLR-MMSE estimator is explained as follows. The system first determines the number of ranks required by the estimator, denoted by p, which should be no smaller than (L + 1). Then, given the signal constellation, the noise variance and the channel autocovariance matrix R HH , the receiver pre-calculates β, SNR, the unitary matrix U , and the singular values λ k s. It thus obtains the (N × N) diagonal matrix ∆ p with entries β -⎞ ⎛ λ ⁄ ⎛ λ + ---------, k k ⎝ ⎠ δk = ⎜ SNR ⎜ ⎝ 0, k = 0, 1, ..., p – 1 Equation 10 k = p, ..., N – 1 ˆ is calculated according to During the transmission, using the transmitted pilots X and received signals Y , the H LS Equation 4, and the OLR-MMSE estimator with rank p is given by Hˆ ˆ H OLR – MMSE = U∆ p U H LS Equation 11 The OLR-MMSE estimator can be interpreted as first projecting the LS estimates onto a subspace and then performing the estimation. Because the subspace has a small dimension (as small as (L + 1) and still describes the channel well, the complexity of OLR-MMSE estimator is much lower than MMSE estimator with a good performance. However, the low-rank estimators introduce an irreducible error floor due to the part of the channel that does not belong to the subspace. A legitimate question is what if (L + 1) is too large to deal with—for example, if the DFT size N is 2048, and T G ⁄ T S is 1/4, (L + 1) is still as large as 513. One solution to this problem is to partition the tones into reasonably-sized blocks and perform the estimation independently in these blocks. For example, the 2048-tone system can be approximately described by 32 parallel 64-tone systems, and each channel attenuation can be estimated independently by OLR-MMSE estimator with rank p = (64/4 + 1) = 17. In the scenarios when (L + 1) is large, this strategy reduces the complexity significantly at the expense of certain performance loss because it neglects the correlation between tones in different subsystems. 3.4 Estimation with Decision Feedback In block-type pilot-based channels, the estimators are usually calculated once per block and are used until the next pilot symbol arrives. The channel estimation with decision feedback is proposed to improve the performance, where the estimators inside the block are updated using the decision feedback equalizer at each subcarrier. The ˆ = {H ˆ } ( k = 0 , ..., N – 1 ) , which receiver first estimates the channel conditions using the pilots and obtains H k is based on LS, MMSE, or modified MMSE. Inside the block, for each coming symbol and for its each subcarrier, ˆ according to the formula Xˆ = Y ⁄ H ˆ . {Xˆ } is the estimated transmitted signal is found by the previous H k k k k k mapped to the binary data through the demodulation according to the “signal demapper,” and then obtained back ˆ is updated by H ˆ = Y ⁄ X˜ and is used in the next ˜ }. The estimated channel H though “signal mapper” as {X k k k k k symbol. Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 6 Freescale Semiconductor Comb-Type Pilot Channel Estimation Note: The block-type channel estimation is suitable for slow fading channels; the fast fading channel causes the complete loss of estimated channel parameters. 4 Comb-Type Pilot Channel Estimation In comb-type pilot based channel estimation, as shown in Figure 2, for each transmitted symbol, Np pilot signals are uniformly inserted into X with S with subcarriers apart from each other, where S = N ⁄ N p . p T p T The receiver knows the pilots locations P = [ P k ] ( k = 0 , ...,N p – 1 ) , the pilot values X = [ X k ] ( k = 0 , ...,N p – 1 ) , and the received signal Y. The LS estimates to the channel conditions at the pilot subcarriers p ( H ) are calculated by T p ˆ p = [ Y(P ) ⁄ X p , Y(P ) ⁄ X p , ..., Y(P H LS o 0 1 1 Np – 1) ⁄ X Np – 1 ] Equation 12 The task here is to estimate the channel conditions at the data subcarriers (specified by H with length N), given the ˆ p , received signals Y, and maybe certain additional knowledge of the channel LS estimates at pilot subcarriers H LS statistics. The solutions include LS estimator with 1D interpolation, the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, and the parametric channel modeling-based (PCMB) estimator. [5–7]. 4.1 LS Estimator with 1D Interpolation p ˆ with length N is 1D interpolation is used to estimate the channel at data subcarriers, where the vector H LS p ˆ interpolated to the vector H with length N, without using additional knowledge of the channel statistics. The 1D interpolation methods are summarized in the remainder of this section. 4.1.1 Linear Interpolation (LI) The LI method performs better than the piecewise-constant interpolation, where the channel estimation at the data ˆ p (k) and H ˆ p (k + 1) is given by: subcarrier between two pilot H LS LS ˆ p (k) ) ( t ⁄ S ) ˆ p (k + 1) – H ˆ (kS + t) = H ˆ p (k) + ( H H LS LS LS (0 ≤ t ≤ S) Equation 13 4.1.2 Second-Order Interpolation (SOI) The SOI method performs better than the LI method, where the channel estimation at the data subcarrier is obtained by weighted linear combination of the three adjacent pilot estimates. 4.1.3 Low-Pass Interpolation (LPI) p ˆ sequence and then applying a low-pass The LPI method is performed by inserting zeros into the original H LS finite-length impulse response (FIR) filter (the interp function in MATLAB), which allows the original data to pass through unchanged. This method also interpolates such that the mean-square error between the interpolated points and their ideal values is minimized. 4.1.4 Spline Cubic Interpolation (SCI) The SCI method produces a smooth and continuous polynomial fitted to given data points (the spline function in MATLAB). Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 7 Comb-Type Pilot Channel Estimation 4.1.5 Time Domain Interpolation (TDI) p ˆ to The TDI method is a high-resolution interpolation based on zero-padding and DFT/IDFT. It first converts H LS time domain by IDFT and then interpolate the time domain sequence to N points with simple piecewise-constant method [5]. Finally, the DFT converts the interpolated time domain sequence back to the frequency domain. In [5], the performance among these estimation techniques usually ranges from the best to the worst, as follows: LPI, SCI, TDI, SOI, and LI. Also, LPI and SCI yield almost the same best performance in the low and middle SNR scenarios, while LPI outperforms SCI at the high SNR scenario. In terms of the complexity, TDI, LPI and SCI have roughly the same computational burden, while SOI and LI have less complexity. As a result, LPI and SCI are usually recommended because they yield the best trade-off between performance and complexity. 4.2 ML Estimator As mentioned in Section 3.3, most of the energy in g is contained in, or near, the first (L + 1) taps, where T L = T G ⁄ T S N . Define g L + 1 = [ g 0 , ...,g L + 1 ] is the first (L + 1) taps of g. Similarly to the definition of the square DFT matrix F , we define the non-square DFT matrix a,b F A,B = [ W N ] A × (0 ≤ a < A, 0 ≤ b < B) B Equation 14 Also, we define the uniform-spaced-DFT matrix with space S as follows: aS,b F(S) A,B = [ W N a,bS ]A × B = [ W N ] A × (0 ≤ a < A, 0 ≤ b < B) B Equation 15 p It is obvious that H = F(S) Np × ( L + 1 ) g L + 1 , where S is the space between pilot subcarriers. Thus, the p maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of gL+1 given the estimate to Hp (we use Hˆ LS ) is obtained by –1 H H p g L + 1 = ( F(S)Np, ( L + 1 ) × F(S) Np, ( L + 1 ) ) ( F(S) Np, ( L + 1 ) )Ĥ LS Equation 16 ˆ of all the subcarriers is computed from g Finally, the complete channel estimate H L + 1 by ˆ H MLE = F N, ( L + 1 ) ĝ L + 1 Equation 17 4.3 PCMB Estimator As shown in Equation 1, the channel is modeled by a multipath fading channel with M resolvable paths with different path complex gain {αm } and time delays {τ m T S }. We assume different path gains are uncorrelated with 2 2 respect to each other and denoted by Rα(M) the channel auto-covariance matrix, and Rα(M) = diag{ σα1 , ..., σαM }. In [7], a channel estimation scheme based on the parametric channel modeling is proposed. In this estimator, ˆ , is knowledge of the channel is required; that is, M, and {τ m T S } are required. The estimate of M, denoted by M obtained by the criterion of minimum description length (MDL). The estimation of signal parameters by rotational invariance (ESPRIT) [8] method is used to acquire the initial multipath time delays, and an inter-path interference cancellation (IPIC) delay locked loop (DLL) tracks the channel multipath time delays. We define two nonuniformspaced-DFT matrices as follows: P(k),τˆ (m) B Np,Mˆ = [ W N i,τˆ (m) B N,Mˆ = [ W N ] Np × ]N × ˆ M ˆ M ˆ) ( 0 ≤ k < Np , 1 ≤ m ≤ M ˆ) (0 ≤ i < N, 0 ≤ m ≤ M Equation 18 Equation 19 Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 8 Freescale Semiconductor Other Pilot-Aided Channel Estimations ˆ where {P(k)} are the pilot locations, and {τ (m) } are the estimated multipath time delays. The MMSE estimator is given by [5]: γ ˆ ˆ ) –1 + B H B ˆp ⎛ ---------⎞ –1 × BH H B R ( M = × ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ × H LS PCMB Np,M Np,M Np,M⎠ Np,M ⎝ SNR α Equation 20 where SNR is the average SNR, and γ is the ratio of average signal power to the pilot power. When these three channel estimation schemes are compared, the LS estimator with 1D interpolation shows the lowest complexity. Without counting the complexity of the MDL scheme and IPIC-DLL to track the channel ˆ < N [6]. Also, the LS estimator parameters, the PCMB estimator is usually simpler than the ML estimator, if 2M p with 1D interpolation scheme is worse than the other two in terms of both MSE and SER. The performance of the PCMB estimator and ML estimator i almost the same, though the former performs slightly better in MSE at small SNRs. 5 Other Pilot-Aided Channel Estimations Other channel estimation schemes include the simplified 2D channel estimators, the iterative channel estimators, and the channel estimators for the OFDM systems with multiple transmit-and-receive antennas. 5.1 Simplified 2D Estimators In 2D channel estimation, the pilots are inserted in both the time and frequency domains, and the estimators are based on 2D filters. In general, 2D channel estimation yields better performance than the 1D scheme, at the expense of higher computational complexity and processing delay. The optimal solution in terms of mean-square error is based on 2D Wiener filter interpolation, which employs the second-order statistics of the channel conditions. However, such a 2D estimator structure suffers from a huge computational complexity, especially when the DFT size N is several hundred or larger. A proposed algorithm with two concatenated 1D linear interpolations on frequency and time sequentially minimizes the system complexity. In [9], channel estimators based on 2D least square (LS) and 2D normalized least square (NLS) are proposed, and a parallel 2D (N)LS channel estimation scheme solves the realization problem due to the high computational complexity of 2D adaptive channel estimation. 5.2 Iterative Channel Estimators Two efficient iterative channel estimators are proposed in [10]. To reduce complexity, the 2D transmission lattice is divided by 2D blocks, and the pilots are uniformly inserted inside each block. Channel estimation proceeds on a block-by-block basis. The first estimator is based on iterative filtering and decoding, which consists of two cascaded 1D Wiener filters to interpolate the unknown time-varying 2D frequency response between the known pilot symbols. The second estimator uses an a posteriori probability (APP) algorithm, in which the two APP estimators, one for the frequency and the other for the time direction, are embedded in an iterative loop similar to the turbo decoding principle. These iterative estimators yield robust performance even at low SNR scenarios, but with high computation complexity and certain iteration time delay. Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 9 Performance Evaluation 5.3 Channel Estimators for OFDM with Multiple Antennas Multiple transmit-and-receive antennas in OFDM systems can improve communication quality and capacity. For the OFDM systems with multiple transmit antennas, each tone at each receiver antenna is associated with multiple channel parameters, which makes channel estimation difficult. Fortunately, channel parameters for different tones of each channel are correlated and the channel estimators are based on this correlation. Several channel estimation schemes have been proposed for the OFDM systems with multiple transmit-and-receive antennas for space diversity, or multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems for high-rate wireless data access. For example, in [11], channel estimation is based on a 1D block-type pilot arrangement, and optimal training sequences are constructed not only to optimize, but also to simplify channel estimation during the training period. In [12], channel estimation in 2Ds for OFDM systems with multiple transmit antennas is discussed. The approach estimates and separates NT superimposed received signals, corresponding to NT transmit antennas, by exploiting the correlation in 2D of the received signal. More specifically, it uses two 1D estimators instead of a true 2D estimator, by dividing the estimation and the separation task into two stages. The first stage separates a subset of the superimposed signals and estimates the channel response in the first dimension. The second stage further separates the signals of each subset in the second dimension, yielding an estimate for all transmit antennas. For space-time block-coded OFDM systems, this proposed estimator can track the channel variations even at high Doppler frequencies. 6 Performance Evaluation This section summarizes the computational complexity of the proposed channel estimation schemes and provides simulation results to demonstrate performance. 6.1 Complexity Analysis In general, 1D channel estimation schemes have a much lower computational complexity than 2D schemes because they avoid computing 2D matrices. Also, block-type pilot-channel estimation schemes are usually simpler than comb-type pilot schemes because they calculate the estimators once per block. In the block-type pilot schemes with decision feedback, the estimators are updated for each symbol by simple vector division. Com-type pilot schemes calculate the estimators for every OFDM symbol. Algorithm complexity, ranking from low to high, is summarized in Table 1 and Table 2 for the block-type pilot arrangement and comb-type pilot arrangement, respectively. Table 1. Computational Complexity Analysis: Channel Estimation Schemes with Block-Type Pilot Arrangement Estimation Scheme LS Estimator OLR-MMSE Estimator MMSE Estimator Complexity Low Simple vector division. Moderate High Comments Avoid matrix inversion and also simplify the matrix operations to the calculations between a low-rank diagonal matrix and a unitary matrix. Matrix inversion and other operations with size N, where N is the DFT size (typically 256, 512, 1024, or 2048). Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 10 Freescale Semiconductor Performance Evaluation Table 2. Computational Complexity Analysis: Channel Estimation Schemes with Comb-Type Pilot Arrangement Estimation Scheme LS Estimator with 1D interpolation Complexity LI Lowest SOI Low SCI Moderate Comments Simple estimation and interpolation methods. Interpolation methods are relatively complex, with fitted polynomial search, lowpass convolution, and DFT/IDFT calculation, respectively. LPI TDI ML Estimator High Matrix inversion with size (L + 1), where L ranges from N/32 to N/4, and other matrix operations with size N. PCMB Estimator High Tracking the number of resolvable paths (M) and channel delays, and matrix inversion with size M, and other matrix operations with size N. 6.2 Simulation Performance In general, the 2D channel estimation schemes outperform the 1D schemes by exploiting the 2D correlations at the expense of higher computational complexity and larger time delay. Also, the block-type pilot channel estimation schemes are more suitable for the slow fading channels, and the comb-type pilot channel estimation schemes are more suitable for the middle and fast fading channels. In addition, block-type pilot schemes are used over middle or fasting fading channels, the channel estimation error may vary considerably as a function of the location of the data blocks with respect to the pilot block. The result may be a periodic variation of the decoding error rates for different OFDM blocks. On the other hand, the comb-type pilot schemes can eliminate this variation, and therefore all OFDM data symbols experience a similar error rate. Because the error rate of the comb-type pilot schemes is higher than the lowest error rate that can be achieved by the block-type pilot schemes, the block-type pilot schemes provide the opportunity to protect the data with high importance/priority by transmitting them at the positions where the error rate is low. Therefore, comb-type pilot schemes are more suitable for generic data transmission, while the block-type pilot schemes are more suitable for transmission over slow fading channels or transmission with unequal error protection (UEP). Simulation results in [2,3,5,6] are plotted in this section. In Figure 3, the symbol error rate (SER) versus the average SNR is plotted for the proposed block-type pilot channel estimation schemes over a slow fading channel with a bandwidth of 500 kHz, 16QAM modulation, DFT size N = 64, and a cyclic prefix L = 4. In this figure, the legends LS, MMSE, OLR-MMSE-5, and OLR-MMSE-25 present the estimators based on LS, MMSE, OLR-MMSE with rank p = 5 and OLR-MMSE with rank p = 25, respectively, without the decision feedback. The MMSE estimator yields the best performance, and LS yields the worst. Also, for the OLR-MMSE estimator, a SER floor is shown due to loss of channel information by reducing the rank of the channel correlation matrix. Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 11 Performance Evaluation Figure 3. SER Performance versus SNR for Block-Type Pilot Channel Estimation Based on LS, MMSE, and OLR-MMSE algorithms Figure 4 compares the SER performance of the estimation schemes with block-type pilot arrangement and combtype pilot arrangement over a fast fading channel with Doppler frequency 70 Hz. The parameters are 17.5 kHz bandwidth, 16QAM modulation, DFT size N = 1024, the number of pilot subcarriers per symbol Np = 128, and a cyclic prefix L = 256. In the figure, the legends B-LS, B-LS-FD represent the block-pilot channel estimation based on LS algorithm, with and without decision feedback, respectively; and the legends C-LI, C-SOI, C-TDI, C-SCI and C-LPI represent the comb-type pilot estimation based on LS algorithm, with the linear interpolation, the second order interpolation, the time domain interpolation, the spline cubic interpolation and the low-pass interpolation, respectively. The results show that the comb-type estimation schemes outperform block-type schemes, which is because the channel changes so fast that there are even changes for adjacent OFDM symbols. It is also shown that the performance among the comb-type estimation techniques usually ranges from the best to the worst as follows: low-pass, spline cubic, time-domain, second order, and linear. Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 12 Freescale Semiconductor Performance Evaluation Figure 4. SER Performance versus SNR for the Channel Estimators Based On LS with Block-Type and CombType Pilot Arrangements Figure 5 shows the SER performance plotted for the three different estimators with comb-type pilot arrangement. A fast fading channel with a bandwidth 5 MHz consists of 6 independent resolvable paths (that is, K = 6). Other parameters are 16 QAM modulation, DFT size N = 1024, the number of pilot subcarriers per symbol Np = 32, and a cyclic prefix L = 16. The legends LS-LPI, MLE, and PCMBE represent the LS estimator with low-pass interpolation, the ML estimator, and the PCMB estimator, respectively. Simulation results show that the performance of LS-LPI is worse than the other two, and the performance of PCMB is slightly better than MLE at small SNRs. Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 13 Conclusions Figure 5. SER Performance versus SNR of the Comb-Type Pilot Channel Estimation with LS Estimator Using Low-Pass Interpolation, ML Estimator, and PCMB Estimator 7 Conclusions In OFDM systems, efficient channel estimation schemes are essential for coherent detection of a received signal. After multi-carrier demodulation, the received signal is typically correlated in two dimensions, in time and frequency. By periodically inserting pilots in the time-frequency grid to satisfy the 2D sampling theorem, the channel response can be reconstructed by exploiting its correlation in time and frequency. This paper fully reviews channel estimation strategies in OFDM systems. It describes block-type pilot-channel estimators, which may be based on least square (LS), minimum mean-square error (MMSE) or optimal low-rank MMSE (OLR-MMSE), with or without a decision feedback equalizer. It also analyzes the comb-type pilot channel estimators, which can be an LS estimator with certain 1D interpolation, the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, or the parametric channel modeling-based (PCMB) estimator. Other channel estimators are introduced, such as the estimators based on 2D pilot arrangement with simplified 2D interpolation, the iterative estimators based on iterative filtering and decoding, and the estimators for the OFDM systems with multiple transmit antennas. The mathematical analysis and the simulation results show that in comb-type pilot channel estimation, the LS estimator with low-pass interpolation (LPI) performs the best of all 1D interpolation methods, and it has a low computational complexity. The PCMB estimator yields the best performance among all comb-type pilot channel estimators, but it has a relatively higher complexity and larger processing delay. In block-type pilot channel estimation, the OLR-MMSE estimator with decision feedback equalizer gives the best tradeoff between performance and complexity. Block-type pilot channel estimation is more suitable for the slow fading channel conditions, while the comb-type pilot channel estimation usually outperforms for the middle and fast fading channels. The recommended channel estimation schemes for OFDM systems are summarized in Table 3. Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems, Rev. 0 14 Freescale Semiconductor References Table 3. Recommended OFDM System Channel Estimation Schemes for Different Scenarios and Requirements Scenario Pilot Complexity 2nd Order Statistics of Channel Performance OLR-MMSE Slow fading channel Block-type Moderate Needed Good LS with LPI Middle and fast fading channel Comb-type Low Not needed Good High Needed Very good Scheme PCMB 8 References [1] Edfors, O., Sandell, M., Van de Beek, J.-J., Landström, D., and Sjöberg, F., An Introduction to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, Luleå, Sweden: Luleå Tekniska Universitet, 1996, pp. 1–58. [2] Van de Beek, J.-J., Edfors, O. S., Sandell, M., Wilson, S. K., and Börjesson, O. P., “On channel estimation in OFDM systems,” 45th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Chicago, Il., vol. 2, pp. 815-819, July 1995. [3] Edfors, O., Sandell, M., Van de Beek, J.-J., and Wilson, S. K., “OFDM Channel Estimation by Singular Value Decomposition,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 46, pp. 931–939, July 1998. 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