Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee Engagement

This study examines the role gaps of teachers and lecturers as educators who implement innovation based on the achievement target of educational objectives. However, the engagement of teachers and lecturers still becomes a constraint. So, the implementation of teachers' and lecturers' professionalism need to be studied so that the purpose of shaping students' achievement can be achieved well. Factors that may affect the engagement of teachers and lecturers, such as leadership, work environment, and compensation can be analyzed specifically to produce research that can be useful and provide inputs for increased engagement of teachers and lecturer. The research was conducted by using survey method and quantitative data analysis techniques, sample size of 60 respondent's teachers and s who have been certified in Kuningan Regency. Based on the result of research, it is found that factors, leadership, work environment and compensation have positive and significant effect on teacher and lecturer's engagement so that the quality of education will run well, student achievement can be achieved starting from the improvement of teachers and lecturer's engagement.

Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee Engagement Rina Masruroh1 and Yudi Nur Supriadi2 1Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia Yuppentek Kota Tangerang, Indonesia {rinamasruroh, yudi} 2STISIP Keywords: Employee engagement, leadership, work environment, compensation. Abstract: This study examines the role gaps of teachers and lecturers as educators who implement innovation based on the achievement target of educational objectives. However, the engagement of teachers and lecturers still becomes a constraint. So, the implementation of teachers’ and lecturers’ professionalism need to be studied so that the purpose of shaping students’ achievement can be achieved well. Factors that may affect the engagement of teachers and lecturers, such as leadership, work environment, and compensation can be analyzed specifically to produce research that can be useful and provide inputs for increased engagement of teachers and lecturer. The research was conducted by using survey method and quantitative data analysis techniques, sample size of 60 respondent’s teachers and s who have been certified in Kuningan Regency. Based on the result of research, it is found that factors, leadership, work environment and compensation have positive and significant effect on teacher and lecturer’s engagement so that the quality of education will run well, student achievement can be achieved starting from the improvement of teachers and lecturer’s engagement. 1 INTRODUCTION This research aims to study the engagement of teachers in learning process to increase the education quality of human resources. Improving the quality of education is a process that is integrated with the improvement of human resource quality (Umaedi, 1999). One of dominant factors affecting productivity and the quality of education is teachers and lecturers (educators). Until now, many problems related to teachers have not been addressed; one of the problems is the low level of qualifications (Anthony, 2002). The low qualifications of educators can be might be related to the weak engagement of teachers and lecturers in the process of teaching and learning in educational environments. The environments should be able to increase the engagement of educators to a level that exceeds the required standard of work. It cannot be denied that teachers and lecturers play an important role in increasing the productivity of education institutions (Fleming & Asplund, 2007). The engagement of teachers and lecturers in the learning process can be influenced by three factors: leadership, work environment, and compensation (Hughes, 2009). Based on the background, problems, and objectives of this study, the researchers are interested in exploring how such factors as leadership, work environment, and compensation influence the engagement of teachers and lecturers in Kuningan regency. 2 THEORETICAL FRAME WORK Saks (2006), based on the results of Kahn (1990), proposes that "engagement means psychologically present when occupied and did the role of the Organization". With regard to the antecedent and consequence of engagement, the proposed employee engagement model consists of engagement and engagement work organization model. Meanwhile, Society of Human Resource Management (2014) defines employee engagement as a combination of "Engagement," "Opinion Engagement behavior" and "conditions for Engagement". The "opinion engagement" focuses on dimensions associated with the job because it contains a higher concentration of feeling and passion. Based on the review on engagement, the variable "Employee Engagement" 201 Masruroh, R. and Supriadi, Y. Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee Engagement. In Proceedings of the 2nd Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2017) - Increasing Management Relevance and Competitiveness, pages 201-206 ISBN: 978-989-758-333-9 Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved GCBME 2017 - 2nd Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship in this study is described as emotional nuances inherent in the work given by companies to the point that the employees are willing to put a number or diskresi for them to achieve the best results Leaders who can increase employee engagement, according to Nancy (2009), are: 1. leaders who become a source of inspiration; 2. leaders communicating that teachers and lecturers play an important role in the success of educational institutions; 3. leaders who have a future-oriented vision; 4. leaders who engage their subordinates with their vision; 5. leader who become mentor role models for their subordinates; 6. leaders who are teamwork-oriented. The working environment at educational institutions is very important to note management. Although the working environment does not implement the production process in educational institutions, the working environment has a direct influence on teachers and lecturers who carry out the production process. The working environment is everything that exists around teachers and lecturers in the workplace, either physical or non-physical, direct or indirect which may affect their work According to Nitisemito (2000), working environment consists of 2 types: physical and nonphysical working environments. The physical working environment refers to all physical states that exist in the workplace that could affect teachers and lecturers either directly or indirectly, such as chairs, tables, etc. Meanwhile, non-physical working environments are all circumstances related to the working relationship, both with a superior or peer relationships, or relationships with subordinate Sedarmayanti (2001) proposes that "work environment free from physical factors that may affect employee engagement. In the view of Deci and Ryan (1987), working environments 1. concerns the feelings and needs of teachers and lecturers; 2. provide positive feedback; 3. Encourage teachers and lecturers to voice their concerns, to develop new skills, and to resolve workrelated.problems. Compensation is a form of reward provided by educational institutions for teachers and lecturers in the form of finance and goods and services so that teachers and lecturers feel valued in the work. According to Sihotang (2007), financial compensation comprises two types: direct and indirect compensations (benefits). Direct loss is made up of principal payment (salary, wages), 202 performance payments, payment incentives, commissions, bonuses, benefits, stock options, while difficult payments include old age savings, stocks are cumulative. Direct loss consists of protection, including insurance, severance, school children, retirement. Bold compensation includes overtime, holiday, sick leave, leave of absence. Based on facilities, it includes homes, moving costs, and vehicles. On the other hand, non-financial compensation consists of promotional opportunities, recognition of works, the award for achievements, compliments, and an extra day off. Employee engagement is a term first introduced by Kahn (1990), stating that the engagement is exploiting their members of educational institutions roles each of their work by using and expressing themselves physically, cognitively and emotionally during their role in educational institutions. Employee engagement is generally understood as a condition where the desirable objective of conditions including educational institutions as well as the commitment, engagement, enthusiasm, passion, focus their efforts on energy (Moretti & Postružnik, 2011). Employee engagement is the feelings, thoughts and positive attitudes about the job which result in individual performance and greater commitment. According to Schaufeli and Bakker (2004), employee engagement comprises three aspects: 1. the spirit aspect which is marked by a high degree of mental strength and endurance on the job, wants to try in earnest in work, persevering in the face of adversity; 2. aspects of the dedication, the dedication marked with aspects of feeling full of significance, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride and challenge in the job. People who have very high dedication to identify their work because it makes the precious, inspiring and challenging experience. In addition, it generally enthusiastic and proud of the job. 3. absorption of aspects. Aspects of absorption is characterized by a deep concentration and interest, drowning in work, time passed so fast and hard individual to escape from work so that and forget everything around. People who have high absorption usually feel the pleasure that is consumed by work, feel lost in work and have difficulty separating themselves from the job. As a result, something around him is forgotten and time passes quickly Based on the definition, the research frame of reference is described in the following figure: Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee Engagement Figure 1: frame of reference paradigm. The hypothesis formulation in this research is that there is influence from Leadership, work environment, compensation to engagement in perspective of teacher and lecturer in Kuningan District. H1: Leadership, work environment, compensation, influence simultaneously and significant to employee engagement. H2: Leadership, work environment compensation, partially and significantly influence to employee engagement. H3: Work environment has the most dominant effect on employee engagement. According to previous studies conducted [18] which proves that the work environment is the most dominant factor in determining employee engagement. quantitative data analysis technique with size 60 respondents covering all teachers and s been certified at Kuningan District, Analytical technique using multiple linear regression using SPSS 20.0 Software. Based on the conceptual hypothesis, there is a correlation between research variables. Figure 2 shows the research model. Figure 2: research model. 3 RESEARCH METHOD AND ANALYSIS This study is related to the influence of leadership, work environment, compensation simultaneously effect and significant to employee engagement. This research uses human resource management approach. Respondents in this study are teachers and lecturer already certified. Therefore, the analysis includes the influence of Leadership, work environment, compensation, simultaneously and significant influence to employee engagement. This research was conducted by using survey method and 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on path analysis using SPSS 20 for windows, path coefficients are used to recognize the effect between variables and t-test values used to test the hypotheses: "Leadership, work environment, compensation, influence simultaneously and significantly to employee engagement; Which results as follows: 203 GCBME 2017 - 2nd Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship Table 1: Summary of Structural Equation Estimation. Source: spss output Table 2: Correlation and Determination Analysis Source: spss output F Test is intended to test the significance of the influence of independent variables on dependent variable simultaneously. Value F count> F Table that is equal to 2.055> 3.88, then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. This shows that all the independent variables (leadership, work environment, compensation) have a significant influence on employee engagement simultaneously. So, the hypothesis is "there is Leadership, work environment, compensation, influence simultaneously and significant to employee engagement acceptable. Based on coefficient of determination obtained is 0.250 or 25.0%. It shows the percentage of influence of Leadership variable, Work environment, Compensation to engagement in perspesktif teacher and in Kuningan district equal to 25.0% while the rest 75.0 influenced by other variable . Table 3: T Test analysis Source: SPSS Output Based on the calculation with the help of SPSS.20.0 for windows, then obtained the value of T arithmetic amounted to 3.642 and T table df 60 for 2,620 significance value of 0.000> 0.05. This means 3,642> 2,620. Then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted which means there is a significant influence between Leadership, Work environment, Compensation to 204 Engagement seen from the perspective of teachers and lecturer in Kuningan Regency thus the hypothesis proved. The discussion in the above table can be explained regression equation as follows: ŷ = α x1 x2 so that Ŷ = 25.698 0.123 X1 0.435 X2 0.115 X3. From the above equation can be concluded that Leadership, Work environment, Compensation have Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee Engagement positive and significant influence to engagement teachers and lecturer who have been certified In Kuningan Regency. In the previous calculation can be seen that hypothesis proposed by the researcher can be accepted, be it influence of Leadership, Work environment, Compensation to stand alone (analysis univariate) and if both independent variable join (analysis multivariate). According to William Khan, who states that engagement is the self-utilization of members of an educational institution for their respective job roles by using and expressing themselves physically, cognitively and emotionally during their role in the educational institution. If the assessment of engagement is carried out properly and correctly, it can help improve work motivation and also increase the loyalty of educational institutions of education institutions from teachers and lecturer. The achievement of this work is expected by all the citizens of the school so that this achievement aka something to do with issues Leadership, work environment and compensation, where achievement or engagement will be greatly influenced Leadership ability. The definition of leadership by Handari Nawawi in his book entitled "Leadership Making Education Institutions" stated that: "Leadership is the ability and skill of directing, an important factor (activity) in the effectiveness of manager / leader" "Leadership is the ability / intelligence to encourage a number of people (two people or more) to cooperate in carrying out activities directed at common goals Hadari (1994). Thus it is very reasonable and meet the positive logic if the results show the results that existing leadership and in Kuningan regency can affect engagement. Furthermore Basically, human work also wants to earn money to meet the needs of his life. For that reason a teacher and began to appreciate hard work and increasingly show loyalty to educational institutions and that is why educational institutions give awards to work performance that is by way of providing compensation. One way of management to improve job performance, motivate and improve the engagement of teachers and s is through compensation. Compensation is all income in the form of direct or indirect money received by teachers and s as services provided to educational institutions Hasibuan (2004). Compensation is also important for teachers and s as individuals because the magnitude of compensation reflects the size of their work among teachers and s themselves, families and communities. Compensation is often also called an award and can be defined as any form of award given to teachers and s as a reward for their contribution to educational institutions Panggabean, (2002). Thus the statement was very closely related to the research undertaken where the results between compensation and Engagement teachers and s and s in the Kuningan district strongly influential. On the other hand, the work environment is a set of shared implicit assumptions that exist within an educational institution held by a group and that determines how to feel it, think about it and react to a variety of environments, thus concluded That the work environment in the context of the school, can be the values of educational institutions presented in writing such as vision, mission and goals and work programs, and school rules, or can also be in the form of unwritten such as the pattern of leadership, supervision, supervision patterns, Approach or method of learning, communication patterns among school residents, and other patterns that are typically and permanently patterned. How to innovate, maintain the school's stability conducive, mutual respect for fellow citizens, results-oriented, pay attention to detail, team-oriented, and competitiveness are values that can be cultivated in schools as a means to build school and cultural civilization academic quality, marked by optimal principal engagement, superior teacher engagement and proud student achievement, so that this research is very relevant to the theory that every implementation of the compensation that is built will affect the engagement of teachers and lecturer in Kuningan Regency. The results of research on teachers and lecturer in Kuningan regency have met the positive logic, where Leadership, Compensation, and Work Environment proved able to influence the engagement of teachers and lecturer 5 CONCLUSION With regard to the results of the analysis and discussion of leadership, compensation, and work environment that proved capable of influencing the teachers and lecturer engagement in Kuningan regency, institutions must reevaluate the strategic and policy attention mainly the aspirations of teachers and lecturer, one leadership style changes the policy in each of the institutions to apply effective leadership so as to increase the teachers and lecturer engagement, as well as a good work environment atmosphere can increase the teachers engagement , so that a good work environment engineering became a necessity to increase the 205 GCBME 2017 - 2nd Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship capacity of teachers and lecturer. Thus will be able to enhance the learning process in implementing innovation in accordance with the target achievement of educational objectives, so the quality of education that weak can be minimized and increases in student achievement can be achieved optimally. So that the quality of education will be well underway, marked by the application of character. The formation of students ranging from the improvement of teachers and lecturer in Kuningan regency as a big step so that quality and professionalism and achievement of education can get progress. 6 IMPLICATIONS OF THE RESEARCH The results of this study may provide inputs on quality improvement of education, especially in Kuningan regency. The engagement of educators is based on the level of individual teachers and lecturers. The level of engagement of educators can be one way of determining the charge indicators will effect the emotions on the lives of teachers and teaching staff in the process of learning and teaching. When teachers and lecturer to feel attached to their institution, they will work with the extra effort and are willing to sacrifice for an institution, a high level of engagement will have an emotional attachment to the institution. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This Research supported by LPDP. We thank our lecturers and colleagues from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) who provide insight and expertise that greatly assisted the research.. REFERENCES Anitha, J. 2014. Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 63 (3), 308 – 323. AM Saks, 2006 “Antecedents and consequences of employee engagement,” Journal of Managerial Psychology, vol. 21, tidak ada. 7, pp. 600-619. Corace, C. J. 2007. Engagement enrolling the quiet majority. Organizational Development Journal, 25, 171-175. 206 Deci, E.L. and Ryan, R.M. 1987, The support of autonomy and the control of behaviour. 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