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Description The package provides functions to carry out a Goodness-of-fit test for discrete multivariate data. It is tested if a given observation is likely to have occurred under the assumption of an ab-initio model. A p-value can be calculated using different distance measures between observed and expected frequencies. A Monte Carlo method is provided to make the package capable of solving high-dimensional problems.
Description The package provides functions to carry out a Goodness-of-fit test for discrete multivariate data. It is tested if a given observation is likely to have occurred under the assumption of an ab-initio model. A p-value can be calculated using different distance measures between observed and expected frequencies. A Monte Carlo method is provided to make the package capable of solving high-dimensional problems.
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 2008
The goodness-of-fit test based on Pearson's chi-squared statistic is sometimes considered to be an omnibus test that gives little guidance to the source of poor fit when the null hypothesis is rejected. It has also been recognized that the omnibus test can often be outperformed by focused or directional tests of lower order. In this paper, a test is considered for a model on a data table formed by the cross-classification of q dichotomous variables, and a score statistic on overlapping cells that correspond to the first-through qth-order marginal frequencies is presented. Then orthogonal components of the Pearson-Fisher statistic are defined on marginal frequencies. The orthogonal components may be used to form test statistics, and a log-linear version of an item response model is used to investigate the order and dilution of a test based on these components, as well as the projection of components onto the space of lowerorder marginals. The advantage of the components in terms of power and detection of the source of poor fit is demonstrated. Overcoming the adverse effects of sparseness provides another motive for using components based on marginal frequencies because an asymptotic chi-squared distribution will be more reliable for a statistic formed on overlapping cells if expected frequencies in the joint distribution are small.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician), 2002
The Pearson's chi-square and the log likelihood ratio chi-square statistics are fundamental tools in goodnessof-fit testing. Cressie and Read (1984) constructed a general family of divergences which includes both statistics as special cases. This family is indexed by a single parameter, and divergences at either end of the scale are more powerful against alternatives of one type while being rather poor against the opposite type. Here we present several new goodness-of-fit testing procedures which have reasonably high power at both kinds of alternatives. Graphical studies illustrate the advantages of the new methods.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2009
The Pearson's chi-squared statistic (X 2 ) does not in general follow a chi-square distribution when it is used for goodness-of-fit testing for a multinomial distribution based on sparse contingency table data. We explore properties of . Goodness-of-fit tests for large sparse multinomial distributions. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 82 (398), 624-629] D 2 statistic and compare them with those of X 2 and compare the power of goodness-of-fit test among the tests using D 2 , X 2 , and the statistic (L r ) which is proposed by . Limited-and full-information estimation and goodness-of-fit testing in 2 n contingency tables: A unified framework. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 100 (471), 1009-1020] when the given contingency table is very sparse. We show that the variance of D 2 is not larger than the variance of X 2 under null hypotheses where all the cell probabilities are positive, that the distribution of D 2 becomes more skewed as the multinomial distribution becomes more asymmetric and sparse, and that, as for the L r statistic, the power of the goodness-of-fit testing depends on the models which are selected for the testing. A simulation experiment strongly recommends to use both D 2 and L r for goodness-of-fit testing with large sparse contingency table data.
Maydeu-Olivares and Joe (J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 100:1009–1020, 2005; Psychometrika 71:713–732, 2006) introduced classes of chi-square tests for (sparse) multidimensional multinomial data based on loworder marginal proportions. Our extension provides general conditions under which quadratic forms in linear functions of cell residuals are asymptotically chi-square. The new statistics need not be based on margins, and can be used for one-dimensional multinomials. We also provide theory that explains why limited information statistics have good power, regardless of sparseness. We show how quadratic-form statistics can be constructed that are more powerful than X2 and yet, have approximate chi-square null distribution in finite samples with large models. Examples with models for truncated count data and binary item response data are used to illustrate the theory.
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2017
Goodness-of-fit tests are important to assess if the model fits the data. In this paper we investigate the Type I error and power of two goodness-of-fit tests for multinomial logistic regression via a simulation study. The GoF test using partitioning strategy (clustering) in the covariate space, was compared with another test, C g which was based on grouping of predicted probabilities. The power of both tests was investigated when the quadratic term or an interaction term were omitted from the model. The proposed test 2 *G p shows good Type I error and ample power except for models with highly skewed covariate distribution. The
Statistica Neerlandica, 1994
The asymptotic (normal) distribution of the sum of weighted squared residuals in the multinomial logit model is derived. The performance of a chi-squared test based on the asymptotic normality is discussed using some empirical examples.
It is common in the analysis of data to provide a goodness-of-fit test to assess the performance of a model. In the analysis of contingency tables, goodness-of-fit statistics are frequently employed when modeling social science, educational or psychological data ...
Behavior Research Methods, 2023
The multibridge R package allows a Bayesian evaluation of informed hypotheses H r applied to frequency data from an independent binomial or multinomial distribution. multibridge uses bridge sampling to efficiently compute Bayes factors for the following hypotheses concerning the latent category proportions θ: (a) hypotheses that postulate equality constraints (e.g., θ 1 = θ 2 = θ 3); (b) hypotheses that postulate inequality constraints (e.g., θ 1 < θ 2 < θ 3 or θ 1 > θ 2 > θ 3); (c) hypotheses that postulate combinations of inequality constraints and equality constraints (e.g., θ 1 < θ 2 = θ 3); and (d) hypotheses that postulate combinations of (a)-(c) (e.g., θ 1 < (θ 2 = θ 3), θ 4). Any informed hypothesis H r may be compared against the encompassing hypothesis H e that all category proportions vary freely, or against the null hypothesis H 0 that all category proportions are equal. multibridge facilitates the fast and accurate comparison of large models with many constraints and models for which relatively little posterior mass falls in the restricted parameter space. This paper describes the underlying methodology and illustrates the use of multibridge through fully reproducible examples.
Bivariate count data arise in several different discipline s and the bivariate Poisson distribution is commonly used to model them. This paper proposes and studies a computationally convenient goodness-of-fit test for this distribution, which is based o n an empirical counterpart of a system of equations. The test is consistent against fixed alternative s. The null distribution of the test can be consistently approximated by a parametric bootstrap and by a weighted bootstrap. The goodness of these bootstrap estimators and the power for finite sample sizes are numerically studied. It is shown that the proposed test can be naturally extended to the multivariate Poisson distribution
Stellenbosch University, 2015
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