Is Climate-Smart Agriculture
A review of selected cases
Working Paper No. 129
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change,
Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
Dhanush Dinesh
Snorre Frid-Nielsen
James Norman
Manyewu Mutamba
Ana Maria Loboguerrero Rodriguez
Bruce Campbell
Correct citation:
Dinesh D, Frid-Nielsen S, Norman J, Mutamba M, Loboguerrero Rodriguez AM, and Campbell B.
2015. Is Climate-Smart Agriculture effective? A review of selected cases. CCAFS Working Paper no.
129. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food
Security (CCAFS). Available online at:
Titles in this Working Paper series aim to disseminate interim climate change, agriculture and food
security research and practices and stimulate feedback from the scientific community.
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) is a
strategic partnership of CGIAR and Future Earth, led by the International Center for Tropical
Agriculture (CIAT). The Program is carried out with funding by CGIAR Fund Donors, the Danish
International Development Agency (DANIDA), Australian Government (ACIAR), Irish Aid,
Environment Canada, Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Netherlands, Swiss Agency for Development
and Cooperation (SDC), Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (IICT), UK Aid, Government of
Russia, the European Union (EU), New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, with technical
support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
CCAFS Coordinating Unit - Faculty of Science, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences,
University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 21, DK-1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark. Tel: +45 35331046;
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CCAFS Working Paper no. 129
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Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an approach to address the interlinked challenges of food
security and climate change, and has three objectives: (1) sustainably increasing agricultural
productivity, to support equitable increases in farm incomes, food security and development;
(2) adapting and building resilience of agricultural and food security systems to climate
change at multiple levels; and (3) reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
(including crops, livestock and fisheries). This paper examines 19 CSA case studies, to assess
their effectiveness in achieving the stated objectives of CSA, while also assessing other cobenefits, economic costs and benefits, barriers to adoption, success factors, and gender and
social inclusion issues. The analysis concludes that CSA interventions can be highly effective,
achieving the three CSA objectives, while also generating additional benefits in a costeffective and inclusive manner. However, this depends on context specific project design and
implementation, for which institutional capacity is key. The paper also identifies serious gaps
in data availability and comparability, which restricts further analysis.
Climate-Smart Agriculture; adaptation; resilience; mitigation; effectiveness; cost-benefit
About the authors
Dhanush Dinesh is Global Policy Engagement Manager at the CGIAR Research Program on
Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
[email protected]
Snorre Frid-Nielsen is Student Assistant (Policy Engagement and Research) at the CGIAR
Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
James Norman is Student Assistant (Research) at the CGIAR Research Program on Climate
Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
Manyewu Mutamba is Analyst for Economics and Policy at the Southern African
Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU)
Ana Maria Loboguerrero Rodriguez is Regional Program Leader for Latin America at the
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
Bruce Campbell is Program Director at the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change,
Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
The authors are grateful to the United Kingdom Department for International Development
(DFID) support for this work.
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 9
2. Methods .................................................................................................................... 11
3. Results ...................................................................................................................... 16
CSA Benefits............................................................................................................ 16
Other co-benefits ...................................................................................................... 17
Economic costs and benefits .................................................................................... 18
Barriers to adoption .................................................................................................. 19
Key success factors .................................................................................................. 19
Gender and social inequality .................................................................................... 20
4. Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 24
References .................................................................................................................... 25
Appendix I: CSA Case Studies .................................................................................... 34
1. Crops ................................................................................................................ 34
Laser-Assisted Precision Land Levelling (LLL) in India ........................................ 34
Alternative Wetting and Drying (AWD) in Vietnam and Bangladesh .................... 37
Coffee-Banana Intercropping (CBI) in East Africa ................................................. 41
GreenSeeker technology for better nitrogen management in India and México ..... 44
2. Fisheries ........................................................................................................... 46
Aquaculture in the Mekong River Delta .................................................................. 46
Fish ring microhabitats in Bangladesh’s rice fields ................................................. 49
3. Landscapes ....................................................................................................... 50
Farmer-managed natural regeneration (FMNR) in Niger ........................................ 50
Loess Plateau watershed rehabilitation project ........................................................ 53
4. Livestock .......................................................................................................... 56
East Africa Dairy Development (EADD) Project .................................................... 56
Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Ecosystem Management Project (RISEMP) ..... 59
5. Policies and Programs ...................................................................................... 61
Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in Ethiopia ........................................... 61
National agroforestry policy of India ....................................................................... 64
Climate and the Colombian Agriculture Sector: Adaptation for a Productive
Sustainability............................................................................................................ 67
6. Services ............................................................................................................ 70
Climate seasonal forecasts within the cowpea sector in Burkina Faso .................... 70
Communicating seasonal forecasts to farmers in Senegal for better agricultural
management ............................................................................................................. 72
African Risk Capacity (ARC) Facility ..................................................................... 75
7. Value Chains .................................................................................................... 77
Effective Grain Storage Project (EGSP) .................................................................. 77
African Leafy Vegetables (ALVs) ........................................................................... 80
Adapting to Markets and Climate Change Project in Nicaragua (NICADAPTA) .. 83
Appendix II: Sources for case study selection ............................................................. 87
African Climate-Smart Agriculture Alliance
African Leafy Vegetables
Colombia’s Presidential Agency for International Cooperation
African Risk Capacity Facility
Alternate Wetting and Drying
Coffee-Banana Intercropping
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food
Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research
Climate-Smart Agriculture
Civil Society Organisations
The East Africa Dairy Development Project
Effective Grain Storage Project
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Female-headed household
Farmer-managed natural regeneration
Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Household Asset Building Programme
Colombian National Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology, and Environmental
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Indo-Gangetic Plain
Internal Rate of Return
Laser-Assisted Precision Land Levelling
Colombian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Ministry of Family, Community, Cooperative and Associative Economy
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action
National Agricultural Research Systems
NICADAPTA Adapting to Markets and Climate Change Project in Nicaragua
Non-governmental Organization
Payment for Ecosystem Services
Productive Safety Net Programme
Risk Financing Mechanism
Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Ecosystem Management Project
1. Introduction
Climate change impacts, together with increasing food demand, poses risks to global
food security (IPCC 2014). These impacts are deepening the problems already being
faced by smallholder farmers in developing countries, who are the most vulnerable to
climate change (Campbell and Thornton 2014 p. 3), but produce 70% of the world’s
food needs (FAO 2013). Over the last few decades, agricultural productivity has been
low and stagnant, particilarly in smallholder production systems (FAO 2015 p. 1). In
some cases productivity has already started declining due to changing rainfall
patterns, and increasing frequency of extreme events such as droughts and floods
(Lipper et al. 2014 p. 1068). As a result of climate change, yields for key food crops
such as maize and wheat have already reduced by an estimated 3.8% and 5.5%
respectively, relative to a counterfactual without climate trends (Lipper et al. 2014 p.
1068). The potential contribution of agriculture as a pathway out of poverty for
millions of poor rural families is at risk. Smallholder farmers are the most vulnerable
population to the changing climate as they lack financial, technical and political
means to support adaptation efforts. Without access to information, technology,
markets, financing, institutional support and decision making opportunities,
smallholder farmers are powerless to respond to the challenges brought by a changing
It is in this context that the concept of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) becomes
relevant. The concept builds on the longstanding goal of development through
sustainable agriculture by recognising both the growing need for agricultural systems
to adapt to progressively changing climates, and the coincident necessity that the
sector takes action to mitigate emissions (Lipper et al. 2014). In the context of
landscapes and food systems, the original definition of CSA adopted by FAO refers to
three objectives: (1) sustainably increasing agricultural productivity, to support
equitable increases in farm incomes, food security and development; (2) adapting to
and building resilience to climate change at multiple levels (from farm to national);
and (3) reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural activities
across landscapes, livestock and fisheries. CSA is an approach that aims to achieve
different combinations of these objectives relevant to the local context. It can be
applied at various levels (farm, landscapes, and food systems) and incorporates
technologies and practices, as well as policies, institutions, and investments.
The three objectives of CSA may be synergistic or involve trade-offs, depending on
the local context. For example, synergies between adaptation and productivity occur
in the Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa initiative, where 100 new drought-tolerant
maize varieties and hybrids were developed and released across 13 countries in
Africa, which led to farmers reporting increased yields of up to 20–30% under
moderate drought conditions (Cooper et al. 2013). These drought resistant varieties
allow farmers to adapt to the changing climate, since projections indicate that ~90 %
of currently cropped maize area in Africa will experience negative impacts, with a 1240% reduction in yields by the end of the 21 st century, if no adaptation actions are
taken (Ramirez-Villegas and Thornton 2015). On the other hand, subsidised fertiliser
in the miombo woodland regions of Southern Africa may increase productivity and
food security (Denning et al. 2009 p. 9), but the trade-off may be increased
deforestation (Dewees et al. 2010 p. 42), thus driving up emissions. A recent review
by Cooper et al. (2013) of the evidence base for successful and ambitious
interventions within the agriculture sector has shown how the trade-offs can be
avoided in the near term, and over limited spatial scale. Even if actions cannot deliver
on all fronts in all contexts, the CSA concept is still applicable (Lipper et al. 2014 p.
1069). Of greater importance is that all three CSA objectives are considered across
different scales and time horizons to arrive at solutions tailored to the local context.
Accordingly, this allows for the relative importance of each objective to vary across
locations and situations. Flexibility of the CSA approach in the face of trade-offs is
particularly important in developing countries, where agricultural growth and
adaptation for food security and economic growth are a priority, and where poor
farmers are the most affected by—but have contributed least to—climate change.
CSA has gained considerable interest in recent years and a range of actors have
initiated CSA actions, including farmers, governments, Civil Society Organizations
(CSOs), international organizations, private sector, and the research community. The
Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA) was launched as a
collaborative platform for action for these diverse actors at the UN Secretary
General’s Climate Summit in September 2014. Regional alliances are also being
formed to support CSA action at the regional level, and include the Africa ClimateSmart Agriculture Alliance (ACSAA), which aims to reach 25 million farmers by
2025, and the North American Climate-Smart Agriculture Alliance. While these
actions aim to achieve the goal of food security under a changing climate, sceptics
have questioned whether CSA brings anything new or actually yields the stated socioeconomic and environmental gains (Anderson 2014).
This paper examines whether CSA as currently implemented provides answers to the
challenges being faced by farmers as a result of a changing climate, and achieves its
stated objectives in a cost-effective manner. We also attempt to identify the additional
co-benefits delivered by CSA interventions, and their approach to addressing gender
and social inequalities. The barriers to adoption of CSA interventions and key success
factors are also examined.
2. Methods
Case selection
This paper analyses 19 case studies of CSA interventions using a common framework.
Based on this analysis, results related to the criteria are presented in Section 3.
The primary sources from which cases were identified are listed in Appendix II. The
main focus was the CCAFS portfolio and potential cases were identified through the
CCAFS Planning and Reporting platform (technical reporting platform of program
participants), and email requests to research leaders. In order to address gaps in
sectoral and regional coverage, additional cases were identified through a search of
published literature.
The CCAFS portfolio comprises numerous projects and interventions, carried out by
different CGIAR centres and partners. Generally, projects share the common goals of
reducing rural poverty, increasing food security, and ensuring sustainable
management of natural resources. These projects are typically monitored and reported
during the course of implementation, and reported upon following project completion.
The reporting outputs are typically made available to the public and/or institutions in
the form of webpages, working papers, reports and publications within academic
journals. The form and level of detail of this reporting varies considerably between
projects (e.g. depending on stage of implementation), ranging from in-depth analysis
of randomised control field trials to simple communication of a projects activities via
a webpage or blog post. However, most reporting refers to a key CCAFS source
document, and care was taken to track down the most authoritative and informationrich source in each case.
A total of 58 potential cases were identified. These cases were screened based on
availability and depth of supporting information in relation to the framework, and to
ensure balanced representation of different types of interventions and regions, giving
19 cases in the final analysis. Table 1 lists the different types of shortlisted cases, and
Table 2 provides summaries of these cases.
Table 1 Types of shortlisted cases
No. of cases
Crops (interventions focused on grains, fruits, plants, etc.)
Fisheries (interventions focused on aquaculture or marine fisheries)
Landscapes (interventions that take into account the broader landscapes within which
agricultural production takes place)
Livestock (interventions focused on cattle, poultry, etc.)
Policies and Programs (government-led interventions which seek to implement CSA at scale)
Services (interventions including climate information services, index-based insurance, etc., which
help farmers adopt CSA practices or improve their financial security)
Value chains (CSA interventions within the full range of value-adding activities that transform an
agricultural good from post-harvest to final product marketed to consumers)
Table 2 Description of cases
Precision Land
Levelling (LLL) in
LLL involves the use of laser technology to efficiently achieve a flat even
soil surface, generating better yields with less inputs. Introduced in 2011,
LLL is now applied on an estimated 500,000 hectares across the state of
Haryana, India.
Alternate Wetting
and Drying (AWD) in
Vietnam and
AWD is a rice management technique involving periodic drying and reflooding of rice fields, reducing water inputs and emissions, while
maintaining yields.
Intercropping (CBI) in
East Africa
By growing coffee and bananas together, coffee farmers in East Africa
reduce their vulnerability to climate change impacts, while generating
additional income and food security through diversification.
technology for better
nitrogen management
in India and México
GreenSeeker is a site-specific nutrient management tool allowing for more
precise and efficient use of fertilizers, improving yields while reducing
input requirements.
Aquaculture in the
Mekong River Delta
Several CSA measures, such as relocation, reinforced dykes and salinity
tolerant species are being adopted by aquaculturists in the Mekong river
delta to increase climate change resilience, while enhancing mitigation and
Fish Ring
Microhabitats in
Bangladesh’s Rice
By placing simple concrete rings in rice fields, farmers in Bangladesh create
microhabitats for fish that are brought into flooded fields during the
monsoon season. Allowing the fish to survive and thrive in the rings
provides an additional source of food and income.
Natural Regeneration
(FMNR) in Niger
Since the 1980s, farmers in Niger have been using the FMNR technique to
regenerate over 5 million hectares of degraded lands, increasing yields,
wood-based income sources, and carbon sequestration.
Loess Plateau
Rehabilitation Project
By incorporating improved farming practices and tree planting, the Loess
Plateau watershed rehabilitation project has benefitted over 2 million
hectares of degraded lands, while bringing 2.5 million households out of
East Africa Dairy
Development (EADD)
Since 2008, the EADD project has improved dairy productivity in East Africa
through the dissemination of a variety of practices, such as improved
livestock feeding and breeding. The first phase of the project earned local
farming families over USD 131 million.
Regional Integrated
Management Project
Between 2002-2007, RISEMP brought silvopastoral practices to Costa Rica,
Colombia and Nicaragua. In addition to rehabilitating overgrazed lands, the
program brought mitigation and productivity benefits to participating
Productive Safety Net
Programme (PSNP) in
The Government of Ethiopia launched the PSNP in 2005, to provide
transfers of cash or food to food insecure people, who in turn receive
employment in public works projects.
National Agroforestry
Policy of India
In 2014, the Government of India launched the world’s first National
Agroforestry Policy, aimed at mainstreaming the incorporation of trees and
shrubs into farmlands. This policy increases carbon sequestration through
increased tree coverage, while enhancing productivity through improved
soil fertility and also increases resilience to climate impacts.
Climate and the
Agriculture Sector:
Adaptation for a
Launched in 2012, this Agreement seeks to strengthen the resilience of
agriculture and livestock to climate variability and change and improve the
efficiency of resource use in production systems in priority regions in
Colombia through 4 components: i) Modelling and agroclimatic forecasts; ii)
Climate-Site Specific Management; iii) Technological options for adaptation
in priority crops; and iv) Environmentally sustainable production systems.
Climate seasonal
forecasts within the
cowpea sector
Burkina Faso
Seasonal forecasts help cowpea farmers in Burkina Faso understand,
monitor and predict climate variability, leading to better yields and
resilience to climate variability.
seasonal forecasts to
farmers in Senegal for
better agricultural
Since 2011, climate information services have been broadcasted to millions
of farmers in Senegal, using simple to understand forecasts. By providing
relevant and comprehensible climate information, farmers are more
capable of coping with increasing climate uncertainty.
African Risk Capacity
(ARC) Facility
The ARC Facility reduces the time lag in system responses to food crises. By
creating a pan-African insurance safety net based on weather indices,
governments can quickly and efficiently intervene when crisis strikes, to
avoid food insecurity and agricultural asset loss.
Effective Grain
Storage Project
By using hermetically sealed metal silos, farmers protect their harvests
from pests and disease. The project reduces post-harvest losses and
improves farmer productivity and resilience through improved grain
African Leafy
Vegetables (ALV)
The ALV programme ran from 1996-2004 and brought nutritious and hardy
African Leafy Vegetables into mainstream consumption once again,
delivering nutritional benefits to consumers, and poverty alleviation
benefits to its farmers.
Adapting to Markets
and Climate Change
Project in Nicaragua
Launched in 2014, the NICADAPTA project provides investment
opportunities, training, and technical assistance to approximately 100,000
smallholder farmers. Nicaragua’s agricultural sector is highly sensitive to
climate variations, and NICADAPTA aims to help farmers climate-proof their
production, while reducing emissions by over 2 million tonnes of CO 2e.
Some of the shortlisted cases used in this study explicitly aim to achieve one or more
of the CSA objectives. Others implicitly address these goals but are not intentionally
aligned with the CSA paradigm, whereas other cases are only indirectly related to the
CSA concept. Indeed, many cases were initiated before the CSA concept came to
light, but are now regarded as part of CSA and provide useful insights. In the case
selection process, we have endeavoured to select a set of cases balanced across sectors
and regions, while having sufficient information to allow meaningful analysis on
effectiveness, and for identifying success factors and barriers for adoption.
A key consideration in a robust assessment of the impact of a given intervention is the
availability of information on a counterfactual situation, i.e. information on
beneficiaries with the intervention and those same beneficiaries without the
intervention. In practice, this is accomplished using a comparable control group or by
making comparison to a prior or ‘baseline’ situation. In theory, differences in
outcomes between the groups can then be attributed to the intervention (Winters et al.
2010). The CSA cases considered in this study do not always make the study design
explicit, nor define which counterfactual situation costs/benefits are being evaluated
against. Most commonly, the cost and benefits, whether in terms of yield change,
adoption rates, etc, are stated relative to the situation prior to the intervention.
Depending on the experimental design, varying degrees of accuracy in terms of the
cause-effect relationship between the intervention and a specific outcome can be
obtained. In this study, it is assumed that outcomes relevant to CSA objectives in the
selected cases are attributable to the intervention.
This concern regarding evaluation design will be partly addressed in a forthcoming
review by Rosenstock et al. In their study, a large meta-analysis shall be conducted,
making use of comprehensive search strings to mine databases of peer reviewed
literature. The results shall then be screened such that only literature that contains
primary data and a comparison of a CSA to a conventional or baseline practice is
Analytical approach
We used a common framework to assess effectiveness across CSA interventions. The
framework consisted of six criteria:
CSA benefits (Productivity, resilience, and mitigation)
This criterion examined the contribution of each intervention to the three objectives of
CSA i.e. (1) sustainably increasing agricultural productivity, to support equitable
increases in farm incomes, food security and development; (2) adapting to and
building resilience to climate change at multiple levels (from farm to national); and
(3) reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural activities across
landscapes, livestock and fisheries. For each objective, quantitative outcome metrics
are presented where available and qualitative information is included to demonstrate
the context and conditions in which projects have proved effective.
Other co-benefits
Other benefits accrued by these interventions, but which do not directly contribute to
CSA objectives were examined here. These include other livelihood benefits, health
benefits etc, achieved through the intervention. While these benefits do not address
CSA objectives, they may influence adoption decisions.
Economic costs and benefits
This criterion examined economic costs and benefits of interventions, with the view of
assessing cost effectiveness of interventions. Data including cost-benefit ratios and
internal rates of return have been considered under this criterion.
Barriers to adoption
Factors that hamper implementation of CSA interventions, in general or for specific
locations have been considered.
Key success factors
Under this criterion, we considered the factors that were responsible for the
intervention’s success, with a view of generating lessons for CSA implementation and
scale up. Success factors may be general such as creation of incentive schemes, or
local such as specific stakeholder engagement approaches.
Gender and social inequality
The role of CSA in addressing gender gaps (Vermeulen 2015) has been studied.
Under this criterion, we considered how individual interventions address gender and
social inequality issues and accrue benefits to women and disadvantaged groups.
3. Results
CSA Benefits
Of the 19 cases analysed, all of them contributed towards sustainably increasing
agricultural productivity, and related increases in farm incomes, food security and
development. Seemingly, the primary focus of the cases studies included in this study
is increasing productivity. Most cases provided clear indications of yield or income
gains derived per hectare in comparison to scenarios without CSA interventions.
Eighteen cases helped build resilience of agricultural and food security systems to
climate change, and for farmers adapt to climate change. Only 15 cases clearly
contributed to reducing greenhouse gases from agriculture. Fourteen of the cases were
achieving triple wins by contributing to all three CSA objectives (Table 2). However,
in some of these triple-win cases, only minor or indirect mitigation benefits were
observed, and these were not clearly quantified. For instance, while over 5 million
hectares of land was covered with trees and aboveground biomass as a result of the
Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) program, systematic data regarding
the mitigation impact is lacking although a net positive mitigation benefit is expected.
Lack of robust measurements was also observed in cases’ contributions to increasing
resilience and adaptation. This is not unexpected since contributions towards this
objective are complex and a number of factors are at play. There is no existing
standard to measure adaptation benefits at program or national level yet. For example,
the enhanced biodiversity through increased cultivation of African Leafy Vegetables
(ALVs) has in all likelihood had positive impacts on resilience and adaptation at
multiple scales, but these benefits have not been quantified. Notably, many of the
resilience benefits were directly linked to productivity gains, where surplus food or
better incomes would provide safety nets, minimising the impact of leaner harvests
due to drought, extreme weather events etc. This was observed in the cases on
seasonal forecasts in Senegal and Colombia, as well as in FMNR in Niger, where
productivity gains increased resilience of farmers to adverse climate impacts.
Case analysis also revealed that not many cases work at different scales in order to
implement and scale out and up CSA, including the conversation between the local
and the national level through innovative policy and financial actions. An exception is
the Climate and the Colombian Agriculture Sector: Adaptation for a Productive
Sustainability case, which tries to connect experimental studies and work with
communities at the local level to policy formulation at the national level.
Table 3 Contributions of cases towards CSA objectives
LLL in India
AWD in Vietnam and Bangladesh
CBI in East Africa
GreenSeeker technology for better nitrogen management in India and México
Aquaculture in the Mekong River Delta
Fish Ring Microhabitats in Bangladesh’s Rice Fields
Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation Project
EADD Project
PSNP in Ethiopia
National Agroforestry Policy of India
Climate and the Colombian Agriculture Sector: Adaptation for a Productive
Climate seasonal forecasts within the cowpea sector in Burkina Faso
Communicating seasonal forecasts to farmers in Senegal for better agricultural
ARC Facility
Other co-benefits
In addition to contributing to CSA objectives, interventions also realised a wide range
of co-benefits. Job creation was the most common co-benefit generated by CSA
interventions. In some cases, such as the EGSP and LLL, this benefit was related to
the increased demand for manufactured goods, such as metal sheets for building silos,
and advanced farming technology. On the other hand, more efficient farming practices
such as in the Loess Plateau watershed rehabilitation project meant that farmers had
time to pursue additional employment opportunities off farm.
Another commonly cited co-benefit was the establishment of public infrastructure as a
result of CSA interventions. These included roads, which allow farmers to easily
transport their goods to marketplaces, as well as granting better access to education
and healthcare. Institutional capacity, an important pre-requisite to effectively
implementing CSA interventions, was also found to have been strengthened through
several interventions. In the Colombian case, the strengthening of institutional
capacities among the government and farmers’ associations was a co-benefit of the
project but at the same time was a key determinant to scale up the implementation of
CSA practices in the country. Social, human and financial capital was also developed
among farmers participating in several of the projects. For example, stronger
community ties were created due to ALV cooperatives, which reduced moral hazard,
and improved service delivery. Farmers involved with the project also developed their
business skills in addition to their farming practices. Improving the skills and
organisation of farmers allowed them to attract micro-finance credit and start their
own savings schemes.
Nutritional and health benefits were also provided by some CSA interventions,
including FMNR and ALVs. FMNR increases the number of trees, providing health
benefits by growing additional nutritional fruits, as well as creating a supply of
medicinal leaves. By mainstreaming ALVs, which are filled with vitamins and
micronutrients, a cheap and abundant source of healthy foods was established.
Economic costs and benefits
Cases (Appendix I) with cost-benefit data available demonstrate healthy rates of
return and cost-benefit ratios (Table 4). However, these cost-benefit calculations do
not take the full range of CSA benefits into account. These calculations are largely
based on generic benefits such as reduction of input costs, increase in income,
reduction of losses etc. There have been limited efforts to value CSA benefits such as
increased resilience or sequestration of greenhouse gas emissions. Valuing these
benefits would give a more accurate understanding of cost-effectiveness of these
projects. For example, in the Loess Plateau watershed rehabilitation case, it was
estimated that the economic/ecological benefit of the increase in soil organic matter
alone was approximately USD 2.6 million in a single county (Shi and Wang 2011 p.
15765). Overlooking such benefits will limit analysis of cost-effectiveness of CSA
The cases indicate that the economic performance of interventions depend on scale
and context. For example, the Laser-Assisted Precision Land Levelling (LLL) and
Effective Grain Storage Project (EGSP) interventions are not cost-effective at smaller
scales due to high upfront costs; larger scale operations are required to achieve
economies of scale.
Data gaps in some cases, and the absence of comparable cost-benefit calculations
makes it difficult to compare across cases and arrive at overarching messages on costeffectiveness of CSA. In some cases, the economic benefits will only materialise in
the long term, and long-term monitoring of costs and benefits is required to conduct
ex-post analysis. Robust cost-benefit calculations for a wider range of CSA
interventions will aid decision makers in choosing the most appropriate intervention
in a specific context.
Barriers to adoption
In spite of positive cost-benefit calculations, high initial investment costs of CSA
technologies and practices were found to be a key barrier for adoption. For
technological interventions such as LLL, GreenSeeker, EGSP and fish rings, these
costs could serve as a disincentive for farmers. In such cases, economic incentives that
allow farmers to meet the initial investments are effective for increasing adoption
rates. Stakeholder engagement and communicating the long-term benefits is also an
effective approach.
Low institutional capacity was also identified as a barrier for CSA implementation,
and so investments in institutional strengthening should precede or coincide with
interventions. In the NICADAPTA case, investments are specifically targeted at
building institutional capacities in Nicaragua. Limited or mis-directed government
support and counter-intuitive policies was also found to be a barrier, such as the case
of FMNR, where the government recommendation during the early 1980s was for
farmers to plough tree stumps. This indicates the dual need for policies to be (a)
informed by the latest science, and (b) to create an enabling environment for CSA
action. CSA project design should also take stock of the policy environment and be
aligned with it.
Another important barrier for implementation, especially at the local level, is the
language used by scientists to transmit key messages in relation to the research they
are generating. This is the case of the Colombian project where the language of the
agroclimatic newsletters shared with farmers at the beginning of the project was too
technical to generate an impact in terms of supporting decision making processes of
these farmers.
Key success factors
As high upfront costs are a significant barrier for adoption of CSA, the key for
success is to find innovative ways of overcoming these barriers. For example, in the
GreenSeeker and LLL cases, innovative forms of social organization and cost-sharing
helped overcome diseconomies of scale. In some cases, such as LLL, the presence of
government subsidies helped drive farmer adoption in the initial phases of the project.
In the RISEM case, the Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) were key for the
success of the project.
Outreach and extension support, as well as community engagement, is a success
factor in multiple cases. For example, in the climate information services cases,
incorporating indigenous knowledge within advisories and creating an interactive
format helped build the user-base. In these cases, co-production with climate
information users also helped identify the most effective and relevant forms of
communication. While community training and capacity enhancement can kick-start
adoption in the short-run, the EGSP, ALV and Colombian cases indicate that market
access and private sector involvement are important to scale up CSA interventions in
the long-run. Especially important, as demonstrated in the Colombian case, is the
involvement of these key stakeholders from the very beginning of the project so that
they feel ownership of the results and knowledge that is being generated. In places
where data availability is still a constraint to generate knowledge around CSA
practices, credibility with data owners must be gained in order to encourage them to
share more information.
Gender and social inequality
While addressing gender and social inequality does not appear to be the primary
objective of the case studies analysed, 13 cases provide direct and/or indirect benefits
to women and vulnerable groups. These benefits included employment opportunities
and increased access to resources. For example, through the FMNR project, women
received increased access to wood products and medicinal plants, improving their
incomes and allowing them to invest in assets such as livestock. However, in the case
of PSNP, the programme may actually have provided additional challenges for
women rather than providing support. Although PSNP provides relief for foodinsecure households, this aid was conditional, based on participation in public works
programmes. For some women, it became difficult to navigate their daily household
obligations while simultaneously having to work. The cases indicate that it is possible
to ensure that CSA interventions deliver benefits to women and vulnerable groups, if
this outcome is considered in program design.
Table 4 Overview of costs, benefits, barriers to adoption, success factors and gender benefits across cases
Economic costs and benefits
Barriers to adoption
Key success factors
LLL in India
IRR from 50% to 120% depending on
various factors.
High upfront cost.
Works best on larger plots.
AWD in Vietnam and
Bangladesh: 8-39% increase in profits.
Vietnam: 17-41% increase in profits.
CBI in East Africa
CBI generates 50% more revenue than
High transaction costs for farmers when
evaluating how to implement AWD.
Lack of effective scientific
communication and awareness of
evidence of AWD success at the local
High upfront capital and labour costs.
Ensuring commercial profitability.
Government subsidies.
Social organization for small-scale farmers.
Outreach and extension.
Targeting regions with high irrigation costs
and yield gaps.
Correct timing of intervention.
Using GreenSeeker
technology for better
nitrogen management
in India and México
Aquaculture in the
Mekong River Delta
Costs USD 550.
Reduces input costs.
Increases in yields.
High up front cost.
Some training is required.
Short-term costs of non-adaptation are
high, due to tight margins for fisherfolk.
Planned infrastructure adaptation
measures for catfish farms will total
approximately USD 191 million between
Fish rings bring additional income from
1.5-2kg of fish per year.
Cost of construction is USD 11.5.
Lack of education.
Lack of land ownership.
IRR of 31%.
Taking into account all factors, FMNR
brings USD 56/ha in benefits per year.
Degradation of Loess Plateau cost USD
1.28 billion in lost potential.
Overall economic rates of return from
Fish Ring Microhabitats
in Bangladesh’s Rice
FMNR in Niger
Loess Plateau
Rehabilitation Project
Gender and social
Improves job opportunities
for women.
Limited role for women
farmers in implementation.
CBI benefits can be optimized through e.g.
improved soil management and optimal
planting arrangements.
Special training required to strike balance
between coffee and banana crops.
Addressing low penetration rates.
Tax relief, subsidy programs and other
actions to lower upfront costs.
Women contribute
significantly to coffee
production, but there are
imbalances in terms of
plantation ownership.
Ministry of Agriculture and Development’s
development plan, implementing the
necessary adaptation measures.
Coordination efforts with neighbouring
countries who share resources.
Initial investment cost.
Using fish rings as fish traps will not allow
fish to survive and breed.
Some locations are not suited for fish
Must be placed and marked properly.
Community-based management can prevent
Lack of knowledge.
Counter-intuitive government policy.
Farmer to farmer knowledge sharing and
community groups.
Pre-existence of social capital.
Terracing provided many benefits, but
required further development of
Women may have benefitted
the most from FMNR.
Must ensure re-employment of surplus
Farmers may not reap benefits in the
Significant increase in
employment rates of
EADD Project
Farmer earnings increased 50% per litre
of milk compared to 2008.
Lack of knowledge.
Additional labour needs.
Commercial feed and livestock genetic
improvement is resource heavy.
High initial labour and capital investment
Most environmentally beneficial practices
may not be the most economically
attractive for farmers.
Risk of perverse incentives.
Difficult for women to balance household
tasks with work.
Time lag in early warning data.
Overly restrictive population coverage.
Knowledge sharing through dairy producer
Training and awareness creation to drive
uptake of several project components.
Empowering farmers to become the voice
of the project.
Developing appropriate CSA indicators
which could be understood by farmers.
Small upfront payments to incentivize
Ensuring quality and sustainability of public
works projects.
At the end of the project, 14%-37% IRR
depending on the silvopastoral practices
adopted, as well as existence of PES
PSNP in Ethiopia
Cost per beneficiary of USD 47.
More households have an improved
economic condition.
Average of 1.8 cost-benefit ratio for
public works programme.
National Agroforestry
Policy of India
USD 30-40 million investment.
Constraining legal environment.
Farmers may be hesitant to reduce
growing area.
Climate and the
Colombian Agriculture
Sector: Adaptation for
a Productive
Seeks to avoid 30% of total losses (USD50
million) in crops such as rice and maize
due to climate variability.
Production gap is expected to be reduced
by at least 50%, saving resources
equivalent to investments used to feed
about 4 million of Colombian population.
To gain credibility with national farmers’
Limited reach of national farmers’
The language of the agroclimatic
newsletters needs to be adjusted for the
specific audiences.
Cooperation and coordination between and
within government and NGO partners.
Providing portfolios of activities for
Finance and insurance schemes.
Articulation since the very beginning of the
project with relevant stakeholders in the
agricultural sector.
Alliances with public and private
institutions. Simplifying language to local
understanding of agroclimatic newsletters
in order to bridge the gap between
meteorologists, agronomists, modellers and
Climate seasonal
forecasts within the
cowpea sector in
Burkina Faso
Higher yields at lower costs.
Added value for cowpea (USD 30/ha).
seasonal forecasts to
farmers in Senegal for
better agricultural
Large number of people who have access
to climate information (about 4 million
people) indicates implicit costeffectiveness.
Forecasts must correspond to needs of
Alternate management options must be
Forecasts must be properly
Communicating complex aspects of
seasonal forecasts to farmers.
Lack of access to land is a constraint,
especially for women.
Phase II has the goal of
increasing number of women
supplying milk by 30%
Efforts taken to
accommodate women and
their domestic
Women make up 25%-50% of
Clear understanding of factors that limit
Participatory and interactive approaches.
The project intends to
address the needs of
Partnerships with meteorological agencies,
ministries and local radio stations.
Community engagement and interactive
The program found that men
and women access climate
information differently, with
women’s access limited due
to gendered differences in
the division of labour.
ARC Facility
Additional benefits for poor families for
each dollar spent range from 1.28-1.9
compared to baseline
Increased potential for basis-risk, causing
incorrect insurance payouts
Cost-benefit ratios of 2.3 for 0.7 tonne
silos; 3.25 for 1.8 tonne silos.
Smaller silos may not be cost effective.
In Nigeria, cost-benefit ratios range from
2.07-4-50 depending on species
High initial investment costs.
Economic rate of return of 28%, Net
present value of USD 127.3 million
Low institutional capacity
Lack of genetic material.
Poor infrastructure limits market access.
Lack of government involvement.
Negative consumer perceptions and lack
of exposure to information on ALVs.
Benefits greater if only extreme events are
Prices must be cheap.
Indices must be highly accurate.
Revolving funding to finance labour and
material costs.
Community activities to drive uptake.
Internal factors: farmer organization,
access to cities, farmer education level and
ALV experience.
External factors: Health awareness among
consumers, linkages with NGOs and
Drought insurance stabilizes
women's food consumption
and health.
Spread of technologies and agro-climatic
Policy dialogue and private investments.
Strengthening administrative capacity of
Project focused on helping
women and other vulnerable
populations. Helps women
develop rural businesses.
Positive impacts on women’s
employment and social
ALVs have had a positive
impact on women’s
incomes, but increased
commercialization could
undermine women’s role in
ALV production.
4. Conclusions
Ongoing and past examples of CSA interventions demonstrate that CSA projects and
programmes can be designed to be effective, generating positive economic returns and
benefits relating to the three CSA objectives (productivity, resilience, mitigation).
These projects and programmes can also generate other co-benefits such as
employment generation, health and nutritional benefits, and infrastructure
development. Addressing gender and social inequalities do not appear to be amongst
the primary objectives of selected cases, although several cases address these issues
and provide valuable lessons. However, if CSA is to transform the agricultural sector
in the face of climate change, there is an urgent need for greater attention to gender
issues (Vermeulen 2015), and for making this an integral part of project design.
More precise calculations related to contributions to CSA objectives are needed,
particularly for resilience and mitigation. The quantification of CSA benefits for these
two pillars is less than optimal in most cases, compared to productivity. There is a
need for more rigorous work around metrics for measuring resilience, which will
allow quantification of these benefits. In the case of mitigation, the range of
greenhouse gas (GHG) calculators available can aid precise calculations and there is a
need to use such tools in ongoing and planned projects, while also conducting ex-post
The lack of rigorous evaluation work on CSA interventions has to be rectified, and
there is a strong need for work that evaluates interventions based on counterfactuals,
controls and baselines. Gaps in data availability, quality, and comparability, limit
analysis, particularly in relation to economic costs-benefits, resilience, and mitigation.
These gaps must be addressed to support ongoing efforts to scale up CSA. While
conducting cost-benefit analysis on these interventions, it is essential to factor in the
valuation of CSA benefits such as increased resilience and/or removal of greenhouse
gas emissions.
In spite of data constraints, it is evident that several cases have positive cost-benefit
ratios, and offer benefits pertaining to multiple CSA objectives. However, adoption is
limited by a range of factors including high upfront costs, absence of technical
knowledge, poor stakeholder engagement, and low institutional capacities. If CSA
interventions are to be scaled up, investment is essential to address these barriers.
Economic incentives, training and capacity enhancement efforts, stakeholder
engagement activities etc. can help overcome some of these barriers.
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Appendix I: CSA Case Studies
Quantitative outcome metrics are presented where available and qualitative
information is included to demonstrate the context and conditions in which
interventions have taken place.
1. Crops
Laser-Assisted Precision Land Levelling (LLL) in India
The Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) contains some of the richest agricultural land in the
Indian Subcontinent, and is home to approximately one billion people. Rice and wheat
are key food-grains in the region, contributing 80 percent of its food production.
However, the flood-irrigated land which the IGP lies upon is susceptible to
undulations in the soil surface, resulting in a reduction in both land and water
productivity. This is because uneven land can increase surface run-off or water
logging, both of which contribute to a suboptimal distribution of water over the field.
To counteract this vulnerability, farmers in the IGP have traditionally used weighted
tractors or animal-drawn levelling planks to level the land. As there are limits to the
accuracy of this technique, further irrigation is needed to identify high spots, which
are levelled in subsequent passes. (Gill 2014 .p 1)
Laser-Assisted Precision Land Levelling (LLL) technology addresses the limitations
of this practice, efficiently achieving a flat even surface. The high level of accuracy is
achieved by placing a rotating laser transmitter at the edge of the field, sending
information to a control box within the tractor cab to automatically raise or lower its
levelling blade or drag bucket to level out undulations in the field (Gill, 2014 p. 3).
CIMMYT introduced the technology to the western IGP in 2011, where it has been
applied by farmers on an estimated 544,000 hectares of land. The technology has been
shown to be exceptionally climate-smart, reaping considerable benefits for mitigation
and adaptation, while increasing yields substantially.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
LLL contributes significantly to all three CSA objectives.
According to a 2011 study focused on rice-wheat cropping, LLL improves food
security by increasing yields within this particular rotation, leading to estimated
increases of 2.85 qtl/ha for wheat and 3.22 qtl/ha for rice (Gill, 2014 p. 32). Across
the 544,000 hectares of land in Haryana where LLL was applied, these yield increases
resulted in an additional production of 155,000 and 175,000 MT per year for wheat
and rice respectively (Gill 2014 p. 32). Furthermore, the technology promoted
diversification into vegetables and other nutrient-rich foodstuffs, which plays an
important role for food security by qualitatively improving diets (Gill, 2014 p. x).
LLL improves the climate change resilience of farmers in the IGP through the
reduction in irrigation requirements. Climate change has the potential to increase
droughts within parts of the IGP, threatening its highly irrigation-based and groundwater dependent agricultural system. As a result, any technology which can reduce the
demand for groundwater while improving, or at least maintaining, agricultural
production will be key for improving the adaptive capacity of farmers. In the state of
Haryana alone, LLL contributes nearly one billion m 3 of irrigation water savings per
year (Gill, 2014 p. 30).
In terms of mitigation contributions, the technology provides multiple reductions in
GHG emissions. LLL considerably lowers the need for irrigation, thus reducing the
amount of fuel required for diesel-powered pumps. Across Haryana, this adds up to an
estimated 163,600 MT of CO2eq of GHG emission mitigation per year (Gill, 2014 p.
28). Additionally, fuel consumption is decreased due to the optimization of tractor
time needed for land levelling, resulting in a reduction of 19,500 MT of CO 2
emissions per year (Gill, 2014 p. 28). Furthermore, the uniformly flat fields provided
by LLL improve runoff control, reducing the potential for N 2O emissions and
improving fertilizer use efficiency and yields (Gill, 2014 p. 29).
Other co-benefits
LLL has been described as a “precursor technology”, enhancing other climate-smart
practices when they are applied in tandem (Gill, 2014 p. 40). For example, the level
fields created through LLL make it easier to use technologies such as raised bed
planting, turbo seeding, and crop diversification. Expansion of LLL technology also
has the opportunity to create jobs and improve income, as each laser unit creates 300
work days per year, not to mention indirect employment through manufacturing,
transport, etc. (Aryal et al. 2014 p. 736).
Economic costs and benefits
Calculations on the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for LLL indicate that it is an
extremely profitable investment, capable of paying back the initial cost within one to
two years (Gill, 2014 p. 20). IRR ranges from 120% to 55%, depending on the
presence of a government subsidy for the technology, the type of irrigation used, and
whether the tractor will be applied year round for other on-farm purposes (Gill, 2014
p. 20). The initial cost of purchasing the LLL equipment and tractor are considerable
hurdles to overcome, and although no farmers reported a need for repairs, the need for
fuel and drivers provide persistent costs over the approximate ten year lifespan of the
equipment. However, a study comparing LLL to traditional land levelling
demonstrated that system profitability increased USD 113 per hectare in the first year,
and USD 175 in the second year when applying the technology (Jat et al. 2009 p.
112). Furthermore, revenues derived from LLL service provisions to other farmers
reap an additional USD 138/hectare/year (Gill, 2014 p. 20).
Barriers to adoption
Due to the high upfront cost of purchasing the technology, most LLL owners are large
farmers (Gill, 2014 p. xi). Although a healthy and competitive market has developed
for hiring out LLL services to small scale farmers, marginal farmers (i.e. cultivating
less than 1 hectare of land) may be excluded from the clientele. This explanation is
both technical and economic: the smallest plot that can be levelled is between 0.1-0.2
hectares, with larger plots providing greater economies of scale (Gill, 2014 p. 35).
As a result of gender norms, female headed households (FHH) in Haryana have
limited access to information about new technologies (Aryal et al. 2015 p. 736).
Removing these constraints may increase uptake of LLL and other climate-smart
technologies (Aryal et al. 2015 p. 736).
Key success factors
A key factor for driving the adoption of LLL is ensuring its commercial profitability
(Gill, 2014 p. 19). Private benefit is extremely important as it will incentivize
adoption of the technology (Gill, 2014 p. 3). As mentioned above, LLL has been
shown to increase resource productivity, thus increasing profitability; yield increases
are accompanied by a reduction in resource consumption, making the technology very
economically attractive to farmers (Gill, 2014 p. 13).
Government subsidies have played an important role in the success of the initial
uptake in Haryana, by reducing some of the initial costs. However, due to the
development of a high demand for LLL services and the resulting lucrative returns on
investment, they could currently be phased out without lowering uptake, allowing
investment into other CSA practices (Gill, 2014 p. 42).
Social organization may help overcome the diseconomies of scale hampering the
adoption of LLL among marginal farmers. Some groups of marginal farmers have
removed the boundaries between their land and successfully hired out LLL services,
re-establishing the boundaries after the land has been levelled (Gill, 2014 p. xi).
Gender and social equality
There is some evidence that LLL provides labour market opportunities for female
labour, despite the fact that few FHH with agricultural land farm it themselves (Gill,
2014 p. 37). As mentioned previously, LLL has been shown to promote crop
diversification into vegetables. The labour-intensiveness of these crops, combined
with the lower wage rate of women, provides incentives for hiring female labour (Gill,
2014 p. 38). Furthermore, a 2014 survey indicates that women farmers have been able
to hire out LLL machinery, but again cultural norms provide a barrier, as it is not
customary for FHH to approach male LLL owners directly (Gill, 2014 p. 37).
Alternative Wetting and Drying (AWD) in Vietnam and Bangladesh
Rice is one of the most widely cultivated food crops globally and is eaten by more
than half of the world’s population every day (IRRI, 2015). The vast majority of
production and consumption is accounted for by Asia (FAO 2015b). Over the last two
decades, rice farmers throughout the region have adopted a range of practices to
reduce their input use whilst maintaining, or even increasing yields and profitability.
Alternative Wetting and Drying (AWD) is one such management practise in paddy
rice production which shows promise of multiple benefits. AWD can be considered an
example of climate-smart agriculture (CSA), in that the practise has the potential to
enhance yields, improve resilience to climatic hazards and reduce greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions.
Evidence of the benefits resulting from this practise of periodic drying and re-flooding
of the field has been documented for Bangladesh and Vietnam; the fourth and fifth
largest rice producers respectively (FAO 2015b). In both countries, paddy rice
production is both a major constituent of agricultural land use and GHG emissions. In
Vietnam, 7.9 million ha are in production. This contributes over a quarter (26.1%) of
national emissions and represents 58% of the agriculture sector's emissions (FAO
2015b; Vietnam's National Communication to the UNFCCC, 2014). For Bangladesh,
around 11 million ha are in production, which represents 8% of national emissions
and 18% of the country's agricultural sector emissions (Bangladesh's National
Communication to the UNFCCC, 2012).
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
Benefits of AWD in terms of reduced water use and reduced GHG emissions can be
realised without undermining yields. In fact yields may increase when practicing
AWD as a result of more effective tilling and stronger root growth of rice plants.
Specific to cases documented for implementation of AWD in Bangladesh, yield
increases were found to be between 5% and 13% (0.3 to 0.7 tonnes/ha) (Basak,
Forthcoming a p. 7). The equivalent range in values for the impact of AWD adoption
in Vietnam is wider; between 0% and 12% (0 to 0.7 tonnes/ha) (ibid).
By reducing the number of irrigation events required, AWD can reduce water use,
thus farmers are better able to cope with water scarcity.
The practice of allowing the water level to drop below the soil surface at one or
multiple points during cultivation has been used for several decades as a water-saving
technique (Basak, Forthcoming a p. 6). However, when correct phasing of the
drying/flooding events is practiced in combination with additional measures, optimal
levels of GHG mitigation and additional co-benefits can be achieved (Richards &
Sander, 2014 p. 1).
Studies of conventional puddled rice cultivation in Bangladesh indicate average
emissions per hectare of 3.3 tonnes of CO2e, whereas cultivation using AWD yields
lower levels; 2.5 tonnes of CO2e per hectare (~800kg CO2e less, or around a 25%
reduction) (Basak, Forthcoming a p. 8). Fuel savings resulting from lower levels of
water pumping under AWD further decrease emissions by 32 kg to 106 kg of CO2e
per hectare (ibid.). Estimates of emission reductions resultant from fuel savings are
not found within literature relating to AWD cases in Vietnam. However, emission
reductions resultant from lower methane emissions have been estimated, albeit with
considerable ranges, from as little as 1.8 to as much as 4 tonnes of CO2e per hectare
(approximately a 40-60% reduction) (ibid.). AWD can also reduce methane (CH4)
emissions, particularly when implemented in combination with improved
management of nitrogen and organic inputs.
Other co-benefits
For Bangladesh, water savings were found to be in the order of 22% to 26%,
representing between 2,580 and 3,590 m3 of water saved per hectare (Basak,
Forthcoming a p. 8). For Vietnam, water savings associated with AWD adoption were
documented in the order of 40% to 50% (ibid).
Economic costs and benefits
Paddy rice cultivation in both Bangladesh and Vietnam generally makes use of
pumped irrigation. And so a key element of cost savings found through the adoption
of AWD is through lower irrigation costs (both in terms of reduced water fees and
fuel for water pumping) (Basak, Forthcoming a p. 6). Several estimates of this
reduction in costs are found within the literature. The majority of cost savings in cases
from Bangladesh were from reduced water costs, though in some cases this was offset
by an increase in pre-harvest labour and fertilizer costs. Consequently,
implementation of AWD was found to marginally increase or decrease production
costs in Bangladesh by a few percent (ibid.). For cases documenting adoption of
AWD in Vietnam, the cost savings are clearer. One study found irrigation costs to be
30% lower under AWD production, compared to conventional puddled rice (Quicho,
2013). Furthermore, the same study found that the total costs of production under
AWD (USD 538 per hectare) were 20% lower than the farmers’ conventional practice
(USD 676 per hectare) (ibid.).
The increase in yields associated with using AWD, coupled with general reduction in
production costs, translates into an increase in overall profit. The profit (i.e., gross
returns minus costs of production) ranges between USD 575 and USD 1202 per
hectare for conventional puddled rice grown in Bangladesh, whereas it ranges from
between USD 704 and USD 1301 for rice grown using AWD (Basak, Forthcoming a
p. 7). This represents an increase in profit of between 8% and 39% (between USD 98
and USD 235 per hectare). For cases in Vietnam, profits under conventional practice
are between USD 873 and USD 981 per hectare, and between USD 1101 and USD
1341 for cases practising AWD (Quicho, 2013; Basak, Forthcoming a p. 7). This
constitutes an increase in profit of 17% to 41% (or between USD 170 and USD 391
per hectare).
Barriers to adoption
The main barrier to adoption of AWD practices are prohibitive transaction costs
(Basak, Forthcoming a p. 9). For example, even though the technology may have been
demonstrated as effective in one location, farmers must then evaluate their own local
situation, seek out additional inputs if required and front the initial costs which may
arise in the implementation/learning phase. All of these take time and resources and
may contribution to farmers’ aversion to adoption. In some situations, water costs
may be relatively high, and so AWD would be particularly cost effective, rapidly
yielding net savings. Yet, even if cost is not a barrier, knowledge of how to
appropriately operate the system may present an obstacle. In particular, farmers need
to be aware of when the water levels are to be maintained (during flowering and grain
filling stage) and when it is best to drain, and to what specific depth (Richards and
Sander, 2014).
Furthermore, there may also be socio-economic, cultural, and political reasons why
rice growers are hesitant to adopt new irrigation technologies, especially where
evidence of success has not been effectively communicated at the local scale
(Burnham et al. 2014; Alcon et al. 2014). For example, AWD is largely just a
modification of existing, often widely practised drainage/irrigation practises. Yet,
prevailing cultivation practices may be ingrained, having been cultivated this way for
generations (Richards and Sander, 2014 p. 1).
A key risk to securing the benefits of AWD is the incorrect timing of
irrigation/drainage, as this can lead to large yield declines. As such AWD is generally
not recommended for rainfed systems where farmers lack control over irrigation
(Richards & Sander, 2014 p. 2).
Key success factors
Factors which contribute to adoption include the level of outreach and extension
support, scale of involvement with farmers’ groups and advisors, size of barriers to
adoption (namely, transaction costs, information provision) and finally, and the size of
the financial incentive to adopt (Basak, Forthcoming a p. 9; Castillo, 2012).
Accordingly, regions where farmers face higher irrigation costs would likely have a
greater financial incentive to adopt. This incentive to adopt AWD could be enhanced
and aligned with water saving schemes by engaging with government agencies or
irrigation service companies to institute water payment schemes (Basak, Forthcoming
a p. 9). Furthermore, those regions exhibiting the greatest yield gap could be used as a
criteria for targeting diffusion efforts, as yield increases resulting from AWD may be
sufficient in incentivising adoption, even in the case where irrigation water is
unmetered (ibid.).
Gender and social inequality
Few studies have assessed gender specific impacts of AWD adoption, and fewer still
focus upon the role of women or marginalised groups in the use of this particular
practise. On average, women provide nearly half of the labour input in Asia’s rice
producing areas (Mohanty and Bhandari, 2014 p. 42). However, the share is much
lower in Bangladesh where women’s involvement in rice farming is minimal and
limited to postharvest activities mainly because of their religious and cultural
practices (ibid). In Southeast Asian countries, the labour input of women into rice
production has been declining due to outmigration of rural women and mechanization
(ibid). This is indicative of a more general trend across Asia, where women are going
from farm labourers to farm managers and owners because of the outmigration of
male farmers to urban areas in search of better economic opportunities. However, the
share of agricultural land owned by women is still low across the region particularly
in Bangladesh and Vietnam (5 and 10% respectively) (ibid). These recent trends are
expected to continue and will necessitate policies and programs that will strengthen
women’s access and control of resources and services (WRI, 2014 p. 4).
Coffee-Banana Intercropping (CBI) in East Africa
In East Africa, coffee production is likely to be severely affected by climate change. It
is estimated that the area suitable for coffee production will decline by about 50%
relative to the period 1971-2000 (Ramirez-Villegas & Thornton, 2015). The most
negative impacts are likely to be on Arabica coffee systems. This is of concern
because coffee is one of the most valued export crops for the tropics (Craparo, 2015 p.
1). Coffee is highly sensitive to even slight changes in temperature, having negative
impacts on yield and quality Providing shade is a promising method of climate
adaptation, but growing trees capable of blocking the heat can take up to 10 years. To
speed up the resilience of coffee farmers, Coffee-Banana Intercropping (CBI) is
capable of achieving full canopy cover within 6-12 months. Coffee and banana can be
planted at the same time, or either crop can be added to an existing plantation,
requiring only slight pruning and thinning to make sufficient room for both crops.
CBI is already widely practiced across the East African highlands, and is seen in
coffee-systems in Asia, Latin America and West Africa as well.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
CBI contributes to all three CSA objectives.
CBI does not cause a significant reduction in coffee yields compared to monocrops
(van Asten et al. 2011 p. 328). While banana yields per unit area can be reduced by up
to 50% when intercropping, the added diversification has other income and food
security benefits. Adding bananas to coffee systems can alleviate household under-
nutrition, especially for children, by providing a rich source of vitamins A, B and D.
Household income sources become more diverse as well, reducing risk of income loss
if one of the two crops fails. Coffee grown under shaded conditions has been shown to
produce better quality beans as well (Vaast et al. 2006), fetching a higher market price
and improving farmer incomes.
Not only does CBI improve climate change resilience through shade canopy, the
system becomes more resilient to other extreme weather events, such as drought and
hailstones. Bananas can remain highly hydrated under drought, meaning that the
coffee plants will have to compete less for water compared to intercropping with other
shade trees.
CBI also contributes to GHG mitigation through increased efficiency in the use of
resources for production. Compared to monocultures, the average combined carbon
stocks in coffee and shade trees increased from 10.5 Mg ha -1 to 30.2 Mg ha-1 in
commercial polycultures (van Rikxoort et al. 2014 p. 891). The overall increase in
productivity garnered through CBI means that the carbon footprint of the system is
reduced, as the emissions caused by the inputs used cover a larger agricultural
Other co-benefits
CBI provides in situ mulch from the bananas, reducing the need for expensive and
labour intensive mulch transfer from other sites. In situ mulch from banana suppresses
weeds and helps recycle organic matter and nutrients.
Economic costs and benefits
CBI provides the greatest benefits for newly established coffee farms, due to the 3-5
year juvenile period of coffee crops. The practise greatly improves the initial returns
on investment, as bananas are ready for harvesting within 1-1.5 years after
establishment. In addition, yield value per unit area of land is increased greatly
compared to monocrop systems, with an average land equivalent ratio of over 1.5. For
both Arabica and Robusta systems, CBI generates 50% more revenue than when
either crop is grown alone, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Example of coffee-banana intercropping revenues as compared to coffee mono-cropping plots from large on-farm
studies (n=357) in Uganda. Central and North are Robusta coffee growing regions; East, (Source: Ochola et al.
Barriers to adoption
Establishing a CBI system is costly, due to upfront capital and labour costs. Despite
the long-term rewards mentioned previously, these initial costs can be prohibitive for
subsistence farmers, who like to obtain immediate returns on their investments.
Key factors to success
The benefits of CBI can be optimized further through several additional practices,
such as improved soil management, as well as optimal plant arrangements and
densities (van Asten et al. 2011 p. 332). In order to encourage farmers to engage in
CBI, major production constraints must be identified, and addressed through
subsequent site-specific recommendations (van Asten et al. 2011 p. 333). Further
science- and evidence-driven guidelines are required, as well as formal
recommendations on CBI practices. Special training is necessary as well, to make sure
farmers achieve the right balance between the two crops, as careful management of
soil and leaf canopies is required. In order to maintain yields and ensure long-term
sustainable productivity, correct management of soil nutrient stocks is imperative, as
the competition between the two crops can be heavily taxing.
Gender and social inequality
CBI does not have a specific gender component. However, women farmers contribute
greatly in terms of labour to coffee production, but there are imbalances in terms of
plantation ownership.
GreenSeeker technology for better nitrogen management in India and
Within the high Northwest Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, intensive tillage and overlygeneralised fertilizer recommendations have limited the potential of the region’s highyielding wheat production systems (Sapkota et al. 2014 p. 233). These sub-optimal
practices have resulted in lowered nutrient use efficiency, lower profits, as well as
higher production costs and significant environmental impacts (Sapkota et al. 2014 p.
233). Although no-tillage practices have been scaled-up in the region, farmers have
trouble accessing proper information on optimal nutrient management practices that
match their specific contexts (ibid).
To support farmer decision making, site-specific nutrient management tools have been
developed, such as the GreenSeeker handheld sensor, which can be quickly used to
assess crop health. Farmers simply position GreenSeeker’s sensor over a plant and
pull the trigger, outputting calculations of the appropriate fertilizer dosages
(CIMMYT 2012). With proper knowledge of crop vigour, farmers can make more
informed decisions on fertilizer use, benefitting the environment and farmers input
costs. The technology has been applied in both India and Mexico.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
Precision nutrient management technology, such as GreenSeeker, provides gains in
mitigation and productivity.
Proper timing and placement of nitrogen fertilizer can improve uptake efficiency,
yield, emissions and profitability. Generally, application is most effective when
applied during the initial crop development phase – i.e. at planting time, or soon after
(Flynn, 2009). Compared to farmers utilizing state recommended nutrient
management or farmers own fertilizer practices, farmers using GreenSeeker in India
saw 10% increases in yields (0.5 tonnes/ha). These yield increase and nutrient-use
efficiency gains translated into an increased net income of USD 187.50/ha (Basak,
Forthcoming b p. 9).
Precision nutrient management does not offer any explicit resilience gains.
Through improvements in the preciseness of nutrient dosage, a field study in Mexico
found that the use of the GreenSeeker optical unit reduced fertilizer use by 68 kg/ha,
reducing GHG emissions associated with the fertilizer use reduction by 190 kg
CO2e/ha (Basak, Forthcoming b p. 9). In India, farmers using GreenSeeker reduced
GHG emissions by 47% (0.9 tonnes CO2/ha) (Basak, Forthcoming b p. 9)
Other co-benefits
All major benefits fall under CSA objectives.
Economic costs and benefits
The study by Sapkota et al. (2014) on precision nutrient management techniques used
in wheat cultivation aided by the GreenSeeker technology in a field trial in North
West India made estimates of the impact upon total implementation costs, gross and
net return. Total input costs were USD 69 per hectare lower compared to conventional
techniques, which when combined with higher yields under the precision system,
contributed to an increase in net income of USD115 per hectare (~30% increase)
(Sapkota et al. 2014). A comparable field study in Mexico found that the GreenSeeker
optical unit reduced fertilizer use by 68 kg/ha, saving USD83/ha (7% of total
production costs) (Basak, Forthcoming b p. 9). GreenSeeker units cost approximately
USD550, meaning that the costs can be reimbursed in under 7 years (Basak,
Forthcoming b p. 9).
Barriers to adoption
The main barrier restricting wider uptake of precision nutrient management
technologies such as the GreenSeeker unit are the up-front costs (currently USD 550
excluding any subsidy support or ongoing maintenance costs) (Basak, Forthcoming b
p. 9). The unit is simple to use, so training new users in carrying out surveys and
interpreting results is not a significant investment (ibid.).
Key success factors
Realisation of the potential benefits of GreenSeeker-type technologies will primarily
involve addressing low penetration rates. Tax relief on purchase of the unit has been
used by the Mexican government as a means of promoting the technology (ibid.).
Other options exist for lowering costs, including subsidy programs, cost-sharing
schemes between neighbouring farmers or farmers’ cooperatives, or a pay-per-use
Gender and social inequality
No explicit gender focus is found within this project
2. Fisheries
Aquaculture in the Mekong River Delta
The mighty Mekong River is a hub of aquaculture activity. The river is a source of
18% of the global freshwater catch and supports the livelihoods of some 60 million
people within its lower basin (Baran & Borin, 2012). Shrimp and catfish are the key
species in Vietnamese culture fisheries and dominate both production volume and
value. These species contribute directly or indirectly to the majority of poorer
Vietnamese households (Baran & Borin, 2012). Moreover, the past decade has seen
culture of these species develop into a highly commercialised industry which now
represents over 7% of GDP (GSO, 2013).
However, despite these prospects, individual farmers will continue to face stiff
competition and tight margins, and any unforeseen costs could jeopardise these
operations. The impacts of climate change in the region present numerous hazards and
are of particular concern to culture fisheries, the majority of which are exposed on the
banks of rivers or the coast. Changing rainfall patterns are expected to lead to greater
incidence of flooding and drought periods, as well as the potential for a decrease in
freshwater availability (Norman, 2015 p. 4).
The impacts of the climatic hazards are seen across several components of the
aquaculture system and accordingly several separate measures are necessary in
response. Reinforcement of dykes can assist in maintaining water levels during
drought and also protect culture ponds against flooding. Changing species and
managing stocking rates can alleviate negative impacts of temperature pressure
fisheries. Likewise, more tolerant strains of cultured species can combat saltwater
intrusion, whilst also enabling farmers to avoid relocation and minimise changes to
current management practices. Relocation of production to higher, cooler elevations is
a drastic but practical response to increased temperature stress. Together these
measures can address all the aspects of CSA.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
Adaptation in aquaculture contributes to all three CSA objectives.
The precise combined impact of climate change upon aquaculture operations is not
shown in the literature as models which link climate change and aquaculture
production and yields are yet to have been conducted (Kam et al. 2012 p. 20).
However, none of the adaptation measures described present trade-offs between
productivity and resilience. Catfish aquaculture in the lower Mekong is currently
among the most productive systems found anywhere, yielding 200-400 kg/ha,
meaning 15 to 25 fish/m3 at the time of harvest (De Silva & Phuong, 2011).
Maintaining such levels will require that climatic hazards are countered.
All aforementioned adaptation measures foster resilience against more variable and
adverse climatic conditions.
The main sources of GHG emissions from aquaculture products are from production
and electricity for pumping water (Hall et al. 2011). Adaptation measures relevant to
the sector can also act upon these components of mitigation as well. For example,
improved water resource management, pond reinforcement and coordination with
hydropower development can all limit the requirement for water pumping and
therefore GHG emissions.
Life-cycle assessments of the Pangasius species of catfish in the region have shown a
higher environmental footprint compared with aquaculture operations in other
regions. Regarding GHGs specifically, operations in the Mekong resulted in nearly
nine tonnes of CO2eq per tonne of product which is ten times the carbon footprint of
integrated agriculture-aquaculture systems (Bosam et al, 2011; Kluts et al, 2010).
However, it is unlikely that integrated agriculture-aquaculture systems could support
the same level of output as intensive technique. Reductions in the GHG intensity
could therefore be found in measures which lower emissions from feed inputs.
Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture is one approach to achieving this outcome. In this
set-up, species for different levels of the food chain are cultured together so that the
by-products, including waste, from one aquatic species become inputs for another
(Barrington et al. 2011 p. 10). Depending on system design and set up, energy input
sand GHG emissions can be reduced, and furthermore, a diversified selection of
species increases the resilience of the operation to both changes in environmental and
market conditions.
Other co-benefits
Planned adaptation measures targeting salinity intrusion and flooding, such as sea
defences, better land use planning and coastal forest protection, will also have
ancillary benefits to other sectors, particularly other agricultural operations.
Economic costs and benefits
Kam et al (2012) estimated the costs and benefits of striped catfish and shrimp culture
aquaculture operations in the Mekong Delta in the near and longer term, under both
changing and stationary climatic conditions. In the near term, the vulnerability to
profitability for both coastal and particularly inland catfish operations is highlighted,
not least due to the fact that farmers operate such tight margins. Their study assumed
that farmers would field the costs of adjusting their operations to cope with a
changing climate, however, the largest constituent of variable costs were feed, seed
and bio-chemicals, which are less climate-sensitive. The study also assessed what
level of planned adaptation would be required to achieve the same level net income as
in a case where farmers adapted autonomously. Here planned adaptation measures
refer to infrastructure project which prevent flooding and salinity intrusion. For
striped catfish and shrimp systems, about USD 172 million will be spent for dike
upgrading and USD 18 million for increased costs in electricity and fuel due to
climate change, totalling USD 191 million over the 10-year period 2010–2020.
Barriers to adoption
In a recent study, farmer’s education level, age and experience, the dependency on
income from aquaculture and whether they own the land were shown to be positively
correlated with awareness of and concern about climate change impacts. Accordingly,
a lack of these attributes may hold back the adoption of viable adaptation practises.
Key factors to success
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has developed the ‘Overall
Development Plan for Vietnam’s Fishery Sector until 2020 With a Vision to 2030’
which anticipates a near doubling of production output from the fishery sector by
2030. Achieving this vision will require that pervasive effects of climate change are
managed through the implementation of the adaptation measures discussion above.
Coordination efforts with neighbouring countries will also be necessary with whom
water resources are shared. Additional constrains on successful realisation of this goal
are stricter food safety standards and increasing pressures on producers from retailers
and buyers for more healthy and sustainable production.
Gender and social equality
These aquaculture adaptation measures have no specific gender components.
Fish ring microhabitats in Bangladesh’s rice fields
In Bangladesh, the monsoon season leads to extremely variable weather conditions.
Due to changes in water flows during flooding, fish are shuttled from rivers and
canals into nearby rice fields. However, the fish may become trapped in depressions
when the water recedes, and die due to drought, high temperatures or low oxygen
levels in the remaining shallow waters (Hossain et al. 2015 p. 2). Fish ring
microhabitats can be constructed to take advantage of the fact that the annual
monsoons coincide with the spawning period of many of the fish species which enter
the floodplains (Hossain et al. 2015 p. 2). These fish rings, developed by WorldFish,
consist of three small cement rings (approximately 76 cm across and 1 m deep), which
are buried in the rice field prior to flooding. When flooding occurs during the
monsoon period, the migrating fish naturally gather in the deep, cool water housed
within the concrete walls, acting as a microhabitat for fish to thrive and breed. After
the monsoon season, the remaining fish can be consumed or transported into
household ponds, providing additional sources of food and income.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
Fish rings contribute to increased incomes and food security, providing resilience to
harsh flooding events.
The fish gathered in the fish ring can either be directly consumed by farmers, or sold
for additional income. On average, fish rings bring 0.5-1.5 kg of fish fit for
consumption per household throughout the year (Hossain et al. 2015 p. 4).
Additionally, the fish can be used to fill out the stocks of farmers’ home ponds for no
Fish rings can help farmers increase resilience towards flooding, since even if
flooding damages their rice crops, they are able to rely on the fish catch as an
alternative food source.
Fish rings do not offer any direct contributions to mitigation.
Other co-benefits
Almost 90% of all fish caught in the fish rings were small, nutritious fish species,
improving household nutrition. Rice fields with fish rings have a greater diversity of
indigenous fish species, with a 92% survival rate of fish, compared to a 0% survival
rate in fields without fish rings (Hossain et al. 2015 p. 8).
Economic costs and benefits
Studies indicate that there is an increase in the number of fish within rice fields which
contain fish rings, with no negative impact on rice yield. These fish bring in extra
income of about 1.5-2 kg per fisher (Hossain et al. 2015 p. 8). The cost of the material
for constructing the three cement rings is approximately USD 11, making them quite
low investment for valuable food security and livelihood benefits.
Barriers to adoption
Initial investment costs, though small, may be a disincentive for some farmers. As fish
rings depend on water flows and rice field elevation, some farms may be more
suitable for fish rings than other. (Hossain et al. 2015 p. 5).
Key success factors
Fish rings must be placed at proper locations, and marked with bamboo poles so they
do not become a hazard. Farmers should observe where the fish enter the rice field
from during the flooding months, especially from nearby rivers and canals which
house many fish (Hossain et al. 2015 p. 5). After flooding, farmers must observe and
identify low-lying areas in the rice fields where water will likely flow to, as these
make ideal sites for fish rings. As rice fields are typically shared by landowners,
sharecroppers and farmers, community-based management schemes can help prevent
outside poaching, and ensure a thriving microhabitat (Hossain et al. 2015 p. 6).
Gender and social inequality
Fish rings microhabitats do not have any inherent gender component.
3. Landscapes
Farmer-managed natural regeneration (FMNR) in Niger
Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world, and has been challenged by crop
failures, extreme climate events and food insecurity for decades. Population increases
during the 1960s-70s have been linked to degradation of Niger's parklands, as demand
for wood products increased and led to rapid deforestation (Pye-Smith 2013 p. 8). In
combination with frequent and severe droughts, the degraded farmland was unable to
provide sufficient food to feed the country's growing population. Despite government
plans to plant 60 million trees, fewer than 20% of them survived (Pye-Smith 2013 p.
9). But underneath the degraded lands, extensive systems of living roots survived and
thrived. Since the early 1980s, the Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration in Niger
(FMNR) approach has capitalized on these hard roots to improve the resilience and
livelihoods of farmers in Niger, while providing increases in food security and
enhancing carbon sequestration.
FMNR involves identifying and protecting tree and shrub wildlings found on
farmland. The practice depends on living tree stumps and root systems, which grow
more quickly than saplings from seeds. This woody matter is normally grazed by
livestock, burned off, or harvested for timber, and does not grow to full tree stature.
But by protecting these stumps and shrubs, and pruning away the weaker stems, they
can grow into full-sized trees. These trees can have useful traits, such as Faidherbia
albida, which sprout leaves during the dry season, protecting the crops below, and
drop them again during the rainy season, making the soil fertile (Pye-Smith 2013 p.
11). As a result, crop yields on the regenerated fields are higher.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
FMNR contributes to all three CSA objectives.
FMNR contributes both directly and indirectly to increase household food security.
FMNR fields exhibit enhanced crop yields, improving cereal yields by an average of
100kg/ha (Reij et al. 2009 p. 19). At the estimated scale of 1.5 ha rehabilitated per
household of 8 persons, FMNR contributes approximately 500,000 tonnes of cereals,
providing food for 2.5 million people (Reij et al. 2009 p. 19). In addition, the presence
of tree crop products within FMNR provides more fodder and crop residues. This
allows farmers to improve their productivity by intensifying and improving their
livestock production. In turn, the increased supply of manure can be used to improve
soil fertility (Reij et al. 2009 p. 19). Tree products can also be sold for their medicinal
qualities or as construction material, providing enhanced incomes for farmers.
For drought-prone areas such as Niger, resilience to climatic extremes is crucial. The
increased tree canopy from FMNR protects crops from harsh Sahelian winds. The
greater yields achieved through the less degraded, better quality soils permits the
surplus in good years to balance deficits in years with poorer yields.
Although a systematic investigation of the mitigation impact of FMNR has not yet
been conducted, carbon sequestration has been increased and deforestation has been
reduced. Over 5 million hectares of land have been covered with approximately 4.5
tonnes of above ground biomass per hectare, in addition to over 200 million trees
(Reij et al. 2009 p. 2).
Other co-benefits
The program strengthened social capital amongst farmers, through participation in the
community groups. Human capital was boosted as well via farmer-to-farmer
knowledge sharing (Tougiani et al. 2008 p. 381). Some regenerated trees provided
additional benefits such as medicinal leaves, which could also provide income
increases. The multitude of farmer benefits derived from FMNR have also reduced
incentives to migrate away from farms (Cooper et al. 2013 p. 76-77).
Economic costs and benefits
FMNR is a very low cost practice. Table 5 gives an indication of the costs and
impacts of the project since the mid 1980s. For only USD 20/ha, crop yields are
increased about 100 kg/ha (Reij et al. 2009 p. 2).
A 2006 study calculated the IRR of FMNR, by assessing the value of firewood to be
produced over a 20 year period, in addition to 5% increases in cereal yields over an
initial 5 year period, bringing a healthy IRR of 31%, (Reij et al. 2009 p. 39).
Furthermore, this parsimonious assessment does not take into account the
counterfactual alternative to FMNR, i.e. the absolutely devastating agroenvironmental conditions of the 1980s, which had huge costs in terms of human wellbeing (Reij et al. 2009 p. 3). Taking into account all factors, including enhanced soil
fertility and increased food, wood and fodder supply, FNMR brings an estimated
benefit of USD 56/ha per year (Cooper et al. 2013 p. 77).
Table 5 Impacts from farmer-managed natural regeneration in Niger (Adapted from
Reij et al. 2009 p. 2)
Impacts of Farmer-managed natural regeneration in Niger
Area covered
5,000,000 ha
Average cost/ha
USD 20 (to protect trees and shrubs)
Crop yield change
100 kg/ha
Additional cereal
500,000 tonnes
Households covered
1.25 million
Increase in number
of trees
200+ million
Average above
ground biomass
4.5 tonnes/ha
Barriers to adoption
One of the greatest barriers to implementing FMNR is overcoming the lack of
knowledge. Gaining an understanding of how to propagate trees was crucial for
successful implemental of the project. Furthermore, government policy hindered the
FMNR during the 1980s by promoting the removal of tree stumps to allow for oxendriven ploughing (Haglund et al. 2011).
Key factors to success
Luckily, FMNR is a fairly simple practice, meaning that overcoming the knowledge
barrier is a realistic and achievable target. Smallholder farmers have been able to
overcome this barrier largely through farmer-to-farmer knowledge sharing, as well as
FMNR community groups, through the assistance of NGOs and extension services
(Tougiani et al. 2008 p. 381). However, the pre-existence of sufficient social capital is
necessary to ensure the spread of word of mouth information. Community programs
such as the Desert Community Initiative played an important role, and were
successful by being inclusive to all stakeholders, building upon local knowledge, and
creating a cooperative environment which drove farmer innovation (Tougiani et al.
2008 p. 388).
Gender and social inequality
Women may have benefitted the most from FMNR, from the improved supply of
water and tree products brought on through the project (Reij 2009 p. 20). FMNR
favours women, as it requires year-round tending, where many men migrate during
the dry season. Women farmer incomes have also been increased from selling the
leaves of various trees and fruits. The stronger economic position of women grants
them a better capacity to improve the diets of their families, and make further
investments that improve productivity, such as purchasing goats and sheep (Reij, 2009
p. 20).
Loess Plateau watershed rehabilitation project
The Loess Plateau in Northwest China is home to 50 million people, but centuries of
overgrazing, overpopulation and overuse led to some of the highest erosion rates in
the world, and severe poverty. Two consecutive projects (1993-2000 and 2000-2005)
launched by the Government of China with funding from the World Bank brought
more sustainable agricultural production into the area and helped restore the heavily
degraded Loess Plateau. Efforts to restore the Loess Plateau included campaigns to
terrace slopes, plant shrubs and trees in marginal sloping farmland, as well as building
small dams to impede sediment runoff (World Bank 2007b p. 13).
As a result of the project, land use conversion has benefitted 2 million ha of land,
while helping 2.5 million households out of poverty (World Bank 2007a).
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
The rehabilitation of the Loess Plateau contributed to all three CSA pillars.
As a result of the project, household income of participants grew from approximately
USD 70 to USD 200 per person per year, through the enhancement of agricultural
productivity and diversification (World Bank 2007a). Over 2.5 million people from
some of China's poorest provinces were lifted out of poverty (World Bank 2007a).
Food supplies were increased as well, through terracing which both increased yields
and significantly reduced yield variability. Households in some areas increased their
net incomes through increased off-farm employment, as a result of migration away
from the farm (Cooper et al. 2013 p. 79). Due to the reduction in labour required by
more efficient farming practices such as terracing, farmers were also able to improve
income and food security by participating in livestock production, as well as fruit and
nut tree production (World Bank 2007b p. 21).
The project successfully reduced the sedimentation of waterways flowing from the
Loess Plateau into the Yellow River by over 100 million tonnes per year (World Bank
2007a). As a result of better sediment control, the risk of flooding was reduced, in
addition to a network of dams which contained water when rainfall was low (World
Bank 2007a).
In the county of Mizhi within the Loess Plateau, farmlands converted to forest or
grassland had a 58% higher soil organic matter content compared to non-converted
lands, with an estimated soil organic carbon potential of .712 million tonnes carbon
per year (Cooper et al. 2013 p. 79). Furthermore, the project established 109,000 ha of
forest trees, contributing to carbon sequestration (World Bank 2007b p. 22). The
project also includes a ban on livestock grazing, adding an additional mitigation
Economic costs and benefits
The project cost USD 240.2 million at completion (World Bank 2007b p. ix). Calculations of
the economic/ecological benefit of the increase in soil organic matter alone have an estimated
benefit of RMB 16.07 million (approximately USD 2.6 million) in Mizhi county (Shi and
Wang 2011 p. 15765). It is worth considering the counterfactual situation as well, where the
degradation of the Loess Plateau, with over 60% of the area facing soil erosion and water
runoff, had led to the loss of agricultural land worth an estimated USD 1.28 billion (Cooper et
al. 2013 p. 78). Measurements of overall economic rates of return vary from 18% to 21%
(World Bank 2007b p. xi).
Other co-benefits
More efficient crop production through terracing and agricultural diversification
brought on increases in both on- and off-farm employment, increasing the
employment rate from 70% to 87% during the second project period (World Bank
2007a). Roads constructed for the project also improved access to off-farm
employment, education, and health services (World Bank 2007a p. xi).
Barriers to adoption
One key barrier to overcome is ensuring the re-employment of surplus rural labour
provided through more efficient agricultural production (Shi and Wang 2011 p.
There is also a risk that local authorities may not continually uphold the grazing ban,
and assist with maintenance of the terraces in the case of climate-related damages
(World Bank 2007b p. 24). Some farmers may not be willing to lose income while
waiting for their trees to mature and bear fruit (World Bank 2007b p. 24).
Key success factors
Terracing was a key contributing practice to the success of the project, as they
reduced on-farm labour requirements, in addition to reducing flood risk, while
transforming previously unusable land into valuable cropping areas (World Bank
2007a). However, terracing hinged on the development of infrastructure in the form of
roads, to allow vehicles, labour and farmer equipment to access the previously
unproductive areas (World Bank 2007a).
The project's success was driven through close partnership between development
organisations and the Government, facilitated by enabling policy, technical support
and active community participation (World Bank 2007a).
Gender and social inequality
Employment rates for women increased significantly as a result of the project (World
Bank 2007a).
4. Livestock
East Africa Dairy Development (EADD) Project
In many households across Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania, a large portion of
household income is derived from dairy. Despite the value of dairy cows for African
farming families, a lack of optimal production technology, access to inputs and
business skills limits the sector from exploiting its full potential. Furthermore,
climatic stresses and degraded lands cause food insecurity for both people and their
livestock, necessitating a more resilient dairy production chain.
To address these challenges, Phase I of the East Africa Dairy Development (EADD)
project was launched in 2008 in a partnership between Heifer International, ICRAF,
ILRI, TechnoServe and African Breeding Systems, funded by the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation. The programme specifically targeted smallholder farmers, with the
goal of helping 179,000 families overcome poverty and meet their nutritional needs
through enhancing the productivity and quality of milk. EADD provided better
business delivery services, chilling and processing, while providing production inputs
and market access through local business hubs (Wambugu et al. 2014 p. 3-4). Phase II
runs from 2014-2019 and aims to help an additional 136,000 smallholder families in
East Africa achieve sustainable livelihoods (Heifer International, 2014a p. 2). In areas
where the dairy industry has already matured, new technologies and innovative fodder
production approaches will be incorporated (Heifer International, 2014b). EADD has
adopted CSA as an overarching objective in Phase II.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
EADD contributes to all three CSA objectives.
Increasing milk productivity through intensified production brings both income gains
and leads to the availability of a larger variety of dairy products, improving diets.
Livestock productivity is improved through the use of high quality fodder production
and stall feeding (Jönsson 2012 p. 11). Farmers are also trained in proper management
of livestock health and improved livestock breeding, leading cows to produce higher
volumes and quality of milk (Heifer International 2014a p. 3). Farmer livelihoods are
also improved via direct income increases, by training farmer organizations and hubs
to negotiate for better prices and contracts with dairy processors (Heifer International
2014a p. 4).
Many smallholders rely on grazing to feed their livestock, but while this feed method
has a low cost, it is vulnerable to seasonal weather patterns (TechnoServe Kenya 2008
p. 3). Having multiple sources of livestock feed through fodder source diversification
helps improve livestock system resilience, by providing a backup in case the feedstock is lowered due to climate-induced supply shocks. Incorporating agroforestry
practices can help diversify the fodder source, and also helps stabilize ecosystem
services, improving the soil’s ability to retain water and thereby be more resilient to
dry periods.
By reducing the number of cattle while increasing productivity, emissions per unit of
milk are decreased. The use of improved manure management within the programme
also limits methane emissions.
Other co-benefits
All major benefits fall under CSA.
Economic costs and benefits
Phase I of EADD earned local farming families more than USD 131 million, over
approximately 94 million gallons of milk, while saving USD 11 million on financial
services (Heifer International 2014a p. 2). An investment of USD 50 million financed
Phase I. Farmers now earn an estimate USD 0.3 per litre of milk delivered, an
increase of 50% compared to 2008 (Technoserve, 2014)
The counterfactual scenario to EADD is free-grazing or semi-grazing livestock
systems, which have lower feed costs but require more labour per unit due to lower
yields (TechnoServe Kenya 2008 p. 17). But while these systems can have good milk
yields during the rainy season, due to the abundant pastures, there is a deficit in the
dry season, leading to a shortage in supply (TechnoServe Kenya 2008 p. 18).
Furthermore, the market cannot properly absorb the plentiful milk supply in the rainy
season, leading to wastage and lost revenue. The only way for such production
systems to increase profits is by increasing the number of livestock, which in turns
increases competition for limited pasture, further constraining yields (TechnoServe
Kenya 2008 p. 19). Despite having no input costs other than minimum labour salary
and basic veterinary costs, annual revenues for a farmer who has four cows with are
below the poverty line (TechnoServe Kenya 2008 p. 18). This puts farmers in a
poverty trap, as low production yields low incomes, which constrain investments into
further productivity increases.
Barriers to adoption
The practices associated with EADD have their own barriers to adoption and
constraints. For improved manure management, lack of knowledge can be a barrier to
proper management, as well as the requirement for additional labour if livestock is
free roaming (Wambugu et al. 2014 p. 9). For improved feed practices, knowledge is
a constraint, as well as access to seed and planting material for improved grasses such
as Napier grass (Wambugu et al. 2014 p. 9). Purchasing commercial concentrates is
costly, preventing resource-poor smallholders from gaining access. Livestock genetic
improvement has perhaps the most considerable barriers, requiring knowledge,
additional labour and capital (Wambugu et al. 2014 p. 9).
Key factors to success
The programme has successfully scaled-up climate-smart dairy practices through
knowledge sharing, facilitated by the development of dairy producer associations.
Knowledge and awareness were key success factors for several elements of the
EADD. For improved manure management, training on best practices for handling
and using manure to improve soil fertility needs to take place, providing information
on which crops can be grown using the manure (Wambugu et al. 2014 p. 14). For
improved livestock feed, the use of herbaceous legumes, fodder shrubs and crop
residues should be encouraged, as well as the creation of cheap home-made rations
(Wambugu et al. 2014 p. 20).
Gender and social inequality
Phase II of the EADD has the goal of increasing the number of women supplying milk
by 30%. This is to be accomplished by training both men and women in gender
equity, to help women express their needs and gain new respect within their
community (Heifer International 2014a p. 8). Women and youth will be trained in
business and farm skills to develop their self-reliance (Heifer International 2014a p.
Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Ecosystem Management Project
Livestock production has long been linked to deforestation, overgrazing, and GHG
emissions from enteric fermentation. In Latin America, cattle production is especially
abundant, occupying more than 33% of the region (Pagiola and Arcenas 2013 p. 1).
Costa Rica, Colombia and Nicaragua are no exception, with cattle production driving
deforestation, the loss of biodiversity and natural habitats (Pagiola and Arcenas 2013
p. 1). Although the expansion of livestock production has brought short-term gains, in
the long-run, soil fertility and grass coverage are reduced, leading to degradation, air
pollution, and contaminated water supplies (Pagiola and Arcenas 2013 p. 1).
To circumvent further negative impacts from livestock production and rehabilitate
degraded lands, the Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Ecosystem Management Project
(RISEMP) ran from 2002 to 2007 in these three Latin American countries,
spearheaded by local NGOs and the World Bank. The project entailed an integrated
payment for ecosystem services (PES) scheme, which aimed to incentivise farmers to
shift to silvopastoral practices in degraded lands (Pagiola and Arcenas 2013 .p 2).
Silvopastoral systems involve the introduction of trees in livestock systems, providing
multiple CSA benefits.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
RISEMP contributes to all three CSA pillars.
Farmers participating in the PES scheme received an average of USD 580 per farm
(Porras and Neves 2006 p. 2). In addition, farm productivity increased 5% for
participating farmers (Porras and Neves 2006 p. 2). Milk production increased due to
improved feeding and shade from trees (Porras and Neves 2006 p. 2). Also, fewer
pesticides and fertilizers were required in the silvopastoral systems, reducing input
costs and increasing profits (Porras and Neves 2006 p. 2). However, it can take
between 2 to 4 years for silvopastoral practices to become more profitable than
current practices (World Bank 2008 p. 42).
After trees have grown sufficiently in silvopastoral systems, less irrigation water is
needed, providing greater resilience to drought conditions (Porras and Neves 2006 p.
2). By 2004, there was a 46% reduction in the area of degraded pastures (Porras and
Neves 2006 p. 3).
The silvopastoral practices disseminated through the project had substantial carbon
sequestration contributions (World Bank 2008 p. 18). This took place directly,
through the trees incorporated in livestock production, and indirectly, through reduced
applications of nitrogen fertilizers, and reduced methane emissions from improved
livestock feed (World Bank 2008 p. 18). By 2004, 15,600 tonnes of carbon had been
sequestered (Porras and Neves 2006 p. 2).
Other co-benefits
The project brought forth increases in biodiversity in participating areas, including
forest-dependent and endangered species (World Bank 2008 p. 18). The project was
also successful in impacting policymaker decision-making in several Latin American
countries, including Colombia and Ecuador (World Bank 2008 p. 42).
Economic costs and benefits
Total project cost was USD 11.54 million (World Bank 2008 p. 21). The initial
investment costs for implementing silvopastoral practices are high for farmers, for
example p. establishing protein banks (USD 960/ha); live fencing (USD 700/ha);
planting 100 trees in pastures (USD 55/ha). But after trees have grown there are
notable economic benefits.
An initial analysis of the financial returns on different silvopastoral farm models
included in the three countries indicated marginal profitability in almost all cases
(World Bank 2008 p. 27). But without PES, the high initial investment and labour
costs gave an IRR lower than the opportunity cost of capital (World Bank 2008 p. 27).
Follow-up analysis towards the end of the project’s run in Costa Rica indicated higher
numbers, with IRR ranging between 14% to 37%, depending on the combination of
silvopastoral practices applied (World Bank 2008 p. 27-28). Again, high IRR values
were conditional on PES in most cases (World Bank 2008 p. 28).
Barriers to adoption
Despite the long-term gains for farmers, initial investment and labour costs were
potential disincentives to the adoption of certain silvopastoral practices (World Bank
2008 p. 27). Additionally, some of the silvopastoral practices that are most beneficial
in terms of biodiversity are not as attractive to farmers (World Bank 2008 p. 18). The
most attractive practices, such as intensive leucaena, only reap biodiversity rewards if
established in conjunction with multi-species live fences (World Bank 2008 p. 18).
The project ran the risk of providing perverse incentives, due to the design of the PES
scheme. As farmers received payments based on marginal improvement on land use,
there was potential for motivating farmers to intentionally degrade their land, in order
to reap higher payments (Pagiola and Arcenas 2013 p. 5). To circumvent this, a ban
on pasture burning and deforestation of primary and secondary growth forests were
imposed (Pagiola and Arcenas 2013 p. 5).
Key factors to success
Some key methodological strategies for implementing the project drove its success.
Empowering and training farmers to become the voice of the project resulted in
greater adoption of silvopastoral practices (World Bank 2008 p. 19). Developing
appropriate indicators for e.g. biodiversity and carbon values in different land uses,
and communicating them in a manner which farmers can quickly comprehend, were
crucial to help farmers relate their activities to a specific level of compensation
(World Bank 2008 p. 18-19). Knowing the level of compensation and ability to
choose from different land uses made farmers more comfortable with adopting new
To overcome the initial investment barrier, small upfront payments were issued to
participating landowners (Pagiola and Arcenas, 2013 p. 5). In order to motivate the
adoption of practices with higher biodiversity and sequestration values, short-term
payments can be issued to the more productivity-oriented practices, with long-term
payouts for practices that are more oriented towards mitigation and resilience (World
Bank 2008 p. 42).
Gender and social inequality
This project had no specific gender component.
5. Policies and Programs
Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in Ethiopia
Smallholder farmers account for three-quarters of Ethiopia's population, and are
particularly vulnerable to climatic variations, which will likely worsen in the longterm (Neate 2013 p. 23). Ethiopia has suffered through countless droughts and
famines throughout the past century, and the droughts are only becoming more and
more frequent (Neate 2013 p. 23). Ethiopian smallholders survive from harvest to
harvest, and just one failed yield can force farmers to sell off their assets just to avoid
starvation (Neate 2013 p. 23). Often, humanitarian aid responses to such crises are
delayed and potentially inappropriate (Hobson & Campbell, 2012). To provide a more
effective response to this critical situation, the Government of Ethiopia introduced the
Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in 2005, with the aim of improving food
security through government transfers directed towards people who are exposed to
chronic food shortages and drought. By setting up effective systems before crises hit,
the PSNP is able to respond in as little as two months, compared to the usual eight
month response time of conventional aid systems (Hobson & Campbell, 2012).
The Government of Ethiopia is spearheading the initiative, with funding from external
donors including the World Bank World Food Programme, the European Union, and
various nations. PSNP provides cash and/or food payments to households that have
experienced food shortages for a minimum of three months each year in the previous
three years, and have no other safety net (e.g., family members working in towns who
send remittances) (Neate 2013 p. 23). In exchange for the assistance from PSNP,
households are to work on public works projects for six months; if households cannot
provide labour, they receive the transfers as grants. The public works projects are
intended to be sustainable community assets, which can build resilience, rehabilitate
degraded lands, and increase productivity (World Bank 2013 p. 2). Alongside the
PSNP, the Household Asset Building programme (HABP) has been established to
help provide agricultural credit and access to services to increase production. Since its
inception, the program reached 7.6 million beneficiaries by 2012 (World Bank 2013
p. 2).
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
PSNP contributes mainly to productivity and resilience, but offer the potential for
mitigation gains as well.
In addition to direct contributions to food security, the public works aspect of the
PSNP brings further productivity and income benefits. Approximately 60% of the
PSNP's public works projects are related to soil and water conservation. These
projects have resulted in increased wood and vegetation cover, contributing increased
stocks of livestock feed, medicinal plants and bee forage, providing additional income
sources and savings (World Bank 2013 p. 5). Further projects involve small-scale
irrigation, which has helped 4-12% of households expand their livestock holdings, in
turn increasing incomes by 4-25% (World Bank 2013 p. 5). Water conservation
structures have also been constructed through the public works program, reducing
surface runoff while increasing infiltration and ground water levels, leading to
increased yields (World Bank 2013 p. 5).
Public works projects under PSNP create community assets which can reverse
watershed degradation, and increase the reliability of the water supply, even under
different climatic conditions (World Bank 2013 p. 5). The PSNP offers significant
improvements to the coordination and management of natural resources and hazard
events, including early warning information from the Early Warning and Response
A Risk Financing Mechanism (RFM) and contingency budget have also been
established through the PSNP, protecting income and assets built up through the
project from climatic shocks (World Bank 2013 p. 2). The contingency budget serves
to respond quickly to food needs during crisis, and has been shown to have some
advantages compared to traditional humanitarian responses (World Bank 2013 p. 7).
When the contingency budget has been exhausted, the RFM can step into force and
scale up to meet the needs of the crisis, providing assistance to households before the
shock is felt (Hobson & Campbell, 2012)
While several reports have indicated that the public works projects have potential to
sequester above and below ground carbon, there is a lack of estimations or
measurements on the exact impact of these projects (Cooper et al. 2013 p. 69-70).
Other co-benefits
There is evidence that PSNP and HABP contribute to tree planting (Neate 2013 p.
25). Some public works projects, e.g. road construction, can have multiple non-CSA
benefits, such as access to education, medical care, etc.
Economic costs and benefits
The 2010 project budget was an estimated USD 347 million, with a cost per
beneficiary of USD 47 (Stirk, 2012). In the same year, a survey of PSNP households
indicated that 70% of PSNP households perceived their economic condition to be
better or the same as the previous year, compared to 41% in 2008 (Cooper et al. 2013
p. 68). While data is lacking for the cost-benefit of the entire project, there are costbenefit ratios available for individual public works projects. For soil and water
conservation projects, including e.g. their contribution to wood and forage production
and soil loss reduction, there is an average cost-benefit ratio of 1.8 (World Bank 2013
p. 5).
Barriers to adoption
Despite specific aims to include women into the PSNP, some female household
members have difficulties striking a balance between household tasks and
participating in the public works programs, and are less likely to have contact with
development agents and have access to credit (World Bank 2013 p. 6).
There have been some shortcomings to the RFM, including time lag from the
generation of initial early warning data and converting this information into relief
action (World Bank 2013 p. 8). Better training and guidance for the management of
the RFM process itself are mandatory to improve coordination and crisis response
(World Bank 2013 p. 8).
The level of PSNP population coverage has also been criticised for being too
exclusive. A 2011 impact evaluation demonstrated that many non-beneficiaries were
experiencing food shortages, indicating a high level of exclusion error (World Bank
2013 p. 10).
Key success factors
The inclusion of the public works activities within PSNP provides a dual return on
investment, by improving resilience and livelihoods. Ensuring the quality and
sustainability of the public works is essential to make sure that these improvements
will provide lasting productivity and resilience benefits (World Bank 2013 p. 16-17).
According to regional officials, the projects that provide the most support for
livelihoods are the construction of roads, rock dams and enclosures for growing
fodder trees, as well as terracing, and tree planting (Cooper et al. 2013 p. 69).
Gender and social inequality
Within the PSNP, special regard is taken to the gender-specific vulnerabilities of
women, to ensure the inclusion of women. Community day care facilities have been
established to allow women with small children to work, in addition to more flexible
working terms for women to allow them to fulfil their domestic responsibilities
(World Bank 2013 p. 6). Women make up 25-53% of direct beneficiaries in each
participating region (World Bank 2013 p. 6). The program has also been shown to
reduce anxiety, smooth consumption patterns, provide basic necessitates and drive
school enrolment for women and their families (Cooper et al. 2013 p. 68).
National agroforestry policy of India
Over 80% of India’s farmers are rainfed smallholders, who cultivate on two hectares
of land or less, making them highly vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate
change. Agroforestry, which entails incorporating trees and shrubs into farmlands and
rural landscape, provides an opportunity for farmers to improve their productivity and
resilience while contributing to increased tree coverage. In 2014, the Government of
India launched an ambitious National Agroforestry Policy to mainstream tree growing
on farms, a world first. The policy aims to create convergence between various
programs, schemes and agencies containing agroforestry elements, in order to
enhance the productivity, income and livelihoods of smallholder farmers
(Government of India 2014 p. 5). The policy also aims to help meet the increasing
demand for agroforestry products such as timber, food, fuel, etc., protecting the
environment and natural forests, and minimizing the risk during extreme climatic
events (Government of India 2014 p. 5). Since the policy was adopted in 2014, grants
have been provided to six states and will cover approximately 70,000 ha in
agroforestry (ICRAF 2014 p. 125).
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
Agroforestry contributes to all three CSA pillars.
Agroforestry brings productivity gains alongside poverty reductions through
improved income sources (Chavan et al. 2015 p. 1828). Using fertilizer trees can
improve soil fertility, bringing productivity gains (Pye-Smith 2008 p. 21). The trees
themselves provide fruits which can be consumed or sold, improving diets and/or
incomes. Additionally, agricultural incomes can be supplemented through the
increased production of wood products, which can be sold or used within farming
Ecosystem services provided by agroforestry can provide resilience benefits to
smallholder farmers. In the short-run, agroforestry can damped the effects of climate
change through microclimate moderation and the conservation of natural resources
(Government of India 2014 p. 1). In addition, agroforestry systems provide valuable
ecosystem services such as improved soil fertility (Chavan et al. 2015 p. 1832)
In the long run, agroforestry provides a source of carbon sequestration. Compared to
crop and grass systems, agroforestry species provide far more carbon sequestration
potential, on par with primary forests (Government of India 2014 p. 1). Agroforestry
systems sequester between 0.5 to 2.0 Mg/ha of carbon annually (Chavan et al. 2015 p.
Other co-benefits
A large-scale increase in agroforestry has the potential to provide employment
opportunities for both rural and urban populations through industrial application,
production, and value addition. Currently, timber production on farms generates 450
employment-days per hectare per year (Langford, 2014). There is also the potential
for augmenting the energy supply through biomass production.
Economic costs and benefits
An investment of USD 30-40 million has been attached to the policy (Langford,
Barriers to adoption
The key challenge of this policy, is how to properly implement it to have an impact at
the field-level (Chavan et al. 2015 p. 1834). Several pre-existing legal, institutional
and other factors have hindered the adoption of agroforestry among farmers in India.
Although farmers are interesting in expanding into agroforestry, there are many
missed opportunities for providing incentives. For example, India had highly
restrictive rules for harvesting and transporting trees planted on farms, as well as use
of non-timber produce. Additionally, agroforestry development lacked extension and
institutional support mechanisms, and suitable research on suitable agroforestry
models across regions. A dearth of sufficient quality planting materials and postharvest technologies has also impeded agroforestry growth. (Government of India,
2014 p. 2)
In addition to the complicated legal environment, farmers have also been hesitant to
adopt agroforestry practices due to apprehensions about long rotations, and reductions
in growing area (Chavan et al. 2015 p. 1827).
Key factors to success
The project has been driven forward through early and continuous engagement with
governmental and NGO partners. Coordination and convergence across ministries and
schemes is necessary to drive agroforestry systematically, bringing together the
patchwork agroforestry policies and programs (Government of India 2014 p. 2).
Throughout the policy making process, a large number of stakeholders contributed
technical information from their specific interest areas, including the Ministry of
Agriculture and various departments, State Governments, industry, and educational
and research institutions (ICRAF 2014 p. 126).
To make suitable agroforestry approachable for farmers, it is imperative to provide an
integrated farming systems approach comprised of a portfolio of activities, rather than
a one-size fits all model (Government of India 2014 p. 3). The awareness and
availability of finance and insurance schemes must be improved, as they will help
encourage farmers to take up agroforestry (Chavan et al. 2015 p. 1831). But as the
policy is drafted now, there is a lack of clarity regarding exactly how this is to be
achieved (Chavan et al. 2015 p. 1831). Bankable agroforestry projects need to be
formulated, as well as an expansion of specific schemes such as tree insurance
(Chavan et al. 2015 p. 1831).
Gender and social inequality
The policy has no specific gender component.
Climate and the Colombian Agriculture Sector: Adaptation for a Productive
An agreement between the Colombian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Development (MADR) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT),
supported by CCAFS, seeks to enhance the competitiveness of the Colombian
agricultural sector through the implementation of policy instruments, strengthening
the investment of resources for research, technological development and innovation.
For the first time in Colombia, the project brings together national government,
academia, research centers, NGOs and farmers in different crops production chains
(CCAFS, 2015).
This collaboration consists of four actions that seek to strengthen the resilience of
agriculture to climate variability and change and improve the efficiency of resource
use in production systems in priority regions: i) Modelling and agroclimatic forecasts
to support short and long term farmer decision making processes; ii) Climate-Site
Specific Management as a tool to determine the most limiting factors associated with
variation in productivity, in order to increase productivity; iii) Technological options
for adaptation in priority crops as one of the adaptation measures in terms of
developing new and more resistant varieties to climate change; and iv)
Environmentally sustainable production systems seeking to reduce negative impacts
on natural resources while increasing productivity in crops. Throughout the process,
Colombian Farmers’ Organizations are being empowered with scientific tools and resources.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
The project contributes significantly to all three CSA objectives.
The project includes varietal evaluation within context of both climate variability and
change, seasonal agroclimatic forecasting, and climate site-specific management
systems as a tool to determine the most limiting factors associated with variation in
productivity, in order to increase it. Scientists were responsible for calibrating a range
of varieties, generating seasonal agroclimatic forecasts, and analysing historical
records. The project implements suitable sites for planting specific crops, selecting the
best suited to each climate and soil condition and implementing major management
practices to reach high yields. About 2,000 farmers are currently implementing these
practices, mostly based on best varieties and planting dates at site-specific level. The
approach implemented in Colombia has the potential in the mid-term of having about
700,000 farmers implementing high-yield practices.
The project aims to support agriculture in adapting to climate phenomena, including
long-term adaptive strategies and climate risk management by evaluating and
validating crop models through modelling and agroclimatic forecasts and to develop
new germplasm to better respond to changes in climate. With the help of farmer’s
organizations, scientists are trying these new genotypes in different environments to
offer an alternative to farmers (This research also contributes to data modelling
activities aimed at estimating the vulnerability of each crop to the impacts of climate
change. Currently the project reaches about 500,000 growers through a platform for
information management and knowledge called Agronet. One of the key strategies to
disseminate agroclimatic information useful for farmers’ decision making process
consists in reaching the farmers across Colombia through mechanisms such as the
release of agroclimatic newsletters by MADR.
In terms of mitigation contributions, the component on environmentally sustainable
production systems aims to determine the water and carbon footprint for different crops in
different regions of the country, taking into account diverse crop management practices. It
intends to identify those practices that minimize impacts of climate change without damaging
the crop productivity, which serve as an opportunity for the development of incentives aimed
at the conservation of ecosystem services.. The studies within this component provide
technical information to be used as input in sectorial discussions on alternatives for low
emissions agricultural production such as reconversion of livestock production in Colombia.
Specifically, the agreement is helping the government to formulate a Nationally Appropriate
Mitigation Action (NAMA) for the livestock sector including the quantification of GHG and
an analysis of barriers of implementation for the different mitigation measures proposed.
Other co-benefits
Institutional strengthening and capacity building are clear benefits from this project, since the
national farmers’ organizations are receiving and understanding different methods,
methodologies and technologies jointly produced within the project. That capacity is being
integrated by each organization and expanded within their institutional structure. The MADR
is also benefiting from both the institutional strengthening and capacity building since now
farmers’ organizations have more tools to help farmers to face climate change and variability
impacts and therefore it reduces costs for the MADR to help farmers once the climate event
has occurred. The Colombian experience on addressing climate and variability impacts in
agricultural sector has been taken as an example not only for other countries within Latin
America such as Honduras but also it has promoted South-South exchange with African
countries such as Senegal (CCAFS, 2013, 2014) through the involvement of Colombia’s
Presidential Agency for International Cooperation (APC) (CCAFS, 2014a).
Economic costs and benefits
By the end of the project, it is expected an incremental contribution in rice (3 ton/ha), beans
(0.5 ton/ha) and cassava (2 ton/ha) production which means a potential value of USD 152
million per year in total. The project is seeking to avoid 30% of total losses in crops such as
rice and maize due to climate variability, which is equivalent to USD 50 million
approximately. By increasing resilience of Colombian agricultural sector, production gap is
expected to be reduced by at least 50%, saving resources equivalent to investments used to
feed about 4 million of the Colombian population.
Barriers to adoption
At the beginning of the project, the language of the agroclimatic newsletters was too
technical for some of the farmers. There were difficulties in gaining credibility with
national farmers’ organizations, and a lack of understanding of the tools proposed. In
addition, national farmers’ organizations neither cover all farmers in all producing
regions nor know in detail growers’ situations in all of the regions.
Key success factors
A key success factor was the articulation since the very beginning of the project with the
relevant stakeholders in the agricultural sector, such as the MADR and key national farmers’
organizations. For these institutions, addressing the impacts of climate change in the
agricultural sector became a relevant matter and they were willing to develop a joint strategy
to benefit farmers and rural families. Additionally, the success was possible given that the
challenges or barriers mentioned above were overcome by adopting different strategies: 1)
Credibility from national farmers’ organizations was gained through adaptation strategies
presented as a combination of methods to address climate change challenges rather that a
“shopping list” of tools/methods. In terms of the analysis of historical information, both
benefits and capabilities of using the tools, were demonstrated in order to gain credibility with
data owners and encourage them to share more information; 2) To increase the coverage of
more farmers in more producing regions, alliances with other either public or private
institutions were consolidated, and at the same time, scientists worked closely with
technicians in the regions; and 3) Adaptation of language to local understanding of
agroclimatic newsletters was needed to bridge the gap between meteorologists, agronomists,
modellers and practitioners.
Gender and social equality
The agreement has no specific gender component.
6. Services
Climate seasonal forecasts within the cowpea sector in Burkina Faso
Within Sahelian climatic zones, farmers are heavily exposed to climate variability. In
particular, Burkina Faso is highly dependent on agro-climatic factors such as rainfall,
temperature and wind, which are undergoing major alterations due to climate change
(Somda et al. 2014 p. 13). As a result, food security is becoming increasingly
problematic, particularly amongst rural populations, where adaptive capacity is
limited and where reductions in yield and gross agricultural margins are the most
pronounced. Improving farmers’ ability to understand, monitor and predict climate
variability through climate information services can allow them to make informed
decisions of how to minimize losses during climatic downswings, while taking
advantage of opportunities provided during upswings.
In order to understand the precise benefits of these services, CCAFS initiated a
collaborative research project with the Institute for Environmental and Agricultural
Research (INERA) and Projet d'Appui aux Filieres Agricoles (PROFIL) to study the
climate-smartness of seasonal climate forecasts, in terms of their impact on the
productivity and resilience of cowpea farmers in the region. To assess the benefits of
using seasonal climate forecasts, the study compared two groups: an experimental
group of farmers who received climate information and agro-advisories, and a control
group of farmers who did not receive any climate information.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
This project seeks to enhance productivity and resilience through improved seasonal
It was found that farmers using climate information were more productive than nonusers across both agricultural sectors. Climate information was found to have an
impact on the inputs applied by cowpea farmers, who were more likely to use more
fertilizers and improved seeds (Ouédraogo et al. 2014 p.103). In addition, productivity
was enhanced due to advice on better resource allocation delivered through the
climate information services (RPL WA, 2014 p. 30). For seasonal forecast users
achieved average yields of 660 kg/ha, compared to average yields of 561 kg/ha for
non-users (RPL WA p. 29).
Using seasonal forecasts improved farmer incomes as well as their resilience to
climate change, by reducing the losses normally caused by climate variability.
Climate information does not explicitly provide mitigation benefits.
Other co-benefits
All major benefits fall under CSA components.
Economic costs and benefits
Climate information provided increases in added value for cowpea production, as
demonstrated in Table 6. Within cowpea production, climate information users
received an additional USD 30/ha in added value compared to the control group (RPL
WA p. 30). Cowpea producers who had been exposed to climate information were
able to obtain higher yields at a lower input cost.
Table 6. Difference in added value between receivers of climate information
and control group
Added value (test
Added value
Difference in added
Cowpea production
(control group)
USD 297/ha
USD 267/ha
USD 30/ha
Barriers to adoption
In general, there are several constraints which can potentially limit African farmers’
utilization of climate information for agricultural risk management. Barriers include
the degree to which forecast parameters actually correspond to the needs of farmers,
the availability of alternate management options and sufficient resources to implement
them, as well as the challenge of translating and delivering forecasts to farmers
(Roncoli et al. 2011 p. 124).
Key success factors
For climate information services to be successful, it is imperative to understand the
socioeconomic factors that can inhibit access. Special attention must be paid to how women
access information, as well as the type of information they seek (McOmber et al. 2013 p. 41).
General success factors include interaction between farmers, agricultural organisations and
climate forecasters, delivery and local scale, and giving farmers an effective co-production
voice within the design and implementation of climate services (Tall et al. 2014 p. 5).
Participatory approaches are especially effective at identifying the best forms of
communication forms and information that fit a given location (Tall et al. 2014 p. 5).
Gender and social inequality
The project intends to address the needs of both women and men farmers from each
agricultural sector who participate (RPL WA 2014 p. 2).
Communicating seasonal forecasts to farmers in Senegal for better
agricultural management
At the global level, approximately 80% of agricultural production is rainfed, rendering
it vulnerable to climate variations and extreme weather (Tall et al. 2014 p. 6). Despite
a wealth of traditional knowledge and coping mechanisms, increasingly rapid and
erratic climate conditions have tested the limits of smallholder farmers' ability to
adapt to their environment (Tall et al. 2014 p. 6). To remedy this, climate information
services can supplement smallholders' knowledge base, providing insights which can
boost farmer decision-making and risk management skills, despite increasing
uncertainty. Climate services include the provision of relevant weather and climate
information, as well as advisory services which help farmers act on the information
received (Tall et al. 2014 p. 7).
Starting in 2011, CCAFS has been engaged in a climate services pilot project which
has been extended from the peanut basin of central Senegal to cover the entire
Kaffrine region. Temperature increases and rainfall decreases have been projected for
the Kaffrine region, where most of the population is dependent on agriculture and
pastoralism, creating a need for further adaptation measures (Ndiaye et al. 2013 p. 1).
The aim of the project is to translate and communicate seasonal forecasts in simple,
understandable language which can assist farmers in making crucial management
decisions, facilitated by discussions of traditional forecasts practices which allow
farmers to share their different types of knowledge (Ndiaye et al. 2013 p. 1).
Beginning in 2014, CCAFS has partnered with the national meteorological agency,
broadcasting 10 day forecasts through the rainy season to nearly 4 million farmers (Lo
and Dieng 2015 p. 37).
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
The program aims to provide productivity and resilience benefits, but does not have
any explicit contribution to mitigation.
The most significant impact of improved seasonal forecasts for farmers in Senegal
was the increase in agricultural yields (Lo and Dieng 2015 p. 48). To test yield
increases, the program created test farms which strictly applied forecasts and related
agricultural advice, and compared them with control farms using traditional methods.
Comparable data was available for souna and groundnut flower, indicating 50% and
15% increases in yields respectively, as shown in Table 7.
Table 7. Comparison of yields between test farms receiving climate seasonal
forecasts and control farms (Adapted from Lo and Dieng 2014 p. 48)
Crop Type
Control Farm
Test Farm
Quantity Sown
Quantity Sown
Difference in yield
Souna 3
1 kg
370 kg
1 kg
555 kg
+185 kg
Flower 73
40 kg
780 kg
40 kg
900 kg
+120 kg
The seasonal and 10-day forecasts allow farmers to adjust their decisions at short
notice, such as the timing of planting, to cope with increasing rainfall variability.
Yield increases in turn improved household incomes, providing a safety net for leaner
production periods (Lo and Dieng 2015 p. 49).
No mitigation benefits are specifically provided through the project.
Economic costs and benefits
Cost-benefit analysis of providing climate information for smallholder farmers is
lacking from this project. Benefits could potentially be estimated by calculating the
increases in net income derived from yield increases outlined above, as well as the
avoided losses based on good climate information (Feinstein 2014 p. 17). The large
user-base indicates that it is implicitly cost-effective.
Other co-benefits
In addition to the productivity and resilience improvements for farmers receiving
forecasts, the project helped develop the institutional capacities of the national
meteorological agency.
Barriers to adoption
A considerable barrier to overcome is the challenge of communicating the complex
probabilistic aspect of seasonal forecasts in a simple manner that can be understood
by farmers. Furthermore, lack of sufficient access to land is a significant constraint,
especially for women farmers (Lo and Dieng 2015 p. 54). Despite the fact that they
had access to climate information and advice, many women did not have land upon
which they could apply their knowledge. Discrimination against women in the
distribution of land and seeds was attributed to the link between payment of the rural
tax and access to seeds (Lo and Dieng 2015 p. 54).
Key success factors
The primary success factor for this case is the partnership with the national
meteorological agency, the Senegal Agricultural Research Institute and the Ministry
of Agricultural and Extension Services, in addition to local radio stations, who all
contributed to producing, communicating and adding value to climate information
(Tall et al. 2014 p. 22). In addition to these partnerships, climate services require
sustained engagement and effective communication with their user base in order to
properly understand their needs, and incorporate farmers into the design and
evaluation process of products and services (Tall et al. 2014 p. 7). The interactive
nature of the radio programs was highly successful, allowing the program to scale up.
Blending local knowledge with scientific knowledge not only improves the robustness
of the information provided, but it also increases forecast uptake (Feinstein 2014 p. 7).
To facilitate this process, it was important to build trust and mutual learning between
farmers and extension workers (Ndiaye et al. 2013 p. 4).
Choosing the right vehicle for getting forecasts out to farmers is another key step.
While rural radio is an obvious choice, the signal can be weak while the farmers are in
the field (Ndiaye et al. 2013 p. 3). Again, consulting with climate information users
and using a combination of channels (e.g. radio, SMS, television) can ensure that
effective lines of communication are established.
Furthermore, climate information services are reliant on several additional factors, if
crop success and yield increases are to be achieved. The availability of a good variety
map is crucial, as well as the accessibility and availability of good quality seeds,
delivered on time in sufficient quantities (Lo and Dieng 2015 p. 54).
Gender and social inequality
The program had a specific sensitivity to gender issues, and found marked differences
between men and women's access to climate information services, as well as the type
of information they required. More specifically, there are gender-based differences in
how farmers are most likely to receive climate information, with women generally
receiving information through direct personal contacts over formal channels (Ndiaye
et al. 2013 p. 3). These differences are often related to the division of labour, where
women are often busy during the time of day where forecasts are broadcasted on the
radio (Twyman et al. 2014 p. 27).
African Risk Capacity (ARC) Facility
In sub-Saharan Africa, there is missed potential in coordinated response to food crises
such as drought. Funding is typically provided on an ad-hoc basis, taking place after
crisis has occurred. This time lag leads to slow response times to crises, furthering
loss of assets and livelihoods at best, human life at worst.
In conjunction with the World Food Programme, the African Union Commission is
working towards a pan-African drought risk facility. Namely, the African Risk
Capacity (ARC), which aims to offer quick access to funds based on objective
triggers, such as weather indices. Instead of relying on time-consuming and unreliable
pleas for international assistance, the ARC brings in insurance elements to create a
shared safety net between African nations. Member governments, and donors, are to
make annual payments to the ARC fund, allowing governments to issue claims if
weather indices indicate need for food security interventions.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
ARC contributes to the productivity and resilience objectives.
The negative impact of drought upon farmers’ livelihoods depends upon the severity
and duration of the dry spell. Even short droughts can impact yields and incomes.
This reduction in income may reduce the amount which farmers are able to invest into
farm inputs for following growing seasons, thus extending the impact of the drought
to the next harvest (Clarke and Hill 2013 p. 30). Additional coping strategies may
include drawing down on household grain stocks, deferring sale of produce at market,
consuming less food or lower quality food (Clarke and Hill 2013 p. 30). In severe
cases, farmers may be forced to sell their non-productive assets to find cash for
meeting basic food needs (Clarke and Hill 2013 p. 30). If drought continues in the
long run, farmers will be forced to sell their productive assets (e.g. livestock or land)
as well, significantly impacting their productivity in the future (Clarke and Hill 2013
p. 31). Providing insurance through ARC can help counter-act these negative impacts.
ARC protects farmers and their assets from extreme climate events, improving
ARC has no direct mitigation benefits.
Other co-benefits
Although the exact impact has not yet been investigated, creating a sustainable
cooperative insurance mechanism owned by African states may have additional
political benefits (Clarke and Hill 2013 p. 3).
Economic costs and benefits
Initial capital costs are expected to be USD 150 million, paid for by donors (Clarke
and Hill 2013 p. 6). At the most basic level, the benefit ARC provides is faster
response times to crisis. Slow response times lead to the negative aspects listed above,
namely unsustainable coping strategies, asset loss, reduced calorie intake and negative
health outcomes. . Reduced consumption during early childhood leads to long-term
losses in lifetime earnings (Clarke and Hill 2013 p. 36). Asset loss, livestock death,
and consumption reductions further reduce growth at the macro level, and reduce
household incomes at the micro level (Clarke and Hill 2013 p. 36). For each month of
delayed crisis response, these impacts become increasingly costly on a per-household
basis as time goes on. While costs of delayed response are negligible in the first three
months, they rise to USD 49 per family after 4-5 months, and up to USD 1,294 per
family between 6-9 months. Comparing several ARC scenarios to the baseline,
additional benefits to poor households for each dollar spent range from 1.28 to 1.9,
due to increased delivery speed and targeting (Clarke and Hill 2013 p. 44).
Barriers to adoption
One draw-back to this form of index-based insurance compared to traditional
insurance is that there is an increased potential for basis-risk (Poole 2014 p. 7). This
means that there may be a disconnect between losses calculated by the index and
actual on-farm losses, causing some people who have been seriously affected by
drought to not receive pay-out, or vice versa (Poole 2014 p. 7).
Key factors to success
The level of benefits resulting from ARC is similar to general principles of insurance.
Benefits will most likely be higher if the insurance provided by ARC is for extreme
climate events, rather than more common events (Clarke and Hill 2013 p. 3). For
regular, smaller losses, other instruments should be used instead. Insurance must also
be triggered by accurate indices which properly capture the impact of extreme climate
events (Clarke and Hill 2013 p. 3). Costs of insurance must also not be too high, to
ensure uptake. Benefits are largest when a large-scale and well-targeted safety net or
government scheme exists, which can be adjusted quickly in times of need (Clarke
and Hill 2013 p. 3).
Gender and social inequality
In long-lasting drought scenarios where household food consumption is reduced, the
caloric intake of women is often the first to decline (Hoddinot, 2006 p. 315). By
ensuring that household consumption levels stay stable even when crisis strikes, the
health of women will be improved.
7. Value Chains
Effective Grain Storage Project (EGSP)
Traditional storage practices can leave staple grains vulnerable to pest infestations and
grain pathogens, leading to 20-30% post-harvest losses (Tefera et al. 2011 p. 240).
The threat of such heavy losses can push smallholder farmers into a poverty trap,
where they are forced to sell their grain immediately due to the risk of spoilage, only
to buy it back at a greater price a few months later (Tefera et al. 2011 p. 240).
Additionally, pest attacks on stored grains have been linked to mycotoxin
contaminations and poisoning, which render the grain unsafe for food and feed,
further reducing food security (Tefera et al. 241).
While insecticides are frequently recommended to address pest outbreaks, they are
often prohibitively expensive or unavailable to smallholder farmers (Tefera 2011 p.
241). Instead, hermetically sealed metal silos are a simple yet effective technology
which can protect grains from invading insects, as well as rodents and birds. These
metal silos are airtight, keeping out pests, keeping the grain safe for long periods of
To help bring the technology to smallholders and raise awareness within the policy
environment, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) has
recently launched the second phase (2012-2016) of the "Effective Grain Storage for
Sustainable Livelihood of African Farmers" project in Zimbabwe and Zambia, with
funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Through
improvements in grain storage technology, the project aims to bring reductions in
post-harvest losses which can enhance food security, improve incomes, and reduce the
vulnerability of resource-poor farmers.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
EGSP contributes to all three CSA objectives.
Improved food storage not only increases agricultural resilience to pests, it has
multiple benefits to productivity and farmer livelihoods. As ineffective grain storage
contributes to significant post-harvest losses, reconciling this shortcoming can provide
substantial gains to food security (Tefera et al. 2011 p. 242). Furthermore, when using
traditional storage management technologies, farmers are often forced to sell their
produce directly after harvest, resulting in low market prices for any surplus grain
(Tefera et al. 2011 p. 240). Effective storage can improve agricultural incomes, by
allowing farmers to hold their stocks and sell them when market conditions are most
favourable (FAO 2008 p. 3).
As the metal silo can store produce such as maize and bean for up to three years,
farmers can put aside food reserves to prepare for climate change induced crop
failures (Tefera et al. 2011 p. 242). EGSP also increases resilience to pests and
diseases, which can spread as climatic conditions change.
Metal silo technology provides indirect mitigation benefits as well. By reducing postharvest losses within a scarce food supply, improved storage improves food security
without the need for increases in production. This can relieve pressure to expand the
area under cultivation or utilize more intensive farming practices, which can both be
environmentally taxing (Tefera et al. 2011 p. 243).
Other co-benefits
Fabrication of metal silos can help develop rural enterprises and create jobs (Tefera et
al. 2011 p. 242). Demand for metal silos creates manufacturing activities for
tinsmiths, creating extra seasonal income (Tefera et al. 2011 p. 243). In some cases,
unemployed rural youth were hired to assist in the manufacturing process (CIMMYT
2011 p. 41).
Economic costs and benefits
Metal sheet, labour and transportation cover the main costs of metal silos, and these
prices can vary from country to country. Half of the cost comes from the metal sheet
alone, meaning that price per tonne decreases with volume. While small containers
cost USD 322/tonne grain, containers up to 1.8 tonne have a price of only USD
178/tonne grain (CIMMYT 2011 p. 24). Beyond this point diminishing returns begin
take effect, and operation of the container becomes increasing difficult. Cost benefit
analysis covering the first phase of the project (2008-2011) shows promising results.
Benefit was calculated based on the estimated storage loss avoided per year, valued
USD 230/tonne, over a 15 year period, discounted at 10% (CIMMYT 2011 p. 24).
Costs were calculated similarly, at an annual basis, discounted 10% as well. The
resulting cost-benefit ratios indicated that cost-benefit ratios of 2.3 and 3.25 could be
achieved for 0.7 and 1.8 tonne silos, respectively (CIMMYT 2011 p. 25). As a result,
smaller metal silos storing less than one tonne may not be cost-effective (Renard &
Storr 2011 p. 6).
Barriers to adoption
Similar to other agricultural technologies, the adoption of metal silos is heavily
dependent on cost-effectiveness for farmers (Tefera et al. 2011 p. 244). Although this
post-harvest storage technology is simple and effective, the high initial investment
cost can constrain adoption amongst farmers (Tefera et al. 2011 p. 244).
Key success factors
To circumvent the economic barrier, innovative approaches must be applied to
provide the means and incentives to ensure the adoption of this technology. For
example, CIMMYT established a revolving fund to help finance the labour and
material costs necessary for building metal sheets for the silos (Tefera et al. 2011 p.
244). Additionally, community training, demonstrations and participatory evaluations
aided the rate of adoption, accompanied by subsidies to kick-start uptake during the
initial phase of the project (Tefera et al. 2011 p. 244). While NGO involvement can
drive this process in the short- and medium-term, increased private sector
involvement is important to up-scale the technology in the long run (Tefera et al. 2011
p. 244). Establishing public-private partnerships can play an important role, but can
provide further challenges in terms of navigating the diverse institutional interests
involved (Tefera et al. 2011 p. 244).
The success of the technology also depends on the production's vulnerability to postharvest losses, and market prices for grains. Sensitivity analysis of the phase one costbenefit ratios indicate that the technology may not be cost effective if prices drop, or
if losses due to pests are reduced (CIMMT, 2011 p. 26). If prices and losses both drop
50%, only the 1.8 tonne silos will break even (CIMMYT 2011 p. 26). Conversely,
increased prices and losses will only increase cost-benefit ratios, with larger silos
reaping the most gains.
Gender and social inequality
Women farmers are often the ones who are in charge of managing the metal silo
content. As a result, improved storage has been shown to improve their status and
self-esteem (Tefera et al. 2011 p. 242). Furthermore, the second phase of the EGSP
program has made commitments to address gender equality in access to post-harvest
technology, facilitated by a gender analysis currently being carried out across all
EGSP countries (Renard and Storr 2013 p. 6).
African Leafy Vegetables (ALVs)
African Leafy Vegetables (ALVs) play an important role in poverty alleviation and
food security, while carrying genetic traits which make them capable of withstanding
climate related threats. Not only are they rich in vitamins and micronutrients, these
hearty greens have been shown to contribute to the management of diseases such as
HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and high blood pressure (FAO 2012 p. 55). However, in Kenya,
the consumption and production of ALVs declined after the modernisation of
agriculture and introduction of a market economy (FAO 2012 p. 55). A lack of
consumer awareness and a poor product image dampened ALV demand, while a weak
value chain and inefficient seed systems constrained ALV supply (Mwangi and
Kimathi 2006 p. 2).
From 1996-2004, Bioversity International carried out the ALV programme in order to
develop the production and consumption of ALVs, bringing them out from the
shadow of obscurity. As a result, ALVs have become important commercial goods in
Kenya, stepping out of the backstreets in the early 2000s, and have become
increasingly popular in the formal market (Mwaura et al. 2013 p. 2). In the first phase
of the project, quality seeds and training were introduced to peri-urban areas of
Nairobi which drove the scaling up of smallholder ALV production. Next, an
awareness campaign was launched within city supermarkets to promote nutritional
value of the forgotten ALV varieties. Finally, through collective organisation, small
scale ALV producers were able to gain the necessary business development services
to successfully conduct business with the large supermarkets.
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
The increased production and consumption of ALVs had a positive impact on food
and nutritional security. Furthermore, ALVs themselves have several climate-smart
Between 1997-2007, over 70% of farmers within peri-urban Nairobi had increased
incomes derived from cultivating ALVs between, improving their ability to enter the
market to meet food and other domestic needs (FAO 2012 p. 57-58). Furthermore, the
affordability and increased supply of ALVs allowed poor people from rural and urban
areas to increase their consumption levels, gaining the added food security bonus of
ALVs' high nutritional content (FAO 2012 p. 58).
Many ALVs have inherent resistances to pests and diseases (FAO 2012 p. 57),
increasing farmer resilience to more frequent pest attacks brought on by climate
change. Also, ALVs often have short growing periods, granting flexibility to farmers
who cannot afford irrigation by allowing them to squeeze in a few crops during the
rainy season, before the rains begin (FAO 2012 p. 57). Increasing biodiversity by
promoting the cultivation of ALVs also allows for greater adaptation to variable
environments, such as the alterations induced by climate change (Gotor and Irungu
2010 p. 42).
The built-in disease resistance of ALVs reduces the need for pesticide application,
lowering GHG emissions.
Other co-benefits
Integrating small-scale ALVs farmers into the formal market has been shown to bring
several non-CSA benefits. Overall human capital was developed through capacity
building and training, leading to improved farming practices and business skills (FAO
2012 p. 57). Social capital was strengthened through project membership as well,
leading to increased community participation, improved service delivery, and a
reduction of moral hazard (FAO 2012 p. 57). Farmer access to credit increased as
well, as farmers groups involved with the program were both able to start their own
Savings and Credit schemes, and attract further micro-finance credit (FAO 2012 p.
Economic costs and benefits
Assessing the cost-benefit of this project is a complicated endeavour, as agricultural
biodiversity generates complex impact pathways which cannot be easily quantified in
terms of yield increases or input efficiency (Gotor and Irungu 2010 .p 42-43). Costs
and benefits related to biodiversity occur at different scales, and run the risk of spatial
mismatch. While economic benefits related to increased biodiversity tend to be lowest
at the local scale, and highest at the global scale, their costs are locally significant but
only moderate at the global scale (Gotor and Inuru 2010 .p 43). However, a study of
ALV farming in South-East Nigeria indicated healthy cost-benefit ratios due to their
very low production costs. Cost-benefit ratios ranged from 2.07-4.50 across a variety
of species (Agbugba and Thompson 2015 .p 34-41).
Barriers to adoption
Several factors hindered the market development of ALVs in Nairobi (FAO 2012 .p
57). Poor rural road infrastructure limited market place access for smallholders. A
lack of government involvement and clear policy guidelines were another constraint.
Guidelines for seed improvement, and distribution were also lacking. Furthermore,
negative consumer perceptions regarding the sanitation of the ALV cultivation
process n (i.e. using sewage water) held back demand in some cases. An impact
assessment found that the poorest community members were lagging behind in ALV
production and marketing (Gotor and Irungu 2010 .p 53). Lack of exposure to
information on ALVs was a barrier for this group.
Key success factors
Both internal and external factors were key to driving the successful market
penetration of smallholder ALV farmers. Internal to the farmers, although other
project stakeholders helped improve the farmers' ability to organise themselves, there
was already an underlying capacity for self-organisation and collective action (FAO
2012 .p 57). Without this foundation, the project would not have been successful.
Many of the producers had previous experience growing ALVs, making it easy to
convince them to increase production for the market. In fact, the longer farmers had
been growing ALVs, the more likely they would get involved with marketing them
(Gotor and Irungu 2010 .p 52). The education level of the head of household and their
occupation (i.e., if they were already a farmer) were also found to be major
determinants for the production of ALVs for markets (Gotor and Irungu 2010 p. 52).
Farmer proximity to cities with large markets was important as well, giving
comparative advantage to nearby farmers who were less exposed to crop-value loss
due to deterioration from long transportation distances (FAO 2012 p. 57).
External to the farmers, there was a general awareness in Nairobi about diseases
associated with poor diets, making it easier for dietary change to accommodate ALVs
(FAO 2012 p. 57). Health experts began to recommend ALV consumption to the
public as well, further boosting demand. Linkages were established with different
farmers groups, NGOs and Supermarket chains, providing business support service,
help with media promotional campaigns and research and development collaboration
which all contributed to ALV market penetration (FAO 2012 p. 57).
Gender and social inequality
ALVs are traditionally grown by women farmers, and women continue to dominate
their production and marketing (FAO 2012 p. 58). Developing the market for ALVs
has had a positive impact on women’s incomes, and household food security (FAO
2012 p. 58). However, increasing commercialization is a potential threat which could
undermine the role women play within the ALV sector. Women’s capacity could
potentially be developed further, allowing them take a more prominent role in
production and marketing (Gotor and Irungu 2010 p. 52-53).
Adapting to Markets and Climate Change Project in Nicaragua
The agricultural sector of Nicaragua accounts for 20% of GDP and provides 29.5% of
employment, making it vital to the country’s economy (IFAD 2013). However,
Nicaragua is one of the most climate vulnerable countries in Latin America, and the
performance of the agricultural sector is intrinsically linked to climate events (IFAD
2013). Despite progress in past decade, poverty remains a significant challenge for
Nicaragua as well, with overall poverty rates at 63.3% in rural areas (IFAD 2013 .p
x). While coffee plays an important role, representing 20%-25% of the country’s
export revenues, projected increases in temperature and changes in rainfall patterns
are expected to reduce the level of crop suitability in most of the areas where the crop
is currently grown, as shown in Fig 2 (Läderach et al. 2013 .p 1).
Fig 2. Projected suitability of coffee and 30 other substitution crops in
Nicaragua in 2050 (Läderach et al. 2013 .p 3)
To overcome these challenges, the NICADAPTA Project (Adapting to Markets and
Climate Change Project) has been launched by the Government of Nicaragua, under
the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)’s Adaptation for
Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP). The project facilitates productive
investments, while providing technical assistance to smallholder coffee and cocoa
farmers (IFAD 2013 .p vii). In addition, public institutions and policies are being
strengthened to help climate-proof agricultural inputs, as well as the necessary
incentives and climate information to facilitate smallholder adaptation (IFAD 2013 .p
Benefits in terms of productivity, resilience and mitigation
NICADAPTA aims to contribute to all three CSA pillars.
The project intends to increase both the incomes and productivity of families
belonging to cooperatives with investment plans in place by 20% (IFAD 2013 .p xi).
This will be accomplished through the dissemination of good practices and
incorporation of appropriate new genetic material (IFAD 2013 .p ix). Approximately
100,000 beneficiaries will receive training in shade crop management, water
management, and crop diversification, developing coffee production. A further 32,000
families are expected to increase their asset base by over 20% (IFAD 2013 .p xi).
It is expected that 20,000 families will make investment decisions and adopt
management practices that improve their resilience to climate change impacts (IFAD
2013 .p xi, viii). In addition, the project intends to incorporate diversified agricultural
practices in over 25,000 ha, to increase resilience and reduce climate risk. The project
intends to provide more robust climate information through improved dissemination
as well (IFAD 2014 .p 25).
The project offers strong mitigation benefits per unit area of land, and is expected to
mitigate 2 million tonnes of CO2e or more (IFAD 2015).
Other co-benefits
The project is expected to reduce the prevalence of childhood malnutrition within
beneficiary families by 10% (IFAD 2013 .p xi). In addition, 200,000 people will
indirectly benefit through increased labour demand and public infrastructure
improvement (e.g. roads) (IFAD 2013 .p viii).
Economic costs and benefits
Total financing for the NICADAPTA project is USD 37 million (IFAD 2013 .p 24).
The project is expected to generate a 28% Economic Rate of Return, with a Net
Present Value of USD 127.3 million (IFAD 2013 .p xi).
Barriers to adoption
One of the executing agencies, MEFCCA (Ministry of Family, Community,
Cooperative and Associative Economy), is a fairly new ministry, which may result in
a dearth of administrative capacity and efficiency (IFAD 2013 .p xii). In order to
mitigate this risk, a Plan for Institutional Strengthening will be implemented with
supervision from IFAD, based on the accumulated experience from the IFAD
portfolio in Nicaragua (IFAD 2013 .p xii). There is also a risk that communities and
beneficiary organizations will lack the necessary internal coherence and coordination
to effectively administer the Investment Plans (IFAD 2013 p. xii). This shortcoming
will be addressed through capacity building and follow-up investigations of the
Investment Plans (IFAD 2013 p. xii). Finally, there may be a lack of good-quality
genetic material needed to increment and renovate the area of cocoa and coffee
plantations (IFAD 2013 p. xii).
Key success factors
Providing services which can strengthen both producers and public institutions will
provide a foundation for the project’s success. This will include the production and
spread of climate-resilient technologies and agro-climatic information, emphasizing
disease control (IFAD 2014 p. 25). Policy dialogue between the Government of
Nicaragua and cooperation agencies will be encouraged to promote coffee production,
while brokering private investments (IFAD 2014 p. 25). Strengthening MEFCCA’s
project and knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation will also be
important, to ensure an effective and efficient implementation (IFAD 2014 p. 25).
Gender and social inequality
The project intends to target smallholder coffee and cocoa farmers based on their
vulnerability to climate change, having a focus on women, indigenous, and other
vulnerable populations (IFAD 2013 p. x). Many Nicaraguan women have already
stepped up to take on a leading role in rural areas as a result of the armed conflicts in
the 1980s, increasing their participation in decision-making on the farm (IFAD 2013
p. ix). The Project intends to strengthen this development by providing young women
with assets and knowledge to develop rural businesses (IFAD 2013 p. ix).
Appendix II: Sources for case study selection
CCAFS portfolio sources
CCAFS Planning and Reporting
(P&R) Platform
Email request to CCAFS
Flagship Leaders and Regional
Program Leaders
CCAFS technical reports from
program participants
CCAFS Core Team
Commissioned Reviews,
evaluations and impact
Other sources considered
CGIAR Centre annual reporting
Latest year submissions for all CGIAR centres.
Search of published literature
Published literature to complete regional and sectoral coverage.
Technical reporting platform of program participants.
Invitation to submit CSA initial list of examples and cases,
demonstrating discernible and quantified costs/benefits.
Multi-year of submissions from all program participants, detailing
ongoing activities.
Includes several theme and topic reviews, as well as outcome/success