MIND: A Tool for Mental Health Screening and Support of
Therapy to Improve Clinical and Research Outcomes
Anis Zaman
Vincent Silenzio
Henry Kautz
Dept of Computer Science
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY
[email protected]
Dept of Urban-Global Public Health
Rutgers University
New Brunswick , NJ
[email protected]
Dept of Computer Science
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY
[email protected]
Routine experiences of daily living invoke particular patterns that
can be detected in online activities. Every time an individual carries
out any activity on the internet some kind of metadata, reflecting
the user’s preference, is created and stored. The generated metadata,
a latent bi-product of high volume user interactions, is rich, has
the potential to be mined for understanding one’s current mental
state. For example, Google logs every search query made on Google
Search, Maps, and YouTube. Closely monitoring these experiences
and events, along with the history of online activities, can inform
systems to provide early diagnosis and detection of depression,
anxiety, and related problems. A growing body of research focuses
on using social media for identifying signals associated to various
mental health phenomena. However, interventions based on such
sources tend to have high false positive rates and may lead to inaccurate diagnosis. In this work, we propose a framework, MIND,
that can leverage large amount of passively sensed online engagements history to estimate mental health assessments on depression,
anxiety, self-esteem, etc. MIND is designed to use these otherwise
ignored data, with informed consent from the subject. We envision
that MIND has the potential to be easily be integrated into applications in clinical and research settings to help caregivers make
informed assessments about individuals during and in between
appointments and other health sector contacts.
on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. ACM, New York, NY,
USA, 4 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/1122445.1122456
One in five US adults experience some form of mental illness each
year [1] and 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14 [12].
The most common forms of mental illness include depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and self-harm ideation. Despite the prevalence
of mental illness, the National Institute for Mental Health estimates
that only about 40% of the people who suffer from mental illness receive a diagnosis and treatment [20]. Moreover, mental health plays
a fundamental role affecting the natural history and outcomes of
almost every medical illness, and contributes greatly to the costs of
care and to the overall economic impact of illness and disease [26].
There is much interest, therefore, in the potential for technology
to support screening for mental illness and for improving mental
health therapy.
An increasing portion of our time is spent online: in fact, the
average internet user spent the equivalent of more than 100 days
online last year [24]. Many researchers and organizations have
therefore suggested that people’s online behavior can be analyzed
for mass mental-health screening. For example, researchers have
shown that automated linguistic analysis of social media posts can
expand the scope of suicide prevention [25]. In fact, Facebook has
been using such methods to find posts from users who are at high
risk, and then sending the information to a Community Operations
· Applied computing → Health informatics; · Human-centered team who may effect an intervention [9]. Similarly, recent external
research studies using Facebook data and validated with electronic
computing → Empirical studies in HCI.
health records have shown that a broad array of health conditions
can be predicted, especially for mental health conditions such as
mental health prediction, therapeutic tools, online behavior, moanxiety, depression and psychoses [19].
bile sensing
There are, however, serious ethical and practical problems for
use of online behavior data for mass mental health screening. In
ACM Reference Format:
a research context, screening individuals for any health condition
Anis Zaman, Vincent Silenzio, and Henry Kautz. 2020. MIND: A Tool for
without their consent is in general a violation of the Federal and
Mental Health Screening and Support of Therapy to Improve Clinical and
State policies for the Protection of Human Subjects, and in even
Research Outcomes. In Pervasive Health 2020: 14th International Conference
in non-research contexts, could violate health information privacy
laws (e.g. HIPPA). One practical problem is that the mental-health
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
signal that machine learning can derive from online behavior is
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
inevitably noisy, and thus there will be many false positive and
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM
false negatives. False positives can lead to the waste of resources
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,
and the possible stigmatization of healthy individuals, while false
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a
fee. Request permissions from
[email protected].
negatives fail individuals who are in need of help. An even greater
Pervasive Health 2020, Atlanta, GA, USA,
practical problem is that the outputs of most of the systems that
© 2020 Association for Computing Machinery.
have been designed to date are not directly actionable: mentalACM ISBN 978-1-4503-XXXX-X/18/06. . . $15.00
health professionals require more than just a classification or score
Pervasive Health 2020, Atlanta, GA, USA,
Anis Zaman, Vincent Silenzio, and Henry Kautz
for an individual from a black-box algorithm before making an
We believe that there is an important and common setting where
all of these problems are overcome even with current methods
for analyzing online behavior: namely, an outpatient clinic where
patients are being treated for diseases that have a high co-morbidity
with mental illness. Subjects can provide informed consent for
having data about their online behavior analyzed, thus overcoming
this important ethical concern. Because the population is known
to be at risk, the online behavioral signal can be expected to be
less ambiguous, thus helping alleviate the first practical concern.
Finally, because the clinic setting brings health professionals into
the loop, the outputs of the system can be designed to provide
helpful information about the patient to the therapist and care team
both prior to the initiation of therapy and on an ongoing basis
during the course of therapy, thus addressing the concern about
The initial setting for our work in an outpatient HIV clinic at
our university medical center. Our proposed tool will use one’s
daily online activities to infer about one’s anxiety, depression, and
self-esteem state. Initially, the data will consist of search engine
logs such as Google, YouTube, and mobility data from Google Maps
usage history. Once a patient opt-in to use our system, the generated reports can help inform patients and therapists about inthe-moment mental state. More importantly, it can be used by care
providers to access the mental state of the patients on days between the scheduled appointments. This opens the door to monitor
mental health related phenomena that are known to have complex
relationships with other medical conditions such as HIV and AIDS,
substance use, and addiction, which in turn has many important
implications at the individual and public health levels. Our proposed system will allow a collaboration between medical, mental
health, public health, and computer science in implementing an
effective system for detection and real-time monitoring of mental
health associated with other health conditions.
The framework presented in this paper is novel in that it (i) does
not require users to complete diaries or surveys; (ii) fuses data from
multiple sources, including search history, YouTube viewing, and
Google Maps location history; (iii) allows users to share the metrics
with their care provider; and (iv) enables healthcare professionals
to not only perform screening but to also gain information about a
patient’s mental state on days between the therapy sessions.
The data collection and patient recruitment procedure of our cloud
based system has already been approved by a Human Subject Review Board. Interested participants are required to be at least 18
years old, able to read and write in English, and have an active
Google services account. Qualified subjects are told the purpose,
procedure, and goal of the study, and sign a statement of informed
After consent, a participant logs into our data collection system
using his or her active Google account. The data collection system
1 An
exception is the case where an algorithm can provide an unambiguous signal
of imminent harm, such as a social-media post where the user declares that they are
about to commit suicide.
downloads the subject’s search, YouTube, and Google Maps history
to a HIPPA compliant server.2 During the download process, Google
Cloud’s Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API is employed to automatically strip names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers,
and other personal identifiers from the data stream. Analysis is
performed on the secure server and summary information is then
made available to the Therapist Dashboard application described
below. It is important to note that although explicit identifiers have
been stripped from the user data, it is still protected to avoid the
possibility of re-identification.
We are interested in identifying both the temporal and contextual components from online activities that can help detect traits,
sudden change online activities which can in turn reflect one’s in
the moment mental state. We employ the Google NLP content classification API3 to label each web search query along with its time
stamp. YouTube history entries are labeled by content category,
keywords, timestamp, and viewing duration. We are experimenting with various approaches to turning the Google Maps location
history into a set of meaningful dynamic features. A promising
approach we are exploring is to use algorithms for inferring place
labels such as home, work, store, etc./ from movement logs [15] to
convert the GPS-based history to a history of łstaysž at kinds of
The data thus labeled and summarized is fed into a probabilistic
model whose output is a time series of depression, anxiety, and selfesteem scores. The model is an extension of the methods described
in Zaman et al. (2019). Fig. 1(iii) illustrates how this data could be
graphed in the Therapist’s Dashboard application described below.
The framework presented in this paper will initially provide therapists engaged in behavioral, addiction, substance use, and HIV
clinics with a tool to use information about clients’ predicted mood
disorders (e.g., major depression and generalized anxiety disorder).
In addition, the predicted disorder data will be used to help counselors connect directly through the app to patients identified to be
at risk, and to facilitate their access to earlier follow-up visits at
In-clinic Screening: Patients who, after providing informed
consent, are found to be at risk for worsening depression or anxiety,
would be flagged for review by a designated member of their care
team who has been specifically trained in how to understand and
use prediction model results.
In addition, model results are then compared with specific clinical
outcome measures (e.g., PHQ-9 scores for depression or GAD-7
scores for generalized anxiety disorder) to help inform the creation
of similar prediction models for these clinical endpoints.
Finally, counselors will use output data from the models to guide
their initiation of specific treatment steps. Those individuals passing
specific threshold values will be referred for early or immediate
follow up at the clinic or urgent services through a direct link within
the interface to the scheduling system and clinic staff.
2 Email
and messages are not collected. We believe such data is too highly sensitive to
be used, however carefully such a system is designed.
3 https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/docs/classifying-text
Pervasive Health 2020, Atlanta, GA, USA,
MIND: A Tool for Mental Health Screening and Support of Therapy to Improve Clinical and Research Outcomes
Figure 1: MIND mHealth App Framework: (i) following informed consent, participants link their online activities data by
logging in using their active Google account; (ii) participants’ data are transferred directly into a cloud-based Anonymizer
for pre-processing and removal of protected health information (PHI) and potential identifiers before being downloaded by
the research team for analysis; (iii) shareable reports are generated for presentation via user Dashboards designed for specific
groups of users (e.g. counselors)
Therapist’s Dashboard: Patients who are receiving mental
health therapy may be asked by their therapist if they would consent to have the system download and analyze their online data
on a weekly basis. When preparing to meet with a consented patient, the therapist would review the application dashboard, see
Fig. 1(iii), in order to note spikes and other changes in the patient’s
estimated level of depression or anxiety since the patient’s last
session. The therapist could use this information when conversing with the patient in order to uncover stressors and other issues
that might otherwise go unmentioned by the patient. For example,
the therapist might note that the dashboard indicated the patient
was engaging in online behavior associated with high stress on a
particular day in the past week, and ask if the patient agreed with
that assessment and if so what was happening at that time in the
patient’s life.
Researchers have proposed mobile apps for helping users manage
stress, anxiety [17, 18, 21, 22] and virtual reality to evoke positive
emotions [2, 23]. [8, 16] provides an extensive overview on usage of mobile applications in psychotherapy and effective delivery
methods for tackling mental health related phenomena through
smartphones. It has been found that usage of mobile application
to deliver Cognitive behavioral therapy has resulted in significant
improvements in outcomes for patients with depression [27].
Over the years, the research community has taken initiatives
towards designing tools for reducing depression and dysfunctional
thinking [10], improving user’s attention [14], helping people living
with HIV for regular engagement in care [7] etc. Researchers have
also integrated wearable sensing devices, such as smart watches, to
collect real-time data [11], provide feedback [6, 13], help regulate
emotions, and improve cognitive performances [4, 5].
The majority of the proposed systems ask some form of engagement or inputs from time to time from users, which often results in
a low app retention rate. Eventually people stop using the app. Furthermore, few of these applications allow users to share the metrics
from the app with their care providers. One potential reason can be
that care providers are not aware of the existence of such systems,
and even if they are aware, there is not sufficient evidence of their
success to support clinician buy-in and uptake.
There are many ethical challenges posed by the use of automatically
acquired online behavioral data, most prominently the profound
risk to individual privacy when dealing with such sensitive clinical
issues as mental health, HIV/AIDS, and the use of illicit substances.
These have been a direct focus of the work of some colleagues [3],
and so we are especially sensitive to these concerns. Our principal approach to address these complex challenges is to limit the
collection of user data to patients who explicitly opt-in and then
provide ongoing follow-up confirmation of informed consent. This
approach, while not explicitly dealing with data privacy issues per
se, does help to address several aspects of the ethical challenges
around informed consent. In addition, within our collaborating
clinical settings, research addressing substance use, mental health,
and HIV is conducted exclusively using a community-based participatory research (CBPR) model. CBPR and related approaches are
designed to help assure that clinical and population health research
is carried out in a manner that is both responsive to community
needs, as well as in direct guidance and leadership of research by
community members, health providers, and other stakeholders.
An additional ethical concern is that prediction model results do
not yet rise to the level of reliability, robustness, and reproducibility
normally required of clinical data. Crudely put, without something
as rigorous as FDA review and approval, such data are not appropriate for direct incorporation into medical records. This means that
collaborating members of the clinical team involved in this research
require additional training to understand the data provided by our
Pervasive Health 2020, Atlanta, GA, USA,
Anis Zaman, Vincent Silenzio, and Henry Kautz
prediction models, including how it is generated and the limitations
of both these models and of this general approach. Ultimately, this
collaborative approach also enables the project design team to learn
from the feedback provided by the collaborating clinicians, and to
incorporate this into the ongoing design progress.
Finally, with respect to human subjects protection concerns such
as privacy and confidentiality, it is crucial that any work such as
this maintain full compliance with all regulatory requirements.
Work such as this also raises concerns around the potential for
data to be reverse-engineered by combining it with additional data
sets, using novel machine learning methods, etc. This implies an
important need to limit the types of data collected, the length of time
that data is needed to be kept, and to incorporate state-of-the-art
approaches such as disseminated data storage and data analysis. In
short, attention to these and other ethical challenges is an ongoing
We are collaborating with other researchers and clinicians at our
universities’ medical centers to include this work in clinical settings
so that we can test the effectiveness of the system. At the moment,
we are concurrently conducting data collection and data analysis
studies within outpatient HIV & Behavioral Health specialty clinics, an outpatient general Mental Health & Wellness clinic, and
with a population of non-at-risk subjects from a general campus
population. We have built a predictive engine for depression, low
self-esteem, and suicide ideation that employs user search history
data, and are working on integrating YouTube viewing and location
history data. Collecting these forms of diverse online activities from
different sources can lead to incomplete or missing data because
not everyone uses all the Google products in daily basis. To address
these technical data challenges we have employed a rigorous data
pre-processing pipeline to clean and complete the data for accurate
analysis. Finally, the mental health therapists on our team are guiding the design of the Therapist’s Dashboard application. We plan
to have an end-to-end version of the system completed and pilot
studies underway by the end of this year.
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