November 1997
Development of an Integrated in-situ
Remediation Technology
Topical Report for Task #3.2 Entitled, “Modeling and
Iron Dechlorination Studies”(September 26, 1994 - August 31,
Andrew P. Shapiro, Timothy M. Sivavec, and Jan M. Principe
General Electric Research and Development, Box 8
Schenectady, NY 12301
DOE Contract Number: DE-AC05-96OR22459
DuPont (Anaerobic Biodegradation/
Vertical Zone Installation)
DOE (Site Selection and
Field Support)
EPA (Hydrofracture/
L asagna
General Electric
(EK and Physicochemical
Integrated in-situ
Remediation Technology
Monsanto (Lasagna™ /ElectroOsmosis/Biodegradation)
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
U. S. Department of Energy
Morgantown Energy Technology Center
Morgantown, West Virginia
Monsanto Company
800 N. Lindbergh Boulevard
St. Louis, Missouri 63167
TM- A Trademark of Monsanto Company
A. Executive Summary
Development of an Integrated in-situ Remediation
DOE Contract Number: DE-AC05-96OR22459
Topical Report for Task # 3.2 - “Modeling and Iron
Dechlorination Studies” (January 18, 1996 - August 31, 1997)
Submitted by:
Andrew P. Shapiro, Timothy M. Sivavec, and Jan M. Principe
General Electric Research and Development
P.O. Box 8, Schenectady, NY
Contamination in low-permeability soils poses a significant technical challenge to in-situ
remediation efforts. Poor accessibility to the contaminants and difficulty in delivery of treatment
reagents have rendered existing in-situ treatments such as bioremediation, vapor extraction, and pump
and treat rather ineffective when applied to low-permeability soils present at many contaminated sites.
The technology is an integrated in-situ treatment in which established geotechnical methods are used to
install degradation zones directly in the contaminated soil, and electro-osmosis is utilized to move the
contaminants back and forth through those zones until the treatment is completed. The present Topical
Report for Task #3.2 summarizes the modeling and dechlorination research conducted by General
Electric Research and Development.
B. Acronyms and Abbreviations
Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
Department of Energy
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
Environmental Protection Agency
gas chromatography
General Electric Company
Lockheed Martin Energy Systems
Record of Decision
Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory
Solid Waste Management Unit
vinyl chloride
C. Units
C, °C
Celsius, degrees Celsius
d, D
F, °F
Fahrenheit, degrees Fahrenheit
f, ft
gal, GAL
h, hr
k, K
l, L
lb, lbs
ml, mL
parts per billion
ppm, ppmw
parts per million (by weight)
pounds per square inch
µl, µL
D. Table of Contents
(Section Title)
A. Executive Summary ________________________________________________________ A-i
B. Acronyms and Abbreviations _________________________________________________ B-i
C. Units
________________________________________________________________ C-i
D. Table of Contents __________________________________________________________ D-i
E. Background ______________________________________________________________ E-i
Statement of the Problem __________________________________________________________ E-i
The Solution _____________________________________________________________________ E-i
Consortium Description ___________________________________________________________ E-i
Project History __________________________________________________________________ E-i
Technical Deliverables_____________________________________________________________E-ii
F. Treatment Zone and Electrode Characteristics ___________________________________ F-1
Conductivity tests of electrode mixture...................................................................................................F-1
Clay-Permeating Electrode Studies.........................................................................................................F-3
Experimental methods.......................................................................................................................F-3
G. Gas Evolution Study _______________________________________________________ G-1
Experimental method............................................................................................................................ G-1
Results and Discussion.......................................................................................................................... G-1
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones________________________________________________ H-1
Experimental methods .......................................................................................................................... H-1
Results .................................................................................................................................................. H-2
Experiment 1. Coarse iron................................................................................................................ H-2
Experiment 2. Fine iron.................................................................................................................... H-6
Experiment 3. Paducah model .......................................................................................................... H-9
Experiment 4. No iron zone I .......................................................................................................... H-11
Experiment 5. No iron zone II ......................................................................................................... H-14
Summary ............................................................................................................................................. H-16
I. Bipolar Electrode Effect______________________________________________________ I-1
Experimental methods ........................................................................................................................... I-1
Results and Discussion........................................................................................................................... I-2
J. Movement of DNAPLs in Electric Fields _______________________________________ J-1
Introduction................................................................................................................................................ J-1
Experimental methods ........................................................................................................................... J-1
Results ................................................................................................................................................... J-3
Experiment 6. Non-aqueous phase TCE in clay column..................................................................... J-3
Experiment 7. TCE spike added to clay column I............................................................................... J-3
Experiment 8. TCE spike added to clay column II ............................................................................. J-5
Experiment 9. Saturated TCE with iron zone..................................................................................... J-6
Summary ............................................................................................................................................... J-8
K. Modeling Phase IIa Pilot Test ________________________________________________ K-1
D. Table of Contents (cont’d)
Introduction............................................................................................................................................... K-1
Model ................................................................................................................................................... K-1
Results .................................................................................................................................................. K-2
Phase IIa .......................................................................................................................................... K-2
Phase IIb .......................................................................................................................................... K-7
References ____________________________________________________________________ K-11
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research___________________________ L-1
Hydrogen Evolution: Implications to Iron Selection ____________________________________L-1
Reductive Dechlorination of Solvents by Iron(II) Mineral________________________________L-2
Screening Study: Mined Minerals as the Source of Iron Material _________________________L-4
Results and Discussion ____________________________________________________________L-7
Summary of Iron Mineral Screening Study____________________________________________L-8
References .................................................................................................................................................L-13
List of Tables
Table E-1. List of Topical Reports and Responsible Company _________________________________________E-ii
Table F-1. Electrode Sample Compositions ________________________________________________________F-2
Table G-1. Parameters used in model curve ________________________________________________________G-4
Table H-1. Experimental conditions for long term tests. ______________________________________________H-3
Table K-1. Model Parameters ___________________________________________________________________K-2
Table L-1. Comparison of hydrogen evolution rates measured in batch reactors. Reactors contained 25 g
iron/75 mL deionized water or 25 g iron/50 g kaolin clay/25 mL deionized water, as
specified. _____________________________________________________________________L-2
Table L-2. Comparison of surface area-normalized first-order TCE dechlorination rate constants, kSA,
measured in granular iron, iron sulfide, and magnetite systems.__________________________L-4
Table L-3. Iron Minerals Used in Screening Study. _________________________________________________L-6
Table L-4. Comparison of First-Order TCE Reduction Rates Measured in Batch and Column Systems ________L-9
Table L-5. Cis-Dichloroethylene and Vinyl Chloride (VC) Formation as a Function of Initial TCE
Concentration.________________________________________________________________ L-11
List of Figures
Figure F-1. Conductivity of electrode mixture vs. time. ______________________________________________F-3
Figure F-2. Apparatus for compression test on iron/coke mixture. _____________________________________F-5
Figure G-1. Apparatus used in gas evolution studies. ________________________________________________G-1
Figure G-2. Pressure change vs. time in enclosed vial of iron, clay, and water. Model curve fits yield 5.2
10-5 and 1.9 10-5 µmol/s for tests #1 and #2 respectively. _______________________________G-2
Figure H-1. Schematic of apparatus used in iron zone electrokinetic experiments._________________________H-4
Figure H-2. Flow rate in Experiment 1. __________________________________________________________H-4
Figure H-3. Comparison of TCE input and chloride removal in Experiment 1_____________________________H-5
Figure H-4. TCE input vs chloride removed in Experiment 1.__________________________________________H-6
Figure H-5. Cumulative effluent in Experiment 2. ___________________________________________________H-7
Figure H-6. Comparison of TCE input and chloride removed in Experiment 2. ____________________________H-8
Figure H-7. Cumulative input and output of TCE in Experiment 2 ______________________________________H-9
Figure H-8. Cumulative effluent in Experiment 3, the Paducah model. _________________________________ H-10
D. Table of Contents (cont’d)
List of Figures (cont’d)
Figure H-9. Comparison of chloride removed and TCE input in Experiment 3, the Paducah model; also
plotted is the volume of pore liquid passed through the treatment zone. __________________ H-11
Figure H-10. Effluent vs time for Experiment 4; no iron zone. One pore volume is approximately 101 ml._____ H-12
Figure H-11. Cumulative mass of TCE input and chloride removed in Experiment 4. _____________________ H-13
Figure H-12. TCE distribution in soil column after Experiment 4. ____________________________________ H-13
Figure H-13. Effluent vs time for Expt. 5; no iron zone. One pore volume is approximately 99 ml. ___________ H-14
Figure H-14. Cumulative mass of TCE input and chloride removed in Expt. 5. ___________________________ H-15
Figure H-15. TCE distribution in soil column after Expt. 5. __________________________________________ H-16
Figure I-1. Photograph of agar experiment without iron zone. Anode is on the left and cathode on the
right. ________________________________________________________________________ I-2
Figure I-2. Photograph of agar experiment without iron zone after application of 20 V for 1 h. Red color
indicates low pH and purple indicates high pH. ______________________________________ I-3
Figure I-3. Photograph of agar experiment with iron zone. Anode is on the left and cathode on the right. ______ I-4
Figure I-4. Photograph of agar experiment with iron zone after application of 20 V for 1 h. _________________ I-4
Figure I-5. pH distribution in Experiment 3 form Section 2.2 after 8,000 h of operation. Anode chamber
was to the left, cathode to the right. ________________________________________________ I-5
Figure J-1. Schematic of apparatus used in Experiment 7 and 8._______________________________________ J-2
Figure J-2. Schematic of construction of column for Experiment 9. ____________________________________ J-2
Figure J-3. Comparison of TCE distribution before and after electro-osmosis. Flow was toward the
cathode, and each section is 2.5 cm wide. ___________________________________________ J-3
Figure J-4. Pore volumes removed in Experiment 7. 33 mg of TCE injected at 90 h. ______________________ J-4
Figure J-5. TCE distribution before and after electro-osmotic purging in Experiment 7. Final TCE
remaining in clay accounted for 8% of initial spiked amount. ___________________________ J-5
Figure J-6. Pore volumes removed in Experiment 8. 29 mg of TCE injected at 76 h. _______________________ J-5
Figure J-7. TCE distribution before and after electro-osmotic purging. Final TCE remaining in clay
accounted for 1% of initial spiked amount. __________________________________________ J-6
Figure J-8. Cumulative effluent and current in Experiment 9. _________________________________________ J-7
Figure J-9. TCE distribution before and after electro-osmosis. ________________________________________ J-8
Figure J-10. Removal of chloride of cell in Experiment 8. Initial spike of TCE was 8.4 mmoles, or 25
mmoles of chloride. Nineteen mmoles of chloride was accounted for at the end of the
test. _________________________________________________________________________ J-8
Figure K-1. Temperature predicted in Phase IIa operating at 192 and 129 A._____________________________K-3
Figure K-2. Pore volumes removed in Phase IIa at 192 and 129 A. _____________________________________K-4
Figure K-3. Voltage response in Phase IIa when operated at a constant current of 192 and 129 A. ___________K-4
Figure K-4. Temperature distribution after 100 days. ________________________________________________K-5
Figure K-5. Comparison of model prediction to field test data at 5, 25, 45, and 50 ft depths._________________K-6
Figure K-6. Comparison of measured and predicted temperature profile in Phase IIa at 25 ft depth after
100 days. _____________________________________________________________________K-7
Figure K-7. Maximum temperature vs. time predicted for Phase IIb operating at 1,045 and 700 A. ___________K-8
Figure K-8. Pore volumes removed for Phase IIb with treatment zones spaced at 7 ft intervals. _______________K-8
Figure K-9. Voltage response to constant current operation of Phase IIb. _______________________________K-9
Figure K-10. Temperature field generated in Phase IIb after 137 days. ________________________________ K-10
Figure K-11. Streamlines in Phase IIb. __________________________________________________________ K-11
Figure L-1. General reaction scheme for chlorinated solvent reduction at Fe(II) sites. _____________________L-3
Figure L-2. TCE Degradation Kinetics. ___________________________________________________________L-9
Figure L-3. TCE degradation at high concentrations. ______________________________________________ L-10
Figure L-4. TCE degradation at high concentrations. ______________________________________________ L-10
Figure L-5. Daughter product concentrations during TCE degradation. ________________________________ L-11
Figure L-6. Chloride mass balance in TCE degradation experiment. ___________________________________ L-12
D. Table of Contents (cont’d)
Figure L-7. TCE degradation with DNAPL present. ________________________________________________ L-12
Figure L-8. Generation of ethane and ethene as a function of initial TCE concentration.___________________ L-13
E. Background
Statement of the Problem
Contamination in low permeability soils poses a significant technical challenge to insitu remediation efforts. Poor accessibility to the contaminants and difficulty in delivery of
treatment reagents have rendered existing in-situ treatments such as bioremediation, vapor
extraction, and pump and treat, rather ineffective when applied to low-permeability soils
present at many contaminated sites.
The Solution
The proposed technology combines electro-osmosis with treatment zones that are
installed directly in the contaminated soils to form an integrated in-situ remedial process.
Electro-osmosis is an old civil engineering technique and is well known for its
effectiveness, utilizing very low power consumption, in moving water uniformly through
low-permeability soils.
Conceptually, the integrated technology could treat organic and inorganic
contamination, as well as mixed wastes. Once developed, the technology will have
tremendous benefits over existing ones in many aspects including environmental impacts,
cost effectiveness, waste generation, treatment flexibility, and breadth of applications.
Consortium Description
A Consortium has been formed consisting of Monsanto, E. I. du Pont de Nemours &
Co., Inc. (DuPont), and General Electric (GE), with participation from the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Research and Development, and the Department of
Energy (DOE) Environmental Management Office of Science and Technology. The five
members of this group are leaders in their represented technologies and hold significant
patents and intellectual property which, in concert, may form an integrated solution for
soil treatment. The figure on the cover page shows a schematic diagram of the various
technologies which the government/industry consortium has integrated for the
development of an in-situ remediation technology.
Project History
To date, this project has been conducted in two parts: Phase I and Phase IIa. A
Management Plan was originally prepared for Phase I of this project by Monsanto and
submitted on November 30, 1994. That plan summarized the work plan which was
developed in conjunction with DuPont, GE, EPA's Risk Reduction Engineering
Laboratory (RREL), Lockheed Martin Energy Systems (LMES), and the Department of
Energy. The DOE Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Paducah, Kentucky, was chosen as the site
for the initial field tests. The specific contamination site selected at the Plant was Solid
Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 91. For Phase I, the plot selected to demonstrate the
process measured 10 feet by 15 feet by 15 feet deep.
CDM Federal Programs Corporation was chosen to provide the on-site support of the
field tests which were installed at the DOE site in November 1994. This experiment tested
E. Background (cont’d)
the combination of electro-osmosis and in-situ sorption in the treatment zones.
Technology development was carried out under the present contract in Phases I and IIa by
Monsanto, DuPont, and GE. These studies evaluated various degradation processes and
their integration into the overall treatment scheme at bench and pilot scales.
Phase IIa was approved on January 18, 1996. For this phase, a significantly larger plot
was selected, measuring 21 feet by 30 feet by 45 feet deep, and significant design changes
were also implemented in the materials used to construct the electrodes and treatment
zones. While Phase I was conducted to demonstrate the movement of TCE from the soil
into the treatment zones, Phase IIa was conducted to demonstrate the full scale
remediation of the SWMU 91 site. This latter phase included the use of zero valent iron
metal which degrades TCE to light hydrocarbons and chloride ions. In August of 1997,
DOE advised that, based upon the performance of the Lasagna process during Phases I
and IIa, Lasagna™ would be the preferred remedy given in the proposed Record of
Decision (ROD). If signed, this ROD will be the first example of the use of Lasagna™ for
the full scale remediation of a TCE-contaminated clay site. ROD approval is expected in
calendar-year 1998.
Technical Deliverables
Table E-1 lists the four topical reports which have been written to describe the results
obtained from the Phase IIa research. This table also shows which organization is
primarily responsible for the tasks and for preparing the topical reports. The present
topical report summarizes Task #3.2.
Table E-1. List of Topical Reports and Responsible Company
Topical Report
Task #3.1 - Emplacement Technology
Tasks #3.2 - Modeling and Iron Dechlorination Studies
Task #3.3 - Lasagna and Iron Dechlorination
Task #7.2 - Field Scale Test
F. Treatment Zone and Electrode Characteristics
The work reported in Topical Report for Task 9 in Phase I demonstrated the ability of iron
zones to dechlorinate TCE in an electro-osmotic flow field. The issues of flow cessation due to
hydrogen evolution within the treatment zone and the presence of daughter products from
incomplete dechlorination were identified as areas requiring more development for
commercializing the Lasagna process. In the interim between the end of Phase I and the
beginning of Phase IIa, researchers at GE and Monsanto identified that clay and iron mixtures
were effective in solving the problem of flow cessation due to gas evolution. In addition, studies
on the reactivity of iron provided design criteria to ensure adequate dechlorination of all daughter
products. Investigated treatment zones included coarse iron filings (8x50 mesh), fine iron filings
(<40 mesh), mixtures of sand and iron, and mixtures of kaolin clay and iron. All systems that did
not contain clay as a filler material exhibited gas accumulation in the treatment zone. The
experiments begun under this task, which do in fact verify the performance of the iron/clay
mixtures, were conducted for long periods of time and are therefore reported below under Task (Life of Iron Treatment Zones).
During the design of Phase IIa, several issues were identified regarding the design of electrode
zones. Therefore the scope of this task was extended to included studies on some key issues
involving the characteristics of the electrode zones. These studies are reported here.
Conductivity tests of electrode mixture
One of the proposed methods to emplace electrodes in soil involves pumping a slurry of
electrode material down the mandrel as it is withdrawn from the hole. To form a pumpable slurry
of coarse grained particles, such as those proposed for the Lasagna electrodes, chemicals are
often added to the water to make a more viscous suspension. The increased viscosity slows
drainage of the fluid from the suspension and thereby decreases the likelihood of bridging of the
particles and clogging of the piping. In addition, the increased viscosity is expected to enable a
more uniform blend of dissimilar particles to be delivered to the electrode zone. One of the
viscosifying agents being considered for the Lasagna electrodes is guar gum. Guar is a plantderived polymer that is easily broken down by microorganisms. Small amounts of guar dissolved
in water greatly increase the fluid viscosity. Enzyme breakers can be added to accelerate the
degradation of the guar.
Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of guar gum and breaker on the
electrical conductivity of the saturated granular electrode material. The electrode is composed
of coke and iron particles saturated with water. The coke material is a conductive form of carbon
used in cathodic protection applications. The coke is expected to be electrochemically inert and
should maintain the high hydraulic permeability in the electrode region required for gas evolution
and water circulation. The iron acts as a pH buffer at the anode. This buffering function may be
accomplished by direct electrochemical oxidation of the iron metal, or neutralization by the iron of
hydronium ions generated electrochemically at the coke surface. Both mechanisms yield ferrous
ions in solution.
Experimental method
A mixture of 48.7 wt% Peerless iron (-20 mesh Type IS) and 51.3 wt% Loresco SWS coke
was prepared by combining dry ingredients in a jar and rolling the jar on a mill for several hours.
A guar gum solution was prepared by mixing guar obtained from Halliburton, Inc. (WG-19) with
F. Treatment Zone and Electrode Characteristics (cont’d)
tap water at a ratio of 4.8 g guar per liter of solution (40 lb/1,000 gal). Two 50-ml samples of
guar solution were removed. To one sample, 0.0026 g of an enzyme breaker (GBW-30) obtained
from Halliburton was added. Three saturated electrode mixtures were prepared as indicated in
Table F-1.
Table F-1. Electrode Sample Compositions
Coke Iron Mass (g)
Liquid Added (ml)
50 ml guar solution, no breaker
50 ml guar solution with breaker
50 ml tap water (dried out during test)
50 ml tap water
Eighty grams of each mixture were loaded into plastic cylindrical vials. The internal diameter
of the vials was 3.3 cm, and the height of the packed mixture ranged from 3.2 to 4.0 cm. The
bottom of the vial was lined with a copper foil, which served as one electrode for the conductivity
measurements. An insulated wire lead soldered to the foil ran up the inner wall of the vial and
extended out of the vial. Another copper foil electrode with soldered wire lead was placed in
contact with the top of the electrode matrix. A Hewlett-Packard ESR meter was used to measure
resistance at 1,000 Hz. Resistance was measured with and without compression from a vertical
load equivalent to 68 KPa (10 psi). The conductivity of the electrode material was determined
from the following relation:
where σ is the electrical conductivity in Ω -1 m-1, L the height of the packed electrode (m), and A
the cross sectional area (m2 ).
The results of the resistance measurements are shown in Figure F-1. It is clear from these
measurements that the guar gum causes a significant reduction in conductivity of the packed bed
of coke and iron. The breaker apparently does not have any effect in improving the conductivity
with time. One of the test runs without guar (case “a”) had a relatively high conductance initially;
however, the conductivity dropped substantially during the test. The reason for the decrease in
conductivity in this case was loss of water through a crack in the container, which resulted in
oxidation of the iron exposed to air, which in turn, resulted in decreased conductivity. When this
experiment was repeated (case “b”) with a non-leaking apparatus, the conductivity of the
coke/iron mixture remained high compared to the guar gum samples.
The important parameter in determining acceptable conductivity for the electrode mixture is
the ratio of electrode to soil conductivity times the product of the electrode thickness and
electrode spacing (σe/σs X tL). The square root of this parameter is the length scale over which
the voltage applied to the surface of the electrode exponentially decays with depth. Thus, for 5
cm thick electrodes spaced 6.4 m apart with electrode conductivity σe=40 S/m (similar to the no
guar case) and soil conductivity σs=0.024 S/m, decay length is 23 m. For this case the voltage at
the surface of the electrode will be very close to that at a depth of 15 m. However, if the
electrode conductivity were σe=5 S/m (similar to the guar case), the decay length would be 8.1 m.
This means that the electric field at 15 m depth would be approximately 16% of that applied at the
F. Treatment Zone and Electrode Characteristics (cont’d)
surface. Therefore the use guar gum as a viscosifying agent for the electrode slurry is not
Guar without breaker
Conductivity (S/m)
Guar with breaker
No guar-a
No guar-b
Time (day)
Figure F-1. Conductivity of electrode mixture vs. time.
Clay-Permeating Electrode Studies
The design of the electrode zones in Phase IIa calls for a mixture of granular iron and
conductive coke to be poured into a 45-ft deep, 2-inch thick slot made in the soil by pushing a
mandrel to depth with a vibrating hammer. The conductivity of the electrodes is important for
maintaining a uniform electric field in the soil and for ensuring energy-efficient operation. One
scenario identified as a potential problem was the possibility of soil surrounding the electrode
mixture permeating the electrode because of compressive stresses that might exist in the soil if it
is overconsolidated, or that might be generated by the mandrel insertion process. If the
surrounding soil permeated the electrode material, the electrode’s conductivity would be
compromised. Several experiments were conducted in the laboratory to determine the likelihood
of this failure mechanism.
Experimental methods
The first experiment examined the behavior of a cylindrical core of electrode material
surrounded by an annulus of consolidated kaolin clay in a triaxial compression cell. A triaxial
compression cell permits a cylindrical sample to be subjected to an overall hydrostatic pressure
while a one-dimensional pressure gradient is applied in the axial direction of the cylinder. The
hydrostatic pressure can be adjusted independently of the pressure gradient to represent the total
soil pressure at a desired depth. The hydrostatic pressure is transmitted to the sample through a
silicone rubber sleeve that conforms to the cylinder’s surface while preventing permeation in the
radial direction. The one-dimensional pressure gradient can represent a typical groundwater
gradient or can be used to calculate the soil permeability. The pressure gradient is applied to the
face plates that compress the right faces of the cylinder and are sealed to the silicone sleeve by oF-3
F. Treatment Zone and Electrode Characteristics (cont’d)
rings. The triaxial apparatus used in these experiments was a Brainard /Kilman S-500 system with
a S-510 test cell.
The sample used in the first test was constructed as follows: A 40% water/60% EPK kaolin
clay (w/w) mixture was formed into a 2-inch diameter by 3-inch long cylinder and placed in the
triaxial cell. A hydrostatic pressure of 40 psig was applied for 24 h to consolidate and dewater
the clay. Forty psi represents the expected hydrostatic force on soil at a depth of approximately
45 feet. The pressure at both face plates was maintained at 10 psig so that excess water could be
drained from the sample through both faces. After consolidation, the sample was removed from
the test cell and the face plates detached from the silicone sleeve. With the sleeve still on the
sample, a 0.9-inch core was removed from the center of the sample with a cork boring tool. The
empty core was backfilled with the electrode mixture (50% Peerless iron/ 50% Loresco SWS
coke (w/w)). The sample faces were trimmed squarely so the final cylinder length was 2.4
inches. The face plates and filter paper were reattached to the sample and sleeve according the
manufacturer’s instructions. The sample was put back in the triaxial test cell, and a 40-psi
hydrostatic pressure was again applied. Five psi was maintained at the faces of the cylinder.
Because of the extremely large ratio of core-to-clay permeability, the pressure within the core
was also nearly 5 psi. After 16 h of consolidation, the permeability of the sample was measured.
Unfortunately, the hydraulic resistance of the frits used in the face plates was much higher than
that of the electrode material in the core, so accurate measurements of the core permeability could
not be made. After 6 days of 40 psi hydrostatic pressure and 5 psi in the core, the sample was
removed from the test cell and then sectioned and photographed.
The second experiment investigating the permeation of clay into the electrode mixture used
clay soil from the Paducah test site. In this experiment a cylinder of clay 3.9 cm in diameter was
sliced into two pieces 3.7 and 3.5 cm thick. A 1.7-cm thick disk, 3.9 cm in diameter, of the
iron/coke mixture was placed between the clay sections. The three sections were held together by
a latex sleeve. The experimental setup is shown in Figure F-2. The sample was compressed in a
Carver press for 20 minutes at a load ranging from 105 to 158 psi. This load was much higher
than the soil would be subjected to in the in the field. The sample was sliced into sections after
compression and visually inspected for evidence of clay permeating the iron/coke mixture.
F. Treatment Zone and Electrode Characteristics (cont’d)
105-160 psi
Latex sleeve
Figure F-2. Apparatus for compression test on iron/coke mixture.
The results of both tests showed no penetration of clay into the mixture. In the triaxial
compression test, the core remained free of clay particles. In the one-dimensional compression
test, the clay sections bulged out under the load, but no clay penetration of the iron zone was
observed. These results are encouraging for the use of iron/coke mixtures for electrodes in the
Lasagna process. It must be noted that these test do not address the issue of migration of clay
particles by electrophoresis or precipitation of oxides and hydroxides, both of which may lead to
reduced conductivity of the electrodes with time. The field test conducted in Phase IIa will
address these issues.
G. Gas Evolution Study
Preliminary studies on using iron particles for treatment zones in electrokinetic remediation
identified gas evolution as a potential problem. Hydrogen gas evolves from the corrosion of iron
in water according to the reaction
Fe0 +2H20 à Fe2+ + 2OH- + H2(g)
The rate of hydrogen evolution depends on several factors, including pH, temperature, and
water chemistry. In this application, the presence of an applied electric field may also influnce the
corrosion rate. Iron corrosion has been studied in application to permeable barriers in conjunction
with groundwater decontamination (Reardon 1995), and the results of that study are compared to
the measurements made in this work.
Experimental method
The apparatus used in these tests, shown in Figure G-1, was constructed from a 50-ml serum
vial which can be sealed by a septum and a crimped aluminum collar. A glass U-tube (0.49 cm
ID) was connected to the neck of the serum vial. This U-tube was partially filled with water
before the vial was filled and sealed, so that a manometer was formed in the tube. Iron filings
(Peerless IS <20 mesh) were mixed with kaolin clay (EPK) saturated with nitrogen-purged tap
water. The weight ratio of the iron/clay/water mixture was 20:46:34. Ten grams of the mixture
were placed in a modified serum vial. Approximately 40 ml of nitrogen-purged tap water was
added to the vial to bring the water level up to the point where the U-tube was connected.
Figure G-1. Apparatus used in gas evolution studies.
After the vial was filled with water, a Teflon-lined septum was crimped tightly in place. By
measuring the height difference of the water columns on the two sides of the U-tube, the change
in internal pressure could be determined. The change in pressure is directly related to the mass of
gas in the vial. The vial was left at room temperature for up to 160 days.
Results and Discussion
The vial pressure versus time is plotted in Figure G-2. The transient behavior is characterized
by an initial decrease in pressure followed by a steady pressure increase.
G. Gas Evolution Study (cont’d)
Pressure (cm of water)
Test #1
Model-Test #1
Test #2
Model-Test #2
Time (h)
Figure G-2. Pressure change vs. time in enclosed vial of iron, clay, and water. Model curve fits yield
5.2 10-5 and 1.9 10-5 µmol/s for tests #1 and #2 respectively.
The initial decrease can be attributed to consumption of the oxygen initially present in the
headspace. In the presence of oxygen, a probable corrosion reaction for iron is
4Fe0 + 3O2 à 2Fe2O3
Eq. 1
This reaction causes the iron in the clay mixture to act as a sink for any oxygen in the vial.
The steady increase in pressure later in the experiment is attributable to the generation of
hydrogen according to the reaction
Fe0 + 2H2O à Fe+2 + 2OH- + H2(g)
Eq. 2
To determine the rate of hydrogen evolution in this experiment, the initial period during which
the pressure decreased was neglected. To relate the rate of gas evolution to the manometer
reading, we assume ideal gas behavior and account for the changing gas volume as the
manometer fills. The ideal gas relation is
Eq. 3
P = nRT/V
where P is the absolute pressure, n the number of moles of gas, R the ideal gas constant, T the
absolute temperature and V the gas volume. Assuming a constant rate of gas generation, the
number of moles of gas, n, is given by
Eq. 4
n = n0 + rt
where t is time, n0 is the number of moles at t=0, and r the rate of gas evolution or the corrosion
As the gas generated pushes the manometer fluid in the U-tube, the gas volume, V, changes
according to
V = V0 + A(h-h0)
Eq. 5
G. Gas Evolution Study (cont’d)
where V0 is the initial gas volume, A the cross-sectional area of the U-tube, h is the height
difference between water columns in the U-tube, and h0 is the height difference at t=0. The initial
pressure in the vial is
Eq. 6
P0 = n0RT/V0
The pressure in the vial is related to the manometer reading by
P = P0 + ρg∆h
Eq. 7
where ρ is the density of water, g the acceleration of gravity, and ∆h the change in height
difference, h-h0, between manometer columns. Combining Eq. 3 and Eq. 7, grouping like ordered
terms in ∆h yields
∆h 2 +
ρgV0 + P0 A
∆h - rt
Eq. 8
This quadratic Eq. can be solved for ∆h to give
∆h = 0.5 − β + β 2 + 4ρrtRT
Eq. 9
where β= ρgV0 + P0 A .
In these experiements, the value of β is two orders of magnitude higher than typical values of
∆h. In these cases Eq. 9 can be simplified to yield the linear relation
∆h = rt
ρgV0 + P0 A
Eq. 10
The data for the two experiments are shown in Figure G-2. The initial decrease in pressure is
attributed to the consumption of oxygen dissolved in the water by the oxidizing iron. Equation 9
was fitted with the data for times after the effects of oxygen consumption were observed. The
adjustable parameters are r, the corrsion rate, and V0, the initial gas volume. The values of the
relavent parameters are listed in Table G-1.
G. Gas Evolution Study (cont’d)
Table G-1. Parameters used in model curve
Initial pressure
P0 (N/m2)
Initial gas volume
V0 (m3)
4.9 X
Ideal gas constant
R (J/mol/K)
Absolute temperature
T (K)
Water density
ρ (kg/m3)
Accleration of
g (m /s)
Cross-sectional area
of U-tube
A (m2)
X 105
The corrosion rate determined by the curve fit is 4.5 10-3 mmol/d and 1.6 X 10-3 mmol/d for
tests 1 and 2 respectively. Normalizing by the mass of iron in the experiment gives a specific
corrosion rate of 2.2 and 0.8 mmol/kg/day. These values are slightly higher than the corrosion
rates published by Reardon (ES&T ’95, 29, 2936-2945), which ranged from 0.1 to 0.7
mmol/kg/day. The higher rates measured in these tests compared to those of Reardon may be
attributable to the fact that, in these tests, the iron was mixed with clay, which had a buffering
effect on the pH. At the end of both tests the solution pH was 5.5. In Reardon’s tests the pH
was consistently over 7.7 and usually over 9.5. According to Eq. 2, a lower pH should cause the
corrosion of iron to be faster because the OH- concentration on the product side is reduced.
One of the reasons for concern over the generation of hyrodgen is the possibilty of creating an
explosive environment. The results of these tests indicate that for a treatment zone 5 cm thick by
15 m deep with 7% (vol/vol) iron, the steady-state flux of hydrogen permeating to the surface of
the treatment zone would be approximately 16 moles of H2 per square meter per day, assuming a
corrosion rate of 2.2 mmol/kg/day. Assuming a mass transfer coefficient of 0.5 mol/m2/s, typical
of natural convection, the expected hydrogen concentration at the surface of the treatment zone
would be 370 ppm. This hydrogen concentration would be the maximum expected at the soil
surface where oxygen is available for combustion. The concentration is well below the lower
explosion limit for hydrogen (18%), and therefore dangers associated with hydrogen combustion
are insignificant.
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones
In Phase I GE/CRD demonstrated the feasibility of using iron metal for treatment zones in the
Lasagna process (see Topical Report, Task 9) to dechlorinate TCE. In electrokinetic cell
experiments, TCE was shown to dechlorinate as electro-osmosis forced the water carrying it
through a 1-inch zone of iron particles sandwiched between two saturated clay layers. These
experiments indicated that, with a residence time in the iron zone of approximately 7 h, 96% of
the TCE was dechlorinated. Batch and column experiments without electrokinetic effects were
conducted to determine the kinetics of TCE dechlorination in the presence of iron (see Topical
Report, Task 9). These batch and column experiments demonstrated first order behavior for the
sequence of reactions that take TCE to chloride ions and ethene and ethane gas. In addition, the
apparent half-life for TCE in the electrokinetic cell (90 min) and the batch experiments (30 min)
were comparable when normalized for the surface area of the iron.
The issues identified in Phase I requiring additional investigation were (1) the ceasing of flow
attributed to hydrogen gas generation from the corrosion of iron, (2) the persistence of daughter
products, such as cis-DCE, which have a longer half life than TCE (3) verification of the
dechlorination rates, and (4) long-term performance of the iron zones. Preliminary tests
conducted at GE/CRD and Monsanto indicated that a zone composed of a mixture of iron and
clay would avoid flow stoppage by preventing the zone from drying out because of gas
generation. The experiments reported in this section address the long-term performance of the
iron/clay treatment zones and the fate of the daughter products.
Experimental methods
The test cells were cylindrical glass columns (20 cm x 5 cm dia.) shown schematically in
Figure H-1. A feed solution containing TCE at a nominal concentration of 100 ppm was fed into
a chamber at the anode side of the cell. Electro-osmosis drove some of the feed solution toward
the cathode. Enough feed solution was supplied to permit some solution to overflow the
chamber so that nearly constant conditions could be maintained in the chamber. This feed
chamber was separated from the anode chamber by a Nafion cation exchange membrane. Two
reasons for using the membrane were to prevent TCE from being stripped by the oxygen bubbles
generated at the anode, and to permit the chloride ions generated in the iron zone, as a result of
dechlorination, to be collected with the feed overflow. The column end caps used to form the
catholyte, anolyte, and purging chambers were made from Teflon and sealed using Teflon-covered
silicone o-rings.
The materials used to form the test samples and the electrodes in these experiments are listed
in Table H-1. A test sample was assembled by placing approximately 175 g of a saturated kaolin
clay mixture (40% (w/w) water) in one end of the glass cylinder. A porous carborundum disk
lined with glass fiber filter paper formed a porous support that could slide in the cylinder but fit
snugly enough to confine the clay sample. Air bubbles were removed from the clay by tapping the
base of the cylinder, porous support side down, on a table. After smoothing the open surface of
the clay, approximately 100 g of treatment zone mixture was placed on the clay section. Again,
tapping the cylinder removed air bubbles and the top surface of the treatment zone was flattened.
The final section of approximately 175 g of clay was placed on top of the treatment zone mixture,
and tapped to removed air bubbles. Another filter-paper-lined porous disk was pushed into the
open end of the cylinder and pressed against the clay sample. The Teflon end-pieces forming the
electrolyte chambers, and holding the cation exchange membrane, were placed on the ends of the
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
cylinder and bolted together with three 0.95-cm diameter threaded rods, which extended the
length of the test cell. Finally a set of three 0.32-cm diameter rods, which penetrated the cathode
end-piece though Teflon compression fittings, were pushed by a backing plate, restrained by
bolted threaded rods, to apply pressure to the porous disk. The nuts constraining the backing
plate were finger-tightened periodically for approximately 1 week to dewater and consolidate the
test sample. By measuring the change in volume of the test sample during the consolidation
period, and attributing that volume to displaced water, the pore volume of the sample could be
The TCE concentration of the effluent, feed, and overflow was monitored periodically
throughout the experiments. TCE concentrations were determined by hexane extraction followed
by gas chromatography/electron capture detection. Periodically, analysis was conducted using
purge and trap extraction on 1 and 5 ml aqueous samples followed by gas chromatography/flame
ionization detection or mass spectrophotometry. These methods enabled the detection of
daughter products of dechlorination, such as cis-DCE, vinyl chloride, ethane, and ethene.
Chloride concentration of the overflow was monitored to verify the dechlorination process. The
applied current and voltage distribution was also measured through the experiment. At the end of
the tests, clay samples were chilled and then divided and extracted to determine the final TCE
Experiment 1. Coarse iron
Experiment 1 was the first experiment that investigated the long-term performance of iron
treatment zones. The iron used in this experiment was Peerless 8 x 50 mesh size iron. The
particle size range was from approximately 0.01 to 0.1 inch diameter. The flow through the cell is
shown in Figure H-2 where the effluent volume is expressed in terms of pore volumes through the
entire cell. The pore volume for this experiment was 101 ml. For the first 260 h, 10 V was
applied across the 13-cm clay sample. The initial flow rate was quite high; the electro-osmotic
permeability calculated from the initial flow rate was 2.3 X 10-5 cm2/Vs. The applied voltage was
decreased to 5 V after 260 h, and the flow was observed to gradually decrease and actually cease
after approximately 1,000 h. The reason for flow cessation was determined to be accumulation of
gas in the iron/clay treatment zone. In previous experiments (Phase I report) it was determined
that the gas was hydrogen, which formed as a result of iron metal corrosion by water. Once the
gas was vented from the cell, the electro-osmotic flow resumed. At 1,600 h the voltage was
increased to 10 V, and the flow rate increased and remained very constant for the next 6,000 h.
The long-term electro-osmotic permeability was 7.6 X 10-6 cm2/Vs.
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
Table H-1. Experimental conditions for long term tests.
Treatment Zone
1. Peerless-coarse
20 %Peerless 8x50 mesh
iron anode
40% water
48% K-T kaolin
32% water
1 inch thick
2. VWR-fine
60% EPK
20 %VWR fine iron (<40
40% water
48% EPK kaolin
32% water
1 inch thick
3. Peerless-fine
60% EPK
40% water
29% Peerless fine iron
35%Thiele kaolin
35% water
2 inches thick
stainless steel
cation exchange
membrane at anode
iron anode
stainless steel
cation exchange
membrane at anode
50% Peerless fine
50% Loresco SWS
saturated with
0.001M Na2SO4
cation exchange
membrane at anode
4. No iron metal I
iron anode
stainless steel
cation exchange
membrane at anode
5. No iron metal II
iron anode
stainless steel
cation exchange
membrane at anode
and cathode
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
Purge overflow
+10-25 V
Iron zone
Cation exchange
TCE feed (3 ml/h)
Effluent removed (pore volumes)
Figure H-1. Schematic of apparatus used in iron zone electrokinetic experiments.
10 V
10 V
Cell #1 (20% Fe)
Purge start
Time (hrs)
Figure H-2. Flow rate in Experiment 1.
The effectiveness of the treatment zone for dechlorinating TCE is shown in Figure H-3 where
the mass of chloride removed in the purge solution is compared to the amount of TCE input into
the cell. From the slopes of theses curves, one can estimate the rate of chloride production and
TCE introduction. Over most of the experiment, the ratio of these rates is nearly stochiometric at
3 moles Cl- per mole TCE. The expected accuracy of these measurements is approximately 10%,
based on accuracy TCE and chloride analysis and volume measurements. Care was taken not to
introduce sources of chloride during the operation of the experiment. While there may have been
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
some chloride initially adsorbed on the clay, this would be removed in the time it takes to purge a
few pore volumes of effluent. The chloride travels the opposite direction as the water; however,
its speed should be nearly 5 to 10 times higher than electro-osmosis. A plot of chloride removed
versus TCE input is shown in Figure H-4. The best-fit linear regression has a slope of 2.96.
Again, the expected uncertainty in these measurements is approximately 10%.
Cumulative mass (mmoles)
Chloride out
TCE input
0.0165 mmol/d
0.0054 mmol/d
Time (hr)
Figure H-3. Comparison of TCE input and chloride removal in Experiment 1
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
TCE input (mmoles)
Slope = 2.96
Chloride out (mmoles)
Figure H-4. TCE input vs chloride removed in Experiment 1.
Experiment 2. Fine iron
Because several of the envisioned installation techniques for treatment zones involve pumping
a slurry of iron and clay into the ground, there may be rheological advantages to using fine iron to
form a slurry. Experiment 2 examined the effectiveness of smaller size iron particles in a treatment
zone. The iron was acquired from VWR, and the particle size was less than 40 mesh, or less than
0.015-inch diameter. As in Experiment 1, the iron comprised 20% by weight of the clay slurry.
The cumulative effluent vs time is shown in Figure H-5. The applied voltage was initially 10 V
and the sample length was 12 cm. After approximately 1,500 h, the applied voltage was increased
to 20 V and the flow rate increased. The increase in flow rate was not quite linear with voltage.
For the first 1,500 h, the apparent electro-osmotic permeability was 5.0 10-6 cm2/V/s; after the
voltage was increased, the electro-osmotic permeability was 3.8 10-6 cm2/V/s. Approximately 400
h into the experiment, the cell was turned off for 264 h. When the voltage was reapplied, the
flow rate returned to its previous value.
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
Effluent removed (ml)
Off for 264 hrs
Expt #2 (20% Fine
VWR iron)
Time (hrs)
Figure H-5. Cumulative effluent in Experiment 2.
A comparison of the mass of chloride removed in the purge solution to the mass of TCE input
into the cell in Experiment 2 is shown in Figure H-6. The average rate of chloride removal after
2,000 h was 0.018 mmol/d compared to the average rate of TCE input, 0.0067 mmol/d. The ratio
of these rates is 2.7 mol chloride per mol TCE, or 90% of the stoichiometric ratio of 3 for
complete dechlorination. Given the uncertainty associated with chemical analysis and flow rate
measurement, the 10% difference is within experimental error. The measurement of the low TCE
concentration in the effluent is consistent with nearly complete dechlorination of TCE. The
cumulative amount of TCE removed in the effluent is compared to the TCE input in Figure H-7.
The TCE concentration in the feed solution was typically in the range of 75 to 90 ppm; the TCE
measured in the effluent was always less than 1 ppm. While the effluent chamber was not
designed to be gas tight (hydrogen evolving from the cathode must be vented) and loss of some
TCE in the effluent is possible, the agreement between the chloride mass balance and the TCE
removal suggests that the long-term performance of the iron/clay treatment zone is excellent.
To compare the longevity of these bench-scale experiments to what would be realized in the
field, it is best to consider how much water and TCE passed through the treatment zone. In
Experiment 2, 60 ml of pore liquid passed through each square centimeter of treatment zone.
This liquid carried 3.7 X 10-3 mmol of TCE though each square centimeter of treatment zone.
The iron loading in the 2.5 cm thick treatment zone was approximately 24 mmol/cm2. In the
field, the expected superficial velocity of the pore water is approximately 0.5 cm/day. On the
basis of water volume, Experiment 2 indicates that the treatment zone should perform well for at
least 120 days, with no sign of decrease in performance. On the basis of iron available for
dechlorination, in Experiment 2 there are 650 mol iron in the treatment per mol of TCE that
entered the zone. Depending on the chemical pathway of the TCE dechlorination, the
stoichiometric ratio of iron to TCE is 2 to 6 mol/mol. Thus there is a great excess of iron, based
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
on TCE mass. In fact, the oxidation of iron in water will most likely be the reaction limiting the
iron’s usefulness. The corrosion of iron in water in discussed below.
Cumulative mass (mmoles)
Chloride out
TCE input
0.0180 mmol/d
0.0067 mmol/d
Time (hr)
Figure H-6. Comparison of TCE input and chloride removed in Experiment 2.
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
TCE (mmoles)
TCE Input
TCE in Effluent
Time (h)
Figure H-7. Cumulative input and output of TCE in Experiment 2
Experiment 3. Paducah model
Based on laboratory tests and price and availability of materials, the treatment zone recipe for
Phase IIa was determined to be 29% Peerless fine iron, 35%Thiele kaolin, and 35% water (w/w).
The design thickness of the zone was 5 cm. The electrodes were specified to be a mixture of 50%
Peerless fine iron and 50% Loresco SWS coke. Once the treatment zone and electrodes
construction was specified, a laboratory test cell, Experiment 3, was assembled to model the
Phase IIa field test. The purpose of this test was to verify the long-term performance of the
materials used in the field in an accelerated experiment.
The cumulative effluent vs time for Experiment 3 is shown in Figure H-8. Twenty volts was
applied to the cell, and the length of the clay column was 13 cm. A very steady flow rate was
observed for the first 3,000 h. The apparent electro-osmotic permeability during this period was
6.6 X 10-6 cm2 V-1s-1. Over the next 3,000 h, the flow gradually decreased, so that between 5,000
h and 5,500 h the apparent permeability was 2.6 X 10-6 cm2 V-1s-1.
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
Effluent removed (ml)
Paducah model
Time (hrs)
Figure H-8. Cumulative effluent in Experiment 3, the Paducah model.
The comparison of TCE input and chloride collected at the purge reservoir is shown in Figure
H-9. As in the previous two experiments, there is excellent agreement between the moles of
chloride collected and the amount of chloride that enters the cell in the TCE molecules. The ratio
of 3.1 moles chloride per mole of TCE is within the expected 10% experimental uncertainty. This
result is very encouraging in terms of the long-term performance of the treatment zones and
electrodes used in Phase IIa. Also plotted in Figure H-9 is the volume of pore liquid that passed
through the treatment zone. Sixteen hundred L m-2 (160 ml cm-2) represents at least 320 days of
flow in the field, at the expected flow rate of 0.5 cm d-1. The amount of TCE entering the
treatment zone was approximately 0.12 mmol per square centimeter. Because the treatment zone
in Experiment 3 is twice as thick as those used in Experiments. 1 and 2, the iron loading per unit
cross sectional area is twice as much, or approximately 48 mmol cm-2. Thus, there are
approximately 400 moles of iron for each mole of TCE that entered the treatment zone. Given the
excellent chloride mass balance, this amount of iron appears sufficient for long-term performance.
It must be noted, however, that if the TCE in the pore water were at saturated levels, or
approximately 1,100 ppm, more iron would be expected to oxidize. Fortunately, the corrosion
rate of iron in water, as discussed below, should dominate the iron consumption, so that even a
ten-fold increase in TCE concentration would not be expected to significantly affect the overall
rate of iron consumption, and the treatment zone designed for Phase IIa should perform well for
long periods of time, even under saturated conditions.
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
Chloride out
Cumulative mass (mmoles)
TCE input
Volume through zone
29.5 micromoles/day
9.6 micromoles/day
Volume through treatment zone
Time (hr)
Figure H-9. Comparison of chloride removed and TCE input in Experiment 3, the Paducah model;
also plotted is the volume of pore liquid passed through the treatment zone.
Experiment 4. No iron zone I
Economic analysis of the Lasagna process has indicated that installation of the treatment
zones accounts for a major fraction of the overall cost. In addition, recent research has indicated
(Klausen et al.1995, Sivavec and Horney, 1995,1997) that naturally occurring minerals in contact
with ferrous ions can promote dechlorination of halogenated organics. These facts motivated
Experiment 4, which consisted of a column of soil from the Paducah site, and did not incorporate
an iron treatment zone. Iron was used as the anode and provided ferrous ions to the soil column
via the electrochemical reaction Fe0 à Fe+2 + e-. The ferrous ions generated at the anode
migrate into the soil under the influence of the electric field. The ferrous ions are adsorbed to the
soil minerals to some extent, and potentially form a reactive site for TCE dechlorination. The
objective of this experiment was to determine if dechlorination of TCE could be achieved by the
electrochemical introduction of ferrous ions into the soil.
The cumulative amount of effluent collected in this experiment is shown in Figure H-10. The
applied voltage was 20 V and the soil sample was 13 cm long. The initial electro-osmotic flow
was relatively high with an apparent electro-osmotic permeability of 4.5 X 10-6 cm2V-1s-1. After
approximately 1,000 h, the flow rate decreased to a stable rate that represented a permeability of
1.4 X 10-6 cm2V-1s-1.
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
Expt. 4-no iron zone
Cumulative effluent (ml)
Time (h)
Figure H-10. Effluent vs time for Experiment 4; no iron zone. One pore volume is approximately 101
A comparison of the TCE input and chloride removed for Experiment 4 is shown in Figure H11. After approximately 1,000 h, the rate of chloride removal and TCE input stabilized. At this
point the rate of chloride removal was 7.3 µmoles/d, compared to the TCE input rate of 2.9
µmoles/d. These results suggest that after an initial transient period, a steady-state performance
was achieved in which approximately 84% of the TCE entering the soil column was reduced.
While the chloride mass balance is encouraging, and suggests that native soil may be
converted into treatment zones for TCE, the mass balance does not indicate where in the soil
column the reduction took place. Extraction of the soil column after the experiment revealed a
uniform TCE distribution of approximately 6 to 8 ppm in the soil, as shown in Figure H-12. The
pore water is estimated to be 5 times higher than the soil concentration, based on negligible
adsorption, a soil density of 2.0 g cm-3, and a porosity of 40%. The pore water remaining in the
soil had approximately 30 % of the feed solution TCE concentration (nominally 100 ppm).
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
Cumulative mass (mmoles)
7.3 micromoles/day
2.9 micromoles/day
Chloride out
TCE input
Time (hr)
TCE concentration in clay
Figure H-11. Cumulative mass of TCE input and chloride removed in Experiment 4.
Soil TCE after Expt. 4
Position (cm)
Figure H-12. TCE distribution in soil column after Experiment 4.
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
Experiment 5. No iron zone II
Experiment 4 was repeated to verify the degree of dechlorination achieved without an iron
zone and to verify TCE distribution in the clay column at the end of the test. Because of the
possibility that the dechlorination observed as chloride in the purging liquid in Experiment 4 was
actually produced at the cathode instead of in the soil column, a modification was made to the
experimental apparatus. A cation exchange membrane was added between the clay sample and the
cathode reservoir to prevent chloride produced at the cathode from migrating back toward the
anode, where it would be removed with the purging liquid.
The cumulative amount of effluent collected in this experiment is shown in Figure H-13. The
applied voltage was 30 V and the soil sample was 12.7 cm long. The majority of the voltage
drop occurred in the electrode chambers. The effective electric field, as determine by the gradient
measured within the clay sample, was 0.21 V cm-1. After an initial period of no apparent flow, the
initial electro-osmotic permeability was approximately 3.5 X 10-6 cm2V-1s-1. This permeability
was constant for the remainder of the 4,000 h test.
Expt. 5-no iron zone
Cumulative effluent (ml)
Time (h)
Figure H-13. Effluent vs time for Expt. 5; no iron zone. One pore volume is approximately 99 ml.
A comparison of the TCE input and chloride removed for Experiment 5 is shown in Figure H14. After approximately 1,500 h, the rate of chloride removal and TCE input stabilized. At this
point the rate of chloride removal was 5.7 µmoles/d compared to the TCE input rate of 1.8
µmoles/d. These results suggest that after an initial transient period, a steady-state performance
was achieved in which 105% of the TCE entering the soil column was reduced. The accuracy of
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
these measurements is probably no better than +/- 10 %. This result is very encouraging for the
prospect of creating a reactive soil zone using an iron anode.
Cumulative mass (mmoles)
Chloride out
TCE input
5.7 µmoles/day
1.8 µmoles/day
Time (hr)
Figure H-14. Cumulative mass of TCE input and chloride removed in Expt. 5.
The distribution of TCE remaining in the soil is shown in Figure H-15. Two cores were taken
from the soil sample and sectioned into 3.2 cm lengths, providing duplicate samples to
characterize each location. The TCE was extracted from the samples by agitation in mixture of
water and hexane overnight. After allowing the hexane and water phases to separate, the hexane
was analyzed using GC/EC for TCE detection. In this experiment there is an apparent decrease in
TCE concentration as the pore water moves through the soil column. The reactivity, as
evidenced by the change in slope of the concentration distribution, appears to increase nearer the
cathode. This distribution suggests that the dechlorination was taking place within the soil, as
opposed to at the cathode. If the reaction were taking place at the cathode, the concentration
distribution would be nearly uniform in the soil column. It should be noted that the pore water is
not at the expected concentration of approximately 100 ppm. It is approximately 33 ppm at the
anode side of the column. It is therefore possible that a significant amount of TCE is lost in the
process of taking the cell apart and extracting the TCE. However, if we assume that the
efficiency of the coring and extraction process is the same for all samples, then the actual
distribution would have a similar shape to the one shown in Figure H-15, except the
concentrations would be approximately three-fold higher.
TCE concentration in clay
H. Life of Iron Treatment Zones (cont’d)
Distance from anode (cm)
Figure H-15. TCE distribution in soil column after Expt. 5.
Several experiments were conducted to evaluate the long-term performance of iron/kaolin
treatment zones in the Lasagna process. The results are very encouraging. In all cases, a mass
balance between TCE input into the cells and chloride ions removed showed essentially complete
dechlorination of the TCE to within approximately 10% experimental error. While the laboratory
tests mimicked field conditions, they were performed at room temperature. Previous tests
(Topical Report, Task 9, Phase I) have shown that elevated temperatures encountered in the field
would increase the dechlorination reaction rate, and therefore the laboratory results provide a
conservative estimate of what would happen in the field. The tests were run for enough time and
pore volumes to allow the conclusion that the iron/kaolin treatment zones installed in the Paducah
field test should last at least 320 days without signs of degrading performance. Calculations
indicate that for the pore water containing 100 ppm TCE, the treatment zones installed in
Paducah have approximately 100 times the iron required to last 320 days. Even if the pore water
were saturated with TCE (1,100 ppm), there would be enough iron to last several years.
Experiments conducted without iron treatment zones are very intriguing. When using iron as
an anode to electrochemically inject ferrous ions into the soil, dechlorination of 84% of the TCE
was determined by measuring chloride removed from the system. Because the ferrous ions move
faster than the pore water flow from electro-osmosis, it is possible to create reactive zones which
destroy most of the TCE in situ before it is convected to the cathode. The TCE that reaches the
cathode will be electrochemically reduced. This concept has the potential to greatly reduce to cost
of remediation by eliminating treatment zones.
I. Bipolar Electrode Effect
The bipolar electrode effect occurs in systems in which current is carried by both ions and
electrons. In the Lasagna process, iron metal in the treatment zone saturated with ground
water can behave as a bipolar electrode. The externally applied electric field acts on ions in the
pore water and electrons in the metal particles. Depending on the local electric field strength
acting on the iron surface, two possible scenarios occur: At low field strength, electrons form a
negative charge on the surface of the particle closest to the anode, and a complementary positive
charge develops on the surface closest to the cathode. These surface charges are balanced by a
charged double layer in the solution. The thickness of the double layer is on the order of 10 nm
and, if the voltage drop across the double layer is below the level required for electrochemical
reactions to occur (approximately 0.8 V for water), then no current flows through the iron
particle. If the applied electric field is increased, then the voltage drop across the double layer can
be higher than the electrochemical stability threshold. Under these conditions, Faraday reactions
will occur at each end of the metal particle. These electrochemical reactions transfer charge from
the ions in solution to electrons in the metal. The net effect of these reactions in aqueous systems
is that the side of the metal facing the anode behaves as a cathode, generating OH- by the
electrolysis of water. The other end of the metal behaves as an anode and will generate ferrous
ions under normal conditions. If the metal were more noble, electrolysis of water could occur on
the anode side generating H+. In a system comprised of a packed bed of iron particles, the
overall behavior is dependent on the interparticle contact because large particles will have a bigger
potential drop across the double layer than smaller particles in the same applied electric field.
Therefore experiments have been conducted to investigate the behavior of a packed bed of iron
particles in an electric field.
Experimental methods
The test cells were cylindrical glass columns (20 cm x 5 cm dia.) similar to those shown in
Figure H-1. Instead of loading the cell with clay, agar gel was used as the porous medium. The
advantage of agar is that it is transparent and highly porous (>98%). This enables pH-indicating
dyes to be used to monitor the development and propagation of pH fronts from the electrodes and
the iron treatment zones. No TCE was used in these experiments because its effect on the
electrochemistry of the iron water system should be negligible. Agar was mixed with 0.001 M
aqueous solution of sodium sulfate at a ratio of 1:50 by weight. The mixture was heated to
approximately 60°C to dissolve the agar, and the solution was poured in the glass columns to gel.
A feed solution containing pH-indicating dye was fed into a chamber at the anode side of the cell.
Electro-osmosis drove some of the feed solution toward the cathode. Enough feed solution was
supplied so that some would overflow the chamber so that nearly constant conditions could be
maintained in the chamber. The column end caps used to form the catholyte, anolyte, and purging
chambers were made from Teflon and sealed using silicone o-rings. Stainless steel rods 0.32 cm
in diameter were used to monitor the voltage distribution in the cell. The rods penetrated holes in
the glass column and reached the central axis of the column. The voltage probes were sealed at
the outside of the column with a gasket compressed by a modified hose clamp.
Experiments were conducted with and without an iron zone so that a comparison of the pH
profiles could be made. The observations in the experiments involving the bipolar electrode effect
were visual; however, comparisons of the pH front propagation speeds in experiments without a
I. Bipolar Electrode Effect (cont’d)
treatment zone compared well with computer modeling developed in Phase I. The comparison of
experiments and model calculation was presented in Topical Report for Tasks 2-4 for Phase I.
In addition to the agar experiments, one of the long term experiments with clay and an
iron/kaolin treatment zone was dissected to measure the pH distribution. This experiment, labeled
Experiment 3 (the Paducah model in Section 2.2) showed long-term excellent dechlorination
efficiency from the iron zone.
Results and Discussion
Photographs of the agar cells before and after application of voltage are shown in Figures I-1
through I-4. The pH-indicating dyes turn red at low pH and purple at high pH. Without an iron
zone in the cell, a single low pH front can be observed to propagate from the anode. This low pH
results from the production of H+ from water electrolysis at the platinum anode and subsequent
ionic migration of the acid toward the cathode. A high pH front is observed propagating from the
cathode where electrolysis of water produces OH-, which migrates toward the anode. These
fronts are clearly visible in Figure I-2.
Figure I-1. Photograph of agar experiment without iron zone. Anode is on the left and cathode on
the right.
I. Bipolar Electrode Effect (cont’d)
Figure I-2. Photograph of agar experiment without iron zone after application of 20 V for 1 h. Red
color indicates low pH and purple indicates high pH.
The experiment with the iron zone shows two high pH fronts developing in the cell (Figure I4). One emanates from the cathode as in the previous experiment. The other high pH front
emanates from the side of the treatment zone facing the anode. Thus, the electrochemical
reactions are induced on each side of the treatment zone by the applied field. The reason a low
pH front is not visible on the cathode side of the treatment zone is that instead of electrolysis of
water, which occurs at the anode and produces H+, corrosion of the iron releases Fe+2 ions into
solution. The ferrous ions migrate to the cathode; however, they do not cause a large enough pH
change to alter the dye color.
These experiments clearly show the presence of electrochemical reactions induced in the
treatment zone material by an applied electric field. While the effect of these reactions on the
dechlorination of TCE was not studied in these experiments, it has been demonstrated by
Monsanto that dechlorination does occur at cathodes. Therefore it is plausible that the bipolar
electrode effect may enhance the dechlorination rate of the iron.
I. Bipolar Electrode Effect (
Figure I-3. Photograph of agar experiment with iron zone. Anode is on the left and cathode on the
Figure I-4. Photograph of agar experiment with iron zone after application of 20 V for 1 h.
(Red color indicates low pH and purple indicates high pH. Purple color emanating for left side on
iron zone indicates electrochemical generation of OH- via the bipolar electrode effect. Dissolution
of ferrous ions on the right side of the iron zone do not alter the pH or color of the agar.)
The final experiment investigating the bipolar electrode effect addressed the iron/clay
treatment zone used in long-term Experiment 3, reported above in Section H. In this experiment
the pH distribution in the column was measured after approximately 8,000 h of operation, during
which the treatment zone dechlorinated the input TCE with high effectiveness. This pH
distribution is shown in Figure I-4. This experiment with an actual iron/clay treatment zone was
operated for 1 year in contact with soil from the Paducah field site shows that the bipolar
electrode effect does not significantly affect the pH near the treatment zone. The reason is that
I. Bipolar Electrode Effect (cont’d)
the pH buffering capacity of the soil effectively neutralizes the pH fronts that emanate from the
electrodes as well as those that originate at the iron zone edges. It should be noted, however, the
data presented in Figure I-5 do not suggest that electrochemical reactions are not occurring at the
treatment zone edges. The data simply indicate that any such reactions have negligible effect on
the soil pH.
Soil pH
Iron zone
Distance from anode (cm)
Figure I-5. pH distribution in Experiment 3 form Section 2.2 after 8,000 h of operation. Anode
chamber was to the left, cathode to the right.
J. Movement of DNAPLs in Electric Fields
In many potential applications of the Lasagna process, there is a high likelihood of TCE
existing as a Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) in the soil at some sites. Monitoring of
the water well TCE concentrations and carbon cassettes in Phase IIa indicated the presence of
DNAPL at the Paducah site. Several experiments were conducted to investigate the mobility of
non-aqueous phase TCE in an electric field.
Experimental methods
The experiments presented in this section were conducted in columns similar to those used in
the long-term experiment in section H. Experiments 1through 5 were presented in that section.
In this section, Experiments. 6 through 9 are presented. Experiments 6 through 8 examined the
migration of non-aqueous phase TCE in saturated clay without the presence of an iron treatment
zone; Experiment 9 examined the migration of non-aqueous phase TCE in a saturated clay column
with an iron treatment zone. Experiment 6 used a glass tube with an internal diameter of 5/16 in.
(0.80 cm) and Experiments 7 and 8 used a glass tube with an internal diameter of 0.5 in. (1.3
cm) for a column. In both experiments the columns were packed with a mixture of Thiele kaolin
and 0.001 M Na2S04 in water (60:40 weight ratio). Flexible tubing connected to the ends of the
glass tube were bent to form a 90° curve, in effect creating a U-tube geometry for the cells. The
flexible tubing functioned as the electrode chambers, and gas generated from the electrolysis of
water could bubble out the top. Platinum wires were used as electrodes. The flow rate was
determined every day by the changes in liquid levels in both branches of the U-tube. Good
agreement between the changes in liquid levels of the anode and cathode chambers indicated the
water loss via evaporation and electrolysis was negligible.
In Experiment 6, a small batch of the kaolin mixture was combined with neat TCE to form a
mixture with a TCE concentration of 3,500 ppm. Neglecting TCE adsorption to the clay, the
pore space should have approximately a five-fold higher concentration than the soil as a whole.
Therefore the expected pore water concentration was approximately 1.8% TCE, or well above
the saturation level of 1,100 ppm. A hydrophobic dye, Sudan IV, was added to the TCEcontaining mixture to create pale purple coloring of the clay. The purpose of the dye was to
enable detection of the motion of the neat TCE phase through the clay. The glass tube was first
packed with a 7.3-cm section of the TCE-free kaolin mixture; 5.7 cm of the TCE/kaolin mixture
was then packed adjacent to the first section. Finally 7.0 cm of the TCE-free kaolin mixture was
packed adjacent to the TCE-containing section, thus making a column of clay in which the TCEcontaining section was surrounded by sections of clay devoid of TCE. Ten volts was applied to
the column for 7 days. The apparent electro-osmotic permeability was 1.7 X 10-5 cm2 V-1s-1. Over
the 7-day period, the pore liquid moved 13 cm through the clay.
Experiments 7 and 8 were essentially repeats of Experiment 6 with modifications made to
limit potential losses of TCE. In this experiment a larger diameter glass tube was used for the
column. The 1.3-cm diameter tube was 15.2 cm long and had a port attached to the side to
permit injection of neat TCE into the packed clay column. A diagram of this column is shown in
Figure J-1. No dye was used in this experiment. In Experiment 7, a column of kaolin clay (40%
water by weight) 15 cm long was loaded in the apparatus. Electro-osmosis was driven with an
applied voltage of 20 V for 3 days with no TCE in the system. On the third day, 22.6 µL (33
J. Movement of DNAPLs in Electric Fields (cont’d)
mg) of TCE was injected into the port on the column, and the applied voltage was reduced to 10
V. For comparison, this amount of TCE, if distributed uniformly through a 2.5-cm section of
clay, would yield a concentration of 5,000 ppm based on wet clay weight, over 20 times
saturation levels.
In Experiment 8, a 15-cm long column of kaolin clay (40% water by weight) was loaded into
the apparatus shown in Figure J-1. Ten volts was applied to the platinum electrodes for 3 days
before 20 µL (29 mg) of TCE was injected into the side port on the column.
Platinum wire cathode
Platinum wire anode
Teflon valve for injecting TCE
Tapered ground glass fitting
Figure J-1. Schematic of apparatus used in Experiment 7 and 8.
In Experiment 9, the performance of iron treatment zones was investigated with nonaqueous phase TCE. The construction of the test cell is shown in Figure J-2. A 5.0-cm diameter
glass column was used for this experiment. Thiele kaolin and 0.001 M Na2S04 in water (60:40
weight ratio) was loaded into the cathode end of the column to form a 3.5-cm section of clean
clay. Adjacent to this clean region on the anode side was the 3.5-cm thick iron/kaolin zone
comprised of 20% (wt) Peerless fine iron and 80% of the Thiele kaolin/water mixture. Another
clean kaolin region (3.2-cm thick) was packed on the anode side of the iron treatment zone. Two
filter papers were placed on the anode side of this region. After these filter papers were
emplaced, the column was put in a walk-in refrigerator at 4°C for 16 h. In the refrigerator 1.1 g
of TCE was added to the filter papers before a final layer of clean kaolin, 3.8-cm thick, was
placed on the anode side of the filter papers. Carborundum porous stones lined with filter paper
were used to confine the column. An apparatus similar to that shown in Figure H-1 was used to
conduct Experiment 9.
Filter paper saturated with TCE
Iron/kaolin treatment zone
3.8 cm
Porous frits
3.2 cm
3.5 cm
3.5 cm
Clean kaolin
Figure J-2. Schematic of construction of column for Experiment 9.
J. Movement of DNAPLs in Electric Fields (cont’d)
In Experiments 6 and 9, the initial TCE distribution was established in the construction of the
test cell. In Experiments 7 and 8, the initial TCE distribution was determined by injecting a spike
of TCE into the middle region of the column. The final TCE distributions were determined, in all
cases, by extruding the clay column from the glass tube, sectioning the clay into 2- to 3-cm thick
regions, and extracting the TCE in a hexane/water (50:50 by volume) mixture. The ratio of
extracting phase to clay weight was approximately 10:1. TCE was measured in the hexane phase
using headspace analysis via GC/MS.
Experiment 6. Non-aqueous phase TCE in clay column
The before and after distributions of TCE in Experiment 6 are shown in Figure J-3. The total
length of the column was 20 cm. The middle 5.7 cm was spiked with TCE to a concentration of
3,500 ppm. After application of 10 V for 1 week, the pore water moved 13 cm through the clay
column. The clay was then sectioned into 2.5-cm regions for extraction of TCE. Based on the
distribution shown in Figure J-3, the mean displacement of the TCE was 2.5 cm, or approximately
19% the displacement of the pore water. Clearly some dissolution took place as some to the TCE
was detected in the cathode region. The concentration above which non-aqueous phase TCE is
expected is approximately 220 ppm. Thus it appears that some of the non-aqueous phase TCE
moved approximately 5.0 cm, or 38% as fast as the pore water. Diffusion can account for some
dispersion of the TCE profile. Estimating the diffusion length as (Dt)1/2 and using 10-6 cm2 s-1 for
the diffusivity of TCE in clay, diffusion can be expected to move the dissolved TCE
approximately 1 cm in one week. Thus molecular diffusion cannot explain the migration of the
TCE. In addition, the biasing of the concentration profile in the direction of flow indicated
convection of non-aqueous phase TCE. Unfortunately, in this experiment only 13% of the initial
TCE is accounted for in the final distribution. Possible sources of error include volatilization of
TCE during mixing of the TCE-spiked clay and during loading and sectioning of the clay column.
Up to 14% of the TCE may have been removed from electro-osmotic convection of saturated
core liquid.
y dyed
y dyed
TCE conc. in ppm
TCE concentration vs. Section
Figure J-3. Comparison of TCE distribution before and after electro-osmosis. Flow was toward the
cathode, and each section is 2.5 cm wide.
Experiment 7. TCE spike added to clay column I
J. Movement of DNAPLs in Electric Fields (cont’d)
Because of the relatively poor mass balance of TCE measured in Experiment 6, a different
apparatus, shown in Figure J-1, was used in an attempt to decrease potential losses of TCE to
volatilization. The electro-osmotic flow for this experiment is shown in Figure J-4.
Pore volumes removed
10 V
20 V
Elapsed time (h)
Figure J-4. Pore volumes removed in Experiment 7. 33 mg of TCE injected at 90 h.
In Figure J-5, the distribution of TCE after the experiment is compared to the initial spike of
TCE added to the clay column. For plotting purposes, the initial TCE spike was assumed the be
uniformly distributed in a 2.5-cm length of the clay column. After the TCE spike at 90 h, 4.3 pore
volumes of flow passed through the cell. Based on the analysis of the TCE remaining in the clay,
92% of the TCE was removed. If the TCE were dissolved uniformly in the pore volumes, the
concentration would have been 922 ppm, which is near the solubility limit of TCE in water (1,100
J. Movement of DNAPLs in Electric Fields (cont’d)
Average TCE concentration
Initial TCE distribution
Final distribution
Distance from anode (cm)
Figure J-5. TCE distribution before and after electro-osmotic purging in Experiment 7. Final TCE
remaining in clay accounted for 8% of initial spiked amount.
Experiment 8. TCE spike added to clay column II
To confirm the excellent removal of TCE in its non-aqueous phase state, Experiment 8 was
conducted as a repeat of Experiment 7. The electro-osmotic flow for this experiment is shown in
Figure J-6.
Pore volumes removed
10 V applied across 15 cm column
Elapsed time (h)
Figure J-6. Pore volumes removed in Experiment 8. 29 mg of TCE injected at 76 h.
In Figure J-7, the distribution of TCE after the experiment is compared to the initial spike of
TCE added to clay column. As before for plotting purposes, the initial TCE spike was assumed
J. Movement of DNAPLs in Electric Fields (cont’d)
to be uniformly distributed in a 2.5-cm length of the clay column. After the TCE spike at 76 h, 8
pore volumes of flow passed through the cell. Based on the analysis of the TCE remaining in the
clay, 99% of the TCE was removed. If the TCE were dissolved uniformly in the 8 pore volumes,
the concentration would have been 447 ppm. Comparison of Experiments 7 and 8 shows that the
additional 4 pore volumes of purging in Experiment 8 reduced the residual TCE to less than 10
ppm. The TCE remaining in the clay in Experiment 7 was an average of 65 ppm. These
experiments clearly indicate the effectiveness of electro-osmosis in sweeping high concentrations
of TCE out of clay.
Average TCE concentration
Final distribution
Initial TCE distribution
Distance from anode (cm)
Figure J-7. TCE distribution before and after electro-osmotic purging. Final TCE remaining in clay
accounted for 1% of initial spiked amount.
Experiment 9. Saturated TCE with iron zone
The flow rate from electro-osmosis was not consistent in Experiment 9 and caused the test to
be terminated after 800 h. The cumulative effluent and current for the experiment is shown in
Figure J-8. For the first 80 h, there was a typical flow from anode to cathode. The apparent
flow rate dropped for the next 300 h. After 400 h the flow appeared to be going toward the
anode. However these flow rate measurements are based on measured volumes of catholyte. It is
possible that an undetected leak occurred at the cathode end, resulting in loss of catholyte and
erroneous effluent measurements. When the cell was dismantled, a crack in the glass column was
observed consistent with the possibility of loss of catholyte. Twenty volts was applied across the
14-cm sample for a average field of 1.4 Vcm-1. If we assume the electro-osmotic permeability was
5.0 10-6 cm2/V/s, typical for these experiments, then the superficial velocity was approximately 0.6
cm d-1. This is in good agreement with the measured flow in the first 100 h of the experiment. It
seems reasonable that the leak at the cathode occurred at approximately this time.
The cell was divided into sections after chilling to 4°C, and hexane extraction of TCE was
performed. The final distribution of TCE is compared to the initial distribution in Figure J-9. It is
clear from this distribution that there was migration of non-aqueous phase TCE toward the
cathode. It is also apparent that no significant concentration of TCE was measured on the
cathode side of the iron treatment zone. The concentration of TCE was 264 ppm in the section
J. Movement of DNAPLs in Electric Fields (cont’d)
from 3 to 5.5 cm, and 1,180 ppm in the section from 5.5 to 8.5 cm. These high levels are
indicative of non-aqueous phase TCE in these regions. The TCE measured in the column after
the experiment accounted for 17% of the initial TCE.
Time (h)
Figure J-8. Cumulative effluent and current in Experiment 9.
Current (ma)
Cumulative effluent (ml)
The chloride collected in the purge overflow and the anolyte and purge chambers at the end of
the test, as shown in Figure J-10, accounted for 76% of the chloride added in the TCE spike.
Thus, a total of 93% of the TCE spike was accounted for in either the form of TCE remaining in
the clay or chloride collected at the anode region. These results are very encouraging for the
application of the Lasagna process to soils in which non aqueous phase TCE is present. If we
assume that the non aqueous phase TCE traveled an average of 5 cm to the middle of the iron
zone during the 800 h test, then the TCE was convected at a rate of approximately 10% of the
electro-osmotic flow.
J. Movement of DNAPLs in Electric Fields (cont’d)
TCE concentration (ppm)
Initial distribution
Final distrbution
Iron zone
Position (cm)
Chloride removed (mmole)
Figure J-9. TCE distribution before and after electro-osmosis.
(Horizontal bars indicate width of section. Anode chamber is at x = 0 cm and cathode is at x = 14
cm. Flow is from left to right. Location of iron zone is indicated by rectangle at 7.5 to 11.0 cm.)
Elapsed time (h)
Figure J-10. Removal of chloride of cell in Experiment 8. Initial spike of TCE was 8.4 mmoles, or 25
mmoles of chloride. Nineteen mmoles of chloride was accounted for at the end of the test.
Experiments conducted on cells containing TCE at concentrations above saturation in water
indicate that non-aqueous phase TCE does move toward the cathode. The mechanism for this
motion is not known. It is not likely electro-osmosis can generate pressure gradients sufficient to
push region of DNAPL through the clay matrix. A possible mechanism is that the clay is hydrated
with several layers of water molecules and the DNAPL is surrounded by this hydration water. If
J. Movement of DNAPLs in Electric Fields (cont’d)
there is enough water on the clay, it is plausible that the applied electric field could cause
convection within the water layer which in turn drags the interstitial TCE along. While the
present work cannot elucidate on the actual mechanism, it does show the TCE in all four
experiments was either removed completely or at least transported toward the cathode. In
Experiments 7 and 8 it is possible that dissolution and convection of saturated TCE/water was the
mechanism of transport. In Experiments 6 and 9 it appears that TCE was transported by direct
convection of DNAPL at a rate of approximately 1/6 to 1/10 of the electro-osmotic flow. If we
extend these results to field conditions in which non-aqueous phase TCE exists, it appears that
approximately 10 pore volumes of electro-osmosis is required to move one pore volume of
DNAPL. If we allow two additional pore volumes of purging after the DNAPL is removed, then
an upper limit of 12 pore volumes is required in soils containing non-aqueous phase TCE.
K. Modeling Phase IIa Pilot Test
The thermal model developed in Phase I was used to predict the thermal behavior and to
suggest operating conditions for phases IIa and IIb. A brief description of the model formulation
is provided below. The model was described in more detail in the Phase I Topical Report for
Tasks 2-4.
The coupled equations describing the electric and temperature fields are
Charge conservation: ∇ ⋅ σ (T )∇φ = 0
Combined electroosmotic and hydraulic flow
k (T )
k (T )
through porous media: u = − e
∇φ − h
Energy conservation:
k 2
ρ c
σ(T )
∇ T − nu w w ⋅∇T +
∂t ρc
Eq. 13
where φ is the electric potential, σ the electrical conductivity, T the soil temperature, ρ the soil
density, c the specific heat of the soil, ρw the pore water density, cw the pore water specific heat,
n the soil porosity, k the thermal conductivity, and u the pore fluid velocity. Eq. 11 makes several
simplifying assumptions regarding charge transport in the soil. First, there are no capacitive
effects, which should be the case with a DC electric field. Second, charge is transferred
predominantly by ionic migration, so that convection in the charged double layer at the soil
particle/pore liquid interface and current carried by diffusion of ions is negligible. And third, the
electrical conductivity, to first order, is a function of temperature only.
Because both fluid viscosity and electrical conductivity are very sensitive to temperature, their
temperature dependence has been incorporated in this model. The viscosity dependence is
reflected by the electro-osmotic permeability, ke, which varies inversely with viscosity, according
to the Helmholtz-Smoluchowski equation. That is, the effects of temperature on the zeta
potential, dielectric constant, and solubility of species are ignored. The following expression was
used to relate the temperature dependence of the electro-osmotic permeability to the fluid (water)
k e (T )
µ (T )
(T − 20° C) + 0.001053(T − 20° C) 2
Eq. 14
log 10
= − log
(T − 20° C) + 125
µ (20° C)
k e (20° C)
Laboratory experiments determined that the temperature dependence of soil electrical
conductivity can also be expressed as a function of fluid viscosity. This was expressed as
K. Modeling of Phase IIa Pilot Test (cont’d)
σ (T ) = σ (20° C)
µ (20° C)
µ (T )
Eq. 15
Two-dimensional geometries are used in this analysis. The two-dimensional representation
ignores the width of the site and, in effect, assumes the electrodes are infinitely long. Corrections
are made to the calculated current and power in order to approximate the third dimension. For
Phase IIa, the treated area has two 30 foot wide electrode rows, spaced 20 feet apart. The
electrodes extend 45 feet deep. In phase IIb, there are four rows of 60 foot wide electrodes
spaced 35 feet apart. The electrodes in IIb also are 45 feet deep. The thermal boundary
conditions are constant temperature of 15°C at the soil surface and at the domain bottom where
groundwater flow is assumed to maintain a constant temperature. The electrical boundary
conditions are φ(cathode)=0 and for constant applied voltage φ(anode)=φ0. For constant current
simulations, the anode boundary condition is ∫ idA = I0 . The parameters used in the example
anode edge
computer simulation are given in Table K-1. Parameters related to soil properties, with the
exception of thermal conductivity, were determined from laboratory tests conducted by
Monsanto. The soil thermal conductivity was the only property chosen to yield good agreement
between the model and pilot test data. The good agreement between model prediction and
measurements made in the Phase I pilot test serves to validate the model and parameter values.
Table K-1. Model Parameters
Porosity, n
Thermal conductivity, k
Electrical conductivity, σ0(20°C)
1 W m-1 K-1
0.024 S m-1
Pore fluid viscosity, µ(20°C)
0.001 kg m-1 s-1
Soil density, ρ
1970 kg m-3
Soil heat capacity, c
1870 J kg-1 K-1
1000 kg m-3
Water density, ρw
Water heat capacity, cw
Electro-osmotic permeability, ke(20°C)
4180 J kg-1 K-1
1·10-9 m2 V-1 s-1
Phase IIa
The results of the model predictions for Phase IIa are summarized Figures K-1 - 37. In Figure
K-1, the maximum temperature occurring in the core of the treated soil is plotted vs. time. A
constant current of 192 A was applied to the electrodes. This current was chosen to prevent
overheating of the soil while also achieving approximately 1 pore volume of electro-osmotic
purging in 90 days when the treatment zone spacing is 2 feet. The pore volumes of electroosmosis passing through the 2-foot spaced treatment zones is plotted in Figure K-2. The constant
flow rate, as indicated by the uniform slope of pore volumes vs. time, represents the cancellation
of two effects. As the temperature rises from Joule heating, the fluid viscosity decreases and
therefore the electro-osmotic permeability increases. However, with increasing temperature, the
electrical conductivity increases, causing the electric field to decrease, given the constant current
K. Modeling of Phase IIa Pilot Test (cont’d)
boundary condition. The applied voltage, shown in Figure K-3, decreases from an initial value
207 V to 121 V after 100 days. The power, which is the product of the current and applied
voltage, starts out at 39.8 kW and drops to 23.5 kW after 100 days.
It is likely that in a full-scale application it may be advantageous to operate at current densities
that cannot be sustained because of overheating of the soil. These simulations show that 192 A
will lead to temperatures of approximately 85°C after 200 days. The effect of reducing the current
by 33% at 100 days is also shown in Figures J-10 and K-1 and K-2. The maximum temperature
stays fairly constant with the lower current density, rising only approximately 5°C in 100 days.
Since the flow rate is proportional to the electric field, which is in turn proportional to the applied
current, the time required for the second pore volume increases by 33%. The applied voltage is
also nearly constant after the current reduction because the voltage is a direct function of the
temperature field. The power after the current reduction is significantly reduced to approximately
10 kW.
Maximum temperature (°C)
Constant current 192 A
Current reduced to 129 A
Time (day)
Figure K-1. Temperature predicted in Phase IIa operating at 192 and 129 A.
K. Modeling of Phase IIa Pilot Test (cont’d)
Pore volumes (2 ft spacing)
Constant current 192 A
Current reduced to 129 A
Time (day)
Figure K-2. Pore volumes removed in Phase IIa at 192 and 129 A.
Applied voltage (V)
Constant current 192 A
Current reduced to 129 A
Time (day)
Figure K-3. Voltage response in Phase IIa when operated at a constant current of 192 and 129 A.
The temperature distribution for the Phase IIa simulation of 192 A for 100 days is shown in
Figure K-4. The parameters in the figure are nondimensionalized. The maximum temperature is
64°C, and each contour line represents a 5.7°C difference. The thermal boundary conditions are
25 °C at the surface and 7.2°C at 90 ft. There is negligible heating in the top 4 ft of soil. It is
assumed that this is because the top 4 ft is a zone of unsaturated sand and gravel.
K. Modeling of Phase IIa Pilot Test (cont’d)
Figure K-4. Temperature distribution after 100 days.
(The parameters in the figure are nondimensionalized. Each contour line represents a 5.7°°C
difference and the maximum temperature is 64°C. The positions of the electrodes are indicated
by the bold vertical lines; the anode is on the left. The length scale is normalized by the electrode
spacing of 21 ft.)
A comparison of the model predictions with the field test measurements is shown in Figure K5. The comparison is made at the centerline of the site, and good agreement is apparent at the
depths of 5, 25, and 50 ft. It should be pointed out that the current applied in the early stages of
the field tests ranged from 122 A to 162 A for the first 50 days. However, during this time there
was a significant AC component to the applied field because of a mismatch in generator and
rectifier voltages. The AC component heats the soil just as the DC component does, so modeling
the first 50 days with 192 A is not unreasonable. The agreement between model and experiment
after 50 days, when the field and model conditions were the same, validates the assumptions made
in the model. The agreement between the model and experiment is also very good when the
horizontal temperature distributions are compared. Figure K-6 shows a plot of the temperature at
25 ft after 100 days of operation.
K. Modeling of Phase IIa Pilot Test (cont’d)
Current reduced from 194 A to 129 A at 100 days
Tsurface=25°C; T(90')=7.2°C
Dotted lines are constant 194 A
Temperature (°C)
Time (days)
Figure K-5. Comparison of model prediction to field test data at 5, 25, 45, and 50 ft depths.
K. Modeling of Phase IIa Pilot Test (cont’d)
Temperature Distribution at 25 ft-Model and Field data
Temperature (°C)
Model prediction
Field data
Position (ft)
Figure K-6. Comparison of measured and predicted temperature profile in Phase IIa at 25 ft depth
after 100 days.
Phase IIb
The results of the model simulation for Phase IIb are summarized in Figures K-6 through K-8.
The simulation shows an initial current of 1,045 A for 137 days, followed by a current of 700 A
for the next 400 days. The applied currents were chosen to achieve 2 pore volumes of purging
through 7-foot spaced treatment zones in approximately 1.5 years. It is apparent in Figure K-7
that the temperature will exceed 100°C after approximately 200 days if the current is maintained
at 1,045 A. Reducing the current by 33 % after 137 days allows the system to operate an
additional 300 days before boiling occurs in the hot region. The maximum voltage applied
between adjacent electrodes is 388 V at the start of the remediation. By 137 days, the voltage is
reduced to 171 V as a result of the increase in electrical conductivity due to heating. The voltage
is then reduced to 114 V to reduce the current density.
K. Modeling of Phase IIa Pilot Test (cont’d)
Maximum temperature (C)
1045 A
700 A
Time (day)
Pore volumes (7 ft spacing)
Figure K-7. Maximum temperature vs. time predicted for Phase IIb operating at 1,045 and 700 A.
1045 A
700 A
Time (day)
Figure K-8. Pore volumes removed for Phase IIb with treatment zones spaced at 7 ft intervals.
K. Modeling of Phase IIa Pilot Test (cont’d)
Applied voltage (V)
1045 A
700 A
Time (day)
Figure K-9. Voltage response to constant current operation of Phase IIb.
The temperature distribution for the Phase IIb simulation of 1,045 A for 137 days is shown in
Figure K-10. The parameters in the figure are nondimensionalized. The maximum temperature is
82°C, and each contour line represents a 7.5°C difference. The thermal boundary conditions are
25°C at the surface and 7.2°C at 90 ft.
K. Modeling of Phase IIa Pilot Test (cont’d)
Figure K-10. Temperature field generated in Phase IIb after 137 days.
(The parameters in the figure are nondimensionalized. Each contour line represents a 7.5°°C
difference and the maximum temperature is 82°C. The positions of the electrodes are indicated by
the bold vertical lines; the leftmost electrode is an anode and the polarity of adjacent electrodes is
opposite. The length scale is normalized by the electrode spacing of 35 ft.)
Streamlines marking the extent of electro-osmotic flow are shown in Figure K-11. The
streamlines emanate from treatment zones adjacent to the electrodes and indicate the trajectory of
the flow for the initial 137 days of the simulation. The horizontal dashes below the streamlines
indicate the 7-ft spacing between treatment zones. As indicated in Figure K-8, approximately 0.6
pore volume have been passed between treatment zones at this point.
K. Modeling of Phase IIa Pilot Test (cont’d)
Figure K-11. Streamlines in Phase IIb.
(Streamline paths are calculated 137 days of operation at 1,045 A. The vertical lines represent
electrode position, and the horizontal dashes represent treatment zone spacing of 7 ft. Streamlines
emanate from treatment zones adjacent to anodes.)
Topical Report for Tasks No. 2-4, DOE Contract Number:DE-AR21-94MC31185, 1996
Topical Report for Task No. 9, DOE Contract Number:DE-AR21-94MC31185, 1996
Reardon (ES&T ’95, 29, 2936-2945)
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research
Hydrogen Evolution: Implications to Iron Selection
Permeable reactive barriers have been shown to be a cost-effective alternative to pumpand-treat systems in capturing and degrading contaminants in medium- to high-permeability
soils and aquifer. To date, greater than one dozen pilot- or full-scale installations employing
granular iron have been installed in the field.
The application of granular, zero-valent iron in low permeability soils, however, poses
additional challenges. For example, as iron corrodes in aqueous systems, hydrogen gas is
released via the reaction shown in Eq. 16. If the hydrogen production is slow enough, the
gas will remain dissolved in the pore water and will be convected away by electro-osmosis.
If the hydrogen production is fast and/or the solubility of the gas decreases because of
temperature effects, hydrogen bubbles may form and become trapped in the treatment zone.
Laboratory experiments conducted at GE in test cells showed that if hydrogen is trapped in
the granular iron treatment zone, electro-osmotic flow can be adversely affected.
Electrochemical reactions occurring at the anode are predicted to alter the pH and will also
affect the reductive dissolution rate of the iron metal. Fortunately, there is no explosion
hazard for hydrogen, as the hydrogen concentrations predicted in iron/clay treatment zones
are several orders of magnitude below the explosion limit for hydrogen.
Fe0 + 2H2O à Fe2+ + H2 + 2OH-
Eq. 16
Concurrent with studies to more closely evaluate the effect of trapped hydrogen on
electro-osmotic flow, a study was undertaken to evaluate hydrogen evolution rates of
commercial, low-cost granular iron in aqueous and aqueous-clay suspensions. A slower
corrosion rate in a particular iron-water system would also mean a slower degradation rate
for the chlorinated solvent, as the latter reaction is also corrosion-mediated (Eq. 17)
However, if hydrogen evolution in the treatment zone seriously compromised electroosmotic flow, the selection of a more corrosion-resistant iron material could be necessary.
An average hydrogen generation rate of approximately 0.5 mmol/kg iron/day was
anticipated, based on previous reports (Reardon, 1995).
Fe0 + RCl + H2O -> Fe2+ + RH + Cl- + OH-
Eq. 17
A selection of different mesh sizes of granular iron supplied by Peerless Metal Powders
and Abrasive and Connelly-GPM, and micropowder iron from ISP (grade S-3700) were
reacted in batch mode with deionized water over a period of 4 weeks. Hydrogen evolution
was monitored using a GC-MS technique. Generalized results are summarized in Table L-1.
As expected, the higher surface area iron afforded faster rates of hydrogen evolution. The
addition of kaolin clay to the granular iron, while buffering the aqueous phase to some
degree, did not appreciably affect the hydrogen evolution rate.
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research (cont’d)
Table L-1. Comparison of hydrogen evolution rates measured in batch reactors. Reactors contained
25 g iron/75 mL deionized water or 25 g iron/50 g kaolin clay/25 mL deionized water, as specified.
Iron source
Iron surface
Hydrogen evolution
area, m2/g
Peerless -50 mesh to dust
Peerless -20 mesh to dust
Peerless -8+50 mesh to
Connelly GPM, -6+16 mesh
ISP micropowder iron
Peerless -20 mesh to dust
Reductive Dechlorination of Solvents by Iron(II) Mineral
Fe(II) complexed to organic ligands and Fe(II) bound to O2- in solid phases or as
hydroxo complexes are also stronger reductants relative to Fe(II) itself. Fe(II) complexes
and Fe(II) minerals, therefore, may also participate in the reduction of alkyl chlorides, as in
Eqs. 18 and 19.
2Fe2+(complex) + RCl + H+ -> 2Fe3+(complex) + RH + Cl-
Eq. 18
2Fe2+(solid phase) + RCl + H+ -> 2Fe3+(solid phase) + RH + Cl-
Eq. 16
Recently, we have proposed that the reduction of chlorinated hydrocarbons by iron
metal occurs by a reaction of surface-bound Fe(II) at the iron metal-water interface (Sivavec
and Horney, 1995). The surface-bound Fe(II) species at the passive oxide-water interface
most likely serves as mediator for the transfer of electrons from Fe0 to adsorbed chlorinated
hydrocarbon. The mediation of redox reactions by Fe(II)/Fe(III) in natural environments is
also attributed to the role of this accelerated pathway for electron transfer (Figure F-1).
Such redox reactions are responsible for reduction of metal ions and organic compounds in
the environment and may be classified as natural attenuation processes.
Recent studies have shown, for example, that surface-bound, reduced-iron species play
the important role of electron transfer mediator in reductions promoted by iron-reducing
bacteria (Heijman et al. 1995) and iron hydroxide surfaces to which Fe(II) has been
adsorbed (Klausen et al. 1995).
The high specific surface areas of iron-bearing minerals [Fe(II,III)] hydroxides, iron
sulfides, Fe(II)-silicates) and the reduced redox potential of a surface-bound Fe(II) species
relative to aqueous Fe(II) often facilitate transformations of reducible organic substances in
natural systems. Surface-bound Fe(II) species may serve as mediators in the transfer of
electrons from a bulk reductant to reducible chlorinated compounds (Figure L-1).
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research (cont’d)
chlorinated organic
aqueous phase
Fe (II)
bulk reductant
Fe (III)
mineral or
metal phase
oxidized bulk reductant
e.g., Fe , inorganic/organic
reductants, iron-reducing bacteria
Figure L-1. General reaction scheme for chlorinated solvent reduction at Fe(II) sites.
Recently, it has been postulated that the reduction of chlorinated hydrocarbons by zerovalent iron may occur by a reaction of surface-bound Fe(II) at the iron metal-water interface
(Sivavec and Horney, 1995; Klausen et al. 1995. Surface characterization of granular iron
and kinetic studies further suggest that grain-scale diffusion of the chlorocarbon through the
oxide film to the reactive Fe(II) site may explain mass transport effects commonly observed
in batch and column systems (Burris et al. 1995).
Fast reduction rates for chlorinated hydrocarbons observed in the zero-valent iron
system may be attributed to the facile regeneration of reducing surface Fe(II) species due to
the proximity of the bulk reductant (Fe0) to the electron carrier, surface-bound Fe(II). A
reduction mechanism mediated by Fe(II)/Fe(III) may be considered a refinement of a direct
electron-transfer mechanism. It takes into account that iron metal surfaces are protected by
a passive film of iron oxide and that the interface between the aqueous alkyl halide and the
iron metal surface is this passive oxide. Fe0 remains the bulk reductant and Fe(II)/Fe(III)
serves as the electron transfer mediator.
Our interest in understanding the interaction of chlorinated solvents within iron oxide
films at iron metal surfaces has led us to investigate the redox properties of a number of
Fe(II) and Fe(II,III) minerals including magnetite (Fe3O4) and troilite (FeS). The redox
properties of magnetite, a mixed oxide, are of particular interest in that the passive film at
iron metal surfaces consists of an inner layer of magnetite (and an outer layer of maghemite,
γ-Fe2O3). In addition, reductive transformations mediated by magnetite surfaces may
contribute to natural attenuation processes controlling the fate of pollutants in soils,
sediments, and aquifer materials.
Reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes such as TCE, DCE, and VC promoted
by magnetite and troilite was previously studied in batch and column systems. First-order
rate constants for TCE, normalized to mineral surface areas, are given in Table L-2. When
normalized to surface area, specific rate constants describing TCE degradation (kSA, Lh-1m2) in zero-valent iron, troilite, and magnetite studies are remarkably similar, differing at most
by one order of magnitude. First-order rate constants for individual halocarbons determined
for various sources of zero-valent iron alone have been shown to vary by one order of
magnitude (Johnson et al. 1996). That the TCE dechlorination rate for magnetite differs by
as little as a factor of 3 from that determined for granular iron argues that magnetite sites at
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research (cont’d)
the zero-valent iron surface may be mediating electron-transfer processes in granular iron
Table L-2. Comparison of surface area-normalized first-order TCE dechlorination rate constants, kSA,
measured in granular iron, iron sulfide, and magnetite systems.
redox-active media [surface area] kobsd, h-1
half-life, h
kSA, Lh-1m-2
m2 / L
site gw
granular iron
8.0 x 10-5
site gw
granular iron
5.7 x 10-5
site gw
troilite, FeS
7.5 x 10-4
magnetite, Fe3O4
1.9 x 10-5
The effect of FeS surface area concentration (m2/L) was further studied by varying the
FeS mass in batch experiments. A pseudo-first-order dependence of reduction rate on
chloroethene concentration was determined in the presence of 0.125 to 25 m2/L FeS. A
linear relationship between the FeS surface area concentration (m2/L) and pseudo-first-order
rate constant for TCE loss, kobsd (h-1) is shown below, relative to the same relationship
determined for granular iron.
kobsd = 8.680 x 10-4 [FeS surface area, m2/L] + 0.000716
kobsd = 1.926 x 10-4 [granular iron surface area, m2/L] +
Product distributions and intermediates were very similar in the FeS, magnetite, and Fe0
systems, further suggesting that common reduction pathways are followed. Chlorinated
ethenes were reduced via two degradation pathways: (a) reductive β-elimination and (b)
sequential hydrogenolysis. The two pathways result in different intermediates, but may lead
to similar hydrocarbon products. Reductive β-elimination of TCE leads to chloroacetylene,
a very short-lived intermediate that is further reduced to acetylene (Roberts et al. 1996). A
minor pathway also hydrolyzes chloroacetylene to acetate (typically <5% of products).
Sequential hydrogenolysis reduces TCE stepwise to DCE, VC, and ethene. In the zerovalent iron system, further reduction to ethane is often observed.
The major hydrocarbon product in the FeS systems was acetylene. In Fe0 batch and
column systems, acetylene was further reduced to ethene and ethane. Significantly smaller
concentrations of C3-C6 hydrocarbon products were observed, consistent with the coupling
of intermediate carbon-centered radicals at the iron metal and FeS surface. Experiments
employing 13C2-labeled TCE verified that all C2-C6 hydrocarbon products originated from
TCE and that CS2 and CO2 were not produced from TCE. XPS analysis of the native FeS
surface indicated only oxidized forms of sulfur and no sulfide. This and other data suggests
a mechanism of chloroethene reduction promoted by surface-bound Fe(II) or possibly
protonated iron sulfide surface groups and not by surface-bound sulfur species as seen in the
pyrite/carbon tetrachloride system (Kriegman-King and Reinhard 1994).
Screening Study: Mined Minerals as the Source of Iron Material
Several research groups have proposed that ferrous bound to iron mineral surfaces can
act as a reductant, mediating the electron transfer to nitroaromatics (Klausen et al., 1995;
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research (cont’d)
Heijman et al., 1995) or chlorinated hydrocarbons (Sivavec and Horney, 1995). Thus,
manipulation of natural iron minerals to increase the amount of surface-bound ferrous ion
could produce reactive material for remediating chlorinated hydrocarbons such as TCE. In
a Lasagna application, natural iron oxides such as magnetite, goethite, or hematite (or
mixtures thereof) would serve as treatment zones. These potentially reactive materials
could be filled into treatment zones, or more economically, native iron oxides would be
present at high enough concentration in the highly impermeable soil such that they would
need only to be activated by an appropriate reducing agent or soluble ferrous ion.
Previously, laboratory-prepared magnetite has been shown to dechlorinate TCE, DCE,
VC and other chlorinated solvents at rates approaching that of zero-valent iron when surface
areas are normalized (Sivavec and Horney, 1997). Other primary minerals in soil contain
iron as well; biotite, hornblende, and olivine are some examples of common iron silicates
(Tan, 1994). The purpose of this task was to determine whether readily available natural
iron minerals could be manipulated to become reactive and dechlorinate TCE at a cost less
than that of granular iron from current suppliers.
Therefore, a process was sought by which native iron minerals and/or iron-bearing clays
in an aquifer would be reduced, thereby generating redox-active zones. If successful, this
approach should greatly reduce the costs associated with the emplacement of zero-valent
iron treatment zones in Lasagna applications. Reactive zones as such have been produced
by the addition of sodium dithionite, a strong inorganic reductant, in buffered aqueous
solution to a chromium-contaminated aquifer at the Hanford site in Richland, Washington.
Considerable laboratory work has also focused on reduction of chlorinated solvents by
dithionite-reduced clays and sediments (Amonette et al., 1994, Amonette et al., 1995).
A screening study was undertaken to identify potential natural iron minerals that might
be effective in an electro-osmotic field treatment zone as well as identify specific
amendments that could be added to an aquifer, creating a reactive zone in which TCE would
be destroyed in situ. This approach has implications for use particularly in deep,
contaminated aquifers. Freshly-mined goethite, magnetite, hematite, biotite, hornblende,
and olivine were purchased from Ward's Natural Science Establishment, ground in a
porcelain pebble mill, and wet screened through a 20 micron screen by Lakefield Research
Limited. These minerals were stored in a nitrogen tent until used in our screening batch
study. We purchased freshly mined minerals so that any passivation layer on the minerals
would be natural and not a result of the storage of the solids in air. The minerals were then
treated with a variety of reductants or ferrous compounds in a batch experiment to study the
effect on the dechlorination of TCE. Table L-3, following, characterizes the iron minerals
that were used.
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research (cont’d)
Table L-3. Iron Minerals Used in Screening Study.
Iron Mineral
e Ferrous
Ferrous Iron
of Total Iron
*Surface area measured by BET gas adsorption.
Sodium salts of oxalate, ascorbate, or citrate were tested as reductants as well as sodium
hydrosulfite (dithionite) and sodium bisulfite. Ferrous sulfate was tested as a
supplemental source of ferrous ions, while disodium EDTA was used as a treatment to
solubilize the iron in the minerals. Vitamin B12 was also included as a possible
dechlorination catalyst. The variables of this test are summarized below.
Iron minerals:
Sodium oxalate
Sodium hydrosulfite
Sodium ascorbate
Sodium Bisulfite
Vitamin B12
Sodium citrate
Ferrous sulfate
The screening tests were run in 50-ml serum bottles. Approximately 20 ppm TCE was
added to sodium bicarbonate buffer, which was then added to the serum bottles containing
six grams of iron mineral and/or 10 mM reductants/catalysts. In addition, two controls were
set up: iron minerals without a reductant or catalyst, and some of the reductants/catalysts
without iron minerals. A zero and four-week time points were taken (after rotating on a jar
mill) and the aqueous phases were sampled and analyzed by GC/FID equipped with a purgeand-trap autosampler. Samples were analyzed for chlorinated as well as nonchlorinated
hydrocarbon products.
In order to determine whether a specific amount of dechlorination was to be considered
a positive result (thus requiring a more focused effort), a speadsheet was developed to relate
the extent of dechlorination in batch experiments with a desired TCE half-life under field
conditions. Variables in the spreadsheet included percent iron in soil, ground water velocity,
and dimensions of a given treatment zone. By choosing an acceptable half-life given typical
field conditions, it was easy to determine how much TCE reduction or products produced
would be required for us to consider a certain treatment "successful" in terms of enhancing
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research (cont’d)
TCE dechlorination. For these experiments, it was clear that TCE reduction could be very
small even in "successful" treatments. Therefore, it was necessary to measure dechlorination
products (cis-DCE, VC, ethene, ethane, acetylene). The identification of dechlorination
products (concomitant with reduction in TCE) was important since we were not able to
verify dechlorination by analyzing for chloride ions in the presence of the iron minerals.
Results and Discussion
The results of this screening showed that activity was dependent upon the
reductant/catalyst as well as the type of iron mineral, although the reductant/catalyst
appeared to be more important. None of the iron minerals effected TCE dechlorination
without amendment with a chemical reductant. Although the concentration of TCE was
reduced in all of these bottles, no dechlorination products were identified, and the amount of
TCE lost in these controls was the same regardless of the iron mineral used. It is assumed
that the decrease in TCE was due to physical losses into the septum or adsorption onto the
minerals. Also, no dechlorination occurred in bottles amended with oxalate or citrate.
Some of the amendments such as ascorbate, EDTA, vitamin B12, and sodium bisulfite
resulted in dechlorination. These compounds were not effective in all of the minerals tested;
only a few isolated cases resulted in a significant reduction in TCE. In most of these batch
experiments, however, dechlorination products were not identified, and so no further
conclusions were reached approximately these treatments. The most important finding from
this screening study was not so much identifying a natural iron mineral that effected
dechlorination of TCE under several treatment conditions, but rather that sodium
hydrosulfite and the ferrous sulfate treatments showed promise in several of the iron
minerals tested.
In our screening, TCE was reduced to cis-DCE, VC, ethene, and/or ethane in bottles
containing magnetite, hornblende, olivine, or no mineral and dithionite. The TCE decreased
by 25% in the bottle with no mineral or hornblende, 41% in the bottle with olivine, and as
much as 83% in the bottle containing hornblende. Dithionite is a very strong inorganic
reductant and has been shown to reduce redox-sensitive compounds, such as iron-containing
compounds, in soil (Amonette et al., 1994). Depending on the structure of the iron minerals
present, the ferrous iron may remain associated on the surface of the iron minerals, which
could lead to an increase in the number of reactive sites on the surface of that mineral. It is
hypothesized that, in the experiment, dithionite did indeed reduce the iron minerals,
resulting in an increase in Fe (II) and the dechlorination of TCE. Based on that report, and
the findings of this screening batch study, there is a need to study further the potential for
using dithionite in a remediation scheme for destroying TCE, particularly in deep aquifers.
Based on the hypothesis that the surface-bound Fe (II) species at the passive oxidewater interface serves as the mediator for the transfer of electrons from iron minerals
(Sivavec and Horney, 1995), some of the minerals were amended with ferrous sulfate to
determine whether supplemental ferrous iron would enhance the dechlorination activity. In
some of the iron mineral slurries, the TCE decreased by 10% and as much as 40% in the
olivine slurry. The dechlorination products identified were cis-DCE, VC, and/or ethene.
Several times, however, no known dechlorination products were identified. Although these
decreases in TCE seem small, they are indeed significant in terms of our criteria for a
successful treatment, based on the desired TCE half-life. Thus, the addition of ferrous iron
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research (cont’d)
to the iron minerals did seem to increase the destruction of TCE, and one might envision a
remediation scheme in which the available ferrous iron is supplemented in the reactive zone.
Summary of Iron Mineral Screening Study
Natural, freshly-mined iron minerals (both oxides and silicates) were examined for their
ability to effect reductive dechlorination of aqueous TCE. None of the minerals reduced
TCE without some sort of amendment. And none of the amendments (reductants or
catalysts) induced dechlorination in all of the iron minerals tested. Sodium hydrosulfite and
ferrous sulfate were the most promising compounds in terms of inducing dechlorination in
several of the iron mineral slurries. Ultimately, use of these amendments could find
application in electro-osmotic remediation applications where chlorinated solvents and/or
metal ions need to be reduced. This approach for the generation of reactive treatment zones
would be useful at sites in which deep aquifer contamination exists and other treatment zone
emplacement techniques are not technically feasible or cost effective. Further research and
development would be required to determine the extent to which chlorinated solvents at a
specific remediation site be reduced by hydrosulfite and other reducing agents.
Effect of High TCE Concentrations on Dechlorination Rate and Reaction Products
As phase IIa field results were obtained, it became clear that substantially higher TCE
concentrations were present in the test site relative to those indicated by the pre-test soil
samples. Consequently, the designed operation time of 6 months was no longer adequate
for cleanup of TCE in the field test site. Although it is difficult to predict how long a period
will be required to reduce TCE concentrations to targeted levels due to the uncertainty in
DNAPL volume at the site, it was important to determine if the rate of TCE destruction in
the iron zones at high TCE concentrations would be different from that measured and
designed for at low TCE concentrations. The electrokinetic movement of DNAPL into the
iron treatment zones could also influence predicted TCE destruction rates and product
distributions. Consequently, a series of batch kinetic studies was undertaken to address
these issues. Two determinations of batch kinetics were determined using Peerless -8+50
mesh iron filings at iron surface area concentrations of approximately 100 m2/L. The rate
profiles are given in the following Figures L-2 and L-3 and are compared to rate
measurements determined for similar iron surface concentrations at low initial TCE
concentrations (<20 mg/L [TCE]o) (Table L-4). As is seen in all batch experiments, the rate
order is first-order with respect to TCE, even at high TCE concentrations. Initial TCE
concentrations were 1,000 mg/L. Preliminary evaluations of TCE concentrations above its
water solubility (1,100 mg/L at 25°C) gave inconsistent results due to the difficulty in
sampling a heterogeneous DNAPL/water/iron system. The evolution of products of TCE
degradation (chloride and ethene/ethane) was also found to be not significantly different
when 1,000 mg/L or 2,500 mg/L initial TCE was used, indicating that only dissolved-phase
TCE reacts at the iron surface (Figures L-2 - L-8) .
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research (cont’d)
Table L-4. Comparison of First-Order TCE Reduction Rates
Measured in Batch and Column Systems
kSA represents surface-area-normalized first-order rate constant
all rates determined at very low TCE concentrations (< 5 mg/L), except where noted
m2 / L
Peerless -50 mesh to dust
1.9 x 10-4
Peerless -20 mesh to dust
1.7 x 10-4
Peerless -8 + 50 mesh
1.3 x 10-4
Peerless -4 + 18 mesh
1.0 x 10-4
Peerless -8+50 mesh
4.8 x 10-5
6.9 x 10-5
at 1000 mg/L [TCE]o
Peerless -8+50 mesh
at 1000 mg/L [TCE]o
site gw #1
Peerless -8 + 50 mesh
2.5 x 10-4
site gw #1
Peerless -8 + 50 mesh
1.2 x 10-4
site gw #1
Guar Gum and Peerless
1.9 x 10-4
-8 + 50 mesh
site gw #2
Peerless -8 + 50 mesh
8.0 x 10-5
site gw #2
Peerless -8 + 50 mesh
5.7 x 10-5
= 0.115 d (r =0.997) at 100 m /L
time, d
Figure L-2. TCE Degradation Kinetics.
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research (cont’d)
First-Order Fit of Kinetic Data:
High TCE Concentration Batch Expt
[TCE]o = 1000 mg/L
ln(C/Co), TCE
= 0.1659 d , r =0.981
measured in a batch system
at 98.9 m2/L
time, d
TCE half-life measured in a batch system
at low iron surface concentration: 99 h
extrapolation to 4500 m2/L iron surface area
predicts a TCE half-life of 2.2 h in a 100% iron zone
Figure L-3. TCE degradation at high concentrations.
(x10 ), Lh m
initial TCE, mM
Effect of [TCE] on first-order rate constant k
(surface area
normalized) determined in anaerobic batch experiments
Figure L-4. TCE degradation at high concentrations.
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research (cont’d)
time, d
Concentrations of cis-DCE and VC products
similar to that measured at low TCE concentration
Figure L-5. Daughter product concentrations during TCE degradation.
Table L-5. Cis-Dichloroethylene and Vinyl Chloride (VC) Formation as a Function of Initial TCE
Initial TCE
% cis-DCE formed,
relative to [TCE]o
% VC formed,
relative to [TCE]o
2.7 - 3.6
1.6 - 2.1
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research (cont’d)
mass, mmol
Cl, theoretical
Cl, measured
time, d
Chloride Mass Balance
Measured at 1000 mg/L [TCE]o
Figure L-6. Chloride mass balance in TCE degradation experiment.
Cl generated at [TCE]o=2500 mg/L
(DNAPL conditions)
Cl, mg/L
Cl generated at [TCE]o=1000 mg/L
(100% TCE solubilized)
time, d
No significant DNAPL destruction
at the iron surface, unless TCE is solubilized
Figure L-7. TCE degradation with DNAPL present.
L. Improvements in Treatment Zone Technology Research (cont’d)
ethane + ethene, µg/L
[TCE]o=2500 mg/L
[TCE]o=1000 mg/L
time, d
Figure L-8. Generation of ethane and ethene as a function of initial TCE
Amonette, J.E., Szecsody, J.E., Schaer, H.T., Templeton, J.C., Gorby, Y.A., and J.S.
Fruchter. 1994. In In-Situ Remediation: Scientific Basis for Current and Future
Technologies; Gee, G.W.; Wing, R.N., eds.; Battelle Press: Richland, WA; 851-882.
Amonette, J.E., Istok, J.D., Szecsody, J.E., Humphrey, M.D., Williams, M.D., Cole,
C.R., Vermeul, V.R., Teel, S.S., Gorby, Y.A., Yabusaki, S.B., and J.S. Fruchter. 1995.
Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management VII. ACS Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry Division, Sep 17-20, 1995. 588.
Burris, D.R., T.J. Campbell and V.S. Manoranjan. 1995. Sorption of Trichloroethylene
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