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This paper presents a general overview of computer networks and their protocols. It also describes the known threats and different ways of networks' attacks. In order to do that, the functions of the TCP/IP stack layers and their protocols are summarized illustrating different classifications of security threats and attacking mechanism on those layers are presented, and the role of firewalls against different types of threats and attacks are discussed. Throughout firewalls discussion an explanation of the characteristics of firewall technologies, architectures and conventions are presented. Finally, a firewall design approach is suggested to build typical firewalls for computer network protection. The presented design depends on the most common rules to implement communication security.
ABSTRACT Hey are progressing day by day in the world today, whether in a branch, even if you can say it media or technology revolution. The Network Firewall Security primary option you are home and Organization communication data packets. The first two services on your network works User Datagram Protocol (UDP) one of the core members of the Internet Protocol defined in RFC 768 in 1980 and Second Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Protocol Internet Protocol (IP) Suite is the ideal. The TCP/IP Protocol provide connectivity to end to end data should be addressed, transmitted and received the destination packetized. Whether you 1G or 5G talk of the threads you face, all these precision need to sell firewall Security. Keywords:- Introduction, Evolution, Motivation
International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 2013
Firewalls are an essential part of any information security system being the first defense line against security attacks. The sea-saw effect between firewalls and network performance is most concerning to network users; where strict security settings result in weak network performance and permeant security settings allow for a stronger one. Hence, evaluating firewall platforms and their impact on network performance is important when assessing the effectiveness of network security. In this paper, we present an assessment methodology to analyze the performance of different firewalls platforms. The analysis considers the following metrics: delay, jitter, throughput, and packet loss. Moreover, the information security of the firewalls is also tested by applying a set of attacks and observing the reaction of the firewalls. The proposed assessment methodology is tested by performing real experiments on different types of firewalls including those that are personal and network-based. Moreover, a quantitative study is conducted to explore the level of knowledge among the educated category in the community, represented by a sample of college students, on the importance of firewall and their use.
Teaching practical information security requires the use of techniques, security and network devices and software, simulator tools, testbed networks, and hands-on lab exercises to support the educational process. This paper presents an educational web-based firewall simulator tool to help students learn the intricacies of writing firewall filtering rules to filter and inspect network traffic. The design principle of the simulator tool is to be easy to use while teaching the students the details of writing basic and advanced filtering rules. The simulator tool offers a set of educational functions that are not commonly available in professional firewalls. The tool can be used in any network and security course by instructors and students in the classroom. The impact of offering the simulator tool on the students' performance in terms of achieving the course outcomes is also discussed.
Firewalls are network devices which enforce an organization's security policy. Since their development, various methods have been used to implement firewalls. These methods filter network traffic at one or more of the seven layers of the ISO network model, most commonly at the application, transport, and network, and data-link levels. In addition, researchers have developed some newer methods, such as protocol normalization and distributed firewalls, which have not yet been widely adopted. Firewalls involve more than the technology to implement them. Specifying a set of filtering rules, known as a policy, is typically complicated and error-prone. High-level languages have been developed to simplify the task of correctly defining a firewall's policy. Once a policy has been specified, the firewall needs to be tested to determine if it actually implements the policy correctly. Little work exists in the area of firewall theory; however, this article summarizes what exists. Because some data must be able to pass in and out of a firewall, in order for the protected network to be useful, not all attacks can be stopped by firewalls. Some emerging technologies, such as Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and peer-to-peer networking pose new challenges for firewalls.
The increasing complexity of networks, and the need to make them more open due to the growing emphasis on and attractiveness of the Internet as a medium for business transactions, mean that networks are becoming more and more exposed to attacks, both from without and from within. The search is on for mechanisms and techniques for the protection of internal networks from such attacks. One of the protective mechanisms under serious consideration is the firewall. A firewall protects a network by guarding the points of entry to it. Firewalls are becoming more sophisticated by the day, and new features are constantly being added, so that, in spite of the criticisms made of them and developmental trends threatening them, they are still a powerful protective mechanism. This article provides an overview of firewall technologies.
Academia Biology, 2024
The sharptooth fish Clarias gariepinus is widespread throughout tropical swamps, lakes, and rivers in Africa. Among the parasites related to this fish, there is a large number of helminths. This study investigated the most abundant helminths from C. gariepinus comprising two Nematoda and one Cestoda species, and aimed to provide prevalence, seasonal fluctuation, and analytic-specific description of these parasites. Fish were collected from Agonlin-Lowé and investigated for parasites over 12 months. Of the 339 specimens of C. gariepinus examined, 1,207 individuals of the nematodes Paracamallanus sp. (Paracamallanidae) and Rhabdochona sp. (Rhabdochonidae) were collected. For the cestode Tetracampos sp. (Bothriocephalidae), 294 individuals were identified. A short description was performed for each parasite species based on micrographs provided by photomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The total prevalence was found to be 80.53% comprising 72.56% of C. gariepinus infected by at least two parasites among the three investigated. No significant difference was revealed in seasonal parasite occurrence either in males (χ2 = 2.241; df = 3; p = 0.524) or in females (χ2 = 0.287; df = 3; p = 0.962). Climatic season change did not influence host infection neither in sexes nor in body weight. Water physicochemical quality is not correlated with infection prevalence. Helminthes infecting C. gariepinus are mostly represented by these three species. Their prevalence was not influenced by environmental or fish morphometric parameters. The specific identification should be improved with genetics.
Situated at the North-west of the city of Gaziantep, the county of İslâhiye is affiliated to Gaziantep. But the county is located in the territory of Adana of the Mediterranean region. The region where Islahiye is situated lies on the fertile land in Kahramanmaraş / Hatay graben among the mountains Amanos and Kurt. The Mountains Amanos and Kurt are the geographical places of high importance for the region. The fertile land of the region has attracted humans from the earliest ages of the history.The first studies carried out in the region belong to Osman Hamdi Bey. Hamdi Bey determined some of the embossed ortostats of Zincirli Mound in 1883. Humann and Luschan visited the region in the same year. After making investigations in Sakçagözü (Coba Mound) situated at the northern end of İslâhiye Plain, both researchers visited Zincirli Mound explored previously by Osman Hamdi Bey and carried out investigations.Luschan and his team carried out important excavations during the years 1888-1890-1891-1894-İbrahim ÜNGÖR/ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 8-2011, 137-163 138 1902. They disclosed many structures and many other ortostats with relief in addition to the ortostats discovered by Osman Hamdi Bey. Beginning with Hamdi Bey, the studies have made remarkable contributions to the discovery of the late Hittite settlement. However, it is also clear that there are many places in the region which need to be investigated and excavated.
Chương 1. Một số mô hình đại số và tuyến tính áp dụng trong phân tích kinh tế……………….8
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