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2006, Acta Veterinaria Brno
4 pages
2 files
The present report describes a case of fatal actinobacillosis in a dairy buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Clinical signs included a large multilobular, firm abscess located caudo-ventral to the right ear base, submandiblar and prescapular lymphadenopathy, fever and dyspnoea. Haemogram revealed an accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and erythropenia. Provisional diagnosis of actinobacillosis was confirmed by the demonstration of a Gram-negative pleomorphic organism in pus, microscopic examination of a compression preparation of a sulphur granule as well as growth of the organism on blood agar. Intraperitoneal inoculation of pus in guinea pigs was fatal at around 48 hours post-injection. The LD50 of the Actinobacillus lignieresii isolate in mice was 104 colony forming unit per milliliter of Hank's balanced salt solution. The animal died 12 hours after the initiation of surgical drainage of the abscess and administration of iodide, antibiotics and steroids. Necropsy findings inclu...
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
Bovine actinobacillosis is typically characterized by pyogranulomatous glossitis (wooden tongue). The involvement of other tissues, generally the skin or lymph nodes, has been regarded as atypical or cutaneous. We describe herein 2 outbreaks of actinobacillosis affecting primarily the lymph nodes of the head and neck. The disease affected 40 of 540 lactating cows in a dairy herd, and 5 of 335 two-y-old steers in a beef herd. Multiple or single, occasionally ulcerated nodules were observed in the region of the mandible, neck, and shoulder, including the parotid, submandibular, retropharyngeal, and prescapular lymph nodes. The histologic lesions were multifocal pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis, dermatitis, and cellulitis with Splendore–Hoeppli material. One steer had an exophytic pyogranuloma in the gingiva and another died because of ruminal tympany secondary to oropharyngeal and esophageal obstruction by a pyogranulomatous mass. Actinobacillus lignieresii was isolated from the lesions...
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2013
Actinobacillosis is a common cause of sporadic infection in cattle. It was mostly characterized as a pyogranulomatous inflammation of the tongue, but also soft tissues as lymph nodes, other digestive tract localization and skin. The aim of this study was to describe an episode of granulomatous dermatitis and lymphadenitis affecting a bull herd in Argentina during 2010. Actinobacillus lignieresii was isolated from samples collected from one of the affected bulls, and characteristic lesions were observed. Lesions other than 'wooden tongue' are usually uncommon; however, actinobacillosis should be included as a differential diagnosis for cutaneous diseases.
Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research Revue Canadienne De Recherche Veterinaire, 2008
Tonsillar and nasal swabs were collected from weanling pigs in 50 representative Ontario swine herds and tested for the presence of 5 important bacterial upper respiratory tract pathogens. All but 1 herd (2%) tested positive for Streptococcus suis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR); 48% of herds were S. suis serovar 2, 1/2 positive. In all but 2 herds there was evidence of Haemophilus parasuis infection. In contrast, toxigenic strains of Pasteurella multocida were detected by a P. multocidaenzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (PMT-ELISA) in only one herd. Seventy-eight percent of the herds were diagnosed positive for Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae by apxIV PCR. Sera from finishing pigs on the same farms were also collected and tested by ELISA for the presence of A. pleuropneumoniae antibodies. Seventy percent of the herds tested had evidence of antibodies to A. pleuropneumoniae including serovars 1-9-11 (2%), 2 (4%), 3-6-8-15 (15%), 5 (6%), 4-7 (26%), and 12 (17%). This likely represents a shift from previous years when infection with A. pleuropneumoniae serovars 1, 5, and 7 predominated. At least 16% and possibly as many as 94% of the herds tested were Actinobacillus suis positive; only 3 of the 50 herds were both A. pleuropneumoniae and A. suis negative as judged by the absence of a positive PCR test for apxII. Taken together, these data suggest that over the past 10 years, there has been a shift in the presence of pathogenic bacteria carried by healthy Ontario swine with the virtual elimination of toxigenic strains of P. multocida and a move to less virulent A. pleuropneumoniae serovars. As well, there appears to be an increase in prevalence of S. suis serovar 2, 1/2, but this may be a reflection of the use of a more sensitive detection method. R é s u m é Des écouvillons nasaux et des amygdales ont été prélevés chez des porcs sevrés dans 50 troupeaux ontariens représentatifs et éprouvés pour la présence de 5 agents pathogènes bactériens importants du tractus respiratoire supérieur. Tous les troupeaux sauf un (2 %) se sont avérés positifs par réaction d'amplification en chaîne par la polymérase (PCR) pour la présence de Streptococcus suis; 48 % des troupeaux étaient positifs pour S. suis sérovars 2, 1/2. Il y avait des évidences d'infection par Haemophilus parasuis dans tous les troupeaux sauf 2. Par contre, des souches toxinogéniques de Pasteurella multocida, détectées au moyen d'une épreuve immunoenzymatique (PMT-ELISA), n'ont été mises en évidence que dans un seul troupeau. Quatre-vingts pourcents des troupeaux ont été déclarés positifs pour la présence d'Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae par PCR détectant apxIV. Des échantillons de sérum provenant de porcs en finition sur la même ferme ont été prélevés et testés par ELISA pour la présence d'anticorps envers A. pleuropneumoniae. Soixante-dix pourcents des troupeaux avaient des animaux positifs pour la présence d'anticorps envers A. pleuropneumoniae incluant les sérovars 1-9-11 (2 %), 2 (4 %), 3-6-8-15 (15 %), 5 (6 %), 4-7 (26 %) et 12 (17 %). Ceci représente un changement par rapport aux années précédentes alors que les infections par les sérovars 1,5 et 7 d'A. pleuropneumoniae prédominaient. Au moins 16 % et possiblement jusqu'à 94 % des troupeaux éprouvés étaient positifs pour Actinobacillus suis; seulement 3 des 50 troupeaux étaient négatifs pour la présence d'A. pleuropneumoniae et A. suis, à en juger par l'absence d'un test positif par PCR pour apxII. Pris dans son ensemble, ces résultats suggèrent qu'au cours des 10 dernières années, il y a eu un changement dans la présence des bactéries pathogènes portées par les porcs ontariens en santé, avec une élimination presque totale des souches toxinogéniques de P. multocida et un mouvement vers des sérovars moins virulents d'A. pleuropneumoniae. Également, il semble y avoir une augmentation de la prévalence de S. suis sérovars 2, 1/2, mais ceci pourrait être un reflet de l'utilisation de méthode de détection plus sensible.
Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B, 2008
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the clinical signi®cance of Actinobacillus minor, Actinobacillus porcinus and Actinobacillus indolicus strains in gnotobiotic piglets. Twenty-two 6-h-old Caesarean-delivered and colostrum-deprived piglets were intranasally and orally inoculated with 2´10 6 colony-forming units of an A. minor (group 2; n 9), A. indolicus (group 3; n 5), or A. porcinus (group 4; n 8) strain. Six other piglets were inoculated in the same way with phosphatebuffered saline solution and used as controls (group 1). All pigs were observed for clinical signs and rectal temperatures were taken until euthanasia 7 days after inoculation. At necropsy, conchae, tonsils, lungs, brains, liver, spleen and kidneys were macroscopically examined for lesions and samples were taken for bacteriology. None of the pigs developed fever. Mild ataxia was observed in one pig from group 3 for 2 days. Clinical signs were not observed in the other animals. In none of the animals were macroscopic lesions detected at necropsy. NAD-dependent Pasteurellaceae were not isolated from control animals (group 1). The A. minor, A. indolicus and A. porcinus strains were isolated from the tonsils of one, two and one pigs, respectively. Actinobacillus porcinus was isolated from the brains of the pig with central nervous symptoms and from the conchae of another pig. The inoculation strains were not demonstrated in the other samples. It was concluded that, using these inoculation routes and dose, the A. minor, A. indolicus and A. porcinus strains had low capacity to colonize the upper respiratory tract of gnotobiotic piglets and demonstrated low or no pathogenicity in such animals.
Scrinium, 2024
At the end of the second century, Christianity in Rome existed as a federation of individual communities, despite the narrative provided in the fourth century by Eusebius. There was a multiplicity of leaders, of social backgrounds, of languages, of beliefs, and of practices among the Christians of Rome. How did the church of Rome maintain unity internally and externally in the presence of such diversity? By the end of the second century, with Victor, that forbearance came to a dramatic end. The best-known example is the Quartodeciman controversy over the dating of Easter. Other examples include his reaction to Monarchians, Montanists, and Valentinians. In itself, this is not evidence that Victor was attempting to act as sole bishop of Rome, but simply that he used the structures of the pluralist communities to push for greater theological conformity, which contributed to the centralisation of leadership in Rome. As a qualifier, it will be argued that he was not opposed to pluralism per se, but was opposed to it when he became aware of any particular threat divergence presented to Christian life and thought.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2022
This paper introduces a new economic simulator in the case of a war, this new economic simulator is entitled “The Post-War Economic Impact Simulator (PEI-Simulator).” The PEI-Simulator assesses the economic impacts of countries thorough the possible scenario of a partial or full war in three different stages: (i) pre-war stage; (ii) war stage; (iii) post-war stage. The analysis makes use of different indicators such as economic desgrowth from war (-δwar), war intensity (I), war losses (-Lwar), economic wear from war (Πwar), level of war tension (Twar), level of diplomatic negotiations (D), and the total economic leaking from war (Ωwar). Lastly, this research apply the PEI-Simulator to evaluate a possible full war between Russia and Ukraine.
Agradeço a minha irmã Cecília por todo apoio, incentivo e dedicação, pois em virtude deles foi possível a realização deste curso de Direito.
The International Journal of Management Education, 2015
This paper aims to understand why some Entrepreneurship Education (EE) initiatives in secondary schools are ineffective. Specifically, the goal of this paper is to identify mistakes, which could have been responsible for the failures and to derive some useful lessons from them. From a theoretical perspective, it reviews entrepreneurship literature in order to examine the main five constitutive elements of EE in secondary schools: what should the goals of EE be, who should attend EE, who should teach it, what should be taught and how it should be taught. From an empirical perspective, it provides descriptions of the unsuccessful EE initiatives under investigation and discusses failure by collecting the opinions of stakeholders (teachers, principals and students) involved.
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Determinants of women labour force participation: in case of Boke Tiko town, 2022
Education Sciences , 2024
Marine Policy, 2015
Edinburgh Journal of Botany
Journal of Biogeography, 2013
Petroleum Science and Technology, 2016
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2018
New Review of Academic Librarianship, 2009
Promontoria, 2006
The China Quarterly, 2007
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2001