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Ovaj prilog govori o atmosferi povodom promocije knjige "Nisim Albahari - tragični revolucionar" autora Amira Brke, koja je promovisana 24. maja 2018. godine u Tešnju (BiH). Autor teksta nas upoznaje sa sadržajem knjige, koja osim o liku i značaju ovog BiH revolucionara, govori i o istorijatu i okolnostima života Jevreja, i pre svega pojedinih jevrejskih porodica, u ovom gradu srednje Bosne. Iznoseći hronologiju ličnog kontakta sa autorom knjige, tekst je posebno posvećen akterima i atmosferi promocije ali i tome kako je ona na simboličan način "vratila" duh i prisjećanje na nekadašnji život i prisustvo Jevreja u Tešnju. Poseban osvrt dat je na širu porodicu Albahari, čiji potomak je i autor ovoga priloga.This contribution is about the atmosphere on the occasion of the promotion of the book "Nisim Albahari - a tragic revolutionary" by Amir Brka, which was promoted on May 24, 2018, in Tešanj (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The author of the text introduces us ...
Алтаистика, түркология, моңғолистика, 2019
In Turkology, there has long been formed a view that the traditional Chinese transcription 阿史那 (ā shǐ nà) for the name of the Ancient Turkic ruling clan was derived from Khotan-Saka word āṣṣeina~āṣṣana meaning ‘blue’. In contrary, sir, a word between the words türük and bodun in the Tonyukuk inscription can be transcribed as äšir. Accordingly, the words which occur five times in the text of the Tonyukuk stele should be read türük äšir bodun meaning ‘Turkic äšir people’ in Ancient Turkic. It means that 阿史那 (ā shǐ nà), a Middle Chinese transcription in the historical annals is a corrupted form of its original Turkic at all. Therefore, the hypothesis of the Soviet and Western scholars that the name of the ruling clan of the First and Second Turkic Empire was etymologically Indo-Iranian, particularly Middle Eastern Iranian is now denied. In its historical context, ‘Turkic äšir people’ is undoubtedly the name of one of “The Twelve Turks” of the time of the Second Turkic Khaganate.
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 2016
This paper deals with the toponymy of the Oslare village. Oslare is located just five kilometers south of Bujanovac. The settlement has been founded on the left bank of the Moravica River, that is, on the western side of the Belgrade - Skoplje highway and on the very border of Vranjsko Pomoravlje and Presevo Moravica. The village residents are of Serbian and Albanian origins. Some of the Serbs are locals and some migrated to Oslare from Kosovsko Pomoravlje as well as from the nearby villages. Albanians migrated to Oslare from Albania and other areas. Among Albanian residents are also Serbs who took Islam. Most of them took the name Taci but there are other families as well. The main concern of this paper is the recording of the Oslare toponymy. This is achieved through conversation with both Serbian and Albanian residents in both Serbian and Albanian languages. We have also analyzed semantics of the collected toponymes and their function in the everyday use. We tried to compare topo...
Српски биографски речник VII, Мл-Пан / Serbian Biographical Dictionary, vol. VII, Ml-Pan [Novi Sad, Matica srpska], 2018
Glasnik Srpskog Geografskog Drutva
There are 50 permanently inhabited farms in the area of the municipality of Bečej, with a certain number of accommodating units at their disposal that could be included into tourist program. This paper presents the results collected in the market research about the understanding of salashes and "salash" tourism in Vojvodina, about the knowledge of salash in the municipality of Bečej, as well as the interest of potential tourists in visiting and staying at these salashes. The main goal of this research was to establish the steps that would contribute to activating Bečej's salashes for tourism purposes, and to determine the context of accompanying programs that would be interesting to potential tourists and attractive when they choose a farm as a place to relax.
Juznoslovenski filolog
The Asian side of the world, 2012
НИИ травматологии, ортопедии и нейрохирургии Саратовского государственного медицинского университета имени В. И. Разумовского 2 Саратовский государственный медицинский университет имени В. И. Разумовского 3 Саратовский государственный технический университет имени Гагарина Ю. А. 4 Саратовский государственный национальный исследовательский университет имени Н. Г. Чернышевского
This paper deals with models of nomination in craftsmen’s secret languages. The corpus comprises nominations in which ear appears either as a denotatum or as a word-formative element. The fact that secret languages represent dependent subsystems of a language is confirmed by onomasiological mechanisms and associations, realized in general and folklore languages, on which nominations in secret languages are based.
Lists of family names of Abkhazians in Tukey, who speak dialects which disappeared in Abkhazia (Sadz, Ahchypsy, Tsabal).
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 2016
САЖЕТАК. У раду се анализира злочин који је извршен након доласка мировних снага на Косово и Метохију-гранатирање српске пијаце у селу Бресје 28. септембра 1999. године. Као изворе, користили смо документацију Архива Музеја жртава геноцида, новинске чланке, дневничке белешке митрополита Амфилохија, извештај Мисије ОЕБС на Косову и Метохији, извештај о. Радивоја Панића, податке Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, Министарства иностраних послова Савезне Републике Југославије, Фонда за хуманитарно право и литературу. До резултата смо дошли користећи методологију историјске науке, укрштањем извора и критичким освртом на њих.
Background:Diabetes is one of the most common endocrine diseases in the world which is causing many health problem. Self-care behavior of diabetes mellitus is an essential part for controlling the disease which results in a better state of health and improvement of quality of life. The aim of this study was to explore the self-care behaviors among type 2 DM patient in Bangladesh. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted among 120 hospitalized type 2 DM patients in Dhaka Medical College Hospital and Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka. The study participants were selected conveniently. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as independent t-test, One way ANOVA and Pearson correlation. Results: The mean age of the sample was 54.38 (SD=10.96) years. The total mean score of self -care behavior was 1.53 in a 4 point Likert Scale. It indicates that diabetic patients had a lower level of self-care behaviors. The findings revealed that, age (p=.000), gender (p=.002), occupation (p=.008), consume smoke tobacco (p=.001), smokeless tobacco (p=.032), physical exercise (p=.000), glucometer use (p=.000) and other co-morbidities (p=.016) were significantly associated with total self-care behaviors. Conclusion: The patients with type 2 DM have lower level of self-care and having suffering from large number of co-morbidities and complications. Priority to be given to improve affected patient education and support in diabetes clinics to ensure better selfcare practices and avoid early development of complications
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EPJ Web of Conferences, 2013
BMGN Low Countries Historical Review, 2024
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وكالة الانباء المصرية ، صحيفة "أوان" المصرية، صحيفة "دنيا اليوم" الكويتية , 2024
Geophysical Journal International, 2019
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Extended Abstracts of the 2013 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 2013
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