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My personal experience with aging, lifting weights, and chronic disease.
Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 2004
The interaction of physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness with health and biologic aging is complex and multifaceted, but there is general acknowledgment of its importance to major public health outcomes [1 -12]. Although many questions remain about mechanisms of effect and dose-response curves [13], a synthesis of the literature indicates many potentially positive effects of participation in physical activity on the aging process. To understand the potential role of exercise in aging and incorporate it into clinical practice, health care professionals should understand the rationale for various modalities and doses of exercise in relation to specific health-related goals and optimization of biologic aging.
Medicina, 2021
This exploratory clinical case report presents an 87-year-old man who began bodybuilding at the age of 76 years and was officially recognised as the world’s oldest competitive bodybuilder, competing until age 83. He has a background of complex health conditions including polio, strokes, cardiac arrest, atrial fibrillation, prostate disease, osteoarthritis, depression, bowel obstruction, reflux, and bladder cancer. Assessments of body composition, bone density, muscle performance, and diet-related practices were performed. The bodybuilder had superior fat-free mass, lower fat mass, and generally greater muscle performance compared to untrained healthy males of a similar age. Commencement of bodybuilding in older age appears to be possible, even with ongoing complex health conditions, and the potential benefits of this practice require systematic investigation in the future.
Background: The demographic development with an ageing population is predicted to be the next global public health challenge. Advances in medicine and the socioeconomic development have reduced mortality and morbidity due to infectious conditions and noncommunicable diseases. The increase in longevity will not be restricted to healthy people.
Population aging is a global phenomenon that has impacted the health sector. In this sense, it is important to promote health and quality of life in the elderly population, and physical activity is an essential tool for this. Several studies have shown that the regular practice of physical exercises can prevent chronic diseases and improve health in old age. Bodybuilding is a type of physical exercise that has specific benefits for the elderly population. Clinical trials have shown that weight training contributes to increasing muscle mass, preventing falls, improving hypertension and diabetes control, as well as improving bone density and preventing thyroid disorders. Physical activity, in general, directly influences the physiology of the human body, promoting cellular and organic changes that contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases and maintenance of physical and mental well-being. It is essential that the elderly population be encouraged to practice physical activities regularly, with the monitoring of specialized professionals. The Ministry of Health, in several publications from 2010, has highlighted the importance of physical activity for health promotion and disease prevention, especially in the elderly population. It is necessary that society in general, including family members, caregivers and health professionals, be aware of these benefits and encourage the practice of physical activity, which must be seen as a fundamental part of health care in old age. In short, physical activity is a fundamental tool for promoting health and quality of life in the elderly population. Bodybuilding has specific benefits, but any type of physical activity can contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases and maintenance of health in old age. Therefore, it is important that society in general is aware of these benefits and promotes the regular practice of physical activity in the elderly population.
As demographic aging continues in Japan, the number of very elderly individuals aged 75 years or older is increasing rapidly, as is the number of bedridden, elderly individuals, with ramifications extending to economic problems such as health care costs and insurance for long-term care. Consequently, there is a great importance to questions of how to prevent age-related loss of muscle (sarcopenia) to prevent bedridden states, and further to improve quality of life (QOL) and maintain active lifestyles. Exercise is the most effective means for preventing and addressing sarcopenia. Regular exercise is also reported to prevent progression of arteriosclerosis, prevent lifestyle diseases, and delay onset of dementia. However, the effects of exercise are known to differ substantially for different types of exercise. Regular walking and other aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular endurance, but among the elderly, loss of muscular strength, muscular atrophy, and other diminished physical functions have implications for falling and fractures, and it is not uncommon to see a consequent aggravation of disuse syndrome due to inactivity, leading to a bedridden state. In this light, strength training is also important for elderly individuals, to increase muscular strength and muscle mass. It is also highly important for elderly individuals to eat a diet, particularly amino acids, that enhances the effects of exercise. Here we present an overview of aerobic exercise, resistance training, and "kaatsu training" (i.e., training under pressure-restricted blood flow to the extremities) representing anti-aging exercise methods. We likewise discuss the importance of diet for exercise.
Envejecimiento. Adulto mayor.
European Journal of Sport Science, 2013
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Perinola, 2024
Tres nuevas piezas de títulos de comedias
Studia Philosophica Estonia, 2024
The fragility of the postwar international order is threatened not only by Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, but even more tellingly, by the decisions that Western nations, the European Union, and NATO make in response to Russian aggression. is paper frames Western responses to Russia's invasion of Ukraine within what Reinhart Koselleck calls "the sediments of time" or Zeitschichten that contain di erent temporalities, speeds, and directions. Koselleck's approach of parsing the "sediments of time" is a heuristic device for understanding how Western responses to the war in Ukraine are framed by very di erent historical markers. Just as one might parse the grammatical components of a sentence in order to understand its meaning, so one might parse Western responses within di erent historical timescales that include Zeitenwende, déjà vu, interregnum, and Never Again.
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2010
Architecture Philosophy, 2015
Representation, 2001
International Journal of Scientific Research , 2022
Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler, pp. 469-510. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Springfield.
Forest Policy and Economics, 2011
Annual of Navigation, 2018
BYU Studies Quarterly, 1997
welt und umwelt der bibel 2/2019, 2019
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 2013
African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 2019
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2018