True tracheal bronchus

2016, Anaesthesia

A true tracheal bronchus originates from the trachea, between 2 and 6 cm from the carina (Fig. 1). Right upper lobe tracheal bronchus (a.k.a. ‘pig bronchus’) has a reported frequency of 0.1-3%. Tracheobronchial variants complicate one-lung ventilation, and can lead to atelectasis if an endobronchial tube obstructs ventilation of distal lung tissue. Computed tomography is a useful (but fallible) diagnostic tool (Fig. 2). Anaesthetists need to remain vigilant for this anatomical variant.

Snippet True tracheal bronchus A true tracheal bronchus originates from the trachea, between 2 and 6 cm from the carina (Fig. 1). Right upper lobe tracheal bronchus (a.k.a. ‘pig bronchus’) has a reported frequency of 0.1-3%. Tracheobronchial variants complicate one-lung ventilation, and can lead to atelectasis if an endobronchial tube obstructs ventilation of distal lung tissue. Computed tomography is a useful (but fallible) diagnostic tool (Fig. 2). Anaesthetists need to remain vigilant for this anatomical variant. Figure 1 Computerised tomogram scan of a right true tracheal bronchus. C. Barbetta N. Tamburini I. Marchi G. Forini A. Papi S. Anna University Hospital, Ferrara, Italy Email: [email protected] I. Gatti F. Ravenna ATTS Carlo Poma, Mantova, Italy No external funding and no competing interests declared. This work was presented at Congresso sezione regionale AIPO EMILIA ROMAGNA, Reggio, Emilia, Italy, June 2014. Figure 2 Endoscopic view of a right true tracheal bronchus. doi:10.1111/anae.13531 846 © 2016 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 13652044, 2016, 7, Downloaded from by CochraneItalia, Wiley Online Library on [14/12/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License Anaesthesia 2016, 71, 846