Since its foundation, the Kingdom of Hungary was linked to the Italian Peninsula by
means of diplomacy. These connections only intensified during the early Renaissance
which encompasses the period between the beginnings of Louis I of Anjou’s reign
(1342) and the Ottoman occupation (1526). Social networks built between the two
territories can be divided into four main categories: diplomatic networks, merchant
networks, migration networks and artistic networks or cultural exchange. These
networks were dependent on each other and influenced to a great extent the spread of
early Renaissance Italian culture. Amicable diplomatic relations represented a key
element in the operation of Italian merchant networks in Hungary. Similarly, in- and
outbound migration patterns were conditioned by these previous two networks.
Consequently, the cooperation of networks of diplomacy, commerce and migration
resulted in the circulation of artists and learned men between the two territories. These
two groups included the humanists Pier Paolo Vergerio, Galeotto Marzio, and the painter
Masolino. Thanks to their mediation, the Kingdom
of Hungary gradually embraced several innovations of the Renaissance Italian culture.
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