published: 16 February 2022
doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.841892
Impaired Glucose Homeostasis in a
Tau Knock-In Mouse Model
Hamza Benderradji 1,2† , Sarra Kraiem 1,2† , Emilie Courty 3 , Sabiha Eddarkaoui 1,2 ,
Cyril Bourouh 3 , Emilie Faivre 1,2 , Laure Rolland 3 , Emilie Caron 1,4 , Mélanie Besegher 5 ,
Frederik Oger 3 , Theo Boschetti 1,2 , Kévin Carvalho 1,2 , Bryan Thiroux 1,2 , Thibaut Gauvrit 1,2 ,
Emilie Nicolas 6 , Victoria Gomez-Murcia 1,2 , Anna Bogdanova 1,2 , Antonino Bongiovanni 7 ,
Anne Muhr-Tailleux 6 , Steve Lancel 8 , Kadiombo Bantubungi 6 , Nicolas Sergeant 1,2 ,
Jean-Sebastien Annicotte 3 , Luc Buée 1,2 , Didier Vieau 1,2 , David Blum 1,2 *† and
Valérie Buée-Scherrer 1,2†
Edited by:
Tiago F. Outeiro,
University Medical Center
Goettingen, Germany
Reviewed by:
Emmanuel Planel,
Laval University, Canada
Monica Garcia-Alloza,
University of Cádiz, Spain
David Blum
[email protected]
These authors have contributed
equally to this work
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Brain Disease Mechanisms,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience
Received: 22 December 2021
Accepted: 21 January 2022
Published: 16 February 2022
Benderradji H, Kraiem S, Courty E,
Eddarkaoui S, Bourouh C, Faivre E,
Rolland L, Caron E, Besegher M,
Oger F, Boschetti T, Carvalho K,
Thiroux B, Gauvrit T, Nicolas E,
Gomez-Murcia V, Bogdanova A,
Bongiovanni A, Muhr-Tailleux A,
Lancel S, Bantubungi K, Sergeant N,
Annicotte J-S, Buée L, Vieau D,
Blum D and Buée-Scherrer V
(2022) Impaired Glucose
Homeostasis in a Tau Knock-In
Mouse Model.
Front. Mol. Neurosci. 15:841892.
doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.841892
Univ. Lille, Inserm, CHU Lille, U1172 LilNCog—Lille Neuroscience & Cognition, Lille, France, 2 Alzheimer & Tauopathies,
LabEx DISTALZ, Lille, France, 3 Univ. Lille, INSERM, CNRS, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Inserm
U1283-UMR8199—EGID, Lille, France, 4 Development and Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain, Lille, France, 5 Univ. Lille,
CNRS, Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, US 41—UMS 2014—PLBS, Animal Facility, Lille, France, 6 Univ. Lille,
Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, U1011-EGID, Lille, France, 7 Univ. Lille, CNRS, Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur
de Lille, US 41—UMS 2014—PLBS, BioImaging Center Lille, Lille, France, 8 Univ. Lille, Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de
Lille, U1167—RID-AGE—Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement, Lille, France
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia. While impaired glucose
homeostasis has been shown to increase AD risk and pathological loss of tau
function, the latter has been suggested to contribute to the emergence of the glucose
homeostasis alterations observed in AD patients. However, the links between tau
impairments and glucose homeostasis, remain unclear. In this context, the present study
aimed at investigating the metabolic phenotype of a new tau knock-in (KI) mouse model,
expressing, at a physiological level, a human tau protein bearing the P301L mutation
under the control of the endogenous mouse Mapt promoter. Metabolic investigations
revealed that, while under chow diet tau KI mice do not exhibit significant metabolic
impairments, male but not female tau KI animals under High-Fat Diet (HFD) exhibited
higher insulinemia as well as glucose intolerance as compared to control littermates.
Using immunofluorescence, tau protein was found colocalized with insulin in the β cells
of pancreatic islets in both mouse (WT, KI) and human pancreas. Isolated islets from
tau KI and tau knock-out mice exhibited impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion
(GSIS), an effect recapitulated in the mouse pancreatic β-cell line (MIN6) following tau
knock-down. Altogether, our data indicate that loss of tau function in tau KI mice
and, particularly, dysfunction of pancreatic β cells might promote glucose homeostasis
impairments and contribute to metabolic changes observed in AD.
Keywords: tau, glucose homeostasis, energy metabolism, mouse model, high-fat
Neurofibrillary degeneration, made of aggregates of hyper- and abnormally phosphorylated
tau proteins (tau pathology) is a neuropathological hallmark of tauopathies including
Alzheimer’s disease (AD; Sergeant et al., 2008; Colin et al., 2020). In the latter, the spatiotemporal progression of tau pathology has been tightly correlated to cognitive deficits,
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February 2022 | Volume 15 | Article 841892
Benderradji et al.
Tau and Glucose Homeostasis
knock-out mice. Further, we associated the H1 tau haplotype
with glucose homeostasis in humans (Marciniak et al., 2017).
These observations raised the hypothesis that, overall, the
pathological loss of tau function promotes glucose homeostasis
impairments seen in AD patients. To address this question, in
the present study, we have investigated the peripheral metabolic
outcomes in a new knock-in model of tau loss-of-function,
expressing mutated (P301L) human tau protein under the
control of the endogenous murine Mapt promoter. Overall, our
data report the vulnerability of tau knock-in mice to glucose
metabolism alterations, supporting the prime function of tau
dysfunctions to glucose dyshomeostasis described in AD.
supporting an instrumental role (Colin et al., 2020). Whether
this relates to a toxic gain or a pathological loss of tau function
remains debated (Maeda and Mucke, 2016). Indeed, on the
one hand, transgenic models developing tau pathology exhibit
synaptic impairments and cognitive deficits (i.e., Van der Jeugd
et al., 2013). On the other hand, tau knock-out or knock-down
models display similar alterations (Ahmed et al., 2015; Biundo
et al., 2018; Velazquez et al., 2018). These latter observations
particularly support that tau, essentially expressed by neurons
in the nervous system, exerts physiological functions whose loss
promotes neuron-autonomous dysfunctions. This might relate to
the ability of tau to control microtubule dynamics but possibly to
other mechanisms, providing that tau is now acknowledged to be
more than a microtubule-associated protein (Sotiropoulos et al.,
2017). From a general perspective, the physiological functions of
tau remain ill-defined.
Diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance are important risk
factors for AD (Reitz et al., 2011; Livingston et al., 2017).
Hyperglycemia, even without the development of diabetes,
represents a risk factor for memory decline and AD (Crane
et al., 2013). Diabetes was also reported to be an independent
risk factor in patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration
(FTLD; Golimstok et al., 2014). In agreement, inducing glucose
homeostasis impairments and diabetes exacerbate learning and
memory defects as well as underlying pathology in different
models reproducing the amyloid and tau lesions of AD (Takeda
et al., 2010; Leboucher et al., 2013; for review see Wijesekara
et al., 2018a). Puzzlingly, while impaired glucose homeostasis has
been suggested to increase AD risk and associated lesions and
particularly tau pathology, AD patients have been reported to
exhibit altered glucose metabolism (Bucht et al., 1983; Fujisawa
et al., 1991; Craft et al., 1992; Matsuzaki et al., 2010; Calsolaro
and Edison, 2016; Tortelli et al., 2017) and to display an increased
prevalence to develop type 2 diabetes (Janson et al., 2004; for
review see Gratuze et al., 2018). It has been also reported that
patients presenting the most common clinical phenotype of
FTLD i.e., the behavioral variant or bvFTLD, among which
one-half anatomo-pathologically present with tau aggregates
(Pressman and Miller, 2014), exhibit increased fasting insulin
levels and HOMA-IR index, a marker of insulin resistance,
suggesting impaired glucose metabolism (Ahmed et al., 2014).
The origin of these metabolic changes remains however unclear.
However, at least for AD, the presence of tau pathology
was described in brain regions known to control peripheral
metabolism such as the hippocampus and hypothalamus (Schultz
et al., 1999; Ishii and Iadecola, 2015; Soto et al., 2019) but also,
surprisingly, in insulin-producing pancreatic β cells (MartinezValbuena et al., 2019).
We recently provided evidence, using a model of constitutive
deletion, that tau is important for the control of peripheral
energy homeostasis (Marciniak et al., 2017). We particularly
showed that tau knock-out mice exhibit glucose homeostasis
impairments, characterized by hyperinsulinemia and impaired
glucose tolerance, that have been later replicated by other
colleagues (Wijesekara et al., 2018b, 2021). In agreement,
Wijesekara et al. (2021) recently demonstrated that human
tau expression reversed glucose intolerance observed in tau
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Human Samples
Human tissues were obtained in accordance with French bylaws
(Good Practice Concerning the Conservation, Transformation,
and Transportation of Human Tissue to be Used Therapeutically,
published on 29 December 1998). Permission to use human
tissues was obtained from the French Agency for Biomedical
Research (Agence de la Biomedecine, Saint-Denis la Plaine,
France, protocol no. PFS16-002) and the Lille Neurobank (DC2008-642). To monitor tau isoforms in human islets, we used
3 mRNA samples obtained from TEBU-Bio (France). As control
of tau isoform expression in the brain, we used mRNA extracted
from the cortical area of one 29-year-old male individual who had
donated his body to science. To evaluate tau expression in human
islets by immunohistochemistry, we used pancreatic sections
from a 77-year-old male obtained from Biochain1 (T2234188,
Hayward, CA).
Experimental Animals and Diet
Tau knock-in mice (tau KI; C57BL6/J background) were
generated by knock-in targeted inserting way, into the
murine locus Mapt gene, of a cDNA encoding human 1N4R
isoform mutated at P301L and tagged with a V5 epitope
(GKPIPNPLLGLDST; this epitope tracks transgene expression)
in exon 1 after initiation codon of protein translation (ATG).
A Stop codon is present at the end of the human transgene as
well as a poly(A) tail (Genoway, France; Figure 1A). Human
tau expression in this KI model was assessed by Western blot.
To obtain animals of interest, we crossed heterozygous tau
KI male mice with heterozygous females tau KI animals to
generate the homozygous tau KI mice and their littermate WT
controls used for experiments. It is noteworthy that the body
weight at weaning was similar in tau KI mice as compared
to WT littermate (not shown). Animals were maintained in
standard animal cages under conventional laboratory conditions
(12-h/12-h light/dark cycle, 22◦ C), with ad libitum access to
food and water. The animals were maintained in compliance
with European standards for the care and use of laboratory
animals and experimental protocols approved by the local
Animal Ethical Committee (agreement APAFIS# 127871 https://www.biochain.com/product/paraffin-tissue-section-human-adult-
February 2022 | Volume 15 | Article 841892
Benderradji et al.
Tau and Glucose Homeostasis
was then measured at 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min following
injection. For fasting-refeeding experiments, mice were fasted
overnight (16 h of fast) and re-fed. Blood glucose was measured
at 16 h (overnight) of fasting and during the 1st, 2nd, and
4th h after re-feeding. Blood glucose was measured at the tail
vein after 6 h of morning fasting, an overnight fasting, and
in fed or refeeding conditions using One Touch Verio Flex
glucometer (LifeScan).
2015101320441671 v9 from CEEA75, Lille, France). Tau KI
mice and WT littermates were fed with CHOW diet (SAFE
D04; for composition see: https://safe-lab.com/safe-wAssets/
docs/product-data-sheets/diets/safe_d04ds.pdf) or High-Fat
Diet (HFD; 58% kCal from fat; Research Diets D12331; for
composition see: https://researchdiets.com/formulas/d12331)
from 2 months of age. Body weights were measured weekly.
At the completion of the experiment (i.e., following 12w of
diet), mice were about 5-month-old. The experimental workflow
for metabolic observations is provided on Supplementary
Figure 1 and experiments are detailed below. Comparison of
the metabolic phenotype of the KI mice with littermate WT was
performed under chow diet in a first experiment; the effect of
the HFD diet was evaluated in a second experiment. The HFD
used is similar to what we published previously (Leboucher
et al., 2019). This HFD was subjected to an initial evaluation of
metabolic properties in WT littermate mice of the KI strain to
ensure the ability to promote glucose intolerance.
Tissue Fixation, Immunohistochemistry
and Imaging
Animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation. Following
dissection, pancreases were laid flat in cassettes, fixed for
4 h in 4% paraformaldehyde, dehydrated, and embedded in
paraffin. Longitudinal serial sections (5 µm) were processed for
immunofluorescent (IF) analysis. Tissue sections from human
adult normal pancreas were obtained from Biochain (T2234188,
Hayward, CA). Immunohistochemistry of the human pancreas
was performed on 5 µm sections embedded in paraffin. The
sections were de-paraffinized in three changes of toluene
(5 min each) and re-hydrated in decreasing serial solutions
of ethanol (100%, 95%, and 70%) and PBS. Sections were
submitted to heat-induced antigen retrieval in citrate-buffer
(10 mM citrate acid, 0.05% Tween 20 in distilled water),
using microwave: two cycles for 5 and 10 min at power
level 520 W and 160 W, respectively, followed by a 2 min
break, cooled to room temperature for 20 min. Pancreatic
tissue samples were incubated with blocking solution (5% goat
serum and 1% BSA in PBS) for 1 h at RT, and washed
once with PBS, then incubated with the primary anti-tau
antibodies (laboratory-made mouse monoclonal IgG1 tau C-ter
9F6 raised against amino-acids (aas) 427–441, homemade
mouse monoclonal IgG2b tau 9H12 raised against aas 162–175,
for human sections a homemade mouse polyclonal IgG tau
C-ter 993S5 raised against aas 394–408; see Supplementary
Figure 2) diluted at 1:200 in antibody buffer (PBS, 1%
BSA) overnight at +4◦ C. After washing in PBS, slides were
incubated with the detecting secondary antibodies conjugated
to Alexa Fluor 568 (IgG H + L, Highly Cross-Adsorbed
Goat anti-Mouse, Invitrogen, A-1103, Darmstadt, Germany)
diluted at 1:200 in antibody buffer for 1 h at RT. For
detecting human tau in tau KI mice sections, a homemade
rabbit monoclonal tau N-ter (hTauE1, raised against aas
12–21; Supplementary Figure 2) was used, diluted at 1:200 in
antibody buffer (PBS, 1% BSA) 48 h at + 4◦ C. Amplified
immunohistochemistry processes were used. After washing
in PBS, slides were incubated with Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG
biotinylated secondary antibody (BA-1000-1.5), washed, and
incubated with fluorophore-coupled streptavidin (Alexa FluorTM
647 Conjugate, S32357) diluted at 1:600 in PBS. For detection
of glucagon and insulin, slides were incubated with either
a recombinant monoclonal Rabbit anti-glucagon antibody
(Abcam, ab92517) diluted at 1:500 or a Polyclonal Guinea
Pig Anti-insulin antibody ready-to-use (Agilent, IR00261-2)
overnight at +4◦ C, followed by the secondary antibodies
conjugated to Alexa Fluor 488 [for glucagon: IgG H + L,
Highly Cross-Adsorbed Goat anti-Rabbit, Invitrogen, A32731,
Metabolic Cages
Spontaneous feeding, locomotor activity (total beam
breaks/hour), respiratory exchange ratio, and O2 consumption
were monitored continuously for 24 h using metabolic cages
(Phenomaster, TSE Systems, Germany). Food intake was
measured by the integration of weighing sensors fixed at the
top of the cage from which the food containers were suspended
into the home cage. Locomotor activity was assessed using a
metal frame placed around the cage. Evenly spaced infrared
light beams are emitted along the x axis. Beam interruptions
caused by movements of the animals are sensed and registered at
high resolution. The sensors for detection of movement operate
efficiently under both light and dark phases, allowing continuous
recording. Metabolic rates were (Respiratory exchange ratio,
O2 consumption) measured by indirect calorimetry. Mice were
housed individually and acclimated to the home cage for 72 h
prior to experimental measurements.
Biochemical Plasma Parameters
Blood was collected at the tail vein after 6 h of morning
fasting. Within 30 min of the collection of blood samples,
blood was centrifuged at 1,500 g for 15 min at 4◦ C. Plasma
was separated, transferred to 1.5 ml Eppendorf tubes, and
stored at −80◦ C until analysis. Plasma concentrations of
insulin were measured using the mouse insulin ELISA
kit (Mercodia AB, 10-1247-01; no cross-reactivity with
proinsulin) following the manufacturer’s instructions. Plasma
concentrations of adiponectin were measured using a mouse
Adiponectin ELISA kit (Invitrogen, KMP0041) following the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Metabolic Tolerance Tests
Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests (IPGTT) were assessed
following 6 h of morning fasting. D (+) glucose (1 g/kg;
Sigma-Aldrich) was injected intraperitoneally. Blood glucose was
then measured at 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min following
injection. For the pyruvate tolerance test (PTT), mice were
fasted overnight and given an intraperitoneal injection of sodium
pyruvate (2.0 g/kg) dissolved in sterile saline. Blood glucose
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February 2022 | Volume 15 | Article 841892
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Tau and Glucose Homeostasis
FIGURE 1 | Generation and tau expression in the tau knock-in mouse model. (A) Generation strategy of tau knock-in (KI) mice. MAPT human transgene is
composed of 10 exonic regions with P301L mutation on exon 10. A V5 epitope tag is inserted after exon 2. STOP codon is inserted followed by exogenous poly(A)
Tail. The transgene is under the control of the Mapt mouse endogenous promoter. Insertion of the targeting vector was mediated by cre-loxP recombination (pLox
sites shown as empty arrows). A floxed neomycin resistance (Neor) cassette used for positive selection was removed from the targeted allele by FRT (FRT sites
shown as black rectangles) recombination sites. Positions and sizes of exons and introns are not to scale. (B) Representative expression of tau and V5 in the cortex
and hippocampus of tau KI mice and WT littermates (two showed mice out of eight/genotype).
were resolved in an 1.75% agarose gel in TAE buffer (40 mM Tris,
20 mM acetic acid, 2 mM EDTA, pH 8.5).
Darmstadt, Germany; for insulin: IgG H + L, Highly CrossAdsorbed Goat anti-Guinea Pig, A-11073, Darmstadt, Germany]
diluted at1:200 in antibody buffer (PBS, 1% BSA) for 1 h
at RT. Nuclear counterstaining was performed using DAPI
(Invitrogen). Sections were quenched for autofluorescence using
the Vector TrueVIEW Autofluorescence Quenching Kit (Vector
Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA). Slides were mounted using
Dako Fluorescence Mounting Medium (Agilent Technologies,
California, USA). Immunofluorescence-stained slides were
imaged using a Zeiss Spinning disk confocal microscopy with
a 40× oil-immersion lens (NA 1.3 with an optical resolution
of 176 nm). Images were processed with ZEN software (Carl
Zeiss, version, Germany). Colocalizations between
islet signals given using tau antibodies vs. insulin or glucagon
were determined through Pearson’s overlap coefficient using
Image J (Adler and Parmryd, 2010).
Morphometric Analysis of Pancreatic Islets
Longitudinal pancreatic sections were cut at a 5 µm thickness,
collected at 250 µm intervals, and plated on glass slides. This
resulted in the collection of sections of 10 depths per pancreas.
The sections were then proceeded as previously described (Rabhi
et al., 2016). Sections were incubated with anti-glucagon and
anti-insulin antibodies, followed by the secondary antibodies
conjugated to Alexa Fluor 568 [IgG (H + L) Highly CrossAdsorbed Goat anti-Rabbit, A-11008, Darmstadt, Germany], and
Alexa Fluor 488 [IgG (H + L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Goat
anti-Guinea Pig, A-11073, Darmstadt, Germany], respectively.
All images were acquired on a ZEISS Axio Scan.Z1 slide scanner
(Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Germany) at ×20 magnification
(resolution of 0.5 µm/pixel) and uploaded into a Spectrum digital
slide interface. Images of whole pancreatic sections acquired were
analyzed by a macro-based automated approach. First, pancreatic
islets were detected by an automated approach using ImageJ
software (Scion Software) based on immunofluorescence signal
of insulin and glucagon. Then, to appreciate the relative mass of
β and α cells in each detected pancreatic islet, the surface area of
both insulin and glucagon positive cells was determined using the
following equations:
B-cell surface area:
Identification of 3R and 4R Tau Isoforms
Following mRNA extraction, one microliter of the RT-product
was used as the template for subsequent PCR amplification. All
PCR primers used in this study are reported in (Supplementary
Table 1). Regarding mouse tau exon 10 splicing, we performed a
nested PCR with TMF1/TMR1 primers to ensure the specificity
of the PCR products obtained and a second PCR using
TMF1/TRR2 primers. As internal controls, we used mouse or
human cortex samples. The TMF1/TRR2 PCR products obtained
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February 2022 | Volume 15 | Article 841892
Benderradji et al.
Tau and Glucose Homeostasis
Kit). Protein lysates were then diluted with LDS (Lithium
Dodecyl Sulfate) 2× supplemented with reducing agents
(NuPAGEr ), and then separated on 18-well 4–12% acrylamide
gel (Criterion XT, Biorad). Twenty microgram of total proteins
for cortex as the hippocampus and 40 µg for liver were
loaded per well. Proteins were transferred onto nitrocellulose
membranes, which were saturated with 5% nonfat dry milk
or Bovine Serum Albumin in Tris 15 mmol/L, pH 8;
NaCl 140 mmol/L and 0.05% Tween then incubated with
primary (listed below) and secondary antibodies (PI-10001 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Antibody (H + L), Peroxidase, Vector
laboratories). Signals were visualized using chemiluminescence
HRP substrate ECL kit (Amersham ECL Detection Reagents) and
Amersham ImageQuant 800 imaging system (Cytiva). Results
were normalized to GAPDH used as loading control, and
quantifications were performed using ImageJ software. Anti-tau
antibodies used for Western blot were Cter 9F6 and human
tau-specific antibody Nter hTauE1 (Supplementary Figure 2).
An antibody raised against V5 tag (GKPIPNPLLGLDST) that
was inserted on human transgene (catalog no. AB3792 Anti
V5 Epitope Tag (Rabbit polyclonal; Millipore) has been used to
specifically label the human transgene. Phospho-Akt(S473) and
Akt(pan) antibodies (Cell signaling) were used on liver tissue.
Loading control anti-GAPDH antibody (catalog no. G9545200UL, Sigmar ).
i = % of insulin signal
i % of insulin and glucagon signals × 100
α cells surface area:
i = % of glucagon signal
i % of insulin and glucagon signals × 100
Cell Culture, siRNA Knock-Down, and
Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion
The mouse pancreatic β-cell line Min6 (AddexBio) was cultured
in DMEM (Gibco) with 15% fetal bovine serum, 100 mg/ml
penicillin-streptomycin, and 55 µM β-mercaptoethanol (Sigma,
M6250). Cells were transfected with non-targeting siRNA mouse
negative controls (siCont, D-001810-0X) and siTau (L-06156101-0005, SMARTpool, Dharmacon) using Dharmafect1 (T-200103, GE Dharmacon) and GSIS experiments were performed 48 h
later. For GSIS, following a 1 h preincubation in Krebs-HEPESbicarbonate buffer (KHB; 140 mM NaCl, 3.6 mM KCl, 0.5 mM
NaH2 PO4 , 0.2 mM MgSO4 , 1.5 mM CaCl2 , 10 mM HEPES,
25 mM NaHCO3 ) with 2.8 mM glucose, GSIS was assessed by
static incubation of siCont and siTau transfected Min6 cells in
KHB with 2.8 mM or 20 mM glucose for 1 h at 37◦ C. Mature
insulin secreted into the media and total mature insulin content
were quantified through insulin ELISA (Mercodia AB; no crossreactivity with proinsulin) following the the manufacturer’s
mRNA Extraction and Quantitative Real-Time
Total RNAs from human (N = 3) and mouse (WT, N = 3) isolated
pancreatic islets, as well mouse cortex were extracted from
tissues using the RNeasy Lipid Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Courtaboeuf,
France) following the manufacturer’s instructions. Samples were
quantified with a NanoDrop ND-1000. Five-hundred nanograms
of total RNA were reverse-transcribed using the High-Capacity
cDNA reverse transcription kit (Applied Biosystem, Saint-Aubin,
France). Quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis was performed
on an Applied BiosystemsTM StepOnePlusTM Real-Time PCR
Systems using TaqManTM Gene Expression Master Mix (Life
Technologies Corp., Grand Island, NY). The thermal cycler
conditions were as follows: 95◦ C for 10 min, then 40 cycles at
95◦ C for 15 s and 60◦ C for 1 min. Predesigned TaqmanTM gene
expression assays (Life Technologies Corp., Grand Island, NY)
were used for mouse Mapt (Mm00521988_m1). Peptidylprolyl
isomerase A (PPIA, Mm02342430_g1) expression was assessed as
a reference housekeeping gene for normalization. Amplifications
were carried out in duplicates and the relative expression of target
genes was determined by the ∆∆Ct method.
Pancreatic Islet Isolation and GSIS
Mouse islets were isolated by type V collagenase digestion
(Sigma-Aldrich C9263, 1 mg/ml h) of the pancreas for
10 min at 37◦ C. After separation in a density-gradient medium
(Histopaque-1119; Sigma-Aldrich), islets were handpicked. They
were then cultured for 18–20 h at 37◦ C in a 95% air/5%
CO2 atmosphere in RPMI 1640 (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
containing 10% FBS and 100 µg/ml penicillin-streptomycin.
GSIS experiments were performed as previously described
(Rabhi et al., 2016). Briefly, approximately 30 islets were exposed
to 2.8 mM glucose and 16.7 mM glucose in Krebs-Ringer buffer
supplemented with HEPES (Sigma, 83264) and 0.5% fatty-acid
free BSA (Sigma, A7030). Insulin released in the medium and
total insulin content were measured using the mouse insulin
ELISA kit (Mercodia AB; no cross-reactivity with proinsulin)
following manufacturer’s instructions.
Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistics were performed
using either Student’s t-test as well as One or Two-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA), followed by a post hoc Tukey’s test. We
used Kruskall-Wallis when data failed a Kolmogorov-Smirnov
or a Shapiro-Wilk normality test. Statistics were performed
using Graphpad Prism Software. P values <0.05 were considered
Western Blot Analysis
Cortical brain and liver tissues, sampled at mouse sacrifice,
were homogenized in a buffer Tris Base 10 mM; Sucrose
10%; pH = 7.4 with protease inhibitors (1 tablet for 10 ml
solution—Sigmar Complete Mini EDTA Free). Protein amounts
were evaluated using the BCA assay (PierceTM BCA ProteinAssay
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February 2022 | Volume 15 | Article 841892
Benderradji et al.
Tau and Glucose Homeostasis
as well as overnight fasting glycemia (Figure 2I) were found
significantly enhanced in tau KI animals. Further, tau KI male
mice fed under HFD also exhibited impaired glucose tolerance
as assessed using the IPGTT (glucose tolerance) test (Figure 2J).
Impaired glucose homeostasis was apparently not accompanied
by peripheral insulin resistance since levels of liver pAkt, a
downstream target of the insulin signaling pathway, remained
similar between WT and tau KI animals (Supplementary
Figure 4A). In line, levels of plasma adiponectin, an adipose
tissue–secreted endogenous insulin sensitizer whose reduction is
associated with insulin resistance, were not altered in tau KI mice
(Supplementary Figure 4B).
Since tau KI animals have impaired glucose tolerance
upon HFD, we next investigated whether insulin-producing
β-cell mass could be altered. Indeed, increased β-cell mass
may be indicative of an adaptive mechanism to impaired
insulin secretion and therefore altered glucose homeostasis
(Weir and Bonner-Weir, 2004). We thus evaluated the relative
mass of α and β cells in pancreatic islets of WT and
tau KI mice under HFD. Interestingly, enhanced insulinemia
and glucose intolerance of tau KI mice under HFD were
associated with an increased fraction of β-cell in the islets
of tau KI mice as compared to WT littermates while
glucagon-producing α-cells remained unaffected (Figure 3).
The increase of β cell mass can be explained by the
increase of both the number of pancreatic islets and the
area of β-cells in KI mice. These data suggest that impaired
glucose tolerance might relate to defective insulin secretion in
response to glucose, more than a direct effect on beta cell
Finally, to assess the possibility that hepatic glucose
homeostasis could also be impaired in tau KI mice, animals
were also challenged with pyruvate, a gluconeogenic precursor
(Clementi et al., 2011). Pyruvate tolerance remained unaltered in
tau KI mice as compared to their control littermates (Figure 2K)
suggesting that liver glucose production was not associated with
the glucose metabolic disturbances observed. Body temperature
remained similar between genotypes (Figure 2L), possibly
excluding gross thermogenesis alterations.
Importantly, we could uncover a sexual dimorphism in the
glucose homeostasis impairments of tau KI mice since neither
fasting glycemia, glucose tolerance nor body weight gain were
affected in females KI mice under HFD as compared to their
control littermates (Figures 2M–U). Altogether, the present data
suggested that, when challenged with HFD, tau KI male mice
exhibit significant glucose dyshomeostasis.
In the present study, we have performed a metabolic evaluation,
focusing on glucose homeostasis, of tau KI mice in which the
human 1N4R isoform mutated at P301L has been inserted at
the locus of the mouse Mapt gene. Human tau expression was
validated by western-blot analysis (Figure 1B). Noteworthy,
similarly to other KI strains reported (Hashimoto et al., 2019;
Saito et al., 2019), the present model does not exhibit tau
aggregation at the age studied (2–5 months of age; not shown).
This allowed us to evaluate the impact of an expression of
soluble mutated (dysfunctional) tau proteins in absence of
Metabolism of Tau KI Mice Is Not Impaired
Under Chow Diet
In a first attempt, we investigated the phenotype of male animals
under a chow diet. Among all parameters measured i.e., food
intake, ambulatory activity, respiratory exchange ratio (RER),
and energy expenditure—indirectly represented by oxygen
consumption VO2 - using metabolic cages (Supplementary
Figures 3A–D), as well as fed and fasted glycemia, plasma
insulin, body weight gain over a 3-month period (from 2 to
5 months of age), glucose tolerance or rectal temperature, no
significant change could be observed (Supplementary Figures
3E–J). Therefore, under chow diet, tau KI mice did not exhibit
altered basal energy homeostasis or glucose metabolism.
Impaired Glucose Metabolism in Tau KI
Mice Under High-Fat Diet
In order to uncover a possible metabolic disorder related to the
expression of the mutated human tau protein, we challenged
tau KI male mice and their littermate controls with HFD for a
period of 12 weeks, to promote the development of metabolic
changes, approaching features of human metabolic syndrome or
type 2 diabetes (Winzell and Ahren, 2004). HFD was given from
2 months of age, a time-point at which animals do not display
any metabolic change in chow diet condition (Supplementary
Figure 3). The time-line for metabolic investigations is given in
Supplementary Figure 1.
First, we observed that the body weight gain was significantly,
even moderately, increased in tau KI as compared to littermate
WT (Figure 2A, reaching, at the completion of the experiment,
i.e., after 12 weeks of HFD at 5 months of age, 39.0 ± 3.1% above
the initial body weight (2 months of age) vs. 28.9 ± 3.3% in
WT mice (p < 0.05, Student’s t-test). In accordance with such
enhanced body weight gain, we found, using metabolic cages,
that tau KI mice exhibited an increased food intake (Figure 2B)
without modification of locomotor activity (Figure 2C) nor
energy expenditure (Figure 2D). The respiratory exchange ratio
(RER) remained unaltered suggesting that under HFD, tau KI
mice do not exhibit major energy metabolism nor change of
energy substrate oxidation at the tissue level (Figure 2E).
Interestingly, further investigations were indicative of glucose
homeostasis disturbances in tau KI as compared to littermate WT
mice under HFD. While 6-h-fasting or fed glycemia remained
unaltered by HFD (Figures 2F,G), insulinemia (Figure 2H)
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Tau Is Expressed by Insulin-Producing
Cells of Mouse and Human Islets
Changes in insulin levels, glucose tolerance, and changes in βcell mass observed in KI male mice point towards a potential link
between tau and function of pancreatic β cells.
It is noteworthy that while tau is particularly enriched in
the brain, Mapt mRNA expression in pancreatic mouse islets
represents 10% of its level in the cortex (Figure 4A). This is
in line with public single-cell RNA sequencing data reporting
tau mRNA enrichment in pancreatic β cells (but also δ cells)
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Benderradji et al.
Tau and Glucose Homeostasis
FIGURE 2 | Metabolic phenotyping of tau KI mice under High Fat diet (HFD; given from 2 to 5 months of age). (A–L): Males. (A) Body weight gain of WT and tau KI
mice under HFD from 2 to 5 months of age (Two-Way ANOVA; F (14,210) = 1.807, *p < 0.05 vs. WT). (B–F) Metabolic cage evaluation of tau KI male mice: (B)
24 h-cumulative food intake (g) (Two-Way ANOVA; F (23,207) = 2.401, *p < 0.05 vs. WT). (C) 24 h spontaneous locomotor activity (total beam breaks/h). (D)
24 h-respiratory exchange ratio (RER = VCO2 /VO2 ). (E) 24 h-O2 consumption. (F) Glycemia after 6 h of fasting before (2 m) and at the completion of HFD (5 m; NS,
One-Way ANOVA). (G) Glycemia in fed condition (9 a.m) before (2 m) and at the completion of HFD (5 m; NS, One-Way ANOVA). (H) Insulinemia after 6 h of fasting
before (2 m) and at the completion of HFD (5 m; One-Way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-hoc test; F (3,27) = 13.34 p < 0.0001; *p < 0.05 vs. WT). (I) Glycemic
variations during the 1st, 2nd and 4th h following re-feeding after 16 h of fasting at the completion of the HFD, i.e., 5 months of age (One-Way ANOVA followed by
Tukey’s post-hoc test; F (7,60) = 19.83 p < 0.0001; *p < 0.05 vs. WT *p < 0.05 vs. WT for glycemia after 16 h). (J) Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT) at
completion of the HFD, i.e., 5 months of age (*p < 0.05, Two-Way ANOVA). (K) Pyruvate tolerance test (PTT) at completion of the HFD, i.e., 5 months of age (NS,
Two-Way ANOVA). (L) Rectal temperature at the completion of the HFD, i.e., 5 months of age (NS, Student’s t-test). (M–U): Females. (M) Body weight gain of WT
and tau KI mice under HFD from 2 to 5 months of age (NS). (N) Glycemia after 6 h of fasting before (2 m) and at the completion of HFD (5 m; NS). (O) Glycemia in
fed condition 9 a.m. before (2 m) and at the completion of HFD (5 m; NS). (P) Insulinemia after 6 h of fasting before (2 m) and at the completion of HFD (5 m; NS). (Q)
Glycemic variations during the 1st, 2nd and 4th h following re-feeding after 16 h of fasting at the completion of the HFD, i.e., 5 months of age (NS). (R) Intraperitoneal
glucose tolerance test (IPGTT) at the completion of the HFD, i.e., 5 months of age (NS). (T) Pyruvate tolerance test (PTT) at the completion of the HFD, i.e., 5 months
of age (NS). (U) Rectal temperature at the completion of the HFD, i.e., 5 months of age (NS). Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. WT mice are indicated as white
circles/bars, tau KI mice as black circles/bars.
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Tau and Glucose Homeostasis
FIGURE 3 | Analysis for both α and β cell fraction. (A) Representative double immunofluorescence staining for insulin (red) and glucagon (green) in pancreas
sections from adult WT and tau KI mice. DAPI nuclear counterstaining was used (blue). Magnification for pancreatic sections = x40, scale bars = 20 µm. (B)
Automated analysis of α and β cell fraction in pancreatic sections from tau KI and WT male mice under HFD (N = 1,521–1,883 islets from three mice/group; Kruskal
Wallis test, p < 0.001; ∗∗ p = 0.0096 using Dunn’s multiple comparisons test). Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. WT mice are indicated as white bars, tau KI
mice as black bars.
ImageJ Software on confocal Z-stacks. In WT mice
(9F6 antibody), the Pearson coefficient for insulin/tau was
found to be 0.74 ± 0.01 (n = 5) while values for glucagon/tau
were extremely low 0.0005 ± 0.0006 (n = 5). In KI mice
(hTauE1 antibody), the Pearson coefficient for insulin/tau
was found to be 0.81 ± 0.02 (n = 5) while values for
glucagon/tau were extremely low 0.02 ± 0.0004 (n = 5).
In human islet (993S5 antibody), values were found to be
0.90 ± 0.06 (n = 3) for insulin/tau colocalization, while
0.18 ± 0.05 for glucagon/tau. Together, these data strongly
support that in pancreatic islets, tau protein is largely enriched
in β cells.
of pancreatic islets vs. α cells (Figures 4B–D; Segerstolpe et al.,
2016). It is noteworthy that mouse islets expressed tau 4R
isoforms (Supplementary Figure 5A) while human islets equally
expressed both 3R and 4R tau isoforms (Supplementary Figure
5B), in agreement with brain expressions.
At the protein level, we investigated the expression of tau in
the islets of WT and tau KI mice using various antibodies raised
against the C-terminal (9F6) and the N-terminal (hTauE1) parts
of tau (Figure 5, panels 1 and 2) as well as an antibody raised
against the 162–175 amino-acids of tau (9H12; Supplementary
Figure 6). We also evaluated the expression of tau in human
islets (993S5 antibody; Figure 5, panels 3). In line with previous
studies (Miklossy et al., 2010; Maj et al., 2010; Wijesekara et al.,
2018b; Martinez-Valbuena et al., 2019), pancreatic islets from
both WT and KI mice (9F6 and 9H12 antibodies; Figure 5,
panel 1, C/H/C’’/H’’ and Supplementary Figures 6C,H,C”,H”),
as well as humans (Figure 5, panel 3, B/F), expressed tau protein.
As expected, pancreatic islets from tau KI but not WT mice
expressed human tau (hTauE1 antibody; Figure 5, panel 2, C/H
vs. C’’/H’’). The specificity of the signal in mouse samples was
attested by the lack of signal found in the pancreatic islets from
tau KO mice (Figure 5, panels 1 and 2, C’/H’; Supplementary
Figures 6C’,H’). The absence of signal was always observed
when primary antibodies were omitted (data not shown
and Supplementary Figures 6K–O,K’–O’,K”–O”).
Importantly, in both mouse and human pancreatic islets,
tau protein was clearly expressed by β cells, expressing insulin
(Figure 5, panel 1, A–E,A’’–E’’; panel 2, A’’–E’’; panel 3,
A–D; Supplementary Figures 6A–E,A”–H”) but not by α cells,
expressing glucagon (Figure 5, panel 1, F–J/F’’–J’’; panel 2, F’’–J’’;
panel 3, E-H; Supplementary Figures 6F–J,F”–J”).
To corroborate these observations, we performed an
overlapping quantification using the Pearson’s overlap
coefficient as an index. The latter was determined using
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Impaired Glucose-Stimulated Insulin
Secretion in Isolated Islets From Tau KI
and KO Mice
To fully appreciate the functional impact of tau loss-of-function
on tau KI mice to β-cell function, we evaluated glucosestimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) in low and high glucose
conditions from pancreatic islets isolated from WT, tau KI
mice, and tau KO male mice, taken as a control. Although
the level of insulin expressed by islets was not significantly
different in KO and KI mice vs. WT (Figure 6A), constitutive
tau deletion or expression of the mutated form in KI significantly
impaired insulin secretion upon 16.7 mM glucose stimulation
(Figure 6B). Noteworthy, using the mouse pancreatic β-cell line
Min6, we could also observe that tau knock-down by siRNA
significantly impaired GSIS (Supplementary Figure 7). Taken
together, these results support that loss of tau function (knockdown, KO, or KI) impairs insulin secretion in response to glucose
without affecting insulin content, suggestive of a direct effect
of tau loss-of-function on insulin secretion rather than insulin
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Tau and Glucose Homeostasis
FIGURE 4 | Tau mRNA expression in mouse pancreas. (A) Tau mRNA expression in pancreatic islets and cortex of adult wild type mice (5 months). Tau mRNA
expression in endocrine pancreatic islets represents 10% of its expression in the hippocampus. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. (B) t-Distributed Stochastic
Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) visualization of all mouse pancreatic cells collected by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). (C) Single-cell transcriptomic data of
Mapt gene from adult mouse pancreatic tissue. (D) Differential expression of Mapt gene between different mouse pancreatic islets cells. For images (B–D) data were
extracted from the Tabula Moris single-cell RNA-sequencing database.
impairments observed in tau KO animals. These investigations
were performed at an age when the model does not exhibit
any tau aggregation allowing us to evaluate the impact of the
expression of a dysfunctional tau protein.
Our data demonstrate that expressing a mutated form of
tau favors the development, in males, of glucose homeostasis
impairments under metabolic stress (HFD), as exemplified by the
significant increase in insulinemia as well as impaired glucose
tolerance. The metabolic phenotype observed in tau KI mice
under HFD mirrored what we and others previously observed in
constitutive tau KO animals (Marciniak et al., 2017; Wijesekara
et al., 2018b, 2021), likely suggesting that disturbances observed
in tau KI and tau KO mice are likely ascribed to an impaired
tau function such as the loss of microtubule-binding activity.
This view is in agreement with the reversion of tau KO
phenotype observed following re-expression of human tau as
recently reported (Wijesekara et al., 2021). Nonetheless, glucose
homeostasis defects have been observed in another tau KI model,
where mutated tau sequence is inserted in the permissive HPRT
site and expressed at the physiological level in the presence of
murine tau, suggesting that metabolic dysregulations are not
solely ascribed to tau loss-of-function and that mechanistic
insights on the precise role of tau in the control of glucose
homeostasis require additional molecular studies.
Our data support that glucose metabolism impairments seen
in tau KI mice clearly involve pancreatic islets dysfunction
The origin of glucose homeostasis alterations in AD but also
FTLD patients remains unclear (Bucht et al., 1983; Fujisawa et al.,
1991; Craft et al., 1992; Janson et al., 2004; Matsuzaki et al.,
2010; Ahmed et al., 2014; Calsolaro and Edison, 2016; Tortelli
et al., 2017). Previous works, from our laboratory and others,
using germline tau KO mice, supported that constitutive loss
of tau function can lead to glucose homeostasis impairments
(Marciniak et al., 2017; Wijesekara et al., 2018b, 2021). These data
however are not sufficient to determine whether these changes
solely relate to tau deletion, which is pathophysiologically
irrelevant, or to the loss of some tau functions. To address more
specifically this question, the principal microtubule-binding
property of tau can be reduced by the insertion of mutations in
the microtubules domains such as those described in FTLD with
tau mutations. Therefore, to further address the link between tau
and glucose homeostasis, we, therefore, used a novel knock-in
tau mouse model expressing a mutated human tau protein,
under the endogenous Mapt mouse gene promoter, allowing
expression of a mutated human tau protein at a physiological
level and thereby avoiding the biases of mouse models based
on tau-overexpression (Leboucher et al., 2019) or constitutive
deletion. This model was chosen to determine to which extent a
loss of tau microtubule-binding activity due to P301L mutation
(Delobel et al., 2002) was prone to recapitulate metabolic
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February 2022 | Volume 15 | Article 841892
Benderradji et al.
Tau and Glucose Homeostasis
FIGURE 5 | Tau expression in mouse and human pancreatic islets and colocalization with insulin and glucagon. Panel 1 (9F6 antibody). Tau WT mice. (A–E)
Double immunofluorescence staining for insulin (green) and tau (red) in pancreatic islets from adult WT mice. Blue: DAPI nuclear counterstaining. (F–J) Double
immunofluorescence staining for glucagon (green) and tau (red) in pancreatic islets from adult WT mice. Blue: DAPI nuclear counterstaining. Tau KO mice (A’–E’)
Double immunofluorescence staining for insulin (green) and tau (red) in pancreatic islets from adult tau KO mice. Blue: DAPI nuclear counterstaining. (F’–J’) Double
immunofluorescence staining for glucagon (green) and tau (red) in pancreatic islets from adult tau KO mice. Blue: DAPI nuclear counterstaining. (K’–O’). Tau KI
mice (A”–E”) Double immunofluorescence staining for insulin (green) and tau (red) in pancreatic islets from adult KI mice. Blue: DAPI nuclear counterstaining.
(F”–J”) Double immunofluorescence staining for glucagon (green) and tau (red) in pancreatic islets from adult tau KI mice. Blue: DAPI nuclear counterstaining.
These observations were reproduced in at least three independent experiments and samples. Panel 2 tau expression using htauE1 antibody against human
tau. Tau WT mice. (A–E) Double immunofluorescence staining for insulin (green) and tau (red) in pancreatic islets from adult WT mice. Blue: DAPI nuclear
counterstaining. (F–J) Double immunofluorescence staining for glucagon (green) and tau (red) in pancreatic islets from adult WT mice. Blue: DAPI nuclear
counterstaining. Tau KO mice (A’–E’) Double immunofluorescence staining for insulin (green) and tau (red) in pancreatic islets from adult tau KO mice. Blue: DAPI
nuclear counterstaining. (F’–J’) Double immunofluorescence staining for glucagon (green) and tau (red) in pancreatic islets from adult tau KO mice. Blue: DAPI
nuclear counterstaining. Tau KI mice (A”–E”) Double immunofluorescence staining for insulin (green) and tau (red) in pancreatic islets from adult KI mice. Blue:
DAPI nuclear counterstaining. (F”–J”) Double immunofluorescence staining for glucagon (green) and tau (red) in pancreatic islets from adult tau KI mice. Blue: DAPI
nuclear counterstaining. Mice were 5 month-old. Scale: 20 µm. These observations were reproduced in at least three independent experiments and samples. Panel
3 (tau 993S5 antibody). Human islets. (A–D) Double immunofluorescence staining for tau (green) and insulin (red). Blue: DAPI nuclear counterstaining. (E–H)
Double immunofluorescence staining for tau (green) and glucagon (red). Blue: DAPI nuclear counterstaining. Scale: 50 µm.
parameters that are impaired during insulin resistance. Indeed,
insulin signaling in the liver or adipose tissue induces the
phosphorylation of Akt and its subsequent activation. In several
rather than insulin resistance. To evaluate insulin resistance,
we analyzed phosphorylated serine/threonine kinase protein
kinase B (pAkt) and circulating adiponectin, two key molecular
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February 2022 | Volume 15 | Article 841892
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Tau and Glucose Homeostasis
FIGURE 6 | Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) on islets isolated from tau knock-in and knock-out mice. (A) Insulin content (µg/L) from isolated islets
(N = 4–6 mice/group; NS using Kruskal Wallis test). (B) Insulin secretion from control, tau KI and tau KO islets stimulated with low (2.8 mM) and high (16.7 mM)
glucose for 1 h (N = 4–6 mice/group; Two-Way ANOVA; F (5,26) = 7.544 p < 0.001; Tukey’s post hoc test **p < 0.01, # p < 0.05 vs. 2.8 mM). WT, tau KI, and tau KO
are indicated as open bars, black bars and gray bars, respectively. Mice were 5-month-old. ns, non significant.
models of insulin resistance, it has been shown that reduced
glucose uptake is due to defects in insulin signaling (Ng et al.,
2010; Huang et al., 2018) and is associated with impaired
Akt phosphorylation, leading to the development of insulin
resistance in obesity and type 2 diabetes (Choi and Kim,
2010). Adiponectin is an adipose tissue-secreted endogenous
insulin sensitizer, which plays a key role as a modulator of
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ action. Low levels
of adiponectin, as observed in AdipoQ knockout mice or in
patients affected by type 2 diabetes, have been associated with
insulin resistance in diabetes (Ziemke et al., 2010). In our
study, both pAkt and serum adiponectin concentrations were not
significantly different between KI and WT mice fed with HFD,
suggesting that insulin sensitivity was not impaired in our model.
However, we provide clear evidence of the large enrichment of
tau in insulin-producing β cells in WT, tau KI mice as well as
the human pancreas. Second, we observed, in tau KI mice, a
significant increase of β-cell mass (Figure 3) similar to what
was previously reported during hyperglycemia and/or insulin
resistance (Weir and Bonner-Weir, 2004). Third, this adaptation
might relate to the impaired insulin secretion we observed in
ex vivo experiments on isolated pancreatic islets; itself linked
to a loss-of-function of mutated tau, these observations being
replicated in isolated islets from tau KO mice as well as from
tau knock-down in Min6 pancreatic cell line. Although it was
already known that pancreas and islets of Langerhans expressed
tau mRNA (Vanier et al., 1998; Maj et al., 2010), our data are
the first reporting that isoforms expressed are a mix of 3R/4R or
4R only, in human and mouse islets respectively, in agreement
with the brain profile. Previous studies suggested the presence
of tau protein into human pancreatic β cells (Miklossy et al.,
2010; Martinez-Valbuena et al., 2019). Our study is also the
first to report the colocalization of tau with insulin but not
glucagon in human islets. Other studies suggested that, in rat
or mouse islets, tau colocalizes with insulin (Maj et al., 2010;
Wijesekara et al., 2018b). Extending these primary findings,
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our data unambiguously show, using several tau antibodies
and proper controls (tau KO tissue combined with confocal
microscopy) that, in the mouse, tau is selectively expressed by
insulin but not glucagon-positive cells. Such demonstration was
also important given a recent article (Zhou et al., 2020) suggesting
that tau might not be expressed by pancreatic islets.
In vitro GSIS from isolated pancreatic islets from tau KO mice,
consistent with previous observations (Wijesekara et al., 2018b),
or tau KI mice, showed an impaired insulin secretion upon high
glucose conditions. Altered GSIS was however not associated
with a defective insulin production and/or decreased β-cell
mass. Therefore, the machinery that controls insulin secretion
in response to glucose is impaired in tau KI mice, probably
contributing to hyperglycemia observed in these mice. In the
context of glucose dyshomeostasis, such as during type 2 diabetes
development, it is not fully inconsistent to observe both defective
insulin secretion and increased fasting hyperglycemia and
insulinemia (DeFronzo et al., 2015). Increased fasting plasma
insulin levels, observed in tau KI mice, can be caused by a
compensatory mechanism induced by hyperglycemia that leads
to an increase of β-cell mass (Weir and Bonner-Weir, 2004).
In addition, reduced insulin clearance is observed during HFD
feeding and can contribute to maintaining elevated fasting
insulinemia (Strömblad and Björntorp, 1986). Interestingly,
studies in humans (Bonora et al., 1983) and animals (Kim et al.,
2007) have shown that reduced insulin clearance can cooperate
with elevated insulin secretion to regulate glucose homeostasis.
How tau regulates the ability to secrete insulin in response
to high glucose remains unclear. Notably, microtubules play a
major role in the intracellular trafficking of vesicles in endocrine
cells like pancreatic β cells (Fourriere et al., 2020; Müller
et al., 2021). A recent study demonstrated that high levels of
glucose induce rapid microtubule disassembly mediated by tau
hyperphosphorylation via glucose-responsive kinases, leading
to tau dissociation from microtubules and favoring insulin
secretion (Ho et al., 2020). Furthermore, in line with our
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Tau and Glucose Homeostasis
et al., 2015; https://www.proteinatlas.org/ENSG00000186868MAPT/tissue), both involved in glucose homeostasis (Gerich,
2010; Triplitt, 2012), even if, to the best of our knowledge, tau
hyperphosphorylation/misconformation has not been described
at these locations. However, tau misconformation, and therefore
tau loss-of-function, is well observed in brain regions such as
the hippocampus and hypothalamus, known to control glucose
homeostasis (Schultz et al., 1999; Ishii and Iadecola, 2015; Soto
et al., 2019). The relative contribution of the pancreas and
the brain area in controlling peripheral glucose homeostasis
warrants further investigations using tissue-specific conditional
expression approaches allowing cell-specific loss of tau function.
Finally, regardless of whether pancreatic β cells or brain
area are primarily involved in glucose metabolism impairments
seen in AD and FTLD patients, considering that diabetes and
impaired glucose tolerance are important risk factors for both
(Reitz et al., 2011; Golimstok et al., 2014; Livingston et al.,
2017) and that both exacerbate learning and memory defects
and underlying pathology in different models reproducing
the amyloid and tau lesions (Takeda et al., 2010; Leboucher
et al., 2013; for review see Wijesekara et al., 2018a), glucose
metabolism deficits promoted by both tau and amyloid lesions
would then be part of a detrimental circle that would
ultimately favor cognitive decline. Moreover, such a mutual
relationship between glucose homeostasis disturbance and
AD, with probably common pathophysiological mechanisms,
requires a change in public health policies by focusing more
on primary prevention of common risk factors for diabetes
and AD. General public awareness is needed about the risk of
developing these two diseases, and the importance of correcting
modifiable risk factors, such as healthier eating, weight loss,
and increased physical activity. Furthermore, investigating and
pharmacologically managing glucose homeostasis deficits at an
early pathological stage of AD or FTLD patients would be then
of clinical interest in cross-consultations between neurology and
endocrinology departments.
In summary, the present study highlights that knock-in
expression of a mutated tau protein favors the development
of glucose metabolism impairments and pancreatic β-cell
dysfunction upon metabolic stress, supporting not only a role
of tau pathology in the development of metabolic disturbances
in AD and FTLD patients but providing new insights on the
physiological role of tau in the control of peripheral metabolism.
finding, it was reported recently that tau knockdown in mouse
pancreatic β cells facilitated microtubule turnover, causing an
increase of basal insulin secretion, depleting insulin vesicles from
the cytoplasm, which subsequently impaired GSIS (Ho et al.,
2020). Hence, in β cells, tau plays an important role in glucosemediated insulin secretion. Considering that tau is more than a
microtubule-associated protein (Sotiropoulos et al., 2017), and
plays a role in chromatin organization and RNA metabolism
(Galas et al., 2019), it is also possible that the impaired tau
function also alters ß cell function by other mechanisms.
An important observation of the present study is the sexual
dimorphism in the ability of tau to regulate glucose homeostasis,
with male tau KI mice being significantly more impacted than
female littermates. Until then, previous works investigating the
metabolic outcomes of tau deletion were only performed in males
(Marciniak et al., 2017; Wijesekara et al., 2018b, 2021). Sex is
known to impact the response to metabolic stress and β-cell
engagement. Like in humans, where women are less likely than
men to develop type 2 diabetes (Kautzky-Willer et al., 2016),
female mice are more resistant to HFD than males (Oliveira
et al., 2015) and manifest improved glucose tolerance, with
greater insulin sensitivity in liver, muscles and adipose tissue
(Goren et al., 2004). Conversely, male rodents exhibit a greater
propensity for β cell failure (Gannon et al., 2018). Increased
estrogen receptor signaling, differences in islet DNA methylation
status, expression differences of antioxidant genes and of isletenriched genes transcription factors have all been suggested as
causes for these differences allowing females to tolerate HFD
better than males (Liu and Mauvais-Jarvis, 2010; Osipovich et al.,
2020 and references herein). In accordance, another important
point that has not been addressed in the present study is the
potential sexual-dimorphism of insulin secretion by isolated
islets in response to glucose. Therefore the sex-related differences
we uncovered in tau KI mice could be likely due to the action
of sex hormones but also estrus cycle issues that will need
to be further investigated. These data also highlight that tau
is dispensable into the mechanisms underlying the protective
influence of female hormones in mice.
Considering the presence of hyperphosphorylated and
misconformed tau in the pancreatic islets of patients with type
2 diabetes and patients with AD (Miklossy et al., 2010; MartinezValbuena et al., 2019), it is likely that glucose homeostasis
impairments seen in latter are, at least in part, related to tau
loss of microtubule-binding activity. Nonetheless, it is probable
that glucose metabolism impairments of AD patients likely arise
from a synergistic impact of both pancreatic tau pathology
and amyloidosis. Indeed, Aβ has been shown to deposit in the
pancreas of both humans and APP mouse models (Miklossy
et al., 2010; Vandal et al., 2014; Wijesekara et al., 2017). This
is in agreement with the glucose homeostasis impairments
seen in the latter (Takeda et al., 2010; Mody et al., 2011;
Vandal et al., 2015; for review see Wijesekara et al., 2018a).
Regarding AD patients but also individuals with FTLD, we
cannot rule out that besides β cells, other peripheral organs
or brain structures are involved in their glucose metabolism
impairments. Indeed, tau is physiologically expressed by
skeletal muscle or kidney (Gu et al., 1996; Caillet-Boudin
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The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
approved by French Agency for Biomedical Research (Agence
de la Biomedecine, Saint-Denis la Plaine, France, protocol no.
PFS16-002) and the Lille Neurobiobank (DC-2008-642). The
patients/participants provided their written informed consent to
February 2022 | Volume 15 | Article 841892
Benderradji et al.
Tau and Glucose Homeostasis
participate in this study. The animal study was reviewed and
approved by CEEA75.
France, FHU VasCog research network (Lille, France), European
Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD to J-SA), Fondation
Plan Alzheimer as well as Inserm, CNRS, Université Lille,
Lille Métropole Communauté Urbaine. HB received a research
fellowship from Agence Régionale de Santé Hauts-de-France,
the SFD (Société Francophone du Diabète), and INSERM (Poste
d’accueil pour praticien). SK received a doctoral scholarship
from LabEx DISTALZ. VG-M was supported by Fondation pour
la Recherche Médicale (SPF20160936000).
Conceptualization: HB, AM-T, SL, KB, NS, J-SA, LB, DV, DB,
and VB-S. Experiments: HB, SK, ECa, SE, CB, EF, LR, ECo, MB,
FO, TB, KC, BT, TG, EN, VG-M, ABon, and ABog. Data analysis:
HB, SK, EC, SE, CB, J-SA, DV, DB, and NS. Funding acquisition:
J-SA, LB, and DB. Supervision: J-SA, LB, DV, DB, and VB-S.
Writing—original draft: HB, SK, J-SA, DV, DB, LB, and VB-S.
Writing—review and editing: all. All authors contributed to the
article and approved the submitted version.
We thank the Plateformes Lilloises en Biologie et Santé
(PLBS)—UMS 2014—US 4: Animal Facilities (F-59000 Lille,
France; F-67000 Strasbourg, France): Animal Facilities and
BioImaging Center of Lille. We also warmly acknowledge MarieHélène Gevaert for her fruitful collaboration in performing the
histological preparation. We thank Céline Brand, Sophie Lesage,
and Nathalie Perrais for great administrative support.
This work was supported by grants from Programmes
d’Investissements d’Avenir LabEx (excellence laboratory)
DISTALZ Development of Innovative Strategies for a
Transdisciplinary approach to Alzheimer’s disease and EGID
(European Genomic Institute for Diabetes ANR-10-LABX46). Our laboratories are also supported by ANR (GRAND
and BETAPLASTICITY to J-SA), COEN (5008), Fondation
pour la Recherche Médicale, France Alzheimer/Fondation de
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Rolland, Caron, Besegher, Oger, Boschetti, Carvalho, Thiroux, Gauvrit, Nicolas,
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