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The major objective of this article is to describe the perception of self-efficacy and attitude towards mathematics of students studying science and mathematics in grade 12 in Kathmandu valley. Cross-sectional descriptive design and quantitative method were used to collect and analyze data. Data were collected from 318 randomly selected students studying science in grade 12, from nine different schools of Kathmandu valley through self-administered questionnaire. The survey showed that majority of girls and boys were encouraged by their parents to get enrolled in the science stream. Most of them chose mathematics courses to enter into the fields of engineering and technical sciences. From the observation we found that perceived self-efficacy is good i.e. both girls and boys have positive and good attitude towards mathematics courses. There is no gender variation in attitude of students learning mathematics between girls and boys. Therefore, attitude towards mathematics are less likel...
Secondary school students about their attitudes towards mathematics and self efficacy in mathematics. Students of different streams (Science, Commerce and Arts) constituted the population of this study. The sample consisted of 784 students both male and female of Class XI selected from 25 schools from southern districts of West Bengal. The tools used were "Mathematics Self Efficacy Questionnaire" adapted from Mathematics Self Efficacy and Anxiety Questionnaire (MSEAQ), Modified Fennema Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scale, (Depaken, Lawsky and. A co relational study revealed that the association between Higher Secondary students' attitude towards mathematics and self efficacy in mathematics is high. This indicates that a healthy attitude towards mathematics can nurture self efficacy among students.
Journal of Indian Education (ISSN: 0377-0435), 2019
The emergent role of Self efficacy in the learning of mathematics has attracted the attention of mathematics educators for a very long time. Students' self efficacy in mathematics has been a generator that is known to influence their performance in mathematics. This study has attempted to find out students' Self efficacy and further investigate any disparity in self efficacy between students' in different streams of study. The population for the study was the Class XI students in southern districts of West Bengal. The sample consisted of 784 students, both boys and girls from randomly selected 24 schools. The tool used was "Mathematics Self Efficacy Questionnaire". The results show that the self efficacy in mathematics of students with different Streams of study is significantly. In particular science students have the best self efficacy while that of Arts students, and there is significant gender wise difference in self efficacy in favor of boys.
International Seminar on Education for all - Issues, Challenges and Perspectives, 2017
Study of Mathematics at secondary level is the foundation stage of Higher Education. Every secondary school students should study mathematics as a compulsory subject so that he/she gains a basic quantum of Mathematical knowledge as a part of general education. In our society there exists a general belief that mathematics is a subject for boys. Even today a very few people encourage girl students to opt for this subject. In the present study data have been collected from secondary students through questionnaire and their self efficacy have been compared. The objective of the present study is to determine the relationship between Self-efficacy in mathematics and Achievement in Mathematics in M.P. The sample consisted of 428 students, both boys and girls of just passed out Class X, selected from 12 schools from the district South 24 Paraganas of West Bengal. The tools used were " Mathematics Self Efficacy Questionnaire " adapted from Mathematics Self Efficacy and Anxiety Questionnaire (MSEAQ), (May, 2009). The results show that the self efficacy differs among students with different Streams and gender. In particular, the higher score in mathematics in M.P students, the better is their self efficacy. Thus, self efficacy in mathematics may be regarded as a factor in the acquisition of mathematical skill.
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 2020
The study aimed to assess the attitudes and self-efficacy of junior high school students towards mathematics performance for the school year 2019-2020 using a descriptive-correlational survey research design. An adapted questionnaire was answered by 267 junior high school students. The data was statistically analyzed using mean, Pearson product-moment correlation, and Spearman Rho for the significance of p-value as statistical tools. The respondents' first-quarter grade was described as approaching proficiency, which means students performed not very well in their mathematics performance. Attitudes of the respondents towards mathematics were evaluated in areas of self-confidence, value, enjoyment, and motivation. Junior high school students had a moderately high level of self-confidence in mathematics and enjoyed studying mathematics. They had a high level of attitude in valuing mathematics as they believed mathematics is essential in everyday life, and it helps them develop the mind and teaches them to think. They also had a high level of attitude in terms of their enjoyment in learning mathematics subjects because they believe studying mathematics helps them with problem-solving in other areas it is useful. They also think that having a strong background in mathematics could help them in their professional life. The students had a moderately high level of attitudes in terms of motivation in learning mathematics as they feel nervous and makes them feel uncomfortable during mathematics class. Students' self-efficacy in mathematics was moderately high because of the belief they will be able to use mathematics in future careers when needed. A significant relationship between students' profile and their level of attitudes in self-confidence, value, enjoyment, and motivation in learning mathematics was investigated. It was found out that respondents' sex, most liked and disliked subject has a significant relationship with their self-confidence. Their value of mathematics was significantly related to their parents' education, mothers' occupation, parents' monthly income, gadgets used in learning mathematics, and most liked the subject. Enjoyment in learning mathematics was significantly related to students' daily allowance, devices used in learning mathematics, and most enjoyed subjects. Their motivation was significantly associated with their most liked subject. Profile variables of the students were correlated to their level of self-efficacy and mathematics performance. Among the profile variables, the most wanted subject was with a significant relationship with their self-efficacy. Simultaneously, mathematics performance was significantly related to their sex, parents' education, mothers' occupation, and gadgets used in learning mathematics. Attitudes of junior high school students towards mathematics were significantly correlated to their self-efficacy in mathematics. This study recommends that students may make some effort to improve their performance in mathematics. Their attitudes towards mathematics should be improved to enhance their self-confidence, motivation, and self-efficacy in mathematics.
The study aimed at finding out the level of Mathematics self-efficacy and its relationship with the Mathematics performance of tenth-grade students. The study used a quantitative method. The data was collected from one middle secondary school and three central schools under the Pemagatshel district from 3 March to 16 March 2020. A total of 300 students comprising 150 males and females each were included for the study. The data was collected using Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scales and analyzed using SPSS. The overall finding indicated that students had an average level of Mathematics self-efficacy (M=3.25; SD= 0.60). Among the four sources of self-efficacy, the study revealed that the students had high Mathematics self-efficacy in vicarious experience (M= 3.67; SD= 0.62). The Pearson correlation indicated a moderate positive correlation (r= .467, P=.05) between Mathematics self-efficacy and Mathematics performance. Higher the Mathematics self-efficacy, better the Mathematics performan...
Mathematics is an interesting but a very challenging subject. Several studies reported different factors which lead to students’ poor performance in this subject. This study aimed to determine the influence of attitude and self-efficacy towards academic performance in Mathematics for Grade 8 students. It employed causalcorrelational research design. The findings revealed that the level of academic performance of the students was satisfactory. In terms of the level of attitude towards Mathematics subject, it is either positive or negative. As to the students’ self-efficacy, it is neither high nor low. No significant difference was found on the level of attitude and self-efficacy when grouped according to gender. It was also discovered that only attitude towards Mathematics manifested significant influence to academic performance. Students who have shown positive attitude towards the subject tend to perform well. Hence, performance in Mathematics can be improved by developing a positive attitude towards the subject. Parents, teachers and other stakeholders have the responsibility of helping the students in this aspect.
Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, 2020
The skills required in the 21st century are highly varied. One of them is a skill in the affective aspect, such a self-efficacy which needs to be developed. Self-efficacy can affect someones future success. Someone who has a high self-efficacy will overshoot something easier than reality. But on the other hand, a person with low self-efficacy will perceive something more difficult than reality. This causes someone to get stress and depression easily. This research aims to find out and describe the mathematical self-efficacy of students. This research is qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of the research were the students of the 10th grade MIPA of MAN Salatiga for the academic year 2018/2019 which amounted to 73 students. The instrument is used as a self-efficacy questionnaire format developed from a self-efficacy of Sutanto (2018). The instrument consists of 20 statements and has been validated by expert lecturers. The results of the research showed that 2,74% of student...
Uluslararası Toplumsal Bilimler Dergisi , 2023
Antik çağlarda ve farklı dönemlerde kutlamalar, bayramların, ritüellerin ve kült törenlerinin özü ziyafet, dans ve müziktir. Kutsalın müzik ve dans üzerinde oluşturduğu etki neticesinde de dini müzik ortaya çıkmıştır. Müzik ve dansın ortaya çıkışında din en önemli bir etkendir. İlkel toplumlarda müzik bir ibadet aracı, insanları Yüce Yaratıcıya ulaştıran bir iletişim aracı, hatta Tanrının insanlara bir lütfu olarak kabul edilirdi. Dinlerin etkisindeki toplumlarda aynı zamanda müzisyenler din adamları idiler. Tanrıların küsmemesi için yapılan müzikte müzisyenlerin profesyonelliği toplumsal açıdan çok önemliydi. Dinin müzik üzerindeki etkisi kavramsal tanımlamada da etkili olmuştur. Dinî müzik çeşitli dinlerde ve kültürlerde farklı şekillerde tanımlanmaktadır. Özellikle Yunan kültürünün müzik üzerindeki etkisi kavramsal tanımlamanın belirlenmesine kadar gitmiştir. Müzik kelimesinin anlamı Yunan kültüründeki tanrılarla, tanrıların kızlarının isimleri ile belirlenmiştir. Halbuki müzik antik medeniyetlerden beri var olan ve bu medeniyetlerin kendi dillerinde tanımları yapılan bir olgudur. Ayrıca müziğin kaynağının din olması ilahi bir nitelik kazanmasına neden olmaktadır. Kaynağı din olan müzik, ilk insanla başlayan dinler tarihi sürecinde şekillenmiştir. Müziğin kaynağının dini olgularla oluştuğu ve müziğin varlığının da dini müzikle ortaya çıktığı tezi makalemizin ortaya koyacağı temel konudur. Antik medeniyetlerin dinî ritüellerinde kullandıkları müzikler, müziğin ilahi nitelik kazanmasına neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle antik medeniyetlerin kült ve ritüelleri incelenerek özellikle Anadolu medeniyetleri üzerinden incelemeler örneklemler yapılmıştır.
Background: Long-term forms of depression represent a significant mental health problem for which there is a lack of effective evidence-based treatment. This study aims to produce findings about the effectiveness of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in patients with treatment-resistant/treatment-refractory depression and to deepen the understanding of this complex form of depression.
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 2012
This paper interprets late medieval religious culture by considering lay expectations of and attitudes towards the clergy. The analysis is prompted by and framed around a convent controversy, which was extensively documented in the course of an ecclesiastical trial. Contemporary ‘convent reform’ is not conceived as an ecclesiastical event, but rather as a symptom of the changing relationship between town and convent. The description of religious provision in the town shows that there was a strong lay demand for the clergy and the rituals performed by them, and that parishioners were ready to invest financially in maintaining local priests, even if it involved considerable additional expenses. The conflict between town and convent can therefore be considered as a result of a liturgical deficit in the spiritual market of the town. The parishioners’ behaviour is interpreted as a symptom of the eucharistic and penitential devotional culture of the time, which was regulated in practice by the principle of intercession and the institution of good works. The paper argues that the divergent strands of late medieval religious culture generated a consumption ’of the sacred. The mendicant friars had a special role in the late medieval religious market as they provided opportunities for religious experiences which differed in kind from parish observances.
Cultura. Revista de Teoria e História das Ideias, no.23, 2006
Jürgen Habermas: Warum er den Geist der Frankfurter Schule nicht mehr vertritt, 2023
Betrayal of Politics, 2015
Revista de História, 2023
International journal of science and applied information technology, 2024
Humanitarian Practice Network - Overseas Development Institute, 2024
2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2008
Revista de Geografía Norte Grande, 2003
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2018
African Journal of Business Management, 2011
Results in Physics, 2019
Diálogos Freireanos: a educação e formação de jovens e adultos em Portugal e no Brasil
Open heart, 2016
The Journal of pharmacy technology, 2010
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022