Phone No (s) 0160-2630025, 2634118, 2630319 Fax No. 2630319
Sealed tenders are invited from the parties approved by the National Federation/ N.C.D.C./Sugarfed, Punjab/Manufacturers/Authorized distributors/Authorized Stockiest/ reputed firms /Contractors for the following supply items/contract jobs:-
1. Contract Jobs:-
(1) Sugar bags handling jobs (2) Cane feeding (3)Running of Canteen in cane yard (4) Juice heater cleaning and Mills sanitation (5) Evaporators and Pan tube cleaning (6) Reprocessing of brown, scrapped and moist sugar.(7) Cleaning of Cfg. House, Hopper & Grader(8) Supply and mixing of Cow-dung (9)Tube cleaning of Evaporators, pan and juice heaters (10) Scrapper and collection of sugar boiling house.(11) Lime and sulphur handling 12) Skilled and un skilled labour (13) Appointment of Asstt Engineer (Mech ) Contract Basis (14) Appointment of Asstt Engineer (Instrument) on Contract Basis (15)Erection and fabrication jobs (16) White wash and Hirmachi of factory premises and colony (17) Weighing Scale repair/Conversion of Mechanical weighing scale to electronic scale (18) APCD Operation and Ash handling and cleaning (19) Contract for Mill bed coolie (20) Bagasse handling at RBC (21) Labour rate of bagasse unloading (22) Puncture workshop in cane yard (23) Contract for cleaning of Toilet etc. in Cane yard. (24) Contract for Computerized work of Cane entry and weighing (25) Loading/unloading of store material etc. (26) AMC of CCTV cameras (27) JE Civil.
Note: In contract jobs an Earnest money of Rs.50, 000/- for item no (1),Rs. 25000/- for item no.(2) and Rs. 5000/- for item no. 3 and Rs. 25000/- Security for item no (20) should accompany the tender in separate envelope through cash/DD in favour of the mills payable at Morinda.
2. Sale of Sugar (Sealed tender)
Note: For sale of Sugar an Earnest money of Rs.100/- per quintal will be charged and same should accompany with the tender in separate envelope through DD in favour of the mills payable at Morinda.
3. Supply items:-
(1) Spares for KSB Feed Pump(2) Supply of Chemical (3) Supply of Dynamic sealing Pump (4) Heavy Duty Vitrified Tiles (5) Tube Cleaning Equipment's (6) PH System (7) GM & CI Value (8) Electrical Spares (9) Lab Chemicals & Apparatus (10) Stitching Thread (11) Caustic Soda (12) First Class Bricks (13) Bitumen and tarfelt (14) Purchase of Baggase (15) Spring loaded mud scrapper for RVF (16) Coupling set for Elecon gear box.
4. (1) Sale of Sludge, (2) Sale of old Scrap Heavy and light (open auction), (3) Press Mud (Sealed tender)
Note: In contract jobs an Earnest money of Rs.50, 000/- for item no (1) and item m no (3),Rs. 1,00,000/- for item no. (2) Should accompany the tender in separate envelope through cash/DD in favour of the mills payable at Morinda.
Detailed Tender Forms can be down loaded from Mills website or can be taken from the mills Office on any working day.
The last date of receipt of Item no.1 29-09-2014 up to 10.00 AM and receipt of Item no.2 29-09-2014 up to 02.00 PM.
The last date of receipt of Item no. (3) 07-10-2014 up to 10.00 AM and receipt of Item no.4 07-10-2014 up to 02.00 PM.
If required, negotiation will be held on the same day. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject all or any tender without assigning any reason.
Tender Form - Contract for Cane Feeding.
Tender Notice in Indian Express on dated 24-09-2014
Punjabi Tribune on dated 23-09-2014
Group B-Item No.2
The General Manager,
The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
S. No
Rate Quoted
(In Fig.)
Rate Quoted
( in words)
Unloading of cane from Trucks, Trolleys and D.Carts and feeding the cane in Dongas, stacking the cane, if required and feeding the same in Dongas.
As available
An earnest money of Rs.25, 000/- will be required with the Tender Form either in cash or Demand Draft in separate envelop. The security money will be refundable within three months after satisfactory completion of job.
Apart from existing security deposit further 5% will be deducted from every bill of the Contractor.
The contractor will abide by the rules and regulations of the factory as well as other acts and rules & regulations in force from time to time and will have to maintain all the statutory record under PF, ESI, Factory Act and minimum wages Act or any other Act applicable. Any liabilities under any of the aboveActs will be of the Contractor’s account.
Contractor shall be responsible to keep the area around Dongas (from weighbridges to Donga) neat and clean & avoid wastage of cane.
During crushing season the contractor will engage 06 laborers in each shift and their attendance will be marked with the Cane Yard supervisor/Donga clerk.
In case mills call your labour during periodical cleanings you will be paid @ 25000 quintals per day of 24 hours and proportion thereof.
The last date of receipt of tender is 29-09-2014 up-to 10.00 A.M. which will be opened and negotiated at 11.00 P.M. on the same day.
Payment will be made after the end of each month.
The General Manager of the mills reserves the right to accept or reject all or any of the tender without assigning any reason.
Rate should be quoted for per 100 quintals cane.
This Contract will be applicable from start of crushing season till close of crushing season 2014-15 or completion of the job as case may be.
The contractor shall not sublet this work either in full or in part to the other party.
If the Contractor fails to carryout the day to day jobs in a satisfactory manner on any day, the mill will be at liberty to arrange immediately outside labour to clear the job at the cost & risk of the Contractor. If mills find that the Contractor is incapable to execute the jobs allotted to him in a satisfactory manner, the mills will have to right to terminate the Contract at any time without notice. In that event all pending dues as well as security money of the contractor will be forfeited.
Accommodation will be given to the contractor for his labour .Electricity charges and rent of room will be recovered from contractor as Per Govt. rule.
Payment will be made after statisfaction and verfication of CCDO.
Contractor shall engage Sixe person per shif. If any time workers for above job found
less than six, a proporitionate payment will be made for that day.
For: The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
General Manager
Name & Address of the party quoting rates
N?vAo ckow
N?Avo ckow L rzBk :kov ftZu ezBNhB y'bD bJh m/ek.
tYNfr noits iefIAn AYkspYRs imqI 24-09-2014
pMjwbI itRibaUn imqI 23-09-2014
ro[Zg ph ^ nkJhNw BzL 3
jnrl mYnyjr
dI moirMfw kOAwpryitv SUgr im`lj
w'fozvk (o{gBro)
Pon nM: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 2634118,PYks; 0160-2630319
bVh BzL
ezw dk t/otk
o/N gqsh nkJhNw fdZs/ ikD (nkJhNwK dk t/otk fgZS/ fdZsk frnk j?)
o/N nzeK ftZu
o/N ;apdK ftZu
e/B :kov ftZu fiawhdko GoktK bJh ezBNhB y'bD ;pzXh m/ek.
2014^15 d"okB
fB:w ns/ ;aosK
s[jkv/ 5,000$^ o[gJ/ ps"o f;feT{oNh fwZb ftZu iwQK ofjDr/. i/eo s[jkvk ezw s;Zbhpy;a gkfJnk frnk sK fJj oew m/ek ysw j'D s/ tkfg; eo fdZsh ikt/rh. i/eo s[jkvk ezw Bk- s;Zbhpy;a gkfJnk frnk sK fJj oew iaps eo bJh ikt/rh.
ezBNhB ftZu fe;/ fiawhdko iK w[bkiaw B{z ;okp ghD dh wBkjh j't/rh. i/eo e'Jh th ftnesh ezBNhB ftZu ;okp nkfd ghdK cfVnk frnk sK T[; dh fizw/tkoh s[jkvh j't/rh. s[jkvh f;feT{oNh iaps iK s[jkB{z i[owkBk th ehsk ik ;edk j? ns/ s[jkvk ezBNhB dk m/ek ysw ehsk ik ;edk j?.
ezBNhB 24 xzN/ y[Zbh oZyDh j't/rh.
ezBNhB dh fpbfvzr, coBhuo, fpibh ns/ gkDh fwZb tZb' Aw[cs fdZsk ikt/rk. pkeh ;kwkB s[jkvk nkgDk j't/rk.
s[jkB{z ezBNhB d/ nkb/-d[nkb/ dh ;ckJh oZyDh j't/rh.
ezBNhB nzdo rzd/ rhs Bjh AtikJ/ ikDr/.
ezBNhB ftZu fijVhnK t;sK ukjhdhnK jB, T[j fgSb/ fbyhnK j'JhnK jB.
fwZb dk ;kwkB i' ezBNhB ftZu j?, i/ r[zw j' ikt/, sK T[; dh ehws s[jkv/ e''b' At;{ab ehsh ikt/rh.
fJj m/ek ;hiaB ;a[o{ j'D s' A;hiaB d/ nzs sZe bkr{ j't/rk.
o/N gqsh nkJhNw fdZs/ ikD.
N?vAo fwsh 29H09H2014 B{z ;t/o/ 10H00 ti/ sZe fBwB-j;skyoh d/ dcaso gj[zu ikD/ ukjhd/ jB ns/ i' T[;/ fdB ;t/o/ 11H00 ti/ y'b/ ikDr/. i/eo b'V j'Jh sK nrKj rZbpks ehsh ikt/rh. iBob w?B/io, ;{aro fwZb, w'fozvk fJBQK fe;/ ekoD fJZe iK ;ko/ N?vAo oZd eoB dk jZe okytK oZydk j?.
iBob w?B/io
;{ro fwZb, w'fozvk
o/N d/D tkbh gkoNh dk BK ns/ gsk
w?;aL ^^^^^^^^^^^^
fwZb ezBNhB ftZu t/uD tkbhnK nkJhNwK dh fb;N (;hiaB 2013^14)
bVh BzL
nkJhNwK dk t/otk
(o[gfJnK ftZu)
ukj dk eZg
d[ZX dk eZg
nkb{nK tkbk go"mAk
nkb{nK tkbk go"mAk djh ABkb
d[ZX 250 rqkw fwZmk gk e/ row eoe/
eZuk d[ZX fJZe feb'
nkwb/N (d' nzfvnK dk)
nkwb/N $ G[oih (d' nzfvnK dh)
nzvk T[pkb e/
fJZe feZb' d[ZX row eoBk (fwZmk s/ gZsh gk e/) (d[ZX rkje dk)
po?v ge"Vk
ykDk fJZe (;piah, dkb, 6 c[be/)
djh A250 rqkw
;piah $ dkb dh gb/N (sVek bk e/)
o'Nh ns/ ;piah f;oc row eoBk
Tender Form for : Tube cleaning of juice heaters & mill sanitation during season
Tender Notice in Indian Express on dated 24-09-2014
Punjabi Tribune on dated 23-09-2014
Group B: Item no: 4
The General Manager,
The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Morinda (Ropar) Punjab.
Phone No: 0160-2630025, 2634118, 2630046, Fax No. 0160-2630319
Tube cleaning of juice heaters –
a) By hand scrappers.
b) Mechanical cleaning with motor & shaft.
Lump Sum per Juice heater
Lump Sum per Juice heater
Mill sanitation by washing the Mills, juice gutters and juice & tanks & dosing of biocide at mill house.
Per day basis
Required material for J.H. tube cleaning will be supplied by the Mills.
Payment will be made after full satisfaction & recommendation of Chief Chemist.
Bill payment will be made once in a month.
All the deduction will be made as per rules.
In case the job is not being carried out satisfactory, General Manger reserve the right to carry out the job by some other contractor on your risk & cost.
6 Last date of recipt of tender is 29-09-2014 at 10.00 AM. Negotiations, if required will
be held on the same day at 11.00 PM.
Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
(Name & Address of Party quoting Rates)
M/s _____________________________
N?Avo ckow
N?Avo ckow L jnrl klIinMg dorwn kuAwf ns/ pYnK dh fN:{pk dh sPweI krnw
tYNfr noits iefIAn AYkspYRs imqI 24-09-2014
pMjwbI itRibaUn imqI 23-09-2014
ro[Zg ph ^ nkJhNw BzL 5
dh iBob w?B/io,
dh w'fozvk ;fjekoh yzv fwbia fbwL w'fozvk (o'gV).
c'B BzL 0160^2630025, 2630319, 2634118 c?e; 0160^2630319
bVh BzL
ezw dk t/otk
iBob ebhfBzr d"okB ;?wh e?;NBo dhnK fNT{pK dh eNo$p[o;a Bkb ;ckJh eoBh
T[Zek g[Zek
T[go'es t?Zgo ;?Zb
T[Zek g[Zek
T[go'es e[nkv dh gfjbh pkvh
T[Zek g[Zek
T[go'es e[nkv dh d{ih pkvh
T[Zek g[Zek
T[go'es e[nkv dh shih pkvh
T[Zek g[Zek
T[go'es e[nkv dh u"Eh pkvh
T[Zek g[Zek
g?B dh ;Zs pkvhnK dI burs nwl sPweI krnw[
o/N gqsh g?B T[Zek g[Zek fdZsk ikt/
vyprlweIn jUs hItr
auk`w pu`kw
pkvhnK dh ;ckJh eNoK iK p[o;aK Bkb uhc e?fw;N dh jdkfJs nB[;ko eoBh j't/rh.
;ckJh eoB bJh b'VhAd/ n"iako fwZb tZb'A w[jZJhnk ehs/ ikDr/.
;ckJh eoB T[gozs pkvh uzrh soQK MkV{ wko e/ ;kc eoBh j't/rh.
;ckJh d"okB fe;/ ftnesh d/ ;ZN nkfd bZr ikD dh fizw/Atkoh m/e/dko dh j't/rh.
;ckJh dk ezw fdB oks brksko eoBk j't/rk.
g?f;nK dk G[rskB w[Zy o;kfJDeko dh s;Zbh ns/ f;cko;a s/ ehsk ikt/rk.
;hiB d"okB ;kohnK fe;w dhnK fNT{pK dh ;ckJh dk ezw 20 xzN/ d/ nzdo^2 g{ok eoBk j't/rk.
N?Zvo fwsh 29H09H2014 B{z ;t/o/ 10^00 ti/ sZe gj[zu ikD/ ukjhd/ jB. b'V j't/ sK rZbpks T[;/ fdB d[gfjo 11^00 ti/ ehsh ikt/rh.
iBob w?B/io
;fjekoh yzv fwZb fbwfNv,
Name & Address of Party quoting Rates
M/s _____________________________
N?Avo ckow
N?Avo ckow L pokT{B$w[nkJ/f;N ;a{ro ns/ ;eo?fgzr ;a{ro dh oh^g'q;?f;zr
tYNfr noits iefIAn AYkspYRs imqI 24-09-2014
pMjwbI itRibaUn imqI 23-09-2014
ro[Zg ph ^ nkJhNw BzL 6
dh iBob w?B/io,
dh w'fozvk ;fjekoh yzv fwbia fbwL w'fozvk (o'gV).
c'B BzL 0160^2630025, 2630319, 2634118 c?e; 0160^2630319
bVh Bzpo
ezw dk t/otk
pokT{B ;a{ro dhnK p'ohnK rvkT{B ftZu'A fbnk e/, pokT{B ;a{ro d/ w?rw/ ftZu rbk e/ dZ;h EK s/ gzg d[nkok G/iDh. ykbh p'ohnK dh X[bkJh eoe/, ;[ek e/ ;N'o ftZu iwQK eoBhnK. w?rwk ftZu uhBh B{z uzrh soQk pkohe eoe/ pDkT[Dk j't/rk.
gqsh e[fJzNb
frZbh uhBh B{z dZ;h EK s/ rbkT[D T[gozs ykbh p'ohnK X' e/ ;[ek e/ ;N'o ftZu iwQK eoBhnK.
gqsh e[fJzNb
y[oukJh eoe/ efo;NkbkJhiaoK ftZu gJh uhBh B{z rbkT[Dk.
T[Zek g[Zek
;aosK L
uhBh dZ;h wksok ns/ dZ;h EK s/ jh rbkT[Dh j't/rh.
uhBh dhnK p'ohnK ckV e/ Bjh Ay'bhnK ikDrhnK.
frZbh uhBh dhnK ykbh p'ohnK X' e/, ;[Zek e/, 25^25 d/ pzvbK ftZu pzB e/ dZ;h EK s/ ;N'o ftZu oZyDhnK j'DrhnK.
oew dk G[rskB uhc e?fw;N dhnK f;acko;aK ns/ ezw dh s;Zbh s/ jh ehsk ikt/rk. go w[Zy o;kfJDeko dh f;cko;a s/ gkoN g/w?AN ehsh ik ;edh j?.
ezw s;Zbhpy;a Bk j'D s/ pdbtK gqpzX fwZb tZb'A eo fbnk ikt/rk ns/ g?f;nK dk G[rskB m/e/ ftZu' eZN e/ eo fdZsk ikt/rk.
N?Avo fwsh 29^09^2014 B{z ;t/o/ 10^00 ti/ sZe gj[zu ikD/ ukjhd/ jB. b'V j't/ sK rZbpks T[;/ fdB dupihr 11^00 ti/ ehsh ikt/rh.
brwaun/muiest SUgr dIAW ijMnIAW borIAW id`qIAW jwxgIAW, aunIAW hI KwlI borIAW stor iv`c jmw krvwaox dI ijmyvwrI Tykydwr dI hovygI[
iBob w?B/io
;fjekoh yzv fwZb fbwfNv,
Name & Address of Party quoting Rates
M/s _____________________________
N?Avo ckow
N?vo ckow L ;?ANohfcT{rb jkT{;, jkgo ns/ ro/vo dh ;ckJh bJh m/ek
tYNfr noits iefIAn AYkspYRs imqI 24-09-2014
pMjwbI itRibaUn imqI 23-09-2014
ro[Zg ph ^ nkJhNw BzL 7
dh iBob w?B/io,
dh w'fozvk ;fjekoh yzv fwbia fbwL w'fozvk (o'gV).
c'B BzL 0160^2630025, 2630319, 2634118 c?e; 0160^2630319
bVh BzL
ezw dk t/otk
gqsh wjhBk (T[Zek-gZek)
;?ANohfcT{rb jkT{;, jkgo ns/ ro/vo dh ;ckJh nkfd eoB dk m/ek .
;osK L
jo f;caN ftZu xZN'^xZN 3 nkdwh io{oh jkiao j'D/ ukjhd/ jB. b/po dh frDsh b'V nB[;ko tXkJh ik ;edh j? ns/ T[; b/po s'A fwZb ftZu fe;/ th irQk s/ ezw fbnk ik ;edk j?. fJ; b/po dh g/w?AN sfj j'J/ o/NK d/ nB[gks ftZu jh ehsh ikt/rh.
i/eo fwZb g{ok wjhBk Bjh uZbdh sK fpZb dk G[rskB bZr/ fdBK d/ nB[gks ftZu ehsk ikt/rk.
fpZb dk G[rskB uhc e?fw;N dhnK f;acko;aK ns/ ezw dh s;Zbh s/ jh ehsk ikt/rk.
s[jkvk ezw s;Zbhpy;a Bk j'D s/ pdbtK gqpzX fwZb tZb' Aeo fbnk ikt/rk ns/ g?f;nK dk G[rskB m/e/ ftZu'A eZN e/ eo fdZsk ikt/rk.
;ckJh eoB bJh b'VhAdk ;kwkB fwZb tZb'A w[jZJhnK eotkfJnk ikt/rk.
Tykydwr nUM lybr dI irhwies vwsqy jgW id`qI jW skdI hY, pr ibjlI Aqy kmry dw
ikrwieAw pMjwb srkwr v`lo lwgU kwnUMn Anuswr vsUilAw jwvygw[
m/e/dko B{z gqkthv?AN czv, JhHn?;HnkJhH, fwzBhww t/fiaia n?eN, c?eNoh n?eN w[skfpe ;kok foekov fsnko eoBk j't/rk. fJBQk n?eNK nXhB i' th d/Dekoh j't/rh, T[j m/e/dko dh fiazw/tkoh j't/rh.
N?Avo fwsh 29^09^2014 B{z ;t/o/ 10^00 ti/ sZe gj[zu ikD/ ukjhd/ jB. b'V j't/ sK rZbpks T[;/ fdB ;t/o/ 11^00 ti/ ehsh ikt/rh.
iBob w?B/io
;fjekoh yzv fwl fbwfNv,
gkoNh dk BK ns/ gsk
N?Avo ckow
N?vo ckow L skik r'jk fbnk e/, gkDh ftZu x'b e/ J/ohJ/;aB N?Ae ftZu gkT[Dk dk m/ek.
tYNfr noits iefIAn AYkspYRs imqI 24-09-2014
pMjwbI itRibaUn imqI 23-09-2014
ro[Zg ph ^ nkJhNw BzL 8
dh iBob w?B/io,
dh w'fozvk ;fjekoh yzv fwbia fbwL w'fozvk (o'gV).
c'B BzL 0160^2630025, 2630319, 2634118 c?e; 0160^2630319
bVh BzL
ezw dk t/otk
gqsh wjhBk (T[Zek gZek)
skik e/, gkDh r'jk fbnk ftZu x'b e/ J/ohJ/;aB N?Ae ftZu gkT[Dk.
;osK L
1H Nokbh dk xZN' xZN ;kJhia 12’%6’%2’ j'Dk ukjhdk j?.
2H r'jk fbnkT[D bJh No?eNo Nokbh s[jkvk j't/rk.
3H r'jk skik j'Dk ukjhdk j?.
4H NokbhnK dh frDsh tZX xZN b'V nB[;ko ehsh ik ;edh j?.
5H T[go'es ezw bJh b'VhAdk ;wkB fwZb tZb'A fdZsk ikt/rk.
6H g/w?AN w[Zy o;kfJDeko dh s;Zbh w[skfpe ezw ysw j'D s/ ehsh ikt/rh, go fco th w[Zy o;kfJDeko dh f;cko;a s/ s[jkB{z gkoN g/w?AN ehsh ik ;edh j?.
7H s[;hA fwZb d/ o{bia ns/ o?r{b/;aB d/ gkpzd j't'r/, fit/A fe s[jkv/ fe;/ toeo dk n?e;hv?AN j'D ns/ fJB;a'o?A; j'D dh ;{os ftZu ghHn?cH toew?B ezgB;/;aB nkfd bJh s[;hA y[d d/D/ j'Dr/, fwZb fJ; ftZu fe;/ soQK fizw/Atko BjhA j't/rh.
8H ;N'o ftZu'A ;wkB s[;hA w[Zy o;kfJDeko d/ d;sysK Bkb jh eYtk ;ed/ j'.
9H N?Avo fwsh 29^09^2014 B{z ;t/o/ 10^00 ti/ sZe gj[zu ikD/ ukjhd/ jB. b'V j't/ sK rZbpks T[;/ fdB dupihr 11^00 ti/ ehsh ikt/rh.
iBob w?B/io
;fjekoh yzv fwl fbwfNv,
gkoNh dk BK ns/ gsk
N?Avo ckow
N?Avo ckow L pzd ;hiB dorwn kuAwf,pYnK ns/ i{; jhNoK dh fN:{pk dh sPweI krnw
tYNfr noits iefIAn AYkspYRs imqI 24-09-2014
pMjwbI itRibaUn imqI 23-09-2014
ro[Zg ph ^ nkJhNw BzL 9
dh iBob w?B/io,
dh w'fozvk ;fjekoh yzv fwbia fbwL w'fozvk (o'gV).
c'B BzL 0160^2630025, 2630319, 2634118 c?e; 0160^2630319
bVh BzL
ezw dk t/otk
pzd ;hiB d"okB ;?wh e?;NBo, t?go ;?b , e[nkv dhnK uko pkvhnk, ;Zs g?BK, uko i{; jhNo, fJe t?go bkfJB i{; jhNo dhnK fNT{pK dh eNo$p[o;a Bkb ;ckJh eoBh.
T[Zek g[Zek
pkvhnK dh ;ckJh eNoK iK p[o;aK Bkb uhc e?fw;N dh jdkfJs nB[;ko eoBh j't/rh.
;ckJh eoB bJh b'VhAd/ n"iako fwZb tZb'A w[jZJhnk ehs/ ikDr/.
;ckJh eoB T[gozs pkvh uzrh soQK MkV{ wko e/ ;kc eoBh j't/rh.
;ckJh d"okB fe;/ ftnesh d/ ;ZN nkfd bZr ikD dh fizw/Atkoh m/e/dko dh j't/rh.
;ckJh dk ezw fdB oks brksko eoBk j't/rk.
g?f;nK dk G[rskB w[Zy o;kfJDeko dh s;Zbh ns/ f;cko;a s/ ehsk ikt/rk.
fJj ezw 15 wJh 2015 sZe w[ezwb j'Dk ukjhdk j?.
N?Zvo fwsh 29H09H2014 B{z ;t/o/ 10^00 ti/ sZe gj[zu ikD/ ukjhd/ jB. b'V j't/ sK rZbpks T[;/ fdB d[gfjo 11^00 ti/ ehsh ikt/rh.
iBob w?B/io
;fjekoh yzv fwZb fbwfNv,
Name & Address of Party quoting Rates
M/s _____________________________
N?Avo ckow
N?Avo ckow L pzd ;hiB d'okB uhBh B{z fJZemk eoB T[gozs ;ckJh ns/ X[bkJh eoBk.
N tYNfr noits iefIAn AYkspYRs imqI 24-09-2014
pMjwbI itRibaUn imqI 23-09-2014
ro[Zg ph^nkJhNw BzL 10
iBob w?B/io,
w'fozvk ;fjekoh yzv fwZb fbwfNv,
w'fozvk (fiabQk o{gBro)
tYlI&on nM: 0160 – 2630046, 2630025, 2634118, &Yks nM: 0160 – 2630319
bVh BzL
o/N gqsh wjhBk fdZs/ ikD
fwZb d/ pzd ;hiB d"okB p[nkfJfbzr jkT{; ftZub/ tZy'^tZy ezBN/Bok ftZu' uhBh ns/ Pho/ B{z fJZemk eoBk. ezBN/Bok dh uzrh soQK ;ckJh eoBh ns/ ;ko/ ezBN/Bok B{z nzdo'^pkjo' uzrh soQk X'Dk. y[oukJh d"okB fJZem/ ehs/ rJ/ wkb B{z dZ;h EK s/ oZyDk.fJ; d/ Bkb jh p[nkfJfbzr jkT{; ftZub/ ;ko/ coPK dh X[nkJh dk ezw th eoBk j't/rk.vokfJo jkT{; ftZu ro/voK d/ T[go tkbhnK e?uhnK ns/ vokfJo jkT{; dh ;ckJh ns/ X[bkJh dk ezw th ftZu j't/rk.
fJe ikp
T[ek g[Zek
;ckJh dk uhc e?fw;N dh jdkfJs nB[;ko eoBh j't/rh.
;ckJh eoB bJh b'VhAd/ n"iako fwZb tZb'A w[jZJhnk ehs/ ikDr/.
;ckJh eoB T[gozs pkvh uzrh soQK MkV{ wko e/ ;kc eoBh j't/rh.
;ckJh d"okB fe;/ ftnesh d/ ;ZN nkfd bZr ikD dh fizw/Atkoh m/e/dko dh j't/rh.
g?f;nK dk G[rskB w[Zy o;kfJDeko dh s;Zbh ns/ f;cko;a s/ ehsk ikt/rk.
fJj ezw 30 ngo?b 2015 sZe w[ezwb j'Dk ukjhdk j?.
N?Zvo fwsh 29H09H2014 B{z ;t/o/ 10^00 ti/ sZe gj[zu ikD/ ukjhd/ jB. b'V j't/ sK rZbpks T[;/ fdB d[gfjo 11^00 ti/ ehsh ikt/rh.
iBob w?B/io
;fjekoh yzv fwZb fbwfNv,
Name & Address of Party quoting Rates
M/s _____________________________
N?vAo ckow
N?vo ckow L u{B/ ns/ rzXe dh Y[nkJh ns/ bkJhw dh fsnkoh dk b/po m/ek.
tYNfr noits iefIAn AYkspYRs imqI 24-09-2014
pMjwbI itRibaUn imqI 23-09-2014
ro[Zg ph ^ nkJhNw BzL 11
dh iBob w?B/io,
dh w'fozvk ;fjekoh yzv fwbia fbwL w'fozvk (o'gV).
c'B BzL 0160^2630025, 2630319, 2634118 c?e; 0160^2630319
bVh BzL
ezw dk t/otk
gqsh wjhBk (T[ZekgZek)
u{B/ ns/ rzXe B{z ;N'o ftZu' fbnk e/ dZ;h EK s/ oZyDk. u{B/ dh dZ;h wksoK ns/ xDsk nB[;ko x'b fsnko eoBk. io{os g?D s/ u{B/ dhnK bkJhBK gzg ns/ ;N/BoK dh ;ckJh eoBh. io{os $ iBob ebhfBzr ;w/A r?; tkbhnK bkJhBK ns/ i{; ;bckJhNo dh ;ckJh eoBk nkfd.
;osK L
jo f;caN ftZu xZN'^xZN 3 nkdwh io{oh jkiao j'D/ ukjhd/ jB.
i/eo fwZb g{ok wjhBk BjhA ubdh sK fpZb dk G[rskB bZr/ fdBK d/ nB[gks ftZu ehsk ikt/rk.
fpZb dk G[rskB uhc e?fw;N dhnK f;acko;aK ns/ ezw dh s;Zbh s/ jh ehsk ikt/rk.
s[jkvk ezw s;Zbhpy;a Bk j'D s/ pdbtK gqpzX fwZb tZb'A eo fbnk ikt/rk ns/ g?f;nK dk G[rskB m/e/ ftZu'A eZN e/ eo fdZsk ikt/rk.
u{B/ dhnK ykbh p'ohnK 50^50 d/ pzvbK ftZu pzB e/ dZ;h EK s/ ;N'o ftZu oZyDhnK j'DrhnK.
io{os g?D s/ cNhnK p'ohnK dk u{Bk s[jkB{z ykbh E?fbnK ftZu GoBk gt/rk.
;bco dh ;N'o ftZu s[bkJh eoe/ fbnkT[Dh j't/rh.
u{B/ d/ ;N/;aB dh uzrh soQK ;ckJh oZyDk ns/ u{B/ d/ fBeb/ u{B/ tkb/ gZEo$rfoN i' fe iawhB T[go frod/ jB, T[; B{z uzrh soQK ;ckJh eoBh ns/ dZ;h EK s/ ;[ZNDk.
m/e/dko B{z gqkthv?AN czv, JhHn?;HnkJhH, fwzBhww t/fiaia n?eN, c?eNoh n?eN w[skfpe ;kok foekov fsnko eoBk j't/rk. fJBQk n?eNK nXhB i' th d/Dekoh j't/rh, T[j m/e/dko dh fiazw/tkoh j't/rh.
Tykydwr nUM lybr dI irhwies vwsqy jgW id`qI jW skdI hY, pr ibjlI Aqy kmry dw ikrwieAw pMjwb srkwr v`lo lwgU kwnUMn Anuswr vsUilAw jwvygw[
N?Avo fwsh 29^09^2014 B{z ;t/o/ 10^00 ti/ sZe gj[zu ikD/ ukjhd/ jB. b'V j't/ sK rZbpks T[;/ fdB 11^00 ti/ ehsh ikt/rh.
iBob w?B/io
;fjekoh yzv fwZb fbwfNv,
gkoNh dk BK ns/ gsk
tYNfr noits
N?vo ckowL Tyky qy KwlI postW qy bdly qknIkI krmcwrI r`Kx sbMDI
tYNfr noits iefIAn AYkspYRs imqI 24-09-2014
pMjwbI itRibaUn imqI 23-09-2014
Tykw jWb- bI-12
jnrl mYnyjr,
dI moirMfw kOAw: SUgr im`lj ilmitf,
sIjn 2014-15 dOrwn hyT ilKy qknIkI krmcwrIAW nMU Tyky qy r`Kx vwsqy imqI 29.09.2014 svyry 10.00 vjy q`k mohrbMd tYNfrW dI mMg kIqI jWdI hY[ krmcwrIAW dI Xogqw Aqy kMm dw vyrvw hyT ilKy Anuswr hY:-
bVh Bzpo
AwswmI dw nW
AwswmIAW dI igxqI
AwswmI leI :'rsk
kMm dw vyrvw
buAwielr AtYNfYNt
iksy vI rwj qoN cIP ieMspYktr AwP buAwielrj qoN Pst klws buAwielr AtYfYNt kMpItYNsI srtIPIkyt[ SUgr im`l ieMfstrI iv`c 10 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn isPtW iv`c Awauxw Aqy iSPt dw kMm-kwr vyKxw Aqy irpyAr myntInYNs krvwauxw[
b'V nB[;ko
ielYktRISn tryf iv`c AweI.tI.AweI Aqy SUgr im`l ieMfstrI iv`c 10 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn ey.sI/ fI.sI .motrW fI.sI. pYnl, ey.vI.Awr. Altrnytr Aqy hor ibjlI dy kMm dyKx dI ijMmyvwrI
vwier mYn
b'V nB[;ko
ielYktRISn tryf iv`c AweI.tI.AweI Aqy SUgr im`l ieMfstrI iv`c 10 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn iSPtW iv`c ibjlI dy kMm dyKx dI ijMmyvwrI
trbwien AtYNfYNt
b'V nB[;ko
iPtr tryf iv`c AweI.tI.AweI jW SUgr im`l ieMfstrI iv`c trbwien AtYNfYNt dw 7 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn iSPtW im`l hwaUsdIAW trbwienW clwauxw Aqy auhnW dI ingrwnI krnw
fI.sI motr
b'V nB[;ko
iPtr tryf iv`c AweI.tI.AweI jW SUgr im`l ieMfstrI iv`c fI.sI motr AtYNfYNt dw 7 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn iSPtW im`l hwaUsdIAW fI.sI motrW clwauxw Aqy auhnW dI ingrwnI krnw
bI.sI. AtYNfYNt
b'V nB[;ko
SUgr im`l ieMfstrI iv`c ies lweIn dw 7 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn iSPtW Awr.bI.sI cYn nMU clwauxw Aqy aus dI ingrwnI krnw
kyn Anlofr Aprytr
b'V nB[;ko
iPtr tryf iv`c AweI.tI.AweI Aqy kryn clwaux dw 5 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn iSPtW kyn Anlofr qy kryn clwaux dI ijMmyvwrI Aqy aus dI ingrwnI krnw
skYfrI kyn kYrIAr Aprytr
b'V nB[;ko
SUgr im`l iv`c 10 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn iSPtW iv`c skYfrI kyn kYrIAr Aprytr krn Aqy ingrwnI krnI
Pwier mYn
b'V nB[;ko
SUgr im`l iv`c 10 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn iSPtW iv`c buAwilr nMUclwauxw Aqy ingrwnI krnI
b'V nB[;ko
SUgr im`l iv`c 1 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn iSPtW iv`c im`l AMdr jrnl FoAw-FuAweI dw kMm
b'V nB[;ko
pYnmYn jW AisstYNt pynmYNn dw 5 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn iSPtW iv`c kMm krnw[
mSIn Aprytr
b'V nB[;ko
A`TvI pws, krwiestlYjr/sYtrI iPaUgl stySn dw G`to-G`t 2 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn iSPtW iv`c sYtrI iPaUgl msInW clwauxw[
Ansiklf lybr
b'V nB[;ko
sIjn dOrwn iSPtW iv`c im`l AMdr im`Tw ivBwg iv`c jnrl kMm
b'V nB[;ko
A`TvI pws kuAwfmNYt G`to-G`t 5 swl dw qjrbw[
sIjn dOrwn iSPtW iv`c kuAwfmNYt nMU clwauxw
b'V nB[;ko
SUgr im`l iv`c 10 swl dw qjrbw jW molifMg dy kMm iv`c 10 swl dw qjrbw[
im`l iv`c molifMg vrkSwp iv`c swry kMm dyKxy
iBob w?B/io
;a{ro fwZb, w'fozvk
gkoNh dk Bkw ns/ gsk
Tender Form for: Appointment of Asstt Engineer (Mech. ) Purely on Contract Basis
Tender Notice in “Indian Express”24-09-2014
“Punjabi Tribune” dated 23-09-2014
Group B
Item No. 13
The General Manager,
The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Morinda (Roop Nagar) Punjab.
Phone No: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 5000620, Fax No. 0160-2630319
No of Post
Lump Sum
Appointment of Asstt Engineer (Mech) Purely on Contract Basis as per terms and condition as under :-
Degree in Mech Engineering (B.Tech)
Rs 20000.00 (Rupees Twenty Thousand only ) Lump -Sump
Maximum One year
18-35 Yrs
Terms & Conditions:
The employees will perform the duty as per direction under control of Chief Engineer of this mill.
Weekly rest will be given as per rules if the employee found absent the proportionate salary will be deducted and the salary will be paid on the recommendation of the Chief Engineer.
The Employee wil abide by all the rules and regulation of the mills.
The Employee will be responsible for any damage to Man/Machinery during working hours
The undersign reserves the right to accept or reject any or all application without assigning any reason.
The Mill have no responsibilty for any kind of accident.
The undersign reserves the right to cancel the appointment order any time.
Last date of receipt of tender is 29-09-2014 by 10.00 A.M. and will be opened and Negotiated (if required) on the same day at 11.00 the mills premises.
General Manager,
CSM, Morinda.
Name and address of the Applicant
Tender Form for: Appointment of Asstt Engineer (Instrument) Purely on Contract Basis
Tender Notice in “Indian Express” 24-09-2014
“Punjabi Tribune” dated 23-09-2014
Group B Item No. 14
The General Manager,
The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Morinda (Roop Nagar) Punjab.
Phone No: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 5000620, Fax No. 0160-2630319
No of Post
Lump Sum
Appointment of Asstt Engineer (Instrument) Purely on Contract Basis as per terms and condition as under :-
Degree in Instrument Engineering (B.Tech)
Rs 20000.00 (Rupees Twenty Thousand only ) Lump -Sump
Maximum One year
18-35 Yrs
Terms & Conditions:
The employees will perform the duty as per direction under control of Chief Engineer of this mill.
Weekly rest will be given as per rules if the employee found absent the proportionate salary will be deducted and the salary will be paid on the recommendation of the Chief Engineer.
The Employee wil abide by all the rules and regulation of the mills.
The Employee will be responsible for any damage to Man/Machinery during working hours
The undersign reserves the right to accept or reject any or all application without assigning any reason.
The Mill have no responsibilty for any kind of accident.
The undersign reserves the right to cancel the appointment order any time.
Last date of receipt of tender is 29-09-2014 by 10.00 A.M. and will be opened and Negotiated (if required) on the same day at 11.00 the mills premises.
General Manager,
CSM, Morinda.
Name and address of the Applicant
Tender Form for: Dismantling, Fabrication and Erection Jobs.
Tender Notice in “Indian Express” dated 24-09-2014
Punjab Tribune dated 23-09-2014
Group B Item No. -15
Rate Quoted
(In Fig.)
Rate Quoted
(in words)
Dismantling of existing drive system of ground floor crystallizer and installation of new planetary gear box in place of existing drive system.
05 Nos.
Lump-sum for each
Replacement of Fibrizor hammers.
As required
Per pcs.
Replacement of cane cutter/leveller knives.
As required
Per pcs.
Installation of new injection pump with motor
One Job
Fabrication and erection of priming system for above pumps
One Job
Erection of new Centrifugal machine with all accessories i.e. Pug Mill with drive, Air drying system, sugar hopper size 2mtr X 10 mtr with civil work and hot water system etc.
One Job
Installation of new helical gear box at Texmaco Boiler RBC chain. Job includes bed frame and alignment.
One job
Fabrication of Complete discharge scrapper assembly as per existing size and design
As required
Modification of 1st Mills Donnelly chute front plate
One job
Installation of VIBRO screen at sugar melter
One job
Lump-sum each
Replacement of water cooling coil for sulphur furnace burner
As required
-Do- but cooler
As required
Fabrication and erection of MS cross Size 6" X 6" from MS plate
As Required
Replacement of wornout steam coil of sugar melter with feed gutter
One job
Lump sum
Installation of new radiator at 2000KW Power Turbine alternator
One job
Lump sum
All consumable items such as steel, pipes, welding rods/gases will be provided by the mills. All tools & tackles will be arranged by the Contractors.
The contractor will have to complete all the jobs including trials to the satisfaction of the mill management. Time schedule will be sent separately.
If contractor wants accommodation, the house rent and electricity charges will be deducted from the contractor bill as per rule.
The TDS will be deducted as per rules.
The progress of the work of the Contractor will be reviewed on weekly intervals and in case the mill management feels/find that the work is not being carried-out as per schedule by the Contractor, he will have to employ more man power to complete the job within stipulated time In case failure to comply with order with mill management, the mills shall get the job done through alternator sources at entire costs, risk and responsibility of the Contractor.
The General Manager of the mills reserves the right to cancel, distribute or re- allocate the work without assigning any reason.
The contractor shall have to abide by all the rules and regulations of the mills.
The consumable items to be issued to the contractor under the signature of concerned Engineer, duly counter signed by the Chief Engineer.
The contractor will be responsible for all statutory liabilities like Provident Fund, Workmen compensation in case of any injury and insurance etc. to your workers. The mills shall be in any way liable/ responsible for the work force to be employed by you.
The contractor will be responsible for any damage to Man/Machine during working.
The contractor will be required to keep the dismantled material at the place to be indicated by the mills officers.
In case of any dispute, the decision of the Managing Director of the mills will be final and binding on the Contractor.
If your above said rates are found less in any other Coop. Sugar Mills in Punjab for these jobs of any Contractor, the same rate will be applicable to our mills also.
You will have to deposit Rs.25000/- as security money before starting the work which will be refunded after satisfactory completion of jobs.
The 90% payment will be made against running bills duly recorded in the M.Bs. Balance 5% will be made on the start of crushing season 2014-15 and balance 5% after close of crushing season 2014-15 on satisfactory completion of jobs along-with Security Money.
Last date of receipt of tender is 29-09-2014 by 10.00 A.M. and will be opened and
Negotiated (if required) on the same day at 11.00 the mills premises.
General Manager
Sugar Mills Morinda
Name of the Party & Address
Tender Form for: White wash and hirmachi of factory premies and colony.
Tender Notice in “Indian Express" dated 24-09-2014
“Punjabi Tribune” dated 23-09-2014
Item No. 16
The General Manager,
The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Morinda (Roop Nagar) Punjab.
Phone No: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 5000620, Fax No. 0160-2630319
Lump Sum
White wash of Mill House and Boiler House
One job
White wash of Cane yard Rest house, Canteen, Weighbridge, Time Office and Security office/ factory gate.
One job
White was of labortory, Chief Engineer/Chief Chemist Office and Factory building wall in fornt of labortory.
One job
External white washing of General office, Guest house and Superintendent office
One job
All consumable items will be provided by the mills.
The payment will be made after completion of job in all respect with the recommendation and satisfaction of the Chief Engineer. However part payment can be given against job done.
The work should be completed within 30 days of the order.
You are fully responsible for any mis-happening with your worker and Mill is not responsible for giving any claim to your labourer.
You have to maintain all the statutory record under PF, ESI, Minimum wages act, factory act and any other act applicable etc. Any liability under any of the above acts will be contractor account.
The undersigned reserved the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.
Complete tender form duly filled should be submitted in the NIT form till 29-09-2014 upto 10.00 A.M. The tenders will be opened and negotiated if required on the same day at 11:00 A.M.
General Manager
Sugar Mills Ltd,
(Name & Address of party quoting Rates)
Tender Form for: Weighing Scale repair/Calibration.
Tender Notice in “Indian Express” dated 24-09-2014
“Punjabi Tribune” dated 23-09-2014
Item No. 17
The General Manager,
The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Morinda (Roop Nagar) Punjab.
Phone No: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 5000620, Fax No. 0160-2630319
Lump Sum
Molasses weighing Scale repair/Calibration of Mechanical weighing Scale to electronic scale.
One job
All consumable items will be provided by the mills.
The payment will be made after successful trial with the recommendation and satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Chief Chemist. However part payment can be given against job done.
The work should be completed within 30 days of the order.
You are fully responsible for any mis-happening with your worker and Mill is not responsible for giving any claim to your labourer.
You have to maintain all the statutory record under PF, ESI, Minimum wages act, factory act and any other act applicable etc. Any liability under any of the above acts will be contractor account.
The undersigned reserved the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.
Complete tender form duly filled should be submitted in the NIT form till 29-09-2014 upto 10.00 A.M. The tenders will be opened and negotiated if required on the same day at 11:00 A.M.
General Manager
Sugar Mills Ltd,
(Name & Address of party quoting Rates)
N?Avo ckow
N?Avo ckow L p[nkfJbo dhnK GZmhnK ftZu'A eZYh j'Jh ;[nkj u[ZeDk ns/ J/HghH;hHvhHs'A ;[nkj B{z fBozso jNkT[Dk ns/ ;zukbB .
N?Avo B'fN; fJzvhnB n?e;gq?; fwsh 24^09^2014
gzikph fNqfpT{B fwsh 23^09^2014
ro[Zg ph^nkJhNw BzL 18
iBob w?B/io,
w'fozvk ;fjekoh yzv fwZb fbwfNv,
w'fozvk (fiabQk o{gBro)
tYlI&on nM: 0160 – 2630046, 2630025, 2634118, &Yks nM: 0160 – 2630319
bVh BzL
o/N gqsh wjhBk fdZs/ ikD
T)N?e;w?e' ns/ i/HNhHp[nkfJboK ftZu'A eZYh j'Jh ;[nkj u[ZeDk ns/ J/HghH;hHvhHgbkNK dh ;[nkj u[Ze e/ fwZb J/ohJ/ s'A pkjo ;[ZNDk ns/ j'o ;ckJh nkfd dk m/ek.
n)N?e;w?e' ns/ i/HNhHp[nkfJboK d/ J/HghH;hHvhHgbkN B{z ubkT[D tk;s/ jo fJe f;cat ftZu d' Ugo/No oZyDk i' fe gbkNK s/ bZr/ gzg ubkT[D ns/ ;bZi p?ZvK ftZu'A ;[nkj GoB ns/ gbkNK ftZu gkDh g{ok eoBk nkfd dk siopk oZyd/ j'D.
J)uko/ p[nkfJboK ftZu o'iakBk fJeZmh j'Jh ;[nkj nkgD/ No?eNo Nokbh s/ u[Ze e/ fwZb J/ohJ/ s'A pkjo ;[ZNDh.
fB:w ns/ ;aosKL^
m/e/dko B{z jo f;caN ftZu uko pzd/(;w/s No?eNo vokJhto) bkT[D/ j'Dr/ ns/ ;[nkj bJh No?eNo ns/ j'o b'VhAdk ;wkB th m/e/dko dk j't/rk.
gbkNK B{z ubkT[D bJh jo f;cN ftZu d' Ugo/No oZyD/ j'Dr/ i' fe bkr p[Ze Go ;ed/ j'D.
fJj m/ek fwZb dk ;hiaB ;a[o{ j'D s/ fwZb pzd j'D ns/ p[nkfJbo pzd j'D sZe bkr{ oj/rk.
m/e/dko B{z ikbh, ;bZi p?Zv, gzgK d/ ;?Ae;B fgZN ns/ n?woi?A;h ikbh d/ d't/A soc'A brksko ;[nkj u[ZeDh j't/rh.
gzgK d/ fgZNK ns/ J/HghH;hHvhHpkvh d/ nzdo iK pkjo i' ;[nkj fJeZmh j't/rh, T[; B{z ;w/A ;w/A f;o u[Ze e/ pkjo ;[ZNDk ns/ J/HghH;hHvhHd/ J/ohJ/ ftZu'A i' ;[nkj j't/rh, T[; dh ;ckJh eoBh j't/rh.
m/e/dko uko/ p[nkfJboK ftZu'A fJeZmh j'Jh ;[nkj nkgD/ No?eNo Nokbh s/ u[Ze e/ fwZb J/ohJ/ s'A pkjo ;[ZN/rk.
m/e/dko B{z fJe wjhB/ d/ nXko s/ g/w?AN ehsh ikt/rh. i/eo fwZb wjhB/ s'A xZN uZbdh j? sK m/e/dko B{z T[;/ nB[gks ftZu g/w?AN ehsh ikt/rh.
ezw w[Zy fJzihBhno dh s;Zbh w[skfpe j'Dk ukjhdk j?.
fe;/ ekoB ezw ftZu n;cb ofjD s/ m/ek pzd eoB ns/ fe;/ j'o s'A eotkT[D dk fwZb B{z g{ok nfXeko j?. joikBk m/e/dko e'b'A g{ok ehsk ikt/rk. i/eo fwZb B{z n?woi?A;h ;w/A d'B'A fgZNK ftZu'A ;[nkj eZYD bJh ckbs{ pzd/ brkT[D/ gJ/ sK T[; d/ g?;/ m/e/dko d/ m/e/ ftZu'A eZN/ ikDr/.
m/e/dko B{z gqkthv?AN czv, JhHn?;HnkJhH, fwzBhww t/fii n?eN, c?eNoh n?eN w[skfpe ;kok foekov fsnko eoBk j't/rk. fJjBK n?eNk nB[;ko, i' th d/Ddkoh j't/rh, T[j m/e/dko B{z d/Dh j't/rh. s[jkvk fJBew N?e; fB:wK nB[;ko eZfNnk ikt/rk.
o/N gqsh wjhBk fdZs/ ikD.
i/eo fe;/ f;cN ftZu pzd/ xZN j'J/ sK vhH;hHo/NK nB[;ko g?;/ eZN/ ikDr/.
iBob w?B/io fpBQK e'Jh ekoB dZf;nK fe;/ t/b/ th fJj m/ek oZd eo ;edk j?/.
N?Avo d/D Aqy Kohlx dh nkyoh fwsh 29H09H2014 ;t/o/ 10^00 ti/ sZe j? ns/ i/eo b'V j'Jh sK rZbpks T[;/ fdB ;t/o/ 11.00 ti/ ehsh ikt/rh.
fwZb J/ohJ/ ftZu'A u[Zeh j'Jh ;[nkj ;Ve d/ Bkb^Bkb BjhA ;[ZND fdZsh ikt/rh.
16)Tykydwr nUM lybr dI irhwies vwsqy jgW id`qI jW skdI hY ,pr ibjlI Aqy kmry dw ikrwieAw pMjwb srkwr v`lo lwgU kwnUMn Anuswr vsUilAw jwvygw[
iBob w?B/io
;a{ro fwZb, w'fozvk
gkoNh dk Bkw ns/ gsk
N?Avo ckow
N?Avo ckow L SIjn dorwn im`l bY`f dI SPweI krn ;pzXh NA?vo ckow
N?Avo B'fN; fJzvhnB n?e;gq?; fwsh 24^09^2014
gzikph fNqfpT{B fwsh 23^09^2014
ro[Zg ph ^ nkJhNw BzL 19
jnrl mYnyjr
dI moirMfw kOAwpryitv SUgr im`lj
w'fozvk (o{gBro)
Pon nM: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 2634118,PYks; 0160-2630319
bVh BzL
ezw dk t/otk
o/N gqsh wjhBk fdZs/ ikD
nzeK ftZu
;apdK ftZu
SIjn dorwn im`l bY`f,kyn kyrIAr cYn dy Q`ly, im`l hwaUs Aqy Awiel skrImr dy Awly duAwly dI SPweI Aqy kyn ktr nM: 1 qy gMnw k`txw[
;hiaB 2014-15 d"okB
;aosK L
1) quhwnUM o'iakBk fJ; ezw bJh jo f;cN ftZu 6 nkdwh brkT[D/ j'Dr//,ijnW dI hwjrI twiem AwiPs/su`riKAw dPqr iv`c l`gygI[
2) quhwnUM gqkthv?AN czv, JhHn?;HnkJhH, fwzBhww t/fiaia n?eN, c?eNoh n?eN w[skfpe ;kok foekov
fsnko eoBk j't/rk. fJBQk n?eNK nXhB i' th d/Dekoh j't/rh, T[j quhwfI j't/rh.
3) fJj kMm ;hiaB ;a[o{ j'D s'A ;hiaB d/ nzs sZe sZe uZb/rk.
4) fwZb dk w[Zy fJzihBhno$fJzihBhno b'V g?D s/ s[jkvh b/po j'o EK s/ th ezw b? ;ed/ jB.
5) ezw, w[Zy fJzihBhno dh s;Zbh w[skpe j'D s/ jh g/w?NA ehsh ikt/rh.
6) nkdwh xZN j'D dh ;{os ftZu vhH;hH o/N nB[;ko g/;? eZN bJ/ ikDr/.
7) N?Avo d/D Aqy Kohlx dh nkyoh fwsh 29-09-2014 ;t/o/ 10H00 ti/ sZe j?.jykr loV hoeI qW
rZbpks ausy idn ;t/o/ 11H00 vjy kIqI ikt/rh.
9) o/N gqsh wjhBk fdZs/ ikD.
10) Tykydwr nUM lybr dI irhwies vwsqy jgW id`qI jW skdI hY, pr ibjlI Aqy kmry dw ikrwieAw pMjwb srkwr v`lo lwgU kwnUMn Anuswr vsUilAw jwvygw[
11) iBob w?B/io fpBQK e'Jh ekoB dZf;nk, fJj m/ek fe;/ t/b/ th oZd eo ;edk j?.
iBob w?B/io
yzv fwZb ,w'fozvk
gkoNh dk BK ns/ gsk
N?Avo ckow
N?Avo ckow L prk; B{z fgZS/ jNkT[D bJh lybr r`Kx sbMDI[
N?Avo B'fN; fJzvhnB n?e;gq?; fwsh 24^09^2014
gzikph fNqfpT{B fwsh 23^09^2014
roZg ph^ nkJhNw BzL 20
jnrl mYnyjr,
dI moiMrfw kOAw:SUgr im`lj il: moirMfw
bVh BzL
ezw dk t/otk
o/N gqsh wjhBk fdZs/ ikD
nzeK ftZu
;apdK ftZu
;hiaB 2014^15 d"okB prk; fgS/ jNkT[D dk m/ek No?eNo Aqy No?eNo vokJhtoia ;w/s.
;hiaB d"okB
;aosK L
1) m/e/dko B{z o'iakBk fJ; ezw bJh jo f;cN ftZu 8 nkdwh ;w/s vokJhto brkT[D/ j'Dr//.nkdwhnK dh frDsh b'V nB[;ko tXkJh ik ;edh j? ns/ T[jBK s'A fwZb ftZu fe;/ th irQk s/ ezw fbnk ik ;edk j?.fJjBK nkdwhnK dh g/w?AN sfj j'J/ o/NK d/ nB[gks nB[;ko ehsh ikt/rh.Tykydwr dI lybr dI hwjrI p[nkfJbo s/ bkJh jwvygI qy aus dI bxdI pymYNt hwjrI ANnuswr hI id`qI jwvygI[
2) m/e/dko B{z gqkthv?AN czv, JhHn?;HnkJhH, fwzBhww t/fiaia n?eN, c?eNoh n?eN w[skfpe ;kok foekov
fsnko eoBk j't/rk. fJBQk n?eNK nXhB i' th d/Dekoh j't/rh, T[j m/e/dko dh fiazw/tkoh j't/rh.
3) fJj m/ek ;hiaB ;a[o{ j'D s'A ;hiaB d/ nzs sZe uko p[nkfJbo pzd j'D sZe uZb/rk.
4 No?eNo vokJhto, w[Zy fJzihBhno dh s;Zbh w[skpe ezw eoB tkb/ j'D/ ukjhd/ jB.
5) fwZb dk w[Zy fJzihBhno$fJzihBhno b'V g?D s/ s[jkvh b/po j'o EK s/ th ezw b? ;ed/ jB.
6) ezw, w[Zy fJzihBhno dh s;Zbh w[skpe j'D s/ jh g/w?NA ehsh ikt/rh.
7) nkdwh xZN j'D dh ;{os ftZu vhH;hH o/N nB[;ko g/;? eZN bJ/ ikDr/.
8) No?eNo ftZu vhiab fwZb dk j't/rk.
9) N?Avo d/D Aqy Kohlx dh nkyoh fwsh 29H09H2014 ;t/o/ 10H00 ti/ sZe j?.jykr loV hoeI
qW rZbpks ausy idn ;t/o/ 11H00 vjy kIqI ikt/rh.
11) o/N gqsh wjhBk fdZs/ ikD.
12) iBob w?B/io fpBQK e'Jh ekoB dZf;nk, fJj m/ek fe;/ t/b/ th oZd eo ;edk j?.
13) m/e/dko tZb'A 25,000$^ o[gJ/ ;feT[oNh d/ s"o s/ Bed$vhwKv vokcN okjh iwQK eotkT[D/ j'Dr/ i' ;hiaB pzd j'D s'A pknd w"VB^:'r j'Dr/.
14) Tykydwr nUM lybr dI irhwies vwsqy jgW id`qI jW skdI hY,pr ibjlI Aqy kmry dw ikrwieAw pMjwb srkwr v`lo lwgU kwnUMn Anuswr vsUilAw jwvygw[
iBob w?B/io
;fjekoh yzv fwZb fbwfNv,
gkoNh dk BK ns/ gsk
N?Avo ckow
N?Avo ckow L y'Jh dh T[sokJh eoB bJh m/ek.
N?Avo B'fN; fJzvhnB n?e;gq?; fwsh 24^09^2014
gzikph fNqfpT{B fwsh 23^09^2014
ro[Zg ph ^ nkJhNw BzL 21
iBob w?B/io,
w'fozvk ;fjekoh yzv fwZb fbwfNv,
w'fozvk (fiabQk o{gBro)
tYlI&on nM: 0160 – 2630046, 2630025, 2634118 &Yks nM: 0160 – 2630319
bVh BzL
ezw dk t/otk
o/N nzeK ftZu
o/N ;apdK ftZu
fwZb ftZu PhiB 2014^15 d"okB NoZeK ftZu' pkjo' nkJh y'Jh B{z T[skoB dk m/ek.
;osK L
1) ehs/ rJ/ ezw dh g/w?AN w[Zy fJzihBhno ns/ ;N'o ehgo dh t?ohche/;B s/ ehsh ikt/rh.
2) b'V g?D s/ s[jkB{z s[ozs y'Jh T[skoB bJh fwZb ftZu jkio j'Dk gt/rk.
3) ezw eoB t/b/ s[jkv/ fe;/ toeo Bkb d[oxNBk tkgodh j? T[; B{z eb/w nkfd d/D dh fizw/tkoh s[jkvh nkgDh j't/rh. fwZb dk fJ; Bkb e'Jh ;pzX BjhA j't/rk.
4) N?Avo fwsI 29^09-2014 B{z ;t/o/ 10^00 ti/ sZe dcso ftZu gj[zu ikD/ ukjhd/ jB. b'V j'Jh sK nrKj rZbpks T[;/ fdB ;t/o/ 11^00 ti/ ehsh ikt/rh.
5) iBob w?B/io B{z fJe iK ;ko/ N?Avo oZd eoB dk nfXeko okytK j?.
iBob w?B/io
;fjekoh yzv fwZb,
N?vAo ckow
N?Avo ckow L rzBk :kov ftZu gzeuo toe;kg y'bD bJh m/ek.
N?Avo B'fN; fJzvhnB n?e;gq?; fwsh 24^09^2014
gzikph fNqfpT{B fwsh 23^09^2014
ro[Zg ph ^ nkJhNw BzL 22
jnrl mYnyjr
dI moirMfw kOAwpryitv SUgr im`lj
w'fozvk (o{gBro)
Pon nM: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 2634118,PYks; 0160-2630319
bVh BzL
ezw dk t/otk
o/N gqsh wjhBk fdZs/ ikD
o/N nzeK ftZu
o/N ;apdK ftZu
e/B :kov ftZu No?eNo Nokbh, o/Vh, NoZe nkfd d/ NkfJo fNT{p B{z gzeuo, N[ZNh ns/ tkbt w[cs bkT[D bJh ;hiaB 2014^15 bJh m/ek.
2014^15 tk;s/
fB:w ns/ ;aosK
1) toe;akg bJh EK, fpibh, gkDh, ezwgo?;o, i?e ns/ gzeuo bkT[D tkbk ;kwkB fwZb tZb' Aw[cs fdZsk ikt/rk
rzB/ dh e'Jh th Nokbh iK o/Vh fwZb s'A 100 whNo d/ x/o/ sZe (fwZb r/N s' Apkjo) gzeuo j' iKdh j? sK T[; B{z gzeuo nkfd bkT[D dh s[jkvh fizw/tkoh j't/rh.
toe;akg 24 xzN/ y[Zbh oZyh ikt/rh.
toe;akg dk ezw w[Zy rzBk ftek; nca;o dh s;Zbh w[skpe j'Dk ukjhdk j?.
fJj m/ek fwZb uZbD s' AfwZb pzd j'D sZe bkr{ oj/rk.
s[jkvk gq'thv?NA czv, fJBew N?e; iK e'Jh j'o N?e; fB:wK nB[;ko eZfNnk ikt/rk.
toe;akg ftZu i/ e'Jh ftnesh ;aokp ghdK cfVnk frnk sK T[; dh fizw/tkoh s[jkvh j't/rh. fJ; soQK s[jkvk m/ek oZd th ehsk ik ;edk j? ns/ i[owkBk th ehsk ik ;edk j?.
s[jkB{z toe;akg d/ nkb/-d[nkb/ dh ;ckJh oZyDh j't/rh.
fwZb dk ;kwkB i' toe;akg tk;s/ fdZsk ikt/rk, i/ T[j r[zw j' ikt/ sK T[; dh ehws s[jkv/ s' At;{bh ikt/rh.
o/N gqsh wjhBk fdZs/ ikD.
N?vAo fwsh 29H09H2014 B{z ;t/o/ 10H00 ti/ sZe fBwBj;skyoh d/ dcaso gj[zu ikD/ ukjhd/ jB i/eo b'V j'Jh sK nrKj rZbpks T[;/ fdB ;t/o/ 11L00 ehsh ikt/rh. iBob w?B/io, ;{aro fwZb, w'fozvk fJBQK fe;/ ekoD fJZe iK ;ko/ N?vAo oZd eoB dk jZe okytK oZydk j?.
iBob w?B/io
;{ro fwZb, w'fozvk
o/N d/D tkbh gkoNh dk BK ns/ gsk
w?;aL ^^^^^^^^^^^^
N?Avo ckow
N?vo ckow L fwZb ftZu e/B :kov ftZu b?NohBK, pkEo{wK, :{ohBb ns/ nkb/^d[nkb/ dh ;ckJh oZyD dk m/ek.
N?Avo B'fN; fJzvhnB n?e;gq?; fwsh 24^09^2014
gzikph fNqfpT{B fwsh 23^09^2014
ro[Zg ph ^ nkJhNw BzL 23
jnrl mYnyjr
dI moirMfw kOAwpryitv SUgr im`lj
w'fozvk (o{gBro)
Pon nM: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 2634118, PYks; 0160-2630319
bVh BzL
ezw dk t/otk
o/N gqsh wjhBk fdZs/ ikD
o/N nzeK ftZu
o/N ;apdK ftZu
e/B :kov ftZu ;hiaB 2014^2015 d"okB b?NohBK, pkEo{wK, :{ohBb ns/ nkb/^d[nkb/ dh ;ckJh oZyD dk m/ek.
;aosK L
1) fJj m/ek PhiB ;a[o{ j'D s'A fwZb pzd j'D sZe bkr{ oj/rk.
2) s[jkB{z fJ; ezw bJh jo o'ia uko pzd/ brkT[D/ j'Dr/.
3) fJ; ezw dh g/w?AN jo wjhB/ d/ nzs ftZu w[Zy rzBk ftek; nca;o ns/ f;cN fJzukoi dh t?ohfce/;aB ns/ f;cako; s/ ehsh ikt/rh, fi; wjhB/ ftZu jkiaoh xZN gkJh rJh, T[; dh vhH;hH o/N nB[;ko eN"sh ehsh ikt/rh.
4) s[jkB{z fJBQK pkEo{wK d/ nzdo ns/ fJ; d/ nkb/^d[nkb/ dh uzrh soQK ;ckJh oZyDh j't/rh, nro
fJ; ezw ftZu j'Jh e[skjh ehsh rJh, sK s[jkvk m/ek fe;/ t/b/ th oZd eoB dk iBob w?B/io
B{z jZe okytK j?.
5) m/e/dko B{z gqkthv?AN czv, JhHn?;HnkJhH, fwzBhww t/fiaia n?eN, c?eNoh n?eN w[skfpe ;kok foekov fsnko eoBk j't/rk. fJBQk n?eNK nXhB i' th d/Dekoh j't/rh, T[jm/e/dko dh fiazw/tkoh j't/rh.
6) N?vAo fwsh 29H09H2014 ;t/o/ 10H00 ti/ sZe fBwB-j;skyoh d/ dcaso gj[zu ikD/ ukjhd/ jB ns/ i/eo b'V j'Jh sK nrKj rZbpks T[;/ fdB ;t/o/ 11H00 ti/ ehsh ikt/rh.iBob w?B/io, ;{aro fwZb, w'fozvk fJBQK fe;/ ekoD fJZe iK ;ko/ N?vAo oZd eoB dk jZe okytK oZydk j?.
iBob w?B/io
;fjekoh yzv fwZb,
o/N d/D tkbh gkoNh dk BK ns/ gsk
w?;aL ^^^^^^^^^^^^
N?Avo ckow
N?vo ckow L fwZb ftZu rzB/ dh n?Noh ns/ s'bkJh dk ezw ezwfgT[{{No okjhA m/e/ s/ eoBk.
N?Avo B'fN; fJzvhnB n?e;gq?; fwsh 24^09^2014
gzikph fNqfpT{B fwsh 23^09^2014
ro[Zg ph ^ nkJhNw BzL 24
jnrl mYnyjr
dI moirMfw kOAwpryitv SUgr im`lj
w'fozvk (o{gBro)
Pon nM: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 2634118, PYks; 0160-2630319
bVh BzL
ezw dk t/otk
o/N gqsh wjhBk fdZs/ ikD
o/N nzeK ftZu
o/N ;apdK ftZu
fwZb ftZu PhiB 2014^15 d"okB ezfgT{No okjh rzB/ dh n?Noh ns/ s'bD d/ ezw eoB dk m/ek.
;aosK L
1) fJj m/ek PhiB ;a[o{ j'D s'A fwZb pzd j'D sZe bkr{ oj/rk.
2) s[jkB{z fJ; ezw bJh jo o'ia ;Zs pzd/ brkT[D/ j'Dr/, I' fPcNK ftZu ezw eoBr/.
3) o/N gqsh wjhBk gqsh ftnesh fdZs/ ikD.
4) fJ; ezw dh g/w?AN jo wjhB/ d/ nzs ftZu w[Zy rzBk ftek; nca;o ns/ f;cN fJzukoi dh t?ohfce/;aB ns/ f;cako; s/ ehsh ikt/rh, fi; wjhB/ ftZu jkiaoh xZN gkJh rJh, T[; dh vhH;hH o/N nB[;ko eN"sh ehsh ikt/rh.
5) m/e/dko B{z gqkthv?AN czv, JhHn?;HnkJhH, fwzBhww t/fiaia n?eN, c?eNoh n?eN w[skfpe ;kok foekov
fsnko eoBk j't/rk. fJBQk n?eNK nXhB i' th d/Dekoh j't/rh, T[j m/e/dko dh fiazw/tkoh j't/rh.
6) N?vAo fwsh 29H09H2014 ;t/o/ 10H00 ti/ sZe fBwBj;skyoh d/ dcaso gj[zu ikD/ ukjhd/ jB ns/ i' T[;/ fdB ;t/o/ 11H00 ti/ y'b/ ikDr/. i/eo b'V j'Jh sK nrKj rZbpks ehsh ikt/rh. iBob w?B/io, ;{aro fwZb, w'fozvk fJBQK fe;/ ekoD fJZe iK ;ko/ N?vAo oZd eoB dk jZe okytK oZydk j?.
iBob w?B/io
;fjekoh yzv fwZb,
(Name & Address of party quoting Rates)
Tender Form : AMC for CCTV Camras
Tender Notice in Indian Express on
Punjabi Tribune on dated
Group B -Item No.26
The General Manager,
The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Phone No: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 2634118 Fax No. 0160-2630319
S. No
Rate Quoted
(In Fig.)
Rate Quoted
( in words)
AMC for CCTV Camra's installed in the Factory premises for the period 01-10-2014 to 30-09-2015
One Job
All required material will be provided by the Mills.
Payment will be made 50% with order agianst counter cheque 50% after satisfactory completion of work.
You will be responsible for 24 hours proper functioning of the CCTV Cameras and synchronize the system with Sugarfed Punjab and PPCB Patiala.
Payment will be made after satisfactory completion of work and verification from the Chief Engineer.
You are fully responsible for any mis-happening with your worker and Mill is not responsible for giving any claim to your labour.
You have to maintain all the statutory record under PF, ESI, Minimum wages act, factory act and any other act applicable etc. Any liability under any of the above acts will be contractor account.
The undersign reserve the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.
Complete tender form duly filled should be submitted in the NIT form till 29-09-2014 upto 10.00 A.M. The tenders will be opened and negotiated if required on the same day at 11:00 A.M.
General Manager
Sugar Mills Ltd,
(Name & Address of party quoting Rates)
Tender Form for: Appointment of Junior Engineer (Civil) Purely on Contract Basis
Tender Notice in “Indian Express”24-09-2014
“Punjabi Tribune” dated 23-09-2014
Group B Item No. 27
The General Manager,
The Morinda Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Morinda (Roop Nagar) Punjab.
Phone No: 0160-2630025, 2630319, 5000620, Fax No. 0160-2630319
No of Post
Lump Sum
Appointment of Junior Engineer (Civil) Purely on Contract Basis as per terms and condition as under :-
Diploma in Civil Engineering
Salary negotiable
Maximum One year
18-35 Yrs
Terms & Conditions:
The employees will perform the duty as per direction under control of Chief Engineer of this mill.
Weekly rest will be given as per rules if the employee found absent the proportionate salary will be deducted and the salary will be paid on the recommendation of the Chief Engineer.
The Employee wil abide by all the rules and regulation of the mills.
The Employee will be responsible for any damage to Man/Machinery during working hours
The undersign reserves the right to accept or reject any or all application without assigning any reason.
The Mill have no responsibilty for any kind of accident.
The undersign reserves the right to cancel the appointment order any time.
Employee having higher qualification will be given preference.
Last date of receipt of tender is 29-09-2014 by 10.00 A.M. and will be opened and Negotiated (if required) on the same day at 11.00 the mills premises.
General Manager,
CSM, Morinda.
Name and address of the Applicant