3 G Diversity Summit


The 3G Summit sought to bring students together from multiple Universities to create collaboration across diversity groups in the New England area. The I Am U URI group put a call out to new members to work across Universities on collaborative goals.

3G Summit Ground Rules

1. Support-Everyone is encouraged to share their stories and experiences with the group.

Feelings that have been shared should not be judged and must not be minimized to simply being wrong or right. The best support any of us can begin to provide here is to start to listen to each other.

2. Sharing-Please keep your stories to 3-5 minutes so we will be able to hear from everyone. Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing ("I" instead of "they," "we," and "you"). Do not be afraid to respectfully challenge each other by asking questions, but refrain from personal attacks --focus on ideas. When speaking on our own experiences we are not invalidating somebody else's story with our own perspectives. The goal is not to get everyone to agree with us, it is to gain a deeper understanding of what is going on around us. Everyone is encouraged to share and we can't learn from each other if all we are ever exposed to is our own experience.

3. Respect-Show respect to each other by taking turns sharing your thoughts, by not interrupting each other, and by refraining from sharing judgments on our experiences or others. This includes being considerate to speakers by eliminating side conversations. Be conscious of body language and nonverbal responses to others they can be just as disrespectful as words.

Many events like this seek to share ground rules and perspectives on how to relate to one another civilly while together in a room, but we wanted to share some ideas that people could take away with them.

G Summit Presuppositions

A presupposition is background belief that we suppose to be true.

1. There is always more than one way to look at a situation.

2. Every behavior has a positive intention and every behavior is useful in some context.

3. There is no such thing as failure, only feedback and information.