Papers by Selin Kale Varlık
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Nov 2, 2014
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Feb 1, 2009
Gazi Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, Aug 1, 2008
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Feb 1, 2009
Angle Orthodontist, Nov 1, 2010
European Journal of Orthodontics, Jan 21, 2008
Gazi Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, Oct 22, 2009
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Sep 1, 2013
European Journal of Orthodontics, Aug 1, 2008
Journal of Orthodontic Research, 2015
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Mandibular alveolar hastalarda, malokluzyonlarin ve protruziv profilin duzeltilmesinde ortodontik... more Mandibular alveolar hastalarda, malokluzyonlarin ve protruziv profilin duzeltilmesinde ortodontik tedavi yaklasimlari tercih edilmektedir. Ortodontik tedavi keserlerin maksillada labiale ve mandibulada da linguale asiri hareketine neden olurken, iskeletsel prognatizmin karakteristik gorunumunde degisiklige yol acmaz. Mandibular alveolar prognatizmin tedavisinde minor invaziv cerrahi bir islem olan mandibular alveolar osteotomi alternatif bir tedavi secenegidir. Bu teknik dislerin asiri hareket etmesini engellerken, iskeletsel prognatik gorunumu de duzeltir

Angle Orthodontist, 2010
Objective: To test the hypothesis that lower facial height has no influence on frontal facial att... more Objective: To test the hypothesis that lower facial height has no influence on frontal facial attractiveness and treatment need perception of lay people. Materials and Methods: Frontal facial silhouettes of a man and a woman with normal lower facial height values (male: 81.5 mm; female: 70.5 mm) were modified by increasing and decreasing their lower facial heights in steps of 1 mm to obtain frontal images with different lower facial height alterations ranging from +6 mm to 26 mm for each sex. A panel of 100 lay people scored each silhouette's attractiveness on a 100-mm visual analogue scale (VAS) and also indicated whether they would seek treatment if the image represented their own. The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to compare the VAS scores. Results: Unaltered 61-mm and 62-mm silhouettes got the highest VAS scores. Scores were significantly lower (P # .001) as the divergence from the normal value exceeded 2 mm. Beyond +3 mm and 24 mm in females and +4 mm and 23 mm in males the difference between the scores became statistically insignificant. At 64 mm, more than 75% of the raters elected to have treatment. Conclusion: The hypothesis was rejected.
The European Journal of Orthodontics, 2008
In this study, the effects of cervical headgear (CHG) use on the transverse dimension of the maxi... more In this study, the effects of cervical headgear (CHG) use on the transverse dimension of the maxillary dental arch were evaluated in patients in the permanent dentition. Thirteen girls and 12 boys (mean age: 13.41±0.52 years) with a bilateral full cusp Class II ...

Brazilian oral research
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of reverse headgear (RH) on pharyngeal airwa... more The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of reverse headgear (RH) on pharyngeal airway morphology in two groups of Class III patients with different vertical craniofacial features in comparison with an untreated Class III group. Seventeen subjects (9 males, 8 females; mean age 11.3 ± 0.98 years) with optimum vertical growth and 17 subjects (10 males, 7 females, mean age 11.5 ± 1.1 years) with a vertical growth pattern treated with a removable intra-oral appliance and a Delaire type facemask were included. An untreated Class III control group of 11 subjects (8 males, 3 females, mean age 9.1 ± 1.1 years) was included to compare the treated groups. The paired t-test for intragroup and one-way ANOVA for intergroup comparisons were performed. The relationships between changes in the craniofacial morphology and airway were assessed by Spearman correlation analysis. The airway dimensions at the adenoid side and soft palate were increased in the treatment groups compared to the ...
To determine when a paper is to be presented, check the session number in the Program Schedule or... more To determine when a paper is to be presented, check the session number in the Program Schedule or the Conference at a Glance charts. The Author presenting the paper is indicated by an asterisk.

Amac: Calismamiz, sabit ortodontik tedavilerde kullanilan braketlerin etrafina uygulanan flor sal... more Amac: Calismamiz, sabit ortodontik tedavilerde kullanilan braketlerin etrafina uygulanan flor salinimli, dental plak birikimini onleyici etkili oldugu iddiali, isinla sertlesen yeni bir rezinin (Ortho-Coat, Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, USA) in-vivo uygulamasinin kisa donem sonuclarini incelemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismaya 1,5 yildir sabit ortodontik tedavi goren 20 adolesan (14 kiz, 6 erkek) dahil edilmistir. Tum bireylerde yeniden oral hijyen egitimini takiben plak indeks, gingival indeks, cep derinligi, sondlamada kanama kaydedilerek, diseti olugu sivisi (DOS) ornekleri toplanmistir. Baslangic olcumlerden sonra rastgele iki grup olusturulmus, bir gruba Ortho-Coat uygulanirken, diger gruba herhangi bir uygulama yapilmamistir. Klinik indeks olcumleri ve DOS orneklemeleri birinci ayda tekrarlanmistir. DOS'da tumor nekrozis faktor alfa (TNF-) ve interlokin-6 (IL-6) seviyeleri ELISA yontemi ile degerlendirilmistir. Bulgular: Her iki grupta klinik indekslerd...

OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the mandibular dental arch and incisor... more OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the mandibular dental arch and incisor alignment induced by combined bonded Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) and Face Mask (FM) therapy in the mixed dentition stage in which leeway space was used throughout the treatment. STUDY DESIGN This retrospective study evaluates pretreatment (T0) and posttreatment (T1) cephalometric radiographs and orthodontic models of 25 patients (mean age: 10.75±2.64), in mixed dentition, having skeletal Class 3 anomaly (ANB<0) with maxillary retrognatism (SNA=77.2±0.68) and bilateral posterior crossbite treated with bonded Hyrax RME-FM. Mean treatment duration was 10.4 months. Dental model measurements were performed using the 3Shape OrthoAnalyzerTM 2013-1 program. Changes in the mandibular incisor and first molar positions were determined on cephalometric radiographs. Statistical evaluation was done with a paired t-test. RESULTS A significant increase of 1.2 mm was found in intermolar width (p&...

Bu çal›flman›n amac› Difl Hekimli¤i Fakültelerinin Ortodonti Anabilim Dallar›nda ayd›nlat›lm›fl o... more Bu çal›flman›n amac› Difl Hekimli¤i Fakültelerinin Ortodonti Anabilim Dallar›nda ayd›nlat›lm›fl onam alma oran›n› ve hasta bilgilendirme yaklafl›mlar›n› ve düzeylerini belirlemek ve buna ek olarak, onam formlar›na veya sözlü bilgilendirmelere dahil edilen bilgileri hastalar›n bak›fl aç›s›ndan de¤erlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: On befl soru içeren yüzer adet anket formu Ankara'da bulunan iki üniversitenin ortodonti kliniklerine elden verilmifl, 400 adet form ise çal›flman›n planland›¤› klinikte kullan›lmak üzere haz›rlanm›flt›r. Da¤›t›lan formlardan 466's› doldurulmufl olarak (% 77.66) geri dönmüfltür. Bulgular: Kat›l›mc›lardan 199'u (% 42.70) bir onam formu imzalad›klar›n›, di¤erleri ise sözlü olarak bilgilendirildiklerini bildirmifllerdir. Hem sözlü bilgilendirmelerde, hem de formlarda tedavi süresi ve tedavi seçenekleri en az yer verilen konular olarak belirlenmifltir. Onam formu imzalad›klar›n› beyan eden bireylerden soru sorma f›rsat› bulamad›klar›n› ve sözlü bilgilendirme tercih edeceklerini bildirenlerin oran› oldukça yüksektir (s›ras› ile % 75.43 ve % 92.76). Onam formu imzalayan ve sözlü olarak bilgilendirilen bireylerden, tedavi seçenekleri ile ilgili olarak kendi fikirlerini ifade etme f›rsat› bulduklar›n› bildirenlerin oran› oldukça düflüktür (s›ras› ile % 28.44 ve % 41.02). Sonuç: Sonuçlar, yaz›l› olarak onam alma uygulamas›n›n henüz pratik uygulamaya tam olarak geçmedi¤i, sözlü olarak verilen veya forma dahil edilen bilgilerde tedavi süresi ve alternatif tedavi yöntemleri gibi önemli konular›n yetersiz ele al›nd›¤› dikkat çekmifltir.
Papers by Selin Kale Varlık