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1999, MRS Proceedings
8 pages
1 file
ABSTRACTThe goal of this study was to develop a three–dimensional imaging method for studies of deformation in low-density materials during loading, and to implement finite element solutions of the elastic equations based on the images. Specimens of silica–reinforced polysiloxane foam pads, 15 mm in diameter by 1 mm thick, were used for this study. The nominal pore density was 50%, and the pores approximated interconnected spheres. The specimens were imaged with microtomography at ∼16µm resolution. A rotating stage with micrometer driven compression allowed imaging of the foams during deformation with precise registration of the images. A finite element mesh, generated from the image voxels, was used to calculate the mechanical properties of the structure, and the results were compared with conventional mechanical testing. The foam exhibited significant nonlinear behavior with compressive loading. The finite-element calculations from the images, which were in excellent agreement wit...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2001
Specimens of silica-reinforced polysiloxane foam pads were three-dimensionally imaged during axial compressive loading to densification. The foams' behavior was highly nonlinear and showed the three characteristic regions of linear elastic, elastic buckling, and densification. A finite-element technique, based upon conversion of the image voxels to finite elements, was used to calculate the mechanical properties of the foams. The results were compared with conventional mechanical testing and theory. The finite-element calculations were in excellent agreement with experimental stress-strain data over the entire range of compressive loading. Theoretical models, on the other hand, overestimated the stiffness of the foam above the elastic buckling stress by not correctly predicting the abruptness of the transition from elastic buckling to densification. Three-dimensional analysis of the deformed microstructures indicated that there was a critical foam density beyond which the cell morphology suddenly changed from open-celled to closed-celled and that this "phase"-like transition was responsible for the abrupt increase in stiffness near densification.
Materials, 2021
Advanced pore morphology (APM) foam elements are almost spherical foam elements with a solid outer shell and a porous internal structure mainly used in applications with compressive loading. To determine how the deformation of the internal structure and its changes during compression are related to its mechanical response, in-situ time-resolved X-ray computed microtomography experiments were performed, where the APM foam elements were 3D scanned during a loading procedure. Simultaneously applying mechanical loading and radiographical imaging enabled new insights into the deformation behaviour of the APM foam samples when the mechanical response was correlated with the internal deformation of the samples. It was found that the highest stiffness of the APM elements is reached before the appearance of the first shear band. After this point, the stiffness of the APM element reduces up to the point of the first self-contact between the internal pore walls, increasing the sample stiffness...
Observation of dynamic testing by means of X-ray computed tomography (CT) and in-situ loading devices has proven its importance in material analysis already, yielding detailed 3D information on the internal structure of the object of interest and its changes during the experiment. However, the acquisition of the tomographic projections is, in general, a time-consuming task. The standard method for such experiments is the time-lapse CT, where the loading is suspended for the CT scan. On the other hand, modern X-ray tubes and detectors allow for shorter exposure times with an acceptable image quality. Consequently, the experiment can be designed in a way so that the mechanical test is running continuously, as well as the rotational platform, and the radiographic projections are taken one after another in a fast, free-running mode. Performing this so-called on-the-fly CT, the time for the experiment can be reduced substantially, compared to the time-lapse CT. In this paper, the advance...
Journal of Microscopy, 2006
X-ray microtomography has been employed to collect threedimensional images of aluminium closed-cell foam, enabling the internal structure to be characterized in three dimensions. An experimental technique and image analysis approach has been developed, and is described, in terms of the labelling of cells and the extraction of quantitative data such as the cell volume and cell compression. An in situ compressive deformation experiment has been performed on a single sample in order to illustrate the approach. The effect of the threedimensional cellular structure on the mechanisms of deformation suggests not only the position of large cell volumes to be very important in the local concentration of stress, but also the distribution of cell volumes of immediate neighbours.
The mechanical properties of Advanced Pore Morphology (APM) foam elements depend strongly upon their internal porous and external structural geometry. This paper reports on a detailed investigation of external (e.g. shape and size) and internal (e.g. distribution, size, number of pores) geometry and porosity changes of APM foam elements, during compressive loading by means of the ex-situ micro-Computed Tomography, and advanced digital image analysis and recognition. The results show that the porosity of APM foam elements decreases by only 25% at the engineering strain of 70% due to an increase of the number of pores at high stages of compressive deformation. The APM foam elements also exhibit a positive macroscopic Poisson’s ratio of υ = 0.2, which is uncharacteristic for cellular structures.
Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, 2012
Journal of Instrumentation, 2013
European Polymer Journal, 2016
The aim of this study is to understand the microstructural changes occurring during severe compression of a biopolymeric foam. In-situ airy microstructure evolution is monitored as function of loading using X-ray micro-tomography. Cell shrinkage and cell wall thickening are quantified using image analysis. Cell connectivity, morphology and size distributions are related to structural anisotropy generated by loading. Finite element computation is attempted to derive the mechanical model representing the compressive response up to densification. Three models are tested, namely unit cell with elasto-plastic constitutive law, Ogden hyperelasticity and an effective elasto-plastic model. The effective elasto-plastic model is the most realistic model to capture compressive behaviour of the studied foam under all drying situations. Thanks to a densification stiffening term added to account for an evolving cell contact, the effective model shows superior capabilities to capture severe compression of the bio-based foam under all drying conditions.
Darstellung des Themas: Kinder mit ASS sind aufgrund ihrer Diagnose oft in ihren Betätigungen eingeschränkt und zeigen häufig repetitives und restriktives Verhalten. Dies schränkt sie in ihren Erfahrungen und im Lernprozess stark ein, was weitere Entwicklungsdefizite zur Folge hat. Ziel: Das Ziel der Bachelorarbeit ist es, herauszufinden, ob in der Ergotherapie mittels TEACCH Betätigungserfahrungen ausserhalb der repetitiven und restriktiven Verhaltensweisen bei Kindern mit ASS ermöglicht werden können. Methode: Mit einer systematischen Literaturrecherche konnten fünf Hauptstudien identifiziert werden. Diese wurden anhand eines Bewertungsbogens nach Letts & Law (1998) kritisch gewürdigt. Die Resultate wurden zwecks Übertrag in die Ergotherapie in das Model of Human Occupation (Kielhofner, 2008) eingebettet und unter verschiedenen Aspekten diskutiert. Relevante Ergebnisse: In den untersuchten Studien konnte herausgefunden werden, dass mit TEACCH neue Betätigungen ermöglicht werden können. Die Kinder verbesserten ihre Aufgabengenauigkeit und erreichten mehr korrekt gelöste Schritte. Die benötigten Hilfestellungen wurden reduziert und somit ihre Selbständigkeit verbessert. Schlussfolgerung: Obwohl die Studien nur eine kleine Anzahl Kinder untersuchten, lässt sich sagen, dass die Strukturierung nach TEACCH Kindern mit ASS hilft, ihren Aufgaben im Alltag besser nachzukommen und die Abläufe in der Umwelt besser verstehen zu können. Die Ausübung von repetitiven und restriktiven Verhaltensweisen kann durch TEACCH reduziert werden.
Este libro contiene un análisis de los sofismas económicos que han alcanzado en los últimos tiempos preponderancia suficiente hasta convertirse casi en una nueva ortodoxia. Tan sólo hubo de impedirlo sus propias contradicciones internas, que han dividido, a quienes aceptan las mismas premisas, en cien «escuelas» distintas, por la sencilla razón de que es imposible, en asuntos que tocan a la vida práctica, equivocarse de un modo coherente. Pero la única diferencia entre dos cualesquiera de las nuevas escuelas consiste en que unos u otros de sus seguidores se dan cuenta antes de los absurdos a que les conducen sus falsas premisas y desde ese momento se muestran en desacuerdo, bien por abandono de tales premisas, bien por aceptación de conclusiones menos nocivas o fantásticas que las que la lógica exigiría.
The Conversation, 2019
American Religion, 2024
Στο Μ., Σκουμιός & Χ., Σκουμπουρδή (Επιμ.), Το εκπαιδευτικό υλικό στα Μαθηματικά και το εκπαιδευτικό υλικό στις Φυσικές Επιστήμες: μοναχικές πορείες ή αλληλεπιδράσεις;, 2016
2014 IEEE 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD14), 2014
Revista Ícone, 2023
IOER International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2021
Research, Society and Development
IJ §ER International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research , 2015
Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift, 2009
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 2019
ChemInform, 2006
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011