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2020, Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
19 pages
1 file
Recommender systems • Content-based method : recommended items are similar to other items that the user has already consumed in the past • Collaborative filtering method : a relevance function get items from similar enough users (ratings, feedback are used, textual review or like/dislike) produces the list of relevant items to the target user • Group recommendations: a group can make a query as well by applying a recommendation method to each member individually, and then aggregate the separate lists into one for the group. Group recommendation process Average approach : calculate the average score across all the group members' preference scores for that item. In such a way, all members of the group are considered equals Least misery approach : use the minimum function rather than the average
La Chimica nella Scuola, 2006
Il concetto di struttura è fondamentale in molti campi del sapere e, tanto in ambito epistemologico quanto in quello scientifico, ha acquisito di recente ulteriore importanza con il tramontare dell’approccio riduzionista ed il sorgere delle Scienze della Complessità e della Teoria Generale dei Sistemi. In chimica il concetto di struttura è utilizzato in più contesti: si parla di struttura cristallina, di struttura molecolare, ecc. Qui noi ci occuperemo solo della struttura molecolare, evidenziando sia le problematiche storiche, e concentrandoci in particolare sul XIX secolo fondamentale per questo concetto, che quelle recenti, come la chimica supramolecolare o le sovrastrutture biologiche. Scopo principale di questo lavoro è mostrare che la molecola non è un aggregato di atomi ed è, quindi, diversa dalla somma dei suoi costituenti proprio in virtù del concetto di struttura. Andrebbe, quindi, utilizzata e valorizzata la dizione di “sistema molecolare”, nel senso della Teoria Generale dei Sistemi.
Revista de Teoria da História, 2024
Neste texto pretendemos abordar as possíveis contribuições dos estudos críticos da branquitude para a revitalização do cânone racializado/generificado de “intérpretes do Brasil”. Para isso, abordaremos,em um primeiro momento,a relação entre racialização e cânone em um contexto mais amplo para em seguida abordar a discussão a partir do levantamento de coletâneas de intérpretes, evidenciando também algumas possibilidades alternativas ao cânone
Business and Society Review, 1999
W hen we think of ethics in business or in the professions, we typically focus on whether the employees, clients, and various other stakeholders are being treated with respect. Ethicists have devoted a great deal of energy to showing how certain practices, such as employment at will or whistle-blowing or informed consent, either foster or damage healthy personal relations. While often insightful, these discussions completely overlook a crucial question: What does it mean to act in an increasingly technological age? Can we simply apply some set of standard ethical categories to evaluate good and bad practices in business or medicine? Or is it perhaps the case that many of our business and professional practices are ethically problematic because technology itself is not morally neutral?
Oral, written and electronic cultural environments determine the production and consumption styles of culture. When using dynamic recording and transfer systems based on memory in an oral culture environment, cultural texts become static structures in a written environment. The electronic cultural environment expands the communication network of culture, adding auditory and visual dimensions to this network. In addition, in this environment, the concept of time and space changes. The proliferation of computers, smartphones and other mobile devices has led to a new interaction environment in the build-up with internet usage. Members of this environment form the network community. In a new cultural environment through social networks, a virtual culture has been formed with the increasing use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. These social media channels, which allow members of the network community to interact quickly, enable the conversion of traditional cultural elements and consumption. On the other hand, instant interaction can be interacted in the form of communication on social media in a similar way to the oral cultural environment. The subject of the article is humor, which is one of these forms of sharing. Humor on social media is often produced based on current events. In this context, the kovid-19 epidemic, which affects the world and negatively affects human life economically, socially and psychologically, has become the current topic of social media humor. The purpose of the article is to examine the way the network community interacts and creates humor within the framework of the covid-19 virus. In this context, literature was scanned first and the data was collected and examined by document analysis technique. Social media channels, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube have scanned accounts through the stream, detecting humor content about the viral covid-19 virus. The examination showed that people who communicate via social media networks interacted in a similar way to the verbal culture. This etiks is that it can include personal and social issues in everyday life. The covid-19 virus has been one of the tools of the network community to generate humor through social media. It has been observed that humor content produced and shared in this regard are in everyday life, work, cleaning, quarantine, food and goods stock, education and training. Humorous elements on covid-19 were found to consist mostly of written and visual content. Structured Abstract: The article focused on the communication and interaction of the network community through examples of cyber humor related to the covid-19 virus. The formation of the network community began with technology creating virtual cultural environments that connect individuals and societies. The computer's
Fada'i Guerrilla Praxis in Iran, 1970 - 1979: Narratives and Reflections on Everyday Life, 2023
Deleted Journal, 2021
Ecologies of Embodiment
AkiNik Publication, New Delhi, 2020
Indecente e indignadas. Teologías, pedagogías y praxis de liberación en América Latina, 2024
Research, Society and Development, 2021
Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2013
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1984
Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2012
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020