Papers by Rajadurai Rajkumar

Journal of Analysis and Computation (JAC), 2019
In the society, there is a lack of mitigation, it becomes necessary to language teacher's well-kn... more In the society, there is a lack of mitigation, it becomes necessary to language teacher's well-known vocabulary in the language among the secondary school level teachers. Anxiety may be found in teachers are subjected to various problems of depression and loss of patience with students. Language anxiety is the feeling of apprehension, worry and nervousness when learning, teaching or using the English language. The present study aims at finding out the present condition of the problem, the normative survey method has been adapted by the investigator and stratified random sampling method was used. English language teachers working in secondary schools form the population for this study. Yet the data was collected by the researcher from various government, government aided, and private schools in Tamil Nadu. Then the data was collected from 1046 English language teachers of 250secondary schools from six districts of Tamil Nadu state. The tool was used for the present study Lexical competence inventory. Finding of the study reveals that Language anxietyis influenced byanxiety in performance, self perception, self improvement, group membership and interaction, fear of negative evaluation.Independent variable the discriminant variable was found syllables, clauses and prefix suffix was the influencing variables of language anxiety.The pedagogical implications of these findings for understanding English language anxiety for enhancing learners' communication abilities in the English language were discussed, as are suggestions for future research. Furthermore, considering they improve their language based skills with students' interaction. They should need to train the language based programs for secondary level language teachers. The study recommended that secondary level teachers should adopt purely learners-centred teaching methods.

Journal of Analysis and Computation (JAC), 2019
In the society, there is a lack of mitigation, it becomes necessary to language teacher's well-kn... more In the society, there is a lack of mitigation, it becomes necessary to language teacher's well-known vocabulary in the language among the secondary school level teachers. Anxiety may be found in teachers are subjected to various problems of depression and loss of patience with students. Language anxiety is the feeling of apprehension, worry and nervousness when learning, teaching or using the English language. The present study aims at finding out the present condition of the problem, the normative survey method has been adapted by the investigator and stratified random sampling method was used. English language teachers working in secondary schools form the population for this study. Yet the data was collected by the researcher from various government, government aided, and private schools in Tamil Nadu. Then the data was collected from 1046 English language teachers of 250secondary schools from six districts of Tamil Nadu state. The tool was used for the present study Lexical competence inventory. Finding of the study reveals that Language anxietyis influenced byanxiety in performance, self perception, self improvement, group membership and interaction, fear of negative evaluation.Independent variable the discriminant variable was found syllables, clauses and prefix suffix was the influencing variables of language anxiety.The pedagogical implications of these findings for understanding English language anxiety for enhancing learners' communication abilities in the English language were discussed, as are suggestions for future research. Furthermore, considering they improve their language based skills with students' interaction. They should need to train the language based programs for secondary level language teachers. The study recommended that secondary level teachers should adopt purely learners-centred teaching methods.

Journal of Analysis and Computation (JAC), 2019
Teaching approaches in mathematics classrooms have been changed to a more insight-based problem o... more Teaching approaches in mathematics classrooms have been changed to a more insight-based problem oriented process during the last decade. In addition, problem solving requires a variety of skills including interpreting information, planning and methodical working, checking results and trying alternative strategies. Educational reform and development has in recent decades been directed towards mathematical competencies, by the state or national levels. Recent years have seen increasing interest in the role of metacognition in mathematical problem solving. In recent development of the psychology, meta-cognition is one of main phenomena to increase and it is recognise that long-term memory organizes information into meaningful chunks called schema. Presenting information in a way that makes use of existing organizing structures (schema) or that helps students organize the mathematical information can greatly assist the learner in incorporating solution into long term memory. Meta-cognition refers to higher order thinking which involves active control over the cognitive processes engaged in mathematics learning. Activities such as planning how to approach a given learning task, monitoring, comprehension and evaluating progress toward the completion of a task are meta-cognitive in nature. Because meta-cognition plays a critical role in successful learning, it is important for enhancing mathematical problem solving competence. Thus, it is a pioneer effort of the study to deliver the ideas of metacognition-based plan into the enhancement of mathematical problem solving competence to excel in India's competitive examinations.

IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL) , 2019
Promoting the ability of mathematics problem-solving is an important task. The Institute for the ... more Promoting the ability of mathematics problem-solving is an important task. The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST 1997) is stated that studying mathematics plays a very important role in developing human thinking to be more creative, reasonable and able to analyze problems and to forecast the future. Examination relies mostly on memorization of knowledge and that results in drawbacks like students’ low capability in thinking, analyzing, synthesizing,
innovating and problem-solving. Students’ competence can be measured by observing their performance in terms of task navigation based on their expertise. Student competence can be predisposed by many factors. These influences can come from teachers as instructors, students as learners and the environment as an enthusiast. In Tamil Nadu, undergraduate students’ mathematical problem-solving competence and their achievement in competitive examinations are a critical issue as an enormous number of students, especially undergraduate students studying in arts and science. The authors of this article discuss
the factors that impact on students’ problem-solving competence and describe a research framework, based on a literature
review, which might contribute to improving the students’ mathematical problem-solving competence. Ultimately, they decide
to focus on some specific factors: attitude towards mathematics, mathematics anxiety and interest in mathematics.
KEYWORDS: Mathematical Problem Solving, Competence, Attitude, Interest, Anxiety, Mathematics Education

i-manager ’s Journal o Psychology, 2018
Academic achievement is very important in any educational setting, as it indicates the level of s... more Academic achievement is very important in any educational setting, as it indicates the level of students' competence in respect of the academic content. This is obviously defined in terms of performance which represents the most understandable and regularly accepted pointer of performance in educational contexts (Ladipo & Gbotosho, 2015). Intelligence influences our ability on all level of intellectual tasks. Generally, people who are good at mathematics associate intelligence with it. Not everybody, but majority think on these lines. For them, being good at mathematics is an important criteria for being general intelligent. This study investigated the extent to which general intelligence determine the performance in mathematics among undergraduate students. The investigator used random sampling technique for selecting the sample from the population. The sample consists of 310 students studying undergraduate mathematics in Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, India. Standardized tool namely Test of General Intelligence (TGI) for College Students by Misra and Pal was used and its reliability value was 0.81. The data collected were subjected to statistical techniques like t - test and F-test. Further analysis showed that majority of the undergraduate mathematics students had moderate level of general intelligence. Findings on relationships between general intelligence and performance of undergraduate mathematics students are positively correlated. The study recommended that the performance of study groups should be formed in the college to help in cooperative learning of outperformed students than male students. Since these groups will also help the weaker students to enhance the performance in their subjects. Keywords: General Intelligence, Undergraduate Mathematics Students, Mathematics, Academic Performance, Influence.

In this paper discussed about the facilitating and recognition of web resources for teaching and ... more In this paper discussed about the facilitating and recognition of web resources for teaching and learning mathematics at school level. Online tools and mathematics resources have made it easier for teachers to instruct students, and for students to collaborate with those teachers and with other students and parents. The web/online tools has the potential to be a significant resource in mathematics education. The variety and interactive nature of the materials available can make mathematics “real” and enable students to visualize mathematical concepts in ways that were previously not easily achieved. “Technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics; it influences the mathematics that is taught and enhances students’ learning” (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM], 2000). Also, many teachers lack the knowledge of how to properly incorporate technology in the classroom. Educational technology can facilitate simple computation and the visualization of mathematics situations and relationships, allowing students to better comprehend mathematical concepts in practice. Technology can be a tool for students to model mathematical relationships in real-world situations. With this connection this paper deals with the facilitating web tools and mathematics web blogs for teaching and learning mathematics at school level.
Keyword: Web Technology, ICT in Mathematics Education, Web resources for teaching and learning, Web tools and Blogs

While students with disorder in mathematics are purposely included under the definition of Learni... more While students with disorder in mathematics are purposely included under the definition of Learning Disabilities, rarely do math learning difficulties cause student to be referred for assessment as dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is a specific learning disability in mathematics. School students with dyscalculia may have difficulty to understanding number-related concepts or using symbols or functions needed for achievement in mathematics. It is a common learning issue that impact students' capacity to do mathematics. It doesn't just affect them at school, however. The challenges can also create difficulties in daily life. The good news is there are a variety of supports and strategies that can help school students grow the math skills they need. Students who have problems in learning mathematics or fail to meet grade-level standards are usually identified between third and fifth grade, much later than those recognized for reading problems, and are referred for special education services or other remedial programs. Special education and remedial teachers find that these students' basic concept and skill development normally one to two years behind their peers upon detection. This paper main aims to discuses about mathematics learning difficulties for school student's facing problems and reducing mathematical difficulties with strategies. Students with dyscalculia also have difficulty with the mechanics of doing mathematics, such as being able to recall math facts. They may realize the logic behind mathematics, but not how or when to apply what they know to solve mathematics problems.
Edusearch, 2016
Technologies for Mathematics education and help learning become more social and engaging for stud... more Technologies for Mathematics education and help learning become more social and engaging for students. So that the Internet and other technologies have transformed nearly every aspect of our society, particularly in the scientific and commercial sectors, yet classrooms of today appear largely. This contrasts with students' experience outside of the classroom, as evidenced by the explosion of the innovative teaching methods and learning strategies, where interactions and learning have increasingly become collective products rather than individual efforts. " Smart classroom, Flipped Classrooms, Virtual Classrooms, Blended Learning, Mobile Learning, Personalised learning " in the technology infrastructure to facilitate cooperative learning that leverages physical and semantic spaces to achieve innovative mathematical pedagogical formats.

Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches, 2017
Attitude t... more Abstract
Attitude towards children is an emotionalised tendency of reacting positively towards children. The purpose of this study was to examine the elementary pre-service teachers’ attitude towards children. Normative survey method was adopted for the study. The investigator used random sampling technique for selecting the sample from the population. The sample consists of 292 elementary pre-service teachers studying in I and II years, randomly selected from nine Teacher Training Institutes in Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu. The tool used to find the Elementary Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitude towards Children was Teaching Aptitude Test Battery (TATB) prepared by Singh and Sharma (2011) which contains 20 items and it is a five point scale. Its reliability value was 0.81. The data collected were subjected to statistical technique like t - test and F-test. Further analysis showed that more than 60% of elementary pre-service teachers had neutral level of attitude towards children and pre-service teachers studying in urban-located institutions had more favourable attitude towards children than the pre-service teachers of rural-located institutions.
Keywords: Attitude towards Children, pre-service teachers.

The pre-service teacher begins as an observer and finishes the pre-service teaching experience as... more The pre-service teacher begins as an observer and finishes the pre-service teaching experience as a competent professional. This article aims to investigate the elementary pre-service teachers’ Interest in Profession. The study included the categorical variable Age, Locality of the residence, Marital status, Medium of learning, Nature of administration, Locality of the institution, Type of family and Subject taken in +2. In this study 292 elementary pre-service teachers from Government, Government Aided, and Private Teacher Training Institutes in Tirunelveli District were selected through Normative survey method was adopted for the study. The investigator used random sampling technique for selecting the sample from the population. The tool used to find the Elementary Pre-Service Teachers’ Interest in Profession was Teaching Aptitude Test Battery (TATB) prepared by Singh and Sharma (2011). Its reliability value was 0.89. The data collected were subjected to statistical technique like t - test and F-test. Further analysis showed that more than 80% of elementary pre-service teachers had neutral level. The student teachers of aided institutions had more favorable interest in profession than those of self-finance and government institutions.
Keywords: Interest in Profession, Pre-service teachers, Teacher Training Institutes

The pre-service teacher begins as an observer and finishes the pre-service teaching experience as... more The pre-service teacher begins as an observer and finishes the pre-service teaching experience as a competent professional. This article aims to investigate the elementary pre-service teachers' Interest in Profession. The study included the categorical variable Age, Locality of the residence, Marital status, Medium of learning, Nature of administration, Locality of the institution, Type of family and Subject taken in +2. In this study 292 elementary pre-service teachers from Government, Government Aided, and Private Teacher Training Institutes in Tirunelveli District were selected through Normative survey method was adopted for the study. The investigator used random sampling technique for selecting the sample from the population. The tool used to find the Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' Interest in Profession was Teaching Aptitude Test Battery (TATB) prepared by Singh and Sharma (2011). Its reliability value was 0.89. The data collected were subjected to statistical technique like t -test and F-test. Further analysis showed that more than 80% of elementary pre-service teachers had neutral level. The student teachers of aided institutions had more favorable interest in profession than those of self-finance and government institutions.
Books by Rajadurai Rajkumar
AkiNik Publication, New Delhi, 2020
AkiNik Publication, New Delhi, 2020

A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 2018
This article aims to provide examples of many distinct approaches to web tools for teaching and l... more This article aims to provide examples of many distinct approaches to web tools for teaching and learning activities in teaching professionals. Web technologies are used to deliver and enhance teaching and learning for teachers, examples of this type of web tools teaching instructional include online teaching strategies, mentoring via mobile devices, and participation in online professional communities. Web tools technologies can be used to support teachers by streamlining administrative tasks, enhancing classroom instruction, and facilitating communication with parents, colleagues, and students. It may be focused on teaching educators how to integrate web tools technologies into their classroom instruction. While web tools in India are by no means widespread, a countable number of schools and districts have implemented innovative teaching-learning processes using web tools and mobile app technologies, which may serve as a model for future efforts. Based on these examples and a review of the relevant literature, this article offers several recommendations for developing teaching classroom instruction focused on web tools technology learning or using web devices to deliver classroom content. These include moving from one-size-fits-all to personalized teaching and learning for teachers; focusing teacher instruction on changing pedagogy rather than training teachers to use new web tools technologies; using web technologies to make and develop teaching and learning process accessible during teachers’ naturally taking place downtime, and setting sideways time for collaboration among teachers in schools and college level.

A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 2018
An effective method for teaching and delivering the content is through technology like multimedia... more An effective method for teaching and delivering the content is through technology like multimedia. Multimedia is only the integration of various media such as text, sound, graphics, animation, and video and it is a powerful tool for knowledge construction and self-assessment. Effective multimedia recognizes that working memory has a limited capacity to process information. Using multiple channels like auditory and visual increases the overall amount of information the brain can process. This multimedia understands that text may be particularly challenging to process, with involvement from both the visual and auditory channels required. It is recognized that long-term memory organizes information into meaningful chunks called schema. Presenting information in a way that makes use of existing organizing structures (schema) or that helps students organize the information can greatly assist the learner in incorporating information into long-term memory. Multimedia also encourage students to feel part of a group, to reflect on their feelings and beliefs about mathematics, to expose students to authentic problem solving, and generally build confidence through practice and self-assessment. Evaluation of the resource indicated that it encouraged students to value their own mathematical ability and helped to build confidence while developing mathematical problem solving skills. The evaluation clearly demonstrated that it is possible to address the affective domain through multimedia instructional strategies that can complement the current focus on the primary method of delivering mathematical concepts for students in promoting problem solving in mathematics.
Papers by Rajadurai Rajkumar
innovating and problem-solving. Students’ competence can be measured by observing their performance in terms of task navigation based on their expertise. Student competence can be predisposed by many factors. These influences can come from teachers as instructors, students as learners and the environment as an enthusiast. In Tamil Nadu, undergraduate students’ mathematical problem-solving competence and their achievement in competitive examinations are a critical issue as an enormous number of students, especially undergraduate students studying in arts and science. The authors of this article discuss
the factors that impact on students’ problem-solving competence and describe a research framework, based on a literature
review, which might contribute to improving the students’ mathematical problem-solving competence. Ultimately, they decide
to focus on some specific factors: attitude towards mathematics, mathematics anxiety and interest in mathematics.
KEYWORDS: Mathematical Problem Solving, Competence, Attitude, Interest, Anxiety, Mathematics Education
Keyword: Web Technology, ICT in Mathematics Education, Web resources for teaching and learning, Web tools and Blogs
Attitude towards children is an emotionalised tendency of reacting positively towards children. The purpose of this study was to examine the elementary pre-service teachers’ attitude towards children. Normative survey method was adopted for the study. The investigator used random sampling technique for selecting the sample from the population. The sample consists of 292 elementary pre-service teachers studying in I and II years, randomly selected from nine Teacher Training Institutes in Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu. The tool used to find the Elementary Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitude towards Children was Teaching Aptitude Test Battery (TATB) prepared by Singh and Sharma (2011) which contains 20 items and it is a five point scale. Its reliability value was 0.81. The data collected were subjected to statistical technique like t - test and F-test. Further analysis showed that more than 60% of elementary pre-service teachers had neutral level of attitude towards children and pre-service teachers studying in urban-located institutions had more favourable attitude towards children than the pre-service teachers of rural-located institutions.
Keywords: Attitude towards Children, pre-service teachers.
Keywords: Interest in Profession, Pre-service teachers, Teacher Training Institutes
Books by Rajadurai Rajkumar
innovating and problem-solving. Students’ competence can be measured by observing their performance in terms of task navigation based on their expertise. Student competence can be predisposed by many factors. These influences can come from teachers as instructors, students as learners and the environment as an enthusiast. In Tamil Nadu, undergraduate students’ mathematical problem-solving competence and their achievement in competitive examinations are a critical issue as an enormous number of students, especially undergraduate students studying in arts and science. The authors of this article discuss
the factors that impact on students’ problem-solving competence and describe a research framework, based on a literature
review, which might contribute to improving the students’ mathematical problem-solving competence. Ultimately, they decide
to focus on some specific factors: attitude towards mathematics, mathematics anxiety and interest in mathematics.
KEYWORDS: Mathematical Problem Solving, Competence, Attitude, Interest, Anxiety, Mathematics Education
Keyword: Web Technology, ICT in Mathematics Education, Web resources for teaching and learning, Web tools and Blogs
Attitude towards children is an emotionalised tendency of reacting positively towards children. The purpose of this study was to examine the elementary pre-service teachers’ attitude towards children. Normative survey method was adopted for the study. The investigator used random sampling technique for selecting the sample from the population. The sample consists of 292 elementary pre-service teachers studying in I and II years, randomly selected from nine Teacher Training Institutes in Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu. The tool used to find the Elementary Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitude towards Children was Teaching Aptitude Test Battery (TATB) prepared by Singh and Sharma (2011) which contains 20 items and it is a five point scale. Its reliability value was 0.81. The data collected were subjected to statistical technique like t - test and F-test. Further analysis showed that more than 60% of elementary pre-service teachers had neutral level of attitude towards children and pre-service teachers studying in urban-located institutions had more favourable attitude towards children than the pre-service teachers of rural-located institutions.
Keywords: Attitude towards Children, pre-service teachers.
Keywords: Interest in Profession, Pre-service teachers, Teacher Training Institutes